Thursday, February 08, 2018

Here Comes the Narcan

  • Chicago police officers in four South and West Side districts with the greatest number of opioid overdoses will soon be carrying the antidote naloxone, and will get two hours of training in how to administer it.

    The Calumet, Gresham, Ogden and Harrison districts and the Chicago Police Department’s Narcotics Unit will kick off a $200,000 experiment bankrolled by fines against drunken drivers.

    Firefighters have already been carrying Narcan, the brand name for the drug naloxone, since 2016 and have treated thousands of people with it. Now the city will evaluate the effectiveness of cops having the drug on hand in those four pilot districts.
Has anyone ever done a study on how much crime junkies contribute to the totals? We imagine it'd be a sizable percentage. And we've already had experience with junkies attacking medical personnel who administer the Narcan. So, the following questions arise:
  • where is the waiver of liability? And don't give us the bullshit about we can't be sued. We've been sued a bunch of times for stuff that ended up being completely legal and justified. That didn't stop a scumbag lawyer from filing the suit and putting us through the wringer
  • is CPD handcuffing the subject prior to administering the Narcan?
  • since they're in cuffs, is there an ISR to be completed?
  • are we duping these calls to an ambulance?
  • what if they have dope still on them - are they getting arrested?
  • in a place like 005, 006, 010 and 011, ten and twenty overdoses in a single shift is commonplace - do they have the manpower for ten and twenty hospital details, especially when the hospitals insist on keeping them for "observation."
Once again, people in power not realizing the end result of their shortsighted policy. 



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drug overdose? Diabetic Reaction? Drunk? I need a Paramedic...

2/08/2018 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"in a place like 005, 006, 010 and 011, ten and twenty overdoses in a single shift is commonplace - do they have the manpower for ten and twenty hospital details, especially when the hospitals insist on keeping them for "observation."

^SCC, I'll volunteer for all the narcan calls. Hospital duty is the best thing that can happen in a tour. If it's spent in the hospital watching Netflix I'll do the full 9. Keep on charging, next stop Prison.

2/08/2018 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another "pilot" program to start in select districts. Soon rolled out City Wide with no consideration to the contract. Are you listening FOP?

2/08/2018 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I joined the police department, not the fire department. Do you see firefighters wrestling a shoplifter fighting with security? Sorry, until you send me to a few month paramedic school, instead of a 4 hour bullshit course, well, you know what my response is.

2/08/2018 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe there is a law in place that you can't arrest them for overdosing and you can't arrest the person who called 911 even if they both have dope on them. I think the intent was not to scare people away from calling 911 for fear of getting arrested.

2/08/2018 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That will be another “tool” I will not be taking out to get sued over.

2/08/2018 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

,,,they’re junkies,,,,get them off society’s payroll

2/08/2018 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1). The waiver of liability is covered by the Good Samaritan Act. You are clearly acting in good faith and trying to save someone’s life with your training. You are covered.

2). No, they are not handcuffed. No other agency that administers Narcan do this. They are not detained or in custody.

3). No. No ISR because it isn’t a stop.

4). Yes, they get duped to the Ambulance. They have to get transported to the hospital because they could go back into OD.

6). No. You aren’t arresting them. All you can do is confiscate whatever drug or paraphernalia they have on them and inventory it for destruction basically. The law was changed in 2014 I believe. If they call for help, they are essentially immune from charges, investigations and leverage. Here is a link to the law:

2/08/2018 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget that when you take their high away and they want to fight you, (assailant) they don’t want you to tase them because now you know they are under the influence of a narcotic. Just sayin

2/08/2018 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I envision building a NARCAN fountain at Ohio and Avers. In the summertime the kids can play in it. It beautifies the neighborhood. And, well, after you rebound you're right there at Heroin Central for a quick after NARCAN pick-me-up. Imagine the International Junkie tourism this could generate; on their way to the Obama Library of course. Speaking of which, since the Obama Library won't have any actual Obama stuff in it, virtual only, it screams the need for a wax Obama Library/Museum next door. Rahm, are you listening? Hey, I'm just trying to help....

2/08/2018 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cops do not have medical training. Call for an ambulance and let them revive the Walking Dead. Not our problem.

2/08/2018 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The caller and the overdosed cannot be charged if they possess less than 3grams of heroin when they are making contact with law enforcement when requested for medical assistance due to the overdose.

Naloxone is temperature intolerant; too hot or cold and it’s looses efficetiveness. The squads are not kept in proper temperature like the buses are. Secure the scene for the ambulance guys with the proper equipment.

2/08/2018 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good questions SCC.

Hey FOP where are you on this new program??

2/08/2018 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a er nurse who had given Narcan quite a bit, Narcan is pretty harmless. Only complications from usage are with patients coming out of surgery or newborns/pediatric patients. We are taught a patient found down and not sure why give Narcan because it won't hurt a person if not needed. Only problem is not giving enough. Often is a known overdose it will take several doses.

2/08/2018 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue Bloods covered police liability in giving Narcan last week. Check it out on On Demand.

