Monday, July 04, 2016


The "stop-gap" budget passed had some odd stuff in it.
  • SCC, thought you'd like to know, CeaseFire got funded in the budget.
That's nice - perhaps someone can send us the line item that funded them? In the meantime, we got this e-mail:
  • SCC,
    I need to help to get the word out about the Illinois General Assembly and Governor Raunor's  [idea] to save Illinois taxpayer money. My wife is a disabled police officer from an on duty fight with an asshat in 2004. She was awarded the 75% compensation and all of the benefits afforded to disabled officers until now. My son is a Sophomore at UIC and was awarded the Disabled Police Officers Grant for dependents. He used the grant without issue in 2015 at Western Illinois University, but as of spring semester transferred to UIC. We applied and he was awarded the grant again for the Spring semester. Earlier in June, I received a letter from UIC that we were delinquent on his account by $7748.39. I thought this was an oversight and showed up with a copy of his award letter at the Financial Aid office at UIC. I was informed that the Illinois General Assembly has not funded the Disabled Officer Grant, and that UIC has a "roster" of eligible grant recipients and my son's name is not on it. He went on to explain that their office has received advanced word that this Grant will not be funded this year and my son is responsible for the balance on his account. I placed a call to my Illinois State Representative, Kelly Burke, today, but have not received a response as of yet. The General Assembly is currently meeting and it seems that the politicos have decided this Grant is not worthy. This is another attack on the heroes that defend this city from ruin. I have contacted the FOP with all of the documentation that I have....
So a disabled copper's family is saddled with nearly $8,000 until Springfield can get their act together.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's not what you want to hear, but "I thought this was an oversight and showed up with a copy of his award letter at the Financial Aid office?" As an adult, why isn't your son doing this?

7/04/2016 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what it takes to break Madigan's.strangle hold on this state. There's a lot of good people feeling the pinch who don't have the benefit of getting paid for injuries sustained while working (a system put in place to take care of those who were injured so seriously they wouldn't be able to work any job, not just police work). When granted the 75% disability, the person brings home more money than a full duty copper like myself and my son won't be getting use of any special grants. You'll get no sympathy from me.

7/04/2016 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will they wake up to the fact that the state is BROKE. There is no extra money. It is time for people to root hog or die. Instead of depending on grant money for collage, go out and get a part time job to pay for collage.

7/04/2016 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are u guys still in this state and going to UIC. Nothing is guaranteed anymore. Junior better like push ups, sit ups and digital camo to pay his own way. As for the rest of us, we're working our asses off to give our kids a good education VRI etc. but having them pay their own way as plan B is always on the table. Nothing is ever free under the mess democrats made not just Rauner. Surely your call will be responded to in the order it was recieved.

7/04/2016 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't expect the FOP to help you with anything. They don't give a rats ass about anyone but themselves.

7/04/2016 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the freeloaders got theirs. Democrats, killing us a day at a time.

7/04/2016 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good people can't get what is due them, but Ceasefire and its thugs have no problem. Go to show how fucked up this state is and its politics in general.

7/04/2016 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Phil the Thrill said...

Sorry to hear about uic fucking up your sons finances- but, as a UW Madison grad, I can say this : uic is no place to send your kids to school- 25% of the teachers don't speak english and an act score in the teens puts you in the upper echelons of your class. Go anywhere else- anywhere else- and as I tell people all the time : I don't give a fuck what u think and I don't give a fuck who you know

7/04/2016 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Radio 780 was reporting the CeaseFire angle all day today.

More bribe money being trad around the ghetto

Sorry about the officer's son,,,,,maybe the CPMF or FOP can help out. Phil? Dean?

7/04/2016 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm skeptical when I hear the term "disabled police officer" Im sure there are a few real cases but as many of us know the large majority are huge fakers. Isn't our FOP president a "disabled police officer?" Maybe this is a real case but unfortunately the fakers cast doubt on the real ones. I'm sure I'm not alone on this.

7/04/2016 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will not fund a Grant for a young man who's mother was injured by some animal, but these politicos can fund the ceasefire group, that does nothing but steal the money. Unreal.

7/04/2016 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh well join the club suck it up .

7/04/2016 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be Fop election time with all these shots at the Fop! LMAO... nothing ever changes.

