Saturday, September 22, 2018

McCarthy Lied?

  • The national murder rate reached a modern low in 2014, capping a quarter-century decline. Then it rose across the United States in 2015 and 2016. Why gun violence increased in those two years remains somewhat of a mystery, and no single factor is likely to explain it, but there is one potential contributor that is rarely talked about: weather.
But McCompstat told us that weather has no effect on crime. He even pinky swore it!

The charts included are amusing - we can't reproduce them here, but this is the pertinent information:
  • In Philadelphia, for example, there were 2.6 shooting victims per day on average when it was cold, 3.4 on pleasant days, and 4.4 on hot ones.

    On average, about twice as many people are shot in Northern cities like Chicago, Milwaukee and Detroit when it’s hot versus when it’s cold...
In fact, Chicago had as many shootings during a "hot day" than Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and Milwaukee had COMBINED - 13 per day.

Go read it all. It's entertaining at least and shows you exactly how little so-called professionals know.

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Anonymous XXX said... it's getting cooler no more babies will be shot. right?

9/22/2018 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still voting for him

9/22/2018 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous bratton fan said...

I have an outdoor business, and I've thought a lot about this connection for the last several months. Our business was down about 15% through mid-August. As was Chicago's murder rate.

9/22/2018 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy is just like trump no one wants him to get in power and the libturd
DemocRAPS will do anything within their power to keep him from
The throne. They are afraid of the change he will bring! Trump has been dong so much winning but the MSM will never tell you about it!

Go st Bruno’s

9/22/2018 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So......we shouldn’t vote for him????? Hmmmm. A few years ago all I could hear was how much an arrogant jag off idiot he was. Then, two years later those same people say they’ll vote for him in a second. He’s a fuckin hack n a liar n a shitty boss. There are other candidates. Investigate all of u have to live here. Joyce, Vallas, Elvis????

9/22/2018 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When's 111th street gonna get fixed. Looks like Belize.

9/22/2018 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I said “cooler” , I meant like “hip” or, “with it”.

Kind of like when I say “gay” I mean “happy”.

Sorry for the confusion.


9/22/2018 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SSC another factor they refuse to mention ... Google up American Murder Mystery ... Political correctness is killing us

9/22/2018 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes rocket scientists to figure all this out? Hope they didn't pay much for this study, I could have told them off the of my head.

9/22/2018 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw McCarthy at a function the other day. The swagger, the jeans, the open shirt. Just a little too slick for my liking. In his remarks he stated that he didn't ask for the mayor's race, it asked for him. He dismissed a couple capital projects that are on the books saying that money could be spent to shore up insurance for retirees. I call bullshit, it just doesn't work that way. Pandering is what it was and most of the people in attendance never had to work under him. I'll save my vote for someone whose interested in us as opposed to someone stroking his ego right in from of us.

9/22/2018 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being an arrogant jag off fully qualifies for the job. Him or Prickwinker, pick your poison.

9/22/2018 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the summer heat. Bodies piling up, hospital emergency rooms busy. Nothing like a good old long hot summer in the Windy City. Would like to see August heat year around.

9/22/2018 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Difference between Chicago and Belize is that fewer shot daily in Belize.

9/22/2018 07:29:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Violating a pinky swear is reason enough not to vote for him.

9/22/2018 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Trump or hate Trump so far he is the pensions funds best friend. Look at inv3stm3nts since he took office. 2ith out Trump in office you fund would be down another 25%. Think the market would b3 where it is if Schillery had won?

9/22/2018 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect Lightfoot to drop out now that Soda Pop Prepwinkle is in. And then Lightfoot will either be our Superintendent or the General Counsel. If you thought Lightfoot would be bad for us as Mayor imagine her as our next boss. We are fucked either way. Can’t let Soda Pop win.

9/22/2018 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shut down North Avenue Beach because the 90 degree temperature is causing a Heat Emergency.
That was the 1st Lie told to us right after Rahm came into office...

9/22/2018 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so "gun violence" now can be called "weather violence"?

Numbers don't lie, so as "weather violence" is racist, taxpaying suckers must now pay to get top shelf AC units installed in the rentals of all the demographic that keeps on shooting each other

blame the gun and blame the lack of air conditioning and free internet for the democrat properties shooting each other

9/22/2018 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would John Coleman have said about that theory?

