Wednesday, August 12, 2015

"Under the Radar" Story

Remember, all guns are evil - the president says so. So why is he arming terrorists?
  • A gunman killed during his attack on an Islamic prophet Muhammad art show in Garland, Texas, reportedly bought a pistol through a botched federal firearm sting.

    Nadir Soofi bought a 9-mm pistol at a Phoenix gun shop in 2010, one report said, that sold illegal firearms through ATF’s heavily criticized Operation Fast and Furious to track firearms back to Mexican drug cartels.

    The Senate Homeland Security Committee wants to know if that same pistol was used five years later in an alleged Islamic State-sanctioned shootout targeting right-wing blogger Pamela Geller’s event, according to a memo obtained by the Los Angeles Times.
Arming Mexican drug cartels who killed at least one US law enforcement officer, dozens of Mexican cops and many hundreds of civilians over the border was bad enough. Now arming radicalized jihadist on American soil? This story got buried pretty quickly.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fast and Furious was a program designed to give the Sinaloa Cartel a decisive advantage. It is the chosen cartel of the American ruling class.

8/12/2015 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kjeep hearing these stories and ask myself,

Why isn't this inestigated as a conspiracy to commit murder?

8/12/2015 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is so awesome, isn't he?

8/12/2015 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Eric Holder.

Now there is a clear link between drug cartels and terrorists that not even the MSM or other morons can bait and switch legitimately.

All drug dealing gang bangers should now be exported to Gitmo for questioning.

8/12/2015 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous IN THE KNOW said...

From that article:
Since that attack, the FBI and DOJ has failed to produce serial numbers for the firearms used by Soofi and Simpson instilling the fear that the operation resulted in yet another instance of domestic violence, the LA Times reported.

FUNNY how you don't see this being talked about on all the Mainstream Media (ABC,NBC, CBS, etc)

So tired of the pure INCOMPETENCE of some of these federal government agencies. ADD the EPA onto the list as well. Nice job polluting the rivers from the toxic waste in a Mine.

8/12/2015 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Pandering Pat Quinn said...

I read the article, but there was even a better one below. It's about Illinois and our fiscal health -

You know, if we just reverse the order, "We're on TOP!!" We're number ONE! Out of ALL the states, we're number ONE in worst fiscal Management of a state.

Let's have a parade!

See you at the next parade.

8/12/2015 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Sgt.Saunders CPD (ret) said...

Does it matter SCC? Does anyone care SCC? Has anyone gone to jail or even been fined for any of this besides one flunky Mexican who was made a scapegoat to protect the criminals in Washington SCC? Has anyone lost their job because of this SCC? Of course the answer is no. A fine young man who was defending and fighting for his country just as much as any soldier or Marine in Iraq or Afghanistan was/did, had his life taken from him and no one outside his family or friends really cares. We are entering a new way of life SCC, a new mindset in which those of us that choose to wear a uniform and perform public service are considered expendable. We don't matter. Give your life, give your body,your mind,it doesn't matter. We are second class citizens now.
RIP and God Bless Agent Terry and Police Officers nationwide who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

8/12/2015 06:21:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

When Obama is at fault, which happens the majority of the time, the story gets buried.

8/12/2015 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what the media is saying, politicians, or anyone else about the fast and furious gun debacle. This was an attempt by the gun control president to show large numbers of guns going across the border. Prior to fast and furious if anyone remembers, the NRA and the Obama administration were having a pissing contest about guns going across the border. The Obama administration put out way inflated numbers. Obama was saying guns are being bought here in US at an alarming rate and taken to Mexico. When the NRA investigated and requested the data, they leaned the numbers in plain English were total bullshit. Not to long after the NRA won the PR game, ATF Agents started questioning a new policy, you guested it, fast and furious. It was nothing more then to push their gun control narrative period.

8/12/2015 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's a reason he won't say the phrase "Islamic terrorists". Birds of a feather.

8/12/2015 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Agent Brian Terry,Marine and Border Patrol Agent. Holder and Dear leader cooked up fast&furious in an effort to increase gun violence in an effort to increase the agenda on gun confiscation.Told gun dealers to sell to criminals/gun runners so they could "track" them.When ATF agents asked WTF? they were told to shut up. Limited document dump to congress was done late at night the day before 2012 election and when Holder felt more heat,dear leader POTUS waved the wand and gave his boy teflon status from further inquiry.There are still hundreds if not thousands of these firearms out there.One would have to wonder why they are so intent to take firearms away from the honest people?

8/12/2015 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

22 members of SEALteam 6 killed after killing bin laden and no one accountable?

No wonder they are doing their very best to stifle Trump they are scared because he's strongly for the military disgusting!

8/12/2015 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fast and Furious was a program designed to give the Sinaloa Cartel a decisive advantage. It is the chosen cartel of the American ruling class.

8/12/2015 01:12:00 AM..... Do you really believe that the cartels that make $millions$ everyday,control entire corrupt central/south American countries,build tunnels under borders etc. need to send some dummy into a gun shop to buy two ar-15s and a Glock in order to obtain guns? If so I have a lovely brownstone near 18th & Pulaski I can let you steal for 2.5 million... but hurry the neighborhood is about to change.

8/12/2015 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fast & Furious Operation was nothing but a public relation scheme by the Obama Administration to enact anti-2nd Amendment Gun Laws.

8/12/2015 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the bill rauner just signed opinions?

8/12/2015 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt. Saunders Ret CPD: You are 100% correct. No one does care about this. And it's because no one knows about it. Its not reported by mainstream media and it's absolutely horrible and disgusting. The media should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
Just look at this thread for proof.
Theres only 13 comments!

8/12/2015 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

22 members of SEALteam 6 killed after killing bin laden and no one accountable?

No wonder they are doing their very best to stifle Trump they are scared because he's strongly for the military disgusting!

8/12/2015 02:32:00 PM

I drive I-55 frequently and see people on some overpasses holding signs supporting the SEAL teams and asking about this serious incident, Warriors best of the best killed and nothing! Chris Kyle (RIP) American Sniper saved how many American lives,and was killed here helping another soldier and the white house sent no one, but let a thug get shot attacking a police officer and the full weight of the United States government is on the innocent copper and of course the white house dispatches high people to help the thugs family out and the president makes a speech in the thugs favor!

8/12/2015 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will there be a Fast & Furious exhibit @ the Obama Library? Since madigan has pledged 100$M to this project-perhaps Fr Faker can request that this be part of the State's funding? We all know how the good Fr Faker hates guns!! How about a "Trevon could be my son" or
a "Cambridge Police acted stupidly" exhibit. The people (and folks) need to know.

8/12/2015 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do as I say not as I do.

8/13/2015 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't care what the media is saying, politicians, or anyone else about the fast and furious gun debacle. This was an attempt by the gun control president to show large numbers of guns going across the border. Prior to fast and furious if anyone remembers, the NRA and the Obama administration were having a pissing contest about guns going across the border. The Obama administration put out way inflated numbers. Obama was saying guns are being bought here in US at an alarming rate and taken to Mexico. When the NRA investigated and requested the data, they leaned the numbers in plain English were total bullshit. Not to long after the NRA won the PR game, ATF Agents started questioning a new policy, you guested it, fast and furious. It was nothing more then to push their gun control narrative period.

8/12/2015 08:13:00 AMAnonymous Anonymous said...
The Fast & Furious Operation was nothing but a public relation scheme by the Obama Administration to enact anti-2nd Amendment Gun Laws.

8/12/2015 06:15:00 PM

Yes and Yes on both. We had people killed because of this policy to have more gun control.

8/13/2015 09:38:00 AM  

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