Monday, January 14, 2019

Whose Bright Idea is This?

We've seen some dumb shit before. And this has already been proven not to work in at least two districts over the course of our careers:
  • Basically 025 will be split into “Dispatch Coordination Areas”. 5 in all consisting if 3 beats each. Each area will have a District coordination officer (Sgt). And get this, now the entire district won’t go down on a rap, just the affected DCA. So theoretically 025 could have 5 raps in place.
We used to have something like this - they were called "Sectors."  And there was someone covering these all the time - they were called "Rapid Response Cars" or "Sector Response Cars."

And it worked fine - when we were at an actual manpower strength of nearly 12,500 during the glory years of the Clinton Administration when Bill was shoveling money at the cities for neighborhood policing initiatives.

But those days passed and Rahm cut some 1,200 spots from the manpower numbers at declared the CPD "at strength" with the new normal. Now calls go unanswered constantly or answered in hours instead of minutes, and some jokers decide it's time to rehash an idea that never worked with the lower numbers of personnel.

Escamerit must really need that Deputy spot for the upcoming alimony/child support/day care expenses, and this time, he can't trick Washington into giving him the bump.

UPDATE: A couple days in and it's already off the rails:
  • I was told by numerous LT’s that there are to be no missions with this new strategy. This was brought up several times during the staff meeting in 025. Escamerit is still running missions and the kicker is that the missions are taking cars out of their assigned areas. Some cars were even told to stay off the radio with the missions and just get activity in a certain area.

    Escamerit is not following the instructions that came from 35th street. He’s more concerned about his numbers and doing what HE wants. And he still has the wagon sitting at North and Luna it’s been going on for 2.5 years now. Even the dispatcher said the first day of this pilot program “Why isn’t the wagon taking jobs”!!

    A Sgt has to get on the air and tell the dispatcher they don’t leave North and Luna. The dispatcher replied “That’s not what we were told, we were instructed everyone takes jobs”
Watch the PAR forms start flying out of 025 again. The old Indian Burial Ground curse raises once again.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the Gallows are back? True or false?

1/14/2019 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try the Squad Pilot Program on them....That one was a real winner.

1/14/2019 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this a department idea or a 025 commander idea? I heard from a guy in 025 that if there’s a domestic in, let’s say zone 1, and there’s no zone 1 cars up, but a zone 2 car is up, that zone 2 car will not be assigned, and a car from zone 1, who is on the lowest priority job, will leave that job and go to the domestic. Thats not a recipe for disaster, is it? Who’s going to pay the price on that one when someone gets killed because of slow response time? The blue stupid.

1/14/2019 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FTO’s are getting completely fucked, taking twice as many jobs as the “area” cars.

1/14/2019 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every day, 5 Sgts each watch on the street.

In 1993 when caps began that was the promise.
3 beat Sgts, 10, 20, 30 & Rapid 40, 50.
It didn't last 3 months.

1/14/2019 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might be wrong but I believe the memo called for 30 officers. It looks like they only got around 20 and some of them are from the front office and CAPS office. Like they weren't threatened or promised anything unless they joined the team lol. Pathetic.

1/14/2019 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whose Bright Idea is This?"


CPD Exempts don't disappoint when it comes
to laugh-track worthy exercises in futility.


Trying to put a fresh shine on an old,
fossilized turd of an idea that's DOOMED
TO FAILURE because there isn't enough
manpower to sufficiently support it.

Oh wait...

Maybe if the powers that be do even more
dumb and evil shit like cancelling even
MORE days off for tired, run-down Policemen
to "make" this abortion of an idea "work."


These feverish bossholes who wet-dream this
shit ought to be punted in their wide, flat,
square, stupid, useless asses.

>Sound of a large, empty cardboard moving
box being kicked into a corner<

And how exactly is this nonsense helpful
to Policemen?

