Monday, August 10, 2015

Only One Dead?

The shooters are getting worse and worse....or medical care is getting better and better:
  • Editor's Note: NBC Chicago includes shootings from 6 p.m. Friday to 12 a.m. Monday in its weekend violence report.

    A 17-year-old man is dead and at least 35 other people, including a 12-year-old and a 15-year-old, were wounded in shootings in Chicago since Friday evening.
Nice to see NBC is clarifying what constitutes a weekend. And hey, 36 people got shot.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully all the competent murdering thugs are either dead or in prison.

8/10/2015 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter people!

Keep telling them that, and maybe they will someday listen.

8/10/2015 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thugs in Chicago are not only racist, with all the dead and wounded black males; they are sexist too!!! Where are all the dead and wounded females?

Equal Rights!
Equal Outcomes!

8/10/2015 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the doctors and nurses are getting better, hopefully soon no one has to die.

8/10/2015 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is those evil vigilantes! Gunning down innocent Honor Students. Bad vigilantes!

8/10/2015 02:52:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Will NBC dare disclose to their viewing audience the demographics responsible for all of these shootings?

Nah, didn't think so.

And on a related note, I read somewhere that the Ferguson, MO city council gave the Brown family a piece of asphalt from where their sack of shit kid drew his last breath. Curious... was this asphalt chunk the same shape as the chalk outline from the crime scene?

And, no fucking surprise here, but WBBM is reporting shots fired at and by the police in Ferguson at a memorial demonstration for that savage-turned-ghetto martyr.


8/10/2015 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO Friday morning is not the weekend? 6pm is a strange time to to start why is that time significant? How many time has this dieing form of media changed what a weekend is ? Why not count how many people killed in a week!

week•end (ˈwikˌɛnd, -ˈɛnd)

1. the end of a week, esp. the period of time between Friday evening and Monday morning.
2. this period as extended by one or more days immediately before or after: a three-day holiday weekend.
3. any two-day period taken or given regularly as a weekly rest period from one's work.
4. of, for, or on a weekend.
5. to pass the weekend.

8/10/2015 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the killing fields.

8/10/2015 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the medical care. The CFD's paramedics have a well deserved reputation for dealing with blintzes force trauma, stabbings and gunshots. Everybody's seen them work. I know we give 3ach other shit but you have to give them credulity when due.

Rahm and Gary, I mean commissioner McCarthy, should be thanking them every day

8/10/2015 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, people are in their beds by 12a.m. Mondays cuz they gonna work the next day...

8/10/2015 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The murder and mayhem on Chicago's streets over the last 30 years
have been an invaluable teaching aid and field lab for the E/R docs in
the city's trauma centers and the paramedics who wheel all those shot
asses in...

The U.S. Military dispatches surgeons and medics to sit in on the
miracles happening in hospital E/Rs so they can transfer GSW and
Traumatic Injury patching techniques to the sandbox.

Is huge.

McCarthy (and Rahm's) bullshit and blather about "Homicides are down cuz
I'm smart and you Coppers and the taxpaying public are dumb,"
Is just that... Bullshit and blather.

E/R docs are saving m/fers by the ton.

Compstat is an eye-watering fraud and it's beyond sin
and shame these Law Enforcement gypsies from New Yuck
have been allowed to park their colorful wagons here and
peddle their poison because Rahm had the bright idea to steal a few
Billion dollars from the Public Safety column of the municipal ledger
then start a bunch of anti-Police brush fires as a distraction.

Is there anyone who wants to do a comparison/contrast?

Compile all the anti-Police hit pieces put out by local media along with the
names of the reporters who submitted them.

Compile all the gushy, ass-smoochery regarding the multiple BILLIONS of dollars
in mayoral spending initiatives trumpeted and ballyhooed by those same media outlets.

It's sick, evil and twisted to steal/misdirect monies from the taxpayers then use that stolen/
misdirected money against the people who pay the freight to make this shit-show commonly
known as Chicago, go...

It's even more evil for local media to not only pretend to not to see what's been happening,
but to act as agents of collusion.

