Friday, July 13, 2018

Baltimore De-Policing

A pretty well written article - which is surprising considering it's from USA Today:
  • Just before a wave of violence turned Baltimore into the nation’s deadliest big city, a curious thing happened to its police force: officers suddenly seemed to stop noticing crime.

    Police officers reported seeing fewer drug dealers on street corners. They encountered fewer people who had open arrest warrants.

    Police questioned fewer people on the street. They stopped fewer cars.

    In the space of just a few days in spring 2015 – as Baltimore faced a wave of rioting after Freddie Gray, a black man, died from injuries he suffered in the back of a police van – officers in nearly every part of the city appeared to turn a blind eye to everyday violations. They still answered calls for help. But the number of potential violations they reported seeing themselves dropped by nearly half. It has largely stayed that way ever since.

    “What officers are doing is they’re just driving looking forward. They’ve got horse blinders on,” says Kevin Forrester, a retired Baltimore detective.
The entire article is extensive, covers both sides of the debate, and interviews a bunch of retired cops who have devastating insight into the political and social consequences of the "de-policing" phenomenon. Heather MacDonald did it first and more in depth, but for a USA Today article, it is deserving of a read.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fetality explained!

Soon, and make no mistake this is a set up. The papers will be demonizing cops over their Fetalness and blame rising crime on lazy, money soaking, do nothing cops that are costing waaay too much tax money to produce next to no -wait for it- Proactive Policing!

Prepare your copy and paste function, SCC. The contradictory articles will now come fast and furious!

7/13/2018 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The de-policing movement is becoming so pervasive and widespread that even the lamest of the lame stream media can not ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist. They have to face the fact that it is the new reality.

And that reality scares them.

7/13/2018 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given the cities mayor, DA, and city council, can you blame them?

7/13/2018 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay fetal.

Let the libtards get the Thunderdome they wanted. Then when they can't stand it any longer (because it's not the utopia they thought it would be), one of two things will happen:

1) Conservatives will get elected to fix the libtard fuckup. And we will. The criminals won't like it, but the law-abiding will be able to go down the street in relative safety once again...

2) No law-abiding conservatives will be left, and the libtards can face off with the savages. Good luck. When the savages eat them all, maybe the Feds will turn the place into an Escape From Chiraq zone with 60' high walls around the city...

Either way works for me.

7/13/2018 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it's an unintended consequence.
Quite the contrary, I think it's a diabolical plan to destroy the major police departments of this great nation.
This has been done in other countries to expedite regime change.

7/13/2018 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reap what you sow all you social justice warriors and liberal crybabies. I hope the mutts pay you all a lovely visit soon.

7/13/2018 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago has the same policy.

7/13/2018 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ferguson Eddie Pfhleger fuck all of you. Everyone worried about the defenders and not the villains. 20%⬆ on the next contract. Let them pay

7/13/2018 12:38:00 AM  
Blogger Chip Bagg said...

Oh yeah, almost forgot.
I am enjoying the de-policing in my neighborhood.
It is far better than the over-policing we used to get.
Like for instance, sometimes I make a driving mistake.
It may be an infraction of the law but a friendly warning would do.
Always a fucking ticket.
Well no more.
Thanks guys.
I like it much better this way.
�� Have a pleasant day.

7/13/2018 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not worth it. The more interaction you have with people, the more chances you take of something going wrong. And when things go wrong the dept, copa, state's atty office, etc WILL NOT have your back.

7/13/2018 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I wonder why democratic cities are even hiring new cops..... for what reason? To jam them up in federal court 2 or 3 years down the road. To fire them 10 years on the job— so they can wonder how to pay their mortgage🤔. Or the worst— when a cop eats his gun.

People in Big cities, do your self a favor and figure out if you hate the police or if the police are the problem— and get your self a fire arm for personal defense. Don’t do a hiring blitz— no one in their right mind wants this job.. and if those who have an IQ above 65 and waiting to leak off this job.

7/13/2018 01:01:00 AM  
Blogger Skip said...

Portland,OR cops are bailing out 'in droves'.

7/13/2018 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC off topic tip.. Loyola hospital is suing Sheriff Dart for millions for commandeering their hospital. According the suit the Sheriff has had inmate there for months and refuses to remove him despite the inmate being discharged in April costing millions in expenses to the hospital. The kicker is Tom Dart is always acting like he treats his inmates so humanely but this prisoner has been strapped and shackled to a bed for months according to the hospital.. And the hilarious thing is Dart always walks around with a Loyola pull over that looks like it hasn't seen a washing machine in years.

According to the suit, Cermak refused inmate and the Sheriff took him to the emergency room at Loyola Medical center several months ago.. He was discharged in early April, but the Sheriff refuses to remove him according to the suit.. Loyola claims he has been strapped/shacked to a bed for months while costing the hospital over $500,000 in medical expenses..

The hospital is asking the court to declare the county’s actions to be an illegal seizure of hospital property and resources, and to order the county to remove the inmate and reimburse the hospital for its expenses.

7/13/2018 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something McCarthy would never acknowledge. OTOH, Vallas understands what the "Baltimore effect" means and will give patrol the tools to take Chicago back!