9/22/2018 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy Lied?

Of course that's exactly why the twerp Murder mayor hand picked him for super and thus a perfect mayoral candidate...

9/22/2018 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s just another “rabbit hole”.

9/22/2018 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well at least Eddie Johnson admits he even had "my questions then answers"....

9/22/2018 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More shootings in hot weather than cold, who would have thought it. Something else to blame on global warming.

9/22/2018 09:00:00 AM  
Blogger Txdino said...

Correlation is not causation, or in a another way: we could have a lot of fun with random statistics!!

9/22/2018 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the good old days of jfled?
There inny's & outty's.

9/22/2018 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm running because I can" direct quote from preckwinkle. Not for the good of the city or its people. Or to make things better. Or reduce shootings. Or fix pensions. Because she is arrogant and a power hungry monster. And she can.

9/22/2018 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are a cop and vote for him you are an idiot.

9/22/2018 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The math here is really simple.

If the weather is nice, there are more people outside.

More people out means more bad guys outside.

More people out also means more targets outside.


9/22/2018 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still voting for him

Then you are a idiot.

9/22/2018 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you crazy comparing McCarthy to our now Great President? You’re lucky they dont send you to random drug cause you must’ve been smoking some shit! You forget how McCarthy took part in destroying the very fabrick of what this great Dept once stood for. Like our piece of garbage mayor, In addition, McCarthy did the Pandering, Race Hustling while reducing manpower and districts and shoving that CONSTAT garbage down our throats fudging stats and never standing up for good working Coppers. The big case that’s going on now is just one of many examples of how well he played along with his and mayor scheme He would make a better magician then mayor of a major city. He couldn’t run our police Dept and no way in hell is he getting my vote to run the city. Paul Vallace is the only sane choice of all the candaates.
So, stay off the pipe for a while, put down the koolaide and do your research. McCarthy would be another bad choice for this city.

9/22/2018 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy is just like trump no one wants him to get in power and the libturd
DemocRAPS will do anything within their power to keep him from
The throne. They are afraid of the change he will bring! Trump has been dong so much winning but the MSM will never tell you about it!

I’ve had enough of carpet baggers. He did nothing but lie and do Rahms bidding. F**k him and you.

9/22/2018 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When's 111th street gonna get fixed. Looks like Belize.

When it gets gentrified. Look at other gentrified neighborhoods.

9/22/2018 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McDrunkin Streetlights is a fucking carpetbagger who virtually single handedly destroyed our department. His utter New York nonsense about "STOP EVERYONE WHO MOVES" coupled with his antics at Compstat led to nothing but trouble. He needs to go back to NY or wherever and stay the hell out of our business. Before you vote for him, remember...he SCREWED US!!

9/22/2018 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we say consent decree?

9/22/2018 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So climate change causes gun violence

9/22/2018 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was a hack & Rahm's bitch, what else is new?

9/22/2018 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So......we shouldn’t vote for him????? Hmmmm. A few years ago all I could hear was how much an arrogant jag off idiot he was. Then, two years later those same people say they’ll vote for him in a second. He’s a fuckin hack n a liar n a shitty boss. There are other candidates. Investigate all of u have to live here. Joyce, Vallas, Elvis????

9/22/2018 12:44:00 AM

Aren’t all the other candidates products of the Democratic Party? Vallas, Joyce, preckwinkle, Daley, Brown? Change?

9/22/2018 12:21:00 PM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

>>>> ' Why gun violence increased in those two years remains somewhat of a mystery, and no single factor is likely to explain it, but there is one potential contributor that is rarely talked about: weather. <<<<

There's something else from this study that could be another factor contributing to lower homicide stats besides cold weather: Moose population.

The data clearly shows that in areas with a high population of Moose homicides are few and far between like in Maine, Vermont New Hampshire or Alaska. And where there's relatively few Moose or none at all, like Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, etc, homicide stats can be through the roof.

As such, a possible crime fighting tool that 'could' decrease homicides is to import Moose into the area and let them roam free.

