Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bring Me Numbers!

The same names keep cropping up:
  • The commander of 025 dumped the cops off of 2535 because they didn't have ISRs. Nevermind that they lead the watch in arrests on afternoons! Not so much because they were go getters, but because that beat is sometimes the only 30 sector car that is not 'beat integrity.' During the summer they were hammered with jobs and arrests. All the other supervisors told EscameRAT that he was wrong and it was a bad idea to dump them off the car, but dumb ass thinks he knows everything.

    Besides fucking with these guys, Triple-Merit Tony is having Sgts tell the guys with two years on the job that he is aware of their lack of ISRs. This sack of monkey shit is the epitome of everything that is wrong with this sick joke of a police department.
Maybe if these guys had kept a couple of guns in their lockers?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That car is the only car that is not beat restricted they get hammered every night with job after job and there really good guys too.
I find the timing of this very strange just a few weeks before the bids will be handed out so all the new guys are now scared thinking they will be dumped to midnights if the don’t bring any in the last few weeks before bids are posted. This way he can claim he closed the gap at the end of the year because no one is doing them throughout the year.
Fuck you Escamerit you asshole!
025 Third watch ☠️

10/26/2017 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This dumb shit has be going on since
forever at CPD...

Bad Boss:
"Well... I dropped your performance rating
cuz you don't have "enough" movers..."

Put-Upon Coppers:
"But we lead the watches in (quality)
arrests etc..."

Bad Boss:
"Wut? Ya want me to ride with youz
an' point out some more movers for ya?"

It's no surprise that in this day and age,
CPD management is just as craven, ignorant,
tone deaf, divorced from reality and clueless
as it's ever been...

"Get me dat bullshit activity!" (that the aclu is
looking to railroad Policemen for)

10/26/2017 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another question is, when is the boxing match between 1500 and 2500 over which over-promoted merit hack has exclusive radio privileges to tie up the air with their bullshit???

10/26/2017 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This should tell everyone in 025 to NOT bring in any ISR's

or anything proactive for that matter

10/26/2017 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

I could never understand why so many guys and gals feel that they have some type of right or ownership to "their car"

Its not "your car" Its the police Depts car. And there is no right whatsoever insofar as being assigned to "your car"

I dont think I was ever on the same car two days in a row, and I liked the variety.

Meanwhile, do less work.

10/26/2017 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a certain LT in 004 on 3rd watch, All Hasan does is talk about ISR’s, hell he even shows you a copy of your activity just to remind you. He certainly doesn’t hide the fact he messes with the people who don’t bring them in. I wonder if the commander knows this guy has chased out so many decent officers who won’t drink his kool-aide. No wonder 004 has so many ppo’s, no one wants to work there anymore.

10/26/2017 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are very few sensitive parts of police work that require police officers
At some point almost all police information is exposed to civilians. This is especially true when it comes to court cases and warrants. Same thing with HR and the oversight of city hall

10/26/2017 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What goes around comes around.

10/26/2017 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Kidney Ed say that bosses better not dump people or split up partners over ISR’s? Tell those guys to call Ed. They can get his number from Jedidiah.

10/26/2017 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another tactical blunder by Escamerit. The cops in 025 remind me of one of the evil gangs in the Mad Max movies. One scene in particular is from 'Road Warrior.'

There is a part where a savage child throws a bladed boomerang at the crew of deviants. One of the marauders tries to catch it and gets his fingers scliced off. As he is holding his bloody nubs in pain, screaming for help, his sick comrades laugh at him hysterically. Eventually, the goof with the mutilated hand even starts laughing with them. That is pretty much the mindset of the crew in 025. Not really a good idea to play games with them. Unless you are mildly retarded like Escamerit.

10/26/2017 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today' CPD management have lost and sold their souls. This fuck of a cmdr in 025 needs a little city wide Gallows from days of old. It was years ago but every copper and civilian in both CPD and CFD always talked about it.