2/08/2018 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Running out of space on my vest, belt, pockets, exposure report?

2/08/2018 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

with the amount of bullshit the democrats are pushing on us, FOP better negotiate a 25% increase in pay for for becoming a psychologist and another 25% for doing CFD's job.

2/08/2018 01:29:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Trained or not, there's no way in hell I'll be administering this shit to some piece of shit that's on the verge of checking out.

Indemnified or not, my responsibility to "render aid and assistance" will begin and end with a request for an ambulance.

2/08/2018 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm tired of having do everything for people and then getting shit on. This calls for a major raise. Some may say what's the big deal. Well it's called a slippery slope! You think tasers is a liability. Do you know how hostile people become when the opioid is reversed by narcan. When they fall down the stairs or choke on their vomit it's on us ladies and gentleman.
Furthermore, no other department or service in this city does our job. Somehow we do alot of the city services and departments jobs.
And yes lock them up. If you give me judgement to gi e narcan then I think you give me the authority to lock them up.

2/08/2018 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might not be liberal but the truth is that it's been proven that letting the junkie die saves millions of taxpayer money. The junkies have no job or value to society and receive welfare...that they use with stolen property or money to buy more smack. If we let nature take it's course, we have no more welfare payments to them, medical bills for their treatment, pizza parties at CCJ, public defender expense for them or prosecution expense for them. Let the junkie suffer the results of their choice and WE BENEFIT from less wasted tax money.

2/08/2018 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel good policing. That's what we're into now. It will change but it will be awhile. When crime and violence explode, people will start calling for cops to lock everyone up. For now it's all hugs and smiles.

2/08/2018 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC 10-20 is common for a single ambulance. Closer to 10 in 9 hours though

2/08/2018 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"do they have the manpower for ten and twenty hospital details"

only if they want their toes sucked sailor...

2/08/2018 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fop needs to demand out of grade pay when a PO has to administer the narcan.

2/08/2018 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I want out of grade pay for being sent to any job as a cit trainer specialist. A 40 hour seminar don’t make me an expert in dealing with a mental.

2/08/2018 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe how the job has changed since 1995. And people still keep coming on! Really? Do you new guys not do any research now before taking a job? Back when I was on the internet was barely getting started.

2/08/2018 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see Good Samaritan don't mean shit to a policeman! They will still sue no matter what! So I will take the road of least resistance and not give the drug let the piece of garbage overdose and take my chance then getting sued and do society a solid!

2/08/2018 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just let them die. Bad choices have bad results.

2/08/2018 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I'll be playing paramedic too, is there a pay raise?

2/08/2018 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are we trying to keep them alive?

2/08/2018 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Burbs LE said...

We’ve been using this stuff for years. If it’s still in the evaluation stage, I would suggest deploying this shit on everyone you have the slightest hint might need it. No side effects even if they don’t. Maybe the planners will realize the costs outweigh the benefits and shitcan the entire program. You can also rack up lifesaving awards if that’s your thing. Oh yeah, handcuff first for safety.

2/08/2018 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous WHO said...

"I woke up in a so-ho doorway...the policeman knew my name. He said you can go sleep at home tonight if you can get up and walk away (right after I give you this here narcan)🎶🎵🎵🎶

2/08/2018 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these people are so intent of possibly OD'in and killing themselves. Why then, should we interfere with their wishes. I doubt you're gonna change their behavior....Stupid is as Stupid does...

2/08/2018 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a strong feeling that you are going to have to obtain an RD number and do a hospitalization case report just like you do for a AED use. And the city will say that you fall under the Good Samaritan Act and yes you'll be sued or have to fight the poor victim of his own addiction when you take away is high then what let him run away arrest him? What happens when the Narcan doesn't work does anybody have answers to this

2/08/2018 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Samaritan laws protect passers by, not folks doing their jobs.

2/08/2018 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As police officers in the city of Chicago, we are responsible for city service request, that another officeror ourselves have to enter into the 3-1-1 system. The same system that the 3-1-1 center and the Alderman's office have access to. The citizens don't even bother calling the alderman or 311 about the lights out on their Street, garbage cans missing, potholes. They wait to complain to the police and we have to enter it into the system. Tase don't tase, shoot don't shoot, arrest don't arrest, Force mitigation,de-escalation, peace circle with combatants and prior arrestees, marriage and relationship counselor, school counselor, security guard, streets and sans with our rakes and garbage bags cleaning up someone else's neighborhood. Medical Aid, triage nurse with are tourniquets, now Narcan. I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot. But, yeah I think we are overdue for a raise. Until then I will gladly fill out in out-of-grade slip for each of the new duties that I have been assigned since initially taking on this job. Furthermore, we are barely trained on all of the new changes that take place every 3 months, that pertain to our regular duties as a police officer. Now, you want to throw in expedited medical training. I'll pass on that. Thanks but no thanks to the exposure. If they're found in the street or in the alley, let streets and Sans administer the Narcan

2/08/2018 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look how it turned out for the coppers that assisted cfd with the one guy that was high out of his mind, combative and not responding to the Narcan. I believe they tased him for the safety of all present. Yet they were sued. So Good Samaritan my ass. Keep pushing the hepatitis shots in preparation for the city-wide roll out of Narcan. Again, this is not what I signed up for. Where's my raise, my protection from suit and an out of grade slip.