It couldn't hurt and it makes as much sense as anything Special Ed or Tiny Dancer has ever proposed.

9/22/2018 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look 👀
Vallas ,GMAC ,Joyce will be better than the tiny dancer 💃 that stripped city employees of health insurance
Welcomes illegals into our great city , provides ID cards to help with voter fraud , appoints a stuperintendent that did not apply for the job
Pays off a knife wielding criminals mother with tax dollars

9/22/2018 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
McCarthy is just like trump no one wants him to get in power and the libturd
DemocRAPS will do anything within their power to keep him from
The throne. They are afraid of the change he will bring! Trump has been dong so much winning but the MSM will never tell you about it!

Go st Bruno’s

McCarthy was a pompous windbag who thought nobody in chicagobknew how to police. He exhumed east coast arrogance, he would be a horrible mayor. What is he going to change? You clearly are a troll or have a short memory.

9/22/2018 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it easier to shoot out street lights in warmer or cooler weather? Asking for a friend.

sincerely, G.M.

9/22/2018 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pray for another ice age?

9/22/2018 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly believe in freedom of speech, but you can bet any criticism of McCarthy will be used against him. The other choices in the field are pathetic.

And to those that say there are other choices..... Vallas has the only named recognition and that’s not saying much.

Don’t make it personal, it’s Business. Who will hurt us, tax paying citizens, the least?

9/22/2018 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy is blaming Prickwinkie on the crime wave in the city. She and the Dummycrates are denying it. It's she the one that said that "There are too many black and brown men in jail". Hence forth the agenda. She then orders Tommie "the pooch" to release as many criminals on home monitoring as possible. Tommy sez "yes um" and the jails are empty, pizza for the remaining. Prickle then orders Foxx the "dope" to not say nothing and don't retry everyone released from jail on bullshit allegation and don't charge any blacks with a felony unless the crime is published by the "fake news".
The she orders "Tim the chump often the Gump" to reassign lapdog judges to the criminal courts and order them to give low or no bonds to the black criminals so they can return to the communities to ply their crimes again. "Timid Timmy Evans" complies and now we are bestowed with felony crime offenders being rearrested some in the same day.
The democrates want to dump two courageous judges who continue to do what is right and denounce the socialist criminal agenda and lock up criminals. The latest one Is Couglan and the other is Theius both pro police. Both are the only two with backbone and have their own agenda which is to be a fare judge.
MCCarthy is right!
Vote for McCarthey, Judge Couglin and Judge Theius. Save Chicago!

9/22/2018 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2105 huh?? Isn't that the year when the police became the problem???

9/22/2018 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WBBM 780 is playing the shit out of that article.

Filler story, advertising ads must be so low that NYT finds a vacant slot to set up a junior beta soy reporter prop article.
They could have expanded the horoscopes and ran some Lil Abner and Beetle Bailey retreads.
Well any hoot thanks for not ‘splaining why the 600 folks that live in Death Valley California don't no shoot at one another or pelt the polices with rocks. Could it be it’s just too ’hot up in here’ for just standing on the corners or sitting on the front porchs after midnight?
Nothing to do with a culture of lawlessness.

In addition WBBM 780 now airing that:
Gee-Mack is first come come out of the corner to attack Pugwrinkle’ s commurnity Immunityrestorative jusctice catch and release program.

Earlier this week Vallas pointed out that Prickwrinkle is unopposed on the November ballot for County Bd president, now she can focus solely on campaigning for mayor and still keep a job as board president.
Sneaky Weasel Snake Hint:
Bd of Elections Thursday, September 6: Last day to file a notarized declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate.
The day before Rahm made his official announcement not to seek re-election.
Rahm opened the door for Prickwrinkle and allowed her to keep her Cook Co ballot spot and stay unopposed, leaving Prickie to possibly appoint a favor later?

Covering all the bases. Mmm-mm-mmm.
Typical Rotten Rahm Dimmocrat politics.

9/22/2018 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GMAC if to have any chance must dump RINO Chicago dem buddy Lori Montana from his campaign. She and her husband ex lawyer to RINO obama loving outfit connected Jim Edgar are too close to the combine. With Simon and Montana, he is doomed.

