Tuesday, May 28, 2019


  • Chicago police fatally shot an armed man Tuesday while mistakenly executing an arrest warrant on the wrong person in South Chicago.

    The man, a brother of a man wanted in a May 14 murder in Roseland, allegedly pulled out a gun during the arrest, police said.

    Officers with the department’s fugitive apprehension unit attempted to arrest the man about 1:45 p.m. in a driveway in the 8100 block of South Chappel Avenue, Sgt. Rocco Alioto said during a news conference Tuesday.

    The man pulled out a handgun while officers went to take him into custody while he sat in a vehicle, Alioto said. An officer then shot him.
This could all work out. Just wait for the funeral and then arrest the brother when he shows up!

Good job to the involved officers.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fruneral is gonna be weeks to months away. Frunerals cost money and fruneral homes and cemeteries don't work for free. And the communerty gonna say,"He didn't even shoot first".

5/28/2019 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be interesting. CCL and FOID. So we will see how this one gets majorly twisted in the coming days...

5/28/2019 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are these Officer from media affairs speaking on the news. Geez figure out what you want to say and say it. A a a a a a a a a a a

5/28/2019 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not just farm out the job to the U.S. Marshals? They specialize in tracking down fugitives and are very good at it.

5/28/2019 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neighborhoods under seige by asshole like this and we have some dumbass legislator named Kathy Willis attempting to make a FOID car prohibitively expensive for everyone but even moreso the poorest of folks who need protection the most. Will the good African American people please wake up and call your representatives tomorrow and tell them to stop racist Kathy Wilis’s Fix the Foid legislation please ? She will turn good people into criminals when they cant afford the idiotic expense for a FOID card. This kind of predator is exactly thetype of person you need protection from. TAKE YOUR NEIGHBORHOODS BACK and dont get turned into a criminal in the name of some fat ass white politician who is spending Bloomberg money to take your God given right to self protection away.

5/28/2019 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago fake news reports police shoot man as he was showing them a gun .
WTF , karma to these police haters, maybe one day a group of young men and women will meet their families.

5/28/2019 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the media report this as,a stray bullet that hit and killed someone who is believed to be the unintended target? Is this another legal FOID ,CCL gun owner? If Police Officers are approaching You it might've been a good idea to put your empty hands up and say I've got a gun ,then they can ID you,check your FOID and CCL and you could be on your way to pick up your Mom at work. What the hell is so hard to understand People that You dont pull a gun out on a Police Officer,chances are it will not end good for you ,which is only common sense.If I'm not mistaking the law is obey the Police Officers Commands and any discrepancies will be resolved at the Police Station.See these Officers are not the young kids on their bikes,Senior Citizens or 22 yr old girls with earbuds in their ears you're used to beating up and shooting.These are The Police that are legally equipped and trained to Serve Protect and enforce the law. I Thank God They still give dam and May God Bless Them !

5/28/2019 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the news tonight Lightfoot revealed she wants to remove aldermanic authority to block housing projects. Obviously a majority of aldermen will endorse this for political gain and virtue signaling. Yet another reason to pack your bags.

5/28/2019 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This could all work out. Just wait for the funeral and then arrest the brother when he shows up!"


Wait for the traditional funeral payback shooting, wait a bit more for all the liars, aka witnesses, to get their lies firmly planted in their liars' minds, then, wait a bit more and hand the shitpile over to the superior policing skilled stupervisors!!!!!


Patience is THE virtue!!!!

5/29/2019 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t get your hopes up. Ever noticed how criminal families walk a fine line between jail and a major payout from the city? You heard it hear first - Lightfoot is going to be handing the mother one of those big ass Publishers Clearing House checks before the end of the year. Didn’t matter that the brother pulled a gun - cops had the wrong person.

5/29/2019 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Terry McG said...