2/08/2018 07:24:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Even though Blue Bloods has Tom Selleck--who by the way has the world's best mustache, I won't be relying on the show for training.

2/08/2018 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard about this last month. Only difference is the Narcan pen is to be used only on other officers. With the fentyl everywhere in dope spots P.O.'s only know they came in contact with the substance after it's taken affect on their body. Three minutes and you could stop breathing from mere touch. I see this as a good thing, for us only.

2/08/2018 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NARCAN.............Narcotics Yes You Can..........Survive to score another Day

2/08/2018 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again,this superintendent don't have a clue,it is "election" time and eddie will do whatever the mayor says....

2/08/2018 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Under state law 01 Jan 2017, a person cannot be charged with PCS if it’s under a gram and there was a “cry for help”, ie: 911 being called for an overdose.

2/08/2018 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes Narcan, sometimes Narcan't...

2/08/2018 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that, should make it an option, but shouldn’t are union be negotiating this. Forced to do something is not a good practice among us police officers

2/08/2018 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many doses are we being given? Hell, I've seen ems administer 3 on a single person

2/08/2018 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in a place like 005, 006, 010 and 011, ten and twenty overdoses in a single shift is commonplace - do they have the manpower for ten and twenty hospital details, especially when the hospitals insist on keeping them for "observation."

There's a copper in 006 that would gladly volunteer for any hospital detail...

2/08/2018 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just another political feel-good stunt to show that these democrats “care”.

When are the politicians going to “care” about the actual taxpayers instead of the junkies, EBTs, SSIs?

Doesn’t matter, I can’t fit anymore crap on my belt or cram anymore junk in my pockets.

Also, all the crap I do carry now, makes me walk much slower, so by the time I do get to the job, all that is usually required is an RD#.

2/08/2018 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember ladies and gentlemen when adminstrating the syringe plunge it directly into the heart much like from the scene of Pulp Fiction...

2/08/2018 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The waiver of liability is covered by the Good Samaritan Act. You are clearly acting in good faith and trying to save someone’s life with your training. You are covered. "

You CAN NOT be a Chicago Police Officer and be that naive. Criminals call other criminals called attorneys and sue the police for doing lawful things all the time. Then after years of depositions, listing your personal assets for the attorneys to see, worry, stress, sleepless nights some politician decides if you did the correct thing. Pretty scary to have your fate in the hands of democratic politicians (whose ideology is closer to the criminal than the police Officer) You sir are a special kind of stupid.

2/08/2018 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...
Trained or not, there's no way in hell I'll be administering this shit to some piece of shit that's on the verge of checking out.

Indemnified or not, my responsibility to "render aid and assistance" will begin and end with a request for an ambulance.

2/08/2018 01:46:00 AM

Me, I came on the job to help people. Even people with drug problems.

2/08/2018 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A note to officers from a nurse.

Don’t make assumptions. Even if they look like junkie, smell like a junkie and are surrounded by needles and cellophane baggies, always always always call for the ambulance first. Then administer the narcan. The first commenter is correct: you don’t actually know for sure that someone is overdosing, as the commenter said they could be hypoglycemic or have drunk a gallon of rubbing alcohol or have aruptured cerebral artery. If a copper gets sued over Narcan administration it will be because that is ALl that was done. Let the paramedics sort it out.

You CAN be sued for NOT giving Narcan. If it is available and you did not give it, the junkies family CAN sue you and the City. If you read healthcare case law, it is very clear. You must function at the level of your training. Remember how I said “don’t make assumptions”? Well, make ONE assumption. That an unconscious person should be given Narcan. Call for paramedics and give it.

I think there will be a lawsuit but it won’t be from the ghetto. It will be something like the following scenario: Jody Yuppie waves you down as you are driving on Clark. He is frantic and tells you that his dear wife, Buffy Yuppie, passed out behind the wheel of their Beemer and
won’t wake up. You arrive on the scene and indeed our dear Buf is sprawled languidly behind the wheel. She is clean, pretty and smells like Chanel Number 5. But she is unconscious and twitching. Don’t just stand there with your d-...I mean Narcan in your hand- call the ambulance and give the Narcan. Because if you don’t you will soon discover that Jody failed to mention that he cleaned up the scene a little bit and that Buffy not only has a taste for designer clothes but also likes a little smack. You know, just for the occasional funny. And now it is YOUR fault that Buffy Prepster-Yuppie is dead.

Good luck, my friends.

2/08/2018 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We and the FOP allowed these changes to occur, now we just have to go along with it or lose our jobs. Or until the FOP steps up to the plate. So stop crying, we will be administering the narcon, or we will be charged and sued.

