Saturday, September 10, 2016

Evanston Nonsense

We heard this story today on NewsRadio, and it struck us that this Evanston aldercreature exemplifies everything currently wrong with the country:
  • An Evanston alderman wants the city to re-think its enforcement of an ordinance that requires lights on bicycles at night.

    It’s not that 9th Ward Ald. Brian Miller is against the ordinance that mandates lights on bikes, he says. It’s the way it is enforced. He says it’s one thing to stop a bicyclist and issue them a warning.

    But last summer, he says, when a juvenile was stopped for not having a light, he got upset and police charged the teen with resisting arrest.

    “To me, if a kid doesn’t have a bike light and they end up charged with resisting arrest, that’s ridiculous,” Miller says. “We shouldn’t be having that much of an adverse impact on a kid’s life because they didn’t have a bike light.”

    Ald. Miller says he wants to start a discussion and come up with a policy directive from the Evanston city council on how the bike light ordinance is enforced.
First up, the Evanston City Council obviously thought the issue was important enough to pass an ordinance, correct? They held a hearing, solicited community input, established the law and attached a penalty to those who broke the law. And the police took the word of the elected representatives of the people and enforced the law as written, correct? No allegations of misconduct on the part of the police that we read.

And some juvenile law breaker "got upset." No description of how he was "upset," but now he's got an aldercreature looking into how the law is applied.

We're thinking the aldercreature should be looking into how the juvenile behaved during the entire encounter rather than how a law that was proposed by the community, passed by the Council, signed off on by the village executive and presented to the police department for enforcement.

The "adverse impact" isn't the fault of the process - it's the juvenile failing to follow the laws of society. And it sounds very very familiar.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The glen view kid with the weed involving the narcotics coppers a few years ago looking to win the ghetto lottery just got charged with a hit and run where he killed a woman and fled the scene in the northern burbs.... Kills a lady dui and gets a soft 200,000 bond, has to come up with 20k. And he's a convicted felon. Trash.

9/10/2016 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep rewarding bad behavior. No consequences for your actions. It's the new way.

9/10/2016 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A law without consequences is merely a suggestion. Kind of like a UUW arrest in Cook County, eh?

9/10/2016 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame the police. Blame the law. Blame the politicians. But don't blame the person/offender. Victimhood is only good when it serves a purpose, i.e. social justice/social engineering. In this case, the person is blameless. And when the ordinance is changed to reflect that up to a certain age persons are not required to have lights on the bikes or obey traffic laws, when that happens and some poor kid is then struck by a vehicle because the driver did not see the person due to no lights on the bike, then we blame the driver. And the family, the community, and the aldercreatures in Evanston cry out demanding answers to how this could have happened.

9/10/2016 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“To me, if a kid doesn’t have a bike light and they end up charged with resisting arrest, that’s ridiculous,” Miller says. “We shouldn’t be having that much of an adverse impact on a kid’s life because they didn’t have a bike light.”

It's the kid's call, isn't it? Be polite or get salty.

Want to get technical here -- is that even your bike?

9/10/2016 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we wonder why kds grow up to not follow the rule,of law. The little bastard should have had his ass whipped at home and brought back to,the station to apologize to the police for being an asshole to them. Unless of course you are Amish . Then you feel empowered to get away with being an asshole and treating people like an asshole. Up s down. Down is up. We need some kind of re-boot in this society.

9/10/2016 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, aldercreatures don't understand logic.

9/10/2016 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical liberal PC bullshit.

9/10/2016 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kid acted like a punk and got treated like a punk?

Cry me a river.

Let the punk go, and get hit by a car. That way you can traumatize the driver too.

9/10/2016 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like another jagoff "Amish" aldercreature, upset because an "Amish" thought he should be exempt from the law, like many of the "Amish" out there. Btw: No disrespect meant toward the real Amish, who make fine furniture and obey laws...

9/10/2016 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another member of the "Didndu Nuffin" Tribe?

These assholes need to stop having such giant chips on their shoulders. You're riding a bike, you're riding when a light is required, you don't have said light, so the Cops pulled you over to have a chat about you being a stupid dumbass Darwin candidate.

All you had to do was say "Yep Officer, you're right. I fucked up, I got caught out after dark - I should have had a light. Sorry, I'll get one." and dollars to Krispy Kremes - that'd be the end of it.

OR, you can stomp your feet, scream, yell, act the fool and get arrested. Whatever you want is up to you. But me? I'd go with option #1 - seems like it's 1000000000% less drama...

9/10/2016 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate, hate, hate those idiots riding their bikes in the dark without lights. Topping it off, they usually are wearing dark clothes, which make it impossible to see them, and they refuse to follow any traffic laws. In the street, up on the sidewalk, through the stop sign, blow the red light! Fuck it, Fuck the laws! They are young, stupid and think they are immortal!

And who will get blamed if they get hit? Who will be sued if they get hit? Who will relive again and again and again, the moment when you hit the dumbass that darted out of nowhere? The poor dumb middle class schmuck in a car.

God Forbid you are a middle class white, and the poor innocent bicyclist is a POC. Wrong neighborhood, and you are likely to get dragged out of your car and beat to death.

F! You! Mr. Miller.

9/10/2016 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone been to this force mitigation? If you thought you were fetal now just wait till you take this 2 day class WOW

9/10/2016 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slow start to the weekend! No dead and only two shot on a Friday afternoon? Could the thirst for blood and mayhem in Austin, Englewood, and Garfield Park finally be sated?

