Election Fraud
You know, something like this could lead to compromised elections - illegal aliens could vote, dead people could cast ballots, all sorts of bad things could happen:
- More than 14,000 votes were cast in Chicago during the 2016 general election than there were voters to cast them, based on separate figures released by the Chicago Board of Elections, the chairman of the Chicago Republican Party has reported.
Chris Cleveland told the Chicago Wire that "on a whim," he filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the board, which provided him with a list of 1,101,178 people who voted in the general election. An earlier post on the board's website said that 1,115,664 votes had been cast.
“There should never be more votes than voters,” Cleveland said. “Every ballot cast should be recorded against a registered voter.”
Whoa whoa whoa there you Republican racist! Purging the voter rolls of people who moved or got convicted or died is a step too far! Hundred of precinct captains wouldn't have anything to fill their Election Week evenings.
We don't recall seeing this on a single local mainstream media site or broadcast for some reason. It couldn't be that this is a systemic problem that verifies certain national figures alleging that the United States has a voter fraud issue that may have swung certain counting practices?
We don't recall seeing this on a single local mainstream media site or broadcast for some reason. It couldn't be that this is a systemic problem that verifies certain national figures alleging that the United States has a voter fraud issue that may have swung certain counting practices?
All these " coincidences" will never be addressed by local watchdog groups or by SA office/IG or AG. And the media. Only the Feds can do it. Does this mean that trump was right ?🤔
The democrats have been poo-pooing this voter fraud forever now. But damn, I'm from Chicago and I KNOW dead people vote and people that aren't allowed to vote, vote. The democrats have no incentive to clean the voter registration, they're democratic voters they'd have to purge. That's also why they want motor voter, get a license, go vote, it's ok that you're illegal, just go vote for those damned democrats. hat's why they don't care if we bring every shit head from the 3rd world here, they'll vote democrat. Always remember, these white progressives don't have children, they need these immigrants to have lots of kids so the normal conservative American with his two kids gets out voted.
Progressives have cats, not kids.
"I think its just a coincidence"... Hillary Clinton
Until the silent majority marches on the capital, nothing will change. Decent people need to become militant.
When "Motor Voter" was passed during the Clinton Administration, the law contained some surplus language calling upon the states to keep their polling registries current and to purge the rolls of voters who had died, moved, or otherwise become ineligible (i.e. forfeiture of voting rights as a collateral consequence of a felony conviction).
The State of Illinois has been stonewalling inquiries about its voter lists and what methods are being utilized to assure that only eligible citizens are enrolled as voters. Hmmm. No wonder the local media do not want to investigate this story.
Nation-Wide vote fraud in "blue states"
with large democrat-controlled urban centers...
That's why the progressives/#blm/antifa/msm
Shrillary-ites and the east & west coast
"social betters" were/are spasming/chewing
their tongues in outrage over the fact that
"The Deplorables" had the unmitigated gall
to give THEM the middle finger.
They denied HRC, the wicked broom riding crone,
her much anticipated running of the popular
vote table.
Those self-same "Deplorables" who make up the
Electoral College gave the biggest F/U of all
to the progressive/#blm/antifa/msm Shrillary-ites
and the east & west coast "social betters."
Bunch of dirty, diversionary cock-suckers jumping
up and down in their own asses about "The Russians"
when any/everybody with an intact danger-thingy,
sensed that there was enough vote fraud in an attempt
to ensure the de facto Sparkle-Farts 3rd term by
which every honorable institution from The Police
and The Military (among others) was to be destroyed.
The ongoing state of affairs is nothing more
than the left throwing an enormous temper tantrum
because you "deplorables" in fly-over country
had the utter temerity to throw a big-assed
crescent wrench embossed with "Oh No The Fuck You Don't"
on one side and the Gadsden Flag on the reverse.
(We recall picking up something on the wires
that the Gadsden Flag in now considered "racist"
and "triggering." There was also rumor of an
incident in which an L.E.O is being/was
administratively lagged for being a poor sport
about not taking down the Gadsden Flag he
was flying at his home after one/some of the
"usuals" complained about it.)
