Thursday, September 08, 2016

Spending Non-Existent Money

A trait of politicians in general, but a specialty here in Chicago:
  • The Chicago Police Department needs at least 500 and as many as 1,000 additional officers — over and above attrition — to confront an alarming spike in homicides and shootings that has the city on pace to top 750 murders in 2016, influential aldermen said Wednesday.

    Five days after Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s City Council floor leader telegraphed the mayor’s intention to hire “hundreds” of additional officers, chairmen of the Black and Hispanic caucuses upped the ante.

    Ald. Roderick Sawyer (6th) demanded at least 500 additional officers, at a cost of roughly $50 million, and offered to support yet another property tax increase to pay for it.

    That’s on top of nearly $1.1 billion in tax increases to solve the pension crisis at the city and public schools with nothing tangible to show for it.
Well gee Rod, thanks for that additional "unexpected" tax increase.

And Burke has a bright idea - let Washington DC pay for something:
  • On Wednesday, Ald. Edward Burke (14th) urged the Chicago Police Department to make the QuickClot Combat Gauze that costs roughly $47 a roll and $120 for the entire First-Aid kit standard issue for all police officers.

    “Medical care has advanced tremendously. But there’s still that gap, which could be minutes between paramedics arriving and taking them to the hospital. This allows us to at least stop the bleeding and give somebody a better chance,” Cabral said.

    Asked where the money would come from at a time when Mayor Rahm Emanuel is scrounging for every dollar to hire hundreds of additional police officers, Burke talked about exploring how the state of New York is paying for a similar edict.

    “I’m hopeful that, perhaps through the Office of Emergency Management, there can be federal funds identified that may be used for this kind of emergency care. It would seem to make sense to me,” the alderman said.
Correct us if we're wrong, but the IRS collects money for the Federal government, right? So we're paying for it anyway, even if Burke pretends he doesn't know where the money actually comes from. And we're sure every other taxpayer in the United States is just overjoyed at paying an extra few pennies to stem the bloodshed in a town they wouldn't visit on a bet.

Don't get us wrong. It's probably some of the better training the Department has offered and we've seen coppers go out and buy their own kits (tax deductible?) for use on the street. But it's meant primarily as a life saver for wounded cops or their partners.



Anonymous 29 and a day said...

caant the City use the money it WAS paying the cops who retire to pay the new cops?

9/08/2016 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The federal debt is already 20 TRILLION.

Do you really think we are ever going to pay it off?

9/08/2016 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiring 500 new cops won't cost a penny. More than 500 will retire and the new ones get paid a lot less than the most senior police who are leaving.

If only we were talking about hiring, and adding 500 ADDITIONAL, over today's total, but let's be honest. That is NOT what's really being floated.

9/08/2016 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think i get it, cops are handcuffed from doing all police work (as not to upset the voters) which results in more persons shot, so the answer is to carry medical supplies (that i purchase) and provide medical care, solid plan.

9/08/2016 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Heartless Taxpayer said...

I don't like the idea of spending MORE money to keep the riff-raff alive.

Buying a pack for yourself or your partner, by ALL means - YES.

If they can buy bullets and guns, they can buy a Clot-Kit as well. Let the gangbangers buy their own.

Ohhhh.. too Heartless? Where is MY program to pay for my Parking when I have to go downtown?

9/08/2016 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, the only taxpayers left in the city are those that can't workers....

9/08/2016 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous An increae on the increase - stop bathing, drinking and cooking said...

It's already a done deal. Rahmmy just announced his plan to levy yet another increase on the water and sewer tax, this increase is on top of the increase he just increased. See, he's trying to force everyone onto the water meter plan by making the non-metered plan unaffordable. He has been continually increasing it proving my point. He's now increasing it several times a year. Proof in and of itself. See, this way, once he baits everyone onto the meter system, he can jack that rate through the sky and blame you, the user for the amount it costs you. He's a charlatan, but not a good one.

9/08/2016 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This allows us to at least stop the bleeding and give somebody a better chance to shoot another day.