9/10/2016 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing as bike on a sidewalk, smoking on cta, littering, and all the other petty tricks I use to get probable cause to run someone's name and get warrants and other good stuff...throw the laws out makes my job that much easier

9/10/2016 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A liberal aldercreature got shit ass backwards as usual

9/10/2016 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

l'll bet this same Alderman thinks that St. Michael Brown was kilt for "walking in the middle of the street."

9/10/2016 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I'm sure he was a gangbanger. not a Northwestern student.

9/10/2016 03:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bike Lights Matter.

9/10/2016 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Copper should had kept driving... Forget about the shit head kid

9/10/2016 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Country has gone absolutely Crazy with so many Bullshit Laws , now even kids are being put in Jail for stupid Laws , Whats Next , Cant wait to get the hell out of this crazy ass country now , everything has gone to the Dogs

9/10/2016 04:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

625 ILCS 5/11-1507 requires bicycle headlights too. It appears the aldercreature hasn't thought this through, which is not surprising.

9/10/2016 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Duh, its sarcasm said...

Failing to follow the laws of careful there SSC,why that there is a racially charged and powerful statement ha ha ha

9/10/2016 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anuther Amish Child

Rules ?? We have no rules......

9/10/2016 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who gives a fuck? How about a posting regarding the city adding another 30% increase to the water bill. Spend more, tax more, the socialism never ends in Chicago.

9/10/2016 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out "Black lies matter" the latest article from Heather Macdonald Washington Examiner 9/3/2016...........further debunks the anti-police narrative. Should get a wider airing.

9/10/2016 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Evanston alderman also threw around the word "profiling" around during him plaint.

9/10/2016 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so if i am driving thru Evanston in the middle of the night and strike some curfew violator on an un lit bike, does my insurance still go up??

9/10/2016 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

145 Sgt's going in sept 26, followed by 25 lt's scheduled for 2 weeks later. We shall we if this holds up and city hall approves it. Still no scheduled release of the detectives test even though they have been in the departments hands for about 4 weeks now.

9/10/2016 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the alderman. too many laws too many penalties using the police to collect money. Big Brother in these laws . The nanny state. :

9/10/2016 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone remember Eric Garner? Don't fight the police!

9/10/2016 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:08 am.....Nice try at the Race Baiting Game buddy.....this goof Alderman Miller is white, not black....I mean "Amish" as some of you folks like to say. But thanks for playing.

9/10/2016 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from a troll: Another political leader who refuses to stand up for law and order. This behavior is what is sweeping this country from the White House to local government. What about this Ald. Miller? When EPD sees a driver blow a red light at Sheridan and Central they attempt a stop. The driver takes off and runs over a retired NW Medill professor crossing the street a few blocks down killing aforementioned professor. Your agrument is he paid a terrible price for the enforcement of a minor traffic ordinance and the police and the law is at fault. You sponser a bill to name Evanston City Hall the Professor Dr. U. R. Kooky Memorial building and suspend the enforcement of all traffic laws. Yes, as stupid as your thinking. Do you recognize it?

You should ammend the ordinance: If you ride in the dark with no headlight, then you have to spend a month of Saturday and Sundays wearing a shirt and pants with stripes, a big P on the front and back picking up trash along Dodge Ave. around E.T.H.S. making Evanston Beautiful. There needs to be more personal responsibility and less excuse making for behavior. It is a negligent parenting problem brewing for years and now we see it in the thinking and behavior of 20, 30 and 40 year olds who are fucking up our society. Evanston must be one hell of a place to live. I always feel better the minute I drive out of there. I like a little more discipline in my life thank you which is why I dislike politicians like Mrs. Clinton and Ald. Miller.

9/10/2016 07:33:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

When I was a juvenile and had encounters with the police (often), I never acted in a way that could get me arrested. The main reason was that there was nothing the police could do to me that could compare with the ass whipping my dad would give me when he found out.

That element has been removed from the ghetto equation.

9/10/2016 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen to the logic of the alderpimp, the sad part is this slug really believes it's the police fault. We are raising a nation of sub normal mutants. Just look at the 2 assholes running for president. ♠️

9/10/2016 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have a number of laws, too many? YES why doesn't the government cut back. It's not law enforcements responsibility to decide right and wrong. Like usual it's our fault the legislate and judiciary aren't held accountable.
Ask them how the ISR is working out. Make reasonable enforcement laws and you'll have reasonable enforcement

9/10/2016 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I could hear violins while reading this!


9/10/2016 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evanston has had a " No Bicycle" Ordiance on parts of Sheridan and Ridge Rd. Where these streets become very narrow. These ordinances have been around for years and the roads have plenty of signs posted. These were a direct result of several bicyclists being killed. I guess "dat be raycist" too. Evanston also has a dearth of BLM signs, too. These were passed out at local churches. If these revruns wanted to save lives, maybe they should have invested on the small, but bright, LED lamps. Evanston may have a nice lakefront and college campus, but they also have a West side, too. With the same type of riff raff. Another mini chiraq.

Retired .38 spl +P

9/10/2016 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if this Liberal Goofs Mother was knocked to the sidewalk by this thug and broke her hip he'd be screaming about lack of police. How about BACKING law enforcement for everyone.

9/10/2016 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People generally get upset with the police when they are caught breaking the law, should we then 'rethink' the law?

9/10/2016 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... mean resisting arrest is against the law? The problem is these idiots think it is their right.