The real funny bit was that these nitwits were
hyperventilating about how (now all of a sudden)
the Electoral College needs to be relegated to
the past (since it didn't turn in THEIR favor)
and the election results need to be nullified.
Nothing like stooping to naked-assed, bald-faced Treason
and Sedition to nullify a lawful election that (despite
THEIR best efforts) didn't go their way.
Hopefully, DOJ gets a whiff of this and devotes
resources to pull voter rolls and vote tallies
in all of America's democrat-controlled large
urban centers.
Let THIS, be pursued to it's logical conclusion.
MSM Says:
There's not enough mature board yardage of timber
to build a gallows large enough to accommodate
the more than justifiable group dangle of craven
traitors and seditionists.
Here's to the hope that "We (The Upright,
Law Abiding, Peace Loving, Privileged
But Nonetheless Duty-Bound) The People"
and the Republic can resist, fight back
and WIN against these subversives who are
hell bent on destroying that which they're
unable to get their narrow minds around.
Hmmm... It's now time for a salutory
measure of Cask-Strength Maker's Mark
isn't it?
Police Like You Have No Friends.
My wife still receives voter registration cards under her maiden name at her former address (15 years) that's how fucked up this savage city voters system is under the crime boss Daley and the twerp murder mayor...
Voter fraud is a myth!
All the Mainstream Media tell me so.
Vote Early!
Vote Often!
-Alphonse Capone
But, but, but,
Hillary won the popular vote!
Nothing to see here! Move along!
All is Well!
Those damn Russians!
14,000 Russian voters?
O my!
The absence of this as a Major Story in the Mainstream Media is proof positive of the bond between the Media and the Democrat Party, and the manipulation of one of our most sacred privileges as Americans, and that is the Right to Vote. Anyone with any time on "Da Job" can remember when the polling place would close and the Democrat Precinct Captains would "Tally" the final vote count. Adding on the names of those who were registered but did not show was common, especially in Ghetto Polling Places. The Demure White Ladies from the Northshore branch of the Women's League of Voters, are not going to spend a day at a West or Soutside polling place. If they did, their "Ride" or they themselves would surely be Violated! So this Fraud and Violation of Our Rights as Americans goes unpunished. Instead of going after Chicago Police, why isn't Lisa Madigan demanding an investigation of this Crime. Meanwhile the Republican in name only Governor, facilitates the Fraud by signing Motor Voter, which will now add thousands more of illegal votes. Why do we tolerate this unethical conduct by our elected officials? People joke about dead people voting in Chicago; but this is not funny and if it is a joke, the joke is on the taxpayers like myself, dumb enough to remain here! Cops are being disciplined for saying something that may be considered offensive; well stealing votes and influencing elections is beyond offensive, IT IS A CRIME. NOW WHERE IS THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW ON THIS? Baby "G"
Maybe our Illinois Attorney General can look into that.
Sweep it under the carpet already. That's where all the democrat's trash is already.
Did they include the 51st Ward that includes Holy Sepulcher and Chapel Hill?
This happened years ago but I'm sure it still happens. My grandfather died in late February the year of a March local election. As they went through the voter cards to get to mine while I checked in, the book was opened to his at one point and much to my surprise he had voted despite being dead for a couple of weeks. I was only 18 and didn't know enough to have said anything but it certainly left me with quite a memory for my first voting experience.
Just wait until the auto-register feature of Gov Rauner's new Sanctuary law kicks in. Thousands of illegals will be allowed to vote and guess whom they'll vote for?
Voter ID law should be mandatory in all states. The Left won't admit it, but there is a difference between a citizen and an immigrant whether legal or illegal. Criminals who are here illegally should not be allowed the honor of voting. Too many have died to give our citizens that benefit.
Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts in Trump Recount:
Half of Detroit votes may be ineligible for recount
When I moved to my current address 3 1/2 years ago in February of 2014,
the Board of Elections automatically registered me at my new address.
This was done in June or July of 2014.
I was told by the Board of Elections that this was a courtesy by them
for people who have moved. I didn't sign off on this.
How can one be registered without their signature?
Maybe Lisa Madigan can sue to get federal oversight of local elections?