9/08/2016 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Phil the Thrill said...

I bought the clotting kit with my own money but there is no way I would have used it on a pos. it was for me or my partner. As for administering first aid to offenders like I hear some coppers have, my view is the only medical training I ever got was a Boy Scout first aid merit badge back in the sixties/ I'm not paid to be a doctor and I have no doctor training. Therefore I do not perform doctor functions. I always called for an ambulance and never performed medical procedures I was not educated or trained or paid to do. Watching from wisconsin enjoying retirement.

9/08/2016 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke's request is not born out of compassion: they are only concerned about with bringing down the homicide numbers. .......

If we can't hire more police, let's train the police to provide first aid so that more lives can be saved, I mean, so the homicide numbers don't go up.....

With 3,000 shootings in the city this year, the only people the politicians should thank for keeping the homicide numbers down are the medical personnel who save more lives than the police do.....

Hmmmmm...... maybe there's something there---let's start blaming the medical profession for not saving more people's lives.... let's give them more training..... let's hire more paramedics with ALS training...... ???

9/08/2016 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have 1000 officers retire at topped out pay, how can you not afford to hire 1000 officers at starting pay? Must be that public school education, I can't add

9/08/2016 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The life you save may be back on the street and shooting at you in a month. Yeah, that makes real good sense.

9/08/2016 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we could get the feds to buy vests, and pass them out down in the hood. Think how many lives that would save. What difference does it make, democrats can vote dead or alive.

9/08/2016 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm to hire hundreds of officers as a thousand retire.

9/08/2016 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Medical care has advanced tremendously. But there’s still that gap, which could be minutes between paramedics arriving and taking them to the hospital. This allows us to at least stop the bleeding and give somebody a better chance,” Cabral said"

Quit shooting at the police and at everything else around you and maybe we could skip this great clinical exercise. - the ghetto Grand Rounds Of The Already Dead, the Waiting To Be Unplugged or the F__ed Up For Life.

There is no dignity remaining here, except for the odor of excreta, and the "beep-beep-beep" of assorted equipment.

Someone give it up. Then have a good heave for yourself, right across the front steps, and go home...and maybe, you beautiful people, just stay there.

9/08/2016 03:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the city gives it to us they will make us use it on everyone, not just police.

9/08/2016 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are demanding those medical kits for the shit heads, not us. Remember that when they make the training mandatory.

9/08/2016 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cop, mental health provider, social worker, psychologist, school teacher, substitute parent, you want me to be a paramedic? Bullshit. My kit is for me or my partner or another cop. If I wanted to be a paramedic I would join the CFD instead.

9/08/2016 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, tell the dip shit alderman Burke that quick clot and those kits are for us to use on ourselves or our partner, not to save gang bangers so they can live to sling more dope, rob more people and shoot more people. Politicians are so fucking stupid.

9/08/2016 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the mayhem in "Da Hood", necessitates increasing the taxes of the people whose Hoods remain stable. We are expected to produce more for the non-producers. Instead, let me suggest No Go Zones as exist as in Europe. Everyone who does NOT want to remain under the control of gangs can leave. You already are eligible for a voucher to move, consider an apartment in Highland Park or Wilmette. The City continues to provide basic services, and we let the animals, Peoples and Folks, Tribes; live in harmony. If we see anyone else driving into the zones, it will only be to purchase drugs or sex. Rahm will visit, if someone opens a French Restaurant in the neighborhood, we can call it "Le Petite Putz", in honor of our Mayor, who is a Petite Putz! Stay Fetal, Stay Fetal. Baby"G"

9/08/2016 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you that LEMART would lead to the expectation that we become medics for gangbangers.......

Learn the techniques, buy the kit, but don't take their training until forced to.

9/08/2016 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interestingly, the Dept is already working on getting trauma kits funded. I wonder what Burke's spin is.

9/08/2016 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you have that kit and on a shooting scene and don't use it you will be held liable. I'm not wasting $30-$40 on a p.o.s. nor getting full of blood from a p.o.s. Only medical attention I'm obligated to do is call for a ambulance and have shit head place his own hand on his wound. I would only carry a tourniquet for myself or to use on my partner and even a innocent bystander.