7/13/2018 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the comments by the ACLU rep, Jeffery Robinson. I guess he thinks the job is real easy and if the police are not doing their "Jobs" right they should be fired. What simplistic, smug thinking by the same people who created this mess to begin with and will make things much worse to the point of total anarchy and lawlessness. I see the police here and elsewhere finally walking away from their jobs and leaving the cities to the criminals in the near future.

7/13/2018 03:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago police officer should take a lesson from these guys in Baltimore don’t do anything !!!

7/13/2018 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cede the cities to the savages and their handlers.

Re-take the quiet countryside, where life is simple. Make it your home and fight to defend it.

7/13/2018 06:12:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Same thing here.

7/13/2018 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are their middle class fleeing too?

7/13/2018 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Baltimore is following Chicago's lead. Fetal beats fatal.

7/13/2018 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life got better for me when I de-Policed. It took me many years, I was stubborn, but I should thank IAD and Phat Phil for ruining a good cop. For a small investment in days, of which the Govt. steals 1/3 anyway, I de-Policed and my blood pressure went down and ass felt better from not having to sit on those wooden benches anymore. Also I had no more bullets whizzing by my head.

Smile and wave guys cause de-policing is where its at.

7/13/2018 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody catch some of that Congressional Hearing yesterday. The high ranking FBI agent actually thinks that Congress and the American people should believe that he would never allow his personal opinion sway his investigation. So let’s see this same guy investigated Hilary and found little or no wrong doing and called it “bad judgement and non criminal.” Then he initiated the Trump Russian collusion investigation which is still ongoing after a year where they have found no “collusion” but have indicted a few people for other things they found when going through they’re personal accounts with a fine tooth comb. And the same FBI agent was texting his girlfriend a high ranking lawyer within the FBI that “Trump can’t be president and we must stop him.” He clarified that the “we” he was talking about was the American people not his little group at the FBI and his girlfriend. And why shouldn’t we believe him after all he has such stellar character. Forget that he’s been cheating on and lying to his wife for god knowsnhow long about his affair. Not to mention all the thousands of other incriminating text messages he sent on his FBI phone. Like the one that said , “we need to come up with plan b if Hilary doesn’t get elected.” No shit huh. Hopefully plan b is prison.

This guy is a real piece of work. Smug little fucker as well. Guys like him are exactly why the Clintons can do whatever they want and know they can get away with it.

7/13/2018 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a Citizen says:
I look at it this way. The absence of God is hell. Not to say that LE is like God, but look at the comparison:

When I was growing up in unincorporated Roselle, IL, all LE Officers were FEARED and RESPECTED. This was in the 60's. You saw a police car behind you, you sat up straighter. You got pulled over, you shut up and listened and did what he asked. We held parades for the Sheriff's Dept. and the nearby local police departments. To us (us meaning normal, law abiding citizens) LE were there to protect us, to help us, to keep law and order in our neighborhood and to keep us from harm. But now? The liberal assholes (much like satan) are doing everything in their power to emasculate and castrate the very definition of what LE is all about. Therefore, my theory of "the absence of God is hell." If you take the people (LE) who are there for the very purpose to protect us, keep us from harm, instill law and order out of the picture, what you have is hell... or Detroit, Baltimore, LA, Chicago and any other major city where hood rats reside and democrats rule, aka, the demons.

Go ahead, make fun of me, but deep down, you know I'm right.

7/13/2018 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not de-policing. We are still policing, but it is evolutionary policing. Adapt and adjust or perish. Simple.

7/13/2018 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The P.O. who thought Illinois was a 2 party consent state for recording could have saved himself a lot of headache had he followed this Fetality.....

7/13/2018 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as we have said in previous posts,go to calls, be silent, do not engage in conversations other then what is involved in the call,do not sit down, accept offers of coffee.inspect damage to,give info on RD # and then without a good bye walk from scene quickly and leave,the public will soon get the message of your being fetal to their childish and oft time silly demands,this has worked in NYC and now understand that the police in LA are doing the same,CAPS this is not but don't put your self in the cross hairs of the public that wants to burn you,

7/13/2018 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way who's training these new guys?

7/13/2018 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the trib and suntimes? Why don't they survey some recent retired Chicago police. Maybe they don't want to hear the truth.

7/13/2018 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe in the longer run it is a good thing. the so called pro-active policing techniques that have been used in the past have all been of dubious constitutionality. maybe some better and more constitutionally acceptable ones are in order. people need to feel that there is at least some level of fairness in their interactions with LE.

7/13/2018 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Los Angeles PD has "To Protect and Serve" as its motto. The San Diego County Sheriffs Department has the best slogan ever with "Keeping the Peace Since 1850" on the front fender of patrol units.

Chicago PD should change its motto to, "Minding Our Own Business" or better still, "Waiting for Retirement."

The slogan "Clearing Homicides 15 Percent of the Time" is too long to fit on the door.

7/13/2018 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the above mentioned article , and I believe the fine Citizens of Baltimore have gotten the Police Force they not only wanted, but deserve!

7/13/2018 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think by now we should have learned that lesson by now.
The cost of staying on a Team or a Watch is putting ones financial and future well-being in jeopardy.

Stay Fetal and preserve Rahm’s social disorder.

7/13/2018 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leftist politicians want to turn our cities into third world shitholes so they can demand more power and largess from the taxpayer.

7/13/2018 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depolicing is like welfare - it only works if you have the right demographic.

