Shake His Hand?
How about "No"?
- Following the filing of a dead-bang felony case against a regular customer, Crimesha Foxx ordered charges dropped and had her assistant KH tell the ASAs to apologize to the defendant in open court and shake his hand.
Running through our archives, we found a potential match for the KH in a comment dated 17 August 2017:
- It would be nice if the people of Cook County woke up and realized what they did by elected Kim Foxx and her crew. They are all public defender/Loevy and Loevy types. As a matter of fact, some of them, Katie Hill for example, most recently worked at Loevy and Loevy before Foxx brought them into the CCSAO. Their only mission is to completely decimate the CCSAO and the criminal justice system's ability to hold guilty people accountable for bad acts.
This comment seems oddly prescient nearly two years in advance.
Come on ASA's. We know there are some of you with a shred of decency left who follow the blog, hoping to maintain some sort of professionalism in an office that's burning to the ground. Which case(s) is Crimesha making you guys/gals apologize for?
Come on ASA's. We know there are some of you with a shred of decency left who follow the blog, hoping to maintain some sort of professionalism in an office that's burning to the ground. Which case(s) is Crimesha making you guys/gals apologize for?
Labels: county, un-fucking-believable
I can’t believe Kim Fox will be an SA after everyone goes out and votes in 2020.
Oh well, yet another reason to stop doing any police work. I missed the Loevy and lovey KH being hired as an ASA story. I’d say “I’m shocked,” but hey, this is the most dysfunctional city around.
Kim Foxx is truly is very dumb as it relates to her office and that's being kind to the feeble minded. Citizens who voted for her as the State's Attorney for Cook County take a few minuets and think about how you squandered your vote. By voting for her along with the Democratic Machine you put this incompetent and inept fool into office. Her Office is a revolving door of criminality that sustains an efficient killing machine that primarily murders and maims Community members from the south and west sides of Chicago. You, either knowingly or unknowingly, brought this experiment in Social Justice on yourselves. You are reaping the results of your vote and allowing yourself to be bamboozled in thinking this was the right thing to do. Now you pay with your lives and that of children.
If you think you voted correctly then puff out your chest, hold your head high and keep voting and supporting Kim Foxx. You deserve her.
Isn’t Joe Biden being called a racist for using the term “boy”:
The Washington Post, and other outlets, have pointed out that "boy" is a racial epithet used to describe black men.
crybabyeesha is an embarassment to cook county and to the legal profession. She got her law degree from the cracker jack institute.
Why are we still using tax dollar money on a former mayor detail, when he isn’t spending one cent for taxes in this city, county or state?
Katie Hill left last year.
Anonymous said...
I can’t believe Kim Fox will be an SA after everyone goes out and votes in 2020.
6/24/2019 12:14:00 AM
I can
SCC what do you think?
I NO longer enforce arrest for weed per the superintendent?
I NO longer assist federal ice agent in arrest for people who can't go to legal federal court hearing who are here illegally per JB and LIGHTFOOT?
I NO longer arrest shoplifters if the ACT crazy per KIMMY FOX?
I NO longer arrest felon with gun because KIM FOXX wants video that doesn't exist and DNA samples.
I NO longer arrest homeless creeps for shitting in middle of street of living on the sidewalk per EDDIE Johnson because everyone has a right to be a creep.
Is it me or does the scholars of the world not want anyone to be held accountable?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can’t believe Kim Fox will be an SA after everyone goes out and votes in 2020.
6/24/2019 12:14:00 AM
Of course she'll win. Bet all the voting machines are rigged. Funny, no one questions them. Let's remember: this is crook county: the dead have been voting for at least a century along with v9ting early and often mandatory rules. Besides, by then all the freed criminals and illegals will have at least 4 votes. It's the shittcago/crook county way.
Seems like Judge Toomin put her in her place. I can't wait for the special prosecutor in the Smollett case to report the findings.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Isn’t Joe Biden being called a racist for using the term “boy”:
The Washington Post, and other outlets, have pointed out that "boy" is a racial epithet used to describe black men.