9/08/2016 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cost of malpractice insurance will instantly go up. They will beef if it doesn't help and beef if you don't have one.
Isn't Burke a lawyer? Does he sell insurance? Does he have stock in a bandage company? Are the vanecko and daleys into medical supplies now? You just know that there is a selfish motive for everything an aldermutt does!

9/08/2016 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If and when they start issuing these kits, respond to every EMS call and offer some bandages from the kit. Then you need a new kit. If you get a papercut or other minor scrape or cut, make sure to use the kit on yourself. Try your best to use one or two kits each week. You won't see the kits for very long once the city realizes they can't afford to issue replacements when the kits are used. Think about those PPE kits that were supposed to be in the trunk of every squad car. Who ever even saw one of those? If you saw one, what was the chance it wasn't already ripped open to scavenge some piece from it? They never issued the amount they should've and they never replaced them. More smoke and mirrors to make it look like they're doing something to help with the shootings. If you want the police to play doctor, you need to pay them more. LEMART training was one of the best classes a cop could take, but now it will be turned into some sort of first aid class for the mutts. They'll mandate that anyone who takes the class has to provide medical aid to anyone they run across, not just those they shoot themselves. That will increase the lawsuits and strippings, reduce the number of officers, and scare more into retiring. The ship is already sinking, and these assholes are just poking more holes in the hull. Hire police. Prosecute and sentence violent offenders appropriately. Get rid of the waste and incompetence in government and the department. Then maybe you'll see a change in the bloodbath. If I'm issued one of these kits, I'll probably accidentally drop it while opening it. Can't use dirty bandages on a poor victim, can I? Too bad I'm so clumsy.

9/08/2016 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When LEMART training came out, I thought it was a great idea but feared we would be forced to use it on shitheads and now it begins. If the city buys the gauze, We will have to be trained with it. If we are trained with it, we will be open to more lawsuits (i.e. we didn't use it correctly, we didn't use it quickly enough, we didn't respond fast enough to perform 1st aid). And don't quote me the Good Samaritan law...some bottom feeders will sue for anything and cook co juries is notorious for violating common sense

9/08/2016 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is that red faced knucklehead going to retire?

9/08/2016 07:29:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Eddie trying to save his voters. Nothing more.

9/08/2016 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we are to carry and use these First Aid kits, then we should be getting premium pay (EMT) like CFD. Wake up
FOP! I'll carry a pack for an extra 5k per year.

9/08/2016 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now there's more fodder for the fools to regurgitate.
When the po-lice respond to dude shot calls, now instead of the camera crowd just shouting 'Where's the amb-lance at?'
They can alternate with, 'Where's the clot-kit?'

9/08/2016 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they should buy medic packs and hand them out to the gangs. They can create a new position in the gang. You have your soldiers, your shooters, your enforcers, shot callers and now medics.

9/08/2016 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm NOT doing the Fire dept. job! That is what they are for!

If I wanted to be medic, I would have signed up with the Fire Dept. and work an ambulance!

9/08/2016 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until you either don't use one of these kits on some shithead or you do and he dies anyway. The grieving family will be shouting on TV "Dem ebil po po done kilt my baby!"

Do you have malpractice insurance?

9/08/2016 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it will save one hood rat ghetto gangbanging drug dealing criminal, it would be worth it!

9/08/2016 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Ed dip into his yearly $2,000,000 slush fund he gets from the tax payers and buy some Quick Clot himself!

9/08/2016 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Get ready for the "big secret" reveal on your health care next year! the city tier system will be in place and if you think your paying to much now "you aint seen nothing yet!" While the illegal invaders and link card holders demand more and more services at hospitals that we eventually pay for but they pay zero. Think its bullshit make some calls, benefit management office and blue cross has information on 2017 health care. While rahm finds literally billions for his tax and spend projects the police and the "me too" fire are pushed to the back of the line! The amount of disrespect for police from media/elected/ and our very own cowardly exempt staff is unprecedented. Look Eddie Burke had that hate crime ordinance basically saying if you attack a police officer it is a hate crime, notice how quickly that good idea was shelved! the black lies murder movement, along with the liberals and media are pushing this anti-police agenda.

