Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Failing to Win the Trust

  • The mayor says there is no cause for celebration.

    But the 21 shooting victims in Chicago this past weekend are barely half the number shot on the same weekend last year, and that number is far fewer than the 58 victims gunned down -- including eight dead -- the same weekend in 2016.

    If it's Monday, Chicago's top cops are at City Hall to discuss what is working and what is not as Mayor Lori Lightfoot demands police become more pro-active.

    "I think they now are getting used to me and understanding that, kind of a superficial, light touch isn't going to do it," Lightfoot said.
More pro-active? "light touch isn't going to do it"?

Maybe we've been smoking a little too much of that legalized weed. Perhaps Groot has. But someone hasn't been paying attention to the past few years here in town. Everything has been directed to making the police do less, engage less, care less.

And it's worked:
  • two page ISR's
  • handing out a "receipt" with your name on it
  • more cameras than London
  • an "integrity unit" led by corrupt individuals armchair quarterbacking everything you do
  • five or six different layers of "oversight," i.e. second-guessers
  • a complete and deliberate effort to not prosecute crimes of all stripes
  • a political effort to demonize the entire department
  • another effort to paint every cop with the same brush
  • deliberate foot dragging on anything resembling fair Contract
  • corrupt discipline
  • more corrupt promotional processes
Do we need to go on?

Groot does, not only returning to the same pile of shit from last week, but jumping up and down in it and flinging it at the walls:
  • The mayor once again blasted police detectives for allegedly failing to win the trust of residents in the most violent neighborhoods.

    "Showing up when there's a murder or a shooting or any other violent act and being the first time you've set foot in a neighborhood, without knowing any of the people, the relevant stakeholders, you're never going to win the trust of the community that way to be able to solve crimes, because they're not going to view you as legitimate," Lightfoot said.
Showing up at murder scenes is what detectives do you moron.

Detectives know lots of the people (or folks) because they've dealt with them before. The stakeholders? They're cowering behind doors, curtains, under sofas and in bathtubs to avoid the gunfire. They don't come forward and detectives aren't breaking down doors to find them because that would make the "stakeholders" targets.

As far as legitimacy, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Our "legitimacy" is derived from the badge we wear, the oath we took and the Consent of the People. How are we supposed to be more "legitimate"? Maybe drive up with chrome spinners, the crankin' sound system rattling windows and poppin a few caps at the dealers on the corner? That would make us more "legit"?

Who in the Holy Hell is advising this idiot?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just say Fuck it...Don't do shit...This is what they want

6/26/2019 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She has the mind of a child.

6/26/2019 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smoke weed in the squad car. The clients would think, “Hey them cats are alright. I could really talk to them guys.”.

6/26/2019 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is GROOT.


A miserable little troll, with no regards for law and order.

-Edward Nigma

6/26/2019 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps this one was describing how her superficially light touch wasn't gonna satisfy her cravings for beating the fuck out of anyone who disagrees with her cowpies.

Perhaps that is what she was really saying.

Is possible?

6/26/2019 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand now and for my part, I'm going to try and do more. I'm going to go out and re-connect and reinvest in the community. I've been doing it wrong for 20 years but with Groot and her leftists coaching us, I know we can do this. And if we don't...Oh boy, there is going to be a reckoning.

This stupid bitch alienated herself faster than rahm. How is that possible?

6/26/2019 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LL is all over the board. She has to be kidding.

6/26/2019 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should all know by now that we might win an argument with an intelligent person but we'll never win an argument with a fool.

6/26/2019 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't ask for help from the ones you persecute.

6/26/2019 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So tired of hearing the words “stakeholders” , “transparency” and all the other dumbass corporate words these socialists use today. Such a fuckin joke.

6/26/2019 12:46:00 AM  
Blogger Trumpisbest said...

More liberal crap talking.

6/26/2019 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can the police win the trust of people who's entitlement, sympathy, scams come from the false notion that the police are targeting them? They're dependent on hating the police to get what they want. The media helps them.

6/26/2019 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all by design promote useless that never did the job.

6/26/2019 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can she slander and generalize the cops and get away with it?
Detectives are in these areas all the time, not just during shootings.
She should be held liable for her slander.

6/26/2019 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!!! Hold the phone. A “superficial, light touch” Isn’t going to do it? So if it’s not a light touch she wants, is it a heavy touch? Sounds a lot like heavy handed to me, and I am quite frankly offended. Pro active policing?! Mrs Lightfoot, you gosh diddley darn racist. You’re really asking us to be aggressive which will put more people of color in jails. We at the new, improved, gentler and kinder Chicago police department, do not believe I’m the mass incarceration of minorities. I dont know about you mrs Lightfoot, but this is Chicago, you can take all that racist baby killer back talk to whatever KKK rally you just left from. Leave, go on now! Git! Leave us Chicago police officers to our work, we have lots of hugs and stickers to give out. Racist.

6/26/2019 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to win the trust, Madam Lightfoot?

Then move you and your family into the most violent police district in the city. It's also the site of the beautiful Garfield Park Conservatory. Buy a vintage two-flat near Wilcox and Pulaski.

6/26/2019 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A V O I D A N C E is a skill.
The best avoiders make it to retirement.

6/26/2019 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm... Lori. The better the people in a neighborhood... the less they know the police. Fact.

6/26/2019 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's singling out one profession and absolutely trashing the police. Illegitimate, failing to win the trust, superficial, not doing their jobs. What's next from this lady? Holy shit. Sue her. Class action. Our police are better than what she says they are. She's a disgrace and it's an insult to the many officers who've done an amazing job protecting this city in the face of such hostility especially when she's never attempted to do the job nor could she if she tried.

6/26/2019 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When a Police Officer shoots a dangerous criminal; we have a "Police problem".

When a dangerous criminal shoots someone; we have a gun problem.

Only certain Groups have responsibility for their actions; others are not held resbonsible due to poverty and conditions.

Racist double-standards: don't fall for those word games.

6/26/2019 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Part I:

It's the ACLU/SJW perpetually aggrieved community
stakeholder lick-hitting lunatics and moonbats
who are advising Lightfoot with this "failing to
win the trust" nonsense...

We say again... There's a veritable conga line
of rattle-mind m/fers here in Chicago who are
walking the backs off each other's shoes so
they can be seen slapping and kicking at
The Police.

Why aren't any slaps and kicks aimed at Dude Inc.?

Perhaps because the slappers and kickers
KNOW that Dude is un-bound by rules, laws and
onerous condition of continuing employment.

It won't be The Police crashing a flaming ghetto
sled through Lightfoot's or any of her hangers-ons
front doors.

Such response in retaliation for being joyously
shit-talked in the same manner that The Police have,
will be the trademark of Dude Inc.

Policemen are accountable.
Policemen have rules to play by.

Not so much...

Which is why Lightfoot y Cia. are too terrified
to cross Dude in any way.


We don't condone a flaming car through the front
doors no matter how richly deserved.

The neighbors could be the very nicest people and
would be alarmed at such a visitation by Dude Inc.


We DO have a keen understanding as to how/why it could happen.


6/26/2019 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Part II:

So much hatred for The Policeman.

Perhaps it is that he is so knowledgeable
regarding human nature at eyeball to
eyeball distance?

EVERYBODY... Wants to know "what those Coppers
are talking about on that nasty, RACIST blog."

Heh... "Opposition Research" and agit-prop
are central tenets to the narrative put forth
by fanatical true-believer Progressive sorts.

Central to the narrative is the total refutation
and repudiation of what The Policeman knows to be
gospel truth about human nature and how evil, horrible,
violent, vicious and wicked Chicago actually is.

The downtown, gold coast and near north sheep
are being shorn by Dude Inc. but they think that
making The Police out to be their enemies will
endear them to Dude Inc.

"Please don't eat us first!
Eat THEM instead!"

Liberals, SJWs and progressives are such craven, knee-walking
excusists and surrenderists that Dude Inc. sees them as nothing
more than food and sexual pleasure toys.

Sexual pleasure toys get used.

And said food after it has been rendered,
is mere shit on the sidewalk in a place
like Chicago.