He is a juvenile. It all starts at home with the parents teaching right from wrong. Apparently that wasn't done. Make the parents pay court costs. That may wake them up.

9/10/2016 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PRE - People's Republic of Evanston.

Where the moms all look like Harry Potter and drive Subarus.

9/10/2016 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this is just soooo typical for Evanston. The place is chock full of liberal crazies. Its a city where everybody gets a break except for conservative white people.

I moved out of there 20 years ago. Best decision I ever made.

9/10/2016 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A child raised right won't resist the police. Are you child race right would stop and comply with everything the officer asked him to do .
A child who asked correctly would probably get a warning and asked to go get a light or will be brought home to the parents and the parents will be informed of the issue to be resolved. When the alderman in the politicians create laws and rules they are going to need to stop blaming the police for being the bad guy for enforcing them

9/10/2016 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Pigpen said...

That's right, don' t want to upset our sensitive children. Wonder why they become A$$&#~%s when they grow up?

9/10/2016 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police have said they may let Muslim officers wear the Burka as they seek to boost diversity in the force.

Senior officers at West Midlands Police revealed they would discuss allowing the traditional Islamic dress to become part of Muslim female officers' uniform at a recent meeting.

Chief Constable, David Thompson, said he would look into employing officers who wear the burka as he looks to increase black and minority ethnic (BME) officers in the region to 30 per cent.

9/10/2016 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing that the leftist City Council of Evanston does surprises me.

If you want to explore some real bullshit, check out the Chicago Reader article by Alison Flowers bemoaning "the felony murder rule." It is an absolutely pathetic example of hatred for "racist" police officers framing poor accomplices for murder.

9/10/2016 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always found that mouthy juveniles who "smart off" to police have little respect for society or it's laws in later years. There is no better feeling than to serve a warrant for theft, battery, BFW or whatever on that now 18 year old on Christmas eve. If you arrest him while he is using Mom's car, make sure you inventory any property in the car before you tow it and mark it owner unknown.

9/10/2016 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it this kid again??

9/10/2016 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

betcha this juvenile doesn't have a father figure in his life, momma neglects and abuses her juvenile son to the extent that there is no parental responsibility!

The juvenile can be heard yelling out: " momma!" when an authority figure comes into contact with this misfit juvenile.....

9/10/2016 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - now that water and sewer fees are going to be used as funding sources for all of the hair-brained schemes in the city, how long before the sheltered suburbanites with Chicago water hookups get hammered too? If you're out in say, Tinley Park, you'll be paying the higher prices dictated by Chicago as well as whatever surcharges each suburb along the pipeline decides to tack on. Thought you were safe from the tentacles of Rahm and Madigan? Hahahahahaha. Complain to your representative "Bobby Rush"!!!

9/10/2016 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This Country has gone absolutely Crazy with so many Bullshit Laws , now even kids are being put in Jail for stupid Laws , Whats Next , Cant wait to get the hell out of this crazy ass country now , everything has gone to the Dogs

9/10/2016 04:15:00 AM


Now THIS exemplifies everything wrong with society these days. Resisting Arrest is NOT a stupid law. You of course, only focus on the lack of a headlight because it suits your agenda. What you are doing is minimizing the entire incident completely ignoring the actions of the resistor. It's society's fault this young lad got himself arrested. If only it weren't against the law to resist arrest. I bet that you would also say that someone got shot for running a stop sign when they were driving in a stolen car, possessing a firearm, fleeing the police, running, pulling a gun, firing a shot, and then the police shoot them. You are an idiot.

9/10/2016 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They catch the ones who pulled the two armed carjackings/robberies up there not long ago? Great getaway, one crashes into the back of the other and they all book.

They just funnin.

9/10/2016 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and you can do what- ever you want. This what is being taught in our schools and at home. The victim becomes the police officers doing their job. They are always wrong and the offenders always right. GOD BLESS AMERICA

9/10/2016 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some cops still do not get it. The winds have changed. The game has changed. So either adapt to the new reality or get fired and work for a moving company to support your family. Cities and politicians do not want the police to get confrontational with anyone. So be it. If you do not adapt you will be out a job and worse charged.

9/10/2016 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The no light on bike ordinance has led to numerous burglary and handgun arrests in Evanston. This is the same alderman who is on record saying he has a problem if the odor of cannabis leads to a UUW arrest.

I can't wait til he needs the PO leeces help.

9/10/2016 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember laws and ordinances were created by CIVILIZED representatives for a CIVILIZED society. All of which don't apply in this instance...

9/10/2016 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame the Police! Isn't it always their fault!

9/10/2016 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EVANSTON HAS GIVEN AWAY FREE BIKE LIGHTS and there's still a problem with the "underserved -- " who maybe just don't give a s__t about much of anything at all?

Oct. 1, 2015

"Judging by the number of cyclists lined up outside the Robert Crown Community Center on Thursday, the coming of shorter days won't dim their bike habits.

"Bike owners formed a line in the parking lot outside the community center, 1701 Main St., to take part in the city's "Pedal Bright" bike light giveaway and installation event.

"The city of Evanston sponsored the event. Volunteers handed out the small battery powered lights at both Robert Crown and the Weber Arch at Northwestern University, at Chicago Avenue and Sheridan Road.

"At the event, volunteers from a number of biking groups handed out free battery-powered bike lights and information about safe cycling habits.

"Under Illinois law, any bicycle in use at nighttime must be equipped with a front lamp capable of emitting a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet, and a red reflector on the rear visible from 100 to 600 feet.