6/24/2019 01:51:00 AM
Not always, remember this? From the "Blues Brothers"
Anonymous said...
I can’t believe Kim Fox will be an SA after everyone goes out and votes in 2020.
6/24/2019 12:14:00 AM
You're probably right. People are just plain stupid here.
Katie Hill worked for Rahm, as well.
Hope that Kimmy gets the book thrown at her when the ARDC completes their upcoming Juicy Smellit investigation.
Anybody in the news media awake out there?
How about looking into this one?
To the 4:31am still paying and allowing Rahm’s detail, it’s obvious lying Lori has made a deal with 9.5. She has also kept his key staff of Ferguson, Tom carney at CDOT, incompetent affirmative action hire Janice Jackson at CPs, phony Steve Berlin and Conlon at the Rahm mouthpiece Board of Ethics, Mike Kelly at the parks, and let’s not forget fat head ed. It shows pretty clear now what most I intelligent people thought before that Lori is a fake lying phony and was elected with the help of Rahm and his controlled media. Totally sickening.
Worked CTA Special saw Mass Transit Secretary driving thru lot in unmarked CPD car like a maniac, guess IAd , Copa will do nothing to her, you go girlfriend
It would have been really funny that instead of shaking his hand, he would have pulled his finger.
Now, kees me you fool!!!!
WOW: sounds like she set her former firm up real nice for a easy lawsuit. Shake hands, apologize, now go see Loevy and Loevy for you winning ticket. Have the citizens of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois had enough yet?
Keep voting democrat.
You do know that Jon Loevy has started a marijuana grow-distributorship company called "Justice Grown"? You do know he's applying for an Illinois license? Looks like he's going to compete with his client-base for the dope market. Stated purpose of new dope-focused firm is "raising funds for public and private education initiatives". Yeh, sure Jon.
Oh boy
Someone needs to look into these dropped and/or poorly prosecuted cases that are going to the law offices that make a living suing the police/city. I smell COLLUSION. Since body cameras are now being used by CPD and officers are more reluctant to engage criminals thanks to poor prosecution or fear of civil suits, I'm sure these lawyers are hurting for business. So why not just drop charges or do a crap job prosecuting so the offender beats the case and has one of these lawyers sue the city. It wouldn't surprise me if people running the show were getting kickbacks for steering cases toward these law offices that sue the police/city. Social justice and criminal justice reform might just be a way of masking what's really going on, and that's the opportunity to make money.
I'd laugh in her face and tell her to get fucked, then walk out.
I can’t believe Kim Fox will be an SA after everyone goes out and votes in 2020.
6/24/2019 12:14:00 AM
Don't be complacent in this. The next election for States' Attorney and President of the County Board will be a referendum on racial justice . Jesse Jackson and his ilk will rush to their defense. A lot will depend on who else is in the race.
Another mob beating inside the rats nest known as McDonalds at State and Chicago. They really need to tear that building down and create a temporary holding facilitu for all the wilding rats locked up on the Mag Mile.
Community activism has no place in the balance of the justice system.
We have so called attorneys, elected goons, running the judiciary and providing the jurisprudence in the media and the courtrooms.
Shakey Dem party appointed judges are being told to waiver and doing a good job complying.
Whether one can afford bond or not, if it’s a matter of race, creed or colour for instance, it should have no bearing on the penalties as written for the associated crime committed.
Does anyone know of anyone who was fresh out of law school, that applied, interviewed but didn’t get hired by the CCSAO ?
In the past, well before Prickwrinkles (might have been Devine) an oral interview included scenarios in which a review panel would ask the applicant for views on charging and sentencing recommendations.
Overcharging and arbitrary “by the book” recommendations for community member (before they defendants were called defendants) was a no-no.
It’s no surprise these days the entire justice system is as fvcked up as it is and seems there’s no getting back to law and order, just for the sake of shameless, well protected politicians pandering for a few votes.