Poor Joe Curtain was a man that loved his half dogs of cheap ass whiskey and he did have a sense of humor if you played nice with him. But He had to be way over the bridge of being drunk. He had a great humor if you bought him half and pint dogs and would enjoy talking to you. I once brought him a fifth of cheap ass Seagram 7 one night I got from bums on Madison-Pulaski. He drank half the bottle within 1 1/2 hours I sat with him. I just fucked with him to no end while he could not completed a 3 word sentence. Their were no phone cameras during that time.

But he had way too many evil days. Our friend John N, the legend, knew Curtain was a prick ten fold, and kept the boys of the district from knocking Joe on his ass. The gallows really got to Joe that he stopped drinking for a day thinking it would help his shit fits. Joe no longer walks among us now.

I was in a outside unit and had to speak to Joe once in awhile. Shit hit the fan when he called me about some investigation he was unaware. I told him and showed him the memo I sent him which was all bull shit. Joe believed me and asked me to stop by to talk and bring the juice, it was a few months before I got there. Joe was super heavy with Fast Eddie II and knew no could ever demote him or even fuck with him.

You good men have to start doing what the old timers did to Joe with your J.O for a cmdr. Joe was sharp and rabid, this slug you have is a dunce and start documenting his antics and file on his ass. The brass of today do not have the juice of the bosses of old. This guys juice is on a day to day bases.

This all dried up after Jody left.

Navarro was called on him before, zero happened. Navarro would probably have a problem moving a P.O from 015 to 025.

I hope all you guys attend his Xmas party, that would have to be a blast to see. Tac teams and desk people would fill the place.

Don't get clogged arteries at 30 yoa, do what you do and do shit. Us retired and long gone crazy fucks feel your pain dealing with this mutt. Hang in there and laugh a lot.

10/26/2017 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isr's ??? the same shit under a different name that got us into this shit. Smh

10/26/2017 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same asshole that made the news because of his quota email? Yeah, okay. The last thing anyone should be doing in that Indian burial ground is ISRs. You would be better off getting dumped to midnights if you are a new guy instead of risking being in the unemployment line while this LAPA loser gets another promotion. 025 is a diverse district where the citizens are made up of whites and hispanics in the 10 and 20 sectors, blacks in the 30 sector. If the new guys he is pressuring for ISRs are assigned to the 30 sector then it is a dumb, and I mean really dumb, idea to have the ISRs done predominantly in that area. It's not like the UCLA hasn't warned you enough already.

10/26/2017 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like he ready to step in for fat Ed. Another clueless tool. Therefore will soon be promoted. The good old Chicago way.

10/26/2017 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what! Don't cry the bad commander can't take away the 1st and 16 th..

10/26/2017 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago, a crusty old watch commander told us (at roll call) that "these are MY cars, not yours". Sad, but true.

10/26/2017 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamerit is akin to a prehistoric turtle that wanders into quicksand. Instead of realizing his smartest option is to make a strong attempt to stay afloat and swim out of it, he relies on his usual method of dealing with danger by pulling his head and limbs inside of his shell. Then he sinks to the bottom and dies. Such a pity.

10/26/2017 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did Kidney Ed say that bosses better not dump people or split up partners over ISR’s? Tell those guys to call Ed. They can get his number from Jedidiah.
10/26/2017 01:12:00 AM

It's Ja g Mal.
Not Jed.
Jed doesn't have enough juice to have his number.

10/26/2017 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s so special about 2535? That whole district is just a sad piece of real estate that used to host great neighborhoods.

10/26/2017 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another tactical blunder by Escamerit. The cops in 025 remind me of one of the evil gangs in the Mad Max movies. One scene in particular is from 'Road Warrior.' 

There is a part where a savage child throws a bladed boomerang at the crew of deviants. One of the marauders tries to catch it and gets his fingers scliced off. As he is holding his bloody nubs in pain, screaming for help, his sick comrades laugh at him hysterically. Eventually, the goof with the mutilated hand even starts laughing with them. That is pretty much the mindset of the crew in 025. Not really a good idea to play games with them. Unless you are mildly retarded like Escamerit.

