Sunday, April 03, 2016

Maldonado is Angry

Grrrrrr. Grrrrrr.

See the angry aldercreature. :
  • Humboldt Park residents near the site of a daytime shooting that killed a man Wednesday are rattled, and Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26th) is outraged.

    The shooting, which injured one man and killed another, happened a block from The 606 trail on a residential side street.
There's that "606-crime-magnet" again.
  • Both victims are documented gang members, according to police.

    Maldonado on Thursday evening released a scathing statement expressing his outrage at the Chicago Police Department and the surge of violence in the 26th Ward.

    In the Grand Central Police District "gang, drug and prostitution continues despite my constant vigilance to hold the police commander accountable for the continual complaints of activity at the same locations," Maldonado said in an email to constituents.

    "The community and I have tried to work with our police commanders. We have followed the directive to be the eyes and ears of our blocks and report illegal activity. And yet the violence continues. I know I speak for the residents of the 26th Ward when I say this is totally unacceptable," Maldonado's statement read.
You know what else is unacceptable? Certain aldercreatures getting off on DUI charges because he happens to be an aldercreature - but don't mention that. And holding the 025 District Commander accountable? This must be a new initiative or something. Accountable? That would be a first.
  • Maldonado is calling for two emergency community meetings with police commanders in the ward and is asking residents to "express our outrage" at the growing violence outside their homes and places of work.
Uh oh - Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Don't give them "room to destroy." It's a trap!!!
  • A second shooting occurred Thursday afternoon outside Maldonado's ward office, 2511 W. Division Street, according to the alderman.
Whoops. We guess if one gang can light up some rivals outside a daycare center, why can't another kill someone on the aldercreatures doorstep?

Anyone remember how Maldonado voted when they were cutting police spots in the budget? And now he's got the nerve to bitch about it?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bobby, why don't you put the blame where it belongs.....on your constituents. Go fuck yourself, El Drunko.

4/03/2016 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does he want us to do, seriously. If you lock up the prostitutes, drug dealers, and gang members they are back on the street the next day. That's why these chronic problem areas stay a problem and it will always be that way.

4/03/2016 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this the same alderfucktard that said the black caucus and the Hispanic caucus were the majority and they're gonna be running things?

4/03/2016 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, the first shooting was down the block from his residence and the second, as you note, was by his office.

Hmmmm. What's the common denominator here?

I live in 12 and know for a fact he ignored constituent pleas to try and get more officers since they are down 150 officers or more since the merge. At a candidate town hall he said the areas of his ward in 12 were safe and they had nothing to complain about. Maybe now he'll listen.

4/03/2016 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit! Another homicide in 017, the second honest-to-goodness 0110 in three days! Albany Park is the new Fillmore despite the reluctance of the D to classify obvious murders as such. If this keeps up the resultant drop in area property values might enable me to purchase a 10 room center entrance colonial with two fireplaces for a song-as in swan song for the Northwest Side. Whoever thought of residents of Sauganash as urban pioneers! Uh oh, I think someone just shot though my window! I'm outta here!

4/03/2016 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should tell him black lives matter

4/03/2016 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same Maldonado who the Sun Times Oct 27, 2003 stated he voted for the release of Ronnie "Mad Dog" Carrasquillo the cop killer!
Ha. Now live with the filth you want released. Scum!

4/03/2016 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fool! The problem is the people that live in your community, not us. You have gelded us and you wonder why we're not out there swinging our dicks? We are near powerless to deal with your voters, you saw to that, and you're going to bitch that it's OUR fault? Yes, the violence is unacceptable and you people caused it, go grab a mirror and see who's at fault.

4/03/2016 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon, all this bad stuff is reflecting on him! Developers around the 606 won't make big contributions if he isn't useful to them.

4/03/2016 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't he the one that initially proposed that the police should be required to give receipts after stops? Sounds like he doesn't like the fruits of his labor.

4/03/2016 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess all the rubber stamp votes are coming back to bite the aldercreatures and ward citizenry in their asses. Reap what you sow and stopping blaming the police.

Got news for the aldercreatures, you and the rest of the demorats are now going to get the police department that you have been crying the city should have - hands off our peoples - for decades. Now feel the burn. The lid for Pandora's box of crime and homicides will never be reattached again. Thanks to you all the city's death has been hastened.

4/03/2016 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Not Barney Fife said...

Who cares anymore?

Chalk another one up for Urban Crime Path I (the 606 Trail) and did they ever decide to build Urban Crime Path II yet?

There are no "trails" in Chicago, just Urban Crime Paths.

AND, there are not any Aldermen anymore - just Rubberstamp men.

4/03/2016 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldonado as an alderman you are deputized go out & catch you own bad guys. fill out 3 hours of computer reports if your lucky the paperwork doesn't get lost in cyberspace, then another 1 hour to transport them to another district or area since your district lockup was outsourced and closed down. Once you arrive at the other district the jag off says to the lockup keeper he needs his medications so now you have to transport him to the hospital & sit & wait until the doctor gives him baby Tylenol & it's totals up to 3 hour babysitting on your tour of duty. All for a retail theft of $10. Once you her called to court on this arrest it's all time served & released without paying any $ to the city for downing a beat car for 7 hours. So kiss my @ss where the sun don't shine Maldonado, you are receiving what you voted for less police and more criminals. Enough said....

4/03/2016 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

how the fuck is all this the fault of the police? So glad Im retired

4/03/2016 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I speak for the residents of the 26th Ward when I say this is totally unacceptable," Maldonado's statement read.