"Ah! Save us! But don't do it so hard
as to hurt any feelings or else we'll
say you're RACIST!"

Actually... Our bitter and cynical side is
hoping that Chicago does catastrophically
and violently unravels.

We will get to see what the rest of everybody
else is made of when all the anti-Police
shit-talk magically goes away and is replaced
by, "Oh shit! We had NO IDEA it would be like THIS!"


Every man for himself.

According to his conscience
and that which he thinks will
allow him to sleep at night,
live for another day and one day
stand before his Maker in hope of
favorable judgement.

How much fight do YOU have in you?

Police Like You Have No Friends.

Point & Laugh.

"WAH! Why are you guys so mean and hostile?
Mere public servants shouldn't be allowed
to be that way! Stop it! You're scaring US!"

You should be VERY afraid if you were
actually as smart, streetwise and politically
savvy as you believe yourselves to be.

6/26/2019 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori Lightshit and others sowed what they are reaping in the form of more crime, less willingness to convict criminals, and a Department that has been beaten into ground and then hogtied by the very agendas that Lightshit and her ilk espouse. And Lightshit can’t figure why the police are reluctant to stampede into being proactive.

Lightshit long ago has decided that what Chicago needs is Law and damn the Order from the equation. The proper balance reaps benefits for all, while allowing the police to do their job effectively. Painting the officers as what’s wrong and threatening to hang them out to dry to satisfy some progressive sense of social justice is a formula to push the officers to do as little as possible.

6/26/2019 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To SCC: 'As far as legitimacy, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?'

Bro: Word Salad, You outta hear the Gov of CA and mayor of LA. Contest for the person that explain in English what the fuck they're talking about. Results to taxpayers are as you're experiencing.

6/26/2019 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never ceases to amaze me how these asses blow opportunities to work with the police. Instead this ass is content alienating the the police. Well GOOD LUCK.

6/26/2019 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I checked, Da Communitie doesn't want or need the Police.... right? Right?

So why, praytell, would Groot claim the cops need to be in the neighborhoods?

Legitimacy? LOL. I sure do wish the Democrats would make up their minds.

6/26/2019 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is really out of touch.

6/26/2019 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Showing up when there's a murder or a shooting or any other violent act and being the first time you've set foot in a neighborhood, without knowing any of the people, the relevant stakeholders, you're never going to win the trust of the community that way to be able to solve crimes, because they're not going to view you as legitimate," Lightfoot said.

So detectives, what she means is, in between your handouts, arrests, callouts/scene investigations, processings, courts, interviews etc. you need to get out and start yucking it up with the community to win their hearts. Do some block parties, BBQs, churches etc. Get out there like the politicians and start shaking hands and kissing babies. This is the way you solve crimes and she knows because she has a law degree!

6/26/2019 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Scooter v. Bicycle in the middle of the road... Only in Chiraq where neither vehicle belongs in the street.

6/26/2019 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Light-touch can go fuck herself

6/26/2019 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And how many cops has Larry fired while on the police board— something tells me this is a set for a big dummy

6/26/2019 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot is just stupid plain and simple and you're never going to fix that. YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!!

6/26/2019 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we make the community “legit”?unreal..

6/26/2019 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm. I think her name is spelled Lightfool.

6/26/2019 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That scat was for media consumption.
Not you.
Not the citizens.
Her stakeholders need to hear the Progressive Religion and they’re the only ones who matter to her.

Stay low. Democracy can get it good and hard.
In this case they deserve it.
(See- Mencken).

PS: yes. You nailed actual legitimacy on the head.
Sorry - human nature is what it is.,

6/26/2019 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see how it is Mayor. Fuck the police! OK. I'll tell you what, i'll be parked over there doing nothing like everyone wants the police to be. Keep your fucking legitimacy and the rest of the bullshit. Summer is now in effect and I could care less about the violence that brings to the city because I can't do anything about it with my hands tied behind my back.

6/26/2019 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice mayor Groot is silent and speechless when it comes to her mayor predecessor which is still milking the department with around the clock 24 hour police detail on him and his house in ravenswood! She is hypocrite who can’t even end the tax funded police officers guarding the ex mayors house. She wants boots on the ground enforcing laws while Rahm’s house police security details reads magazines and posts on their Facebook 8 hours a shift without doing a lick of real police work costing tax payers thousands a day in costs. Groot, shove it !

6/26/2019 04:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the copa queen will make you legit. just you wait my little pretty's.

6/26/2019 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think more block parties police lip sync contests and dance offs are what’s needed...all part and parcel for the looney left

6/26/2019 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have hundreds of Caps officers city wide to be part of the community, how crimes has it solved?

6/26/2019 05:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Lori CPD will assist the Feds llike we did when this pos did this hope they get 10 years federal time:

Eric Trump says Chicago restaurant employee spit on him: report

Reports of the alleged assault first surfaced when Mary Ann Ahern, a political reporter for NBC 5 Chicago, reported rumors on her Twitter account. She said reports indicated that the incident occurred at the Aviary cocktail bar in the city. She said the offender was in Secret Service custody.

The Chicago Police Department confirmed that they were at the scene “assisting” the U.S. Secret Service. They did not confirm that Trump was the target. The Secret Service, representatives for Trump and the cocktail bar did not immediately respond to emails from Fox News.

*another embarrassment on worldwide news for the most corrupt city state county in the USA, now God willing President Trump along with send ICE, he can get the United States Dept of justice to kick into high gear and get subpoenas rolling to st examples at city hall county building for a start! Maybe this pos bar needs extra police services and inspections! Lori anything to add?

6/26/2019 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is Mayor Paddlefoot.An absolute idiot.

6/26/2019 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is she going to start the day at oh-dark-thirty by running with the PPO's?

That is how the Groot can win the trust of residents in the most violent neighborhoods.

She can encourage affluent citizens to get out there and run with her. It could be called "Run For Your Life!"

6/26/2019 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous to hell with it said...

so just what was this asshole flashing in the scooter vs bike crash photo story?

where is the response from city leaders to the scum times to print this?

this goofy bitch needs to work on her trust as well.

how the hell can trust be built with the constant bashing while letting gang culture acceptable in society.

let's see some trust building by releasing bodycam footage.

6/26/2019 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the relevant stakeholders"??

She's a neo-marxist idiot who likes to use profound words to coverup her lack of intellect. "When you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit"

6/26/2019 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does she expect the cops to do, go door to door and say I'm Joe, please trust me and call me the next time you witness a murder?

I was surprised at the relatively low number of shootings over the weekend, I thought there would be a least 30-40 based on the five year trend. There were I think 21, still ridiculous but it's progress.

This weekend, forecast is hot and I think shootings revert back the mean, as such am predicting over 40 but less than 50.

6/26/2019 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What needs to be done is the city should have a book printed out but have only the police read it and no one else. That will solve all the problems of police/community relations. They could call it “Together We Can.”

Oh. Wait. Never mind.

6/26/2019 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CFR and USC are waiting for the Officer that strays away from our method of policing-stay fetal and safe!

6/26/2019 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Lori LightTouch...

6/26/2019 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stakeholders? That term is the byproduct of some consultant, my guess someone who never had to get out of a beat car and chase someone down an alley or flight of stairs in a shit building. But that corporate speak is just more of the condescending bullshit that re-inforces the aren't we better than them attitude occupants of city hall have toward the police when they're pandering to the citizens of the city. Stakeholders my ass.

6/26/2019 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JB legalizes G
Keep eye out for homes, watches

6/26/2019 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you click on the scooter vs bike accident, not only did the victim receive multiple facial injuries, but he ended up with a bad case of arthritis.

6/26/2019 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Camels for all Detectives to ride in the community so they get to know us.Can some idiot merit suck hole boss please explain to her what a detective does. It's more that just riding around. I know there are slackers but most are typing ,calling and investigating and responding to scenes. Wake the fuck up Lori.

6/26/2019 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else tired of these dog-whistles these pols blow? What "community" is she talking about? Chicago has more than one. Could she be more specific? These code words get confusing. Does she think EVERY community does not like the police?

6/26/2019 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooorrrrrr, dey could just stop shooting each uder.....