7/04/2016 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lappe, quit spitting your 5th floor bullshit on the blog. You have screwed over more cops then any of the previous superintendents. "Skeptical " my ass, you're just a straight up jagoff.

7/04/2016 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the fine print with this budget? After the election cycle they were planning to tax pensions! Except theirs, I'm sure!

7/04/2016 06:33:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

He should have stayed at Western.

7/04/2016 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So maybe you need to get a second job !!! Stop complaining you not disabled. I feel no pitty for you and you should be a shame go to work buddy .i am paying for my son education with no excuses .everyone uses family as an excuse son , baby , and anyone else they can .

7/04/2016 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the injury, but the wife us still getting an income of 75% tax free. Also, if the husband is working, they will probably consider that income. As a single parent, with no additional income from the other parent, I had to pay full boat for college expenses other than the partial academic scholarships my child was awarded for her hard work.

7/04/2016 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the LIB's, period!

7/04/2016 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we have such a void in our Nation's leadership, the collateral damage is the decline in true leadership across the spectrum at State, Regional, District, County, City, Village and Township levels. When you have a POTUS who regularly and openly disparages and attacks Law Enforcement Officers, you have his party marching in lock step, for the most part, to continue their attack on LEO's. Whether it is cutting their budgets or promised benefits, the assault continues. Time for REAL CHANGE in this nation before it is too late.

7/04/2016 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what did u expect?

7/04/2016 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see your eife takes home $5000 a month tax free including free medical insurance from the city. I've got 16 years on and she's talking home more than me. You've already benefitted from the scholarship. Be thankful for what you have. Many people would gladly trade places with you these days.

7/04/2016 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the people on disability are in fact not disabled. They simply claim disability so the can take home 75% tax free pay until they hit 63. A complete drain on the pension fund. These are people with bad backs, bad knees (Dean Angelo ), and nerve damage. Complete scammers taking advantage of the system but more importantly of other policemen. Should Dean Angelos kid be getting a scholarship for college? Id vote no. But Jim Mullens family should receive every benefit afforded to disabled policemen. That sums up my opinion.

7/04/2016 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's collecting 75,000 yearly what is your contribution to the dire financial situation your son is in? Time to step up and have that delicate little mind get a part job to help pay his way. Or you get off the computer and find one if you don't have one yet and if by some chance you are the Police you sir should be ashamed of yourself!

7/04/2016 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep it's true, on page 770:

Section 10. The amount of $4,479,400, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Commitment to
Human Services Fund to Illinois Criminal Justice Information
Authority for grants and administrative expenses related to
Operation CeaseFire.

7/04/2016 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two officers salaries coming in. You are fortunate and should look at things that way. Sorry about the injury to the spouse. Hopefully she will recover and come back to work. 75% tax free is pretty good. The state is broke.

7/04/2016 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like entitlement to me............

nobody is paying my kids tuition either.

if the fucking state and city would cut all this bullshit, we wouldn't be in this financial mess.

sorry, I'm not so saddened, my job just pays me, and i have to pay taxes, tuition, mortgage , utilities, car note.

no freebies

7/04/2016 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

75% is also tax free,why dont you as a father get a job and pay yourself,i do!! Tax payers are stuck with enough bills....Sorry for her injury,but what where you going to do if she didnt get hurt..

7/04/2016 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah because nobody scams disability.

7/04/2016 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:29 AM - Um, collage? How far in "collage" did you get working part time? I'm assuming not very.

7/04/2016 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, just... wow. The state is screwing around with disabled police officers and some of you want to jump in and attack the officer with your skepticism and bitterness because she is using a program designed to specifically help her and other disabled officers. What the fuck is wrong with you? The majority of you are probably the first to cry about brotherhood and whip out your star if you get pulled over or want some special treatment from your fellow officers whenever possible but you cant even give an injured p.o. the benefit of the doubt. You are seriously bitter about a program that helps disabled officers? Well hopefully, all you skeptics and bitter p.o.S. will be lucky enough to get injured to where you cant perform the job anymore and you too can enjoy the wonders of disability and apply for the same grant. Of course that probably means that every day of your life will be somewhat impeded by that very injury, but hey, you can try to get some of that sweet grant money that might not even be available anymore or you can kick back and enjoy your "raise". Shame on every single one of you for attacking her.