Hey ASSHOLE !!! I live in your ward I am a POLICE OFFICER and no YOU DON'T SPEAK ON MY BEHALF !!!!! FUCK YOU !! WE are not the problem. YOU , are the problem !!!You who vote on cuts to our community, you who don't give a dam about your constituents unless there is $$$ involved in any of your wheeling and dealing, You who are a a sorry PIECE OF SHIT who breaks the law (D.U.I.) yet you think you throw the ( Don't you know who I am ) bullshit line any and every time you get pulled over. Why don't you throw rocks at your own glass house before you throw rocks at our house? As they say in spanish--- piece of MIELDA!!

4/03/2016 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a first class ass!!!!!! Not fit to manage a Christmas tree lot

4/03/2016 02:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... that crooked ass alderman. Dirty ass thieving politician that's all he his. One big incident in that hood in years and now he's gonna bitch. That area is Humboldtberbia in the last few years. "These constituents" should have been around twenty years ago to see what that hood really looked like. There was no walking your dog past local gang members or jogging in Humboldt Park. If you were running in the park back in the day it's because you were getting chased by gangbangers. Hey Maldonado thank the ACLU for all of this.

4/03/2016 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like chickens coming home to roost .
Fuck the police . .......oh a wait......holy shit ! Police help us .

4/03/2016 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Station security said...

Why is this POS calling out the 025th district commander? The homicide and shooting outside his office occurred in 014. What an asshat!

4/03/2016 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want a Harummph out of that guy!

Give the alderman a Harummph!

4/03/2016 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the saying? Reap what you sow? Don't think you need so many of us? Then cry when you don't see us? Yes, reap what you sow.

4/03/2016 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does he mean the same gangbangers and drug dealers him and his Brother in law Luis Gutierrez continuously pushed to be let out of jail?

4/03/2016 04:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. He wants to hold the POLICE accountable for the violence of the gangs? A normal person would want to hold the GANGS accountable for their own violence, but this is what happens when you let socialists run around and get into policy making positions. Now don't forget to vote for another democrat, you stupid Chicago voters.

4/03/2016 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm mad as hell and we are not going to take it, how dare the police follow the ACLU guide line and not violate citizens rights just who do they think they are.
Stay Fetal

4/03/2016 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a guess. The latest commander is not Maldonado's guy?

4/03/2016 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you.

Your "constituents" have no fear anymore.

Wait until summer.

4/03/2016 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FU Maldonado. What's the matter, the gentrifiers upset? Boo fucking hoo.

4/03/2016 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And holding the 025 District Commander accountable? This must be a new initiative or something. Accountable? That would be a first.

I see what you did there SCC. That guy should be in jail and off the job. We understood where you were coming from immediately there. Nice one.

4/03/2016 06:01:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Nice job SCC. You snuck that one in.

4/03/2016 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to live down the street from a gang-invested building owned by one of Maldonado's guys. The property was in conservation court since it had 9,000 infractions but Maldonado kept trying to get his guy off.
What could have been a nice, quick change-over of the property took years thanks to Roberto interceding in the process.
He is the worst.

4/03/2016 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what we do, we can't win. You can't have it both ways. Officers have complied with what the politicians and citizens wanted. Now they're getting it and they don't want it. Too bad. Let the alder creatures go out and patrol with the news media since they seem to be experts on being the police.

4/03/2016 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Alderman should talk with his people. After all, its his community that's out there doing the shooting.

4/03/2016 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has been the mouth piece for the Imperial Gangsters, since he became an Alderman. Hey Roberto! what's up FOLKS!!!

4/03/2016 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldonado no sea COME MIERDA.. Tu eres la problema Boroachon... (Maldonado, don't be an asshole. You're the problem you drunk...

4/03/2016 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a rubber stamp has gotZ to blow.Rahm not giving the newly single Alderman any crumbs?
All that time as a politico and this guys still comes off like a freshman Alderman!

He forgot to mention he did say a word when RAHM picked a new SUPE without any input from any alderman.
Good luck with that Puerto Rican riot/parade, i picture very few street stops in good ole Humblodt.

4/03/2016 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the folks who brought these asshole gang bangers into this world & failed to teach them how to behave like human beings are to blame. Fuck the drunken alderman & all his criminal constituents !!!!

4/03/2016 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"my constant vigilance to hold the police commander accountable"


No accountability for your constituents, the parents of little Chico, Mr. Alderman?

4/03/2016 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

February 13, 2016
The 25 Chicago Aldermen who voted for Corruption

By Mark Wachtler

February 13, 2016. Chicago. (ONN) The 50 members of the Chicago City Council were forced to publicly take a stand either for or against corruption this week. And in the closest vote in recent memory, a slim majority of Aldermen and women voted to protect corruption and strip the city’s Inspector General of his powers to investigate the council members’ public spending habits. That includes the $100 million per year workers comp program which will remain secret and administered by one powerful Alderman.

Roberto Maldonado (26th Ward) did not vote - just like his President that always voted 'present'.

Roberto "Real Estate King" Maldonado

4/03/2016 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This asshole is worried about getting re-elected. That's all

4/03/2016 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"'gang, drug and prostitution continues...continual complaints of activity at the same locations,' Maldonado said."

Said the guy who stood with the ACLU and helped get us the ISR, and the desired 90% reduction in street stops.

"Alds. Joe Moreno (1st) and Roberto Maldonado (26th) introduced the Stop, Transparency, Oversight and Protection (STOP) Act, which would require the CPD to collect and publicly share data on all stops and frisks.

"Under the STOP Act -- which is backed by ChiStops and over 30 other organizations, including the Black Youth Project 100, Chicago Votes and We Charge Genocide -- Chicago police would have to document the perceived race, gender and age of the person being stopped, the name and badge number of all involved police officers as well as where and why the stop occurred and whether it resulted in a frisk or search. Details on whether police issued a warning, ticket or made an arrest would also have to be recorded. Among other requirements, the ordinance mandates that police provide receipts to those who are stopped and that CPD publicly release stop-and-frisk data on a quarterly basis.