2/08/2018 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP and the department should be adding a lot of Life Saving awards to their inventory, should be giving officers a medal with five saves!!!!!!!

2/08/2018 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IAD special: failed to inventory evidence of a crime!

good luck-officer!

2/08/2018 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant give a ASTHMA inhaler to a kid in custody without taking the stroke to a Hospital.

Yet some HEPATITIS carrying dope fiend passed out on a sidewalk from God knows what can receive NARCAN from me?

I know DOPE fiends never die of complications because they all go to an OBAMA care hospital for check ups.

Sound like another contract issue $$$$.
More work and responsibility yet i dont see a law that say all lawsuit for this application of MEDICINE will be VOID.

May be an hour of pay if an officer does a firefighter job???
FOP LODGE 7 any ideas?

2/08/2018 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I envision building a NARCAN fountain at Ohio and Avers. In the summertime the kids can play in it. It beautifies the neighborhood. And, well, after you rebound you're right there at Heroin Central for a quick after NARCAN pick-me-up. Imagine the International Junkie tourism this could generate; on their way to the Obama Library of course. Speaking of which, since the Obama Library won't have any actual Obama stuff in it, virtual only, it screams the need for a wax Obama Library/Museum next door. Rahm, are you listening? Hey, I'm just trying to help....

2/08/2018 12:38:00 AM

I heard hey are going to rename the Museum of Science & industry, the OBama science museum because he invented everything inside.... right there in Hyde Park.

2/08/2018 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In order for me to carry narcan, do I have to first be narcan’d like the taser training?

2/08/2018 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I foresee tv ads during daytime network tv that open with the statement “If you’ve been given narcan, you may be entitled to a settlement.”
They should just stock the needle exchanges and give narcan out to the junkies along with the needles, water, cups, and condoms. It’s a pain inthe ass. It’s temperature sensitive so you can’t leave it in a hot or cold car.

2/08/2018 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what if they have dope still on them - are they getting arrested?

No, state law doesn’t allow for an arrest now if they are in need of medical help due to an OD and drugs are found. No arrest.

2/08/2018 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one really gives a shit about some junkie offing him/herself because of a self inflicted "disease", but democrats need their votes, or at least their names as voters.


2/08/2018 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also if we refuse/fail to administer do we get written up?

2/08/2018 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will we be REQUIRED to administer this shit?

2/08/2018 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't waste time or money!

Let the junkies die and stop being a burden on the law abiding taxpaying people.

2/08/2018 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/08/2018 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When people start realizing there are actual consequences to their actions, it will save more lives in the long run. This cradle-to-grave bullshit and nobody is responsible for their own lives (unless you are a productive member of society and then they're after you're wallet) has got to come to a fucking end.

2/08/2018 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having Narcan for good use is ok allergic reaction vs. seizure...who can tell the difference?
Passed out and unresponsive, weak undetectable pulse give a shot and hope for....what?
Does every junkie pass out with a needle sticking out of their arm, like on tv?
Pile on more Police unnecessary responsibility and accountability.

How about this:
“...Narcotics Unit will kick off a $200,000 experiment bankrolled by fines against drunken drivers.”
Show me where a DUI that pays his court fees and fine.
No job, no lawyer, no prospects. Mmm-hmmm.
Only the folks that can afford a $20k retainer get fined.

So where’s the EMT training coming from?
Where’s the trained Dept EMT...oh he was on a carjacking report across town and can’t respond.

How do you decide who and when someone gets the dose?
Had a death investigation where a professional repeat rehab patient give an his o-d victim pal a Narcan shot, didn’t take so he gave him another, and another.
Who’ll be the first to get sued for a Narcan OD, Narcan that didn't save joe, Narcan that wasn’t administered because the community/COPRA said so.

Save the crime prone junkies... wuh-what?
More political optics.

Maybe they should focus on giving the junkie crackheads needles, condoms and a guaranteed monthly income along with free rent, free food, free medical, free CTA access and a few dozen other programs.

Fuvk you Rahm.
Resist this pandering prick.
Stay Fetal.

2/08/2018 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooooooo....Who is paying for this? The drug is costly and at the rates of OD's how long is $200,000 going to fund this STUPIDITY!? Oh wait we can take it out of the pension's already gone....You already took the widows, orphans and retiree's health benefits....Let's help illegal aliens....Lets help the walking dead....Citizen's, What Citizen's! Keep chasing anyone with a brain & a little money out of the city and state!
STOP expanding services & spending money not there!!!!

2/08/2018 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When they also provide us with eppy pens for those with severe allergic reactions out of their control, then I'll consider caring this but highly doubt it.

2/08/2018 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The narcan is for YOU GUYS and as the fentanyl problem grows you will be glad to have it.

I hope yall are minding Q. If you arent, you would be wise to start doing so. Major win against fentanyl problem china...tying CIAs clapper and a particular Saudi named alawaeed together with regards to that scourge.