So what does the Tribune have as the headline in the first story on their website?
"Chicago police say they fatally shot the brother of a suspect in killing of 15-year-old boy, after earlier saying they killed the suspect".
Those evil po-leeece, shooting an innocent member of the community in a case of mistaken identity.Or at least that what it sounds like. Why not "Police fatally shoot brother of wanted man after he pulls gun"?

5/29/2019 05:17:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...


Pfather Pfaker, Jackass Jesse and the rest of that crew of assholes have been extraordinary quiet lately 🧐. Me thinks something might be in the works between some of these aforementioned assholes and our new mayor.

5/29/2019 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do you think is in Fugitives?

5/29/2019 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insanity how these animals grab their guns where is the police approached them, thank Almighty God that the police officers went home without any extra ventilation holes, I know innocent person was it. The only way to stop animals that are violent and attacking is to make sure they get their well-deserved dirt nap.

5/29/2019 07:01:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I remember an episode of Ozzie and Harriet when the police came to arrest David and confused him with Ricky. Ricky pulled out his guitar pick and the police shot him. Good episode.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

5/29/2019 07:24:00 AM  
Blogger chuckwalla said...

On the bright side, in Chicago when you're killed by gun violence, your vote still lives on.

5/29/2019 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago fake news reports police shoot man as he was showing them a gun .
WTF , karma to these police haters, maybe one day a group of young men and women will meet their families.

The way the media spins it, is that the bad guy was just showing the officer his new gun and the officer executed him for no reason. Kind of like, hey officer look at this new gun I just got. Officer responds, bang! Your dead. The Chicago media is a complete joke!

5/29/2019 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fugitive Apprehension is a US Marshal Task Force. Some CPD Officers are Deputized as Special US Marshals. Plus Marshals work directly with the unit.

5/29/2019 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not just farm out the job to the U.S. Marshals? They specialize in tracking down fugitives and are very good at it.

Fugitive Apprehension Unit work with the U.S. Marshals. Thus, these Chicago Police Officers specialize in tracking down fugitives. They also are very good at it.

5/29/2019 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go look at Ja Mal Green s Facebook and Twitter which are open to the public and his temper tantrum about this incident

5/29/2019 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don’t get your hopes up. Ever noticed how criminal families walk a fine line between jail and a major payout from the city? You heard it hear first - Lightfoot is going to be handing the mother one of those big ass Publishers Clearing House checks before the end of the year. Didn’t matter that the brother pulled a gun - cops had the wrong person.

5/29/2019 03:55:00 AM

It's her little way of giving back to the community which commits crime for their impoverished lifestyle...

5/29/2019 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are sworn police officers assigned to news affairs and records division ?
no crime , to many police on the street

5/29/2019 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a shithead runs in the family.

5/29/2019 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a photo of Curtis with (what I believe is) the same gun as in the photo under the seat that people are claiming was planted.
Look at his Facebook cover photos dec 2015. Someone who knows anything about guns take a look and compare will ya?
There is also a video circulating of police approaching with the shield, must have been 5 minutes after he was already shot. So much misinformation it’s out of control.

5/29/2019 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pfather Pfaker, Jackass Jesse and the rest of that crew of assholes have been extraordinary quiet lately 🧐. Me thinks something might be in the works between some of these aforementioned assholes and our new mayor.


Probably a good call. She is going to give them a spot on the civilian police oversight nonsense and they are going to give her her own alligator cage at Lincoln Park Zoo. All you'll see is her dead alligator eyes above the murky swamp's waterline. I can see you!!!

5/30/2019 05:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is complete b.s. I was on scene. A Sergeant held offender at gunpoint from an open door while fellow officers surrounded the vehicle. A fellow Sergeant entered the vehicle with assistance of the shield and other officers behind him. Yes the scene was hectic and people were told to move due to cross fire for a few minutes. The weapon was inside the vehicle and the Sergeant ordered us not to touch it. I hate the lies told. No a single person planted anything. Bad guy had a gun bad was shot and killed. Simple.

5/30/2019 03:24:00 PM  

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