Friday, May 02, 2014

To the Annoying Poster (UPDATES)

To the unpublished "VRI scab" poster:  Refer to Rules 4 5 and 6 on the right hand side.

First, you were off topic. That post was for the arthritic children.

Second, you post everywhere about "VRI scabs." You don't like VRI, we get it. Obviously, you have no seniority, therefore if you can't work it, it must be bad. It's a typical Gen Y/hair-gel entitlement attitude where everyone is special, everyone gets a trophy, everyone must have exactly what you have or else you are not special. We blame your parents of course - you aren't special, you're a cog in a giant machine, and the machine doesn't love you or think you're special. Get over it.

Have you ever belonged to an actual union? Strike that - firstly, have you ever held an actual physical labor job? Second, have you ever been on strike? Now back to the initial question - have you ever belonged to an actual union? We can answer each of those in the affirmative and believe us, you have no fucking idea what the word scab means. The FOP has never ever uttered a word about not working VRI, therefore your scab argument is invalid.

The organization representing the worker has to make this point, otherwise it's just a side job. We don't work it. We're fortunate enough to not have to work it as we have a spouse with a good paying job and complimentary work schedules to save on child care. We aren't going to begrudge coppers extra money in their days off if they want it, the city provides it and the FOP doesn't oppose it.

Is it less expensive for the City to pay OT than hire new people? We suppose they have actuarial spreadsheets that say so.

Is it shortsighted on the City's part? Sure.

Does it give the illusion of having enough manpower for the summer rush? Um....duh? We've been saying that for years now.

As for your "threat" to tell everyone about our supposedly "pro-scab" views:
  • Eek. Color us terrified. Please don't. Please. Have mercy.
We've explained it all above. You're a bit delusional and more than a bit crazy, but we'll bet everyone at work already knows that. Same with your threat to tell people we delete certain comments - no shit Sherlock. Our blog, our rules and you violated at least 3 of them... repeatedly. People actually thank us for taking our the repetitive stuff, the racist crap, the misogynistic nonsense, the off-topic postings. People come here to be entertained and pick up info. They don't arrive hoping to see your latest screed calling them SCABS and money whores and all sorts of crap.

Go start your own "" blog and stop posting here. We are thisclose to banning the word "scab" entirely thanks to you, and that's saying something.

UPDATE: minor corrections to post - spelling, tense, et al

UPDATE: Someone claims in the comments that on three occasions in the past four years, someone at the FOP has told attendees not to work VRI. While we'll admit to not attending meetings as much as we should, we're going to need names and dates for these alleged statements, seeing as VRI has only existed for 15 or 16 months.

Additionally, we'll need citations that these statements appeared in the FOP newsletter, seeing as how the newsletter is the means of communicating with the entire membership, active and retired, and anything this earth-shattering should have been given front page play by the president.

We'd also like to hear from more people who heard this from the Watch/Unit Reps who attend far more meetings than just about anyone else. We're friendly with a few Reps and we can say that not a single one of them ever uttered the words "Don't work VRI so the City hires more cops" or anything remotely similar. We even saw one working VRI the other night.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is obvious the "Annoying Poster" is one to not follow rules, even when prominently posted.

The asshole must be a joy to work with, to only hear constant complaining in the car.

5/02/2014 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SCC, I dont work VRI and could care less if someone does for whatever their reason may be. This guy has been an annoying dick for months. Hopefully we don't have to see his nonstop ramblings anymore.

5/02/2014 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - "It's a typical Gen X/Gen Y/hair-gel entitlement attitude where everyone is special, everyone gets a trophy, everyone must have exactly what you have or else you are not special."

You said it all in a few sentences. Thank you sir !
Been retired for very few. I seen it all brother ! Being a 20 year dick, I always treated the kids OTJ with respect and tried to lead them in the right direction to avoid them stepping in deep shit. The things they spoke to me....were short of being in a "Horroe Movie." They just don't get it. I had to just walk away from them. I worked the entire city, one end to the other end. All the gen. X and Y copper' have the same "ME" attitude, with a few exceptions.
These copper' that grew up in the burbs were zero's and knew all with 3 yoj. They loved to go running to their W.C and beef about us dick' not doing our job. 99.999 % of the time, their W/C' threw them out of his office.
Got to say, the young guys that were in the service where an exception. They listened and wanted to learn the right way.

Lastly, thanks SCC for saying it all in your heading.

Being retired, I never miss a day reading your blog. Wishing Northside would post a little more often. He is out of his mind just like the old days. Fun ass time with the old crew. We all never wanted to go home. Once a copper, always acopper until you die...You hair gels hear that !!