6/26/2019 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its official. She hasn't a clue and is totally nuts!

6/26/2019 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly she is nothing more than the typical politician who talks tough when it suits them.
Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of being at a morning meeting at a park on the north side when the local alderman was trying to give the assembled officers the “kick ass and take names” speech when he told us that we needed to go out and “hit it hard.” I almost laughed out loud.

6/26/2019 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t think Lightfoot is totally wrong about he detectives!
I think detectives should wander “da hood”, and canvas known criminals with a questioner.
Who are the five people most likely to kill you and why. File that info away and save it for a rainy day.

6/26/2019 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

legitimacy my ass. Isn't the message lately been about the best well being for police officers mental health concerning suicide and beefing up the EAP. Thats because the police deal with the worst or the worst every day and all day long. Sounds more like the community of the worst of the worst has to be fixed first. But i wont hold my breath waiting for groot to say that the community needs the fixin

6/26/2019 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is a clueless idiot. Plain and simple. Bet she never set foot in any of the communities without her armed to the teeth bodyguards. If she did show up it was for a vote getting photo opportunity. Hey bitch practice what you preach. Next community homicide show up and work side by side with the detectives on the case and see how far you get with the community. After all they must trust you since they are what got you elected. LOL will never happen because she hasn't got the guts to put it on the line.

6/26/2019 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cannot argue with a true believer.

She is truly insane.

6/26/2019 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe she has a point about the dicks. They spend way to much time at their desks sending out useless community warnings. Like the people in the more affluent areas don't know they are under siege. About time someone begins calling out the Detectives after years of 8-15% clearance rates. Staples has been a colossal failure and the only reason the dicks stick up for her is she is way to easy on them. No accountability in the Detectives at all. Just excuses.

6/26/2019 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proactive? Never again. Stay fetal.

6/26/2019 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The few cases that get solved are because the beat cop has a CI that trusts him enough to give out the info that gets passed to the dicks. So on that score she has a point. But with all the merit ducks that have never worked the streets the lack those type of contacts. St any and all Merit to the Detectives.

6/26/2019 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as legitimacy, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Our "legitimacy" is derived from the badge we wear, the oath we took and the Consent of the People. How are we supposed to be more "legitimate"? Maybe drive up with chrome spinners, the crankin' sound system rattling windows and poppin a few caps at the dealers on the corner? That would make us more "legit"?

It just might increase our street cred amongst the savage population...

6/26/2019 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Patrol, units, and as a Dic, I spent HALF my life in Englewood. How about you, mayor? A few days before I retired, I drove down 63rd from Western to State, saying out loud in the car, "Bye, you'll never see me here again." Like having that last cig before you quit smoking. Retired, and never to grace the streets of 007 again....ever.

6/26/2019 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is groooot.

6/26/2019 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter Lorrie Lightheaded Esq., simply wants the Police to engage the community more so that the end results are determined in dollars when she signs the checks for lawsuits...

6/26/2019 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the issue of legitimacy, who made Groot legit ?

6/26/2019 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Supe obviously didn't tell the Munchkin how the job works. Probably laying on the charm rather that being Mr. Professional. A fresh killing is NOT the first time the dicks have been in the ghetto.

6/26/2019 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is advising her you ask, its obvious, all SJW and progressive liberals. Yet they have NO idea what it is all about and what will work. Its funny how this bitch and other assholes who never spent a day as the police know everything now and how to do it better.

On a side note, ever notice how when shithead gets shot by the police the media shows and talks about it non fucking stop but when a policeman is shot or killed they talk and show it for 1 day. Bias much assholes?

6/26/2019 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LL reminds me of the merit hacks, they don't know anything about the job but they keep getting promoted and then one day they start acting like they know what they're doing and they show the world how stupid they truly are. ♠️

6/26/2019 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP needs to start getting loud and pushing back. Seems like her bullying is border line harassing and creating a hostile work environment. Threaten a grievance. Basically tell Groot that no one is scared of her bullshit idle threats and at the end of the day the hood will still be the hood and I’ll still be retired in Arizona in 5 years despite her nonsense. Fuck off, Groot

6/26/2019 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She wants you to be aggressive so she can be the hero and put you in prison.

6/26/2019 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when the chickens come home to roost? These idiot SJW's and progressive liberals are so fucking stupid, but yet if you have the misfortune to talk to them they think they are the smartest people around. Former President Regan was right.

6/26/2019 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent Madame Groot a gift certificate from Kohl's, they have a great selection of suit coats and slacks for the husky in the boys wear department...

6/26/2019 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does mayor Larry Loafers need 4 top deputies each making $ 165,00. Crook county thieving right from under our noses

6/26/2019 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm. I think her name is spelled Lightfool.

6/26/2019 04:05:00 AM

You nailed it!

6/26/2019 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess what - I’m a stakeholder and I’m looking for legitimacy in my mayor, aldermen and state’s attorney. When the f*ck does that happen?

6/26/2019 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT: Scooter v. Bicycle in the middle of the road... Only in Chiraq where neither vehicle belongs in the street.

6/26/2019 02:26:00 AM

Scooter vs. bicycle story: as predicted, the taxpayers are paying for these “accidents” of idiocy. The hospitalized bike rider was riding from “work”, which is what he calls inking at a tattoo parlor. And if he did any of the work displayed on his body in the article photo, he’s not very good at it either. He says he has no insurance. Two things: (1) I thought everyone HAD to have insurance thanks to Obama messiah (2) that’s not a fucking job. Maybe get one where you actually get health insurance. For chrissake Wal-Mart and Starbucks employees are equally as dismal in terms of life prospects as a “tattoo artist” and they get health insurance. Or couldn’t you sip your PBR or be high while you’re at an actual job working for “the man”, and have to “sell out” by doing things like wearing a uniform and being on time?

His ER treatment at Stroger will be paid by the working class. If I could deposit anything on his GoFundMe account, it would be a steaming turd.

6/26/2019 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget, charging cops with murder who've arguably acted within the law.

6/26/2019 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Littlefoot has even ever spoken with a working Detective about what might be needed to solve more crimes? This seems like a direct shot across the bow of the "D" unit.

Mayor, be careful on who you call advisors. Many will sound like they are informed, but are just using their time to talk to you to get something/what they want. They know very little, but talk a good game to other people. For instance, Ald. Taliaferro was a know it all blowhard who always had an agenda to his actions (side hustle). Now he is head of a commission you had appointed him to. Be careful of the Wolves in Sheep's clothing. They will advise you, and stab you in the back eventually.

6/26/2019 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A community that creates nothing positive is one to harp about legitimacy.

6/26/2019 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Liberalsm is a mental disorder said...

An injured cornered animal is a very dangerous thing.
A leftist with power is even more so.
Abortion bills, skyrocketing taxes from fat ass in Springfield.
Demonizing Police and mindless drivel from the 77-IQ dwarf at City Hall.
The perfect storm is here.
Welcome to the Titanic- a magical place where leftist think that they can save a sinking ship with more icebergs and water

6/26/2019 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Lori’s world there’s zero responsibility and zero accountability for “the community”
Bizarro world for sure.
Keep blaming CPD Lori. See how far that’s going to get you.

6/26/2019 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori is being advised by her commie, cop hating staff of Chicago city college associate degree baby mommas, the lgbtq army, cop haters, the phony felon loving Chicago votes, the race hustling reverends like sharpton and Jesse, and of course her boy, little criminal Jamal green. We are finished as a city. And she is supported totally by Rahm bff failed us attorney John Lausch who can only convict two bit aldermen but is afraid to go after Daley, Rahm, madigan or Cullerton..

6/26/2019 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Showing up when there's a murder or a shooting or any other violent act and being the first time you've set foot in a neighborhood, without knowing any of the people, the relevant stakeholders, you're never going to win the trust of the community that way to be able to solve crimes, because they're not going to view you as legitimate," Lightfoot said.

Showing up at murder scenes is what detectives do you moron.

Detectives know lots of the people (or folks) because they've dealt with them before. The stakeholders? They're cowering behind doors, curtains, under sofas and in bathtubs to avoid the gunfire. They don't come forward and detectives aren't breaking down doors to find them because that would make the "stakeholders" targets.