1/14/2019 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told by numerous LT’s that there are to be no missions with this new strategy. This was brought up several times during the staff meeting in 025. Escamerit is still running missions and the kicker is that the missions are taking cars out of their assigned areas. Some cars were even told to stay off the radio with the missions and just get activity in a certain area.
Escamerit is not following the instructions that came from 35th street. He’s more concerned about his numbers and doing what HE wants. And he still has the wagon sitting at North and Luna it’s been going on for 2.5 years now. Even the dispatcher said the first day of this pilot program “Why isn’t the wagon taking jobs”!!
A Sgt has to get on the air and tell the dispatcher they don’t leave North and Luna. The dispatcher replied “That’s not what we were told, we were instructed everyone takes jobs”
025 3rd watch ☠️

1/14/2019 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change = Progress, doesn't it?

An old idea with a new name = progress, doesn't it?

Doing less with less. Welcome to CPD.


1/14/2019 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drain the City's and Police think tanks of all the useless people that come up with all these unproductive ideas. Anyone remember the strategic response or strat cars? How about umbrella cars? Keep changing the names maybe that will reduce crime! How about the beat cans in the cars that evolved into the Master Beat File that was put together in the 90s. What a waste of time that was. A lot of data that was put into binders in the station that was never seen after they were put together. That information should have been put into the computer system accessible from the car computers. Whomever came up with that had no concept of police work.

1/14/2019 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Escamerit ..... how does it feel to be a Commander in rank but only a Patrolmen in salary ???
025 3rd watch

1/14/2019 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incompetent hacks love reinventing the wheel. This whole proposal sounds awful. We cannot lower crime and raise the clearance rates as long as Kimesha perpetuates the Peoples' and Folkses' revenge. But, if a person happened to be allegedly victimized by R. Kelly fifteen or so years ago, Lil' Kim is all about wasting resources on non-winnable cases.

1/14/2019 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing over promoted merit imbeciles have been doing for decades, rehashing old ideas as their own. You want to know what works? Treat your officers with respect and dignity. Actually care about their well being. Happy cops are productive cops. That is a concept lost on our command staff. I work for a sgt who cares more about his guys than he does a promotion. He stands up for us when he needs to and holds the line for us. When something happens at home, it's no questions asked, he takes care of us. His loyalty to us has earned our loyalty to him. I would go through the gates of hell for him because I know he would do the same for me. Which one of our almost completely merit command staff is like that? The sad thing is that the bosses above him look upon him as a problem. How messed up are we as department?

1/14/2019 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- Just so you know "our" newly elected US Congressman Jesus (Chuy) Garcia, Illinois-4 is in Puerto Rico partying on the breach with 30 other Democratic Congressmen instead of being in Washington working on a solution to the border crisis and government shutdown. Outrageous.

1/14/2019 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They actually have 5 sgts working every shift on the street ?????. Wow, what a luxury.

1/14/2019 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The POs working this initiative are not from 025. They are detailed to this mission. Not sure how this actually will change the norm for beat cops. It seems this is more of a CAPS on patrol type of assignment. If ran correctly it has some potential but then again when was the last time this department ran anything correctly?

1/14/2019 04:58:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

It sounds more like the Team Policing Program from the seventies.

1/14/2019 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was Eddie’s brainchild after Bill Britton told him it’s what they started in NYPD. It’ll be a dismal failure, City Hall had no part in it. Escamilla will have no part in it because even he knows it’s stupid.

1/14/2019 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city wants this in every district. FACT

1/14/2019 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Par forms you say? A bid spot on days has gone from 14 years on, down to 6 1/2 years, since Escamerit took command. I've never seen so many people bid out, especially white shirts, in such a short time.

1/14/2019 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: Thats not a recipe for disaster, is it? Who’s going to pay the price on that one when someone gets killed because of slow response time? The blue stupid.

Thank God some sergeants see through the bullshit and handle things accordingly by having any car assigned to priority jobs.... They stay on top of what's going on and will not allow the officers be the sacrificial lambs....

1/14/2019 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I pour syrup on this shit idea don’t make it pancakes!

1/14/2019 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with keeping the wagon in 025 centrally located on North av?
Seems that street in a major problem in the district.

