Tuesday, May 28, 2019

We Have Questions

This article was up the other day, all about how Lori and the Department were preparing to "flood the zone" and other nonsense. And we missed this on the first read through:
  • Lightfoot also said she’s pushing police to more aggressively use gathered intelligence for solving crimes, and said she’s dissatisfied with the detectives division because its rate for solving homicides in recent years needs to improve.
So....just wondering two things here:
  1. "...aggressively use gathered intelligence for solving crimes...." You mean like...just speculating here... a gang database? Maybe?
  2. "...dissatisfied with the detectives division..." Is Staples in trouble? Maybe she isn't replacing Special Ed?
Things to wonder about.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does this mean making more dics? I’m currently 120 on the list

5/28/2019 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What gang database?

Now instead you will be using people's memory.
How many people will be misidentified?
How many additional crimes will not be solved?

These idiots keep talking about making Chicago "Green." Maybe you should take away Detective cars and make them take the bus to the crime scenes? Or you could have their supervisors deliver them to the scene?

5/28/2019 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Lori's police department now. Pretty soon she will have to answer to why the clearance rate is down and why shit isn't getting done. Her window won't be very long. Killing season is starting now. People are gonna be wondering why it's the same old shit but a different mayor.

5/28/2019 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds just like a bunch of whiny P.O.’s I’ve talked with who always want to talk shit about the D unit because of the low homicide clearance rate. News flash Lori and whiny P.O.’s - there are many Detectives who don’t work homicides, or Agg Batts. There are other oversight offices and most dicks there have very good clearance rates. Not that I’m bashing the homicide and Agg batt dicks, their jobs are downright impossible at times. It’s just dumb as hell to lump all dicks together. Lightfoot is ignorant to what we do so it’s to be expected of her. But P.O.’s who can’t figure that out shouldn’t be so ignorant.

5/28/2019 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we don't use the word "aggressive" anymore, Lori!

5/28/2019 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Zone also known as The Loop?

5/28/2019 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, you’d think someone what look at the person who has been in charge of the detective division for quite some time now??? Of course not. The connected are never held accountable. It’s just us detective grunts. Detective division has been long overdue for change. Otherwise it’s business as usual.

5/28/2019 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks for her to get promoted higher. It’s tradition.

5/28/2019 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hysterical, people are bitching because the police ain’t doing anything- the police DID EXACTLY AS THE CITY LEADERS FORCED THEM TO. It’s called self preservation mode!! Where are all the community activists at the outrage of their fellow man acting like savages in a third world country

They have a new GO that just came out just in time for Memorial Day for large street gatherings- and if you guessed that CPD is NOT to disperse them you would be correct, this is the shit leadership CPD is dealing with- so good luck fellow citizens be like the concealed carry holder in little village- arm yourself.

5/28/2019 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DemocRATS will get what they want in the end. The only thing that will be of good; will be the downtown. The rest of the city is a waist land.

5/28/2019 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

"Gathering Intelligence" is what got CPD cooked in the
"Cibil Rahts" ACLU/white-guilt liberal democrat progressive,
grievance industrial complex and Consent Decree jackpot...

Translation for Madame Mayor Littlefoot and her obtuse,
tone-deaf, smarter-than-thou-by-far advisers/minions:

Police Intelligence Gathering on Chicago's entrenched,
protected, politically, socially, culturally, financially
and real-time weaponized violent criminal underclass IS
a ruinous punitive damages/litigation fraught, life and
life-style impacting undertaking for ANY Chicago Policeman
now stupid enough to believe any okey-dokery by any boss
to actually engage in it or anything remotely resembling.

Consent Decree and past litigation makes that stuff
No matter how Madame Mayor Littlefoot tries to cast it.

Remember... Madame Mayor Littlefoot and her smarties said:

- Chicago's endemic violent peoples & folkses "problem"
is NOW going to be addressed as a "Public Health Crisis"
that will no longer pivot on the fulcrum of Law/Police/Courts/
Public Peace/Public Safety -

"♫ What a fooool bee-lieeeeves heee seee-EEEES
the wise man has the POW-WAH - to reason awaaaay-yay!♫"

That sound y'all heard was every Policeman worth
the ink on their certification, laughing up their
sleeve at this itchy-minded progressive nonsense.

...Back to "Intelligence Gathering.