Great work, SCC. Lightfoot and friends are dangerous because they are foolish.

6/26/2019 09:16:00 AM  
Blogger Rough&Tumble White Guy with a Basic Education said...

Lori is delusional. Respect comes from ... where exactly? We have to earn the respect of the "community" now? Fuck that. They must earn our respect. Or how about they learn respect for common decency, and for the law of the land, and for their neighbors, any simply obey the law? After all, the law is the lowest standard of behavior expected in this society. It is the bare minimum. Like Chris Rock says - you don't get extra credit for never having gone to jail - your not supposed to go to jail. Like the building code, you can always do better. Overbuild it, dear "community." We can see through the charade of your bogus claims that you don't "trust" the police. As police, we do have some sympathy for the fact that you put a target on your back if you come forward, and get "raped" by the court system, especially one where the chance of real prison time is dubious. But if it takes a group of detectives going to your block party for you to refrain from shooting your neighbor then ... well ... we kind of call BS on that a slight bit. One has no connection to the other. So, you commit the crime, then Lori justifies it by saying you don't "trust" us. Tell you what, ignore Lori, her excuse-making is not going to help your situation one iota. The whole liberal mindset, going back to rewarding with welfare benefits for raising children outside the bounds of marriage, which is perhaps the most detrimental to your "community," is harm masked by good intent. Democrats are not your friends, dear "community." Please don't let this misguided 80,000,000 (primary) vote-getter speak for you. She's a bit arrogant, pretending she "get's it" anyhow. Don't expect to fully trust the police - ever. Most white people don't trust the police either, so don't count trust as a prerequisite to obeying the law. It's a utopian dream. We were never meant to get along all that well. And not trusting the police is not the same as contempt for the police. One is healthy, the other is not. She's a goof, dear "community," and if you listen to her, you'll be far worse off in 20 years then you are right now.

6/26/2019 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about detective walking posts?

This mayor is an idiot.

6/26/2019 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Lightfoot Ma’am I am one of those detectives that you are slandering. For the record I have done this job for over 20 years and have lived in Bronzeville my whole life. As a Black Man I am disgusted beyond belief to see 98% of my neighbors quality of life destroyed by 2% of the most feral violent predators in this cities history. I have seen police brutality in my life, but NOTHING compares to 2% of the population terrorizing good people. Unchecked by a handcuffed police department, and by the insane policies of the Democratic Party this horror far outweighs anything that happened in the past. Mayor Lightfoot the choice is simple call out this misjustices of the corrupt Cook County judiciary and treat your police as human beings. Here’s an idea instead doing a photo op with the Superintendant show up at a roll call and do 8 hrs in a car with a patrolman and experience what they experience. One day in 6 or 7 would change your opinion.

6/26/2019 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Tucker Carlson said the comments sections of web news should be turned off as they are crazy.
Then he got his own show and after interviewing real people on the ground at these places in the news, he became aware of how sheltered he had been. So he opened himself up to a wider audience of real people in real places.
And he changed, to be one of us, a normal person.
And he then has been targeted to be silenced by the corrupt totalitarians in charge.

Sites like this, with the comments sections, are invaluable to any of our leaders in help understanding real people in real places in the real world.

But, "they gotta wanna"

6/26/2019 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC, all valid points.
As a supervisor I unfortunately have to deal with the 'integrity unit' which is a very frustrating and demoralizing experience. They take weeks-months to review a situation in which an officer had seconds to make a decision. Then they criticize in a rude and unprofessional manner insisting that all infractions be noted in the officers personal file. Many times they don't even sign the correspondence, just rudely demand. Spineless weasels. Many lieutenants stood up to the 'integrity' demands and refused to make the potentially damaging remarks in the officers personal files. Shame on the people running this lack of 'integrity unit'.

6/26/2019 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't "relevant" stakeholders include the police? When you need to listen to them, they need to listen to you?

I have been through all the touch/feel, empower, empathize, teamwork, BS in business. You have the flavor of the week, month, year then a new evangelist arises and everyone does a 22 1/2 and off we go in a new direction.

6/26/2019 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

breaking: two more deputies fired in conjunction w/Parkland school

6/26/2019 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the unethical, bias COPA.

6/26/2019 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smoke weed.....
JB legalized it.....
Look for "weed infused" car fresherners,
Toss out the lemon-scented spray wax..
I want marijuana in my furniture wax
Siri, send me marijuana from Amazon, Pronto!

6/26/2019 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Authentic liberal jibberish. The parents,churches,community leaders?and politicians have failed to win the hearts and minds of the community. Stop spoon-feeding day people may see thru it. Don’t tie the hands of the police, then demand results. Urban violence is a result of failed political policies.

6/26/2019 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same as a no confidence vote?

6/26/2019 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never forget, that this dead beat anarchist community member that almost brought this City to a burning heap was this // close to being an alderman!

The violations range from parking at an expired meter or in street cleaning zones and driving without wearing seatbelts to more serious red light and speed camera tickets.

Only three of those fines have been paid, according to the two-and-a-half-page list released by Cobb, showing the number and status of each ticket.

Calloway is a community activist who helped force Mayor Rahm Emanuel to release the Laquan McDonald shooting video on Monday set his sights on the City Council

6/26/2019 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rotten Rahm all over again...the horrible thing about Grootie is she’s not the only one.

“Who in the Holy Hell is advising this idiot?“

– My sentiments exactly. The three nongovernmental road trips in the 1st 3 weeks in office (and more to come) was a good clue to the agenda for next 3.8 years.

Blame - blame - blame.
Detectives now have to win the trust? Putting the Dets in uniform, sure that will get more tips and clues.
The feral community witness pool has every opportunity to come forward at anytime after the fact, but they don’t.
They know that someone’s cousin, who knows a dude, that stays on the west side, that posted on FB, about what they boys did to a dude for disprespectin and shit, that he was let got otta’jale and came back in a dark suv and started shootin for no reason and kilt someone that he heard from a dude that was snitchin and shit.
Brainless GoofFoot doesn’t get the hood credo. Too much time studying law like KmmmFxxxUp?

It’s not the Police it’s Affordable Bond and light bs sentencing the Cook County Prosecutor and pathetically weak judges along with dipshit Governor’s.

Over three years of SpecialEd peddling that obama 21st Century TaskFarce bullchit and still no positivity.
Therein lies the problem LightLoafer - whatcha gonna do ?

6/26/2019 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

weed in da squad
you shillin' me?

6/26/2019 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The days of "Aggressive, preventive pro-active policing involving legal Terry stops are over.

And not just in Chicago. The ACLU has squeezed cities and officers out of that mentality. Nationwide cities have hear the shrill cry and not wanting to incur legal costs and officers not wanting to be put through the wringer have backed off.

Too late. That ship has sailed and sunk.

6/26/2019 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Sun Times, part of the new deputy mayor for public safety's philosophy is to ....move away from a “law-enforcement-driven solution” to the gang violence plaguing South and West Side communities and instead try a “more comprehensive” approach that includes a “prevention infrastructure” and a strong partnership between citizens and police.

6/26/2019 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, just wow. She is starting to make prickwrinkle look good. Liberalism is a disease, it seems to eradicate any common sense. Get me away from these pandering liberal morons. Keep blaming the police, but in reality politicians created this unholy mess.

6/26/2019 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightgroot and Kimmy have decided to make the police the ENEMY, now they have to try to figure out how to get their friends to stop shooting.

6/26/2019 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori gives great advice. She us a better crime fighter, surpassing Byrne and Washington.

6/26/2019 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxpayer here. And this is MY Police Department, Ms Lightfoot, not yours. I pay the salaries of police officers and they work for me.
Let me explain what I expect from them.
1. Prevent the crimes whenever possible. That also includes removing from the streets people who commit crimes.
2.Arrest and put behind bars people who break the law.
3. Solve the crimes. That means to find people who committed them and now hiding.
4. To be provided by their supervisors who ALSO WORK FOR ME, like the Mayor of the City with all necessary resources to do their job.
5. Make me feel safe so I can have a trip in the middle of the night to the middle of Englewood and take a walk over there just because I wish to do so. It is MY city, after all. And nobody can forbid me to do so.