9/22/2018 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humans are MORE active in warmer weather, beaches, picnics, outdoor activities, and such. It is easier to fire a firearm in warm weather, rather in cold weather when your body, hands,and muscles are cold. Try to fire a firearm in the cold ? Thus the increase in shootings in warmer weather !

9/22/2018 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say it ain’t so

9/22/2018 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something on McCarthy from Judge Jeannine Pirro, see it if you thinking of voting for this mutt.

9/22/2018 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still voting for him

9/22/2018 12:14:00 AM

As the song goes, "Some fools never learn".

9/22/2018 05:10:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

A boss lie, your kidding.

9/22/2018 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody see goofy Eddie around? He been absent
from all news. Probably looking for the wizard
to give him a brain.

9/22/2018 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garry “Shooting out the streetlights” McCarthy took to the sacred altar at St. Sabina. The setting includes muted organ music and spontaneous validations from the congregation. He speaks of government sponsored racism with coded words. Why do so many accept assistance from that evil,racist government? He speaks of the NRA as the perpetrator to violence in the community. The NRA has never been listed as an offender in the thousands of aggravated battery with firearms or homicide case reports. But if McCarty had a son, he would not look like the multitudes of listed offenders nor the congregation. He mentions federal gun laws facilitate the violence. No, the individuals with criminal intent who actually perpetrate the crimes are to blame. Oops, got that one wrong too.

In an effort to collude with democrats in the upcoming presidential election, he mocks Sarah Palin going moose hunting exercising her right to bear arms. Somehow this is equated to Chicago’s murder epidemic filling the cemeteries to capacity overwhelming the morgue and putting level one trauma centers on bypass. He hits all the democrat required hot topics including racism, the NRA, Sarah Palin, embellished police war stories, federal gun laws and the time tested attacks on the Second Amendment. All after being invited to speak by his friend Father Mikey “White Boy” Phlager mixing the church and the state in an effort to influence a presidential election in violation of federal election laws.

9/22/2018 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Saw McCarthy at a function the other day. The swagger, the jeans, the open shirt. Just a little too slick for my liking. In his remarks he stated that he didn't ask for the mayor's race, it asked for him. He dismissed a couple capital projects that are on the books saying that money could be spent to shore up insurance for retirees. I call bullshit, it just doesn't work that way. Pandering is what it was and most of the people in attendance never had to work under him. I'll save my vote for someone whose interested in us as opposed to someone stroking his ego right in from of us.
9/22/2018 07:26:00 AM

McCarthy went to finishing school over the last year. He dropped out of sight, polished his act, was groomed by his politically connected wife and her connections, and now he's trying to pull the wool over everybody's eyes.
Don't buy the carpetbagger's b.s. snake oil salespitch.

9/22/2018 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pushing contact cards "through the roof" has absolutely no affect on concent decrees either.

9/22/2018 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If McNutJob wins, it will be interesting to see how he handles the airport contracts. Rick Simon and several other douchbags are tight with him, or so they say.

9/22/2018 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The poleec became the problem in 2008. That's when Barry took office. Remember, The Poleec acted stupidly....

9/22/2018 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The term "professional" dosent seem to carry as much credence anymore. I distinctly heard the "professional in the use of force" testify at the JVD trial that, in his opinion, an individual who is @15 feet away from you holding an edged weapon evidently dosent hold as much or more threat to you that an individual who has a firearm. Tueller Drill anyone? This asshat is a PROFESSIONAL on the use of force? This pussy couldn't fight and beat down a 5 year old girl.

9/22/2018 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rham dropping out means there is no reason to vote for McCarthy. The only person wanting Vallas is John Kas. Preckwinkle is not viable for this election to mayor. She will win re-election to the Board. Dorothy Brown has already prepped her people. She wins. No runoff.

9/22/2018 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the fool that wants Brown. Tour prevent her from winning is the reason to vote for Mc Arthy.

9/22/2018 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many meters are in 15 ft?

9/22/2018 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the city goes up anyone dumb enough to risk their career or health over protecting Rahms House needs their head examined. Remember it's just property like everyone else is told in this shithole.

9/22/2018 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a total liar along with the Mayor. He filed bogus charges on me had me off the payroll for 3 years I sued and won over $300'000 grand. NOW WHAT GARRY?