7/13/2018 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee...... who would’ve thunk it??
When you start a war on the police what do you expect?

7/13/2018 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Something McCarthy would never acknowledge. OTOH, Vallas understands what the "Baltimore effect" means and will give patrol the tools to take Chicago back!

7/13/2018 02:25:00 AM

I highly doubt Vallas would give Patrol the tools it needs but I definitely would love to see him defeat slippery, slimy Rahm.
Rahm must go.

7/13/2018 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I wonder why democratic cities are even hiring new cops..... for what reason? ..... one in their right mind wants this job......

7/13/2018 01:01:00 AM

The progressive version of their "police" force is to be found in their base principles:

1. Take from those who have earned. (Taxes)

2. Take from those who have. (Fines, Fees, Surcharges, etc., via Permits, Licenses, Rules, etc., and the violation penalties for same.)

3. Enforce upon those who have earned, do not enforce upon those who are Us, progressives.

Thus, a re-modeling, re-forming and re-constituting of the specifications of the qualities of the progressive version of their required "police" force is seen to be no different than armed department of revenue collection agents. Aka, socialist thugs.

The transitioning is accomplished by using the 2nd and 3rd steps in the 3 step process of law enforcement's purpose, #2 = Prosecution, and #3 = Adjudication, to thwart all cases selectively chosen as errors committed by those employed to impose step #1 = Enforcement.

Thus, the socialist, aka progressive, agenda is implemented.

MAGA is toxic to progressives.

MAGA is the DDT to the progressive mosquito mentality.

MAGA restores sanity to the progressively insane.

MAGA is the authentic, Salt of the Earth, Golden Rule, Spirit of America.

All else is mere distraction.

7/13/2018 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...... I see the police here and elsewhere finally walking away from their jobs and leaving the cities to the criminals in the near future.

7/13/2018 03:53:00 AM

Pity the poor criminals, were this to ever come to pass.

No, you won't have to feel that pity for long, as there is no purpose in feeling pity for the dead.

A bit of empathy, plus appreciation, for the citizens who would be doing the wet work would be nice, though.

7/13/2018 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, almost forgot.
I am enjoying the de-policing in my neighborhood.
It is far better than the over-policing we used to get.
Like for instance, sometimes I make a driving mistake.
It may be an infraction of the law but a friendly warning would do.
Always a fucking ticket.
Well no more.
Thanks guys.
I like it much better this way.
�� Have a pleasant day.

7/13/2018 12:54:00 AM

Hold that thought.

Hold on real tight to that thought.

Grip that thought like you gripped your johnson when you hit puberty.

Then pretend that the progressives' agendas won't ever catch up to you.

Yep, them insignificant "driving mistakes" you, somehow, someway, for some mysterious reason, tend to make quite often, why, you can now make as often as you please!!!! At no cost to you!!!

The democrat mind: most awesome to behold.

7/13/2018 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just watched the "Dope" episode on Netflix last night about Baltimore. The FIRST THING the heroin dealer talks about is how great things are now for them, how great it is that there are NO PLAINCLOTHES COPS in Maryland anymore.

7/13/2018 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fetality explained!

Soon, and make no mistake this is a set up. The papers will be demonizing cops over their Fetalness and blame rising crime on lazy, money soaking, do nothing cops that are costing waaay too much tax money to produce next to no -wait for it- Proactive Policing!

Prepare your copy and paste function, SCC. The contradictory articles will now come fast and furious!

^We’re slowly sliding/transitioning from a Police State society into Martial Law(even worse). It’s coming whether we like it or not.

7/13/2018 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
SCC off topic tip.. Loyola hospital is suing Sheriff Dart for millions for commandeering their hospital. According the suit the Sheriff has had inmate there for months and refuses to remove him despite the inmate being discharged in April costing millions in expenses to the hospital. The kicker is Tom Dart is always acting like he treats his inmates so humanely but this prisoner has been strapped and shackled to a bed for months according to the hospital.. And the hilarious thing is Dart always walks around with a Loyola pull over that looks like it hasn't seen a washing machine in years.

According to the suit, Cermak refused inmate and the Sheriff took him to the emergency room at Loyola Medical center several months ago.. He was discharged in early April, but the Sheriff refuses to remove him according to the suit.. Loyola claims he has been strapped/shacked to a bed for months while costing the hospital over $500,000 in medical expenses..

The hospital is asking the court to declare the county’s actions to be an illegal seizure of hospital property and resources, and to order the county to remove the inmate and reimburse the hospital for its expenses.

Just discharge him to the street. Let the Sheriff worry about it then.

7/13/2018 11:01:00 AM  
Blogger Birds&Blooms said...

Good for Baltimore. Stay fetal.

7/13/2018 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD needs a taste of that. Especially during election season. Get rid of that tiny man

7/13/2018 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats would rather spend money on ceasefire, you this organization:
“He uses his past to help stop killing today. And he is great at it,” wrote Slutkin, a University of Illinois at Chicago professor and the founder of CeaseFire’s parent organization, Cure Violence. “I know he is out of gang life as much as anyone can know.”

Neither Lassar nor Slutkin responded to calls for comment Wednesday.