5/02/2014 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now he's going to switch to the Sat, Tact, Gun teams are scabs and should refuse to work their Friday Saturday RDO's because the city wont hire more officer's if all those guys obey and work.

5/02/2014 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work VRI 3 times a month, CTA to! wish I could do more, now GFY

5/02/2014 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez... Wud I miss?

5/02/2014 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They walk among us and carry guns I utter " Ummm that one should be psych " and the powers that be say we'll just send them home for the day..and I'm not say just blue shirts either. ..

5/02/2014 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A better site would have been

5/02/2014 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't work VRI. I am late into my career, the kids are almost out of school, and my wife makes more money than me, so I don't need it. I am fortunate in that regard. I have no problem with any copper who wants to work it. I know that people have tuition payments, house notes etc. What concerns me is that an over worked and tired copper is an unsafe copper. I know that coppers have had second jobs and other careers forever, but are we putting ourselves, our partners and the decent citizens in jeopardy due to a lack of rest or just time away from the stresses of this job? Will there be an increase of police involved domestics because we are never around? One of the justifications for getting rid of the 6 day work week was the amount of beefs that occurred on the 6th day. More time worked will mean more complaints. I know the money is good and I understand why coppers work it, but remember everything has a price.

5/02/2014 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC just for the record you wrote: The FOP has never ever uttered a word about not working VRI, therefore your scab argument is invalid.

To set the record straight:

I've been at least 3 FOP meeting in the last 4 years in which it has been stated by leadership at the mic to not work VRI.

5/02/2014 02:07:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

May I say that your response to "scab boy" was beautifully written, and well received by readers like me. This is the 1st comment I have written here so please bare with my
amateur post. I am so glad that you deflated that simple rhetoric posted by the "annoying poster" with "People come here to be entertained and pick up info." Bravo writers...Bravo!

5/02/2014 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read this post while working VRI, gave us something to talk about for the last 2 hours while getting paid time and half.

5/02/2014 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous inside the oemc said...

The need for overtime is a result of poor management and lack of manpower. It's not just vri, but oemc, streets, and a few other departments. Don't blame the people who work it, blame the people that create it.

I've been hearing the same accusations for years about greed and doubling of salaries. I don't walk in and demand overtime. They ask and I choose to work it or I don't. It's not my fault. I don't control it, create it, or perpetuate it.

The greed and conspiracy nonsense is spread by the media and politicians to demonize the workforce because, you know, us damn greedy city workers with our big salaries and pensions is the root of all the city's financial problems. Just ignore the man behind the curtain.

The powers that be want us divided and they sure are doing a great job.

5/02/2014 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's telling them!!!!

5/02/2014 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Second City

5/02/2014 03:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better get some Noxema for this guy, 'cuz he just got burned!!!!

5/02/2014 03:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate the game not the players

5/02/2014 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC,Thank you.

5/02/2014 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does working VRI help fund the pension?

5/02/2014 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're a fraternal brotherhood, not a union.

5/02/2014 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you give me a tingle when you smack people around.

Big smooch! :)))

5/02/2014 06:23:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Obama said...

Good answer. It is obvious that nothing anyone here says and does with make Rahm and the Supe change their minds, because their heads are made out of cement.

Make the money while it is there.

5/02/2014 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me guess he also put in something like he's not going to do any work until this is straighten out. [I'm sure he a ball of fire now!] Hey three court dates are more then a VRI date. The little kids are so much fun.

5/02/2014 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

**you aren't special-

So no Special for you...

5/02/2014 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love coming here. It's a haven of sanity, logic, and values in an otherwise miserable world. And I hate Millennial's. They are useless, narcissistic, self-serving brats who have fucked up most of the workplaces I know of according to my aged 50+ friends.

Wait until the economy collapses and they find out they have to fix everything. The agonizing screams of their I, me, mine mentality is going to make the race card look like child's play.

---not a cop

5/02/2014 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anti VRI guy, get some time on the job.

Got my VRI.

5/02/2014 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Todd V. said...

a lot of people get confused about the term scab as it relates to unions, strikes and work. A scab is someone who crosses a picket line. they make a decision to undercut the union, and a labor dispute to line their own pockets at the expense of others.

a Rat, which you often see big inflatable ones blown up on picket lines -- AGAINST NON-Union companies is where someone is working non-union, and the non-uniuon contractor is general under cutting union labor rates so they can scamper around and tae any crumb they wish.

