Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Funny Comment

And it shows how willfully blind the media is where politicians are concerned:
  • A [constituent] called at 3 am. Must of been the same guy rahms son was talking to.
Yeah, he was answering calls at 3 AM and headed out to clear corners by himself. And the State charges three felonies for what the aldercreature himself describes as a "punch in the arm."

We are now placing odds on this ever going to open court at 10-1. Plea deal or dropped charges, but the tranny hooker never testifies lest [s]he embarrass a whole bunch of politicians.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the tranny should sue the alderman

8/11/2015 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No good deed goes unpunished in modern society.

8/11/2015 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing good is going to happen with a Chicago Alderman out at 3:00 am in the Ghetto.

8/11/2015 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually it's true. Just before the trannies there was a near riot at 74/may with his nonsense with people loitering. Bottles thrown at police there. Then he decided to take on the trannies over on halsted.

8/11/2015 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the "3 am" call was actually from the tranny to the aldercreature for a hookup? to meet the tranny hooker, not to clear the corner, but to clean the pipes.

Tranny's defense strategy: the aldercreature refused to pay for _____________ (fill in the blank)

8/11/2015 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/11/2015 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't you love when a battery "in a public place" or on the public way gets charged as felony agg batt on the public way when there is someone noteworthy involved (like an aldercreature or an off duty police officer), but if you ever try to call this charge in to felony review between two nameless people, charges get rejected. nowhere in the statute does it say that agg batt on the public way only applies to public figures.

8/11/2015 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i learned long time ago that certain areas are vacuums for what is considered normal. Some people live life differently- I stopped trying to understand the why. I can believe the 3am thing. if getting your haircut at 2am is normal . why not.

8/11/2015 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the tranny hooker never testifies lest [s]he embarrass a whole bunch of politicians."

"I will show you right here, sugar. I gots me a little black book..."

Go home, Alderman. Go home and shut up.

If you can still get in the door...

8/11/2015 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please! Please! Please! It would be too funny

8/11/2015 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Services rendered at 3am. Yeah, what was goin' on in THAT car?

8/11/2015 06:52:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Me thinks that he thought he was getting a solid and the tranny was gonna keep the change. When the DNA was saved and tranny finds out who it is, well he tried to leave without paying. No one gets a freebie any more lest you're a Daley, madigan or burke

8/11/2015 07:00:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Maybe the high hard one happened. That's one call you gotta answer.

8/11/2015 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 a.m. to some (in ghetto areas) is normal. It's like 4 p.m. to the rest of the normal world.

8/11/2015 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not rush to judgement. Try walking in the tranny's shoes like the Alderman.

8/11/2015 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trial should be very interesting, wonder how much was owed?

8/11/2015 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why aren't the news teams trying to find this tranny and get the real story? Oh, I forgot this is Chicago and I'm sure they have been told to let the story die.

8/11/2015 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what service.. I can't get my alderman to answer my calls at 3:00 PM. This guy picks up the phone and goes out into the night to help his people. Bet the tranny has an adorable pet name for the alderman.

8/11/2015 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone out there find me the phone number of my alderman? Not the office number but the personal cell number.
I want to wake my alderman up at 3 am when the jets are taking off over my home and have him come out and listen to it.

If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you, a skyway to sell you or parking meters to sell you.

30 years on department and have never seen any aldermen after 8pm and I have worked in 5 districts and rotated watches. About only time I see any aldermen is election time or openings of businesses. I forgot CAPS meetings when that was in effect.

8/11/2015 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all bullshit, the aldercreature was trying to get a shampoo and didn't think he should pay.

8/11/2015 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOIA aldermens phone records. Bet phone is paid by city and is available. Bet he was out crusin the hood.

it will show every cell site he was near prior to and during event.

8/11/2015 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that I care about the alderman but he was out in the scene of the disturbances on 73rd and May. He demanded people be arrested. He was told by the 007th district Sergeant that if he wants to sign complaints people will be arrested. He did sign complaints. Now I don't know what happened with the Tranny but part of the story of factual.

8/11/2015 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC- Did you really need to use the term "tranny?"
You are usually quite good about making sure no one uses offensive terms...

8/11/2015 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tranny hooker? Does she take the train to work?

8/11/2015 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would make for a great reality show, something along the lines of " I am Cait"Follow the life and times of a transvestite Chicago hooker.

8/11/2015 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i learned long time ago that certain areas are vacuums for what is considered normal. Some people live life differently- I stopped trying to understand the why. I can believe the 3am thing. if getting your haircut at 2am is normal . why not.

8/11/2015 03:03:00 AM

Remember, it isn't any normal world, it is Bizzzaro World. (also known as htraE, which is "Earth" spelled backwards) In popular culture "Bizarro World" has come to mean a situation or setting which is weirdly inverted or opposite to expectations. "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!"