Remember... When Department policy goes sideways,
the bosses always make good THEIR escape while you
Blueshirts get to be bent over the splintery banister
of political expediency/public opinion and having your
innie very publicly turned into an outie while the public
and the media cheer and throw confetti.

Oh yeah...

Police Intelligence Gathering has been roundly
denounced as "RACIST" too...

So... Madame Mayor Littlefoot...

What other brilliant strategies do you and your
"Federal Partners and Community Stake-Holders"
have in store for The Police?


We predict that by July, they'll be good and pissed
about how none of their strategies are working and
finally going all in and turning the cannons on
The Police in desperation.

Maybe our native cynicism and acuity/clarity of vision
is further enhanced by half a lifetime of seeing Dude Inc's.
antics up close and personal from behind the wheel of a Blue & White?

Police Like You Have No Friends.

Don't get sucked into "communerty foolitness."

Protect yourselves and each other.

Point & Laugh.

5/28/2019 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd think maybe properly staffing the detective division might help.

I know!!! Send like twenty of them to sit in squad cars and do nothing for two months!

5/28/2019 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms Lightfoot is already acting like a total idiot. She has no clue what detectives have to deal with. How do you solve crimes when "the community" won't talk?? She's going to be a major disaster for the city. She's absolutely clueless worse than Rahm.

5/28/2019 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot gets off on the wrongfoot!!
So much for her going into the hoods to the pray ins, hiring "violence interrupters" "peace coordinators" peace marches, having peace circles. Holiday score so far is 37 shot 5 dead. "My job is to hold people accountable", said Lightfoot. Yes like the detective division because of their low clearance rate. And the reason for the low clearance rate is the "I dint see nufin people" from the community. But don't hold them or the offenders accountable only hold the police accountable. She wants to throw dollars into the Office of Violence Prevention and increased investment into the community. Wake up, that has been done and was a failure. Her charade over the weekend turned into a farce. The Crystal Ball Unit might be in jeopardy, ad an article in the DailyStar.com.UK comments on Britian's predictive policing could be framing innocent citizens, it is threatening everyone's rights and freedoms. It seems that is causing some areas to experience "overpolicing" targeting minorities disproportionately. God forbid! Where have we heard this before?

Out of 20 of the most violent cities in the United States 19 are controlled by Democrats. All of these cities are failing and decent people afe moving out.The Democrats approach to dealing with crime is never holding the community or the offenders from the community accountable because it is their voting block. Piss off that community and you will lose everything. Letting the community be the perpetual victim in this also brings money in for programs that benefit certain people. Now if you really wanted to stop all this carnage you could by supporting law enforcement, allowing no plea bargining and sending the offenders away for the max with no early out. Does that sound logical?

5/28/2019 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dateline, Dayton, Ohio
Water treatment plant without power.
Residents asked to conserve water.
MayDay, MayDay, LORI: Send Bottled Water.

5/28/2019 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The homicide clear up rate is terrible. Remember back in the 1970's it was 90% plus. But the people cooperated with the police.

5/28/2019 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The duplicity continues?

With intentionally feeble prosecution and worthless adjudication, what is the purpose of bitch ragging about anything law enforcement does not do?

Is lightweight just covering the spread?

She got the bitch ragging about what law enforcement had been doing, no longer, and chooses to now bitch rag about the "community" gettning what it demanded?

Is there no straw that will break this camel's back?

5/28/2019 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of hard to solve crimes when the “communerty” doesn’t co-operate, isnt’ it?

5/28/2019 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if staples voted for sparklefarts?

5/28/2019 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staples was never a detective. She landed in area four as a violent crimes lieutenant to pad up her resume as she ascended up the ranks. Never had a clue, pun intended. As the chief of detectives, she’s appointed way too many idiot supervisors who never did the job or or only did the job for a hot minute. With the influx of so many new detectives the last couple of years, it’s literally the blind leading the blind. She has accepted mediocrity and excuses. So what can any logical thinking person expect?? The handful of great detectives are the burnt out go to guys and girls that can’t clear ALL the cases. Plenty of dead weight in the detective division, but there are NO repercussions! How about let’s promote her again because, well, she’s “a great guy!”

5/28/2019 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course lightbrain ist't looking at the root of all the crime: the feral community. They're causing most of it and the didn't see nuffin, didnt no nuffin didnt axs fo pooolice community always obstructs. It's a nationwide, in bred, handed down, genetically passed behavior

Yes blame the police for not clearing anything because no one cooperates. Gots to blame a stand up person and drag them down. Besides sharing information is pointless: No ghetto lottery, nothing to gain, nothing to give, why bother helping the hated police. Also, probably their cousin who'll end up in prison for 5 minutes. They'll just get released and shoot the snitch.