Not knowing what VRI is, I will hazard a guess that some CPD guys are doing some other work that is security or something close and its for a non-union comapany.

Thats not a scab. Not even sure if its Rat. As many of trades guys with union cards do side jobs. And many a firfighters do all kinds of side jobs. Some firefighters even work a second job at small non-union houses.

But again, no strike by the union, no dispute no crossing picket lines -- NOT SCAB work.

Someone might have an opinion about union guys doing some non-union work on their off time, but it wopuld seem better that union guys are getting the money instead of some off the street guys

After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, he had some awful substance left with which he made a scab.

A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue.

Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles.

When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out.

No man (or woman) has a right to scab so long as there is a pool of water to drown his carcass in, or a rope long enough to hang his body with.

Judas was a gentleman compared with a scab. For betraying his master, he had character enough to hang himself. A scab has not.

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.

Judas sold his Savior for thirty pieces of silver.

Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commision in the british army.

The scab sells his birthright, country, his wife, his children and his fellowmen for an unfulfilled promise from his employer.

Esau was a traitor to himself; Judas was a traitor to his God; Benedict Arnold was a traitor to his country.

A scab is a traitor to his God, his country, his family and his class.

Author --- Jack London (1876-1916)

5/02/2014 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-- It's a typical Gen Y/hair-gel entitlement attitude where everyone is special.

Hey enough with the anti- hair people on the blog. I'm a Gen X'er (1 rank higher than a Gen Y'er) and have been using hair gel for 25 years. Hair gel use has never stopped me from keeping the man down. To all you bald people out there, stop hating on the hair gel users just because you are bald or is the correct P/C term hair follicle challanged. Stay safe and stay gelled.

5/02/2014 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is the dumbest thing I think I read on this blog. Greed? How is taking care of your family greed ?

Obviously you're too obtuse (that's a big boy word for "dumb") to grasp the bigger picture. So just never-you-mind what the adults in the room are talking about and go write some more parking tickets and impound a car or three you clueless Hairgel.

Not a hair gel, just been around long enough to spot a professional canine (that's a big boy word for Dog). Let me guess, you and all the "right minded adults" in the room think that the bigger picture is the hiring of more police." I willing to bet if they hired 3,000 new cops tomorrow - you'd still find a way to bitch and do nothing. I am all for the hiring of new police. - god knows we need them - but yet I still go out and do my job (call me obtuse - but isn't that why they pay me?)
If you don't like working VRI - don't work it. But don't condemn those who do - stop lamenting ( big boy word for crying) and do your job.

5/02/2014 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago we had public housing and CTA at straight time. Some said we who worked it were scabs, that it wasn't assigned by seniority and wasn't paying time and a half.

Now some are saying we who work VRI (assigned by seniority and at time and a half like the rest of the union world) are scabs. To them I say GFY.

I have the seniority and I work it. One day you will too. No whining.

5/02/2014 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work all the VRI days I want with my seniority. Sorry hairjells, Its all for me, and I could care less about the union or you. I make money!

5/02/2014 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is true. Fop in numerous occasions has said special employment is detrimental. They say cat and cha are fine because it is outside money.. But fop has been sayin this for years. They were saying years ago when operation safe city started. They stopped Safe city for about a year and restarted it but called it vri. Couldn't give you names, I haven't been to a meeting in years but I last went in the Weis era and safe city was a bug topic.. Numerous fop guys talked about it but can't remember which ones... Been a while.. Also, I'm just adding this info, I'm not the annoying poster just saw ur update

5/02/2014 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
SCC - "It's a typical Gen X/Gen Y/hair-gel entitlement attitude where everyone is special, everyone gets a trophy, everyone must have exactly what you have or else you are not special."

You said it all in a few sentences. Thank you sir !
Been retired for very few. I seen it all brother ! Being a 20 year dick, I always treated the kids OTJ with respect and tried to lead them in the right direction to avoid them stepping in deep shit. The things they spoke to me....were short of being in a "Horroe Movie." They just don't get it. I had to just walk away from them. I worked the entire city, one end to the other end. All the gen. X and Y copper' have the same "ME" attitude, with a few exceptions.
These copper' that grew up in the burbs were zero's and knew all with 3 yoj. They loved to go running to their W.C and beef about us dick' not doing our job. 99.999 % of the time, their W/C' threw them out of his office.
Got to say, the young guys that were in the service where an exception. They listened and wanted to learn the right way.

Lastly, thanks SCC for saying it all in your heading.