"The ordinance comes four months after the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois issued a critical report on the CPD's stop-and-frisk practices. CPD's tactics disproportionately affect the city's communities of color, according to the report."

So now the bodies are falling right outside his ward office.


4/03/2016 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the police department that the community wants. This is the police department that the politicians want. Be careful what you wish for , because you might just get it.

4/03/2016 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Maldo wants accountability,he should look in the mirror.

He got what HE voted for.

4/03/2016 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By all means put body cameras on all the cops....that will bring crime down

4/03/2016 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send triple merit captain DH to solve all the problems. He is the best and brightest per CPD. Just ask him.

4/03/2016 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" [Maldonado] don't give a damn about your constituents unless there is $$$ involved in any of your wheeling and dealing..."

4/03/2016 01:57:00 AM

The Real Estate King of the Chicago City Council

26th Ward alderman Roberto Maldonado owns more properties than any other council rep—including ten in his own ward. That's a lot of potential conflicts of interest.

"Property records and the financial disclosure statement Maldonado recently filed with the city clerk show that he owns at least ten pieces of property in the 26th Ward. They include three lots on the 1700 block of North Troy Street where he's building a sprawling new house and a building on Division that houses a mortgage business he owns.

"He also owns or co-owns at least six other properties in other wards, including a South Loop condo worth more than $700,000 and at least five lots on the west and far south sides. That's a total of 16 properties.

"No other member of the council owns close to that much real estate, according to financial disclosure statements..."

4/03/2016 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hancuffed the police & you support criminals. So what do you get when this happens? Empowered criminals & a police department that won't allow its men to be the police. It's not complicated. And guess what? YOU ASKED FOR THIS YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!

4/03/2016 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldonado owns lots near 606 trail. He wants to cash in on property values going up in the area. Always follow the money with these guys.

4/03/2016 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drugs bring gangs, and gangs bring violence.

Legalize drugs and gangs will have nothing to do except sit around and play with their burrito.

4/03/2016 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now the Hispanic shootings are on the rise. I love when a plan comes together.

Hannibal Smith

4/03/2016 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't he out leading his neighborhood watch and neighborhood patrols in arresting bad guys and cleaning up the neighborhoods?

4/03/2016 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Gran Torino said...

Im trying to blame the Chicago PD for missing Airliners, The Ukraine,Syria,global warming.... but no one will listen. And since when was any district Commander ever held responsible!? Hey Maldonado...if your ever going to tie one on again there is a nice new honey whiskey by Jack Daniels.

4/03/2016 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these complaints but.when these meetings take place no one will tell him like it is. It will be a meeting of more police bashing.

4/03/2016 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

End sanctuary city status and start rounding up illegal immigrant criminals and crime will go down!!

Duh !!

4/03/2016 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did he expect in his war against Police? Well expect much worse in the coming months and years because pro-active Police work is a thing of the past. I guess these Alderclowns are finally figuring out what all this Political posturing is going to cost them. And I hope it costs them their spots.

But I get it. They want us to cut our own wrists to get all pro-active again as long as it makes them look good and helps them. See? Im not stupid, and then when Im sitting in the joint after violating a 4'th amendment thingies for stopping someone I can write my memoirs about how life in the joint without a pension has turned out to be.

Wouldnt that be swell? But first the officers in his districts have to wait and see what bullshit CR#'s, long closed, will be ressurected by the Black Jesus crowd. Its a good day to be either a Lawyer or a criminal in Chiraq. Funny how that happens.

4/03/2016 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't he one of the "Aldermenz", from the Jose Caucus, who blindly supported Rahm's Tax Increase; along with the Gay Cabal of Northside Aldermopes? Did these Dummies give Rahm a free hand, without making specific demands for an increased police presence? If that is the case, then they should be ousted from Office for incompetence. Or, oh I forgot, maybe they were following the Kansas Study, from the 1970's which says Increased Police Presence does not necessarily produce a reduction in crime: Really? How is that working out for Chicago these days? And remember; the only reason that Homicide Rate is not higher is because of our Excellent, and Expensive level of Medical Care. But even that is being pushed to the limits. By-Pass Status for Christ Hospital is not uncommon, which means you have to go to Stroeger, which maybe 25 minutes away. If your shot on the Southside, there is a good Chance you"ll see Christ, before you get treated at Christ! Baby"G"

4/03/2016 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he's angry, he needs to direct that anger to his constituents. Cause and effect, ya know? The residents cause the crime, the police respond to the crime. What's not to understand?

4/03/2016 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police never have and never will be able to PREVENT crime. Simple enough for you?

4/03/2016 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/03/2016 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should try to hold the black and brown people accountable. Oh wait Prekwinkle did, she let them all out of jail and guess where they all went, to the neighborhoods where all the shootings and murders happen. It really sucks to be black or brown in chicago. Prekwinkle is getting blacks and browns kilt in chicago.

4/03/2016 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. He wants to hold the POLICE accountable for the violence of the gangs? A normal person would want to hold the GANGS accountable for their own violence, but this is what happens when you let socialists run around and get into policy making positions. Now don't forget to vote for another democrat, you stupid Chicago voters.

We're missing the point - this piece of excrement IS part of the "gang" with the judges especially during election time. (see Chicago Magazine - gang ties with alderman and judges). Wanna bet he has some alliances with the head of the gang bangers? Don't doubt me on this one........

4/03/2016 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Maldonmoutho needs to be held accountable. Next time he commits an offense, write a ticket, ANOV, arrest him whatever it takes. He can wave that meaningless star around till he's blue in the face. I stopped a political hack years ago who started waving a flash badge. In response to his "do you know who I am" I replied, "never heard of ya". He just got a written warning, but the asshat made numerous phone calls and was in a tizzy while I made him sweat for a while. I also told him his little silver star in this instance didn't mean squat.