Stay fetal boys and girls in blue. We do back you.

5/28/2019 06:13:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

'flood the zone'?!?

is this some kind of code for ghetto?

watch out. don't be the next victim of the dog whistle.

5/28/2019 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the shitballs who get shot, (the victims), know who did the shooting but refuse to cooperate or talk to police...no victim no crime. No cameras, for the most part, on the west and south sides, so without any help and victims refusing to help why bother wasting detectives time on their nonsense..lets spend more time and resources finding the jackasses who carjack the educated, taxpaying Lincoln park residents. Fuck the ghetto.

5/28/2019 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Lori it's your police are the problem policies along with the rest of the DemocRATic idiots that have ruined this city.

5/28/2019 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the defective detective division will change and it is about time. That detectives will very soon be in full uniform for accountability, there will be a marked police vehicles, the front fenders on the cars in the sketches will say detective so the people in the community will know who they are as if it makes a difference. It makes absolutely no sense for people to be riding around as detectives who are not undercover as they wish they are like television stars.

It is not the fault of the detective division for the clearance rate due to the crook County states Attorney not doing their jobs however it is the fault of the detective division excessive overtime and not really solving anything. We have the lowest clearance rate of any department in the United States of America but then again we live in the most corrupt city in the United States of America any correlation?

5/28/2019 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staples will be removed from her spot.......and promoted

5/28/2019 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But wait we have some good news;

A concealed-carry holder shot and critically wounded someone who approached him with a gun Monday in Little Village on the Southwest Side.

He was walking into an apartment alley about 4:15 p.m. when a man approached him in the 2500 block of South California Avenue and took out a handgun, Chicago police said.

The man, 25, pulled out his own gun and shot the 20-year-old in his head, police said. He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital in critical condition.

The older man was uninjured and showed officers a valid firearms ownership card and concealed-carry license, police said.

Area Central detectives are investigating.

* make sure you get that concealed carry license the classes are pretty easy, you can get an inexpensive weapon just make sure you practice with it always carry with you the life you save will be your own or someone you love this is happening more and more the criminals are taking the chances knowing the police are neutered, protect your family this is like the wild wild West here.

5/28/2019 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. CPD now being blamed for allowing the Mercy Hospital shooter to do his thing

5/28/2019 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her honor has zero clue on how and what it takes to Close a homicide.

Det know who the offender(s) is in, a rough estimate, 80-90% of cases.

Meeting the constantly rising benchmark that Kim Foxx sets, is the issue.

I will admit there is a ton of fat to cut in the D-Unit. But probably not most guys/gals stepping up to work homicide.

5/28/2019 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0110's are all solvable. Charging is a different story, ASA's office, lack of witness cooperation etc etc.

5/28/2019 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/28/2019 12:13:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What gang database?

Now instead you will be using people's memory.
How many people will be misidentified?
How many additional crimes will not be solved?

These idiots keep talking about making Chicago "Green." Maybe you should take away Detective cars and make them take the bus to the crime scenes? Or you could have their supervisors deliver them to the scene?

5/28/2019 12:21:00 AM

Maybe bike to scenes using the community stolen divvy bikes. Better yet, walk to scenes. But don't fart on tbe way.

5/28/2019 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staples is getting ready to retire

5/28/2019 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The days of these incompetent bosses standing behind
the Superintendent for press releases is over !!

You exempts know you can care less... your PaY is all that’s
important to you! Everything else can blow in the wind.

Change in CPD can only start with dumping the IDIOTS
who are running this place beneath the ground.

Hint: start with the Superintendent and work you way down NOW

5/28/2019 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, when she worked 4 OPS and the Po lice Board, labeled u all racist cops and keeping a
code of silence, who the fuck in there right mind would work 4 this shit?

5/28/2019 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is she dissatisfied with “the community” for stonewalling and refusing to cooperate with the police?
It’s high time “the community” gets the blame layer at its feet. They’re an overwhelming part of the the problem.
The media and politicians intentionally overlook that part of the equation.

5/28/2019 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bond reform has a lot to do with clearance rates. It was hard enough to get witnesses to cooperate when the offender was sitting in county. Now They are back on the block with a braclet.