9/23/2018 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe one of the other candidates might run an attack on GMAC on why we sometimes call him McStreetlights.

Interesting story there from his NYPD days.

9/23/2018 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rham dropping out means there is no reason to vote for McCarthy. The only person wanting Vallas is John Kas. Preckwinkle is not viable for this election to mayor. She will win re-election to the Board. Dorothy Brown has already prepped her people. She wins. No runoff.
9/22/2018 08:19:00 PM

You write poor humor.
In case you're stupid enough to be serious, a lot of us are going for Vallas. No candidate is perfect, but Vallas is publicly backing us, our pensions and our value to the city. He knows how to administer a huge bureaucracy. He has solid ideas for managing more than just the police department.

I'll agree, though, that there's no reason to vote for Garrrry. Not before. Not now.

9/23/2018 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Pushing contact cards "through the roof" has absolutely no affect on concent decrees either.
9/22/2018 07:25:00 PM

The enormous amount of contact cards contributed directly to the backlash (aka: consent decree).

9/23/2018 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willie Wilson for mayor !!!!!

9/23/2018 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rick Simon ! That says it all!

9/23/2018 04:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't McCarthy allow the ranks to shrink by not hiring to keep up retirements? Didn't McCarthy duplicate himself in front of Pfather Pfaker? Didn't McCarthy perpetuate the crime of patronage or merit promotions? Didn't McCarthy put criminals from the community before the police officers? Never vote for the weasel who sold you out.

9/23/2018 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you guys please get off the McCarthy bandwagon, put your heads out of the sane and realize that one of the reasons were in a consent decree is because of his failed administrative policies. And now you want to put him in charge of the whole city?

9/23/2018 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willie Wilson for mayor !!!!!

9/23/2018 01:52:00 AM

In your own words tell us why you think he would be a good mayor and what real plans he has. Nothing he said in his last run was convincing.

About his giving money. In this video he toots his own horn loud and long about giving away money. In a subtle way he is pretty damn arrogant, always bragging. He claims to have given away 200 to 300k in one Sunday! "About 2000 people we helped there". And then another bunch of people "that didn't have food or nothing showed up" (500-700 hundred) and he said "he had 40k in his pocket that he gave away". Then another 125k given that morning, with everyone getting 500 bucks a piece, some 600 or 1,000. As he put it "first come, first served", no applications or anything. In reality he has no idea where the money goes or what it's used for. All he's giving sure hasn't improved the hood any. He's suppose to be a Christian but never talks of morals and what's really wrong with these communities. Sure they will vote for him if he keeps paying them. After he got an email for only giving to blacks, he included money hungry Hispanics and whites. If some long term white philanthropist ran for mayor and did this same thing the media and black community would be all over him accusing him of buying votes.

When I think of Willie, the first thing that rings in my head are the words "earned not given". He was given a McDonald's franchise because of color. He had the cheek to go ask or perhaps demand it. If he wants more economic development in the hood, why doesn't he open up a shopping center or bankroll other people "with a dream". But he sings the same worn out song as the others regarding investment in these areas. He talks about community policing but I've never heard him mention the true problems. Nor have I heard him mention the pension fund problems or the need for more cops. A man for all of the people he is not and when it comes right down to it he wouldn't be on the side of the cops.

Willie defending his handing out money. And the reporters kid glove soft.

9/23/2018 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical jag-off loud mouth new yorker

9/23/2018 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People can not overlook prickyanker. She will make backdoor deals, promises, etc to get people like lightfoot to drop out and back her. I think we need to stop dissing mccarthy, vallas, etc..............she will have a unified front and win while everybody else bickers like schoolchildren. Even after her soda tax and foisting that idiot foxx on everybody, she STILL won her last election in a rout. My bet is she wins this even without a runoff because she WILL base everything on race, have Jesse round up the troops, etc. If Chewey doesn't run she can send him out to damage the other candidates with planned "impromptu" press conferences. That bitch can NOT win. She already controls the PD, the SA, Evans, and now she is gunning for, well, you guys and gals. You need to be bashing her on here, and everywhere else, as much as possible IMO. You think it's bad now.............