2020 can’t come quick enough and makes for good time to bust up the current system.
OT: Take a look at the confessions of the Central Park 5. They CLEARLY committed this crime. Super long, detailed, confessions. SUPER DETAILED. - their parents were right next to them in the video too. But, hey, give them $40M.
Don't bother watching the movie, just look up the actual confessions on youtube.
Shut this place down already. They've been selling and using dope in here for years:
I literally can’t even take this job seriously anymore. Can pretty much see the outcome of every case I come across before we’ve even pulled an RD. Then just watching these young kids and tact guys running around chasing ghetto nonsense pretending you’re the PO-leece. All I can say is please be careful. The job is dangerous enough and we are under attack from all sides. At best you’re looking to receive a DC or an honorable that you can stick on your fridge. On the flip side of that, when it doesn’t go just picture perfect. Guess where they’re looking to point the finger?!
Judge Daniel Navaro in 26 and cal br2 just gave a guy bond who got a class 2 felony DUI while out on bond for a felony battery case which he committed while out on bound for an agg uuw. 100k, 50k then now 15k bonds.
Fixx and her handlers J-Bloated and NU leftist restorative justice friends give her support I assume. The real work goes on behind the scenes.
99% of those humps in the States Attorneys office do the job of the defense for them, they are trash. No more felony review and the city should release every single ruling or finding in a case when they fuck it up. Along with the states attorneys name
Somebody bring back Sexton and McKay
Panel on Channel 11 -Chicago Tonight show, claimed that Kimmy received a louder standing ovation than Mayor Lighthead at a Political Rally. It all depends who shows up to vote.
You say dead bang, they say bang dead
Shake his hand?
How about bite me??
The Katie Hill mob. Sounds familiar.
OT: everyone I know, regardless of political affiliation, is currently unsubcribing all fibune and slum times communications. These cancelations even include free email info. They aren't reviewi g it at the library, bookstores or private clubs. Why?
They want, in priority order:
a) the unvarnished truth;
b) the cessation of police bashing and criminal glorification; c) the cessation of the race baiting lies;
d) a focus on real issues, not simply puff pieces;
e) cutting budget because the publications are too costly and biased; and
f) are saving to escape hellinois where illegals get a free ride for everything college, with out of control crime encouraged.
Further, genteel folks are asking why illegals are getting all the free higher education, nice housing, jobs, etc., when dude inc,/community is not. Me thinks the illegals should also pay the community repararations.
@6/24/2019 01:08:00 AM
Because people didn’t vote for her to be a part of solving and reducing crime. She was voted to bring “reform” which apparently means functioning as another public defenders office. People of Chicago love it, and she will he voted in again. A quick excerpt from a slumtimes article by Rachel Hinton, which refers the smollett case making it harder to promote for fox: “47th Ward Democratic Committeeman Paul Rosenfeld said the case makes the party’s job of promoting Foxx’s “spectacular” record on criminal justice reform a little more difficult”
That’s it in a nutshell. She’s done a spectacular job to these liberals. They think refusal to prosecute is spectacular. Never mind when you let dookie out on his 10th gun arrest and he goes and kills a 2 year old, that’s acceptable to them. As long as he’s not in jail. Plus, the public is so dumb, after they repeatedly let violent criminals go, and they commit a violent crime that ends up on the news, people will just blame the police anyways. It’s a win win, they don’t prosecute anyone and look like the great reformers, and the police look bad when crime sky rockets because no matter how many people we arrest, we are spinning our wheels if they’re let right back out. Win win. Ahhhhh, doesn’t reform feel great, kind of feels like you’re being carjacked.
Kimmies “restorative justice” keeps on getting more and more egregious and outrageous
No one was killed in Chicago on a Saturday Night?
When was the last time that happened?