"In addition, a lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used along with a red reflector.

"Police make periodic stops of cyclists riding without lights. A recent stop resulted in the arrest of a cyclist in north Evanston, said Commander Joe Dugan, the department spokesperson.

"Further checking showed the bike had been stolen out of a garage in north Evanston, resulting in the bike rider's arrest for burglary, he said.

"More frequently, police will issue a warning or citation to cyclists who are out of compliance..."

9/10/2016 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line is Democrats try to sympathize with and reward unlawful behavior just to appear as an ally when it comes election time. Problem is everyone knows how to police better than the police. Would you mr alderman, do open heart surgery on your mother? No, and the reason being you have no experience or training in medicine, correct. Would you let the city dictate to you the discipline guidelines you must follow in raising your own family? I think not. So do you reward your children when they disobey your orders or rules of the household or is everyone allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want. See where I'm going with this. The police are an Authority figure and their power was given to them by the state legislature. They are the ultimate authority on the street and when it is driven into the hearts and minds of the ghetto and they respect the authority that the police hold then the ghetto will be like Edison and Norwood Park.

9/10/2016 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Brown becam upset that he was told to get out of the street and on the sidewalk after he committed a strong armed robbery.

This Aldercreature would them have us "rethink" armed robbery charges, then? Yes, let's coddle the kids to the point where they can become not just the parent's problem, but societies.

'It takes a village' garbage again. How about you can't fix your children so the police have to. Be embarrassed that they do. That's a lost concept.

9/10/2016 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

This is all lining up real nice...

Foxx creates potential conflict by taking job at law firm that sues Cook County

"Democrat Kim Foxx has taken a consulting job at a personal injury law firm that often has sued Cook County, creating a potential conflict of interest if she is elected state's attorney in November.

"If Foxx prevails as expected in the heavily Democratic county, she would be in charge of an office that has defended and settled lawsuits filed against the county by Power Rogers & Smith, a firm whose lawyers have contributed $18,500 to her campaign fund.

"Foxx's campaign declined to make the candidate available for an interview. Campaign spokesman Robert Foley said the law firm hired Foxx in a "consulting capacity" and that she is not working on any cases involving city or county government.

"Foley did not say how much Foxx is being paid by the firm or when she started there. Nor did he answer whether Foxx working at the firm constitutes a conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety. And he did not say what steps Foxx would take if elected to make sure cases filed by Power Rogers & Smith are not treated differently by her office, given her employment at the firm.

"Foley asked for a list of questions and received them, but instead of answering, he emailed a statement.

"Kim is a career attorney who spent over a decade in the courtroom as a prosecutor. After resigning from her position in Cook County government, she began working as a consultant on a variety of legal issues — none of her work involves Cook County," the statement read.

"Power, Rogers & Smith has sued the county numerous times, and some of the cases the firm brought proved lucrative. For example, the county this year paid out $6 million to settle a suit with the family of a Dolton teenager who was run over and killed by a car being chased by sheriff's police.

"The firm's website lists other verdicts and settlements. Among them: a $3 million settlement in a 2000 medical malpractice suit against Cook County Hospital and a $3.1 million verdict in a medical negligence case the same year against Cook County.

"The attorney in the Dolton suit and the medical negligence case was Larry Rogers Jr., a partner at the law firm who also is paid $100,000 a year as an elected commissioner of the county Board of Review, which considers property tax appeal cases..."

9/10/2016 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) failure rahm look over here taking over streets tired of your lies:

9/10/2016 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we are supposed to believe a law that is ultimately for the SAFETY of both cyclists and motorists should be shitcanned because someone got called on breaking it although there's not any circumstances that seem to be available about why he was arrested for resisting? Complaining about a law is different than say him taking a swing at the officer, and there may have been reasons for an arrest. It's not like making stops doesn't turn up other stuff now and again. Then again with the state of proactive policing these days the aldercreature may have simply forgotten that's how things used to be done.

9/10/2016 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't the bike light, but the attitude of the bicyclist that led to resisting arrest.
Besides that having a light light on the front and back of a bike is the least one can do to make themselves visible to vehicular traffic on the dimly lit Evanston streets, a public safety effort was made to look like its the police who are evil.
By the way, which demographic conducts the most evil under the cloak of darkness?
There more to that narrow minded story and shouldn't have been given any press.
Juveniles are not respecting their parent, elders, teachers, community and most certainly not the police.

Evanston is a shithole anyway, who cares.

9/10/2016 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The aldercreature should start worrying about other things in Evanston besides bike lights that suburb is turning into a shithole just like chicago gee I wonder why

9/10/2016 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Clearly, aldercreatures don't understand logic.

9/10/2016 12:49:00 AM

It's a critical part of the job description.

9/10/2016 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could someone from the left please publish a list of crimes that they do not want enforced and there fore taken off the books? It is very confusing. esp when a ute commits a crime on a bike, and then another aldercreature is wondering why we are not stopping utes on bikes who are riding after dark with no headlights on...........

9/10/2016 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one of the big problems with youth!

They refuse to follow a simple law, that was passed by Politicians for their safety and then the police are the bad people for enforcing said law!

Then one wonders why the Police don't do shit anymore because we are NOT backed up by the Politicians, and then vilified by BLM terrorists [people or folks] and the ACLU, for enforcing these junk Ordinances and Laws!

So from my end, I see nothing but a 19-Boy!