Ugly is beautiful, broken is good, hard work is bad, smash things for enjoyment, truth are lies, lies are truth, all backwards of normal.

8/11/2015 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aldermen should wear body cameras.

8/11/2015 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state abuses that public way battery bullshit when it suits them. It should be abolished because it only is used when it involves the connected, or when the state wants to put the screws to someone. It is an abuse of power to charge felony because it occurred on the public way. Look into who gets charged with that public way battery felony bullshit by the state and it may make you sick to see who is involved. Different res for different people.

8/11/2015 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the strategy that the alderman failed to deploy here is called "keeping it on the down-low". But... aldermen fail at everything else, so...

8/11/2015 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous only me said...

A clear cut theft of services/failure to pay or a handful of the "wrong plumbing".

8/11/2015 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was GUMP shopping and got served !!! LOL !!! Anybody that believes it was something other than that... You're a Dumb Ass !!!

8/11/2015 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was the aldercreature using his star for a freebie?

8/11/2015 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In February the Sun Times printed a story about an anonymous campaign hit-letter on Moore, asserting he might be into such things.


8/11/2015 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) mad oh I'm angry now pistol whipped an officer like this don't believe it watch this!


Disgraceful these animals savages protect each other on or off duty police call police families for myself lights sirens on same as responding to 10-1! At least Fox News commentator Made correct observation how Obama makes no comment when white officers are killed injured by savages thugs but memorialized thug police attacking thug Michael brown! Lastly thank you SCC for letting me vent here!

8/11/2015 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The story is a great one and it will come out at the court hearing.

8/11/2015 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What had happened was..........."

8/11/2015 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was an old saying in the deuce that the best looking women were men. The ho stroll 46th/48th Prairie Ave actually proved that saying as a general rule.

8/11/2015 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try and reach an Alderman at any time, day or night, and wait weeks or months for a reply!

8/11/2015 09:07:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To "fellow" LEO

You obviously haven't read the blog for 10 years or you'd realize we haven't been complaining - we've been entertaining the masses and pointing out the inanity and ineptness of a giant government bureaucracy. We're sorry that you've managed to completely miss the point and all the humorous and amusing posts we put up - you must have some of your internet filters mislabeled.

Good luck with that.

8/12/2015 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
SCC- Did you really need to use the term "tranny?"
You are usually quite good about making sure no one uses offensive terms...

8/11/2015 09:00:00 AM

I really prefer zones 8's term .... decepticon...:)

8/12/2015 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you love when a battery "in a public place" or on the public way gets charged as felony agg batt on the public way when there is someone noteworthy involved (like an aldercreature or an off duty police officer)
u my friend are either a stroke or a police hater because if u were the police u would know that even in uniform the police rarely get felony charges approved when they get beat on.

8/12/2015 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SCC- Did you really need to use the term "tranny?"
You are usually quite good about making sure no one uses offensive terms...

8/11/2015 09:00:00 AM

Ummm not exactly. Really depends on whose reading. I'm sure several bosses and officers, media and etc. have been offended by terms used to describe them. Tranny is an abbreviated reference to a formal term...like we abbreviate just about everything else. People generally do not use terms like transsexual, transvestite, transgender in casual conversation. Nor do you normally say district commander or Superintendent McCarthy or 1st Deputy Superintendent Wysinger when you're referring to those people. There are a lot more "offensive" things that could be said. I don't see the hate speech you are probably cringing at. I see the everyday brevity we use in our speech. Marines call Gunnery Sergeants "Gunny"...I can go on all day like this.

8/12/2015 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SCC- Did you really need to use the term "tranny?"
You are usually quite good about making sure no one uses offensive terms...

8/11/2015 09:00:00 AM

I really prefer zones 8's term .... decepticon...:)

8/12/2015 01:57:00 AM

Offensive terms? Fucking blow me. Is that an offensive term? How about he-she, shemale, what the fuck. SCC, letting these civilian morons on this blog is offensive to me.

8/12/2015 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Don't you love when a battery "in a public place" or on the public way gets charged as felony agg batt on the public way when there is someone noteworthy involved (like an aldercreature or an off duty police officer)
u my friend are either a stroke or a police hater because if u were the police u would know that even in uniform the police rarely get felony charges approved when they get beat on."
8/12/2015 06:40:00 AM

U my friend must have very little time on the job because you missed the point of the comment. The ASA will approve a felony charge when the victim is politically connected or the offender is an off-duty police officer. I didn't say anything about when the officer is on duty and in uniform. But I won't call you a stroke or police hater for your lack of knowledge and experience. You just have some growing up to do on this job. Read completely and think before you make your comment at 06:40 a.m. either you just got home from work or from the bar, or you just woke up but didn't have your coffee yet.

8/12/2015 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't refrain from commenting. Perfectly

7/04/2018 03:05:00 AM  

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