4/03/2016 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) 01:57am - In Spanish, it is "mierda" & yes, you're right.

2) Hey Roberto, since you used to be a Cook Co. Commissioner, why not go to your buddy Prickwrinkle and let her know that her "too many blacks & browns in jail mantra" is full of mierda. It was only a matter of time that her own bigotry would affect the "quality of life" issues which the former HS teacher turned politician refuses to recognize.

3). SCC - you raise a salient point with the urban crime path boondoggle.. Roberto used to be in the real estate financing racket. He knows the 606 trail will increase property taxes while the area receives less police service & the yuppies won't stand for it. RAHM closed 013 and Roberto & Proctology Joe Moreno should thank McDrunky & 9.5 for their slow demise.

Retired .38 spl +P

4/03/2016 10:18:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

I posted the following comment on DNAinfo.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>>>> dear Alder-Creature Maldonada, if you want to 'express your outrage', express it at the correct group, the ACLU, and not the Chi PD. And save some of that outrage for the mayor, and you and your fellow alder-creatures. You and your cohorts in the city council, along with Tiny Dancer and the commie lawyers at the ACLU have made policing in Chicago near Impossible.

From Rahm drastically cutting the number of sworn officers, 2000 - 3000 officers short of req'd manpower. To the city council cutting funds, or not increasing them enough to where the cops have utter junk for equip. To the anti-American subversive ACLU drooling with anticipation to file a lawsuit against any Cop who forgets to dot an 'i'. That little cabal of yours has turned Chicago into 'Mogadishu By The Lake', aka: 'Chicagadishu' (forget ChiRaq, the gang violence is way past that threshold now).

If it wasn't so serious it'd be hilarious, everyone under the Sun wants the Police to be aggressive, to be proactive, to be hard-charging enforcers of the law.

Well, that is, until the Police actually do that.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I don't know how long it'll be there. I'm pretty sure some moderator will delete it.

ps: I'm not really a fan of DNAinfo's new 'Neighborhood Square' commenting 'app'. The previous one, Disqus, worked just fine and Disqus is used by almost every major news website. Plus with Disqus, some basic HTML commands can be used.

4/03/2016 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

commander? The homicide and shooting outside his office occurred in 014. What an asshat!

First of all, it happened in 012. Second, have you seen the increase in crime in 25 lately?

4/03/2016 10:37:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Funny ... They muzzle the watchdogs and then profess ignorance as to why their children are robbed raped and shot ... Maybe like in Washington DC they can pay criminals to not rape and kill their children

4/03/2016 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog Drummond said...

The tail has wagged this dog. A small minority of vocal insiders have put up roadblocks to enforcing any kind of civility among the savages. Good people never had anything to worry about from the police, but the politicians gave in, as they always do, to the headlines. Look at what it has done in such a short time: homicides and shootings are almost doubled immediately. All crime is up.

Can you imagine what these politicians would have done to this city if they had done this in the crack fueled 80's? No Mr. Maldonado, the police aren't the problem, the criminals are. Really, though, the criminal politicians are the real problem here. You pander to the criminal element? You use them for your political armies? You take their money? You push their political agenda which includes the Sanctuary City label? WE the taxpayer pay the price.

When will the voters catch one and make an informed decision at the ballot box? I hope it is soon. Chicago really is in trouble.

4/03/2016 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming up on 25 years on the job very soon. I was looking forward to 55 and out next year and feeling hesitant. Well not anymore my bothers and sisters. I am scheduled for upcoming retirement seminar and then going to schedule my appointments with pension board and deferred comp after that. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's getting brighter. I have about one year to go and it's bye bye Chicago and hello Vegas.

4/03/2016 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In the Grand Central Police District "gang, drug and prostitution continues despite my constant vigilance to hold the police commander accountable for the continual complaints of activity at the same locations," Maldonado said in an email to constituents."

Fuck U Maldonado....Hold These......You bootlicking yes man. Oh Yeah, same goes for all your CONSTITUENTS because they like 90% of this city keep voting you DO NOTHING ALDERASSHOLE'S back into office!!! You get what you vote for people....repukebican or donothingcrat's.. In the case of Chicago, You Get What the Dummo-Crat's made! By the way, how many of your constituents voted for that 9 finger racoon?! Un huh. This city is going to the ignorant sheep and hoodlums, so Ignorant Sheep listen up; you whine about how we were keeping the hoodlums off you and you let the stupid ass part time $100,00.00 plus a year aldonothings make stupid dumb as decisions so cry me a fucking river about crime going cause as a policeman and citizen I don't give a Flying Fuck about what you want now. I'm looking out for the people who appreciate us and yes we know who they are and my family.

4/03/2016 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what has Maldo-Nada done during his tenure at that ward?

4/03/2016 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are probably illegal immigrants compliments of louis guiterrez.

yeeba yeeba

more cervesa for everyone

4/03/2016 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous this time said...

His ward is a toilet and we all know what u find in toilets. Since I haven't sold my house yet I can't write or go to his office to tell him that because I know he'd send building inspectors to my house with their dreaded clipboards. Oh well, I'll just read about the drugs violence and prostitution in his ward from far far away. He wants a crime free ward. I want a Bugatti. We all have our dreams, but we shouldn't kid ourselves either and live in a dream world.

4/03/2016 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is he still gang-bagging?

4/03/2016 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you lock up the prostitutes, drug dealers, and gang members

Then there would be no one left to vote for him.

4/03/2016 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

POLICE accountable ?
I suggest these alderman should pass a new ordinance that would make it illegal to shoot another person within two city blocks of an alderman's office. See that, I just fixed the problem...

4/03/2016 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The progressives that run the county think there are too many people of color in jail, except those dressed in blue. As has been said before, this is the police department you wanted so don't complain if it does not work out in the real world as in the progressive liberal fantasy world.