9/23/2018 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy is a sellout/st.sabina and a general goof, if you vote for him because he was "a cop" your a moron...the ONLY reasonable candidate is Vallas, the least of all evils running. Forget about Gary, seriously.

9/23/2018 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Blaze Cupich for mayor. Lot of catlicks in Chicago. When in doubt vote for the good guy in red. Think about it. He probably has a better chance then any of them.

9/23/2018 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the moose idea, but I think the folks would have them on the bbq to fast.

9/23/2018 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So......we shouldn’t vote for him????? Hmmmm. A few years ago all I could hear was how much an arrogant jag off idiot he was. Then, two years later those same people say they’ll vote for him in a second. He’s a fuckin hack n a liar n a shitty boss. There are other candidates. Investigate all of u have to live here. Joyce, Vallas, Elvis????

9/22/2018 12:44:00 AM

Joyce and Elvis have done about the same amount of work on thier campaign. Other then the Joyce family name, does this guy have a identity? Is he in the race or not? Does he have a platform that he is running on? Maybe Elvis is a better choice.

Right now I think Preckwinkle May be the front runner. Now Chuey will back her over any other candidate, so goes the Hispanic vote. That is not good for the other candidates. Chico and Vallas better get it going soon. If Lightfoot joins Preckwinkle, you better list your properties quick.

9/23/2018 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Pushing contact cards "through the roof" has absolutely no affect on concent
decrees either.
9/22/2018 07:25:00 PM

The enormous amount of contact cards contributed directly to the backlash
(aka: consent decree).

9/23/2018 01:14:00 AM

McCarthy's ugly baby and legacy
is largely what led to CPD being
"taken over."

The Compstat meetings were nothing more
than modern era Stalinist show trials.

The need to feed the numbers beast...

"Why isn't your bureau/area/district
exceeding last month's/last year's

>Scream! Yell! Belittle! Berate!<

And this horrid management style based on
the premise of injecting "creative tension"
and "positive stressors" into the workplace to
spur "activity," is right up a bullying, tone-deaf,
tin-pot Police executive/sociopath's alley.

Said sociopath who reveled in inflicting grief
and aggravation upon his subordinates.

Haven't a few people had heart attacks while
in the midst of being subjected to his nonsense?

...And he thinks it's funny.
"You guys are a buncha pussies who can't take it!"

Did anyone point and laugh derisively
while he was having HIS "heart related event?"

"Well hey, THAT'S different!"

THAT'S the epitome of assholery.

And this carpetbagging/lick-hitting New Yuck asshole
want's to have the last and best laugh of gulling you
stupid prairie hicks into voting him for mayor because
"he has dirt on Rahm?"

Who are his campaign and advisory people who have
demonstrable expertise in governance, finance etc.?

The only "expert" in McCarthy's camp is McCarthy himself.


McCarthy's campaign is as much folklore, blarney,
bluster and bullshit as his self introduction at
St. Sabina.

He lost this department with that stunt.

Instead of properly availing himself to the
remaining institutional knowledge and getting
to know the lay of the land and which way the
political winds blow in this town, he stepped
spank into the biggest pile of avoidable shit
and his further antics only further cemented
his legacy as a Law Enforcement Gypsy Peddler
rolling from town to town touting his Police
and Public Safety poison as a miracle cure.


McCarthy fled Newark P.D. as the feds were going
to take it over as a result of his Compstat nonsense.

He fled NYPD because the Mother Of All Bricks
was put on his ascension and coronation, again
due to HIS antics.

The good and upright tax paying minority
who pay the onerous freight to make Chicago go
are weary of grandstanding and antics.

9/23/2018 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GMAC didn’t even show up to the brotherhood of the fallen gala! The only candidate that did was Paul Vallas. I think that says something

9/23/2018 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People can not overlook prickyanker. She will make backdoor deals, promises, etc to get people like lightfoot to drop out and back her. I think we need to stop dissing mccarthy, vallas, etc..............she will have a unified front and win while everybody else bickers like schoolchildren. Even after her soda tax and foisting that idiot foxx on everybody, she STILL won her last election in a rout. My bet is she wins this even without a runoff because she WILL base everything on race, have Jesse round up the troops, etc. If Chewey doesn't run she can send him out to damage the other candidates with planned "impromptu" press conferences. That bitch can NOT win. She already controls the PD, the SA, Evans, and now she is gunning for, well, you guys and gals. You need to be bashing her on here, and everywhere else, as much as possible IMO. You think it's bad now.............