This shit is state-wide and has been going on since before I was born. It was a common joke when I was a little kid in the burbs that there are only two people that can raise the dead, Jesus Christ and Richard J. Daley. But Daley could only do it on election day. I now live out in the rural hinterlands about 90 miles west of Shitcago and still receive voter ID cards for a friend of mine that used to live with me. He's been dead for 7 years. Probably still votes DemonRat in every election.
Several years ago, a neighbor was declared mentally incompetent in a court of law. It required a year's worth of legal proceedings, medical examinations by three doctors, including two psychiatrists. According to the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, however, this person is still eligible to vote from her former address where she no longer resides (the building was sold to a new owner when the former owner was placed in a nursing home for supervised care on a twenty-four hour basis).
Under Illinois law, the insane and feeble minded are not permitted to vote, but despite multiple bases for removing this person from the polling lists, her name still appears on the registry at an address where she has not resided in over three years.
Saw this blog's story posted on Free Republic.
Word is spreading, despite the Dinosaur Media trying to ignore it.
When it is all shaken out, we will one day see that the Obama Presidency was arranged. Both Terms. We will see also that the Hillary Popular vote lie was arranged just to be able to make that argument, all knowing they could not do this in enough places to hand her the win.
Many think they thought they had in the bag, I think they knew they didn't. The best they knew they could do is to cast doubt......like the good little bar members the bosses of the party are.
Funny how most all problems come back to that eh? You know, bar members. Lawyers.It is almost like it is set up that way or something. Wow, maybe it is!
My parents lived in Chicago for 75 years and another 10+ in a Cook County suburb. I often wonder if they are still on the voting rolls and still casting ballots.
ex Marquette Park person
I supported Trump but I didn't bother to vote because I'm aware of what a liberal hellhole Chicago is and my vote wouldn't matter in the electoral college. So those 14,000 fake votes were counted, my didn't but the left still mewls "She won!"
Who knew there were so many Russians in Chicago??
I can remember when I was young ( I'm retired now )
The old times would brag openly about stealing and rigging elections. They were most proud of stealing the presidential election for Kennedy.
Your blog story and your blog made it to Free Republic
Fourteen thousand illegal votes. In just one city. How many illegal votes did Hillary get? We will probably never know. But we do know, Mexico probably all central and South America had citizens voting for her and most likely every third world country on the planet voted for her.
So yes. She won the popular vote, but I doubt she won the popular vote of the citizens of the United States of America. I hope liberal democrats and their communist policies become a thing of the past and American citizens don't have to open a can of whop-ass on'em here at home,but....
So that's how Hillary got 74+% of the Cook County vote!
No shit, also check for illegals voting. Just go to jury selection, where folks are picked from registered voters. During the process, the registered voters are told only citizens can be selected for jury duty and if you are not a citizen, you must leave. It's amazing to see half the room clear out. It doesn't take a rock scientist to figure illegals who are registered to vote are voting in our elections. Thrump was called a fool, there was no proof for the claim of illegals voting, and there was only limited voting fraud. These illegals voting can disenfranchise us in local and national elections. Just maybe, the alleged three million more votes the Dem's keep claiming in 2016, are illegals voting and this should be investigated.
Chewy Jesus isn't complaining, neither is KabriniKimmJung.
Privileged Rahm can't.
My oldest moved out of state 8 years ago. He still gets a voter registration card in my mail every election cycle.
His name and signature page is next to mine in their ballot book.
We're "Registered Democrats" only on the books and vote Against Democrat incumbency (rather than GOP unless it a particular candidates fate at stake).
I guessing, this a Party courtesy just in case he happens to visit during an election cycle.
How thoughtful and considerate, ain't they.
Oddly enough, a cranky 41st Ward election judge actually had me show an ID because she could read my on file signature.
Do they do that everywhere?
Maybe not.
My daughter moved from home in her sophmore year of college and never came back. Has lived in Springfield, Il for close to 15 years. Guess what just came in the mail, her new voters card. She has registered to vote in 2 different counties around Springfield and still gets a current voters card in Winnebago County, Rockford area. There seems to be problems with registered voters in more places than Crook County.
On Spanish TV they were encouraging Ilegal Aliens to Vote,Saying if Trump Wins they are shipping you back,They know they dont ask for proof of Citizenship,Im a Latino PO.