7/04/2016 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outside of the students name not being included in said grant, many other financial aid grants are effected as well

7/04/2016 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about uic fucking up your sons finances- but, as a UW Madison grad, I can say this : uic is no place to send your kids to school- 25% of the teachers don't speak english and an act score in the teens puts you in the upper echelons of your class. Go anywhere else- anywhere else- and as I tell people all the time : I don't give a fuck what u think and I don't give a fuck who you know

7/04/2016 01:35:00 AM

You have no idea why the kid is at UIC and you're not his parent. You don't get a vote.

7/04/2016 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never forget that the Dems are in control and can release funds whenever they wish. They're holding out to make Rauner look bad.

7/04/2016 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read all the above statement/complaints & suspicions. Taking the point of view everything in the article as factual, I see it as just another jab at police officers.
The previous article, dropping felony charges against an asshole that beat an officer unconscious, followed by this article of a loss of benefits to disabled police officers, well, it doesn't matter If they're democrat or republican, they should all be ashamed of themselves.
But I suppose it won't be until the uncivilized criminal element marches through Chicago's streets, raping, robbing and murdering, will the politicians realize they backed the wrong horse.
Of course they won't care too much as they will have cleaned out their bank accounts and moved on, leaving the people of Chicago to their own defense and resources.
What will be the next thing police Officers lose so some politician can fatten his bank account?
Think about it Officers & be safe!


7/04/2016 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The free tuition is a huge benefit, especially if the kid can get into a top tier school like Urbana. UIC has a good business school. I am not surprised this benefit is being targeted in Springfield. There has to be accountability, and the "cheaters" cast a shadow over everything that is good. Had a "questionable" hire hurt her wrist in the academy during "welcome to the gym", draw disability, never work again. That was the first time I realized people could game the system. It is very difficult for a cop yo send a kid or especially multiple kids, yo a decent college today. My lieutenant told his kid Northern Illinois was his "ceiling" for any tuition payments.

7/04/2016 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UW Madison Grad

Don't be so proud. I heard about a kid who was the Bucky Mascot. He was drunk during a game at Camp Randle and vomited into his mask. That is Wisconsin tax money at work.

7/04/2016 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaaand ...why does this surprise anyone !!!

7/04/2016 10:18:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

A quick Google Search returned this: .......

Grant Program for Dependents of Police or Fire Officers

Program Description: .....
If you are the spouse or child of an Illinois police or fire officer who was killed or became at least 90 percent disabled in the line of duty, you may be eligible for the Grant Program for Dependents of Police or Fire Officers.
Processing Updates
For the 2016-17 Academic Year (last updated on June 28, 2016): ....
Please note that the state budget that funds the Grant Program for Dependents of Police and Fire Officers has not yet been finalized by the Illinois General Assembly and governor. As a result, it is not known how much funding this program will receive.

--- 1) No offense intended at all, but 75% Disability doesn't seem to be a qualifying amount, 90% is clearly stated.
--- 2) This latest update doesn't say anything about all funding being cut off.
(Not that I trust a government website as 'gospel'.)

Good luck getting it resolved.

7/04/2016 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ot... disabled but has a full time job on top of it... that is the problem with dialed. If u r truly disabled then u don't work. You pull from the pension early and work. Bullshit

7/04/2016 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
When will they wake up to the fact that the state is BROKE. There is no extra money. It is time for people to root hog or die. Instead of depending on grant money for collage, go out and get a part time job to pay for collage.

7/04/2016 12:29:00 AM

LOL. I'm going to guess you didn't go to "collage"

7/04/2016 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" a roster of eligible grant recipients". I wonder what the color, socio economic status and political clout of that list includes.

Too bad, Savini and Lisa Parker are in bed with Madigan, Rahm and Cullerton to publicize this special list of the chosen

7/04/2016 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12 15am,,,,,college offices listen to parents more than the kids.

PS-you're a jag off

7/04/2016 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear an officer is disabled, but a 75% disability pay is a pretty good yearly salary, so why should the taxpayers also be on the hook to give her son a free ride to college? If her son can't receive enough grants or scholarships for college, then join the military or apply for loans for school like everyone else does. This "free, free, free," mentality is bankrupting this country. Sorry I just don't have much sympathy in this case. And I agree with an earlier comment about "disabled police officer" because their are a lot of fakers out there scamming the pension fund because they don't want to work.