4/03/2016 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

014 like a lot of other Districts on the North side do not have in point... 41 people on an entire watch!!!!!
So alderman...Go Fuck Yourself!!!!!

4/03/2016 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Further down the black power continuum - Baltimore officers read their Miranda rights:

4/03/2016 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people accountable are the law makers. They are the gate keepers to violence. Stay fetal and give them what they voted for.

4/03/2016 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey alderscum, we ain't doing nothing for you and you can't make us. Hahahah

4/03/2016 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anyone seen the order on the new Superintendent's Award of Tactical Excellence AKA the Verbal Judo Award

4/03/2016 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meeting of Chicago City Council

4/03/2016 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ot but dept. Related.....

Relatively new guy here, just curious since this whole interim super will probably be going for a while longer, whats the longest we have gone without an appointed superintendant?

4/03/2016 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Comments moved into right spot here)

"I stopped him a few years ago near Armitage & Hamlin for driving like a total jagoff. As I got up to his window, he sticks his head out and yells. "Don't you know who I am?!" Just a total prick, there's a special place in hell reserved just for him.

4/03/2016 02:48:00 AM

"Is this the same Alderman who refused to produce his drivers license on a traffic stop then called Deescalante who in turn sold out the officers? Yeah I'll be sure to do lots of stops so I can encounter more jagoffs like you and risk my job, freedom and lively hood, not to mention my safety. Alderman you now live in a city where asshats like you dictate policy, enjoy."

4/03/2016 03:42:00 AM

Sounds like a pattern...

Ald. Roberto Maldonado Accuses Cop Of Racism After He Gets Ticket

May 7, 2013 6:44 AM

"CHICAGO (STMW) — Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26th) filed a complaint accusing a Chicago Police officer of racism after he was ticketed for illegally passing a turning vehicle.

"The aldermen said he was stopped at a traffic light at the intersection of North and Leavitt when the car in front of him was turning left. Instead of waiting for the turn to be completed, Maldonado said he drove his 2004 Honda Pilot around the turning car on the right.

Maldonado said he was pulled over by a Chicago Police squad car about a mile west of the intersection.

Maldonado said a Hispanic officer got out of the car and asked for his driver’s license, which the alderman provided. When the alderman asked what he did wrong, the officer told him that he had passed two cars on the right.

"At that point, I identified myself. I said, ‘This is what I’m thinking about and this is who I am.’ I said, ‘Officer, you have a lot of time on your hands. The violence we have in our community, yet you have to stop me for this minor traffic violation?’ ”Maldonado said.

“I was being stopped for a petty offense. I thought my tax dollars should be better used going after serious crime. I said, ‘I’m going to call the commander because I think that’s wrong.’ At that point, the Latino officer said, ‘I just wanted to point out what you did wrong.’ I said, ‘Thank you, officer.’ And he gave me my driver’s license back.”

"Maldonado said he was starting to leave when a second officer knocked on the driver’s side window and opened up the door of the alderman’s SUV.

“This was a white officer. He was belligerent and disrespectful. He said, ‘No. Give me your driver’s license back. I’m going give you as many tickets as I can,’” Maldonado recalled.

“I said, ‘You’re being completely disrespectful. I settled with the other officer and now you’re coming with this? You’re acting racist. I feel discriminated by you.’ I said, ‘I’m not going to get out of the car. I’m going to call the commander.’ ”

"Maldonado said a sergeant arrived on the scene after he left a message for the commander. The alderman said he became more incensed when the sergeant told him the two officers were on a team of 100 deployed to the Humboldt Park, Logan Square and West Town areas to tamp down shootings and other violent crime..."

4/03/2016 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I want a Harummph out of that guy!

Give the alderman a Harummph!

4/03/2016 03:35:00 AM


4/03/2016 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldo is none to concerned when the shootings occur during a certain parade in his ward, which were also on Division St. His faux outrage is just that. I'm confident he will be voted out in 3 years. His constituents are fed up wth him.

Thank you officers for all that you do. There are still a lot of people who support you.

4/03/2016 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Major Blockrounder said...

It would be ironic if the shooting could have been prevented by the police stopping either the offender or the victim prior to the incident and locking either of them up. (dope/warrants/gun etc.)

However, the stop did not take place because the officers, who would have previously stopped these mopes,thought that they would not be able to justify the stop on their ACLU/BLM forms.


The police did stop them but only found a minimal amount of cannabis. Knowing how the county and city politicians feel about decriminalizing dope, wrote them a citation and let them continue on their merry way to the Homicide.

Be careful what you wish for citizens.

Police are playing with the constraints of a ridiculous rule book.

4/03/2016 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Holy shit! Another homicide in 017, the second honest-to-goodness 0110 in three days! Albany Park is the new Fillmore despite the reluctance of the D to classify obvious murders as such. If this keeps up the resultant drop in area property values might enable me to purchase a 10 room center entrance colonial with two fireplaces for a song-as in swan song for the Northwest Side. Whoever thought of residents of Sauganash as urban pioneers! Uh oh, I think someone just shot though my window! I'm outta here!

4/03/2016 12:42:00 AM

Okay, so I'm not a doctor...

4/03/2016 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/03/2016 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) was at police rally yesterday on archer no Maldonado no aldermen except Zalewski and few hundred people but absolutely no media, but yet Jamal the goofball a 7 other thugs protest the police by Fop hall and Shazam media everywhere all over the news all over the papers! Obviously you can see what there agenda the anti-police spin in full force! If you talk to the media your insane look at the black retired idiots now bad mouthing street coppers they did nothing otj but now know everything! Good luck Eddie why not give thugs and fake revs what they want black cops in black areas why not man up and try it? You even said boss you didn't like being stopped by police so make the change oh and dump the laughable gold star club another disgrace!

4/03/2016 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldonado got elected by the ahole gang members. They work in his organization and this drunk fuck crook alderman is tight with them all.