10/26/2017 02:49:00 AM

You're right. 25 survived Mario Pena and they'll survive this guy but the crew in 25 will break this guy. He hasn't seen anything yet. Even his little spies can't deter the crew there. He may win a battle here and there but the blue shirts will win the war and wipe the floor with him.

10/26/2017 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all honesty, on that beat there are plenty of isr's to do. They are literally right there in front of you. The real victim is the young kid on 2535. He will be dumped to 1st watch. While the other two guys will stay on 3rd watch. He wanted to do isr's. But his two partners would say no and he simply followed their lead.

If you want to stay on 3rd watch and you are on management, then do your isr's.

10/26/2017 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why guys/gals are doing ISRs anymore anyway. WTF cares if you get dumped off a car? 20 fucking years on the job and all I did was bounce from one car to another.

10/26/2017 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for you ladies and gents to grow a set and submit a to from asking for that jag off to put his request/demands on paper like that old timer did to Pap smear in 018 for special employment. They shut up real quick when you learn to play and beat them at their own games.

10/26/2017 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s such a Dick head. We in 7 are so happy he’s gone. He thinks he knows everything and doesn’t know SHIT. I can’t stand him!!!

10/26/2017 07:44:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

025 has always been a train wreck.

10/26/2017 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He learned all his asshole behavior from Kulbida when he made Lt and came to 7. He thinks if he punishes and degrades officers that will get you to work for him FUCK HIM. How about NOBODY show up for the Christmas party just him and the retirees. Let him explain why nobody is there. FUCK HIM!!

10/26/2017 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call bulshit on this. If they led the watch in arrests then based solely on his alone they would have sufficient ISRs as most arrests require them when taking most police action these days. Just tell me they answer their jobs and do their paper and I’ll believe that but when you try to put lipstick on a pig we all catch on to that.

10/26/2017 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/26/2017 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay etal say no to isr numbers, you will be hung by aclu, copa, il attorney general, city attorney general, kim fox, the mayor, your bosses, shall i go on?

10/26/2017 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Commander in 025 is just a cry baby...oh please get me some ISR's boo hoo..Go get them yourself lazy ass merit mother fucker! This asshole has to threaten because Im sure he's getting threatened with his position at Compstat meetings. Get some numbers or else! Eventually they all fall(Commanders that is)

10/26/2017 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous I wish I had 2 recycling containers said...

I come here with a guilty conscience. I helped 2500 get where he is by doing 2000 contact cards when he was LT. Please forgive me. I did not see.

10/26/2017 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 025 if you do what the bosses want, then you get rewarded. The 3rd watch 06 cars that start at 1730 get rewarded. They work 4 to 6 hours per day.

10/26/2017 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeezus! I shouldn't be, but I'm continually amazed by how rank changes guys.
Retired now, but was a PO with Tony in 011, back in the day. I just would've never seen this coming. But the absolute WORST case of rank changing a guy, I witnessed was now retired, 011, 3rd watch Sgt, JT. Was salt of the earth as a PO. The moment he got those chevrons, dude became King of All Douche Bags.

10/26/2017 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they are leading the watch in arrest then the Watch Commander did them a favor by dumping them. They should be thanking him for saving their lives and careers in todays anti police climate. This is a true leader.

10/26/2017 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These guys need to go home to their families and hug them and let them know what a blessing it was to get dumped and now they can spend more time with their families instead of being tied up in court all day.

10/26/2017 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've worked for a few good merit bosses and a few bad, most of them will listen if they don't know what they are talking about. Unless they are from LAPA, they will not listen to anything and know everything. Document everything when dealing with them. Put direct orders in your narrative.

10/26/2017 09:05:00 AM  
Blogger Christopher Moran said...

Will someone please tell me what an ISR is?