1/14/2019 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... are damned if you do and damned if you don't. "Pedestrian stops by Chicago police officers plummeted in number beginning in 2016 after a new state law and an agreement between the ACLU"......"Chicago police dramatically increased how often they pulled over motorists."...."The latest report also found that Chicago police stopped African-American motorists at a disproportionately higher rate than whites, Hispanics and Asians."

1/14/2019 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 words to all those police officers......”STOP PRODUCING.” Once 35th street sees the lack of activity with the implementation of this dumb will be considered a failure.

1/14/2019 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gents, this is not a CPD idea. This idea, believe it or not is what New York does. New York has a much lower crime rate than Shitcago. The problem is this, NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Commander wants numbers. That is any commander not just the ding dong in 025. CPD keeps going back to numbers. Wash, rinse, repeat. We never give anything a chance. In reality this idea could be tried if we didn't have 10 mission cars, traffic cars, this and this and that BS cars. CPD needs a colonoscopy really bad!!! It ain't happening anytime soon.

1/14/2019 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we are on the topic of 025.

How are you guys and gals doing with the SGT that changed her name to her idol, the terrorist still wanted by the FBI? I think she is in the new tact/caps/det unit, unless they ended up hiding her somewhere inside. The couple of days she spent in 015 were a complete disaster. She is the absolute most clueless and dumbest Sgt in history. Cant make that up.

I would like to thank you for taking her off our hands. The only few dumbasses left are just couple of LTs and above. Maybe 025 could use an LT in each zone? We could definatly spare a few. Please make that happen. Possibly the only way to save your brothers and sisters south of Division. :)

Best of luck 025.

1/14/2019 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what your told


1/14/2019 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like a clusterf**k. But when you have merit leaders you will get no merit solutions.

1/14/2019 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old is new again even when it didn't work the first time. The definition of stupid is doing the same thing over and over and expecting better results.

1/14/2019 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JB May show up in PR for the beached whale effect. 🐳

1/14/2019 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC on the 11th of January Escamerit was subpoenaed to an arbitration at 30 N lasalle on the 2nd floor at 10 AM. Basically the commander was defending his actions for once again trampling on the rights of a PO after failing to get an accurate story from sgt S. M. of area north whose about as arrogant and unrespected as they come. I was told he was in there for almost an hour and each question he was asked became more and more embarrassing for him. The stresses of lies, deceit, and failure are chipping away at him little by little. If you want a good read maybe someone can FOIA the transcripts because as it was told to me a court reporter was present.

🤫🤫🤫 N.P. Diversey Ave foot post

1/14/2019 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous The crossdresser known as Alec Baldwin said...

Wagon Crews Rule

1/14/2019 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no substitute for Personnel.

And letting them do their job.

Unfortunately,those days are gone.

1/14/2019 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now a days dispatchers think they’re sgts and what not. Back in the day wagons were not meant to take jobs. They were there for transports and for multiple arrest transporting. Not for jobs and or hospital details. So glad I’m retired.

1/14/2019 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamerit doesn’t have enough manpower to do this properly, and he doesn’t follow the rules of the program, but he doesn’t care. He’s trying to redeem himself from being the laughing stock of Commanders. IF he would follow the program, as designed things would be running a lot smoother, but he’s SO smart, he can fuck up a one car funeral.

1/14/2019 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Escamerit ..... how does it feel to be a Commander in rank but only a Patrolmen in salary ???
025 3rd watch

1/14/2019 01:09:00 AM

And the POs can get overtime. He can't.

1/14/2019 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ot Prickdinkle says no more academy and no more gang data base if elected...she must not win

1/14/2019 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can’t be worse than the days of curtain, willie the whale and blinky?

1/14/2019 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off the subject. We don't need 50 ALDERMEN /50 WARDS. We don't need 95 million spent on a new Police/Fire Academy. We don't need an Obama Library. Why was Meigs Field closed ????? Chicago SHOULD of had a city owned casino 20 year's ago, legalize marijuana tax and control,legalize a Chicago lottery,establish a red light district in Chicago, tax and license

1/14/2019 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the same place that didn't have a Desk Sgt in the summer for alot of time. When I looked at the sheets on 3rd watch they only had 2 field Sgts. Unbelievable. The only place where there is only 2 Sgts for an entire watch. How many cars can they log? 15 cars a watch?? God forbid AE uses some OT to add to the level of supervision on the watch. I mean EVERY district in the city is short and they utilize OT to add to their #'s on weekends and or when they forsee an issue in staffing levels.