It always gets worse before it gets better, and when narcan in cops cars saves cops lives because they are attacked/set-up with fentanyl you WILL be glad you have narcan. Bet on it.

2/08/2018 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t carry it for the junkies. Just like your lemart gear, carry it to save your partner’s life after accidental exposure to fentanyl...

2/08/2018 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is is this like LEMART? optional? or are we forced to apply the Narcan to the subject?

2/08/2018 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I joined the police department, not the fire department. Do you see firefighters wrestling a shoplifter fighting with security? Sorry, until you send me to a few month paramedic school, instead of a 4 hour bullshit course, well, you know what my response is.

Come on now. They need their sleep

2/08/2018 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Happen's to a person When they become a Junkie ? Prostitution, Robberies,Burgaries, I can't Wait to Save You'r Life.

2/08/2018 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the FOP is watching this one.
1. I’m not a Doctor or EMT. If I am I want more money for doing a different job than I was hired to do.
2. I want to be able to refuse the training and or libility.

2/08/2018 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narcan won't work if they have alcohol or xanex in their system also.

2/08/2018 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there ever any chance that the body camera "pilot program" in 014 wasn't going to spread to every district? Of course not, the city calls it a pilot program, but they already knew their plan was to outfit every district with the bwc.

So this Narcan "pilot program" I expect to spread to every district.

Same with the swiping.

The city's pilot programs aren't to gauge our opinions.

2/08/2018 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Blue Bloods covered police liability in giving Narcan last week. Check it out on On Demand."

Do you train on how to be the police from Netflix? Idiot.

2/08/2018 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, you can't get an Aspirin in the station, but they want me to give someone I have no idea what's wrong, a powerful medication too. Are we all fucking crazy............

2/08/2018 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do these Narcan bottles include a sneeze guard so I can't be accused of having an aaachooo accident?

2/08/2018 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was copper in 6 doing cpr , blowing life back into the perp

2/08/2018 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cops should not be giving any type of injections to anyone.

2/08/2018 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a er nurse who had given Narcan quite a bit, Narcan is pretty harmless. Only complications from usage are with patients coming out of surgery or


You are the very first medical professional that has not told stories of violent, pissed off hypes having a sudden “welcome back to life” experience. Every person I know that has administered narcan says a lot of hypes wake up pissed off and violent.

Try attacking me, then I beat their ass, worried about getting a nasty communicable disease from their blood, maybe some Hep-c or HIV antiviral, then a TRR, lawsuit, CR. All for what? Some asshole that shoots heroin?! Go fuck yourself. I personally don’t even think paramedics/EMTs should carry it. I initially joined this job to help people, not contribute to the decay and rot of society. “Squad, get ems rolling, got an unconscious male white Pulaski and west end, appears to be a battery victim.”

2/08/2018 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the administration if Narcan will call for the Officer to complete a TRR.

2/08/2018 03:46:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a reporter at WBEZ. I'd like to hear more from officers who are concerned about administering Narcan. If anyone is willing to talk to the media, I can be reached at: I can keep your name anonymous.

2/08/2018 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city can spend money on this crap but can’t spend money on a snow brush for the squad car during the wintertime

2/08/2018 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u best not be making no mistakes (that's zero mistakes for you immigrants from Milwaukee) administering this drug

This is Ghetto Lotto on a grandiose scale....gonna be lots of gold grille grins in the old town when the lawyers swing into action for some real e/z pickin's

Thar goes your career, thar goes any hope of promotion, thar goes any advancement

2/08/2018 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
In order for me to carry narcan, do I have to first be narcan’d like the taser training?

A PPO told me that the instructors are allowed to tase the recruits anymore

2/08/2018 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Engaging in necromancy ought not to be handled by coppers. Leave it to the Dr's, EMT's, other trained medical professionals. And even better - unless it's a kid, or someone accidentally exposed to that crap, leave the junkies to rot in hell where they belong. Eventually the "thousands" will be "hundreds", "tens", one, and then none. Self-correcting problem.

2/08/2018 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"1). The waiver of liability is covered by the Good Samaritan Act. You are clearly acting in good faith and trying to save someone’s life with your training. You are covered. "

Nope. the Good Samaritan laws do not cover professionals in the execution of their duty. Ask an ER doc or Paramedic if they are covered. You can get sued for adverse outcomes.

2/08/2018 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference between an EMT I, (Emergency Medical Technician) and EMT II is and EMT I cannot do a procedure which breaks the skin or administers drugs. Cops administering drugs and the lack of that extra training is going to cost the city, us, a lost of money in lawsuits.

Want to stop this.

Make it a pay and training upgrade if you have to use it like it like when cop have to move dead bodies. Get instant radio approval, inject and collect $$$.

Cops will be stocking up on Narcan and the city will be stopping this nonsense. But FOP will need to step up and demand this.

2/08/2018 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a guy fresh out of prison OD on Western just south of Lake St. Lying in the street. CFD paramedics show up and gave him a shot of narcan right under his tongue. I could have sworn he was a DOA but he popped right out of it. Then off to the hospital. Depending on how much heroin he took the guy might OD again and need more Narcan.