I bet once there is police reform, this will NEVER happen
Voter fraud in Chicago???
Anonymous Anonymous said...
No shit, also check for illegals voting. Just go to jury selection, where folks are picked from registered voters. During the process, the registered voters are told only citizens can be selected for jury duty and if you are not a citizen, you must leave. It's amazing to see half the room clear out. It doesn't take a rock scientist to figure illegals who are registered to vote are voting in our elections. Thrump was called a fool, there was no proof for the claim of illegals voting, and there was only limited voting fraud. These illegals voting can disenfranchise us in local and national elections. Just maybe, the alleged three million more votes the Dem's keep claiming in 2016, are illegals voting and this should be investigated.
9/01/2017 12:50:00 PM
I saw the same shit at jury duty, a bunch got up and left because they were not citizens.
Another part of the scam is the role of the US Post Office in Chicago not returning voter registration cards to the Chicago Board of Elections when the current occupant marks the mailing "DECEASED," "MOVED," or "NO SUCH PERSON," or "RETURN TO SENDER -- ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN."
Since the mail is bar coded, the Post Office keeps returning it to the same address making the instructions to return undeliverable mail to the Board of Elections, so that they can purge the voting rolls of persons who are gone.
"Motor Voter" also did away with personal challenges (a neighbor could inform the Election Board of a person living the precinct and his or her voting record would be flagged) and door to door canvassing when the Election Board would pay individuals to walk the streets checking to see who lived at various addresses and striking those who were no longer living at their listed addresses.
I voted and it wasnt even crowded those election judges sure were busy casting the fake votes though.
I work as a Judge of Election and you can blame this "overvote" on the low IQ and careless judges running the polls on election day. I could not believe the incompetency of the judges who could not put together the ballot machines which consist of two pieces or operate equipment that has instructions printed on front such as click her to turn on or click here to turn off. This and the alderman's precinct captain who brought in a clerk working for her who sits and checks off the names of all voters which is against the law. The Precinct Captain for Alderman Burnett knows it is illegal and had the clerk go hide in the back when representatives from The Attorney General Office and State Attorney's office check each polling place. I think the days of dead people voting are gone replaced by morons and crooks running the polling place.
I worked as an Election Judge also, but I have to wonder if these "over votes" were the provisional ballots? The judges at my precinct were all pretty capable people, and yeah, we had the precinct captain checking off people too. The only person I felt was incompetent was the Election Coordinator. She was clueless and the judges had to hold her hand the entire day. I am a Republican and was hoping to find some rule violations but saw none. I did have serious concerns about the citizenship of many voters both registered and provisional, but we were not allowed to question their declaration that they were U.S. Citizens.
When it is all shaken out, we will one day see that the Obama Presidency was arranged. Both Terms. We will see also that the Hillary Popular vote lie was arranged just to be able to make that argument, all knowing they could not do this in enough places to hand her the win.
I figured that also. The Kenyan rose up out of nowhere. We knew nothing about him, he did nothing in the Senate, had the whole way paved for him. No way in hell jug ears won both elections fair and square. Leading up to the 2012 election, the media would show a clip of a lord of the flies rallies and the places were almost empty. Same thing with the she-devil Hillary, they could have held her campaign rallies in a phonebooth. No grassroots support at all just smoke and mirrors. Do you want to know what the sad thing is? The republicans are in on it too, we don't have an adversarial two party system. This explains the hatred for Trump by the left and "republicans" also.
Funny how the media bashed Trump no end for saying that there was massive voter fraud, and yet time and time again it is proven that he was correct.
All I can say is, from the massive hissy fit still being pitched by the powers that be (and their leftist goons), I can only imagine what lovely plans they had in store for us had Madame Clinton been elected. they must have had grand plans because they sure are pissed, far beyond what would seem rational or sane.
Went to vote and the guy at the table asks me for ID. I tell him go to hell, he didn't ask the Mexican guy in front of me who couldn't speak English for ID. I told him to match my signature to the one they have on file.
How do they know I'm conservative? Im a registered democrat, I only vote Republican in the general elections. Ha ha.