Katie Hill was on the staff of 9.5
More truth From the greatest president ever in United States of America Donald Trump;
When Trump talks about Chicago, we track it: 'The crime spree is a terrible blight'
June 22, 2019
"If you look at Chicago, they're fighting it. If you look at other cities, they're fighting it. Many of those cities are high crime cities and they're sanctuary cities. People are tired of sanctuary cities and what it does and the crime it brings.
Let’s just hope the officers from the federal agency known as I get here quickly and show Laurie the mayor and the rest of the idiots what time fighting and Lauren order is all about and yes if they call for help mayor we will respond that is how it works you cannot make us not respond to any police agencies calling for help or anyone else who do you think you are?
Hmmm. Isn’t the SA supposed to protect the law abiding citizens? Not, the violent criminals?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can’t believe Kim Fox will be an SA after everyone goes out and votes in 2020.
Don't be silly, she will in a landslide.
What a disgusting excuse for a state's attorney. In a city gone wild with crime while they get away with it on a huge scale is incomprehensible, but it's Chicago, so, what can we expect. This is the worst it has ever been only to get much worse. I am ashamed that I was born here, still here, and have to worry and wonder what will happen to me as I age. This city is a disaster, and with the illegals added to the community crowd it is due to explode. Hated that I had to vote for the current mayor to keep out preckwinkle. She is just as bad or could be worse.
Thank you SCC and the entire CPD for working in this dangerous upside down city. We, the normal citizens, can never fully express our gratitude for what you do.
See: The Gaurdian
'It's totally unfair': Chicago, where the rich live 30 years longer
than the poor
(Englewood vs. Streeterville)
"Anonymous said...
To the 4:31am still paying and allowing Rahm’s detail, it’s obvious lying Lori has made a deal with 9.5. She has also kept his key staff of Ferguson, Tom carney at CDOT, incompetent affirmative action hire Janice Jackson at CPs, phony Steve Berlin and Conlon at the Rahm mouthpiece Board of Ethics, Mike Kelly at the parks, and let’s not forget fat head ed. It shows pretty clear now what most I intelligent people thought before that Lori is a fake lying phony and was elected with the help of Rahm and his controlled media. Totally sickening."
Don't forget Bobby Boik from CPD who orchestrated this whole consent degree bullshit because Jimmy Roussell flat or refused. Him, in concert with Valente, Winstrom, and Joyce gave away the farm to Lisa "my daddy runs it" madigan. Valente then ran back to Kim fix's office, Boik made Winstrom a Captain, and they tried to make Joyce a Commander but he turned it down. They all were good little SJW soldiers at our expense. And don't forget Brandon Nemec, formerly from Rahman's office who was given a do nothing job in CPD legal affairs at 130k a year to hide him after rham was tossed out. R just can't seem to root out the bullshit no matter who's in office.
OT. This is a quote ripped from today's Sun Times from Taxwinkle about the state of the city finances.
“the discussion was that the (city’s) budget deficit was like half a billion,” Preckwinkle recalled. “But, you know, the more recent numbers I’ve heard are closer to 1.4 billion.”
Could these rumors be trial balloons to get the masses ready for some big cuts and tax increases?
Let’s just hope the officers from the federal agency known as I get here quickly and show Laurie the mayor and the rest of the idiots what time fighting and Lauren order is all about and yes if they call for help mayor we will respond that is how it works you cannot make us not respond to any police agencies calling for help or anyone else who do you think you are?
6/24/2019 01:50:00 PM
Exactly my thoughts. Officer safety is a LE commandment and that is universal. If a copper/sheriff/trooper/agent/spec agent/fire/paramedics etc etc or any other LE/first responder calls for help. WE FLY TO GET THERE. This will never change Lori, so fuck you.
ICE if you’re reading the blog, you guys feel free to call for help directly over the zone. Get on the air and say 10-1 followed by your location. If the beat cars are tied down you’ll have secret squirrel units of all sorts come out of now where. We have your back.
FOP. Start posting number of people arrested for guns during the last five year , the criminals past records , Bond set by court and time served in jail , any fines collected ?