10/26/2017 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And doesn't this goof have a degree on the wall in his office from Adler? Apparently someone took his classes for him because he didn't learn anything on how to work with people. Another waste of taxpayer dollars in more ways than one.

10/26/2017 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t sell your soul for this merit hack. So you get dumped to midnights bring a pillow, blankets and eye blinders at least you will have your respect. The 1st and 16th my young guys and you and your partner to go home the way you came into work without injuries.

10/26/2017 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never laughed as much in my life, as when I worked 025 in the 90's. Working there is like Bud Billiken parade, it can't be explained, only experienced.

10/26/2017 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want a beholden company yes man or woman promote another batch of low scoring , test cheating merits, they will do anything their sponsors demand and it all plays into the tiny evil deformed hands of the twerp murder mayor who controls the political puppet strings...

10/26/2017 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it a good thing in the eyes of the ACLU and reverends that "people on the street" aren't being fucked with? Isn't this the very reason why contact cards turned into ISR's? The bosses should back off any push for ISR numbers. It's not right and DOJ said so! If your police senses find RAS, make your stop. If you don't see anything, an ISR isn't required. Back off bosses, you can't have it both ways.

10/26/2017 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting dumped from a beat ?
What's wrong with a little change of scenery?

Who amongst the logical would rather get dumped from a beat for no ISR's than brought before the biased witchhunt group COPA for questionable street stops. Especially when they see an "up stick" in submissions from any particular individual. Believe me, they are watching the returns, as is CompCrap.
Can't be headhunting for the Commanders statistics, that's just plain old wrong joe.
He won't be at your inquistion.

Noboby gets fired for not writing ISR's, not a 2 yr. charger or a 20 yr. used to be.
Are the new sergeants goofs and filled with the Kool Aid or they're bucking for a spot and avoiding a dump too?
025 is really cursed.
Many a good men were split up and dumped in the late 80-90's because of the manic Curtin with his "dump" orders.

So what's in any Beat in 025 that makes it soooooooooo glamorous ?
That the dump and let the Commander get his.

Stay fetal.

10/26/2017 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/26/2017 03:14:00 AM

I remember Joe would hang out at bar on Archer/Central in 008,driving his city issued unmarked parked right in front, drank all night came out drove always made it home! Can remember the "velvet hammer" incident on Kedzie with Joe and john Corliss in parking lot the stuff of memories! That was men were men and now cowardly chickens that we have now!

10/26/2017 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous james leonard said...

Tony will mess with his own family to rise in rank. When Staples was Deputy Chief he would complain about how she was never around and that he could get more done if HE were Deputy Chief. This just shows how the command staff is totally incompetent. As for Hasan in 004, does he still spend his time during the tour checking on all his business and buildings on the west side? Another merit hack who has never had a legitimate promotion. No wonder why the po's have NO respect for the command staff!!!!!!

10/26/2017 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't there a way to have the Superintendents office intervene if this ball bag is killing morale ?

10/26/2017 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a part where a savage child throws a bladed boomerang at the crew of deviants. One of the marauders tries to catch it and gets his fingers scliced off. As he is holding his bloody nubs in pain, screaming for help, his sick comrades laugh at him hysterically. Eventually, the goof with the mutilated hand even starts laughing with them. That is pretty much the mindset of the crew in 025. Not really a good idea to play games with them. Unless you are mildly retarded like Escamerit.


I just SHIT myself !!
Fuckin' Classic !

I did 12 years in Old Joe Curtain's 025.. May he ROT in hell!

10/26/2017 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else see the kiss ass RAT Sgt. JB from 189 @ Compstat the other day? He’s gonna suck his way to the top whether they like it or not!

10/26/2017 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is this POS's Chinaman???

10/26/2017 11:56:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...

Actually, CAPS mandates that the same officers work the same car.
That said, the Comstat model directly infringes on this.
Escamerit is running the Comstat model 100%, that way he never needs to make a decision, just follow the instructions from the Ivory tower.