Sanchez is hardly the first CeaseFire employee to be accused of a crime. Since its inception in 2000, the group has been controversial, especially in the eyes of Chicago police officers who don’t trust the CeaseFire workers because many have criminal backgrounds. More than a dozen have faced charges ranging from drug sales to domestic violence.

7/13/2018 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer you call. You end up getting parkers, movers, ANOV's, ISR's, and arrests. Sometimes you even get a TRR after you have de-escalated.

All in all the job needs to have a base pay of $135,000.00 a year in order to be a pro-active officer.


7/13/2018 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical leftist bullshit. They complain that we the police do too much and are out of control. We sit back and let said leftists have it there way, now they are crying because dude forcibly sodomized them in an alley after relieving them of their iPhone and possessions. Leftist idiots are too ignorant to understand the concept of "you cannot have it both ways."

7/13/2018 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Baltimore, here's a slug who is supposed to oversee police. Me thinks that he just wants to coerce police into making a mistake. #typical

7/13/2018 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, very surprising that there was an honest news report about Black AA crime in Baltimore published in USA Today.

The American fake news, lying press Lib media is very much like the Soviet press in the worst days from the 1920s-1960. It's non stop propaganda, but skilled readers learned how to find honest news like who got purged by Stalin.

7/13/2018 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give the liberals what they want!!!

7/13/2018 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vallas and MCarthy need to team up to not divide the votes. If they don’t start working together, assume McCarthy is a plant to divide the middle class vote for Rahm.

And fop is useless. You can’t play nice with Rahm. Ask for everything including residency after 10 years. We need to elect a retired guy with no fear of blowback or bribery from the city.

7/13/2018 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curiously, absent in the article:

- mayor being told to “give them space” to loot and riot
- police commissioner or sup repeatedly claiming years of systemic racism from his own police force
- citizens demands to police themselves
- sensationalized witch hunt against police
- black crime statistics
- specifics about what proactive means, i.e., narcotics investigations and street stops. Please explain to public, media, since you are the experts. Police see what you describe as a dope spot yelling “hard body” and lookouts. Well, explain how this is portrayed in court. Hand to hand transaction? “Officer, what gave you the right to conduct a custodial search of my client? Because you saw him exchange small items? Did you see the contents of this alleged item, the size of a dime or smaller, from 25 feet? If so, Do you have super powers?”

How about a terry stop with RAS for dope. Isn’t this harassment? Pockets, by law, may only be crushed, not manipulated, for a protective patdown, and that’s just for weapons. Are they advocating officers go through suspected drug dealer’s pockets?! civil rights violations, harassment!

I do like how they specific police response times are faster than ever. They also have a nice chart showing drop in police on-views correlating to increase in calls for service. Isn’t this police doing their job?

Commenters saying “fire police for not doing their job” are funny. They are. Then they argue looking past dope spots is failure to execute their duties and they’re just mad they can’t beat black people. This just shows their complete ignorance in what is deemed “harassment” resulting from Terry stops, RAS and the fact that, absent a weapon, police can’t make arrests on these stops unless the dope is in plain view. Maybe the dope boys will wear jabs around their necks, displayed in plain view.

Good job BPD. You’re doing the right thing and we are slowly following suit

7/13/2018 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god, when I hit my hand with a hammer it hurts, who can I blame.

7/13/2018 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Doing nothing" didn't work out to well for the FPD copper. Ur damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

7/13/2018 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no surprise here, punishing a behavior nets less of it in people. This is psyche and Econ 101.

7/13/2018 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What astounds me is that the media never questions the assertion that black people are unfairly targeted by police. Please media answer these questions. Who is committing the majority of violent crime in the US? Which neighborhoods have the highest murder and crime rates? Who are committing the most murders, who are the victims of shooting the most and by who? The answer to all these questions is the same. It's not racist or unfair, it's simply the truth. It's black people. Knowing this, who should the police be looking at, and what neighborhoods should they be focusing on? The only results of this pandering ultra liberal mindset is more violent crime, more victims, and more dead black people at the hands of other black people.

7/13/2018 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(With apologies to the Go-Gos)

All the bodies bleeding in the street
With all the Rahmbies shuffling their feet
They're all wound up and ready to blow
C'mon down and see the shit show!
We've lost the streets . . .
We've lost the streets . . .
We've lost the streets . . .
Yeah . . . we've lost the streets

All the kids are staying out of school
Hangin' out on the corners acting like a fool
Staying out all hours of the night
Every last one is looking for a fight
We've lost the streets . . .
We've lost the streets . . .
We've lost the streets . . .
Yeah . . . we've lost the streets


Protestors were shutting down the Ryan
And all next week the lead just kept on flyin'
We had higher hopes for Department heads
But they turned their backs on us instead
We've lost the streets . . .
We've lost the streets . . .
We've lost the streets . . .
Yeah . . . we've lost the streets

We've lost the streets
We've lost the streets
We've lost the streets
The South and West Sides are burning down
(We've lost the streets)
Soon the flames will make their way downtown
(We've lost the streets)
Not just in Austin but in Lakeview too
(We've lost the streets)
Better leave if you can the fire is coming for you . . .

We've lost the streets
We've lost the streets
We've lost the streets
We've lost the streets
We've lost the streets

7/13/2018 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop, and I live in a lily white suburb of Chicago where incidents like driving on a suspended license make the police blotter.