We need people to enforce the law because you and others like you failed to understand if you want to change anything, you have to EDUCATE the people (starting preschool) about the law and its importance. Educate the kids about respect toward its enforcement.
As a parent I start it AT HOME!
What you are trying to do with Chicago Police Department, Ms Lightfoot, is unforgivable.
We do NOT need security guards here. We need Police as a force that criminals FEAR.
So we all can be safe.
Oh BTW..I will report EVERY stoned thug I see who is attempting to drive a car. And I expect MY police to arrest them. So we can drive safe.

I am so sorry, officers, you have to deal with all this. God bless you..

6/26/2019 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame the police for everything! What a joke. forgot to add the pension mess always hanging over our heads. The constant neglect by the city. The pension is our survival in retirement. We contributed to our earned pension from day one without any say. We don’t get social security either. The blatant neglect of the fund and the contract really sends a message of how the city feels about their police. This has a major impact on the police department.

6/26/2019 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "community" votes for socialists. Lenin said communism is the goal of socialism.

As many as 5 socialists could join City Council after election successes Tuesday
By Ryan Smith Feb 27, 2019, 1:52pm CST

6/26/2019 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is absolutely clueless!

6/26/2019 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If our Mayor wants us to become more aggressive there are some very simple steps. (1) Admit Sen Obama’s 1 year Traffic Stop Survey was an abysmal failure and declare it over. (2) Cancel the time consuming and insane practice of the I.S.R. It makes 0 sense and with our outdated and barely functioning computers removes us from the streets for hours. (3) Lobby the lawmakers to reinstitute THE most important tool we had, the Disorderly Conduct Arrest. Combine that with Gang Dispersals and shootings of large groups will plummet. It’s. NOT rocket science. When you clear a corner of people drinking,smoking and throwing gang signs mass casualty shootings will be more infrequent. (4) Stop bashing and start supporting the police, you have to be clueless to think a policeman would go out of his way to seek out a self initiated confrontation with a potential offender when he gets 0 support from his Mayor, Superintendant and a Media motivated on crucifying him. (5) Acknowledge your police officers sacrifices and hammer out a contract. People are furious and morale is awful and a contract combined with any of the 4 options I suggested would go a long way to invigorate a very depressed and confused department.

6/26/2019 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC, new mayor giving shit areas more excuses because we can’t be “legitimate” unless every jagoff knows every det. personally. More pandering

6/26/2019 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would Precktinkle have been worse? Or better? I can't decide. What I do know is that we've gone from a mayor with his head pointing anywhere but the city he's in charge of, to a mayor with her head so far up her ass as to the current state of things that she's a virtual pretzel. I've lived in this city for over 30 years, and lately have watched the crime creep closer and closer to my home. Now it's happening in broad daylight, any day of the week. I'd say it's time to go, but my family is sadly economically trapped here for at least the next five years or so. It's a sad, pathetic thing when you're forced to choose between your livelihood and your safety. This city is truly circling the drain. Democrats, your only salvation would be to muster up maybe another Daley. The old kind.

6/26/2019 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the mayor wants detectives to know the people in high crime areas to connect with them? just hire drug dealers as detectives. idea is as sound as the crap coming out of politicians mouths.. t.v. show south park had an election satire episode. the kids would decide on a new school mascot. their choice was between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. moral was that elections are always between the two. unfortunally the last mayoral election was between a turd and a bigger turd.

6/26/2019 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Edward Nigma comment:

Mayors don’t take orders from the president. Because you know... the constitution. If you don’t like it, find another country to live in because this is how this country works

If you want a dictator, I hear North Korea has a “wonderful leader” who is in love with Trump

6/26/2019 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer, Detective foot patrols in the ghetto!

6/26/2019 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for highlighting this. The Community isn’t giving us Eyewitnesses, third party statements, or anything we can use to Charge. The problem isn’t the Community. How many times can she go to the blame Police well? How about Fox who doesn’t charge cases or cont to make deals. How about Chief Judge Evans who has instructed his bond court judge to let everyone out, how about Dart who has an e m system which is a joke? What do they all have in common?? Democrat socialists. Blame everyone except who is responsible for the problem.

6/26/2019 11:29:00 AM  

2019 LEADING DISTRICTS FOR MURDER (through Sunday, 23 June)

Each "x" equals one Murder

011: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (35)

006: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (24)

007: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (22)

015: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (19)

003: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (18)
008: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (18)

005: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (15)

004: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (14)

010: xxxxxxxxxxx (11)

025: xxxxxxxxxx (10)

009: xxxxxxxx (8)
012: xxxxxxxx (8)

002: xxxxxxx (7)

022: xxxxxx (6)

SOURCE: Chicago Police Department

6/26/2019 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would call Lori rat shit crazy but that would be insulting rats.

6/26/2019 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow another embarrassment pathetic time for a boycott of this place for Chicago people that respect law and order and the people that are making America great again:

Eric Trump spat on at Chicago’s Aviary, woman arrested by Secret Service, Trump Organization says

However Eric you let her free guess it is ok to spit in your face, what a terrible example your setting for saying your for the rule of law!

6/26/2019 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive shared this quote once before many months back, but it’s always relevant when these progressives begin to want police to be agrressive again. From former SC congressman Trey Gowdy:
You may be willing to allow the ends the justify the means in this case, you may benefit from the failure to enforce the law today, but i will make you this promise, there will come a day where you will cry out for the enforcement of the law. There will come a day where you long for the law to be the foundation of this republic. So you be careful what you do with the law today, because you weaken it today, you weaken it forever.

Lightouch, you played a part in destroying this department. You and your progressive friends have made the police the enemy. Progressives have decided not to prosecute laws because it benefits them not to do so, so they can show how progressive and reformative they are. Well, maybe we are starting to see the very first signs of them crying out for the law. But, lightouch, you will not get it. You played a part in weakening the department by making everyone unwilling to work. Cry all you want, we are not coming to help you.

6/26/2019 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired for 13 years says, "If you do ANY proactive police work for this administration, you are a COMPLETE FOOL!"

1st and the 16th, back up your fellow officers, and stay safe.

Nothing more!

6/26/2019 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sat on prisoner at the hospital. Offender in custody for ROBBERY with past arrests. Offender tells us he aways wanted to become a police officer. Partner and I chuckle. He then informs us of an upcoming polygraph exam with CPD. We chuckled some more. We stopped chuckling when HQ confirmed he was NOT BS’ing about the poly.

6/26/2019 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Victimhood had become big business:

6/26/2019 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In redouble statement, “when there is a murder it’s the first time the Detectives step into the neighborhood.” This statement alone shows just how ignorant LL really is. Detectives are in the “communities” all the time. Investigating canvassing we’re not payed to attend BBQ’s picnics or parades. Also most of these Detectives worked these same neighborhoods as police officers for years. They’ve arrested today’s homicide victim and they have been in court on previous cases with victim and offenders and their families. Guess what they blame the police for all their problems. You’re too liberal to realize the police don’t need to change, the broken family structures and lack of morals among the people in these communities needs to change. We won’t hold our breath.

6/26/2019 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did lightfool commit perjury ?
Mr. Mayor took an oath , it doesn't appear she is enforcing all laws of land , misusing tax dollars to hire a friend , assist illegals avoiding arrest

6/26/2019 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT sort of: fighting back:

Where’s our FOP balls?

6/26/2019 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stay fetal, cover your ass, don't do squat. You will be sued and loose your job. Policing is dead. Go home in one piece and in a nice car and house.

6/26/2019 01:55:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

Stay fetal,let theses handle the the absolute minimum,stay safe and hopefully retire.

6/26/2019 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on she opened the libraries on Sunday crime will definitely go down now. Good idea (idiot)

6/26/2019 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

"Showing up when there's a murder or a shooting or any other violent act and being the first time you've set foot in a neighborhood, without knowing any of the people, the relevant stakeholders, you're never going to win the trust of the community that way to be able to solve crimes, because they're not going to view you as legitimate," Lightfoot said.