5/28/2019 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not as easy as you made it out to be eh, Madam Mayor?
It's 'your' problem now, go ahead fix it.
Repeat line one.

5/28/2019 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sounds just like a bunch of whiny P.O.’s I’ve talked with who always want to talk shit about the D unit because of the low homicide clearance rate. News flash Lori and whiny P.O.’s - there are many Detectives who don’t work homicides, or Agg Batts. There are other oversight offices and most dicks there have very good clearance rates. Not that I’m bashing the homicide and Agg batt dicks, their jobs are downright impossible at times. It’s just dumb as hell to lump all dicks together. Lightfoot is ignorant to what we do so it’s to be expected of her. But P.O.’s who can’t figure that out shouldn’t be so ignorant.

5/28/2019 12:30:00 AM

If it quacks like a duck looks like a duck it’s a duck they all look the same correct, It is obviously the management and the detective division that does not know what to do they don’t know how to make sure the detectives do their jobs the ones that don’t should be demoted back to what they are patrolman. Detectives are patrolman it’s not really a promotion they are assigned as the detectives should be just as easy to demote them back to patrol right where they should be. Keeping the detective division in uniform is a great idea with the vehicles so you know they are Chicago police no sense leasing all of these unmarked vehicles wasting all the money on them that. But everyone in the marked police vehicles so we have more coverage.

5/28/2019 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Nature Boy" golf outing is right around the corner. If you want to get in the good graces of the next super duper intendent, you best buy a ticket.

5/28/2019 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not like on TV. The murders in Chicago aren't planned, or thought out or have witnesses. They're random shootings by very mobile assholes who on a good night can leave 9mm casings in 4 different districts. If I shoot into a crowd of people because the guy who looked at my girlfriend was standing there, how will they know the intended victim when half the crowd also has people looking to shoot them?

5/28/2019 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About time someone mentioned the worthless Staples. Sorry I know you ass kisses like her cause she is so easy to trick. Great boss except results are and have been a disaster. She needs to be removed and demoted for 5 years or more of incompetence. Willing to bet she is a merit hack.

5/28/2019 09:07:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

Tribune Headline: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot prepares for summer violence: ‘My job is to hold people accountable’.

My first thought after reading that was; 'Marvelous, Chicago now has a 'Finger-Pointer in Chief'.'

Then again, that really shouldn't be a surprise. That's the M.O. of every Democrat politician and leftist social justice warrior today. Something goes wrong ... hey, don't look at me, I'M the victim, it's 'Your Fault'.

We'll see how long Mayor Finger-Pointer gets away with passing the buck to her underlings that SHE hired, that SHE is responsible for.

My gut feeling is that her honeymoon won't be a long one. The Chicago media may be a bunch of lickspittle lackeys, but they're the Democrat Machine's lickspittle lackeys. And that doesn't include new mayor Lori Lightspeed.

She's one of those nobody people that nobody sent.

5/28/2019 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If our new mayor is smart, she’ll use the summer to study these command mopes and then clean house. After a few weeks of hearing and seeing the same excuses from them, Lori will probably lose it. The majority of them do not belong in their jobs. Dump them all and start with a clean slate.

5/28/2019 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the "New" and "Shiny" wear off on Lightfoot, she is going to look a lot like the old boss. Lots of words like accountability, increased patrols, manpower, and police presence are old hat by now.

You want to impress me Lori..? Inform the communities that Parents need to start raising their children with a little more discipline, and manners. Tell them to spend some quality time with their children to "Invest" in their future. Then hold their feet to the fire when their children go wild and feral. Then we will be impressed. No amount of shuffling police officers, or their "merit" supervisors around is going to stop the killing. Chicago will remain the "Killing Fields" until "Law and Order" is restored! There are a LOT of VERY bad people walking around out there right now. And they routinely carry unregistered guns and have no qualms about using them to settle their differences.

Yes, this is the same quality time we lose out on when our days off are cancelled. We have a morale problem. I wonder what the future holds for Chicago??? I believe, Chicago will remain the "Killing Fields" for another generation or two at least! The police are wanting to do their jobs. Meanwhile we are standing by in "safe" mode until we see which direction this ship is headed in...

Enough rhetoric already...you are the mayor now, you're supposed to have some answers. And btw...the police are the most accountable people on the planet in my opinion. No further amount of any police accountability will increase crime solving. Weed out the corruption, and prosecute to the fullest any near do well who crosses the line.