So fast forward to 2019 with the "loosely based on the NY model" program being implemented in 025. First we have 3 Sgts, two of which are brand new from the last sgts class, watching / logging a total of 4 PO's ( aka 2 cars) each. Not that the sgts are bad people but they haven't even completed three months on the watch. Guess they are either the best of the best or some MERIT hacks taking a 2nd watch spot with a F/S or S/M dog. Geeze what a tough deal.....having a set dog on the weekend? WOW. Guess crime doesn't happen on weekends that need this super program to address.

Now AE wants extra Sgts on every watch and is saying no / limited Time due so his program is implemented. AE says F the watch and its officers until his program starts and now its ALL LEGIT in 025. Good luck 025.....change csnnot come fast enough. Some good Lt's and sgts in that district and I hate to see if something doesn't happen soon. I feel that many of the decent bosses will be bidding out because of AE and this "Loosely based program from NY".

1/14/2019 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s at North & Luna? Is that like the car assigned to 39th & Princeton. 24 hours a day, every day, for more years than I was on the job. It even called for lunch relief.

1/14/2019 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lazy Sgt said:

5 Sgts on the street every day, every tour.
Each Sgt carries just 3 cars on his log.
I'm gonna transfer in.

1/14/2019 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow new names for old tricks.

1/14/2019 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They actually have 5 sgts working every shift on the street ?????. Wow, what a luxury.

Yeah since the program began they had more than 2 TOTAL sgts on the watch. Many times this past summer 025- 3rd Watch wouldnt have a DSS at times. So 2 Supervisors logging 15 cars a piece. So much for doing more with less. Now the program starts and 025 gets 3 -4 sgts a day. Still not 5 a day but at least 3rd watch has more than 2 total sgts for an entire watch. All this shows is when that commander ensures his programs move forward and he could give two shits about everyone else. I suggest everyone that can bid out just find a place to go and slide outta there ASAP. Leave this dump and its goofy cmdr.

1/14/2019 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of bright ideas. What’s the status of the Obmer library. Do you think they will have a car assigned to the parking lot to watch folks cars.

1/14/2019 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wearing black today to mourn final death of illinois. JB and libtard toilet brains sworn in today. He started nationwde DL21C, which according to politico (link below), is qstill acive and strong. They met in springfield last night. When will illinoisans wake up? Maybe when no one is left to turn off the lights, and greedy politicos are picking each others pockets because we've moved to normal, human and tax payer friendly states?

JB already making libtard postures. At least he'll swear in using the bible. Thats something anyway. Wonder if he'cross his fingers or toes whilst swearing in? Maybe lightening will strike him?

Run for the hills: the worst is yet to come God save us all.

1/14/2019 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this that crap from NY?
Overheard conversation in Betts office where we will copy the UR efforts of NYPD and reduce crime.

1/14/2019 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am merit and part of the command staff now get out there and do as your told!

1/14/2019 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we stop working for "Burglar Alarm" companies and start charging each false call these companies make, we would cut down on the raps. The public has no clue on the millions of false burglar alarms we respond to every year. Each false call downs a working car for at least 15 min and the dogs can take over an hour to complete their job.

1/14/2019 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like more crybabies on third watch that are upset.

1/14/2019 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous near north crier said...

025 needs a 5th watch to do the heavy lifting.

1/14/2019 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the Gallows are back? True or false?

1/14/2019 12:11:00 AM

The circus train may be gone but the Gallows never left.

1/14/2019 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Good Times said...

Man, I loved working a Rapid back in the day!

1/14/2019 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! I can't wait to retire and MOVE from Illinois!

This city and state is infested with Dummycrats!