"Guardians Of The Public Trust" in a dead dog's hockey-dot.
The Fourth Estate in Chicago is a goodly sized burgled crypt full of
busted open coffins with the occupants posed staring and grinning
at all who enter.

M/Fers get REAL animated when Policemen are in close proximity.

You know... Since we won't sit down and shut up like the good and meek
"Public Servants they desire us to be in this era of slander and very sore

"Look at what those big, dumb, overweight, racist, cush pension, too early
and too sweet retirement having cops are trying to get away with now!"

...After all, the Police are the enemy.


8/10/2015 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

35 people shot. That just shows that there is a lot of community interacting going on out there over the weekend. Chicago can be proud, it probably beat Baltimore and NYC.

8/10/2015 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do seem to lack proper marksmanship skills. Too many leg wounds. Guess that ghetto sideways hold of a weapon has something to do with that.

8/10/2015 07:00:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

1/36---Mr. Garry will find something positive in that.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/10/2015 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

National news again, bastardized the police make more rules for police, judges let how many free, then Toni preickwinkle says "to many blacks n brown in jail" wait a minute if the correct brown Michael brown the police attacking thug from ferguson was kept in jail things could of been different! God bless police everywhere the job you do is appreciated by the taxpayers you fight an uphill battle when the scum at the bottom pin you between the elected at the top spewing anti-police rhetoric feeding the uneducated criminal minds we need you officers everywhere you are doing a job that many including media whores have not an inkling what you deal with on a daily basis just a big THANK YOU! this forum SCC is read by many thank you whoever you are!

8/10/2015 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it's a 17 year old "man" unless it's a police shoot, in which case it is a 17 year old "boy"

8/10/2015 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ous said...
Just as I suspected, all of the "I ain't doing shit", "police work is now dead", etc. mopes are out on full force. In my roll call room 20% of the guys are doing 80% of the work. It's time to earn your paycheck ladies and gents. This job, just like life itself is constantly evolving. You need to evolve because as they say "times sure are changin". Or else you will be like a dinosaur- extinct.

8/08/2015 05:35:00 PM

I'll be sure to buy a raffle ticket for your benifit.

No u won't. He is a "boss" and doesn't get his hands dirty

8/10/2015 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nymous said...
"Gerr is not law enforcement. He is a highly paid politician wearing a police uniform. When was the last time he filled out a contact card?"

Why would the Superintendent of Police write a contact card asshat? You really are not smart.

8/09/2015 04:29:00 PM

Leaders lead from the front, supervisors hide in the back.

8/10/2015 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well over 40, closer to 50. The media is always behind by 5 or 6. But this is all going to stop. Long sleeves, ties, positive interaction and receipts for those who are stopped. This cannot fail. The guys and gals at headquarters are so much smarter than us on the street. This in addition to over $100 million in overtime each year. All the shootings will cease any minute. Just wait for it......wait........wait..........

8/10/2015 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and Fr P continues to glorify The Gentle Giant

8/10/2015 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

".. And hey, 36 people got shot."

No-no AT LEAST 35 people shot.

Let's all check our reading comprehension skills

8/10/2015 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These savages clog up emergency room what about obamas wife's old job making $375,000 year university of Chicago they eliminate that job when she left (like she was qualified lol) now no trauma unit! Hmm you Hyde park taxpayers you need trauma you could very well die on the longest way to Christ hospital in Oak Lawn when you have this huge expansive hospital in your backyard that ambulance drivers pass on the way miles away! Where are taxpayers protesting this stupidity? Crickets!

8/10/2015 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic here, So this whole "black lives matter" thing obviously wasnt very effective with this demon loser in H-Town aka Houston, TX...what a major scuzzbucket

very little about this in the news overall...slanted media losers

8/10/2015 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Medical care is getting much better. Unfortunately it costs us workers a LOT of money. When a know hoodrat is shot, CFD needs to slow the fuck down, you'll be doing the taxpayers a favor.

8/10/2015 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's the medical care. The CFD's paramedics have a well deserved reputation for dealing with blintzes force trauma, stabbings and gunshots. Everybody's seen them work. I know we give 3ach other shit but you have to give them credulity when due.