4/03/2016 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad. Most of you aldershits wanted this hands off style of policing because your constituents, and probably a majority of the alderman, hate the police. Don't blame the police, you got what you wanted. It looks like you, and many other politicians will be among the ranks of the unemployed after the next election. It makes no difference to me, it's just the 1st and the 16th for most of us anymore. You created it, you deal with it.

4/03/2016 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous I have a plan. said...

Off topic sorry...A birdie from 007 told me that panic is setting in about lack of ISRs. One leutenant told roll call "if you don't have an ISR you should resign." Less than a week later a different leutenant told roll call "if you see a car with a temp tag and four shitheads in it and you don't stop them, I will do everything in my power to get you out of here." Also guys with ten years on getting dumped to late cars and same old tired shit. One has to wonder if certain bosses haven't picked up a newspaper or turned on the TV in the last 7 years. This is much bigger than ISRs. Our society is on the verge of complete unrest and collapse. This isn't a distant possibility, the shitstorm is here. Add to that a possible Trump nomination and the unhinged left rioting from now till November and we have an explosive situation on our hands. Protect each other and your families at all costs. All we have is that and each other. Sadly some white shirts have decided they would rather stand against us.

4/03/2016 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we over-analyze their complaints. They complain for no particular reasons, but as an evolutionary strategy to get things. This is why they complain when the police arrest people, and then complain when the police don't. Either way, craven politicians always manage to shower them with something.

4/03/2016 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the gangbangers from Wilmette, Highland Park and Glencoe are causing all the problems in Maldonado's ward. ♠️

4/03/2016 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm balances his budget by cutting the hiring of first responders. The alder people overwhelmingly pass Rahm's budget(s). And who is exactly responsible for the short handed, overwhelmed police department and fire department being understaffed?

4/03/2016 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldonado, A proud supporter of #BowelMovementMatter.
The millions spent on the 606 should have been used to house his constituency currently on early release.
Hey MalDo, Go blame your fellow Democrats.

Stay Fetal - Stop Nobody.

4/03/2016 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a troll: I think Maldonado is part of the problem. He is one of the elected policticians in the state, county and city pushing the PRB to parole gang leader Ronnie C. for the murder of Terry Loftus. And I for one am sick and tired of it. Maldonado and his false outrage and indignation is in my opinion a disgrace. So keep complaining you pile of crap. When you see the light, things will improve but you need the gangs in the 26th to insure your political power. That is how I see it. As I said, I believe YOU are part of the problem, not the solution. Asd long as you are the alderman, the problems of the ward are your problems. YOU and you constituents own them, not the police. Fool.

4/03/2016 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Police never have and never will be able to PREVENT crime. Simple enough for you?

4/03/2016 09:40:00 AM

Pretty much correct. Aggressive police tactics, street and vehicle stops and arrests for minor offenses do have some impact, but you can never have enough police on the street to stop most crime. The progressives, or liberals as they used to be called, have a dogma that crime is so high in the black community because of the police and poor social nets. They cannot admit anything else because if they did then they would have to admit that personal responsibility really counts. Blacks commit murder at 8 to 10 times that of whites and have done so for 140 years, good economic times and bad economic times. Some have speculated that this was because they are from the south and the culture in the south was violence prone by the whites. The progressives will never figure this out. You must find the sociopaths, the killers, about 6% of the population and lock them up for a long time. The do not deserve to be out on the streets with human beings.

4/03/2016 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

troll: My error, I posted before reading all the comments. I forgot good old Joe Moreno, another IG supporter. Two douche bags advocating an IG gang leaders parole from prison for killing a policeman who broke up a gang fight. Now they are pissed at crime; funny stuff.

4/03/2016 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ot but dept. Related.....

Relatively new guy here, just curious since this whole interim super will probably be going for a while longer, whats the longest we have gone without an appointed superintendant?

4/03/2016 02:29:00 PM

You're a relatively new REPORTER. Do your own research.

4/03/2016 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldanado should look in the mirror and blame the idiots who resemble him that are causing all the problems.
It is not the cops.

4/03/2016 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I stopped him a few years ago near Armitage & Hamlin for driving like a total jagoff. As I got up to his window, he sticks his head out and yells. "Don't you know who I am?!" Just a total prick, there's a special place in hell reserved just for him.

4/03/2016 02:48:00 AM

"Don't you know who I am?!"

Hmmm, another one who doesn't know who he is. Call for a sergeant and see if the sergeant knows who the mope is. See if he has a drivers license and read the guy his name and address. That way he will hopefully learn who he is! Write it down on a piece of paper, with instructions to read again if he forgets who he is. That is so he won't go running around asking people if anyone knows who he is,

4/03/2016 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait for someone to stop him wearing a bodycam

4/03/2016 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cop hating state senator Van pelt who is under investigation has a host of scum on the state payroll and we're broke. The most notable being the reverend Robin Hood. Real name and he was on the state payroll as a community outreach coordinator. And we are broke.rauner and cullerton both gave her money to win. And she was supported by other cop hating alderman like truly, Scott w, Burnett, smith and the entire shitbag black caucus and the phony black revs.

4/03/2016 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Chalk another one up for Urban Crime Path I (the 606 Trail) and did they ever decide to build Urban Crime Path II yet?"

4/03/2016 01:15:00 AM

Yes! It will go through Little Village/Pilsen area.

UCP III is also slated -- for Englewood.

No s__t. Look it up in recent news.

4/03/2016 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025 Cmdr and XO what a JOKE

The blind leading the blind...!

4/03/2016 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as all of the humbugging stays out of my neighborhood all is good.

Stay safe and as always remain fetal.