Da Pelon

9/10/2016 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evanston IL had a long, long history of being a "dry" town, where a working man couldn't get a beer.

This reflects the fact that power in Evanston was and too a large extent still is dominated by women puritan, now SJW politically correct types trying to boss us all around and basically prevent anyone from having a good time.

Hillary - the Hildebeast is a direct descendent of these bitter, no fun puritan, Women's Temperance Types.

So a teen can't ride a bike at night. Doesn't seem like a great threat to civilization.

9/10/2016 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evanston is similar to living in one of the circles of hell. Liberalism will cause increased victimization. And that, is what they deserve.

9/10/2016 11:37:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

+++++ “To me, if a kid doesn’t have a bike light and they end up charged with resisting arrest, that’s ridiculous,” Miller says. ' +++++

Wow! I have to agree with Alder-Creature Miller. That's some strict law there in Evanston; Resisting arrest *just** for having no bicycle headlight at night.

Oh??...wait a sec??? That can't be correct, now can it? Nah...'something' has to be missing from this outstanding article by 'ace reporter', Steve Miller, of CBS Chicago.

Like say...oh...the 'youth' involved getting immediately confrontational, swearing at the cop, and some name calling for good measure. And getting physically aggressive with the copper. THAT!, makes more sense as I'm suuuuure that even in Evanston the police have better things to do than needlessly harass kids on bikes. Maybe Alder-Creature Miller could ponder that for a moment before having a conniption fit.

Or could it be that Miller doesn't have a Headlight on his Bicycle either and is afraid of being busted. (LOL, silly politicians)

9/10/2016 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Evanston has a higher % of nightstick scars on the heads of its residents, from '68, then anywhere around here. Its a place where people put "Nuclear Free Zone" signs on their front yards.

9/10/2016 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: This Gold Coast resident has noticed the lack of cops in his neighborhood, his Aldercreature did nothing, so he hires off-duty cops to guard the neighborhood - 8h day x 6 day week...

9/10/2016 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll at least the kid did not get so upset as to flee the police and jump off the 290 Harlem overpass bridge.

I was always raised to be nice to the cops, even if I did not agree with what they were correcting me on.

Its called respect.

9/10/2016 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People failing to follow the law of society. Very well said. That, in and of itself is the Lions share of the problem. The lack of accountability and personal responsibility fill in the rest.

9/10/2016 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might as well become a sovereign citizen. No laws for me... Just continue the free handouts!

9/10/2016 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So according to the Story...the Police reported that the honor student (who was not even identified by name or race in the story) failed to obey a police order to pull over and stop.

I don't see resisting arrest.

I see Failure to obey a lawful order, no lights on the bike, at the every most In my opinion (unless No ID on the bicyclist) Tickets and not a trip to the lockup.

9/10/2016 01:50:00 PM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

The Copper should had kept driving... Forget about the shit head kid

Plain clothes units in Evanston need numbers too

9/10/2016 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The glen view kid with the weed involving the narcotics coppers a few years ago looking to win the ghetto lottery just got charged with a hit and run where he killed a woman and fled the scene in the northern burbs.... Kills a lady dui and gets a soft 200,000 bond, has to come up with 20k. And he's a convicted felon. Trash
You see the police would have saved this life if the drug dealers rights were not so important.

Consequences for letting drug dealers go free in America.

9/10/2016 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is he wasting his talents in Evanston? Sounds like he'd make a perfect addition to the bank robbers, and other various shitbags on the Chicago city council

9/10/2016 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This Country has gone absolutely Crazy with so many Bullshit Laws , now even kids are being put in Jail for stupid Laws , Whats Next , Cant wait to get the hell out of this crazy ass country now , everything has gone to the Dogs

9/10/2016 04:15:00 AM

Do us all a favor and leave before you cast your vote fpr Hillary.

9/10/2016 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay fetal :)

9/10/2016 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous pension reform said...

Andy Shaw was on WBBM radio today saying 22 members of the municipal pension are getting over 100,000 in pension which is the reason for the water rates going up and the pension going broke. Hey Andy check the CPD pension we have well over 150 collecting over 100,000 and up to 150,000 in pension. No one is saying a word because they are all political hacks. Our pension is going broke too with these nutty pay outs and the taxpayer is PAYING.

9/10/2016 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having a light on your bike at night is a state law.

9/10/2016 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic........any truth to Commander Lott getting formally counseled by Chief Kirkpatrick and crying on everyone's shoulder in HQ trying to figure out why her Chief does not like her? Me thinks Lott is getting payback for all of the nasty things she has done and said about people in the past for no reason.........or perhaps Chief Kirkpatrick can see thru Lott and alreadys knows Lott is racist. Lott will go down in the history books for being the first gold star formally counseled..............HA

9/10/2016 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC have u heard anything about the post shooting interview form to be conducted by on scene sargeant and recorded on body camera. Order is supposedly due out next week. Labeled something to the effect of "public safety questionnaire".

9/10/2016 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Same thing as bike on a sidewalk, smoking on cta, littering, and all the other petty tricks I use to get probable cause to run someone's name and get warrants and other good stuff...throw the laws out makes my job that much easier"


"A child raised right won't resist the police. Are you child race right would stop and comply with everything the officer asked him to do .".

So how is arguing with a ticket "resisting"? Why is there even an arrest contemplated?