Rahm and Gary, I mean commissioner McCarthy, should be thanking them every day

8/10/2015 06:11:00 AM

We don't have a commissioner in Chicago, nor do we have a crime classified as blintzes force trauma.

8/10/2015 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yeah, people are in their beds by 12a.m. Mondays cuz they gonna work the next day...

8/10/2015 06:38:00 AM

Since criminals and bustouts are still roaming til 3 or 4am Monday mornings, maybe 'the weekend' should be 6pm Friday til 3am Monday. Reporters don't realize this; they have jobs. Criminals don't.

8/10/2015 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6.50am---the US Military has been sending doctors to inner city hospitals for many years to learn trauma, ie gunshots, care. My mother's brother was a US Navy doctor in VietNam in the late 60s. Part of his training were at Bellevue, Cook County, LA County and Parkland Hospitals over a 6 month cycle prior to going to the war zone. He still talks about that being the best training of his career.

The other posts are spot on, CFD PMs and ER staffs are saving people now that would have died not even 5-10 years ago

8/10/2015 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the killing fields .

8/10/2015 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as I suspected, all of the "I ain't doing shit", "police work is now dead", etc. mopes are out on full force. In my roll call room 20% of the guys are doing 80% of the work. It's time to earn your paycheck ladies and gents. This job, just like life itself is constantly evolving. You need to evolve because as they say "times sure are changin". Or else you will be like a dinosaur- extinct.

8/08/2015 05:35:00 PM

Great, another 3 year wonder. The only part you got right is that times are a changing. Thats why police work as we know it has changed. Go ahead, try old school police tactics in the new millenium and see where it gets you. You think your family will be impressed with your antics when they lose their home/income etc because you had to prove what earning a paycheck meant? Good luck officer.

8/10/2015 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 6:11 AM. You're obviously CFD patting yourself on the back dickhead. CPD has a superintendent not a commissioner you dumb fuck. Now go back to sleep in your firehouse bed numbnuts.

8/10/2015 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Rahm can throw some more money into the ghetto and start a marksman class for gangbangers. That way maybe they could more effectively hit their targets.

8/10/2015 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Jus Da fax Mam said...

Police said Profit hit Ald. David Moore, 17th, around 3 a.m. Sunday in the 7500 block of Peoria Street. They did not release details, but Moore said the incident occurred after he spotted a group of people he suspected were prostitutes and "stopped to ask everyone to disperse."

The people "refused to believe Moore" and yelled at him and struck his arm, he said in a statement. Moore said he called police as the group started running away.

Uh-huh! Yeah, right. Now tell us what really happened when you asked for a freebee and were turned down, ALDERMAN!

8/10/2015 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ous said...
Just as I suspected, all of the "I ain't doing shit", "police work is now dead", etc. mopes are out on full force. In my roll call room 20% of the guys are doing 80% of the work. It's time to earn your paycheck ladies and gents. This job, just like life itself is constantly evolving. You need to evolve because as they say "times sure are changin". Or else you will be like a dinosaur- extinct.

8/08/2015 05:35:00 PM

20%?? Used to be 10% doin all the work

8/10/2015 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ous said...
Just as I suspected, all of the "I ain't doing shit", "police work is now dead", etc. mopes are out on full force. In my roll call room 20% of the guys are doing 80% of the work. It's time to earn your paycheck ladies and gents. This job, just like life itself is constantly evolving. You need to evolve because as they say "times sure are changin". Or else you will be like a dinosaur- extinct.

8/08/2015 05:35:00 PM

I'll be sure to buy a raffle ticket for your benifit.
No u won't. He is a "boss" and doesn't get his hands dirty

8/10/2015 09:35:00 AM

Some bosses are assholes, we all know some, but not all of them are. Some don't want to be bothered and some are just dumb and don't know what theyre doing, we have a couple of them out southeast too but our Lt isn't like that and im sure theres some others. Hes always backing us up and dont mind getting his hand dirty. He even was out the other night humping thru back yards looking for some auto theft offenders and he caught one of them. We have a couple of sgts that were dets and are really good and the Capt is even out riding on jobs. He gets off a few hours after our watch starts but hes gets out on jobs too. Yea we got a couple of assholes too but they aint all like that. Assholes are out there but recognize the good ones too.