I can not begin to imagine how difficult your jobs are, but I want you to know that even if it may seem like it, there are tons of people in YOUR corner and appreciate the jobs which you perform, and I am one of them.

A very heartfelt thank you for your service!!

Please be safe.

7/13/2018 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But don't worry rahm is out of the country bet he took people with him gee who:
Who is in Asia with Emanuel? Campaign donors, lobbyists, developers, business heavyweights

Along for the ride with the mayor: A 44-member delegation made up mostly of Chicago business heavyweights, including donors with ties to nearly $2 million in contributions to Emanuel’s campaign, top City Hall lobbyists and representatives of developers looking to build on some of the city’s highest-profile available real estate.

So the big question is who got the payoffs? The bigger question

Ten people who did travel to Asia with the mayor have ties to $1.85 million in campaign contributions to Emanuel, a Tribune analysis of campaign finance records shows. When the mayor traveled to the Vatican in 2016 for the elevation ceremony of Cardinal Blase Cupich, he took 24 top political backers with ties to $5.5 million in campaign contributions, the Tribune previously reported.

*OK people still being murdered/maimed/beat and no solution for this chaos but yet campaign contributors are being feted on the world stage! As rahm tries everything to upstage President trump while his buddy Barry accomplished what again? Just more negative things against the police and law and order!

7/13/2018 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone with common sense would be following this strategy. Not here in Chicago tho. Everyone’s out for themselves, keeping spots, keeping their bf/gf bosses happy, staying in civiiian dress with standard backwards cap. 003 midnights is one of the most selfish places I’ve ever worked in 21 years otj.

7/13/2018 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when the city is run by police haters. Respond to 911 calls, nothing more. That's what Fire Dept does, they don't drive around and look for fires. Give them what they want. Until special interest groups (ACLU American Criminal Lovers Union and Black Lies mater) are removed from dictating policy to Police departments it will only get worse. If you seriously think about it these two groups have publicly expressed an animus toward the Police and to allow their bias and hatred to have input in Police Policy is Absolutely ridiculous.

7/13/2018 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We, who learned early on, many years ago, that promotions were political, the community did not support you, nor did the brass, arrests did not get you a bigger paycheck, and that today's victim was tomorrows offender, were the original founders of today's zero policing movement. Now you are "fetal"; we were called dogasses then.

Stay safe and fetal.

7/13/2018 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All thanks to the communist in chief, obamutt

7/13/2018 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck all you Cop Haters in Shitcago. if you think you can manage crime better than the Police, do it! Theres going to come a time when these criminals get bolder and bolder and what happens when you call the police and nobody shows up!

7/13/2018 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let Baltimore burn down! The mayor and the police chief handed it over to those animals the minute they gave the order to stand down. They can eat that shit sandwich they created; NO ONE gives a rat's ass at this point!!

7/13/2018 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many young superstars that want to work tact , gangs , narcotics or saturation teams that are willing to put their livelihoods careers and lives on the line

7/13/2018 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just do the best you can and move away. These ass-holes didn’t appreciate anything anyone does!

7/13/2018 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly, the more they kill each other in Garfield Park, the less they venture out to Lincoln Park, so I am down with it.

7/13/2018 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean this is what they wanted right? We all knew terms like 'proactive policing' and 'law and order' were just dogwhistles for evil racist cops to harass poor innocent minorities. Tools like that quoted ACLU rep sowed the wind, and now they're reaping the whirlwind.

7/13/2018 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any officer takes proactive work and gets in trouble, don't come asking for a fundraiser. You know the climate out there. Wise up.

7/13/2018 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The white-guilt addled liberal progressive democrats
who show affinity and common purpose with the seething,
ungovernable, unsatisfiable, perpetual grievant/black
supremacist neo-Marxists howling for a "seat at the table,"
seem to not like the strategic withdrawal by The Police
in America's large urban centers.

If The Police continue to withdraw in self defense
and leave "tha' communerty" to hash out it's differences
among themselves, "tha' communuerty" will no longer have
The Police to blame for it's problems.

"Why y'all actin' like y'all don't care about US?"

Because you make it so damned easy...

Point & Laugh.

They HATE YOU because YOU aren't THEM...

7/13/2018 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line in these big liberal cities. Drug dealing and gangbanging is tolerated/accepted more than the police taking action against it. They don’t want the police “ interfering “ in their dirty business.

7/13/2018 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Something McCarthy would never acknowledge. OTOH, Vallas understands what the "Baltimore effect" means and will give patrol the tools to take Chicago back!

7/13/2018 02:25:00 AM

McCarthy adamantly refuses to come clean about
Gump-Stat being the most monumental fraud ever
foisted on Policing and the tax-paying public.

There is no linear, sensible or logical way
to overlay the "corporate model" on something
as messy, unpredictable and dangerous as Policing.

Policemen don't manufacture widgets...

McCarthy as mayor will pose a lot of problems
for public safety and the taxpayers who pay
the freight.

You people who have had your share of Police
coverage stolen from you by McCarthy should
NEVER FORGIVE OR FORGET what he did to you.

7/13/2018 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget it Jake, it’s Baltimore.

7/13/2018 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, good luck 018 and 012!!