And who says you can cheat like that at to get Probable Cause? That is the attitude that makes me detest Police....and I know many fine officers. But they are tainted by such behavior. And I am law abiding and white and 50 years old. I used to respect Police in general...too many with the above quoted attitudes have destroyed that.

You folks need to get over your myopia and your "us vs them" attitude. Your groupthink is making you grow farther from the citizens you claim to serve.

Read about the Peel Principles. Learn from that. Or be hated and accept what you as a group are doing to yourselves.

9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you driven through Evanston lately and noticed all the signs on front lawns of the residents for "Black Lives Matter."
Obviously NOT fans of the police. So give them what they deserve, NO police service at all. Then wait for the savages to turn on them and make them believe in the need for policing and beg for service again.

9/10/2016 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe that is what happened to the old man watering his lawn - he told those bike riding kids that they needed bike lights. That upset them so much that they had to shoot him.

9/10/2016 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how is arguing with a ticket "resisting"? Why is there even an arrest contemplated?

And who says you can cheat like that at to get Probable Cause? That is the attitude that makes me detest Police....and I know many fine officers. But they are tainted by such behavior. And I am law abiding and white and 50 years old. I used to respect Police in general...too many with the above quoted attitudes have destroyed that.

You folks need to get over your myopia and your "us vs them" attitude. Your groupthink is making you grow farther from the citizens you claim to serve.

Read about the Peel Principles. Learn from that. Or be hated and accept what you as a group are doing to yourselves.

9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM

Nothing in this story said that he argued with the officer and that that was the basis for the "resisting". I speculate that he refused to identify himself or produce ID which would negate the possibility of writing a citation and probably mandates a physical arrest. Again, speculation on my part (but based on a considerable amount of police experience) when they attempted the physical arrest, he fought!

Stopping someone for a valid municipal code violation or violation of state law is not "cheating" on probable cause. Observing such behavior is EXACTLY probable cause. Now if you are a dope snorting moran who commits one of these violations and I stop you and find your dope... that's how the system works... again, NOT CHEATING!

I've read Peel's Principles and don't see your argument.

In closing, we dont make the laws. We enforce them. Your anger is misdirected. Dont like so much government intervention in your life? Try voting Republican.

9/10/2016 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
SCC have u heard anything about the post shooting interview form to be conducted by on scene sargeant and recorded on body camera. Order is supposedly due out next week. Labeled something to the effect of "public safety questionnaire".
9/10/2016 07:53:00 PM
get in a shooting, whether you're injured or not, go to the hospital

9/10/2016 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My father would have told the police lock him up! That is the problem today these kids have no respect! My father always told me if I got into trouble then tough don't expect me to get you out! He also told us to behave and respect others otherwise it would be the belt! A pissed off nurse!

9/10/2016 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Read about the Peel Principles. Learn from that. Or be hated and accept what you as a group are doing to yourselves.

9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM

The Peel Principle is all well and good, plus a fine point.

The problem is that you also need to apply the Peter Principle to the CPD rank and file as well as the White shirt brigade.

9/10/2016 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Same thing as bike on a sidewalk, smoking on cta, littering, and all the other petty tricks I use to get probable cause to run someone's name and get warrants and other good stuff...throw the laws out makes my job that much easier"


"A child raised right won't resist the police. Are you child race right would stop and comply with everything the officer asked him to do .".

So how is arguing with a ticket "resisting"? Why is there even an arrest contemplated?

And who says you can cheat like that at to get Probable Cause? That is the attitude that makes me detest Police....and I know many fine officers. But they are tainted by such behavior. And I am law abiding and white and 50 years old. I used to respect Police in general...too many with the above quoted attitudes have destroyed that.

You folks need to get over your myopia and your "us vs them" attitude. Your groupthink is making you grow farther from the citizens you claim to serve.

Read about the Peel Principles. Learn from that. Or be hated and accept what you as a group are doing to yourselves.

9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM

Hey thanks for clearing up the details of what this kid was doing. What are you the Great Karnak ? Idiot.

9/11/2016 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:10a.m. u got it so right I want to puke!!!

9/11/2016 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Copper should had kept driving." might sound harsh to non police readers but it is true. When the courts, politicians and police department are not behind us (and right now they clearly are NOT) we cannot function. we will become a lawless third world country. Don't believe me. Look at what is happening on the south and west sides of the city, And its spreading to the loop, Michigan Ave, and wrigleyville. soon to come to your neighborhood. This election is so important. For the nomination of Supreme Court Justices (possibly three, one for sure) that will shape the nation for decades and decades. If you think the country is headed in the wrong direction, get out and vote the current party OUT its time for a change.

9/11/2016 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You folks need to get over your myopia and your "us vs them" attitude. Your groupthink is making you grow farther from the citizens you claim to serve.

Read about the Peel Principles. Learn from that. Or be hated and accept what you as a group are doing to yourselves.

9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM


Evanston police are just doing the only thing leftist govt there is good at -- enforcing taxing and regulatory laws that you liberals pass by the raft load.

Read about the managerial state. Learn from that.

I'm a white person who has been ticketed and stopped in Evanston for the most minor infractions. The difference is that I didn't fight police on the scene.

9/11/2016 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bike Lights Matter.

9/10/2016 04:07:00 AM

You sir,are a genius!!!!

