Friday, June 14, 2019

Gory Lori

An interesting stat from one of our friendly neighborhood bloggers:
  • In the first 20 days since Lori took office, there has only been ONE DAY was homicide-free.
It's true. Here's the breakdown:
  • Date (Killed) Wounded
    20 May (2) and 5
    21 May (1) and 6
    22 May (2) and 7
    23 May (2) and 10
    24 May (1) and 7
    25 May (2) and 10
    26 May (3) and 14
    27 May (2) and 2
    28 May (3) and 6
    29 May (5) and 5
    30 May (2) and 10
    31 May (4) and 11
    01 Jun (3) and 24
    02 Jun (3) and 8
    03 Jun (1) and 7
    04 Jun (1) and 8
    05 Jun (3) and 5
    06 Jun (2) and 13
    07 Jun (0) and 10
    08 Jun (2) and 25
So the 20 Day Running Totals work out to be:
  • 44 dead and 193 wounded
Lori's Daily Average of Carnage works out to be :::::drumroll sound effect:::::
  • 2.2 Homicides and 9.65 Maimed PER DAY!
That's a pretty piss poor showing by the new mayor and Special Ed. We aren't sure what Rahm averaged, but we know the totals were in the thousands. Perhaps our friends at HeyJackass can come up with something close? Or at least over the past couple of years of Rahm's term since they didn't exist that far back.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....And the CPD is an issue????? Get your head outta the sand, Lori. Speak the REAL TRUTH!

6/14/2019 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me practice my 1920s slang——“Those numbers are better than the stock market, they go up, up, up... now where is my giggle water to relax my wings...”

6/14/2019 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

skilling said weather pattern shifing next week to warmer ..them public school honor kids getting out of school?? what ya going to do dumass liberals ??when crime goes up

6/14/2019 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So LL takes office and the crime goes up! She is taking us deeper, deeper into the shithole!

6/14/2019 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie Johnson should be given the pink slip any day now.

6/14/2019 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put a fedora on her and give her a tommy gun.
She's worse than Capone.

6/14/2019 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need more heads!!

6/14/2019 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe when mayor Lori get CPD trained to her liking, she can get on her mule and go rescue Memphis. Oh wait, that was a US Marshal that shot a thug that turned into riots..

Maybe she can gather the dream team of her, Loretta Lynch, Obama and Holder to fuck the nation up even more.

Fuck You Lori!

6/14/2019 01:05:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Mayor Larry LightLoafers = Resounding Failure.

This ^^ preceding fact established in two shakes of a lambs tail.

Can we further break down these stats to demonstrate the demographics associated with the carnage?

And once that’s established, perhaps revisit having that purportedly magical discussion on race as suggested by O’Bummer/Holder?

And then rightfully and accurately assign blame?

HINT: it AIN’T the FOP or the CPD, Gori Lori. Everybody KNOWS who’s responsible, only White Guilt, political correctness, the fake news and false narratives prohibit the ugly truth from ever making it to center stage.

And then let’s talk medial costs associated with patching up savages who’ll never contribute anything meaningful to polite society...

... fuck you Lori.

6/14/2019 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is a puppet.

A clueless puppet.

So clueless that she is unaware that she is a puppet.

Before this year crawls to it's bloody end, she will be so confused that the mishmash of babblings she is currently spouting will seem like the wisdoms of the sages, compared to the splurtings of madness she will be gurgling out by the first snowfall.

Her puppetmasters will find that this particular puppet has the propensity to actually believe she is not a puppet.

But for the slaughterings, the hilarity of this would be delightful.

6/14/2019 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous outside lookin' in said...

The City has been put into an automatic CTD trajectory and will continue with the current administration. No further advice or observation is necessary.

Do NOT expect much to change in the next four (4) years, except the acceleration of the CTD. FOP will be ineffective (as usual).

Not up on the City or Illinois Acronyms with the new Administrations? WHY NOT?

CTD - Circling The Drain.

6/14/2019 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are rookie numbers!

6/14/2019 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey clueless mayor... you need to read "succeeding as a big city mayor 101"
#1- don't hate your police !!!

6/14/2019 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the first 5 months of this year 2019 averaged 1.5 fatal gun shot victims....and now!