Yours Truly,

The whole 005th district

7/13/2018 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So of all the cases that come up for review with the states attorney refusing charges, this one gets that extra political push to turn a citizen using his first amendment rights, not by chanting kill the police or fuck the police but chastising a latino woman for wearing her Puerto Rico flag shirt. Upgraded to a hate crime at the urging of Chuy Garcia and Louis Gutierrez. Now a police officer, participating in a peaceful demonstration, utilizing his 1st amendment rights, gets spit on and cursed and after the subject gets identified, she gets a misdemeanor battery and 24 hours community service.

I wouldn't do a fucking thing to lift a finger to help any of these oppressed/complainants. And of course, pandering is still on the books as a crime in this state Chuey and Looey.

7/13/2018 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy McNulty and Herc left the department just in time.

7/13/2018 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the police dept that Rahm and the rest of the Democrats wanted.

Now fuck you, write me a check for your property taxes!

7/13/2018 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it's an unintended consequence.
Quite the contrary, I think it's a diabolical plan to destroy the major police departments of this great nation.
This has been done in other countries to expedite regime change

This. It's an intentional long-term plan to discredit US local law enforcement. When the moment is right, they will introduce a national police force as the alternative to the beleaguered, outdated, racist, and ineffective departments of today.

7/13/2018 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if you DON'T make an illegal arrest , They will go after your pension?

Local Puerto Rican advocates demanded that Cook County Forest Preserve District officials continue to investigate Connor and consider docking his pension.

7/13/2018 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The children over at the Tribune are still “evaluating” a new comment system. For Chriss sake, they are never going to get participation trophies from the people in the city, so they will just pretend that the comments just aren’t fair darn it! Our professors at Northwestern said we were always right! Why do we need them given SCC, CWB and Heyjackass. Maybe this is the next drive.....anyone who hasn’t already cancelled the rag, go ahead and do it. The writing is so sophomoric and desperate that it is embarrassing even to check out what they are saying. Case in point in the Puerto Rican T-shirt national crisis...Wasn’t a lad just accosted for his Maga hat? Where is the outrage for that? We know the answer and we need to move the needle with cancellations.

7/13/2018 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe in the longer run it is a good thing. the so called pro-active policing techniques that have been used in the past have all been of dubious constitutionality. maybe some better and more constitutionally acceptable ones are in order. people need to feel that there is at least some level of fairness in their interactions with LE.

7/13/2018 09:12:00 AM

You yearn for fairness, to feel that your life experiences are fair.

Pick the version of fairness, which you expect to experience from your fellow residents, you prefer:

A. You fuck with me, I kill you.

B. You irritate me, I kill you.

C. I don't like the look of you, I kill you.

D. I feel like it, I kill you.

E. I need the practice, I kill you.

F. I want to see how sharp my newly acquired machete is, I kill you.

G. You looking at me, mutha fucka, I kill you.

H. You beg real sweet, I kill you.

I. You not gonna give it up, huh, I kill you.

J. I know you from somewhere, right, I kill you.

K. What'd you say, I kill you.

L. Yo momma say hello, I kill you.

M. Eeenie, meenie, mynnie, I kill you.

N. Hey, buddy, ya got a light, I kill you.

O. Wat yu be bout, I kill you.

P. Hi, I'm looking for, I kill you.

Q. Damn, bitch, you ugly, I kill you.

R. Have a blessed day, I kill you.

S. You think you better than me, I kill you.

T. I think you think you better than me, I kill you.

U. My cousin say you think you better than me, I kill you.

V. Sorry, but somebody gotta be my first, I kill you.

W. Damn, you head be soft, I kill you.

X. Nice wheels ya got there, I kill you.

Y. I feel shitty, oh so shitty, I kill you.

Z. My pet snake, Reggie, is hungry, I kill you.

Now, tell me that anyone, anywhere, at any time, who is an employed, law enforcement officer, has ever given you so many options to choose from.

7/13/2018 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god, when I hit my hand with a hammer it hurts, who can I blame.

7/13/2018 12:03:00 PM

To find the answer to this question, place that ouchy hand upon the side of your head and hit it one more time, this time, really put some balls into it.

The illuminating answer will magically appear, right before your very eyes.

This procedure has been scientifically tested and approved by your local community leadership.

7/13/2018 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming soon to an American city near you if it hasn't already arrived. Welcome to policing 2018. Be careful citizens you just may get what you ask for.

7/13/2018 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The MacDonald article is here:

7/13/2018 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found a Heather MacDonald article entitled: In Denial About Crime at this url:

(This one does not require a login or subscription as does the first link I sent.)

In Denial About Crime
The Brennan Center and other liberal groups pretend that murders and shootings aren’t spiking in many cities.
Heather Mac Donald
Winter 2016 Public safety

7/13/2018 11:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Given the cities mayor, DA, and city council, can you blame them?

7/13/2018 12:19:00 AM

This isn’t New York. It’s not the DA.

7/13/2018 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0806, U absolutely got it right!!!

7/14/2018 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"as Baltimore faced a wave of rioting after Freddie Gray, a black man, died from injuries 'HE INTENTIONALLY CAUSED TO HIMSELF' in the back of a police van"

7/14/2018 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many young superstars that want to work tact , gangs , narcotics or saturation teams that are willing to put their livelihoods careers and lives on the line

7/13/2018 04:15:00 PM

Let us not dissuade the foolish frisky from seeking their fame in their misfortune.