8/10/2015 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After taking that Procedural justice class at the academy I feel like I should be a greeter at Walmart than cpd. Wtf is this world coming to!

8/10/2015 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It's the medical care. The CFD's paramedics have a well deserved reputation for dealing with blintzes force trauma, stabbings and gunshots. Everybody's seen them work. I know we give 3ach other shit but you have to give them credulity when due.

Rahm and Gary, I mean commissioner McCarthy, should be thanking them every day

8/10/2015 06:11:00 AM

Blintzes force trauma?
Credulity when due?

Holy shit.

8/10/2015 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillside and other west suburban police departments chase an offender with a long criminal history in a pickup truck until he crashes.

So what...

He was arrested yesterday by Chicago Police for battery.
Don't know the details but I am sure it was not the CPD's fault he was out on bond.

8/10/2015 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue Lives Matter!
Some groups oppose this because it takes away from the "other" crusade.

Well, I disagree.
Stay safe, this week you might be the target..

8/10/2015 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know these assholes are gonna collect an SSI check having got shot... 30x $1200 = $43,200 x 12months = $518,400 that's just hopeful math there

8/10/2015 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the medical care. The CFD's paramedics have a well deserved reputation for dealing with blintzes force trauma, stabbings and gunshots. Everybody's seen them work. I know we give 3ach other shit but you have to give them credulity when due.

Rahm and Gary, I mean commissioner McCarthy, should be thanking them every day

8/10/2015 06:11:00 AM

Sorry, but I Have to go there...

What sort of wound care do you give for blintze force trauma? Whipped Cream and Jam?

8/10/2015 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Medical technology is getting better. Thank our lucky stars for that. Heaven forbid if one of us is shot, modern medicine is here to save us from death or permanent injury.

8/10/2015 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been extinct for 9 years.
A lot less bullshit when you're extinct.
Wake up.

8/11/2015 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless us all

8/11/2015 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:11 am, credulity? Goddamn my brotha', you be learnitatin' me all da big words.

8/11/2015 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What sort of wound care do you give for blintze force trauma? Whipped Cream and Jam?"

8/10/2015 09:13:00 PM

...and push a liter of Cherry Phosphate.

Oi, gevalt!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

8/11/2015 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Editor's Note: NBC Chicago includes shootings from 6 p.m. Friday to 12 a.m. Monday in its weekend violence report."

Glad that this is being institutionalized by the MSM. Hate to see SCC and carrying the whole load.

8/11/2015 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yeah, people are in their beds by 12a.m. Mondays cuz they gonna work the next day..."

8/10/2015 06:38:00 AM

Picked up a copy of the "Free TV Facts" at the store the other day. I love it. Cuts off listings at 10:35 PM.

Echoes of the Old Reality...

Now if we could only get the National Anthem and the test pattern on at midnight...

...and most places were closed on Sunday except for a few very necessary and appreciated independent drugstores...

Snapshots of a society that used to have a metaphysical basis of sorts.

No more. Jacked up on Starbucks and smartphone and bigscreen 24/7 now. As seen with much self-righteous author-generated argument on Instagram, pic of mom with exhausted, crying nine-year-old, brought it to a riot scene with bullets and bottles and bricks flying.

Hot, hot, hot. Trending! Viral! Drive yourselves insane, nothing better to do.

Gee. It is past my bedtime.

Remember that word? "Bedtime?"

This message approved by the Code Of Good Practice, National Association Of Broadcasters.

Oh, we can "adapt." Can't say I'd mind a drone whirring outside the window right now, with a load a 12% Litvak beer and a couple packs a Camels, but, then, I am an evil, unregenerate old man, eminently qualified to comment upon such matters. The rest of you, behave. Or try to.

God bless all here.