I stand by in the fetal position...

5/28/2019 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The homicide clear up rate is terrible. Remember back in the 1970's it was 90% plus. But the people cooperated with the police.

5/28/2019 04:42:00 AMA

You are so wrong or trying to rewrite history. Community NEVER cooperated with the police. Gangs were prevalent and citizens were more intimidated in the 70’s

5/28/2019 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the Media on here. 2018 stats. Area North Homicide clearance rate was 50 percent, Area Central was at 51 percent, and Area South was at 27 percent. Start asking for the real numbers. Ask what an Exceptionally Cleared Homicide means. The low percentage rates of 10-17pervent apply to current year only. For some of you slower people out there, if a homicide is cleared today , from 2017, 2018 where do their numbers get counted? The problem isn’t that homicides aren’t getting cleared , the problem is it’s taking longer to solve them.

5/28/2019 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you aggressively use “I ain’t saying shit?”

5/28/2019 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is such a concern, why were detectives sent to summer mobile?

5/28/2019 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jugghaid appoints the Merits and this is as good as it gets.
Excuses will save Stapler, probably be determined soon that being many have been held back by internal dissension of the straight white manly men that are still calling the plays. So it’s not Jugghaid’s fault either.

Worried or concerned about clearance rates? No hell no.
With nothing to complain and point fingers at about, they couldn’t be always yammering.
Just the usual LightLoafer jab of blaming the police and the FOP as usual.
Don’t expect her to give an iota of respect and reserve the right to reciprocate accordingly.

States Atty skipping out of their responsibilities and moving the goal posts
Either LightLoafer nor the CCSA can’t and won’t mention of how Cook County’s Restorative Justice is a failure but a national failure as well. Absolutely no criminal accountability whatsoever. Nothing will change.
They keep bailing the shit-water from the front of a sinking boat into the back.
The mindless Elected will try this time with a bigger, more tolerant (and expensive) bucket.
That’s four more years of shit-water politics.

Stay Fetal - don’t chase, don’t stop.

5/28/2019 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrongfoot is talking out of both sides of her mouth. Lorie if your lips are moving you're lying to somebody. Promises, promises and more promises. You are a typical Democratic Mayor of a Democratic city that is being driven to into financial ruin, crime and bankruptcy by a Democrat. You are just the latest new face of Democratic Socialism here in Chicago. It appears you will be the Mayor of the 4th largest city by the time you leave office. We see what direction you are heading, and we know what Rahm and the Daley's have done to our city over the years and we had enough. We are not just leaving the city, we are fleeing the city. The shining city by the shore is now just a tin can on Oak St. beach. We don't believe you and you can't be trusted.

You're in the deep end of the pool (two weeks in office) and we are all watching you tread water. When you tire out we'll wait and see who throws you a life preserver, if we're still here. Maybe you'll get lucky and Big Tonie will toss you one.

5/28/2019 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Tha' Communerty" will be held blameless
for the holiday shit-show...

All blame will be put upon The Police
for "Failing to do enough."


"Cops have backed off on being proactive against gun violence
in mutinous pout over extra accountability in Consent Decree"


Tha' Communerty" spokesweasels and the aclu make plentiful
noise about making The Police back-off/back-down/stop
criminally profiling and intervening/interdicting in
communerty bidness.

But the bleeding heart, hand-wringing, wet-eyed liberals
INSIST that "somebody do something" like they actually
know what's best for the peoples and folkses who are now
sending armed scouting parties to no-longer-safe liberal
breeding grounds...

Funny as Fuck when viewed from a safe distance.

Isn't it?

It's here.
And THEY don't like it.

You know...

Every man for himself...
According to his conscience and all that
he thinks will allow him to stand before
his Maker in hope of favorable judgement.

Liberals can't get their heads around such.

The man in the arena in steeped in it.

"WAH! We can't understand why you old Cops
are so mean, unfriendly and hostile!"

Reason why?
Half a lifetime behind the wheel of a Blue & White and
seeing Dude Inc. (and his liberal progressive aiders and
abettors) for who/what he (they) REALLY is (are).

CPD Rules of Survival*

(As adapted from the USMC Rules of Gunfighting*)

19. Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God we trust. Everyone else,
keep your hands where WE can see them).

20. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH, soon ENOUGH.
No 2nd place prize winners regardless of what the white-guilt
sjw liberal progressives say.

22. Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill
everyone you meet should it ever become a dire enough
necessity. Only YOUR survival matters when it comes to
Deadly Force.

23. Be courteous to EVERYONE, friendly to NO ONE.

5/28/2019 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t Burge use “aggressive” tactics to solve many a crime?
We’ll never hear the end of it about Burge.... is that what Loti means?

5/28/2019 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say we flood “the community”...... literally flood it with millions and millions of gallons of water.
Sure would put a damper on the crime rates.

5/28/2019 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago has a banger problem. Same group is the one leaving all the spent shell casings around town. Maybe if we rented some bouncy castles fthen they would holster those glawks.

5/28/2019 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Staples runs the detective division,appointed by "stevie Wonder," ed who cannot see anything,or was it his political clout that made him make her? Another in the rolling ball of exempt hacks,Eddie does anyone of your crew have any success stories you know with your terrible management style? What's that clearance rate again 95? How much was spent on excessive overtime there again? Enlighten us so we know what not to do.

Best bet Boss is for your own health resign, you getting heavy again and that is not healthy and the stress is not worth it. Just come clean on the lying lieutenants exam,and say sergeant drive by,add in commander "I use the police on company overtime to babysit and drive my kids," Come into the "sunshine," sir it would be refreshing to have a boss actually be honest and the exposure will do you good!

5/28/2019 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Lightfoot needs to read the consent decree and see what it says about “intelligence-gathering” operations by the police; I seem to remember the gang database being a particular target of “activists”.

2. I doubt she’s going to see any “aggressive” police activity of any variety, since the city leadership (and CPD leadership) has repeatedly shown that they will throw officers under the bus in an eyeblink if “the community” objects to their actions.

3. How does Lightfoot expect detectives to solve murder cases when “the community” refuses to cooperate in even the most superficial way? They say they “don’t trust the police”, but I think the truth is that they trust the gang members and thugs... to attack them if they even speak to an officer. “The community” knows full well that even murderers with a long history of arrests and convictions will be out of jail in a day or less and that - even if somebody in “the community” testifies, the case will likely be dropped by Kim Foxx or the murderer will plead down to a lesser crime - like littering or disorderly conduct.

5/28/2019 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Detective Division is perceived as an oasis of legacy white privilege and will be targeted as such. Has nothing to do with police work.

5/28/2019 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staples is getting ready to retire


5/28/2019 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit that line, tote that bale, run for daylight
I think the new mayor is gun smart and street stupid

5/28/2019 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How can you aggressively use “I ain’t saying shit?”

5/28/2019 10:42:00 AM

Dunno... Maybe the same way you aggressively say:
"And I ain't doin' shit either!"

Keep yourselves free, employed, un-aggravated,
un-indicted, un-ruined and un-imprisoned in this
era of "Makin' you cops pay today for what y'all
did to US 40 to 50 years ago..."

5/28/2019 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"When the "New" and "Shiny" wear off on Lightfoot, she is going to look
a lot like the old boss. Lots of words like accountability, increased patrols,
manpower, and police presence are old hat by now..."


"I stand by in the fetal position..."

5/28/2019 10:05:00 AM

Lol @ "When the new and shiny wears off on Lightfoot..."

Like a sales pitch for say, French pre-moistened
lollipops failing totally flat.

(Unintended Keesing Bandit bait...
Yeah, yeah... We know ;^)

Not even a dyed-in-the-wool sucker would go for an already
licked sucker no matter how artfully crafted, packaged and marketed.

So to speak...

Has Chicago been sold yet another mayoral bill of goods?

What a shit-show...

5/28/2019 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is the Zone also known as The Loop?

5/28/2019 12:53:00 AM

Use to be 1423 beat the “ twilight zone “ not sure if they
Mean that tho

5/28/2019 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lightfoot ties cycle of gang violence to
‘systemic disinvestment’ in South, West sides..."

-Chicago Scum-Times-


Madame Mayor surprisingly restrained
herself from laying out the ritualized slaughter
on Chicago's West and South sides as a
failing by The Police.

Her constituency will be greatly displeased because
the "Magic Arrows" of culpability may point at
THEM like on the 60's era Bozo's Circus...

>?< >?< >?<

Now for "Ghetto Lotto?"
Airybody wants to play that game.

5/28/2019 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say we flood “the community”...... literally flood it with millions and millions of gallons of water.
Sure would put a damper on the crime rates.