They will have the somewhat plausible defense of not knowing any better. They'll just have to be convincing in their explanations of why they did not know better. That should not be a difficult task for them to successfully complete.

Possible explanatory proofs:

1. I'm dumber than dirt and I can prove it!!! Here, plant a seed in my ass and watch it sprout!!!!!

2. My brain is as soft as puppy shit, and I can prove it!!! Here, step on my head.....told ya so!!!!

3. I think I know EVERYTHING and that right there proves I'm an idiot!!!!! Right????

4. But, but, but, but.....the boss told me I was SMART!!!! And I believed!!!!! I believed!!!! I believed!!! That's gotta prove I'm a dummy, don't it?

5. I'm the sharpest tack in the box, the brightest bulb in the pack, the apple of my mother's eye and I'm special!!!!!! Aren't I????

6. They told me when I started, that every time I farted, an angel got it's wings!!!! Are you saying they lied???!!!!??!?!!?!?!?

7. I was guaranteed a soft spot, but they didn't tell me it would be between my ears. And that never occurred to me.

8. When I said I wanted action, and lots of it, I was just horny that day.

9. I never got to play with the cool kids, so, I figured, what the hell, how much trouble can I get into, being that I'm protected from all accountability by my natural infallibility. Boy, was I wrong. That's never happened before.

Ya see, multiple means to prove, beyond all doubt, the basis to hold harmless the incompetent.

7/14/2018 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
maybe in the longer run it is a good thing. the so called pro-active policing techniques that have been used in the past have all been of dubious constitutionality. maybe some better and more constitutionally acceptable ones are in order. people need to feel that there is at least some level of fairness in their interactions with LE.

7/13/2018 09:12:00 AM

You yearn for fairness, to feel that your life experiences are fair.

Pick the version of fairness, which you expect to experience from your fellow residents, you prefer:

A. You fuck with me, I kill you.

B. You irritate me, I kill you.

C. I don't like the look of you, I kill you.

D. I feel like it, I kill you.

E. I need the practice, I kill you.

F. I want to see how sharp my newly acquired machete is, I kill you.

G. You looking at me, mutha fucka, I kill you.

H. You beg real sweet, I kill you.

I. You not gonna give it up, huh, I kill you.

J. I know you from somewhere, right, I kill you.

K. What'd you say, I kill you.

L. Yo momma say hello, I kill you.

M. Eeenie, meenie, mynnie, I kill you.

N. Hey, buddy, ya got a light, I kill you.

O. Wat yu be bout, I kill you.

P. Hi, I'm looking for, I kill you.

Q. Damn, bitch, you ugly, I kill you.

R. Have a blessed day, I kill you.

S. You think you better than me, I kill you.

T. I think you think you better than me, I kill you.

U. My cousin say you think you better than me, I kill you.

V. Sorry, but somebody gotta be my first, I kill you.

W. Damn, you head be soft, I kill you.

X. Nice wheels ya got there, I kill you.

Y. I feel shitty, oh so shitty, I kill you.

Z. My pet snake, Reggie, is hungry, I kill you.

Now, tell me that anyone, anywhere, at any time, who is an employed, law enforcement officer, has ever given you so many options to choose from.

7/13/2018 10:06:00 PM

Wow . . . your killer thug offers more options than the Pizza Hut lunch buffet! 26 reasons, rationales, and excuses. But "Chicago Values" haven't completely parted company with the traditional American right of self-determination. Please select from the following options by pressing the appropriate number on your touch-tone phone, followed by the pound (#) sign:

1) Death by bludgeoning.

2) Death by manual strangulation.

3) Death by mechanical strangulation.

4) Death by stabbing.

5) Death by poisoning.

6) Death by electrocution.

7) Death by starvation.

8) Death by fire.

9) Death by drowning.

10) Death by freezing.

11) Death by dismemberment.

12) Death by hanging.

13) Death by asphyxiation.

14) Death by gunshot (single).

15) Death by gunshot (multiple).

16) Death by motor vehicle.

17) Death by falling.

18) Death by crushing.

19) Death by explosion.

20) Death by bunga-bunga. (No appointment needed on the South and West Sides, evening and weekend appointments are available downtown on a first come, first serve basis - see dealer for details.)

7/14/2018 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you think voting democratic has no consequences. Well think again.
I guess saying that is idiotic considering the operative word is think and most Democrats seem to be missing a piece of the anatomy called a brain. They remind me of the “walking dead”.

7/14/2018 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another mecca of peace and love is Birmingham, Alabama. They recently hired a new black Police Chief from the LAPD. He's already talking about "building bridges". Sounds wonderful. Baltimore is about 3 times bigger than Birmingham. They only have about 210k people and still had 115 homicides last year. And 57 so far this year.

7/14/2018 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anybody catch some of that Congressional Hearing yesterday. The high ranking FBI agent actually thinks that Congress and the American people should believe that he would never allow his personal opinion sway his investigation. So let’s see this same guy investigated Hilary and found little or no wrong doing and called it “bad judgement and non criminal.” Then he initiated the Trump Russian collusion investigation which is still ongoing after a year where they have found no “collusion” but have indicted a few people for other things they found when going through they’re personal accounts with a fine tooth comb. And the same FBI agent was texting his girlfriend a high ranking lawyer within the FBI that “Trump can’t be president and we must stop him.” He clarified that the “we” he was talking about was the American people not his little group at the FBI and his girlfriend. And why shouldn’t we believe him after all he has such stellar character. Forget that he’s been cheating on and lying to his wife for god knowsnhow long about his affair. Not to mention all the thousands of other incriminating text messages he sent on his FBI phone. Like the one that said , “we need to come up with plan b if Hilary doesn’t get elected.” No shit huh. Hopefully plan b is prison.