That was a year or so after 2001. Either the city gave it to ambulances or they snatched it from Stroger Hospital.

2/08/2018 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when I thought this department couldn’t get anymore pussified. Are we really saving the lives of tax munching addicts now? Fcuk you Chicago. I’m not a medical professional, so don’t expect me to administer any drug to anybody. I’m sure they’ll have some house mouse clown come in and teach this bullshit too. Idiot liberal thinking at its finest

2/08/2018 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fucking way! We are not emt’s or doctors!!!!

2/08/2018 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe fireman who are cross trained as a paramedic receive a higher pay grade. Will we be receiving a higher grade of pay for doing somebody else’s job ? FOP, are you listening ?

2/08/2018 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/08/2018 12:12:00 AM

I’m sure it’s becuase you really enjoy “sneezing” on your prisoner. Then sit at the bar and say what a great cop you are.

2/08/2018 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Cops should not be giving any type of injections to anyone.

2/08/2018 03:36:00 PM

It's a nose squirt type thing.

2/08/2018 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/08/2018 01:45:00 PM

Except BWC was signed into state law

2/08/2018 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CFD still needs to transport their dumbass to the hospital. So yeah, I'm just getting on the air and requesting an ambulance. I'm not a fucking paramedic.

2/08/2018 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless a hype has a needle sticking out of their arm, how is a 4 hr. training class going to train me to KNOW that someone is in an overdose state and not having a blood-sugar episode or something else completely different?

2/08/2018 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...
Trained or not, there's no way in hell I'll be administering this shit to some piece of shit that's on the verge of checking out.

Indemnified or not, my responsibility to "render aid and assistance" will begin and end with a request for an ambulance.

2/08/2018 01:46:00 AM

Me, I came on the job to help people. Even people with drug problems.

2/08/2018 08:49:00 AM

849 can't see the forest for the trees and must be a die hard snowflake. IFIYGD and the many other posts are correct. Fuck these junkie bastards. They chose their lifestyle, they can deal with the consequences. Have fun helping dope fiends you stupid jackass.

2/08/2018 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make it a pay and training upgrade if you have to use it like it like when cop have to move dead bodies. Get instant radio approval, inject and collect $$$.

Your on the wrong department. CFD gets paid for there upgrades in training. When they get certified they get extra pay.

2/08/2018 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon Heffernan—Sorry, too many coppers in the past have been burned by “friendly” reporters. WBEZ has a well known anti-police agenda, but at least you signed your name—I’ll give you credit for that

2/08/2018 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just keep piling on the bullshit. This job is becoming unbelievable. Good Samaritan act or not this a ghetto lottery waiting to happen. So many factors at play now we will be certainly on the hook especially if it involves a possible city payout. Well officer so and so why didnt you have your regulation Narcan dosage on your persons when you responded to your call. You are responsible for not admistering on time let the BWC show. City will pay out the hypes family (as if we are the ones at fault because their kin was a drug addict) and you will be lucky to keep your job. Nobody ever thought shooting a deadly assailant wielding a baseball bat would ever be second guessed as unjustifed use of force. The mandate of tasers made that mentality happen. And we’re the only ones that know the reality of their unreliability. Same shit here but now a different assumed liability.

No ladies and gentlemen. These days the less we do the safer we are from getting fired and frivolous lawsuits that will have teeth anyway because of how this city panders.

2/08/2018 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, please,please use your brains...don't get involved with use of narcan... If you have no BLS or ACLS certification you have no business using this stuff. Our department has demonstrated time and time again that it doesn't give a shit about the P.O.'s. The liability is huge and isn't guaranteed to reverse certain overdoses. Someone will inevitably die and the poor P.O. will get fucked over.

2/09/2018 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous I said...

Some SW suburb p.d.'s have been carrying it for a while now. I believe Orland park hands them out courtesy of some state sen.lf someone is dosed they don't need to tell you shit can just walk off to o.d. again 5 min later.

2/09/2018 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny. The dept will send you to training , spend money on drugs that will save the lives of junkies/law breakers, and will give you a replacement for the narcan if you use it, but the dept wont give you a tourniquet, An item that they sent us for training and a piece of equipment that could save an OFFICERS life or a true victims or may be a bad guys life. The dept is willing to save junkies but not give us the equipment to save are own. And a side note if you did buy a tourniquet and used it, your on your own for a replacement.

2/09/2018 05:17:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous, I understand. Individual officers are obviously under no obligation to speak to us, and many do not trust media outlets. It's my job, at the very least, to make sure that if there is something people are concerned about enough that do decide to reach out, they have a way to reach out to us. So try to put my contact information out there when and where I can. It's important we hear from people beyond official CPD press releases. Shannon Heffernan, WBEZ,

2/09/2018 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Citizen Richard said...