5/28/2019 01:57:00 PM

Waterworld. What about those who are swimming disabled? The disfloated?

5/28/2019 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staples is a total joke she has no clue of what is going on in the Detective Division. She destroyed Area South, when she depleted it of experienced Detectives for the IRT (Incident Response Team) then sent her spy Sgt. T.C. to Area South then dumped LT's R.M then B.M. She's a clueless dictator that lacks interpersonal skills to lead unless your one of her puppets. Dep. Chief Deenihan is patiently waiting for that spot to become available in September. Hopefully Staples will head to Florida to that new home she building per her spy Dep. Chief T.C. jabber jaw. Lightfoot would be a fool to keep Staples or Special Ed!!

5/28/2019 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Lightfoot is sincere in her attempt to stop the lawlessness of our city. In my opinion, she does not have a "CLUE" on how to do it. Truth is; it cannot be done in the current political climate. In my opinion, "The Tipping Point" has long ago been "Tipped". In my opinion, She will soon become frustrated with the "Community" the "Pastors" the "Activists" the "States Attorneys Office" and the "Police". She will soon tire of getting "e-mailed" every time someone is "Shot in Chicago". Let's hope she fairs better in the many other venues of her mayoral responsibilities.
PS: Have a Nice Day ???

5/28/2019 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Peterson was one of the worst human beings ever on this job. His gift to you is Anthony Riccio and Melissa Staples.

5/28/2019 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you are on the outside looking in it is easy to criticize and offer many suggestions for improvement, most of which you do not have a clue if they would work or not, but they sound good. Lightfoot was on the outside, even when she was on the police board. She could talk all that she wanted but never had the responsibility for the problems on the street. Now, as Mayor, it all falls on her. Not so easy, huh? Mayor? There is nothing that you can do to the cops to make them be aggressive, and if they are smart, they will not be aggressive. The liberals and PC crowd screwed up the department in general and the detective division in particular. She can't fix either one.

5/28/2019 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming from a newly elected mayor who said she was independent from all the politics and politicians in Chicago to talk about the downfalls of the police department. U have already pandered to the old school democratic party by making appointments of there sponsored candidates for appointments within the city government. Soon a list of moves made by federal prosecutor mayor will be released for all to see. Then everyone can make their own decision on whether or not she is a independent...... Total Insider everyone will see

5/28/2019 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to read what you police officers write, your frustrations drip from the screen. I feel for you all. It sounds like you do a thankless, and very stressful job. Take care of yourselves, let the Rats drown in their own violence. Many of us civilians do support and appreciate every thing you do for us. Stay Safe Heroes in Blue!

5/28/2019 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot ties cycle of gang violence to 
‘systemic disinvestment’ in South, West sides..."

A few years agp Target opened 2 stores on the depressed, underserved, underinvested south side.

Both recently closed, primarily due to stock shrinkage. They lost money because of theft.

No business is going to invest to lose money. If there was money to be made, businesses would be there. There isn't, so they ain't.

Its that simple.

5/29/2019 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think the bulk of the ‘idiot supervisors’ you speak of are appointed/sent by Staples, you have no clue. Eddie’s frat brothers been coming in in droves. Sgt AW being a prime example.

As the chief of detectives, she’s appointed way too many idiot supervisors

5/29/2019 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how detectives think their job is rocket science and that a decent motivated sergeant without prior d unit experience is incapable of learning the job. The detective division isn’t exactly the department’s best and brightest! There might be a learning curve, but being a prior detective is absolutely not essential.

Staples was never a detective. She landed in area four as a violent crimes lieutenant to pad up her resume as she ascended up the ranks. Never had a clue, pun intended. As the chief of detectives, she’s appointed way too many idiot supervisors who never did the job or or only did the job for a hot minute. With the influx of so many new detectives the last couple of years, it’s literally the blind leading the blind. She has accepted mediocrity and excuses. So what can any logical thinking person expect?? The handful of great detectives are the burnt out go to guys and girls that can’t clear ALL the cases. Plenty of dead weight in the detective division, but there are NO repercussions! How about let’s promote her again because, well, she’s “a great guy!”

5/29/2019 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's face it:

The days of the police doing anything "aggressively" to fight crime are long past.

Dream on, Lil.

5/29/2019 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love how detectives think their job is rocket science and that a decent motivated sergeant without prior d unit experience is incapable of learning the job. The detective division isn’t exactly the department’s best and brightest! There might be a learning curve, but being a prior detective is absolutely not essential.