1/14/2019 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So 30 sector cars going down on TVB's and then riding it to lunch, 20 sector cars going down on TVB's and riding that to lunch also. 30 and 20 sector cars going to much at same time. Your only screwing yourselves over. Payback's a bitch fellas. we can play that game too. Former late rapid car, AKA Ranzzoni lover4life.

1/14/2019 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The great and powerful Oz has spoken. Pay not attention to that man behind the curtain.

1/14/2019 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that where the new DIO program is????

Cmdr AE- merit 2 x ( at least)

Lt. AN - merit 2 x

Sgt JB - merit ( wife is former 025 CPD tactical officer aka "Tactical Barbie")

Sgt AO - merit who changed her name to that of a wanted fugitive
Sgt MK - former school unit

12 PO's from various districts

The BLIND leading the blind. All on 2nd watch because they need to warm up to the district and the bosses don't feel as if they need to work any other watch. God forbid they are out past 5pm on the streets.

Day offs for many are either Fri / Sat or Sun / Mon. Holy Shit,?!?@*#&

Activity: So far the PO's have found that most problems people are coming forward with is...............ILLEGAL PARKING. Double Holy Shit?!?@&#&

Sounds like a winner of a program so far. Good luck 025. Hopefully there is a command change soon!!!

1/14/2019 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build the WALL. For every democrat who doesn't want a WALL, why don't they take in a family,feed them,cloth them,educate them,and provide them with medical insurance. DEMOCRATS WON'T!

1/14/2019 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FTO’s are getting completely fucked, taking twice as many jobs as the “area” car

Yeah you should be taking a ton of jobs, and exposing pops to them. It's how they learn.

1/14/2019 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Was this a department idea or a 025 commander idea? I heard from a guy in 025 that if there’s a domestic in, let’s say zone 1, and there’s no zone 1 cars up, but a zone 2 car is up, that zone 2 car will not be assigned, and a car from zone 1, who is on the lowest priority job, will leave that job and go to the domestic. Thats not a recipe for disaster, is it? Who’s going to pay the price on that one when someone gets killed because of slow response time? The blue stupid.
1/14/2019 12:18:00 AM

I was told this was in the works a year ago. Department idea, because as stupid as it is, it's a little too creative for someone with Escamerit's low mental intelligence. Escamerit and Nagode did some ride alongs with bosses from another city where they do this crap. I forgot if it was LA or New York. I can only imagine how lame those conversations were during that goof fest get together. Waste of money, time, resources, brain cells, dignity etc etc....

1/14/2019 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone actually thought it was a good idea to make the blm princess herself, sgt. Assata as one of the supervisors in this program. You kids be sure to kick ass and take names for that ine.

1/14/2019 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are the LA dicks coming??

1/14/2019 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a barrel of hogwash.
Expanding the House Mouse contingent is what it’s doing.
Always a crisis in the Dept and yet The Right Man for the Right Time™️ is being praised.

Those Coordination Sgts (merit) will need a Lt for direction, and then some dedicated daytime paper shufflers to make it appear the program is a Jugghaid Special Ed success before he leaves in April.
When it comes to mismanagement CPD tops CTA, CPS, USPS combined.

The RAP is all on Merit Management and how Merits, along with inception of the obamaFone, fundamentally changed the spirit of this Department.

There was a time before tact teams were assigned a radio assignments, Beat cars would cross the District to handle that job, they were willing to have OEMC “stack” Priority 2 and lesser calls to clear out these backlogs. Teamwork and a trust the Tact was going to be available if and when we need them. Most beat cars answered up when other sectors were assigned outside their beats.
One thing they tried was to give Tact shoplifters and holding offender calls when things were backed up, due to these made-up missions all coming in response from HQ.
That being said, it was under a much disliked DC during the Gallows years that there still was a Watch effort to be in good standing with your Sgt and WC. Hands actually washed the other, regardless of the shitty DC.
I really do feel sorry to all you out there with less than 20 on.