09:35hrs 1 SEP 17 - If your new address is still in the city, the first registration form with your signature is merely amended to reflect your new address. If you move outside the city, then a new registration form must be completed with your signature. The whole "signature" routine is actually critical since IL law mandates a signature comparasion as proof of your identity/eligibility to vote instead of showing valid ID. Merely moving dead/inactive voters to a new address within the city would be a perfect way to commit election fraud.
07:50 pm - Your comments regarding inept judges is spot on. Accountability should start with the Commissioners and their staff. Training competent people to run a polling station would be easier if the judges were paid an honest wage. But the Ward committeemen and AlderCreatures prefer ignorant, controllable citizens running the Electoral Circus.
When the media rants about police reform - they should change their mantra to Board of Election Commissioners reform. But little lisa and Joe Ferguson are too busy primping for their next media interview bashing law enforcement and pimping for other politicians.
Hmmm. Now why is it that coppers are no longer in polling places all day?????
And the media and FBI think Russia is a problem?
Anonymous said...
Went to vote and the guy at the table asks me for ID. I tell him go to hell, he didn't ask the Mexican guy in front of me who couldn't speak English for ID. I told him to match my signature to the one they have on file.
How do they know I'm conservative? Im a registered democrat, I only vote Republican in the general elections. Ha ha.
9/01/2017 09:15:00 PM
Five Mexicans were in front of me in line, no questions asked, they were just given a ballot by the Mexican and black judges. I and my wife walk up and they want to see a pictured ID. I told the black judge, the five people in front of me who couldn't speak English got their ballot's without any questions. The alderman's people who hang in the voting poll walk up and said something to both judges and a signature was only required. My wife and I were going to spilt our ballot between Dem and Republican, but changed our minds and went straight Republican in protest. I know it really didn't make a difference, but it made me feel better. The alleged 3,000,000 more votes Hilary got, it's illegal voters and there's millions more and should be investigated and prosecuted.
Do you want to know what the sad thing is? The republicans are in on it too, we don't have an adversarial two party system. This explains the hatred for Trump by the left and "republicans" also.
Absolutely! McCain was there to take a dive, and so was Romney. McCain told us not to fear Obama, that was the tell. Romney refused to hammer home Fast and Furious - the biggest and most blatant busted scandal in our lifetime (ain't much worse than being busted intentionally arming Mexican Drug cartels). He said one thing about it in one debate and left it lay as if it never happened during the rest of the campaign. Both were intentional dives in fixed elections. What does this prove?
It proves that the 'establishment' is the democrats AND republicans united (partying)- against us. The Declaration tells us to withhold our votes, our consent, from these corrupt people!
My buddy went to vote (Capital City) during this time. He is a "irregular" voter. When he went to sign to get his ballot, he was told he had already voted! I submit lots of cheating happens in that vein as well.
It proves that the 'establishment' is the democrats AND republicans united (partying)- against us. The Declaration tells us to withhold our votes, our consent, from these corrupt people!
The Declaration of Independence goes further than that:
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles as organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
The Founding Fathers had this current group in mind when they penned these words above.
The globalist cabal's gameplan of one world government has hit a speed bump with our electing Trump. Ronald Maximus Reagan's eight years was another bump in the road for them, but Bush Sr. went to work getting the globalists back on track with his "new world order " speech Sept. 11th 1991. Then B.J. Clinton, Bush Jr., and Barry Soetoro continued with the plan of the destruction of the U.S. They tried to keep it in the family with "low energy" little Jebbie Bush, or She Devil Hillary next, but GOD appoints rulers (DANIEL 2:20-21) and must have different plans. We will soon find out what those plans are.
I know it really didn't make a difference, but it made me feel better. The alleged 3,000,000 more votes Hilary got, it's illegal voters and there's millions more and should be investigated and prosecuted.
9/02/2017 10:18:00 AM
It really does make a difference. It lets the machine know we aren't going to lay down for them. Bravo to you and the wife.
The right to vote is for citizens, a segment of our own government is stealing our country from us by allowing illegals to vote. Trump better get a handle on this, quick. I'd say that the issue of illegals voting is "the hill to die on" for conservatives.
This explains why Minnesota is more of a battleground state than Illinois.
Hillary stole 25 million votes.
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