Fuck You Madame Mayor...

You have no idea what you're talking about other than parroting
what your non-Police/Police hating inner circle are filling your
pudding-soft head with.

Here... We'll share some of what happens when The Police show up
after a murder, shooting, other violent act committed by YOUR
peoples an' folkses.

Routine patrol on the beat...

Made a right turn instead of a left
or continuing straight ahead...

20 to 30+ peoples/folkses in the street flapping their
arms and yelling about:

"He just been shot!"

A member of Dude Inc. laid-the-fuck-out in the supine
position with the famous "third eye" in the middle of
his forehead.

Contact gunshot wound with the clearly discernible
powder burn ring...

Up close.

2 m/fers boxing until one got tired of taking
that ass-whoopin'...


Eyes wide open.

"Shades are up but ain't nobody home"



Every m/fer there put their hands in their
pockets and looked up as if to ask the sky


We walked back to our car, got
in and prepared to drive away.


"Fuck all ya'll... put his dead ass in a cardboard
box and drag it up on the tracks for the next train
to take him on to where ever."

...Was what we desperately wanted to say.

But we kept it professional, pretended to actually
give a shit about these mutts and handled the
"on view" by the numbers.

Assisting units came flying in, which was and always
will be a CPD hallmark...

The real funny part about this, Madame Mayor?

When the detectives were going through the belongings
of the dead shit head, he had in his possession a
fully loaded 9mm pistol, a spare magazine, some $2k
in small bills, a cell phone and a pack of crack cocaine.

The audience of the street theater had a severe case
of the ass because The Police showed up before they
had a chance to rifle dead shit head's pockets.

The dics passed along that the crowd was watching
the soon-to-be-dead shit head and the shit head who
shot him, fighting over who owed whom tithes for that

The offender was eventually captured.

Court was convened.

The whole damned thing spontaneously
disassembled due to perjured testimony,
witness recantations and other assorted
fuckings around.

So again Madame Mayor, we arrive at a place where
we say fuck you because you're so full of shit.

We get that you just can't help yourself.

You want desperately to "Reform" The Police and
on the same hand, deny The Police any reasonable
input into said "Reform" because you and yours
have an agenda that just does not bode well for
the rest of everybody else who desires actual
public peace, public order and public safety
instead of the "new equality" of shared peril
at the hands of your catered-to constituency
in order to fulfill their revenge fantasy of
"getting even" for the past.

"Getting Even" is all you have Madame Mayor...

Isn't it?

Looking forward to when you and your fellow
travelers damning, defaming and demeaning
The Police for the pathology manifesting
in these "communities" is finally at an end.

As for The Police?

Police Like You Have No Friends.

Point & Laugh.

6/26/2019 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the ISRcis not that it’s two pages long. Stressing that just makes us look lazy. The problem with the ISR is that it is immediately shared with the ACLU. Essentially, you’re doing their discovery for them for their next class action suit and you Officer Tackleberry, yes you, run the risk of being the face of that suit with every one you do.

6/26/2019 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to worry...Queens NY about to get the same style of justice....

6/26/2019 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all should be better human beings on the job and off. But cops bear the hatred of the bad guys so that the rest of us can live in relative peace. We should spend more time asking how we can we help the cops to their job in a better and more just manner.

6/26/2019 03:20:00 PM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Want to win the trust, Madam Lightfoot?

Then move you and your family into the most violent police district in the city. It's also the site of the beautiful Garfield Park Conservatory. Buy a vintage two-flat near Wilcox and Pulaski

Oh and make sure your daughter goes to Melody school so that peeps or folks will know you wit them.

6/26/2019 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have hundreds of Caps officers city wide to be part of the community, how crimes has it solved?

6/26/2019 05:10:00 AM

OTOH, some ACLU lawyer was complaining today on the news about the police using public and private cameras for solving crimes and, during the same rebuke, she complained about the over-policing of the black and brown communities. WTF!

6/26/2019 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired guy and thank the Lord I'm gone. Came on in the 60's left in the 90's and still kicking. Biggest worry is the pension check because I cant make it on the $34.00 a month SS punt. The city, along with most every large urban area, is swirling down the drain because of liberal, socialist, restorative justice bullsheet. At 72 my time may be limited but I worry about my kids and grandkids who are going to grow up in a very strange dystopian world of crime, poverty and suffering. Our country, the USA is eating itself alive.

6/26/2019 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do not turn off camera for the liars like jussie smells it
fool with a clothes line prop , what a tool , fool , he not so cool
he may be working boys town as an extra for b movies

6/26/2019 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the police have no legitimacy apparently but she also doesn't want a light touch? I'm confused.

6/26/2019 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like pouring honey on your scrotum then being surprised when bees sting your thingy.

6/26/2019 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, it's "Police Department" NOT "Police Force".... The use of the word "Force" is no longer it implies making people do things they don't want to do....

6/26/2019 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This “legitimacy” idea has me befuddled. What would it take to be “legitimate” in the eyes of “the community”? Does she mean we should be like them? Because we aren’t like them. We have legitimate careers. We attended legitimate schools, while earning legitimate paychecks at shitty, but legitimate jobs. I.e., most cops can tell you stories of the crap jobs they worked washing dishes, doing hard physical labor, stocking shelves, etc. while they were in high school and college, all leading up to the required credit hours required to apply for this job and creating the kind of legitimate background that makes for good cops. Honest, hardworking people who were too busy doing what it takes to reach a goal, so we had no time to get in trouble with the law. We aren’t legitimate enough?

Tell me, what would it take for me to be “legitimate” with the community? Should I have been making illegitimate money selling weed on the corner, gunning down rival dealers? Should I have had some illegitimate children and had the taxpayers pay for the food in their bellies, the roof over their head, every doctor they ever see, and the schools they attend? Should I buy some $200 Tru Religion jeans while there are bugs in my hair, I sleep on a mattress on the floor, my idea of laundry day is a new $5 white t-shirt from the gas station every third day, and the only lighting in my house is the glow of the 60” television on a milk crate while they play x-box?

You see mayor, we will never be “legitimate” in their eyes. Because we’re not like them. And they resent that. We stand for everything they could be, but choose not to. Family. Friendship. Sacrifice. Self-respect. Respect for others. Hard work. Honor.

You can shove your legitimacy up your fucking ass, because the people you demand us to be more “legitimate” with don’t know what it is to be legitimate, and neither do you. Every cop who puts on body armor and pulls away from their house not knowing if they’ll see their family when morning comes is more legitimate on their worst day than you are at any of your west coast fundraisers or whatever contrived stunt of the day you pull in this city. You’re not a legitimate Chicagoan, and you’re not a legitimate mayor. You’re another tourist throwing catch phrases around trying to convince everyone - but mostly yourself - that you know what you’re doing. I assure you, you do not.

6/26/2019 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stones concert goers just waking up & gettin' clear by now
Now what did you say?
There's a reason Mick had these legendary fights over dope
with Keith, 'cause Keith was 1/2 of the franchise
(Jagger tried solo and flopped)

6/26/2019 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/26/2019 11:22:00 AM

I believe federal law TRUMPS state law, soooooooooo

6/26/2019 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s what you get when you have a Democratic stranglehold on a city.

6/26/2019 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally someone has spoken the truth that will fail on deaf ears. I don't understand how Mayor doesn't know that everyone has roles and if we do our role on the team we win. I can't grab the quarterback ball because the preacher in the community says we all can pass the ball. The community and the preachers are not the people that understand how to win the game. That's the reason why they have people call pros. Detectives do not get community involvement because communities do not want to die by their own people. The system is letting these people out to attack them. It has nothing to do with the police department it has something to do with the people that are letting the criminals out. Stop blaming us!

6/26/2019 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No trust for our fat governor:

Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued warning for speeding on Wisconsin lake

Guess his power is not respected over the border could you imagine the talk and The issuers had “testicular fortitude.”

6/26/2019 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for The Police?

Police Like You Have No Friends.