Want to clear up this RAP bullshit?
Flush these merit losers and their political pandering, posturing for another bump.
If the police can’t police and the prosecution fails at every step after the arrest...what’s the point?
The always untrusting ghetto can wait. Write a case report, on to the next.

Bottom line: until then - everybody remain status quo.
Stay Fetal.

1/14/2019 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like toni "I be hating law enforcement and honest taxpayers" is speaking out again, this so called woman is crazy bonified insane she needs mental help immediately:

Come on Toni wtf is going on did police cause these things to happen to you:

A) Your husband fleeing from you
B) you moving away from the crime near barry obamas home
C) That crashed totally new Suburban full of campaign materials and that lie from you so called security guy
D) The competition from other black and hispanic female candidates for mayor to knock your crazy ass off the running slate
E) Kimmy your girl letting all the felons and thugs roam free
F) Lied about taking money and connections to ed Burke (have the guys with straight ties came to visit you yet? if you wont admit it they have been there hopefully your next God willing)

Nope Toni everyone knows you and or your pathetic staff read this blog,and copiers cannot be bullshitted especially by someone with the modality to throw away every law,and to constantly go after police,you and the fake dishonest chiraq media have caused all the mayhem and chaos,along with your girl kimmy and tommy your guy!

1/14/2019 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay away from my Grounds
Or I will turn you against one another

1/14/2019 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is off topic but many coppers and citizens pray on their knees for God's help,and we all need it, this Friday JVD is coming back to be sentenced and 3 more March,Walsh,Gaffney are also due to have a verdict given by the judge, could we please pray for them, it could be any of us another sad time for CPD!

Also take notice how many "Your doing a great job kid," bosses are in the courtroom, you know the people that say "we got your back?" The answer would be and is none, think about this the next time a boss advises you and your not sure! They get the big paychecks, undeserved pensions and rapidly retire as soon as trouble lurks for the blue shirts and you get the shaft as usual.

1/14/2019 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police “executives” think this shit up to bullshit the public for politicians, and stroke themselves. It’s all fuckin’ nonsense except on pay day. Go where they send you, can’t be in two places at once.

1/14/2019 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a rehash of the community policing model from the mid-70's with sector cars and beat cars which are supposed to stay on their beat. It does work, that is if you have enough manpower to fill every car , every night, and if the officers do not dog every call and if the beat cars actually stay on their beat ( which they don't).

1/14/2019 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I pour syrup on this shit idea don’t make it pancakes!

1/14/2019 07:04:00 AM

But if pancakes gives you an early duck the program will be a success from all the activity you will bring in. Heard another lieutenant put in his par form to leave too. Another one bites the dust.

1/14/2019 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Par forms you say? A bid spot on days has gone from 14 years on, down to 6 1/2 years, since Escamerit took command. I've never seen so many people bid out, especially white shirts, in such a short time.

1/14/2019 06:42:00 AM

Another lieutenant who’s been there a long time has just put in a par form. Good for him!

1/14/2019 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamerit is proof positive that this department is corrupt and incompetent. It would be different if he just messed with blue shirt problem children. He's fucked with Sgts and Lts for no reason other then him being a pussy jagoff. What does the department do when white shirts bid out in droves from 025? Nothing. Thanks Special Ed and Rham

1/14/2019 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait til you see the Sergeant list that just came out! Shamed former Commander Kenneth Johnson has a merit pick in this class! Yep, it’s all legit my ass!

1/14/2019 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Sounds like more crybabies on third watch that are upset.
1/14/2019 12:06:00 PM

3rd watch has its cry babies but this new program is beyond stupid. Most of the cops that make up the program are dorks that worked in the front office or caps in 025. Not that many are from other districts. Escamerit's reputation precedes him as cops from the Northside that work in 007, 005, and other Southside districts would rather work in those hell holes instead of 025.

1/14/2019 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What’s wrong with keeping the wagon in 025 centrally located on North av?
Seems that street in a major problem in the district.
1/14/2019 07:05:00 AM

Right. It makes a lot of sense to keep the wagon on a fixed post all year because God forbid some low life gangbanger might get shot and killed. Thanks for chiming in Escamerit. We haven't heard from you in awhile on the blog. What have you been busy doing lately? Studying hard for a promotional exam?? Lol!!! You are such a slimey merit leech!