7/04/2016 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UIC always been a socialists breeding ground.
Send him back to Western or call them, you made have been duped by the PD hater in the admin office.
What might be better is that he should emancipate himself from the parents and apply for tuition as a jobless, homeless freeloader like 80% of the student body. Foreigners do it all the time.
There's simply is no respect for Police, especially at UIC.
(Home of the 2016 Anti-Trump Riot and the Stand Down 012 Order)

7/04/2016 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Joe Faulkner was working for cease fire for the past 10 years and running the vice lord drug business with cease fire providing the perfect cover for him to meet with fellow gang members to discuss gang business. These democrats are the dumbest people alive but we keep electing them so whose the dummies.

7/04/2016 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/04/2016 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me, you don't have to work you get 75% for whatever you say it is you can't work. And you want everyone to pay your kids school. You always want more I bet you could have went to light duty but just don't want to work again.
Im sure there are officers that know the whole story about you and this injury and we would all like to hear about it.

7/04/2016 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state if full of hard luck stories thanks to the ass-hat Madigan. Plus, the last estimate I heard was that 20% to 30% of money spent by the state goes for payoffs, corruption and cheating.

But the bottom line is, the state has been spending and handing out money it doesn't have. If it had been operating within its means, most likely a lot of the freebies that people have come to believe they're entitled to would never have existed.

Cutting back to an affordable budget is unfortunate for you; better for the state.

7/04/2016 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, when I attended UIC my mother nor father never did step a foot on campus to fight for my rights for a public education; I myself went into any office on campus to address any issue that arose while I attended UIC!

that's why I'm the working and real police since August 1990 and still pushing a beat car!


AND WORKED PART-TIME JOBS TO GET ME THRU this college era years at UIC!

7/04/2016 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would Rauner allow money to be wasted on Cease Fire when these clowns are proven to still be thugs - starting with Tio Hardiman!

Retired .38 spl +P

7/04/2016 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I graduated from UIC in May, 1993. I did not pay any tuition. Why???? I received the
Illinois Veteran's Grant after spending 4 years on active duty with the U.S. Navy. Your soon should think about things.

7/04/2016 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil the Thrill said...
Sorry to hear about uic fucking up your sons finances- but, as a UW Madison grad, I can say this : uic is no place to send your kids to school- 25% of the teachers don't speak english and an act score in the teens puts you in the upper echelons of your class. Go anywhere else- anywhere else- and as I tell people all the time : I don't give a fuck what u think and I don't give a fuck who you know

7/04/2016 01:35:00 AM

Your last line pretty much sums up your credibility as knowing what you're talking about. UW-Madison must surely be proud. "The teens puts you in the upper echelons of your class"...well at least you don't care what people think of you because I imagine it's not very complimentary. I say this as a graduate of NIU.

7/04/2016 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the officer's son,,,,,maybe the CPMF or FOP can help out. Phil? Dean?

FOP? This is not a police matter. CPMF? This is only for officers who are critically ill. Tell your kid to get a job like I told mine. We aren't rich and it'll make you a better man knowing you helped pay for your own education. I bet your wife still does his laundry too.

7/04/2016 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's only going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. Think Detroit.

7/04/2016 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the ones that worked their way through college, good for you.

But times and economic conditions have changed much since then. Decent paying part time jobs were readily available and tuition was reasonable. A full year tuition at Circle was $1000. Not $14K,

And you want to study Electrical engineering a single textbook can be over $300.

7/04/2016 05:31:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

To Mr. Skeptical cop. Hey! I'm on disability right now. I have more respect of the person of hit my squad car after 60 mph resulting on two spinal fusions. at least he apologized to me at court. I hope you never go disability because your life is different. Just imagine waking up every day in pain. Also, you don't make more money than working full duty. Until then; go fuck yourself. Your a real man. Right.

7/04/2016 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all those that worked and mostly paid their own way through college with part time and summer jobs, great.

But economic conditions are different and times have changed.

Years ago part time jobs were readily available. Tuition wasn't $14k a year. apartment rents are higher. Wages are not.

Colleges with their bloated staffs are pricing themselves out of the market.

7/04/2016 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Wow, just... wow. The state is screwing around with disabled police officers and some of you want.......