10/26/2017 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamerit has also banned watches from getting fill-in officers from other districts, particularly for holiday watch parties.

Who made this guy a boss?

10/26/2017 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has already backfired on Escamerit. Even with just 2 years on the job, all the young cops are in disbelief that these guys got dumped off the car. They listen to the radio and could tell how busy and hard those cops worked on 2535.

Before it kind of fell on deaf ears when the veteran cops would tell them it doesn't matter how hard you work, if Escamerit doesn't like you or if you don't have a phone call, then you are going to midnights. Thanks Commander Idiot. Once again you make it easy for us to show these young guys that doing any police work is a lost cause under your fearless leadership.

Cops either get smarter as they get older or they get jammed up. Learn to play chess. Whatever you do, don't play the Parker Brother's 'CPD Chutes and Ladders,' or whatever silly game that Escamerit, and the clowns downtown, jerk themselves off to between pitchers of Kool-Aid.

10/26/2017 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rule about officers having a minimum of 3 years prior to working plain clothes was put in place for the safety of the officers. This was reinforced after Mike was murdered, as a city wide Mandate.
Escamerit has been filling open tactical spots with officers right off probation. That should tell you just how much he cares about his officers.

10/26/2017 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3rd Watch in that shithole? Sounds like a slave galley. Midnights might be a safer choice. Easier to avoid shit then on afternoons.

10/26/2017 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got your numbers right here boss.

10/26/2017 01:49:00 PM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

Never build anything on Indian burial grounds.

10/26/2017 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Rocket Surgeon said...

Escamerit makes the blog again?! This is great! Get ready for some of the pussy Sgts from 025 to say such things as 'You guys better knock it off. You are going to get us all in trouble,' and 'You guys are only punishing yourselves. He is just going to fuck with you more.' Uh, no boss, it is you guys in management that he berates and calls idiots. Have fun dealing with him now.

I like the commander and hope he stays. It is nice having an exempt as a whipping boy. I haven't had this much fun since I was a kid and would torture the ants in my backyard. Hey Escamerit, how does that giant magnifying glass feel? Is your fake gold star starting to melt yet?!

10/26/2017 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Old Joe Curtin:

Joe left us the 1st week of December 2010

I 'm

Old Joe is sucking worms at:

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
6001 W 111th St
Alsip, IL 60803-6072

Section 37 Block 1 Lot 55 Grave 16

The following GPS coordinates are good to within 15ft.

Grave is right next to the road with a Fitzpatrick tombstone behind it, a Paul to the left and a Clukaj to the right.

Quite easy to find – hard to miss!

Latitude: +41o 41' 235" read as 41 degrees, 41 minutes, 235 seconds North latitude
Longitude: -87o 45' 767" read as 87 degrees, 45 minutes, 767 seconds West longitude

Pay Joe a visit!

Bring a 6 pack to drink and water the grass, you will follow in the foot steps many who have went before you!!!

10/26/2017 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, was there in 025 when the Gallows were being written.
Could not wait for the latest issue of the Gallows screwing with Curtin or that fat ass lt.Finnegan it drove them nuts! copies were sent to every district and downtown. C'mon boys and girls a little creative writing and you could do the same. Also send copies top the news papers. Rattle this assholes cage!!! Gotta go think its time for another Margarita in Sunny Fl. Stay safe and fetal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/26/2017 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joey Curtain was the biggest asshole I ever met, on or off this job.

10/26/2017 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Son of Sir Donkey said...