Being retired, I never miss a day reading your blog. Wishing Northside would post a little more often. He is out of his mind just like the old days. Fun ass time with the old crew. We all never wanted to go home. Once a copper, always acopper until you die...You hair gels hear that !!

I will agree and disagree, and I have also worked all over the city. Many of the hair gel generation are spoiled rotten and think they have a sense of entitlement, and it is across the board, black, white, Hispanic, male, female etc., but there are some good kids coming on the job too and they are mot all military. I have been on the job long enough to see the last of the bryl cream generation, and some of those guys were dogs and cry babies too, and not always friendly or helpful to a new guy. As for having "seen it all," no body has, no matter where they have worked, so don't try to pat yourself on the back by saying that you have.

5/02/2014 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said

Does working VRI help fund the pension?

5/022014 04:56:00AM

No it doesn't

5/02/2014 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3yr hater can't get Vri.? Hey keyboard coward I have an idea,go to work and do your job and lock motherfuckers up everyday and get court out of it and get paid because it's clear you got a problem with the po's working VRI on there days off,btw coward,working VRI isn't fun,you drive a shit car,work in a shit district and drive in circles,but if you have kids or are divorced,the money is needed,now gfy...

5/02/2014 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could work VRI but choose not to because it will eventually have an effect on our pension. VRI money does not go into our pension. It amazes me that McCarthy tells Rahm within weeks of being here we are top heavy and Rahm gets rid of 1500 police spots with the stroke of a pen. Pension killer! The city is slow to keep up with retiree spots. Pension Killer! Hiring VRI, CHA and CTA is also a pension killer. I don't begrudge anyone from working it but it shows there is not enough manpower. I just hope when I am retired and gone that I don't receive that letter that your pension is dried up and to go get your food stamps at 10 south Kedzie.

5/02/2014 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares? 1 and 16 f**k you pay me

5/02/2014 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see both sides.

I work tact and the opportunities to get OT are probably only eclipsed by Dicks.

I love the extra OT be it court, late arrest or RDO cancelled. No kids yet. Gives us the opportunity to save and finish house projects before the kids arrive.

Call me greedy. I know the OT won't be here forever. Eventually something will change.

5/02/2014 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VRI only sucks when I can't get it. I paid off a lot of debt. Yes it's my fault (mostly my wife's). I have worked lots of bad jobs for way less. I can now breath easy and even save a few bucks. I am not a scab just a whore.

5/02/2014 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe anyone working it is a scab, but I do know that in most families, the kids are happier when Dad is home with them.

Then again, the kids are happiest when Dad can afford to take them to Disney, so what the hell so I know?

5/02/2014 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don,t care one way or another if people work VRI. But if Officer's are willing to do this then don't bitch about manpower shortages and an underfunded pension system. We essentially have people laid off. I worked a union job before I joined the C.P.D. I went through strikes. One thing you didn't do was accept overtime when people were laid off.

5/02/2014 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

union only protects senority dogs, we get it...

5/02/2014 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have to admit it is kinda of ridiculous, that u have had people who have, before they limited consecutive days, worked VRI every day of their furlough and every RDO for months straight... when other people can not even get 1 day. I not a gel haired, but have to agree that is not fair. Not jealous, because i have a life and would not wanna work every RDO, but one or two a month would be nice, especially after having 10 yrs on...

5/02/2014 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In defense, not every PO with 3 or 4 years on is an asshat. I know myself was pretty lucky to end up in a district where the old timers were still in pretty high spirits and genuinely didn't mind showing us new guys a thing or two about the job. I think it comes down to where you grew up and upbringing. When you're new keep your mouth shut and go with the flow. Nobody was intentionally going to get anyone in trouble. In the academy you could tell right off the bat who got "it" and who didn't have a clue. And trust me even having 3 or 4 years on the job you know being on a team or in a unit doesn't mean ball sac when it comes to the job. Just a young guy who thinks he has a pretty good grasp on the big picture. But the 3 or 4 year'ers who "know everything" make us all look like jag offs.

5/02/2014 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Does working VRI help fund the pension?

5/02/2014 04:56:00 AM

Dumb question. No

5/02/2014 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC just for the record you wrote: The FOP has never ever uttered a word about not working VRI, therefore your scab argument is invalid.

To set the record straight:

I've been at least 3 FOP meeting in the last 4 years in which it has been stated by leadership at the mic to not work VRI.