9/11/2016 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should stop requiring headlights on cars too

9/11/2016 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...the first gold star formally counseled...
Hopefully its the first step towards demotion----but why not just reassign/demote her now, start holding the leaders to not just equal standards but higher standard than the troops, instead of the current they can do no wrong, we will never admit they are poorly suited, and we will just make examples of blue shirts

9/11/2016 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Same thing as bike on a sidewalk, smoking on cta, littering, and all the other petty tricks I use to get probable cause to run someone's name and get warrants and other good stuff...throw the laws out makes my job that much easier"


"A child raised right won't resist the police. Are you child race right would stop and comply with everything the officer asked him to do .".

So how is arguing with a ticket "resisting"? Why is there even an arrest contemplated?

And who says you can cheat like that at to get Probable Cause? That is the attitude that makes me detest Police....and I know many fine officers. But they are tainted by such behavior. And I am law abiding and white and 50 years old. I used to respect Police in general...too many with the above quoted attitudes have destroyed that.

You folks need to get over your myopia and your "us vs them" attitude. Your groupthink is making you grow farther from the citizens you claim to serve.

Read about the Peel Principles. Learn from that. Or be hated and accept what you as a group are doing to yourselves.
9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM

You as a group of citizens are also enabling this type of behavior as well. By challenging lawful authority. You demonstrate perfectly the "us vs them" mentality that you purport to be so disgusted by. Try obeying the law and you won't have any problems. You can take your sanctimonious attitude and shove it. Police work is ugly and no one wants to see how the sausage is made. You sometimes have to resort to subterfuge to catch the bad guys. And though this subterfuge is not illegal, we have nothing left to use in our bag if tools because the lawful rules of society have crippled us and enabled the criminal. So take your lofty idealist attitude and stick it because it doesn't work in the real world. If I can stay within the guidelines of the law and the rules of the department, I will use every and any tool in my arsenal that I have left to catch the bad guy who has no such qualms about using every dirty trick they can because they know they can get away with it and we can't.

You're welcome....

9/11/2016 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can there be an arrest on a non-jailable OV? What likely happened is that the kid committed an assault or even touched the copper and that lead to a resisting charge. I will bet the copper gave the kid a break by not charging Agg Batt to Police...a real serious felony. The story is poorly reported and the Aldercreature picked up on the poor facts.

9/11/2016 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evanston has Northwestern Law School, look at all the crap that has come out of
that school, lying motherfucker's!

9/11/2016 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM

Your ignorance as to the law is showing. SCC explains how the laws are established and how they are to be enforced. Then you go on a rant about how the police enforce a law, then "cheat like that" to get probable cause. Well Mr. Asshat, were you on scene when this event occurred, do you KNOW for fact what the teen said or did to escalate this incident.
No, I don't think so! You just read what the Libune, Fibune or Tribune writes in their "newspaper". Then assumes what the aldercreature says is fact, "But last summer, he says (aldercreature), when a juvenile was stopped for not having a light, he got upset and police charged the teen with resisting arrest."
SCC has gone to great lengths to show you how the media "reports" news either by omission or "political correctness", or to suit their agenda.
Then they get this 50 year old, white liberal to write on this blog what about the "Peel Principles" and how this is how the police should be. Reread Principle 6 and see if this isn't the reason why the teen was arrested. Do you really think it was because he was "upset"? Or because the officer woke up that day and said, "Fuck it, I'm just going to make up some shit against someone just to arrest them!"

My "myopia" IS "us against them" attitude. Because without that thought process, you or someone you love, would have been robbed, raped, murdered, assaulted, battered, or stolen from WITHOUT us being there. Then you would be bitching about WHY the police weren't there. Peel's Principles are TWO WAY street, not one way. If you care to go over them one by one it would be easy.

If you are a "law abiding...white... 50 years old", your statement is mute. The person on the bike was NOT law abiding. Your democratic point of view and responses are showing.

9/11/2016 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The "adverse impact" isn't the fault of the process - it's the juvenile failing to follow the laws of society. And it sounds very very familiar."

It;s called Discretion Dildo, obviously your career was built on locking kids up for possession of Cigarettes. Real Lawman you are thanks for making a difference

9/11/2016 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Copper should had kept driving." might sound harsh to non police readers but it is true. When the courts, politicians and police department are not behind us (and right now they clearly are NOT) we cannot function. we will become a lawless third world country. Don't believe me. Look at what is happening on the south and west sides of the city, And its spreading to the loop, Michigan Ave, and wrigleyville. soon to come to your neighborhood. This election is so important. For the nomination of Supreme Court Justices (possibly three, one for sure) that will shape the nation for decades and decades. If you think the country is headed in the wrong direction, get out and vote the current party OUT its time for a change.

9/11/2016 07:26:00 AM

Agreed, sorry but this is what the elected, our gold star goofs and the scum citizens want. I make sure squad is fueled,washed, all r-man maintenance is done, 2 personals, lunch, in station for all notifications (Will never ever use my cell phone after seeing the railroading of vandyke case coppers). Another thing stop eating that shit food served by people that really don't like the police, better to bring your own from home, or go to buffet and pick out your own food, that way if something happened and you get sick you would know it was not intentionally aimed at you in the uniform!

9/11/2016 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/10/2016 10:08:00 AM

Look at the photo here, and you'll see who wanted to be safe, who turned up for the free lights and safety information (most already seemed to have helmets, etc.) and who didn't show up. Darwin seems to select both upwards and downwards. Why care about something that doesn't belong to you anyway? Ride it like crazy all over the street, cursing at drivers as they nose-dive and maybe get rear-ended trying to avoid you, leave it on its side in the doorway of a store for people to trip over while you're inside getting soda and red-hots, and then continue to smash it over curbs with no air in the tires until the rims pretzel. At that point you walk away. Didn't matter in the first place, and there will be another one for you tomorrow -- not that you'll ever figure out how to shift the gears.