Hey Fathead, when will it be enough? Most coppers would be thanking the maker that they avoided jail time AND kept their job after your non sanctioned "gun turn in" locker. But that wasn't enough. You're not smart enough to catch a promotion legit, but you were savvy enough to latch on to melissa staples and LAPA to land a free ride up the CPD command staff. You've proven how adept you are at fucking up your personal life, but keep in mind with the rank you hold you're poor decision making no longer just affects yourself. With every new stupid idea (cars taking no jobs, 1st watch 10 sector cars in 30 sector, dumping officers) there are a plethora of negative ramifications. Making Maria Pena look good is no easy task. Your resume reads: Avoided jail time , no legit promotions, no tangible results in 025. Anyone in CPD beat car knows thats a suckholes blueprint for success. Just keep doing what you're doing like trading sex for front office positions and having CAPS lackeys getting attacked by police K9. At the rate you keep fucking up I can see Deputy in the near future. The saddest part of it all is that you think you deserve it too

10/26/2017 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got transferred to 6 in the 80's and Joe Curtain was watch commander. My first day in his role call and he calls my name,i respond, HERE SIR! He say's, uh wait a minute, makes an adjustment to the sheet and calls my name again. STILL HERE SIR! He turned beet red and rollcall went nuts.

10/26/2017 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
In all honesty, on that beat there are plenty of isr's to do. They are literally right there in front of you. The real victim is the young kid on 2535. He will be dumped to 1st watch. While the other two guys will stay on 3rd watch. He wanted to do isr's. But his two partners would say no and he simply followed their lead.

If you want to stay on 3rd watch and you are on management, then do your isr's.
10/26/2017 07:09:00 AM

In all honesty you are a dumb pussy and a loser. How is that kid a victim? He knew when got on this job he could end up on midnights. He will be a real victim when he gets jammed up by the ACLU. Nice kid but he owes those two veterans for showing him the ropes. Otherwise he would be lost. You sound like one of the newer Sgts that is afraid himself of going to midnights. Have some common sense and dignity you fool. Oh, and by the way, you will be dumped to midnights regardless if you write ISRs. Do them if you want and shove them up your ass coward.

10/26/2017 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This goes back to when the Commander worked in 014 and was trying to bang the wife of one of the coppers that worked on 2535. Because the commander is a vindictive prick, he dumped all three guys off of the car. None of the guys dumped even care and are laughing about it. The whole point of the matter and why it is getting attention on the blog is because that commander is trying to scare ppo's into bringing in ISRs. Not going to work boss. When they see how the hardest working car of police officers on the watch is rewarded, then they have a pretty good idea that you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

10/26/2017 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in from the Sun Times

They’re happy to write the violations. It’s just a lot of ’em don’t know where in the code to find these things. If you can give ’em a cheat sheet, I bet the commanders would be willing to add that to a roll call or two,” he said.

Reilly also urged Frydland to “coach some of your fellow commissioners” at the Departments of Transportation and Business Affairs and Consumer Protection to assign their inspectors to work nights and weekends.

10/26/2017 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More new ideas for productivity.

They’re happy to write the violations. It’s just a lot of ’em don’t know where in the code to find these things. If you can give ’em a cheat sheet, I bet the commanders would be willing to add that to a roll call or two,” he said.

Reilly also urged Frydland to “coach some of your fellow commissioners” at the Departments of Transportation and Business Affairs and Consumer Protection to assign their inspectors to work nights and weekends.

10/26/2017 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Commander Curtin really pass away?

10/26/2017 09:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should blame Eric Washington for allowing himself to be duped by this guy, gave him the merit bump after he got dumped from the D. Eric by passed all the other sgts who had been working there for years and made this suck ass. Eric, this is from his mouth, he said he can't believe he tricked a black guy into given him a promotion. He laughs about still.

10/26/2017 09:15:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

Joseph Curtin, Edward Wodnicki and LeRoy Martin were my clout.

10/26/2017 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Sir Donkey said...

I remember Joe would hang out at bar on Archer/Central in 008,driving his city issued unmarked parked right in front, drank all night came out drove always made it home! Can remember the "velvet hammer" incident on Kedzie with Joe and john Corliss in parking lot the stuff of memories! That was men were men and now cowardly chickens that we have now!


They were both exempt. (Clouted)

Do you really think if 2 P.O.s started kicking the shit out of each other they would not get locked up and lose some pay?