Being stated by the memberhip means nothing. Its the head of the FOP and officers that count.
Ive heard members say we should strike, so is that the official view of the FOP

5/02/2014 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 5/02/2014 01:54:00 AM
Very well put sir/maam.
I had a partner who worked 7 days/week, sometimes working 2 jobs/day. Always had a pocketful of money. I told him that the money will come in handy when his wife divorces him. I also told him that all the money in the world wouldn't replace time lost experiencing his kids' growing up. Well, he got hurt and had to take a few months off. He rediscovered his family and actually told me I was right and he should have listened to me sooner. You young guys, don't miss your kids' childhood; you don't get a do-over.

5/02/2014 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't work VRI. I am late into my career, the kids are almost out of school, and my wife makes more money than me, so I don't need it. I am fortunate in that regard. I have no problem with any copper who wants to work it. I know that people have tuition payments, house notes etc. What concerns me is that an over worked and tired copper is an unsafe copper. I know that coppers have had second jobs and other careers forever, but are we putting ourselves, our partners and the decent citizens in jeopardy due to a lack of rest or just time away from the stresses of this job? Will there be an increase of police involved domestics because we are never around? One of the justifications for getting rid of the 6 day work week was the amount of beefs that occurred on the 6th day. More time worked will mean more complaints. I know the money is good and I understand why coppers work it, but remember everything has a price.

Think your heart and ideas are in the right place, but working VRI doesn't really make you tired. Sitting in a car for 8 hours is really not forced labor. Almost any second job a po has is harder.
As far as more domestics if we aren't around, you can argue there are less because the spouse has no one to argue with.
Never heard that BS about the 6th day. Totally made up stat. I'm sure the dept looked at every po domestic and found out how many days he worked and if it happened on the 6th day, not to mention the domestics that ocurred to po's with weekends off. Or don't they have any domestics? Really reaching on that one.

5/02/2014 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now he's going to switch to the Sat, Tact, Gun teams are scabs and should refuse to work their Friday Saturday RDO's because the city wont hire more officer's if all those guys obey and work.

They are not going to refuse for two reasons.
The moneys good.
The want to stay on tact or gun teams.
End of that argument.

5/02/2014 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you SCC. If a guy has the time to put in for these side jobs than by all means put in for them. What other side gigs pay the money that VRI, CTA, etc. pay. Everyone has a reason for working their days off and its nobody's business why they do it. Better to make your hourly wages working for the City than some $15.00 an hour working at Sox park or some clothing store as security.

5/02/2014 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call them scab's, they are more like whore's. Basically selling their souls to the devil for short term gain. The money might be great now, but the money you will loose in the future in the form of pension payments will be quaddruple. Rahm & Co. Would love to cut the department in half and supplement the loss with some cheap labor willing to work their days off, but who's going to be making those pension contributions in the future when the departments down to 5000 and the retireies are in the thousands as well. If their is no one to pay into the pension system, they will defiantly take it way way.

5/02/2014 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is that unhappy soul is the guy that we all know. You know the one thats takes 50 minutes on every job, then when he absolutley has to arrest someone he calls for a tact team. But when they won't take his CTTL he calls them the biggest jags in dept. He then proceeds to 19p the job and say everyone is an a**hole and he is the only true policeman on the job.

5/02/2014 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it any different than working CTA or Housing or any other special employment program over the years. Nobody ever bitched about those programs busting our pension. I think you're right SCC, just a hair gel with not enough time to take advantage of the time/half.

5/02/2014 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear 20 year dick, I'm really glad you lumped all of us 'kids' together I'm approaching 2 bars on my sleeve and im in my early 30s so i guess that would put me in this group although i grew up in the city and no my daddy isn't the police. But who gives a shit. Never once have i ever ran to a w/c and cried about not getting charges. Sure are there guys that do that yes, but on the flip side are there dics that blow shit off yes. Are there also great dics and great coppers with only a few years on the job yes. I know stereotypes are there for a reason but if this is the case does that mean your a 400 pound three times divorced alcoholic who creeps out the waitresses at the local bar in Clearwater Florida telling stories of your glory days on the cpd. I would like to think not. By you and your ilk automatically treating all young coppers the same you have played right into rahms hand and have help drive a wedge between us. Yes the same goes for the young coppers crying to the w/c.

We need to stand together not treat each other like shit while the mayor sits back and laughs. Oh and by the way order yourself another mojito and some wings you earned it, asshole.

5/02/2014 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does working VRI help the pension?
No. Neither does court or extension of tours or holiday pay. Maybe we should refuse those also.
Quite frankly I could care less what the FOP says about it. I haven't seen any leadership coming out of that place in a long time if ever.