Grow the fuck up and learn some reading comprehension. The point people are making is she is bringing home more than they are and is whining about a government program being shutdown that they, who make less, don't have access to. Take your entitled, offended, "I'm a special snowflake and everyone deserves to be heard", childish bullshit somewhere else. Or don't. I've stopped caring.

7/04/2016 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't blame Rauner u morons. This is ALL MADIGAN

7/04/2016 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Radio 780 was reporting the CeaseFire angle all day today.

More bribe money being trad around the ghetto

Sorry about the officer's son,,,,,maybe the CPMF or FOP can help out. Phil? Dean?

7/04/2016 02:08:00 AM

The Democrats are scared. Hillary is a LOUSY candidate, and they need all the GOTV
bribe money they can find. The hood just ain't gonna turn out like they did for their man, Barack.
They wanna get PAID! Paid to vote for the screeching harpy.

Her only hope is a VP like Corey Booker. If he doesn't get indicted too?

If Silly Old Trump gets 25% of the Urban vote, it is all over, it will be a landslide for The Donald.

7/04/2016 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sorry about the injury, but the wife us still getting an income of 75% tax free. Also, if the husband is working, they will probably consider that income. As a single parent, with no additional income from the other parent, I had to pay full boat for college expenses other than the partial academic scholarships my child was awarded for her hard work.

7/04/2016 06:52:00 AM

Boo whoo, single parent, you should have made a better choice in breeding partners, drag the other parent through court...etc.

See how shit can be twisted! Everyone is missing the point, the dems have taken another benifit from first responders.

7/04/2016 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you and your son depending on other taxpayers to foot the bills for his education? My son is in his 3rd year at Columbia and I haven't asked the taxpayers for a dime. Maybe your son should get a job, like my son.

7/04/2016 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/04/2016 10:18:00 AM

Blogger Cuthbert J. Twillie said...

A quick Google Search returned this: .......

Grant Program for Dependents of Police or Fire Officers

Program Description: .....
If you are the spouse or child of an Illinois police or fire officer who was killed or became at least 90 percent disabled in the line of duty, you may be eligible for the Grant Program for Dependents of Police or Fire Officers.
Processing Updates
For the 2016-17 Academic Year (last updated on June 28, 2016): ....
Please note that the state budget that funds the Grant Program for Dependents of Police and Fire Officers has not yet been finalized by the Illinois General Assembly and governor. As a result, it is not known how much funding this program will receive.

--- 1) No offense intended at all, but 75% Disability doesn't seem to be a qualifying amount, 90% is clearly stated.
--- 2) This latest update doesn't say anything about all funding being cut off.
(Not that I trust a government website as 'gospel'.)

Good luck getting it resolved.

7/04/2016 10:18:00 AM

Um, Cuthbert, 75% disability is 75% of your PAYCHECK; it doesn't refer to how disabled you are or aren't.

90% is how physically or mentally DISABLED you are.

7/04/2016 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's not what you want to hear, but "I thought this was an oversight and showed up with a copy of his award letter at the Financial Aid office?" As an adult, why isn't your son doing this?

7/04/2016 12:15:00 AM

Helicopter parenting at its finest.
I went to UIC and NEVER did one of my parents set foot on the campus.
If you're old enough to attend college, you're old enough to carry a piece of paper into the tuition offices and hand it to someone there.

7/04/2016 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for your troubles, but I'd gladly trade your $8,000 tuition bill for the $33,000 I have to cough up for Loyola's tuition next year. Spare me! I know lot's of coppers who should be on duty related disability but continue to work because disability won't cover their expenses. Yes they work special every month and it's not to pay for a fancy ride or a summer home out of state.

7/05/2016 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I graduated from UIC in May, 1993. I did not pay any tuition. Why???? I received the
Illinois Veteran's Grant after spending 4 years on active duty with the U.S. Navy. Your soon should think about things.

7/04/2016 02:14:00 PM

Excellent point. I don't have much sympathy here...

7/05/2016 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A disabled benefit is tax free also.

7/05/2016 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we hear 75% disability, tax free, free insurance and now free tuition, not too many are sympathetic.

7/05/2016 04:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then don't send junior to college to fuck around.Tell him to get a job and a life.