Why is it that in almost every conversation Trump has he always compliments police? Why is it hillary instead panders yo the thugs and their moms?

9/08/2016 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you imagine a US Marine applying that stuff to an ISIS a..hole that just shot at him????

9/08/2016 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't use it or do use it on these thugs, they're still going to find a way to sue you over it.

9/08/2016 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a few cases of that stuff for the PPOs walking foot beats for Safe Passage . They will need it when they unknowingly stumble upon some shit. They have not even been field trained yet! Nice lawsuit when they f up......

9/08/2016 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This place is a fucking money for range supplies, everyday equipment to do your job, busted computers in the station and promotions of merit people leading the pack. Stick a fork in me I'm done. Now they want us to administer trauma lifesaving aid to a shithead with communicable diseases-NO FUCKING WAY!!!!! Lemart class given to officer with no supplies to render aid. Your told by the instructors "you need to buy your own". Hey it's the cpd way.

9/08/2016 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another way to cater to an already catered to constituency who can't help but put holes in each other at an ever increasing rate. It's not enough that we foot the bill for the ambulance, hospital, and pay police to process the crime scene (babysit a corner), fire to wash it off. Now they also expect you to provide emergency medical supplies designed to keep YOU and YOUR PARTNER alive in the event of catching lead due to said catered to constituents. Sure let's just pay for that too, because you know, they're "entitled" to it after all. There is NOTHING you can do from the outside to change a man (or woman) who doesn't want to. Real change comes from within. Throwing endless entitlements and money at these "communities" clearly has not worked, but we keep doing it.....why?! What's the definition of insanity again? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Oh by the way, if you provide said medical attention to Shithead Inc. and he dies anyways or ends up fucked up in ANY way...are you a doctor? Do you think that their first stop isn't the attorneys office? Then you and all of us will end up paying for that too! "Squad, send an ambulance." (A few short hours go by, various "citizens" shouting "where was ya'll at?! Why you not helping us?.....after speaking with same citizens and trying to figure out what happened...."y'all doin too much!"). "Squad, we're ready to wrap it up here have CFD come out here to do a wash down." Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

9/08/2016 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you remember when the department has several thousand more officers, at one time we were striving for 14,000. Also we used to get about 4 to 5 hundred squad cars a year.
We paid taxes and got good service. Now the department is thousand under that goal. Lots less working cars too. I never saw a reduction in my taxes to reflect the reduction in manpower.
The Democrats were too busy handing out bags of money to their buddies.
So you see, if we had honest government, we would not need a tax raise.

9/08/2016 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You received basic first aid in the academy which included airway maintenance, hemorrhage control and cpr. That's the least you can do for people. Glad your retired.

9/08/2016 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is so retarded not even CFD Paramedics carry this shit. Now they want to give it to the cops first? LMAO. Use it on yourself and your partner, or an innocent bystander. Screw the gang banging, drug selling, old man shooting pieces of shit.

9/08/2016 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not touching any shithead's blood. Period. We're not trained, and there are too many communicable diseases nowadays.

9/08/2016 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never have nor would I touch one of those mutts laying in the street dying fuck em. The other poster is right they buy them and train you you will expected to use it on the mutt that was just trying to shoot you. This dept is doomed.

9/08/2016 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will step over every dying body and not blink an eye. The only one im helping these days is my partner and other coppers. Remember, Im not gonna kill you, but i dont have to save you either. You got the dept. you wanted. Now live with it.

9/08/2016 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I have to pay taxes so women can breed like mad, then pay taxes to counter the violence they commit, then I have to get blocked on my way home because hippies are protesting how poorly I treat the "underprivileged community" because I'm the same color as some of the cops who are forced to shoot felons who are assaulting them.