5/02/2014 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on the tail end of Generation X bordering on Generation Y and have to say I am just as annoyed at the "Me" first attitude of the Y/Millennials as anyone else. I guess I was just raised properly and possess a strong work ethic. I never had the thought that I was owed anything and have worked hard for everything I have. I have been lucky to have a good boss and a good team, but I have those because we worked hard for the position we have.

I have ten years on and I was given good advice when I got on, "just keep your f***ing mouth shut and you might actually learn something." I give the same advice to the new ones getting hired, just nod and say thank you for any advice. Don't try to tell a copper "yeah, I know that."

The problem I encountered and is even more widespread now is that there aren't enough veteran officers willing to give the new PPOs advice or they give them the wrong advice. There has been too long of a "I'm not doing shit" attitude and now few officers of any generation know how to handle the ever changing rules of policing these days. There are very few coppers to teach the young ones how to work properly and they try to figure it out for themselves.

Believe it or not, there are still a lot of coppers that work and enjoy doing police work for themselves, not for the city or for any boss. You can still do police work if that is what you want to do. That is why VRI is a good side job for some. It is better than working some bogus side job where you will get jammed up way quicker. I don't work it a lot, but have no problem with people who do. And for the people who call them Scabs, you are clueless. Boycotting VRI will not cause this mayor to say "Oh, I guess I will hire 2,000 police tomorrow." He will do whatever he wants regardless. There is too much negativity in this department, and that is what is leading to our down fall.

Sorry for the rant.

5/02/2014 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like the term Hair Gel. It seems to me that all the young guys are growing these long ass beards the minute they make a tact/gang team. WTF is that all about. Must help them pick up the ladies when they tell them they work "undercover".

5/02/2014 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VRI neither helps the pension or hiring issues. However, hiring and pension wows have been going on long before the pandering Gun Magnet came to town and will continue long after he's gone. Public outcry can possibly influence hiring but only a criminal investigation can right the pension Titanic which Shanks steered into the iceberg. Little engine boy Rahm just through more coal in the engine instead of hitting the brake.

5/02/2014 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We have our reasons! Unless you pay my bills, shut the hell up!

5/02/2014 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it any different than working CTA or Housing or any other special employment program over the years. Nobody ever bitched about those programs busting our pension. I think you're right SCC, just a hair gel with not enough time to take advantage of the time/half.

5/02/2014 01:08:00 PM

You probably don't know that working CTA works toward your quarters needed for Social Security. In these hair gels days, this being your first job, you will need them. It aint much thanks to that thief Rostenkowski, but it's something.

Ask a wheel gunner if you don't understand.

5/02/2014 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on the tail end of Generation X bordering on Generation Y and have to say I am just as annoyed at the "Me" first attitude of the Y/Millennials as anyone else. I guess I was just raised properly and possess a strong work ethic. I never had the thought that I was owed anything and have worked hard for everything I have. I have been lucky to have a good boss and a good team, but I have those because we worked hard for the position we have.

I have ten years on and I was given good advice when I got on, "just keep your f***ing mouth shut and you might actually learn something." I give the same advice to the new ones getting hired, just nod and say thank you for any advice. Don't try to tell a copper "yeah, I know that."

The problem I encountered and is even more widespread now is that there aren't enough veteran officers willing to give the new PPOs advice or they give them the wrong advice. There has been too long of a "I'm not doing shit" attitude and now few officers of any generation know how to handle the ever changing rules of policing these days. There are very few coppers to teach the young ones how to work properly and they try to figure it out for themselves.

Believe it or not, there are still a lot of coppers that work and enjoy doing police work for themselves, not for the city or for any boss. You can still do police work if that is what you want to do. That is why VRI is a good side job for some. It is better than working some bogus side job where you will get jammed up way quicker. I don't work it a lot, but have no problem with people who do. And for the people who call them Scabs, you are clueless. Boycotting VRI will not cause this mayor to say "Oh, I guess I will hire 2,000 police tomorrow." He will do whatever he wants regardless. There is too much negativity in this department, and that is what is leading to our down fall.

Sorry for the rant.

5/02/2014 01:32:00 PM

You sure don't have to apologize for that rant. Should be more like you. Old retired guy

5/02/2014 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well put sir/maam.
I had a partner who worked 7 days/week, sometimes working 2 jobs/day. Always had a pocketful of money. I told him that the money will come in handy when his wife divorces him. I also told him that all the money in the world wouldn't replace time lost experiencing his kids' growing up. Well, he got hurt and had to take a few months off. He rediscovered his family and actually told me I was right and he should have listened to me sooner. You young guys, don't miss your kids' childhood; you don't get a do-over.