It is a joke that the career criminals are released to shoot young children , Rob elderly , commit sexual assault on women in Chicago .
Off topic. Rummer from the NW Side is Martwick is to get the Senate spot and he is pushing John Arena for his State Representative spot.
Why do people keep calling Foxx stupid or dumb or some such thing? This woman knows exactly what she is doing. Her some purpose is to demolish law and order in Cook County at the behest of George Soros and company and she's doing a fantastic job so far. There's a reason why Soros is pouring money into District Attorney races.
At least the new Mayor sees that there is something wrong with the police hierarchy. Those gold stars with over 25 years on will be getting told they are going to become part of the Inspection Division. This will force retirements and huge salaries off the books with those who refuse. 2% pay cuts is going to be a reality soon and those who don’t accept it will be shown the door. Cancelling new squad car orders and the refocus on foot patrols is designed to save us big dollars and force the young dumb cops out of their cars and on the street. She visited A/N and wants all the wrecked vehicles stripped of their working equipment and sold as scrap. The Mayor is doing everything she can to fill the massive budget debt.
Information relating to the qualifications for initial appointment to the Police Department (AN ORDINANCE IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 11 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF NARRAGANSETT) may be obtained at the Town Hall, Human Resources, 25 Fifth Avenue. Apply online at no later than Tuesday, July 9, 2019. ALL applications must be submitted online, no exceptions.
The first phase of the testing is the Physical Agility, which is scheduled for Saturday, July 20, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Narragansett High School, 245 South Pier Road, Narragansett, R.I. You will be required to wear a white t-shirt, blue athletic shorts and sneakers for the test. You will also be required to provide proof of identification. The identification must be state certified with photo. (i.e. driver’s license, passport or military ID.) College IDs and library cards, etc. are not acceptable. Candidates unable to provide photo identification at the time of the testing will be disqualified.
Please note: The ‘Fitness Test Medical Certificate’ dated within six months of July 20, 2019, must be received at the Narragansett Police Dept. no later than Noon on July 15, 2019. This certificate clears the candidate for Physical Agility Testing. Failure to provide this information on time will disqualify the candidate and your $35 application fee will be forfeited.
The physical agility testing will be conducted using the entrance standards set forth by the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy.
Attention: No one will be allowed to take the physical agility test unless all of the above criteria have been met.
The second phase of the testing is the written test which will be held the same day, Saturday, July 20, 2019 beginning promptly at 1:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of Narragansett High School, 245 South Pier Road, Narragansett, R.I. Casual attire.
Apply online at There is a non-refundable $35 application fee due when you submit your online application. ALL applications and payment must be submitted online. No exceptions.
Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Equal Employment Opportunity
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I do not doubt the veracity of this incident; however KH has been gone from the CCSAO for about a year. She hasn't appeared on anything and hasn't been sighted in any of the courthouses or in the main office downtown. When did this incident happen?
FOXX FIXX: EDITORIAL: A Case So Bizarre That Only A Special Prosecutor Can Sort It Out – Chicago Sun-Times; Editorial: Getting To Truth, Finally, Of Kim Foxx And Jussie Smollett – Chicago Tribune; Former Chief Ethics Officer Under Kim Foxx Says She Lied About Advice She Received Regarding Smollett Case – Page Six; Judge Michael Toomin’s Decision To Appoint A Special Prosecutor Could Make Foxx’s Re-Election Bid A Rocky One – Chicago Sun-Times; The Bizarre Jussie Smollett Case Takes Yet Another Strange Twist – Chicago Tribune
Not to get off topic but here’s something I did not know. Starting in 2020, the new gas take includes CPI increases every year on the full 38 cent sales tax. Plus non-Home Rule Cook County cities/towns can add 3 cents more and Collar Counties are now authorized to tack on up to 8 cents each. Of course, there’s already excise and other fees that add taxes for the state too. Can you say WOW? Plus $20 B of the new infrastructure plan will be borrowed money.