Point & Laugh.
6/26/2019 02:56:00 PM

**I already do!!!

6/26/2019 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT..but who is the toolbag driving his personal vehicle (old Bronco) with Chicago Police vanity plates of "JUICE" on the bike path at North Ave Beach?

6/26/2019 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Win trust? Sort of like that "hearts and minds" thing in Vietnam. We all know how that turned out.

6/26/2019 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In truth, the "relevant stakeholders" are really the relevant steakholders before their EBT cards start to run low.

6/26/2019 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Box Chevy Phantom, Well said ........

6/26/2019 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very, very hearty Fuck You Lori.

6/26/2019 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is she including the welfare leeches and oxygen thiefs on the “stakeholders” group??

6/26/2019 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger john said...
Stay fetal,let theses handle the the absolute minimum,stay safe and hopefully retire.

6/26/2019 02:10:00 PM

Fuck that staying fetal shit.
With this evil bitch at the helm it’s time to go beyond fetal: go pre conception!

6/26/2019 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Chinese proverb "The emperor is like a man on a tall mountain looking down into the valley,, all problems are far away and small" Same Old Shit, politicians with ego greater than knowledge,, doesn't know what she doesn't know

6/26/2019 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A V O I D A N C E is a skill.
The best avoiders make it to retirement.
6/26/2019 12:58:00 AM

Aikido 101.

6/26/2019 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KNOW that governor TOILET 🚽 BOWL is as crooked as the rest, having a press conference with miss recused front and center. U could bet if a CPD member obstructed justice they would be charged immediately. But brainless kimmy can just blame the racist police with her comedy of errors on the smollett case. Another slap in the face for tax paying law abiding citizens in this cess pool of a city!!!

6/26/2019 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is advising Mayor Lightfoot. This is her. It's solely her. She is not the type of person who wants or accepts some one else telling her what to do or how to do it. This has been her dream to change the world according to her beliefs. No one is going to get through to her even if they tried. She does not want to hear reasoning from any one...especially not from the police.

6/26/2019 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tucker carlson: fuck the hollwood elite
I won't waste any caps on hollywood
I hope you're flying under the radar
because they hate anything that flies

6/26/2019 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"I would call Lori rat shit crazy but
that would be insulting rats."

6/26/2019 11:34:00 AM

Rat shit gots da feels too?


6/26/2019 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CHICAGO -- A teenager was shot to death Wednesday while riding an electric scooter in Humboldt Park on the West Side, police said. Sorry cant help but lol

6/26/2019 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To the Edward Nigma comment:

Mayors don’t take orders from the president. Because you know... the constitution. If you don’t like it, find another country to live in because this is how this country works

If you want a dictator, I hear North Korea has a “wonderful leader” who is in love with Trump

6/26/2019 11:22:00 AM"

The earlier comment the above comments upon, yet fails to quote:

"She is GROOT.


A miserable little troll, with no regards for law and order.

-Edward Nigma

6/26/2019 12:17:00 AM"


What was it that triggered the reactive comment?

Was it: "groot" = "gremlin" = soft as puppy poop mayor lori the lightfooted?

Was it: "groot" = "gremlin" = "a miserable little troll" = soft as puppy poop mayor lori the lightfooted?

Was it: "groot" = "gremlin" = a miserable little troll" = "with no regards for law and order" = soft as puppy poop mayor lori the lightfooted?

Or, perhaps, was it a misreading of Edward's surname?

Or could it be the reactive triggering was merely the native quality of a democrat thug minding not at all the destructive natures of the "this country" duplicities spouted so carelessly by the grievance addicts.

The duplicities of insisting that "mayors" are not obligated to comply with Constitutionally consistent laws of our Constitutional Republic?

The thoroughly ignorant rantings of the thoroughly ignorant democrat thugs to whom our nation is but a mere opportune place to practice their thuggish ways?

6/26/2019 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She thinks “let’s be cops” is a real movie?

6/26/2019 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sat on prisoner at the hospital. Offender in custody for ROBBERY with past arrests. Offender tells us he aways wanted to become a police officer. Partner and I chuckle. He then informs us of an upcoming polygraph exam with CPD. We chuckled some more. We stopped chuckling when HQ confirmed he was NOT BS’ing about the poly.
CB# ?

6/26/2019 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting closer to the prize:

FBI raids home of former top Madigan political operative

More popcorn extra butter this is going to be great this is making the state of Illinois the city of Chicago the county of Crook Great again just keep arresting them indicting them locking them up let’s go drain the swamp.

6/26/2019 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous pizzaman said...

who is Edward Nigma??

6/26/2019 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, proactive? That’s like watching the old black and white movies.

6/26/2019 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proactive for what. Please....if you cannot get Jussie Smollett charged with what he did what the hell would you want to arrest anyone for? Please can you answer that Ms Mayor.

6/26/2019 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Serious question. I've been retired for several years now and don't have access to the stuff you guys do. Can a retiree run for president of the FOP? Retired, was the working police, graduated from law school but never took the bar exam and have an MBA. If I can run, I'll do that job for a P/o's salary and be a thorn in the side of Ms. Lightfoot.

6/26/2019 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
In Patrol, units, and as a Dic, I spent HALF my life in Englewood. How about you, mayor? A few days before I retired, I drove down 63rd from Western to State, saying out loud in the car, "Bye, you'll never see me here again." Like having that last cig before you quit smoking. Retired, and never to grace the streets of 007 again....ever.

My goodness when you die God will not send you to purgatory -‘you already did your time.’

6/26/2019 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every day she proves she has no clue what she is doing. War with the police she wants, war she gets. Let the killing season begin.

6/26/2019 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fork over the retro money already city hall, Hey Moose and Rocko help them find their check book.

6/26/2019 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Fillmore Murder #36 said...

Chalk up another murder for city-leading Fillmore (#36?). Chalkie paid a visit to 3900 W. Iowa St. Teen on bicycle shot and killed. No one in custody.

6/27/2019 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To parse or not to parse.

That was the question pondered.

To parse it is!!!!

Comment from 6/26/2019 10:24:00 AM:

Taxpayer here. (Presumption: true.)

And this is MY Police Department, Ms Lightfoot, not yours. (Well now, here you get a bit dramatic, but, still, you may have the honesty of frustration inducement.)

I pay the salaries of police officers and they work for me. (Again, dramatic, but, not quite accurate.)

Let me explain what I expect from them. (Ah, yes, the expectations of the taxpayer. Begs for the definition of expectation being used.)

1. Prevent the crimes whenever possible. That also includes removing from the streets people who commit crimes. (Strike one. Because, well, if you are paying attention, you know the many reasons.)

2.Arrest and put behind bars people who break the law. (Strike two. Ditto on what you know.)

3. Solve the crimes. That means to find people who committed them and now hiding. (Strike three. Gonna give you more than three strikes. You need more than three strikes.)

4. To be provided by their supervisors who ALSO WORK FOR ME, like the Mayor of the City with all necessary resources to do their job. (Strike four. Insufficently specific as to meaning.)

5. Make me feel safe so I can have a trip in the middle of the night to the middle of Englewood and take a walk over there just because I wish to do so. (Damn. So tempting to, uh, well, you got funny dere, true funny....)

It is MY city, after all. And nobody can forbid me to do so. (Beautiful Dreamer.....)

May I remind you, WITHOUT THE LAW THERE IS ONLY CHAOS AND DEATH. (So, you just got here, paid big bucks for that townhouse, and now realize you might have been bamboozled? I shall say no more.)

We need people to enforce the law because you and others like you failed to understand if you want to change anything, you have to EDUCATE the people (starting preschool) about the law and its importance. Educate the kids about respect toward its enforcement. (Oh, the humanity!!!! Even my mind is boggled!!!!)

As a parent I start it AT HOME! (Move to more civilized place. Move now.)

What you are trying to do with Chicago Police Department, Ms Lightfoot, is unforgivable. (Not gonna state the obvious. Just not gonna do it!!!)

We do NOT need security guards here. We need Police as a force that criminals FEAR. (Ditto on no state obvious!!!)

So we all can be safe. (Oh boy. Keesing Bandit!!!! I needs a hug!!!! No, not for an hour, just for a moment!!!)