8/11/2015 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 70's The CPD higher ups took credit for a drop in heroin overdose deaths due to their own convoluted logic that it was due to better law enforcement.In reality,the drop in deaths was due to a drug called narcan injected by paramedics that reversed the effects of any opiate drug.In the 70's,there weren't many CFD members in bed all night.The paramedics to this day,aren't,by any stretch,except for a few houses,in bed all night.There are more EMS related calls for fire companies and paramedic staffed ambulances than any other calls on the CFD.Check the numbers.FIRES are down,any Emergency Medical Service calls continue to increase.This is today's reality.The past is gone forever.

8/11/2015 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some bosses are assholes, we all know some, but not all of them are. Some don't want to be bothered and some are just dumb and don't know what theyre doing, we have a couple of them out southeast too but our Lt isn't like that and im sure theres some others. Hes always backing us up and dont mind getting his hand dirty. He even was out the other night humping thru back yards looking for some auto theft offenders and he caught one of them. We have a couple of sgts that were dets and are really good and the Capt is even out riding on jobs. He gets off a few hours after our watch starts but hes gets out on jobs too. Yea we got a couple of assholes too but they aint all like that. Assholes are out there but recognize the good ones too.

8/10/2015 04:54

I prefer they stay in the office where they belong.

8/11/2015 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey 6:11 AM. You're obviously CFD patting yourself on the back dickhead. CPD has a superintendent not a commissioner you dumb fuck. Now go back to sleep in your firehouse bed numbnuts.

8/10/2015 03:33:00 PM

The bonehead that wrote the above often write similar rush to judgement calls on a lot of other post and then has a super moronic cheap shot and insult to end his post that is filled with anger.

Guy, you need to contact the professional counseling unit in a big way. You can find their number in your FOP book. Oh, and it's free too.

8/11/2015 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as I suspected, all of the "I ain't doing shit", "police work is now dead", etc. mopes are out on full force. In my roll call room 20% of the guys are doing 80% of the work. It's time to earn your paycheck ladies and gents. This job, just like life itself is constantly evolving. You need to evolve because as they say "times sure are changin". Or else you will be like a dinosaur- extinct.

8/08/2015 05:35:00 PM

Great, another 3 year wonder. The only part you got right is that times are a changing. Thats why police work as we know it has changed. Go ahead, try old school police tactics in the new millenium and see where it gets you. You think your family will be impressed with your antics when they lose their home/income etc because you had to prove what earning a paycheck meant? Good luck officer.

8/10/2015 02:27:00 PM

The smartest and safest thing to do is answer your calls for service. The only thing the idiot got right was times are changing and it is time to adapt. I am a 49 year old white male. If I lose my job and income what kind of job am I going to get that will replace my current income? Jobs with this kind of pay and benefits are not growing on trees. I adapted- I answer to my pdt and backup my brother and sister officers. There really is no talking sense to meat heads who feel they need to get their one or two heads for the shift. Those people are hard headed.

8/11/2015 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous BIG Spender said...

HEY Media trolls who read this Blog!

Where is the Investigative Journalism on the cost of neighborhood shootings???

How much does it cost the Taxpayers every time a shooting victim gets taken to the hospital and gets treated????

Using suburban Ambulance costs, (which I am sure reflect the same basic costs for a City Ambulance) just the Ambulance ride is at LEAST $1,000+ and if they are giving any treatments on the way, like bandages, sedatives, whatever - add that to the costs.

Emergency room/ Hospital costs, some comments here in the past say it's around $250,000 average per gunshot victim.

Let's see- 36 times $250,000 that's $9,000,000 a weekend. That equates to 52 weeks times $9,000,000 for a total of $468,000,000 a year in gun-shot wound costs TO THE TAXPAYERS.

That's close to a HALF BILLION Dollars a year!!!!!

WHO IS PICKING UP THIS TAB!?!? It ain't the families of the victims or the gang-bangers shooting guns.

Better work up a story out on what it costs law-abiding citizens for all these chimping out episodes. If people knew, they might be demanding a huge crackdown on these neighborhoods.

The Chicago Public Schools want more money? Start teaching BASIC citizenship and what you should do if stopped by the police. Part of the problem is that this segment of society isn't taught right from wrong at an early age and it is reflected in their behavior.

8/12/2015 07:21:00 AM  

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