America 2016.

9/08/2016 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke is worse than useless. Big time ex PO, more like bigmouth. His wife sits on the state court and put the kibosh on the referendum to break Madigan's chokehold on Illinois.

Burkes, Madigans, Preckwinkle, Dart, 9 1/2 -- all useless.

9/08/2016 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"On Wednesday, Ald. Edward Burke (14th) urged the Chicago Police Department to make the QuickClot Combat Gauze that costs roughly $47 a roll and $120 for the entire First-Aid kit standard issue for all police officers."


"This allows us to at least stop the bleeding..." Burke, of all people, with that "us." Last time you pulled a weapon was on some poor kid whose homework papers blew across your front lawn, right?

9/08/2016 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"An increase on the increase - stop bathing, drinking and cooking said...

"It's already a done deal. Rahmmy just announced his plan to levy yet another increase on the water and sewer tax, this increase is on top of the increase he just increased. See, he's trying to force everyone onto the water meter plan by making the non-metered plan unaffordable. He has been continually increasing it proving my point. He's now increasing it several times a year. Proof in and of itself. See, this way, once he baits everyone onto the meter system, he can jack that rate through the sky and blame you, the user for the amount it costs you. He's a charlatan, but not a good one.

"9/08/2016 12:50:00 AM"

Big Data, "smart meters." Use $10.00 worth of electricity per month -- fridge, one fluorescent desk light, computer -- and get billed for $45.00 per month. "Delivery charges," "infrastructure charges," etc. You could use no power at all and still get this bill.

"Watering lawn during peak demand times" = surcharge.

Cover it with coarse railroad ballast. No watering, and you can hear the "crunch crunch" of someone stumbling their way to your bedroom window.

Up and over and in 'cause we needs a new car battery. Remember the Pueschel family. Remember the Mahaffey brothers.

9/08/2016 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let's give medical first aid kits to the vilified cops. Let's save more thugs so we can reduce the number of homicides. We can blame the cops for not doing enough to save the innocent citizens and those thugs that choose the thug life. I choose not to agree with this brain dead idea. I will not do ISR reports either and give a copy to ACLU a copy to the new IPRA a copy to the jag off I just stopped either. This is the police of Chicago circa 2016. Rahm and the ball less exempts can go fuck themselves and a big fuck you to Alderman Burke and all the worthless thieving alder creatures.

9/08/2016 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

still don t get how our top investigative newspaper can t see that this department is down 3000 coppers. 3 district don t exist anymore, same with 2 Det divisions and most district have under 200 coppers. Sos, school unit, gangs , housing are gone. Yet somehow we have 12,000 coppers. Dont care who gives them those numbers, they are way off. u can see that with the lack of patrol cars and personal on the streets...

9/08/2016 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

down 3000 coppers, where is all that money . Why do we need another tax when its already in the budget. Boy , the need for a forensic audit is now.

9/08/2016 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Richard said...

I wrote SCC about starting a civilian fund drive so our officers could carry the same blow out kit we carried as soldiers. He said it was a nice gesture, but politricks would fuck it up as they would be forced to use it on the non-LEO's. They are not Dr's, or Supermen. CPD should be issued one of these for every active duty officer. Rahm and his friends could make a buck too.
Oh yeah, fucking Chicago!

9/08/2016 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we are doctors now? Who is paying for the malpractice insurance when the mutts start suing. Has the cpd ship finally went totally underwater.

9/08/2016 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember those PPE kits?????....They made a great pillow on Mids.......Ahhhhhh....Memories......

9/08/2016 06:04:00 PM  
Blogger B said...


not $47.

But you are better off with an israeli bandage:

9/08/2016 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only trouble with this is that you never use your battle dressing on another wounded man. You use his dressing on him and if he requires more than one, he waits for the medic. Do you think the citizens would dress your wounds with their bandages?