10/26/2017 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"John Northen said...
Joseph Curtin, Edward Wodnicki and LeRoy Martin were my clout.

10/26/2017 09:17:00 PM"

John, don't bullshit us I personally know those guys you mention tried to stick it in your ass overtime you turned and walked away from them!

10/27/2017 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Issues 1 of the Gallows II Novemebr 1994 column 1:

We’re back!!! Well everyone, it’s been a busy summer, Captain
Dinky Moore retired and no one cared.
Captain Tom (Sybil) Cronin transferred out andtook all his personalities with him.

Worst part of the summer is old Joe Curtin is still with us and he definitely is like a boil on our ass.
For that matter he’s a boil on every ones ass.

This summer 025 welcomed the World Cup and Joe went out and did
his duty. He canceled days off and rushed to the west border of the district
and staked out Elmwood Park where there was a large group of Italian
Americans were making ready to celebrate in the event their mother country
won the World Cup Championship. Joe sent Wayne-bo and friends
into the adjacent suburb to spy on the “dago’s”. Joe lined up his regiment
along Harlem ave. in case of the imminent invasion and was over heard giving
the order that “any F*@%!-ing DAGO with a flag goes to jail”. In fact
one of the tact gallow reporters observed Joe grab a 78 yr. old Soccer enthusiast
after a foot chase, knock him to the ground and then forcibly remove
the old mans flag from his hands. Great arrest JOE!
Question: Joe, why don’t you line up your regiment on the east end of the district
when the people of Spanish origin wave their flags? Maybe you don’t
like DAGO’s. Lest we forget we also hear Joe invaded
the 16th District when the flag waving “DAGO’s” tried to meet up with their counter parts
that live in 16. Its not enough that Joe gets away with harassing the honest
people in 25 and Elmwood Pk. now he has his eye on expanding to 16.
Look out because he’s been seen staking out Addison and Harlem.
Harlem - Irving Plaza here he comes.

10/27/2017 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bozo Escamilla and (half baked) Cookie Harris... What pathetic leadership. Who whooped DH's ass up in 016?
025 Distric 3rd watch cowboy 🐎🍺

10/27/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous retired homicide detective said...

A great Curtin story: (set your coffee away from your keyboard)

Ald. Ed Burke was his clout. As a lt., the incompetent buffoon was made C.O. of the old Area 3 Homicide-Sex unit at 3900 S. California.

One summer day, he swaggers into the Area wearing a dapper Panama straw hat. He brags that he bought it around the corner at a certain store on Archer Avenue for $3.

The damn fool always hung the hat on a hook out of view of his office. Homicide dicks checked the hat size. They then went over to the same Archer store and bought two identical hats--one smaller and the other larger than Curtin's size. They then kept on switching the three hats on the hook all summer long.

Curtin's reactions were priceless: "my head is getting bigger" followed later by "my head is getting smaller". He was the laughingstock of Brighton Park Detective Division. This consummate asshole never caught on to the mischief of the homicide rascals.

10/27/2017 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's he going to do,dump everyone off their cars?


10/27/2017 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did Commander Curtin really pass away?

10/26/2017 09:08:00 PM

Not soon enough.

10/27/2017 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have the old Area 3 story about Curtin's personal portable podium that was found on the roof of a building within site of one of the old Area 3 windows, where Curtin could see it but not get to it?

10/27/2017 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This stupid crap is happening in 22! People being kicked off cars with over 20 years on job! When are the bosses gonna be trained on ISRs? Or how about when are they gonna go violate someones rights to write one?

10/28/2017 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, I'd heard that story of the changing hats before, every time it is rehashed it still brings tears to my eyes, along with uncontrollable laughter. Thanks!!!

10/28/2017 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 25th district has the best commander ever! - Ed K.

10/28/2017 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - in need If correction! I blame some sort of auto-correction software "overtime" should have been "overtime"!