Staples was never a detective. She landed in area four as a violent crimes lieutenant to pad up her resume as she ascended up the ranks. Never had a clue, pun intended. As the chief of detectives, she’s appointed way too many idiot supervisors who never did the job or or only did the job for a hot minute. With the influx of so many new detectives the last couple of years, it’s literally the blind leading the blind. She has accepted mediocrity and excuses. So what can any logical thinking person expect?? The handful of great detectives are the burnt out go to guys and girls that can’t clear ALL the cases. Plenty of dead weight in the detective division, but there are NO repercussions! How about let’s promote her again because, well, she’s “a great guy!”

5/29/2019 11:20:00 AM

Whatever you say know-it-all hack! There may be a few that actually do a decent job, but it’s a very small minority! When staples is more concerned about handing out rewards for ass kissers, than fixing the mess she created, what do you think the outcome will be? Hopefully LL cleans house! Starting at the top!

5/29/2019 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you think the bulk of the ‘idiot supervisors’ you speak of are appointed/sent by Staples, you have no clue. Eddie’s frat brothers been coming in in droves. Sgt AW being a prime example.

As the chief of detectives, she’s appointed way too many idiot supervisors

5/29/2019 11:13:00 AM

Well it is Area South...nobody really gives a fuck what happens down there! Sorry not sorry

5/29/2019 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love how detectives think their job is rocket science and that a decent motivated sergeant without prior d unit experience is incapable of learning the job. The detective division isn’t exactly the department’s best and brightest! There might be a learning curve, but being a prior detective is absolutely not essential.

Staples was never a detective. She landed in area four as a violent crimes lieutenant to pad up her resume as she ascended up the ranks. Never had a clue, pun intended. As the chief of detectives, she’s appointed way too many idiot supervisors who never did the job or or only did the job for a hot minute. With the influx of so many new detectives the last couple of years, it’s literally the blind leading the blind. She has accepted mediocrity and excuses. So what can any logical thinking person expect?? The handful of great detectives are the burnt out go to guys and girls that can’t clear ALL the cases. Plenty of dead weight in the detective division, but there are NO repercussions! How about let’s promote her again because, well, she’s “a great guy!”

5/29/2019 11:20:00 AM

Haha you fucking stroke! There’s no sergeant that’s ever going to LEARN the job of being a detective having never been one himself! You may finally understand why detectives do what they do and why they do it, but you’ll never LEARN the job! What an egotistical, pompous asshole! “Motivated” haha.

Laying bricks isn’t rocket science either, but I’m not going to LEARN the job by just supervising bricklayers

5/29/2019 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The female sergeant on 3rd watch should have never been brought over to the Area from 007. Her knowledge of “policing” is zero, zilch, nada, but SHE WAS NEVER A DETECTIVE and she has a real problem when she’s wrong and it’s clear she’s over her head because she was never the police nor a detective, Just an office dolly brought over to show diversity.

5/29/2019 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love how detectives think their job is rocket science and that a decent motivated sergeant without prior d unit experience is incapable of learning the job. The detective division isn’t exactly the department’s best and brightest! There might be a learning curve, but being a prior detective is absolutely not essential.

Staples was never a detective. She landed in area four as a violent crimes lieutenant to pad up her resume as she ascended up the ranks. Never had a clue, pun intended. As the chief of detectives, she’s appointed way too many idiot supervisors who never did the job or or only did the job for a hot minute. With the influx of so many new detectives the last couple of years, it’s literally the blind leading the blind. She has accepted mediocrity and excuses. So what can any logical thinking person expect?? The handful of great detectives are the burnt out go to guys and girls that can’t clear ALL the cases. Plenty of dead weight in the detective division, but there are NO repercussions! How about let’s promote her again because, well, she’s “a great guy!”

5/29/2019 11:20:00 AM

Haha you fucking stroke! There’s no sergeant that’s ever going to LEARN the job of being a detective having never been one himself! You may finally understand why detectives do what they do and why they do it, but you’ll never LEARN the job! What an egotistical, pompous asshole! “Motivated” haha.

Laying bricks isn’t rocket science either, but I’m not going to LEARN the job by just supervising bricklayers

5/29/2019 07:07:00 PM

The second “why” should be a “how.” Sorry about that, sick of the entitlement and arrogance these assholes bring...for over 20 years!

5/29/2019 11:39:00 PM  

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