This guy is a real piece of work. Smug little fucker as well. Guys like him are exactly why the Clintons can do whatever they want and know they can get away with it.

And the guys they indicted are in Russia and will never come back for trial (they hope) because testimony in open court could BLOW UP THE WHOLE CHARADE

7/14/2018 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This. It's an intentional long-term plan to discredit US local law enforcement. When the moment is right, they will introduce a national police force as the alternative to the beleaguered, outdated, racist, and ineffective departments of today.

Yeah right and they will carry whistles instead of guns and yell stop or I'll TOOT

7/14/2018 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh my god, when I hit my hand with a hammer it hurts, who can I blame.

7/13/2018 12:03:00 PM

To find the answer to this question, place that ouchy hand upon the side of your head and hit it one more time, this time, really put some balls into it.

The illuminating answer will magically appear, right before your very eyes.

This procedure has been scientifically tested and approved by your local community leadership.

I started hitting myself in the head with a hammer, Because it feels good when I stop

7/14/2018 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just do what they do. In reality they are pissed theres one less junkie drug customer.

Well Ive had 3 assholes try and put there head thru a cage car on me in my 30. One such asshole thru himself out of the car at 35 mph.

7/14/2018 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only do the progressives want less aggressive policing, they openly call for abolishing the police. Police are not wanted in extremely poor areas, yet those areas get more manpower

7/14/2018 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/14/2018 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this just about says it all about how screwed they are there

7/14/2018 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes fire all of the fetal police and then literally scrape the bottom of the barrell for new recuits. Because at this point any smart person will not want to choose LE as their career. I'm sure the lucky new recuits won't cause any problems right? Seems like a winning strategy.

7/14/2018 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So if you DON'T make an illegal arrest , They will go after your pension?"

You are full of shit. He did not have to make an arrest, all he had to do is to step in and tell the guy to get lost. Two words, all it would have taken is two words. Now he will be out of a job, and a stupid drunk will get charged with a hate crime.

7/14/2018 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started hitting myself in the head with a hammer, Because it feels good when I stop

7/14/2018 09:08:00 AM

And within this simple statement lies the secret to all of life's displeasures, nay, in fact, to the very essence of the Designer's Design and Intentions!!!!!

Why, were this not so, would any ever know when the turds demand release? When the weasel aches for draining? When to inhale and to exhale?

Some have applied this technique to the selection of spouse.

NEVER apply this technique to the selection of spouse.


Now, back to the brick wall........

7/14/2018 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Doing nothing" didn't work out to well for the FPD copper. Ur damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

7/13/2018 12:05:00 PM

You can refuse to be proactive, but you can't just stand there "doing nothing" when the situation basically falls into your lap.
Was the guy "doing nothing" or was he just a coward? Either way, he's a total embarrassment to the job.

7/14/2018 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/14/2018 05:40:00 AM

We, of delicate constitution, and less than thoughtful past choosing(s), thank you for your mercy in not including:

Slow, slow, slow, oh so veeeeeery slow, torturous death by spousal selection.

7/14/2018 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So if you DON'T make an illegal arrest , They will go after your pension?"

You are full of shit. He did not have to make an arrest, all he had to do is to step in and tell the guy to get lost. Two words, all it would have taken is two words. Now he will be out of a job, and a stupid drunk will get charged with a hate crime.

7/14/2018 12:41:00 PM

If he had intervened, but made no arrest, they would have gone after him for blowing-off a hate crime. As it stands now, they want his scalp and his pension. Even so, the whole thing is ridiculous. It has been blown way, way out of proportion. Little Louie Gutierrez even talked about it at the podium on the floor of the House of Representatives. A spat between a neighborhood drunk and a woman desperately seeking her 15 minutes of fame becomes a subject of concern for the United States Congress! Absurd!

7/15/2018 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
7/14/2018 05:40:00 AM

We, of delicate constitution, and less than thoughtful past choosing(s), thank you for your mercy in not including:

Slow, slow, slow, oh so veeeeeery slow, torturous death by spousal selection.

7/14/2018 07:11:00 PM

Oh my . . . SCC, you now have proof that the Supe is reading the blog.

7/15/2018 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my . . . SCC, you now have proof that the Supe is reading the blog.

7/15/2018 03:04:00 PM

I set 'em up.....

You knock 'em down.....

Ixnay on da opegray ugshay.

7/16/2018 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, almost forgot.
I am enjoying the de-policing in my neighborhood.
It is far better than the over-policing we used to get.
Like for instance, sometimes I make a driving mistake.
It may be an infraction of the law but a friendly warning would do.
Always a fucking ticket.
Well no more.
Thanks guys.
I like it much better this way.
�� Have a pleasant day.

7/13/2018 12:54:00 AM

Let us,know how you feel after becoming a crime victim.

7/16/2018 12:20:00 PM  

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