6/14/2019 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard on WBBM that the City is being sued for not following the consent decree. Also heard in the same store that we (Cops) should not be shooting to kill. What a joke that radio station is!

6/14/2019 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC can you post the song by Randy Newman short people, Thankyou!!

6/14/2019 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: The riots got out of control quickly in Memphis, TN. All over some armed felon cut down by the US Marshals Task Force and the local police paid the price (heart goes out to our brothers in the Memphis PD). Why wasn't this on national news? Perhaps some coming attractions of what to expect here in our own powder-keg of a city this summer. Stay alert and stay alive.

6/14/2019 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forecast for this weekend?
Will we have a rainout?

My guess is the carnage will be 4-8 and 30-45 on the HeyJackass tote board.

6/14/2019 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever since Lori walked around the city thinking the homicides would stop I lost all respect for her. It was comical. This is the deluded thinking we are dealing with. Kind of reminds me when Jodie Weiss told the shitheads to just "knock it off."

The problems in Chicago are long-term. I blame the liberal policy of awarding more welfare (Social Security) to unmarried couples. Simple as that. In the 1950-1960's about 75% of blacks were born to two parents, now it's in the area of 25%. That's it in a nutshell. You want to reduce poverty? stay married, or don't have fucking kids.

6/14/2019 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Long Hot Summer?

6/14/2019 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you don’t have a plan (or clue) on how to slow, let alone stop the violence, and have a bafoon as the head of your police department, these things will happen.

6/14/2019 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until Downtown goes up for grabs on some Friday Night.
All it takes is a couple of violent thugs hiding in the crowd, and people that thought they run Chicago will realize that those days are over. The street mobs are calling the shots now, not them, not Lori, and definitely not the CPD.

You have been told to back down, now let's see who steps up and claims the city?

6/14/2019 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The results are in... thanks to Special Ed and Company


Time for change ? Save this city ? Does she really are ?

6/14/2019 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frog eyes is going to march with father flaky and all the other activists at st. sabina. That means that jesse jackass will be there sticking his puss in front of every camera he can find. Little lori, when you lay down with dogs you get fleas.

6/14/2019 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pardon the phyco babel but no one has the answer to the "socio/economic" problems that drive the circle of crime,dependency and wasted lives. It has defeated the the best efforts of the best minds for decades despite huge amounts of $ spent. I wish our new mayor the best but to think she will be able to do what others could not ,with much greater resources ( not just $) is a pipe dream. All she will be able to do is the usual political dance, change the focus, deflect any responsibility and protect herself politically. Until someone finds a way to make this large and growing part of the city feel protected, included and rewarded for effort nothing will change.

6/14/2019 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think she , and all the other dumb ass progressives, thought everyone was going to get on the Peace Train because a female Lesbian was elected.

Girl you crazy, shit dont work like that. Your average motherfucker just dont give a shit. So far she has been saved by the weather. The gold standard, the low standard is a shooting every two hours and a murda every 12, "depending on sight alignment and trigger control".

Still no 80% days. So the NRA members are still keeping their cool.

6/14/2019 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The big thing is.....change is here and the police have had way less complaints over the last 20 days then before.

6/14/2019 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's make her a one-term mayor!

6/14/2019 07:41:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Numbers are confusing to Democrats-------especially when the reveal the truth.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

6/14/2019 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give Mayor Lightfoot a chance. I have family that work for the Park District, Streets & Sanitation, the library, ect..but they are not as cynical as us police.

6/14/2019 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought when the ACLU got their agreement to limit street stops and the community was more "respected" the shooting would go down. I thought with the consent decree that the liberal/progressives demanded and got the shootings would go down. I thought with the social justice warriors in charge of the jails, courts and state's attorney office the shooting would go down. I guess I was wrong.

6/14/2019 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice record on shootings and murder Ms Leftfoot.

Typical leftist politician like J-Bloated getting tough on crime is going after the non criminal law abiding firearms owners.

Only scum gets maneuvered to the highest offices in Illinois.

1. J-Bloated Jag Bag Toilet Man.

2. Lefty Lori Leftfoot Automaton.

6/14/2019 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the Midget!