Man, he was so lucky to work with you.

5/02/2014 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In defense, not every PO with 3 or 4 years on is an asshat. I know myself was pretty lucky to end up in a district where the old timers were still in pretty high spirits and genuinely didn't mind showing us new guys a thing or two about the job. I think it comes down to where you grew up and upbringing. When you're new keep your mouth shut and go with the flow. Nobody was intentionally going to get anyone in trouble. In the academy you could tell right off the bat who got "it" and who didn't have a clue. And trust me even having 3 or 4 years on the job you know being on a team or in a unit doesn't mean ball sac when it comes to the job. Just a young guy who thinks he has a pretty good grasp on the big picture. But the 3 or 4 year'ers who "know everything" make us all look like jag offs.

Kid, you have it right. In the academy they know who will be good and who won't. Time on the job means shit when it comes to being a po. Ive seen guys right out of the academy doing good work and others did nothing and twenty years later they are still doing nothing. If you dont have the ability. desire or the knowledge to be a good po right out of the academy and a few years after, you never will. If you havent learned in the first 5 years on the job, you never will.

5/02/2014 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe anyone working it is a scab, but I do know that in most families, the kids are happier when Dad is home with them.

Then again, the kids are happiest when Dad can afford to take them to Disney, so what the hell so I know?

5/02/2014 10:16:00 AM

The big question is. How does mom feel when dads at home?

5/02/2014 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see both sides.

I work tact and the opportunities to get OT are probably only eclipsed by Dicks.

I love the extra OT be it court, late arrest or RDO cancelled. No kids yet. Gives us the opportunity to save and finish house projects before the kids arrive.

Call me greedy. I know the OT won't be here forever. Eventually something will change.

5/02/2014 09:55:00 AM

But aren't you tired like some of the pussies say? The whiners on the job will complain about anything and everything. OT opportunites are great and especially at the wages.

5/02/2014 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Does working VRI help fund the pension?

5/02/2014 04:56:00 AM
Neither does our current or past mayor... Now what?

5/02/2014 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
union only protects senority dogs, we get it...

5/02/2014 10:41:00 AM

Wof wof!

It still cracks me up after 25+ years that all of the self anointed hard-chargers feel that if every spot, detail, OT gig, or other assignment was by police prowess, that they themselves would be the chosen.

Hate to tell you, but you wouldn't be. There is always someone better, even if it is just self promotion.

From my experience, most of the best coppers I've seen and known are the quiet ones. The ones that do the job and go about their business.

There is a lot to be said for, mouth shut, and eyes and ears open.

Stay safe all.

5/02/2014 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don,t care one way or another if people work VRI. But if Officer's are willing to do this then don't bitch about manpower shortages and an underfunded pension system. We essentially have people laid off. I worked a union job before I joined the C.P.D. I went through strikes. One thing you didn't do was accept overtime when people were laid off.

5/02/2014 10:19:00 AM

Very, very well said. Too bad all these guys will still point the finger to place blame elsewhere.

5/02/2014 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucker does not even know scab if it bit him on his ass.Ask the Iron Workers what they do/did to scabs.Fuck, even CFD didn't do much after 1980 other than exclude the scabs from the meal plan.
If you are offered the extra cash and need it, work it.
Be advised though,your kids grow up quick, and you and the old lady get old just as quick..
Be Safe Officers.

5/02/2014 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already have my quarters thank you. Twenty three years of substantial earnings. The question was does it help fund the pension? You must think you're cool calling yourself a "wheel gunner".

5/02/2014 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already have my quarters thank you. Twenty three years of substantial earnings. The question was does it help fund the pension? You must think you're cool calling yourself a "wheel gunner"... If you haven't figured out I was calling you a dork have a hair gel explain it to you.

5/02/2014 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear 20 year dick, I'm really glad you lumped all of us 'kids' together I'm approaching 2 bars on my sleeve and im in my early 30s so i guess that would put me in this group although i grew up in the city and no my daddy isn't the police. But who gives a shit. Never once have i ever ran to a w/c and cried about not getting charges. Sure are there guys that do that yes, but on the flip side are there dics that blow shit off yes. Are there also great dics and great coppers with only a few years on the job yes. I know stereotypes are there for a reason but if this is the case does that mean your a 400 pound three times divorced alcoholic who creeps out the waitresses at the local bar in Clearwater Florida telling stories of your glory days on the cpd. I would like to think not. By you and your ilk automatically treating all young coppers the same you have played right into rahms hand and have help drive a wedge between us. Yes the same goes for the young coppers crying to the w/c.