SCC what do you think?
I NO longer enforce arrest for weed per the superintendent?
I NO longer assist federal ice agent in arrest for people who can't go to legal federal court hearing who are here illegally per JB and LIGHTFOOT?
I NO longer arrest shoplifters if the ACT crazy per KIMMY FOX?
I NO longer arrest felon with gun because KIM FOXX wants video that doesn't exist and DNA samples.
I NO longer arrest homeless creeps for shitting in middle of street of living on the sidewalk per EDDIE Johnson because everyone has a right to be a creep.
Is it me or does the scholars of the world not want anyone to be held accountable?
But we have to help everyone with their deprevity and lawlessness. Heck even the IL General Assembly is now giving away student college grants to ILLEGAL ALIENS who have not payed into the tax pool. Nice way to waste our scare tax revenue. WTF is wrong with this state??? Why do these assholes keep voting these politicians in?
Community activism has no place in the balance of the justice system.
We have so called attorneys, elected goons, running the judiciary and providing the jurisprudence in the media and the courtrooms.
Shakey Dem party appointed judges are being told to waiver and doing a good job complying.
Whether one can afford bond or not, if it’s a matter of race, creed or colour for instance, it should have no bearing on the penalties as written for the associated crime committed.
Does anyone know of anyone who was fresh out of law school, that applied, interviewed but didn’t get hired by the CCSAO ?
In the past, well before Prickwrinkles (might have been Devine) an oral interview included scenarios in which a review panel would ask the applicant for views on charging and sentencing recommendations.
Overcharging and arbitrary “by the book” recommendations for community member (before they defendants were called defendants) was a no-no.
It’s no surprise these days the entire justice system is as fvcked up as it is and seems there’s no getting back to law and order, just for the sake of shameless, well protected politicians pandering for a few votes.
2020 can’t come quick enough and makes for good time to bust up the current system.
As a Lawyer and Accountant (not a John Marshall lawyer either), I applied to the IRS, SEC, DA and other gov’t offices. Never received responses or a first interview. Always noted that I was a white male. Do you think 🤔 that may have been an issue? I don’t think I could even get a job at the US Post Office - seems like I would not fit the preferred applicant profile.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let’s just hope the officers from the federal agency known as I get here quickly and show Laurie the mayor and the rest of the idiots what time fighting and Lauren order is all about and yes if they call for help mayor we will respond that is how it works you cannot make us not respond to any police agencies calling for help or anyone else who do you think you are?
6/24/2019 01:50:00 PM
You cannot assist them in conducting their raids. Nothing says you cannot respond if they're in danger and calling for help. NOTHING! You'd be an ass if you didn't go. Nobody can order you not to help somebody, anybody, in danger.
Makes you wonder why John Lausch' 150 - 160 attorneys seem to not be pressuring the lower magistrate S.A. to be more vigilant. Example to bring charges against Jussie Smolett ?
Sessions was for tougher sentencing, has this changed ?
Anonymous said...
FOP. Start posting number of people arrested for guns during the last five year , the criminals past records , Bond set by court and time served in jail , any fines collected ?
It is a joke that the career criminals are released to shoot young children , Rob elderly , commit sexual assault on women in Chicago .
6/24/2019 05:46:00 PM
EXACTLY! Have one of your multiple vice-presidents or whatever you call them become the FOIA officer of the FOP. Every single day, file FOIA requests on the CPD and the CCSAO on every felony, every gun case, every felony domestic battery, every aggravated battery and every murder case. Then you will be armed with the CPD reports, and what the CCSAO did with the case. You can fight back against Lori Left-Foots allegations that the CPD is responsible for the shootings, murders, rapes, etc.
Hey, I'm retired! I have filed FOIA requests before and am familiar with the process. Hire me and I'll do it every single day.
It's a bitch when all these Democrats DEMANDED "transparency" and now, FOIA can actually show transparency that they don't approve of.