9/08/2016 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe pour a little quick-clot in eddie,s mouth

9/08/2016 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You received basic first aid in the academy which included airway maintenance, hemorrhage control and cpr. That's the least you can do for people. Glad your retired Ya,I am glad I am retired too. In 1982 we had a 4 hour class on first aid,I don't remember airway maintenance, and in 30 years I never had any more first aid training. So the least I can do is tell you to get F@#KED.

9/08/2016 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke also wants major league ball players not to chew tobacco on the field, it's a bad influence on kids. I think Burke, his wife and the rest of the slugs in city hall are a bad influence on society.♠️

9/08/2016 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my brother went to the Lemart class and was given complete kit paid for by the department.
They are already supplying the kits at class

9/08/2016 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never did understand why a CPD squad was usually missing an inflated spare or jack. Just trying to keep basic gear like a blanket, crime scene tape, or first aid kit was useless. Why doesn't an AlderCreature propose that the city have an adequate, maintained fleet before we get quick clot gear and other PR gimmicks?

9/09/2016 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my brother went to the Lemart class and was given complete kit paid for by the department. 
They are already supplying the kits at class

9/08/2016 09:59:00 PM

They're supplying one kit to those who take the class. Use it and you have to buy another one. This is about supplying everyone with kits. Much bigger numbers that way.

9/09/2016 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on, you can not practice medicine in Illinois without a license to do so. Remember, the American Medical Association fought EMT/Paramedic implementation way back when... even so to get quick clot need training... you see they sell these to just anyone...

Found on a survivalist site:

QuikClot Combat Gauze, Z-Fold (Military Shelf-Life)
Product No. #05168MT
NSN: 6510-01-562-3325
Packaged for use by Trained Emergency Responders. I acknowledge and certify that I am a medically trained professional authorized by Federal, State, and/or Local policies, rules, regulations, guidelines, protocols, and/or laws to purchase and use QuikClot® Products. Furthermore, I verify that I am not shipping this product outside the US.

Plus, this thing, even if it saves a life could result in a law suit and we know how well the City prosecutes or defends suits. Finally, specialization costs money, is this not specialization?

9/09/2016 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If and when they start issuing these kits, respond to every EMS call and offer some bandages from the kit. Then you need a new kit. If you get a papercut or other minor scrape or cut, make sure to use the kit on yourself. Try your best to use one or two kits each week. You won't see the kits for very long once the city realizes they can't afford to issue replacements when the kits are used. Think about those PPE kits that were supposed to be in the trunk of every squad car. Who ever even saw one of those? If you saw one, what was the chance it wasn't already ripped open to scavenge some piece from it? They never issued the amount they should've and they never replaced them. More smoke and mirrors to make it look like they're doing something to help with the shootings. If you want the police to play doctor, you need to pay them more. LEMART training was one of the best classes a cop could take, but now it will be turned into some sort of first aid class for the mutts. They'll mandate that anyone who takes the class has to provide medical aid to anyone they run across, not just those they shoot themselves. That will increase the lawsuits and strippings, reduce the number of officers, and scare more into retiring. The ship is already sinking, and these assholes are just poking more holes in the hull. Hire police. Prosecute and sentence violent offenders appropriately. Get rid of the waste and incompetence in government and the department. Then maybe you'll see a change in the bloodbath. If I'm issued one of these kits, I'll probably accidentally drop it while opening it. Can't use dirty bandages on a poor victim, can I? Too bad I'm so clumsy.

You will have use your "uniform money." What do you think it is for anyways?

9/09/2016 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have 1000 officers retire at topped out pay, how can you not afford to hire 1000 officers at starting pay? Must be that public school education, I can't add
it will take several years from the time they decide to do the hiring until the new cops show up on the streets. best to get to hiring now rather than waiting.


9/09/2016 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't Do it, Don't use it. You are not Paramedics and will just get sued. Fuck Ed Burke.

9/09/2016 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will have use your "uniform money." What do you think it is for anyways?

9/09/2016 11:18:00 AM

I think it's for uniforms. What do you think it's for? I know it's not for buying medical supplies to be used on random citizens. Are you really this dumb or were you being sarcastic?

9/11/2016 05:18:00 PM  

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