We need to stand together not treat each other like shit while the mayor sits back and laughs. Oh and by the way order yourself another mojito and some wings you earned it, asshole.

Son, I see your point and I am not an asshole. Save that for the JO' on the street.
Maybe I ranted to loud on you Gen X and Y'.
For the record, I was a dick for over 20 yrs and in my younger days, a Gang Specialist.
Before you start, I brought big number' in and got lcuky gettingg made and sent to one of the old gang units in the early 1980.'
I am retired and still live in the city and still married to the same woman bearly 40 years. Because I took cash for all OT and said fu to deferred comp, I just got a job after decompressing after never being home while on the job. So after a few years, I went back to work.
I have had offers of tall ass money because of what I did while with the CPD. I do major investigations for one of the top five consulting firms in the world. Part time, Work with all people who retired from Fed, State, and CPD. Everyone of us were the best while in the field we worked while OTJ. Make 5 K a month and have a ball.
Bck to your remarks, keep you mouth shut a little more. You got a big ego and no one wants to hear how the supervisors or dick' fuck you over. My Daddy was never the police, I earned all I got and was always in the top units of the city. I helped more copper' that stepped in major shit and most of them (Gen Y and X) think they had it coming and did not even extend a hand to thank us, who put our asses on the line for you kids.
You will see son that those days of a dick watching out for you are near the end now. Yes, today' young dick' , know all and it will catch up to them.
I said enough kid, best of luck and I hope you make Chief in 10 years.
"The Asshole."

5/02/2014 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Does working VRI help fund the pension?

Neither does our current or past mayor... Now what?



Bust your asses now withy VRI etc. and POUR money into you 457/Deferred Comp and IRAs NOW !!!!!

5/03/2014 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow a lot of ranting

5/03/2014 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like the term Hair Gel. It seems to me that all the young guys are growing these long ass beards the minute they make a tact/gang team. WTF is that all about. Must help them pick up the ladies when they tell them they work "undercover".

5/02/2014 02:45:00 PM

Perhaps a playoff beard is the proper term.

5/03/2014 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VRI, CHA & CTA get it while you can. These do finally end. No pension monies going in, but politicians don't care and won't help. They want everybody to end in 401k's, so their friends can reap the huge benefits, and than give to the political hacks campaigns. Oh yea, lock up the real hardcore shit heads and get court OT. DON'T get hurt out there in any way, the government lets in the drugs so savages can make a meager living and be happy. There are no jobs hear, they have to sell drugs or civil war. (a little extreme, but you know what I mean). Number one priority, BE SAFE, go home to your loves!!!! I have 28 years on the job.

5/03/2014 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does working VRI help fund the pension?

5/02/2014 04:56:00 AM
Neither does our current or past mayor... Now what?

5/02/2014 08:27:00 PM

Yeah, you're right. Fuck it! Who needs a pension when we can work VRI.

Now what can we sell out for to get our retro pay?

5/03/2014 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VRI is gonna save city money, when all these guys working every day start dropping like flys...

5/03/2014 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I oppose vri and anything else this city pays out to lazy coppers who park all night and do shit . How many times has there been an emergency call and.vri is a block.away and.didnt the call. Or the project cars who.won't sign on And.dispatchers dnt even know.there working so beat cars need to take the calls. Nothing wrong with making extra money but if u making time and a half , work for it or at least help out and stop being the dog that use are

5/04/2014 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With fans like the Gunslinger, this blog is really going places. Bravo!

5/04/2014 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All for VRI, well all for the officers that actually work on VRI. Can't say much for the "senior officers" who sit on 55th and Damen and watch movies all night.
For me that's the issue overtime for guys with time great but it's a job you may consider working. And I'm sure someone is going to say "I've done my time in the hood, I don't have to run and gun." Well nobody is asking you too. All I'm saying is if we are on a stop a block down, press pause and swing by.
And for the guys that do, thank you.

5/05/2014 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know much but I know this, if you have to tell people who you are then your not worth much.
I know guys with 20 plus years who never say hey: "hey I got 20 years." Cause they don't have to we all respect them. But I know a lot of guys who talk about how much time they have very chance they get. The funny thing is most of them are dog asses. Yes somehow these things go together.
Time does not equal rank or make you a boss. Check the color of your shirt.

5/05/2014 09:38:00 PM  

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