9/23/2018 08:14:00 AM

She doesn't have a chance. She gets to be the Cook Co. Board president because the Machine says so. The blacks get the County board and the Machine gets the real spot. She runs for Mayor, she will get killed, just like Lori and just like Chuey.

9/23/2018 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9-22 sound like a moron. People are afraid of the changes McCarthy will make?!?!? McCarthy in all his wisdom and experience was flabbergasted that Rahm dumped him which everyone else was like duhhh. He was completely unprepared for the political landscape here and is still butt hurt. He is not cut from Chicago cloth and I believe he is especially hurt that he's from the almighty NYC and that means nothing here. But this whole idea he's going to be some sort of reformer or change agent...NYPD didn't believe in him, CPD didn't believe in him..don't recall Newark having his confidence and now all of a sudden it's the change everyone is afraid of. Gimme a break. He's looking to avenge himself. Period.

9/23/2018 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

440pm you make a good point except that she is a much stronger candidate and more entrenched and connected than the other people you mention. Even if she loses she won't get killed. She's the party president. I don't see her and Daley actually in competition over this spot. I see other plans in motion we're not privy too...maybe a last minute drop out and endorsing the other.

9/23/2018 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The run-off will be Daley vs. Brown. The rest are just noise.

9/23/2018 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Paul Serafin said...

There isn’t no mystery why the murder rate spiked in 2015 and 16. When did the war on cops begin? Started in August 2014 after
Mike “The Gentle Giant” Brown was killed by a cop defending himself but really took off after the grand jury rightly declined to indict Officer Wilson on November 24th. Democrat politicians, starting with Obama, and their shills in the media lit the match highlighting every PO’s use of force against a black criminal until there were targets on every street cop in America. What cop in his right mind would be proactive in this environment, that if an interaction between a P.O. and a black goes sideways and they need to use justified force thier livelihood and freedom is at risk. No mystery, just cause and effect.

9/23/2018 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous NYPD 46th Pct. said...


We miss you and your brother. Please come back to Burnside and Davidson. Time to rock 'n roll those Bronx street lights again.

9/23/2018 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The run-off will be Daley vs. Brown. The rest are just noise.

9/23/2018 08:19:00 PM

Fredo vs Strap-On Shaft.


9/24/2018 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can anybody have any faith in what the NY Times spout?
They had no credibility.
They are the rag that attacks the president. They have been called out almost monthly for publishing fake lying contents.
They are a dying rag.
Their reporter Julie Bosman doxxed and outed former police officer Darren Wilson, and published his home address for the world to see.
That Jayson Blair guy published such a phony story some years ago he and two of his editors were shown the door.
I don't think McCarthy's statement was so much a lie, as it was a clueless,erroneous unsubstantiated self serving psuedo observation.
Please find a reputable news source to attack McCarthy over- the New York Times, like the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times, aren't noteworthy.

9/24/2018 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just an observer, but Preckwinkle seems like she's a female Obama, only with a few more actual qualifications for office. I'd keep her away from the silverware, let alone any public money.

9/24/2018 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Bronx Bullshitter can team up with Willie McFreeCash. McGreasy and Wile E. Willie can do a duet at St.Sabina with the finale being the unloading of an armored car full of cash to buy votes. They can take turns being mayor (aka Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony). Willie can continue to throw money from his penthouse (A la Jed Clampett) to cement future elections, inflate his own ego and buy his way into heaven.

9/25/2018 04:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you've seen this on his website. I just read it on the "Vallas for all Chicago" fb page.

"Paul Vallas will reverse Mayor Emanuel’s decision to eliminate retiree healthcare, and create the Chicago Retiree Healthcare Program to provide comprehensive and affordable health care to retired city employees and their dependents".

Read the five steps of Paul’s plan to restore retiree healthcare here:

9/25/2018 05:13:00 PM  

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