As a tax, very high tax paying citizen. I say fuck those that choose to play with fire. This is a no win situation for all LEO's and the citizenry. Ghetto vulture attorneys have begun to circle in the sky waiting for this to fuck up.
I have a tax problem, where is my Taxcan other than at the voting booth?
Ladies and gentlemen who put it on the line everyday, this cannot end well for anyone except for the junkie and whoever gets the contract to supply the shit.
Save it to save your fellow officer who may need it when exposed to the shit by some half dead jag ready for a bag.

2/09/2018 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there ever any chance that the body camera "pilot program" in 014 wasn't going to spread to every district? Of course not, the city calls it a pilot program, but they already knew their plan was to outfit every district with the bwc.

So this Narcan "pilot program" I expect to spread to every district.

Same with the swiping.

The city's pilot programs aren't to gauge our opinions.

2/08/2018 01:45:00 PM

Im still waiting for the pilot program in 005 to hit the rest of the city.

2/09/2018 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me, I came on the job to help people. Even people with drug problems.

The job is a Law Enforcement Officer. You are on a wrong job. You should be a social worker or a counselor. Those people are paid to give a shit.

2/09/2018 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’ll get sued for not using it and the scum bag dies. Either way we are fucked once again.

2/09/2018 02:34:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew Petersen said...

Blogger Shannon Heffernan said...
Anonymous, I understand. Individual officers are obviously under no obligation to speak to us, and many do not trust media outlets. It's my job, at the very least, to make sure that if there is something people are concerned about enough that do decide to reach out, they have a way to reach out to us. So try to put my contact information out there when and where I can. It's important we hear from people beyond official CPD press releases. Shannon Heffernan, WBEZ,

Shannon....what the media in this city fails to understand or is Outright Ignoring is the fact that every city department prohibits, by Department Policy, its employees that are Not in the Public Affairs Office of their particular Department from commenting to the Press about anything that is job related.

CPD PO can't comment on the record about a GO
Finance PEA can't comment on the record about a media story about Ticketing policy beyond a simple "The Posted Restriction is x, or vehicle type Y is prohibited from Z because of municipal Code 9-64-70A. And PEA's are never going to respond to a social media request for comment any more than they will answer the door to a TV News Crew that knocks.
DSS, Water, etc....

Or did you miss the point that the majority of the Cops that post here about specific OTJ stuff do it Anonymously?

2/09/2018 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or did you miss the point that the majority of the Cops that post here about specific OTJ stuff do it Anonymously?

2/09/2018 05:14:00 PM

Or that a lot of people posting aren't the police at all.

2/09/2018 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Shannon Heffernan said...
Anonymous, I understand. Individual officers are obviously under no obligation to speak to us, and many do not trust media outlets. It's my job, at the very least, to make sure that if there is something people are concerned about enough that do decide to reach out, they have a way to reach out to us. So try to put my contact information out there when and where I can. It's important we hear from people beyond official CPD press releases. Shannon Heffernan, WBEZ,

2/09/2018 10:56:00 AM


How would you verify if somebody who contacts you is really the police?

2/09/2018 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best comment so far points out that the city trains us in Lemart, but doesn't provide even a bandaid to help an officer. But, the Narcan will be provided repeatedly for criminal overdosings. If this doesn't speak volumes of who the politicians care about, I do not know what will. You see, the politicians know that even if police officers and their families vote, it will primarily be for their opponent. The drug abusing criminals who vote will keep them in office. Trump and Sessions: We beg you to drain this swamp followed by a douching for good measure.

2/09/2018 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know of at least 3 officers who have had their offspring die of heroin overdoses. I bet each of those officers wish that their co-workers had been assigned to carry Narcan at the time their children were discovered in the throes of their respective overdoses. Having it accessible would have likely made a difference. Now, what say all of you here on this blog?

2/09/2018 08:19:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew Petersen said...

Anonymous said...

Or did you miss the point that the majority of the Cops that post here about specific OTJ stuff do it Anonymously?

2/09/2018 05:14:00 PM

Or that a lot of people posting aren't the police at all.

2/09/2018 07:34:00 PM

Yes, there is that. But we know what she is fishing for......

2/09/2018 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Me, I came on the job to help people. Even people with drug problems.

The job is a Law Enforcement Officer. You are on a wrong job. You should be a social worker or a counselor. Those people are paid to give a shit.

2/09/2018 02:29:00 PM

You are paid to "give a shit".

2/09/2018 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Me, I came on the job to help people. Even people with drug problems.

The job is a Law Enforcement Officer. You are on a wrong job. You should be a social worker or a counselor. Those people are paid to give a shit.

2/09/2018 02:29:00 PM

You are paid to "give a shit".

2/09/2018 11:13:00 PM

No we're not paid to give a shit...

"Giving a shit" is merely a societal construct
as far as Police compensation is concerned.

The Police are "paid" for the actions they may
have to take to correct a situation gone from
the rails.

"Giving a shit" should not be confused with
ethics and morality which the majority of
Policemen have in abundance in spite of
what the grievance industrial complex
would have everyone to believe.

"We gotta make the cops care..."