7/05/2016 07:01:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

To 7/04/2016 10:02:00 PM

I posted that as information only. It's why I provided a HOT LINK TO THE STATE PAGE. For folks, or people, like you to read for yourself. And fyi, I was merely pointing out the 90% listed is different from 75% the PO stated and it appeared to be a discrepancy. For what's its worth nowhere did I see a Pay Percentage vs Disability Percentage.

Have a nice day.

7/05/2016 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen all LEO'S we stick together and Police our own. 9:11 is right. There by the grace of God go I.
Every day we put that uniform, star n gun on could be our last so lets not eat our own. All we truly have is each other. Watch your brother Officers six and stick together. Do not judge!

Road Troop

7/05/2016 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote this post and these comments make me embarrassed to be a police officer. The point of this post was to highlight the point that we, police officers, have lost another benefit. Many of the comments seem to think that I was looking for sympathy or financial support. Others seem to question the validity of officers' disability claims and worthiness. That is an argument for another post. I offered my case as an example. God forbid any of your negative pricks find yourself on the receiving end of a catastrophic injury in the line of duty, but until this year, this Grant was available. My wife is permanently, 100% disabled from the injury and our lives were changed forever because of it. This grant offered security and a benefit for her sacrifice.

7/05/2016 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is this any worse than everyone else who is getting the shaft due to the budget mess?

7/05/2016 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the ones that worked their way through college, good for you.

But times and economic conditions have changed much since then. Decent paying part time jobs were readily available and tuition was reasonable. A full year tuition at Circle was $1000. Not $14K,

And you want to study Electrical engineering a single textbook can be over $300.

7/04/2016 05:31:00 PM

Sounds like the tuition while I was attending there (back in the Dark Ages).
But I got a job and it paid $2.22 an hour. So, if you factor inflation in, the tuition, in comparison to the income, is nearly equal. My psych book was fifty bucks in 1973. You can't compare tuition then to tuition now and not compare income levels.

Maybe the kid needs to take a year off. I did. It didn't kill me.

7/05/2016 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 7/04/2016 10:02:00 PM

I posted that as information only. It's why I provided a HOT LINK TO THE STATE PAGE. For folks, or people, like you to read for yourself. And fyi, I was merely pointing out the 90% listed is different from 75% the PO stated and it appeared to be a discrepancy. For what's its worth nowhere did I see a Pay Percentage vs Disability Percentage.

Have a nice day.

7/05/2016 08:05:00 AM

I'm having a great day, thanks.
You still don't get it, though. It isn't a discrepancy; it's a totally different concept and definition.

You're equating how disabled a person is (totally 100%, partially 83%, half-disabled 50%, sort of disabled 17%) with the check they receive.

If a cpd officer is deemed 'duty-disabled', they get 75% of their salary, tax-free. They get 75% no matter how disabled they are (some can't walk, but can still find other employment, while some are in a coma forever). Regardless, they still get a duty-disability check for 75% of their salary.

And I'm not Folks, or People. I'm blue.

7/05/2016 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm skeptical when I hear the term "disabled police officer" Im sure there are a few real cases but as many of us know the large majority are huge fakers. Isn't our FOP president a "disabled police officer?" Maybe this is a real case but unfortunately the fakers cast doubt on the real ones. I'm sure I'm not alone on this.

7/04/2016 02:17:00 AM

Disabled hand Sheahan head of security Chicago Board of Trade.

7/05/2016 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Then don't send junior to college to fuck around.Tell him to get a job and a life.

7/05/2016 07:01:00 AM

A job where?? Everyone I know landed their job through payoff, family or political connections have fun applying for jobs online.

7/05/2016 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A job where?? Everyone I know landed their job through payoff, family or political connections have fun applying for jobs online."

That's an interesting perspective. My husband knew no one either on the CFD or in politics, but applied, passed the tests and waited--years--until he was hired. My young adult kids, and I, are all employed by following this strategy: get the right training/education, apply, follow through, and be presentable at the interview.

I know a lot of people who whine and whine and whine about not having "good" jobs, "I don't know anyone" etc. Not true. If you work hard and are willing to be patient, THERE ARE GOOD JOBS out there. Saying you need to know someone is just an excuse to not try.

And to all the cops reading this, THANK YOU for your dedication!

7/08/2016 07:39:00 PM  

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