6/14/2019 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7June doesn’t really count because it is the one day set aside every month for practice.

6/14/2019 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Preckwinkle controls, Evans and Dart and Foxx, I wonder if she is undermining Lori by releasing criminals instead of locking them up?

6/14/2019 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the palpable disdain she’s been showing for CPD she’s in for a long haul if she thinks CPD will go out of their way to work for her.
Is Lori that naive or stupid..... or both?

6/14/2019 09:34:00 AM  
Blogger ga6 said...

but coming soon...
"California moves to let felons serve on juries"

6/14/2019 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

+++++ Lori's Daily Average of Carnage works out to be :::::drumroll sound effect::::: 2.2 Homicides and 9.65 Maimed PER DAY! +++++

Holy crap! *If* those numbers continued at that pace that would come to 803 Homicides and 3,522.25 Ventilated for the year.

That would take us back to 1995 when there were 827 Homicides. But in 1995, 61.8% of those were cleared, something we haven't seen in a loooooong time, all thanks to 'the community' refusing to cooperate with the police even in the slightest.

'Logically' we know Homicides won't be that high, BUT!!... with Lil Kimmy Foxx refusing to properly prosecute career criminals, Sheriff Tommy 'The Hobo' Dart wanting to keep his jail empty, and Chief Judge, 'Set 'em Free Evens'' policy of letting hardened criminals walking out of court with low or no Bail, LOWERING Homicides and all violent crimes isn't logical either.

6/14/2019 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please. When you start counting in the summer, of course the averages are going to be higher for the first several months.

6/14/2019 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame the shootings in Lincoln Park on DIsinvestment,Marshall field Crime garden apartments.

6/14/2019 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all fairness, she, nor anyone, is Wonder Woman. Give her a chance. It isn't possible to do, in such a short period of time, what predecessors have failed to do--especially with budgetary and all the other problems at hand.

6/14/2019 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahmie the commie had 4535 dead in 8 years (2922 days)
That’s 1.552 killed per day.

Prince Richie the Demented had 14,653 in 22 years (8035 days) for a rate of 1.825.

Leisure suit Lori is setting a record pace but the big question is, “Can she keep it up for her entire term?”

To set an all-time record, the animals have to put an average of 19 in the ground every week for a year.
I don’t think they can do it this year with the slow spring start but as Cubbie fans say, “WAIT ‘TIL NEXT YEAR!”

6/14/2019 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need BIG numbers 4 this year, i'm goin over 600, whats SCC's prediction? September being a big month!

6/14/2019 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddy ain't going anywhere, who would the Lil Shit blame then.
He should resign, retire and go out looking somewhat good.

6/14/2019 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see,
Shortshanks, Racoon eyes and now, Light Loafers.........
I think I see a pattern here.
All cartoon characters.

6/14/2019 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

44 x 200 pounds is 8800 pounds divided by 2000 = 4 and a half tons of cadaver for the month. If taken as a monthly average that extrapolates to almost 53 tons of murdered dead rotting corpses per year. By any measure Chicago is a shithole teaming with retards protected by communists wha are ready willing and able to provide the most biblical display of evil at the drop of a hat and all this funded by the government.

6/14/2019 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment is not necessarily related to the article above -- rather it's about the Cook County bond system:

I wonder if he will get day-for-day credit from the time of sentencing until they catch him........

6/14/2019 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the palpable disdain she’s been showing for CPD she’s in for a long haul if she thinks CPD will go out of their way to work for her.
Is Lori that naive or stupid..... or both?

6/14/2019 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And in other news, EC III finally decided to open the purse strings in 015 and give out a wee bit of overtime for the weekend. Still not sure if you are able to work only 1 of your days off, or both, but who cares....

6/14/2019 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent in the hospital for emergency surgery

6/14/2019 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet an enterprising Officer could make a bundle if he were to start reloading all that brass laying around the hood- Streets are paved with gold. Could even make a deal with Stroger to recycle the lead they pull from slow targets.

We all know where we can get free powder; Lori is sitting on a keg or ten.

6/14/2019 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Munchkin...Privatize CPS...get rid of the union and the teachers.. who need to reapply and hire independently....fuck there Union! No more strikes, cheaper pay.