Mandating that The Police give a shit
makes for photo-ops and pressers
that give politicians a nice tingle
down their leg as they count the
noses of department heads and assorted
organizational spokes-weasels crowded
onto the dais with them as the cameras roll.


Perhaps because some fear the
full power reverse and situational
re-assessment society is undergoing?

2/10/2018 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know of at least 3 officers who have had their offspring die of heroin overdoses. I bet each of those officers wish that their co-workers had been assigned to carry Narcan at the time their children were discovered in the throes of their respective overdoses. Having it accessible would have likely made a difference. Now, what say all of you here on this blog?

2/09/2018 08:19:00 PM

I understand what you're saying but the police were not on the scene when they overdosed.

2/10/2018 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You WILL GET SUED for administering drugs to someone without having any training as an RN or an MD- you can count on it!!! The shyster attorneys are chomping at the bit just waiting for this bullshit to happen. Why the fuck should police officers be doing the work of the hospital's emergency room staff- who are trained and legally authorized to do this- unlike us. What asshole came up with this bullshit, anyway???

2/10/2018 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know of at least 3 officers who have had their offspring die of heroin overdoses. I bet each of those officers wish that their co-workers had been assigned to carry Narcan at the time their children were discovered in the throes of their respective overdoses. Having it accessible would have likely made a difference. Now, what say all of you here on this blog?

2/09/2018 08:19:00 PM

Well, since you asked, I'm going to relate my experience. I know that I'm going to get shit for this, but I am CPD and if you doubt me, I'll provide my employee # to anyone who is willing to challenge me and prove that they are CPD. I had a junkie son who died two years ago of an overdose. As cruel as this sounds, I was glad that it finally happened. I knew it was inevitable, I've been the police for 30 years. He did nothing but break his mother's heart, steal us blind and continously come back "for help" when all his druggie friends deserted him. I spent tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket to send him to rehab (multiple times), all to no avail, (he had no health insurance). He stole additional tens of thousands of dollars from me every chance he had (including cash, a car and several guns which he traded for dope on the west side). I finally resolved myself to the fact that his death was inevitable. He was raised right, in a good family, and I dont know how he turned to heroin (I suspect it was the peer group from high school) but he subsequently destroyed that good family. We tried everything to help him, and he constantly went back to the streets. For the sake of the rest of my family, I'm glad he died. If the south surbuban PD where he overdosed had saved him with NARCAN, it might have meant several more years of tearing this family apart. I know that every situation is different, but I'm trying to tell you how devastating it is to have a junkie like that in your family. I'm sure that your friends have different perspectives, but perhaps they haven't experienced what I have. I'm sorry for what they are going through.

2/10/2018 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know of at least 3 officers who have had their offspring die of heroin overdoses. I bet each of those officers wish that their co-workers had been assigned to carry Narcan at the time their children were discovered in the throes of their respective overdoses. Having it accessible would have likely made a difference. Now, what say all of you here on this blog?

2/09/2018 08:19:00 PM

I understand what you're saying but the police were not on the scene when they overdosed.

But they could have been and had Narcan that could possibly have saved these people. Not everyone one of the “junkies” are dirtbags. I’ve seen retired police and fire have back, knee and hip surgeries to list a few and they have had problems dealing with the painkillers prescribed after surgery. Or have had serious illnesses with extreme pain and were prescribed pain killers and now have problems. Helping one of them by administering them a nasal spray would not be the worse thing. If I were assigned to a job and took that action I would be proud to help

2/11/2018 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me an asshole, but I’ve been on the job a long time and I do give a shit. If I can save a persons life by giving an injection or a nasal I’m doing it. No I don’t work in CAPS and I’m a not a house mouse either. I work the street and lock up bad guys and also try to help others. Sounds corny but Thad’s the way it is
I’m not a fireman or a lifeguard but I will pull a person out of a burning car or save someone from drowning in a second so don’t say it’s not your job. Tell someone burning to death in a house that you are not a fireman and they should wait for them to come. Do what many of the police do on a weekly basis and try to save that persons life. That’s what we do

2/11/2018 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Call me an asshole..." You're exactly freakin' right. If the powers that be want us to try to protect a member of the public (protect and serve...sound familiar anyone?) despite their poor life choices, so be it. SSC I am actually surprised at your propensity to poo poo every. single. thing. that comes down from higher. Sometimes it would serve you/us all to remember that at the end of the day, we are all just trying to figure out the best thing to do, the best course of action... from the top down to the bottom rankingest PPO, we're all just trying to figure it out.

2/11/2018 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the duty of the police to save life whenever possible. Narcan is yet another tool to do so, just as less-lethal weapons are. The fiction of only being crimefighting avengers is an insult to every officer who handles the wide variety of duties American policing entails. Police officers save hundreds of lives a year in water, fire, and accident rescues. If that makes cops "social workers with guns" (which we are anyway), then so be it! If you only took the job to be "tactical Barney Fife 24/7", then turn in your badge.

2/11/2018 12:28:00 PM  

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