The Democrats demanded "transparency", yet the most transparent politician of all time, Donald Trump, drives them crazy! He tweets EVERY single day how crazy these lying S.O.B.'s are! God bless you Donald!
CPD supports ALL Federal Agencies INCLUDING ICE!
Any call for support by ICE will be responded to. How dare any mayor suggest otherwise.
It’s time to stand up to these imbecile politically motivated instructions. Support the US constitution
and oath of office, period.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Somebody bring back Sexton and McKay
Don’t forget adding Paul Sabin to that list.
Retired, 30+
We arent the only ones with corrupt cop hating alderman
Here is some advice that might help you all sleep better at night. Stop caring. Protect yourself and your own, and usher as many people out of Chicago as you can. Ghetto business is for the ghetto to be bothered with. Collect your check and let the rest burn. It already is.
I think EH is A good boss who for the past two years has stayed out of the way and let us do our jobs. I also know the PO involved and believe me he has a good dude he may have made a mistake and overstepped his bounds but he’s not a bad guy shit happens At the end of the day both have families have to protect EH If you read this please have mercy on this guy he’s a good dude who over stepped his bounds.please forgive him and move on he has a family to look after. Either way I have the most respect for you boss give him an out and he may have pushed the limit but at the end the day we are all blue we are all family
to: 6/25, 12:02 am.....there's one line there that may be the most important line ever made....."stop caring".....
I wouldve told her, “he can shake my nuts”! Then walked out!
Anonymous said...
6/24/2019 11:08:00 PM
We're at the conclusion that she just cannot help herself...
She's so full of angst and real feel that her reflexive
impulse is to belittle, defame and demean The Police at
every opportunity because she cannot see clearly the
inborn and inbred, deep seated pathology of her "community."
She incurs no political risk in constantly
slapping & kicking at The Police.
Let her slap and kick at Dude Inc. and see
just how quickly Dude Inc. will literally and
figuratively tear her ass-meat from the bone...
(Hmmm... Good stout cuppa coffee right there.
Our "Yeller Clay" relations call it "bust-head.")
Actually... Now that we think about it...
Dude Inc. and "tha' communerty" aren't HER
"constituency" anyway but she thinks that
as long as she keeps The Police in an unfavorable
light, that she can somehow satisfy the unsatisfiable
or at least head them off from burning this city to
a M/Fing crisp this summer.
Another "Please don't eat us! Eat THEM first!" display
from the hateful, revenge-seeking, unresolved daddy issues
littlest progressive down at City Hall.
Hard though she may try, she can't hide what a bitter,
contemptuous, entitled, hateful, mean, shrill, smug, ugly
and toxic person she is.
Especially in light of her uncalled for and totally
unnecessary war on Chicago Policemen.
The same Policemen she shit-talks for "tha' communerty"
being wholly unable and unwilling to abide peacefully among
themselves and with the rest of everybody else.
"Give us y'all money an' more free shit
an' we'll hol' still an' be quiet for a
l'il while..."
The littlest progressive DARES NOT accede, acquiesce
and wholeheartedly consent to "tha' communerty's"
demands if she doesn't want to be mayor of a smoking
crater by the lake.
"Police Reform" will fix ALL that ails Chicago.
The smartest people in any room they deign to
stand in have repeatedly said so.
Police Like You Have No Friends.
Point & Laugh.
Harden your hearts.
Pay no heed to their shrill and desperate screams of anger,
hatred and pain as you make good your escape after having
successfully evaded them and their attempts to ruin you
and yours in the name of the "new equality" or whatever
jumped-up bullshit they're trying to sell everybody on.
"Showing up when there's a murder or a shooting or any other violent act and being the first time you've set foot in a neighborhood, without knowing any of the people, the relevant stakeholders, you're never going to win the trust of the community that way to be able to solve crimes, because they're not going to view you as legitimate," Lightfoot said.
Who gives a fuck how they see us?
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