6/14/2019 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pressed on whether she’s confident the department has a crime-fighting strategy for the summer, she said:
“They do, but I think it has to be more pro-active and I’m gonna push them to do that”
she's an id

so, now she want's police to stop shit-heads ??? another moron mayor

6/14/2019 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic:

One of Pfather Pfleger's (former?) armed guards executed a shoplifter at the Walgreens at Fullerton and Cicero.

"The man was arrested last summer after he got into an argument with a woman in a White Castle on the South Side and was accused of snatching the receipt from her hands, according to a police report. The 24-year-old woman, who was with her 3-year-old niece, said the man then threatened to kill them and said, “I’m a police officer. Meet me outside. See what’s gonna happen,” the report states.

A witness recognized the man as a security guard at St. Sabina Catholic Church on 78th Street, where police took him into custody. The charges were later dropped when the accuser did not show up in court, according to Cook County court records."

6/14/2019 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori’s mad that Riccio took a pre-planned, pre-approved, and paid-for vacation. Later in the article, there’s this little gem:

“...Pressed on whether she’s confident the department has a crime-fighting strategy for the summer, she said: “They do, but I think it has to be more pro-active and I’m gonna push them to do that.” ...”

Sure...let me get right on that. Go fuck yourself too.

6/14/2019 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big festival at Humboldt Park this weekend. No history of violence there! Let’s no forget Riot-fest is coming.

6/14/2019 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All due to Progressive Center Left policies.

6/14/2019 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have now named her the “Murder Mayor”

6/14/2019 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And in other news, EC III finally decided to open the purse strings in 015 and give out a wee bit of overtime for the weekend. Still not sure if you are able to work only 1 of your days off, or both, but who cares....

6/14/2019 01:06:00 PM

You want overtime for the weekend?. All I read on the blog is we are overworked, can’t spend time with the family, need EAP because all the OT is causing mental health issues

6/14/2019 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Homicides have the dick cleared this years? Oh, never mind carry on.

6/14/2019 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ivan not a cop and Lori is horrendous. She has kept all Rahm’s people like Ferguson, fat head ed, Steve Berlin and Conlon at ethics, carney at Cdot, Kelly at the park district and failed Janice Jackson at CPD. Her bff John Lausch has done nothing but indict Burke so lori can get elected. The whole election was a scam. Lori was with father faker and Cabrini Kim today at their stupid feral predator march. The gang bangers were selling their stolen candy all over television. After her tour of the ghetto she will be off to New York yo meet with Diblasio and Bloomberg to come up with more socialist ways to destroy America . Just remember it’s all trumps fault anyway. That’s the mantra of the psychotic left. Oh I also forgot all crimes are due to poverty.

6/14/2019 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want overtime for the weekend?. All I read on the blog is we are overworked, can’t spend time with the family, need EAP because all the OT is causing mental health issues

6/14/2019 08:39:00 PM

Never said I wanted the overtime, my last line was "who cares?". The point was all other districts seem to have the overtime all the time and he finally is giving some out. You'd think it came from his wallet.....
I agree with you, especially about EAP. Every holiday seems to be 5 days long that we can have no time with the family July 4th runs the 3rd thru the 7th.

6/14/2019 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the old good vs evil, and maybe, just possible, the bad are killing each other.
What a city you live in, and it is sad. Looks like the wild west!


6/14/2019 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And in other news, EC III finally decided to open the purse strings in 015 and give out a wee bit of overtime for the weekend. Still not sure if you are able to work only 1 of your days off, or both, but who cares....

6/14/2019 01:06:00 PM

You want overtime for the weekend?. All I read on the blog is we are overworked, can’t spend time with the family, need EAP because all the OT is causing mental health issues

6/14/2019 08:39:00 PM

A contract someday and a fair raise would help. Maybe a funded pension too

6/14/2019 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm gonna look into fruneral director training. Seems to be a lucrative business in Chicago.

6/15/2019 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great! It sure would be nice to see these stats plastered all over the place. Since she’s SOOOOO good at being the police and SOOOOO big on accountability let’s keep her score card. The buck stops with you Mrs. Mayor!

6/15/2019 12:49:00 PM  

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