Oh BTW..I will report EVERY stoned thug I see who is attempting to drive a car. And I expect MY police to arrest them. So we can drive safe. (Okay. Hope that got the steam released enough for you, so you do not kick the puppy. Please. Do not kick the puppy.)

I am so sorry, officers, you have to deal with all this. God bless you.. (Stay calm. Resist impulse to submit to emotional chaos within. Again, move to more civilized place. There are many. Here is not place for you. Here is too much absurdity. Here is democrat fiefdom of feckless fuckers.)

6/27/2019 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is partially correct, Cline and BIFF screwed everyone by creating the Fugitive Apprehension Unit. The Detectives made their own cases and their own arrests. It took about 14 years or so and the unintended consequence is very few arrests are made for murder. I am not saying the CCSAO is not a major problem. Before everyone goes crazy this isn’t a shot at FAU. They do their job but aren’t involved in the case. The Detectives used to make the arrests and force the state’s hand. The victims families were kept up to date and many times actually assisted with witnesses and offenders. That failure belongs to Peterson,Wysinger, Andrews, Roy, Staples, Riccio, Escalante and others for not doing the right thing when they were at the top of the Detective Division.

6/27/2019 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is Edward Nigma??

6/26/2019 09:47:00 PM

Concentrate all of your mental faculties and it will eventually come to you.

6/27/2019 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:14pm....the answer to your question is a business called Chill Productions on West Superior, have no idea who owns it.

6/27/2019 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OTOH, some ACLU lawyer was complaining today on the news about the police using public and private cameras for solving crimes and, during the same rebuke, she complained about the over-policing of the black and brown communities. WTF!

6/26/2019 04:08:00 PM

Preckwinkle and Foxx have used that term many times to explain the crime in black areas, it is all caused by the cops, " over policing". Well, it looks like over policing is on the way out and " light touch" policing is now in. How has that worked out? It seems the mayor, who now has the actual accountability instead of talking about ideology on the sidelines, it not too happy .

6/27/2019 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Serious question. I've been retired for several years now and don't have access to the stuff you guys do. Can a retiree run for president of the FOP? Retired, was the working police, graduated from law school but never took the bar exam and have an MBA. If I can run, I'll do that job for a P/o's salary and be a thorn in the side of Ms. Lightfoot.

6/26/2019 10:14:00 PM

First, Hopefully not. Way too many retirees in our union making decisions. You guys only vote for your own interests. Just like you rallied around retiree Dean(more vehicles)Angelo. Second, anyone that calls themselves “the working police” is incredibly soft.

6/27/2019 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This “legitimacy” idea has me befuddled. What would it take to be “legitimate” in the eyes of “the community”? Does she mean we should be like them? Because we aren’t like them. We have legitimate careers. We attended legitimate schools, while earning legitimate paychecks at shitty, but legitimate jobs. I.e., most cops can tell you stories of the crap jobs they worked washing dishes, doing hard physical labor, stocking shelves, etc. while they were in high school and college, all leading up to the required credit hours required to apply for this job and creating the kind of legitimate background that makes for good cops. Honest, hardworking people who were too busy doing what it takes to reach a goal, so we had no time to get in trouble with the law. We aren’t legitimate enough?

Tell me, what would it take for me to be “legitimate” with the community? Should I have been making illegitimate money selling weed on the corner, gunning down rival dealers? Should I have had some illegitimate children and had the taxpayers pay for the food in their bellies, the roof over their head, every doctor they ever see, and the schools they attend? Should I buy some $200 Tru Religion jeans while there are bugs in my hair, I sleep on a mattress on the floor, my idea of laundry day is a new $5 white t-shirt from the gas station every third day, and the only lighting in my house is the glow of the 60” television on a milk crate while they play x-box?

You see mayor, we will never be “legitimate” in their eyes. Because we’re not like them. And they resent that. We stand for everything they could be, but choose not to. Family. Friendship. Sacrifice. Self-respect. Respect for others. Hard work. Honor.

You can shove your legitimacy up your fucking ass, because the people you demand us to be more “legitimate” with don’t know what it is to be legitimate, and neither do you. Every cop who puts on body armor and pulls away from their house not knowing if they’ll see their family when morning comes is more legitimate on their worst day than you are at any of your west coast fundraisers or whatever contrived stunt of the day you pull in this city. You’re not a legitimate Chicagoan, and you’re not a legitimate mayor. You’re another tourist throwing catch phrases around trying to convince everyone - but mostly yourself - that you know what you’re doing. I assure you, you do not.

6/26/2019 05:05:00 PM

6/27/2019 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does tiny dancer bath house rahmmy still have a cpd detail while our children are shot down like dogs , over dosing on illegal drugs .
many drugs brought into our great city by ILLEGAlS

6/27/2019 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES, the proof is all over the Schedule rosters in 019 district. FOIA the last few months of every shifts! The Ex- Mayor Rahm is still receiving several Chicago police officers every single day, 8 hour shifts, 3 shifts per day, ever since he has left City Hall, he is still receiving tax-paid Active On- duty chicago officers who should really be patrolling 019 district in a beat car which have 5 VACANT UNMANNED CARS on June 28th 2019. Bottom line: the 19 patrol district has empty unmanned cars (FIVE!!!!!) on today's shift , but yet Ex-Mayor Rahm still gets his dozen police officers protecting his house 24 hours a day , 7 days a week, and yet NO FU--KING ATTENTION OR EXPOSURE OF THIS SCANDAL. Its beyond unethical and its practically theft of using police officers who are paid by taxpayers, why doesn't Rahm (the EX-Mayor) hire private security guards for $10 an hour if he feels so endangered months after he isn't even the damn Chicago mayor anymore??????? You know why he won't,,,,, because he laughs at all the fake news media looking the other way with this gross waste of tax payer funds. Rahm still thinks he is KING, even tho he is NO longer on the throne

does tiny dancer bath house rahmmy still have a cpd detail while our children are shot down like dogs , over dosing on illegal drugs .
many drugs brought into our great city by ILLEGAlS

6/27/2019 02:25:00 PM

6/28/2019 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is so far removed from reality, it's useless to try to reason with her.

Her supporters are the same.

6/28/2019 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
She is partially correct, Cline and BIFF screwed everyone by creating the Fugitive Apprehension Unit. The Detectives made their own cases and their own arrests. It took about 14 years or so and the unintended consequence is very few arrests are made for murder. I am not saying the CCSAO is not a major problem. Before everyone goes crazy this isn’t a shot at FAU. They do their job but aren’t involved in the case. The Detectives used to make the arrests and force the state’s hand. The victims families were kept up to date and many times actually assisted with witnesses and offenders. That failure belongs to Peterson,Wysinger, Andrews, Roy, Staples, Riccio, Escalante and others for not doing the right thing when they were at the top of the Detective Division.

6/27/2019 06:46:00 AM


You think the problem is who makes the arrest? Who gives a shit? So an offender is turned over and the Det. can no longer "force the state's hand?" WHy not? THe Det. can no longer keep the victim's family up to date because they have an Inv. Alert out? why not? The Dets. are no longer "making their own cases?" How so?

6/28/2019 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Detectives controlled their investigations, it isn’t about who make the arrest. Timing is important and when FAU brings in a guy who was given to them by his attorney, who strolls in an hour later. Then it doesn’t get done. When we have the offender who has 7 TRRs he is not getting charged. You sound like Gene Roy and you don’t get it’s never about the arrest but moving the X.

6/28/2019 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Detectives controlled their investigations, it isn’t about who make the arrest. Timing is important and when FAU brings in a guy who was given to them by his attorney, who strolls in an hour later. Then it doesn’t get done. When we have the offender who has 7 TRRs he is not getting charged. You sound like Gene Roy and you don’t get it’s never about the arrest but moving the X.

6/28/2019 05:28:00 PM


I might like like Gener Roy but you sound like Rain Man. What doesn't get done? What does 7 TRR's have to do with not getting charged for a homicide? And why would there be 7 TRR's if the offender turned himself in voluntarily? I've been a Det. for 2 decades and I am seriously trying to understand your point.

6/29/2019 11:27:00 AM  

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