4/03/2016 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) more of your anti American people causing mayhem:

4/03/2016 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

necessarily produce a reduction in crime: Really? How is that working out for Chicago these days? And remember; the only reason that Homicide Rate is not higher is because of our Excellent, and Expensive level of Medical Care. But even that is being pushed to the limits. By-Pass Status for Christ Hospital is not uncommon, which means you have to go to Stroeger, which maybe 25 minutes away. If your shot on the Southside, there is a good Chance you"ll see Christ, before you get treated at Christ! Baby"G"

Hah Hah Hah !! That's a good one...see Christ before you get treated at Christ... I'm stealing it. Good one.

4/03/2016 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"get you out of there"? Where the fuck are they going to send you? Your already in 007 and thats as bad as it gets. Someone with just a little bit of balls should ask this nitwit LT, "gee Boss, what exactly do four shitheads look like"? Make him spell it out in open roll call.

I bet he doesnt. Just like he isnt going to back you after the car chase and after they dump the gun leaving you with a body having 4 holes from your gun in him.

""""""Off topic sorry...A birdie from 007 told me that panic is setting in about lack of ISRs. One leutenant told roll call "if you don't have an ISR you should resign." Less than a week later a different leutenant told roll call "if you see a car with a temp tag and four shitheads in it and you don't stop them, I will do everything in my power to get you out of here." Also guys with ten years on getting dumped to late cars and same old tired shit. One has to wonder if certain bosses haven't picked up a newspaper or turned on the TV in the last 7 years. This is much bigger than ISRs. Our society is on the verge of complete unrest and collapse. This isn't a distant possibility, the shitstorm is here. Add to that a possible Trump nomination and the unhinged left rioting from now till November and we have an explosive situation on our hands. Protect each other and your families at all costs. All we have is that and each other. Sadly some white shirts have decided they would rather stand against us.""""""

4/03/2016 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meeting of Chicago City Council

The amazing "Summer of Blubber" has ended, but we'll be back again this year. In the meantime, please enjoy these highlights from the season. - See more at:


The amazing "Summer of Blubber" has ended, but we'll be back again this year. In the meantime, please enjoy these highlights from the season. - See more at:

4/03/2016 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davey said prosecutors were frustrated by the officers' refusal to speak, and ordered that they be videotaped being read their Miranda rights and declining to answer questions.

This is a national policy statement. It is essentially telling the police to avoid any situation which might call for the foreseeable use of force. I stopped working VRI, parks, CHA, and especially CTA (for straight time). They can all learn how to "bleed," as Rham says. I only wish I had less than 10-years so I could get the fuck out of here.

4/03/2016 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I stopped him a few years ago near Armitage & Hamlin for driving like a total jagoff. As I got up to his window, he sticks his head out and yells. "Don't you know who I am?!" Just a total prick, there's a special place in hell reserved just for him.

4/03/2016 02:48:00 AM

"Don't you know who I am?
Hmmm, another one who doesn't know who he is. Call for a sergeant and see if the sergeant knows who the mope is. See if he has a drivers license and read the guy his name and address. That way he will hopefully learn who he is! Write it down on a piece of paper, with instructions to read again if he forgets who he is. That is so he won't go running around asking people if anyone knows who he is,

4/03/2016 07:13:00 PM

call a sergeant? For what?

4/03/2016 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous I have a plan. said...
Off topic sorry...A birdie from 007 told me that panic is setting in about lack of ISRs. One leutenant told roll call "if you don't have an ISR you should resign." Less than a week later a different leutenant told roll call "if you see a car with a temp tag and four shitheads in it and you don't stop them, I will do everything in my power to get you out of here." Also guys with ten years on getting dumped to late cars and same old tired shit. One has to wonder if certain bosses haven't picked up a newspaper or turned on the TV in the last 7 years. This is much bigger than ISRs. Our society is on the verge of complete unrest and collapse. This isn't a distant possibility, the shitstorm is here. Add to that a possible Trump nomination and the unhinged left rioting from now till November and we have an explosive situation on our hands. Protect each other and your families at all costs. All we have is that and each other. Sadly some white shirts have decided they would rather stand against us.

Let the white shirts PANIC. Do your job LEGAL.
DO not let them panic you.
Late car, early car in the WOOD's? What does it matter?

Be legal, just like Terry v Ohio.

4/03/2016 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple years ago, one of the fop guys wrote about maldonado treating a copper like shit on a traffic stop and threatened to get the copper fired. I work in 014 and i give maldonado's office "special attention".

4/04/2016 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

Off topic sorry...A birdie from 007 told me that panic is setting in about lack of ISRs. One leutenant told roll call "if you don't have an ISR you should resign." Less than a week later a different leutenant told roll call "if you see a car with a temp tag and four shitheads in it and you don't stop them, I will do everything in my power to get you out of here." Also guys with ten years on getting dumped to late cars and same old tired shit. One has to wonder if certain bosses haven't picked up a newspaper or turned on the TV in the last 7 years. This is much bigger than ISRs. Our society is on the verge of complete unrest and collapse. This isn't a distant possibility, the shitstorm is here. Add to that a possible Trump nomination and the unhinged left rioting from now till November and we have an explosive situation on our hands. Protect each other and your families at all costs. All we have is that and each other. Sadly some white shirts have decided they would rather stand against us.

Please Lieutenant Please dont get me out of 007 and into say, 018 Dont throw me in the briar patch.

4/04/2016 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck that ex gang bang8nger

4/04/2016 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

"Reverend Robin Hood. Real name and he was on the state payroll as a community outreach coordinator."

4/03/2016 07:56:00 PM

"Community outreach coordinator."


Good clothes, fine heavy sedan, a great fuss of meetings and conferences and "reports" no one ever reads -- with no tangible results, no effect on anything at all.

Sucking us dry like a swarm of aphids.