1/14/2019 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can rest assured this is coming by some moronic, career long house mouse at HQ.
The idiot that came up with this wouldn’t know a beat car if it bit them in the ass. They surely have no clue about how a district operates.

1/14/2019 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comments on the new merit sgts should be very interesting.

1/14/2019 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring in the LA dets and let them tell you about all their scandals over the years and all their mismanagement and ask them if thats straightened out yet and if not book them a flight home. Total nonsense. How about bring in Sheriff Clark and a few of his people who actually back the police and can actually bring out the mismanagement in the CPD. I know it'll never happen.

1/14/2019 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt list is out. Class to start on 22jan. Congrats to those who made it!

1/14/2019 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the following JB speech between the lines, and weep:

More of same on steroids. Plus, more useless gun control putting law abiders at risk, crazy taxes, drugged out pothead drivers, and other horrors coming soon to your watch. Guess who he adored?

Reads like a polished up socialist east coast moron trying to pander to Trump supporters. Can't wait to move to a red state. Am hoping red state doesn't run me out thinking I'm like him or AO-C

1/14/2019 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are things in 025? Situation normal, all !@#$%& up.

1/14/2019 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it at O'Hare the poor TSA'S aren't even getting paid and you see them all over BUT you can work the Terminals all night at the busiest hours and not see any of the "Superstars of the CPD?" Aren't they kind of supposed to be a visible deterrent but are instead invisible, unprofessional Do-Nothing's!

1/14/2019 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Someone actually thought it was a good idea to make the blm princess herself, sgt. Assata as one of the supervisors in this program. You kids be sure to kick ass and take names for that ine.

1/14/2019 01:51:00 PM
015-3rd Watch says- Better you than us. We couldn't believe our luck when she left, but we all know Eddie will make capt's and commanders that will "reward" her loyalty to NOBLE in a couple of years. Earned Not Given...right...

1/14/2019 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt Joanne Chesimard...I mean “Assata Olugbala,” the biggest racist on the job was hand picked to ensure no blacks are arrested in 025. At least none that murder white police officers. Because racism. Or something.

She’s one of the dumbest sergeants on the job. wants to tell every new black PPO how to “make a difference” by not arresting any black people.

1/14/2019 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of this asshat. What no one at headquarters has the balls to confront him. Second this is a bad idea. Missions are nothing but a quota and don't do anything to reduce crime (just sounds good over the air). Utter bullshit! The wagons should only do transports and mental calls. Thats it! You want the wagon up if needed if shit hits the fan they should not be taking any other calls let alone stationary at some corner. This department is loaded with incompetent supervisors at headquarters that don't know how to do police work..let alone implement strategies that work. How about input from the troops? Not input from some house mouse. Weiss actually had the guts to hold a town hall with officers in patrol to ask what is needed. He actually delivered on equipment and training.

1/14/2019 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Heard the Gallows are back? True or false?

1/14/2019 12:11:00 AM

The circus train may be gone but the Gallows never left.

1/14/2019 12:09:00 PM

Capt. Fonzy is still a jagoff. He's a very sick man.........

1/14/2019 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JB Pritzker in his inaugration speech said he wants Illinois to adopt a graduated income tax. There will be a huge exodus from Ill-Annoy.

1/14/2019 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another genius idea by these 20+ year wonders.

1/14/2019 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Read the following JB speech between the lines, and weep:

More of same on steroids. Plus, more useless gun control putting law abiders at risk, crazy taxes, drugged out pothead drivers, and other horrors coming soon to your watch. Guess who he adored?

Reads like a polished up socialist east coast moron trying to pander to Trump supporters. Can't wait to move to a red state. Am hoping red state doesn't run me out thinking I'm like him or AO-C

1/14/2019 06:56:00 PM

Maybe. But he all but guaranteed he will not mess with our pension. That, in the end, is all that matters.