Anonymous said...
"John Northen said...
Joseph Curtin, Edward Wodnicki and LeRoy Martin were my clout.

10/26/2017 09:17:00 PM"

John, don't bullshit us I personally know those guys you mention tried to stick it in your ass every time you turned and walked away from them!

10/27/2017 09:29:00 AM

10/28/2017 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop bashing poor Tony. He sits home at night and cries himself to sleep.

10/28/2017 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of changes are being made in 022 that will increase activity on the Watches. Beat cars are being manned according to activity. These are essential to the Comstat numbers. If you complete ISRs, then you will be rewarded.

-022 Supervisor tired of the whining

10/28/2017 02:38:00 PM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

We used to read the copy of The Gallows that was left in the sign in room at 26 and Cal. Good stuff.

10/28/2017 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then you get all zeros! Real smart! Police and citizens in Mt. Greenwood your commander has given you a new beat car with officers with 2 years/6 between the three off them. Oh and just like him, don’t live here! Watch your children being stopped and ISRs written on them.

10/29/2017 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rewarded? Stop!! Young people believe your bullshit. People with time and sense aren’t. Keep trying white shirts. When I start seeing them do ISRs ? No still not happening! And funny certain bosses refuse to approve them but we are told to write them. Quota? DOJ. ACLU. Hope after decree they have been watching our regime!

10/29/2017 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To supervisors tired of whining! So is the watch being told to bring you illegal stops to make you look good!

10/29/2017 02:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those guys should bid to 003! Why do they put up with the nonsense. Then Game over, they will show him!

10/29/2017 08:44:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

022 Supervisor tired of the whining.

God. I wish I could be a real man like you. Do you give lessons?

10/29/2017 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey supervisor, what are you going to do when that doesn't work. You pissing on everyone will result in even less. But hey your the big man in sure you've thought your plan through.

10/29/2017 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Rewarded? Stop!! Young people believe your bullshit. People with time and sense aren’t. Keep trying white shirts. When I start seeing them do ISRs ? No still not happening! And funny certain bosses refuse to approve them but we are told to write them. Quota? DOJ. ACLU. Hope after decree they have been watching our regime!

10/29/2017 02:32:00 AM


Tough-Guy stupidvisors posting about how
they punish Officers who refuse to fuck
around with those guaranteed career and
financial jackpot ISRs.

But do those same jagoff juice swilling,
Tough-Guy O'Toole stupidvisors put THEIR
financial and career well being where their
ample cake holes are?

Bully, threaten and brow-beat Officers to
produce those poison fruits of the ACLU

STFU and sign off on 'em then.

>Screams of terror and rapidly fading running footsteps<

Just to keep it "fair?"

Every supervisor ought to have a
"minimum production standard" of
ISRs to review and approve lest they
find themselves subjected to being
counseled and disciplined.

Once EVERYBODY is in equal peril
of getting it in the ass administratively
and legally, this stupid shit will stop.


Doesn't it feel good when
NOBODY is safe?

"Why are you trying to drag US
to Hell with you?"

If we can't escape unscathed?
Neither can YOU.

10/29/2017 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 022 "supervisor" is a damn fool.

10/29/2017 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone should take a knee at roll call ! That Commander never did shit as a PO in 011 !

10/29/2017 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the bullies are “lifting” morale! Police bosses that live in 10 sector, police families, fire dept families, Alderman O’shea, businesses in 19th Ward need to step up! Do you want your beat officer in the station on some traffic stop or an ISR from off the beat? Or do you want your beat officer driving around keeping crime from happening or special attentions on vacant houses on your block?

10/30/2017 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proof right on line about how ISRs are what bosses in 22 are only gearing police work! ACLU that we know reads this you need to realize you should have started your investigation with our bosses! They insist on ISRs for comstat but tell you they make sure we arent illegally stopping people! ACLU , you need to keep an eye on the bosses! Roll calls are “quota” talks and “threats” city wide!

10/30/2017 01:41:00 AM  

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