Seen 'em standing up on the pedals, straining like anything to get up an incline, and when I see what gear they're in I just smile quietly to myself and keep right on'd just get motherf__ed anyway.

Happy trails!

9/11/2016 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually this Brian Miller has a good point, since the police are in-effect just proxies to enforce the laws that the City Council, State Legislature, and Congress approve those august bodies can just repeal every law that makes someone upset or uncomfortable. We could start with bike lights, move on to speed limits, and maybe even get to taxes. No laws to break - no criminals - and then you don't need the police.

9/11/2016 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bike Lights Matter.

9/10/2016 04:07:00 AM

You sir,are a genius!!!!

9/11/2016 08:52:00 AM

Bike. Lights. Matter.

9/11/2016 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Democratic Dumbfuck! said...

Alderman Asswipe is NON-Amish. Here's what the City of Evanston has to say about him:


Brian Miller was born and raised in Evanston. He attended Lincolnwood Elementary and Haven Middle Schools, and is a proud graduate of Evanston Township High School. Miller graduated from the Northwestern University School of Law and the George Washington University, and is an alumnus of Leadership Evanston and the New Leaders Council. He lives in Evanston with his wife, Anna, and his infant son, Carter.

Currently, Miller is chief of staff to Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin. He also serves as president of the Democratic Party of Evanston. Miller has legal experience serving as the executive director of a legal aid agency, practicing in a large law firm, and working for a federal judge, the Illinois Attorney General and with the City of Chicago Department of Law.

Before attending law school, Miller was a community organizer in Evansville, Indiana. He also has extensive volunteer experience with nonprofit organizations, including serving as co-chair of the McGaw YMCA Camp Echo Committee and on the Advisory Board of Chicago Votes.

'Nuff said! No need to be Amish to be Assholish!

9/12/2016 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why care about something that doesn't belong to you anyway?"

9/11/2016 04:44:00 PM

They treat $80,000 stolen cars as disposable. Bike ain't s__t.

9/12/2016 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Same thing as bike on a sidewalk, smoking on cta, littering, and all the other petty tricks I use to get probable cause to run someone's name and get warrants and other good stuff...throw the laws out makes my job that much easier"


"A child raised right won't resist the police. Are you child race right would stop and comply with everything the officer asked him to do .".

So how is arguing with a ticket "resisting"? Why is there even an arrest contemplated?

And who says you can cheat like that at to get Probable Cause? That is the attitude that makes me detest Police....and I know many fine officers. But they are tainted by such behavior. And I am law abiding and white and 50 years old. I used to respect Police in general...too many with the above quoted attitudes have destroyed that.

You folks need to get over your myopia and your "us vs them" attitude. Your groupthink is making you grow farther from the citizens you claim to serve.

Read about the Peel Principles. Learn from that. Or be hated and accept what you as a group are doing to yourselves.

9/10/2016 09:09:00 PM

You must be a liberal college professor over at Northwestern University. First of all, we enforce the laws that are on the books. That is our job. The citizens elect law makers and then the law makers/legislators make the law. If I see you riding a bicycle and you are over the age of 12, I can stop you. The law says that. If you do not like how the process is done then simply tell your legislators in Evanston that you do not want the police to patrol and they should all stay in the police station and just like firefighters, when a call comes out for service, they go out. How does that sound asshat idiot ass? Ya thought so. Now go take your liberal edumucation and shove it where the sun does not shine. Thankfully most Americans have common sense and do not think like you. As a matter of fact, most Americans have so much common sense that Trump will be in the White House.

9/12/2016 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is no better feeling than to serve a warrant for theft, battery, BFW or whatever on that now 18 year old on Christmas eve. If you arrest him while he is using Mom's car, make sure you inventory any property in the car before you tow it and mark it owner unknown."

No better feeling? With those thoughts, there is no way you can complete the job of enforcing the law impartially. You're a disgrace. We don't need you.

9/12/2016 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is no better feeling than to serve a warrant for theft, battery, BFW or whatever on that now 18 year old on Christmas eve. If you arrest him while he is using Mom's car, make sure you inventory any property in the car before you tow it and mark it owner unknown."

No better feeling? With those thoughts, there is no way you can complete the job of enforcing the law impartially. You're a disgrace. We don't need you.

9/12/2016 02:32:00 PM

You're both complete nerds who have most likely never done an ounce of police work in your life.

Picking up dude on battery warrant???? No better feeling!!!! ROLMAO(I'm actually going this)

Then some geek is offended that you're such a geek.

What a bunch of limp dicks.

9/12/2016 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is worth noting that Evanston's police work really hard to do outreach in the "community." The force is also disproportionately black, in relation to the demographics of the town. They do friendly outreach and really do make an effort to give youths a chance to comply instead of arresting them on the spot (ie. telling an underage youth to pour out an alcoholic beverage, giving them a chance to avoid arrest) and they put up with a lot of bs trying to create a teachable moment. They go above and beyond to do "community policing" that is friendly and nonthreatening. They patiently play the part of officer friendly in a liberal utopia. I don't know how that put up with all this silliness on a day to day basis, but you'd think people in the community might be more grateful. However, no amount of bending over backwards seems to please the cat ladies. The youths just want to break the law; is that such a crime?

9/17/2016 07:43:00 AM  

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