1/14/2019 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt Joanne Chesimard...I mean “Assata Olugbala,” the biggest racist on the job was hand picked to ensure no blacks are arrested in 025. At least none that murder white police officers. Because racism. Or something.

She’s one of the dumbest sergeants on the job. wants to tell every new black PPO how to “make a difference” by not arresting any black people.

She is HALF BLACK so she should ease on the race bullshit.

1/14/2019 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is only for dispatch protocol. Will do nothing for our normal day to day jobs on the street.

1/14/2019 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previous Anonymous said...
Off the subject. We don't need 50 ALDERMEN /50 WARDS. We don't need 95 million spent on a new Police/Fire Academy. We don't need an Obama Library. Why was Meigs Field closed ????? Chicago SHOULD of had a city owned casino 20 year's ago, legalize marijuana tax and control,legalize a Chicago lottery,establish a red light district in Chicago, tax and license


Now why doesn’t this guy run for Mayor, Sheriff, Governor or...even Superintendent?

1/15/2019 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember also that 025 is the lock-up for area north teams, as well as the female lock-up for several districts. This means 025 officers get stuck with lots of hospital runs. This particularly knocks out the midnight watch, because crook county requires prisoners to have medical clearance on the same day of the hearing (read as after midnight).

1/15/2019 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's TRUE. Gallows are back. Hopefully someone sends a copy to the superintendent, so he can have a hint as to the level of respect Escimilla currently holds among those under his "leadership ".

1/15/2019 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sgt Joanne Chesimard...I mean “Assata Olugbala,” the biggest racist on the job was hand picked to ensure no blacks are arrested in 025. At least none that murder white police officers. Because racism. Or something.

She’s one of the dumbest sergeants on the job. wants to tell every new black PPO how to “make a difference” by not arresting any black people.

She is HALF BLACK so she should ease on the race bullshit.

1/14/2019 09:31:00 PM


So she's a black supremacist educated fool and hater who is
a self-loathing, insecurity riddled down-low, smug, vain,
smarter-than-thou sociopath cut from the same cloth as the
unlamented former POTUS who tried his level best to ruin this nation?

Jayzus... Is there a special place where these people
gather to hang upside-down during daylight hours?

1/15/2019 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no desire to do anything in this department to see it blaintleh time after time agin the politics in this department

1/15/2019 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025 hasn't had a wagon in over a year. We have a van.
Ask any officer who has had to transport a fighter in a van, and they will readily tell you the van is useless for that purpose.
Escamerit has been informed of this, several times. He does not care.he cares about numbers, not officers.

1/15/2019 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told this was in the works a year ago. Department idea, because as stupid as it is, it's a little too creative for someone with Escamerit's low mental intelligence. Escamerit and Nagode did some ride alongs with bosses from another city where they do this crap. I forgot if it was LA or New York. I can only imagine how lame those conversations were during that goof fest get together. Waste of money, time, resources, brain cells, dignity etc etc....

1/14/2019 01:49:00 PM

Escamerit and Nogood were able to fit their egos in the same car?

1/15/2019 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JB Pritzker in his inaugration speech said he wants Illinois to adopt a graduated income tax. There will be a huge exodus from Ill-Annoy.

1/14/2019 08:36:00 PM

he might want this but it is harder to get then you might realize, to include putting on the next stte wide ballot and getting voters approval to amend the state constitution.

1/15/2019 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Divide and conquer sounds good to me. Twice the people to go Fetal. Car 54 where the Hell are you?

1/15/2019 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the city really needs is a group of 007 agents licensed to kill. Calling Paul Kersey.

1/15/2019 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad part is, I run into alot of PPOs who boast about their cycles in 025 and how much they love it and want to go back. Sounds like a sinking ship I wouldn't wanna touch with a 10 foot pole. Unfortunately, there's plenty of youngins who are just itching to get back. Bless them all.

1/16/2019 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the sergeants is none other than Ass-hatter!

1/16/2019 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Super is writing the new Gallows ponder that folks.

1/16/2019 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT awful quiet on the Burke front lately.

1/16/2019 11:21:00 AM  

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