4/04/2016 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMFAO on the 12:53 AM comment about 007 ISRs. I love how everyone hates being a P.O. and wants to get promoted and they all mostly talk bad about the white shirts. Then they make SGT and they, who hated doing TS and Contact Cards (ISRs) are all about getting them now. The hypocrisy on this job kills me. My EX friend who is now a SGT in 004 on 1st W was all about hating the SGTs and their lunacy and would talk shit about them daily. As soon as he found out he was forty something on the list his whole demeanor changed about stuff and the department. I know so many guys hating then as soon as the test results come in you just see a shift in their attitude on CPD policy. His favorite saying was "What's changed since you made SGT? NOTHING." (as he was referring to the SGTs) and as soon as he makes the list all the negative talk was vanished...

So now the white shirts who don't have to do the ISRs and won't be sued by any ACLU actions could care less about your ass and just want numbers. So glad I am going 7/2017. Good luck with the job Billy and your white shirt/stripes. You can have this job and this city.

4/04/2016 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true why are no grievances being made...A Lt. of Police told you to violate the law in order to falsely generate ISR's (it is not Reasonable Articulate Susp. to stop a car with a Valid Temp Sticker and 4 people inside) You would need to articulate on how you determined that the Temp Plate is false. Also, EEOC grievances should be made...You were just threatened if you do not generate ISR's. Stick up for yourself. Also, Time Due cannot be denied based on the lack of activity (especially ISR's). Remember, C/U & BFD's submitted at least 7 days in advance are by seniority. If you are denied the Lt. has to sign your slip denied, date and time on it and the reason why. Your are then to be given a copy. The XO then has to do a Weekly Denied Elective Time Report. They have to put a reason on why you were denied. Through an agreement with the FOP they are supposed to give 15% off (minus Medical, IOD, Furlo, Trng and Legit Furlo Extensions). No your rights and stick together...

4/04/2016 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I stopped him a few years ago near Armitage & Hamlin for driving like a total jagoff. As I got up to his window, he sticks his head out and yells. "Don't you know who I am?!" Just a total prick, there's a special place in hell reserved just for him.

4/03/2016 02:48:00 AM

"Don't you know who I am?
Hmmm, another one who doesn't know who he is. Call for a sergeant and see if the sergeant knows who the mope is. See if he has a drivers license and read the guy his name and address. That way he will hopefully learn who he is! Write it down on a piece of paper, with instructions to read again if he forgets who he is. That is so he won't go running around asking people if anyone knows who he is,

4/03/2016 07:13:00 PM

call a sergeant? For what?

4/03/2016 11:06:00 PM

So they feel important; also the rumor is they know how to read.

4/04/2016 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to turn on the body cam during roll call and show the world just how incompatint these "Merit" bosses actually are. Maybe someone can get a IPhone video of these asshole bosses and put them on YouTube for all the world and Feds to see. HA, HA, HA
Stay fetal and provide for your family if you think I'm kiddy ask Jaso Van Dyke if any of his sergeants or lieutenants provide for his family?
12.00 an hour! The only place his family is going out to dinner is to Portillo's.
If you do anything it can happen to you too. Stay fetal , very fetal

4/04/2016 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As it is said in Spanish that he can understand: Fuck you, Pendejo!

4/04/2016 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blacks commit murder at 8 to 10 times that of whites and have done so for 140 years, good economic times and bad economic times. Some have speculated that this was because they are from the south and the culture in the south was violence prone by the whites. The progressives will never figure this out. You must find the sociopaths, the killers, about 6% of the population and lock them up for a long time. The do not deserve to be out on the streets with human beings.

4/03/2016 06:07:00 PM

I never knew black on black crime was an American crisis since as far back 1876! Now that my eyes are opened please feel free to cite a couple sources, or one, so I can spread the word. Thanks for the information.

4/04/2016 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go and lock all the bangers, the who's going g to work in his campaign next election.
I heard that Maldonado just got a restaurant on Division in exchange for a favor towards a develop....stay tuned!

4/04/2016 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the job your paid to do no more no less. If they kick you to late car who cares, at least you won't have legal troubles. So glad I have less then 10 on, makes leaving easier.

4/04/2016 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a plan. said...
Off topic sorry...A birdie from 007 told me that panic is setting in about lack of ISRs. One leutenant told roll call "if you don't have an ISR you should resign." Less than a week later a different leutenant told roll call "if you see a car with a temp tag and four shitheads in it and you don't stop them, I will do everything in my power to get you out of here." Also guys with ten years on getting dumped to late cars and same old tired shit. One has to wonder if certain bosses haven't picked up a newspaper or turned on the TV in the last 7 years. This is much bigger than ISRs. Our society is on the verge of complete unrest and collapse. This isn't a distant possibility, the shitstorm is here. Add to that a possible Trump nomination and the unhinged left rioting from now till November and we have an explosive situation on our hands. Protect each other and your families at all costs. All we have is that and each other. Sadly some white shirts have decided they would rather stand against us.

4/03/2016 05:02:00 PM

A little birdie told me you're soft if you have ten years on and work in 007.

He also told me that your soft for worrying about getting bumped off your cherished car in the black hole known as the 007th district.

Some TIps For a Conflicted Ranger

Show up to work, write paper/don't try and get out of it, and make it to your jobs and clear in a timely manner.
If the only time a Sgt has to see you is roll call, check off, and when they log you you're doing something right. Unless of course they have to scour the earth to find you. Most white shirts will appreciate you, because you're not a pain in the ass. You'll get a couple dumb fucks who might be pissed you're not bringing in activity, most likely a merit guy, but that's a different story.

If the LT is mad and you give a fuck maybe it's time to drop a PAR form. I know its gonna hurt not being able to call yourself a Ranger and leaving the grateful citizens on Englewood behind, but you will survive.

4/04/2016 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

......No your rights and stick together.????????????

4/05/2016 08:26:00 AM  

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