Saturday, September 07, 2019


Sneed is such a tease sometimes, asking the questions that everyone else knows the answers to:
  • Is the city’s police blotter in the process of soaking up new ink?

    Sneed keeps hearing rumbles Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s minions have been quietly trolling for a new top cop for Chicago.

    Well, maybe not officially yet.

    Lightfoot may not be aggressively searching for a new police superintendent, but the meeting next month in Chicago of the world’s largest professional association of police leaders is raising eyebrows.

    “It’s a perfect place to not only check out the who’s who of law enforcement throughout the country, but conduct interviews,” said a top police source.

    Lightfoot, who respects Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson (who is hoping to keep his job), is frustrated with the city’s alarming summer shooting stats and an uptick in violence.

    It’s been rumored the mayor may begin to look for a new police chief when fall hits.
Of course she's looking. Every mayor is always looking if they have half a brain. Even Groot, who might only have a quarter of a brain.

But now there's an uptick? We wish Groot would make up her mind about crime being down or up. There are delicate Contract negotiations underway and if crime is down, then police deserve a pretty big raise, especially with the economy booming for the past few years. But if there's an uptick, then Special Ed is on the chopping block (as every supernintendo is), subject to the political winds of the day. And you know Groot wants some progressive moron in charge to put the final nails in the CPD coffin.



Anonymous outside lookin' in said...

Observations by Dave Chappelle on Chicago and Smollett SO accurate!!

9/07/2019 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To gain confidence and trust,the mayor would have to initiate change and reform by giving the corrupt,apathetic and inconsistant Johnson and Riccio their walking papers. Their lies and double standards can no longer be tolerated. The members have no trust or desire to perform for fake leadership. Allow them to move on and destroy any other municipalities or agencies entertaining thoughts of hiring either one of them, please!

9/07/2019 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Up tick in what...bc every week I keep hearing our numbers are down from previous years.

9/07/2019 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so want Special Ed gone! He really messed the department up! Good riddance!

9/07/2019 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can’t continue to tie the hands of the very same people you expect to get tougher on criminals. What the fuck is so hard about getting that through their damn heads..

She’s damn lucky the murder rate isn’t triple what it currently is. Until Chicago and the rest of these flaming liberal city mayors and representatives get that through the layer a dead brain cells, it’ll be business as usual. One day they’ll wake up and every good cop will be gone..

No point on squirting water on the fire after the city has burned down..

9/07/2019 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be honest, I wouldn't want Trash Panda's jerb. It really is a no-win situation between Dude, the consolidated 'Media' and Nikko.

You don't know who Nikko is? He was the leader of the Flying Monkey's in Wizzard of Oz.

The Good Witch of the North represents northern workers, and the Good Witch of the South represents southern farmers. This provides a contrast between wicked industrialists from the west with the railroad moguls in the west. Flying Monkeys: in political cartoons they are used for poking fun at politicians.

You can't make this stuff up: Flying Monkey has Trash Panda jumping thru hoops, but we know too well that there is a Foxx in the henhouse.

9/07/2019 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special Ed is history. The Murder Mayor has had too many reckonings and Tuesday meetings with Ed and his Mutts. Dude, Inc continues to rip, run and gun at will. The dope slingers are rolling along with fists of cash and more dope on hand then they know what to do with. She now is in pissing contest with Big Toni about her bull shit Criminal Courts and the Judges, Kim (da fixer) Foxx, Pizza Man Dart and the rest of her county shit show. Her texting and bad mouthing Senator Cruz because he was shaming her for all the violence in town. Add to all the other "reforming", social justice and casino crap and all, the little girl from Ohio in up to her bug eyes in shit.

Quick and easy fix to her sagging image is a new Superintendent. Then the big shake up in the Department, great speeches about crime reduction, more accountability, reckoning and blah, blah blah. The media will love it, its generates positive talk for her, she'll fool the Community again and more importantly buys her time. She's looking bad physically, mentally and making enemies along the way. She needs a win.

With national level Police Executives coming to town only a fool would pass up the opportunity to invite a few for an interview. Then again, it is Lori.

9/07/2019 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the upcoming International Chiefs convention. I wouldn't want to be a drunken fly on the wall to observe that 'Eyes Wide Shut,' shit show no matter how entertaining it could be. I'm sure Escamerit will be there all starry eyed, wearing knee pads, and being led around by the Supernintendo on a leather leash like an Exempt Gimp.

Big Ed: Hey there Anchorage Alaska Chief Molasses! What it is my man? I'd like to introduce to you Anthony Escamilla. Tony here is the Commander of 025 and he has been doing a dyn-o-mite job for us lately. My dawg right here has been doing his own secret test studies where he steals money from the tax payers to, check this out, get community police officers to babysit his own damn kid! Now how you like dat? My boy here is a boneified genius and I don't give a shit what the Inspector General has to say about firing him. Hey Tony, tell the homes here how you beat that IAD rap for unregistered firearms, back in da 90's, and how your old partner from that day is currently under investigation for raping a tranny in his police car. Molasses, you are gonna love this shit. Tell him Tony.

Escamerit: Yes. Yes, it is all true. Want to hang out in Bridgeport with me some time?

9/07/2019 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always thought Sneed was a moron.

9/07/2019 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sell the Alderthieves that there is more money for the remaining crooks if half of them are eliminated!

They are all so self centered and deluded that they think they will be an Alderthief on the new Chicago City Council.

9/07/2019 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog titles:

The Dart Fart
Sneed Bleeds
The Winkle Sprinkle
The Foxx Fix
The Groot Toot

9/07/2019 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 Rules to live by :Retire as soon as possible, LEAVE this God Forsaken City, and Fuck Daley, Emanuel ,Madigan ,Father (I can walk on water )Faker and Groot ! Retirement is great when you leave Shitcago !

9/07/2019 06:18:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...

Ed is a proven "yes man". Lori is a police hater, who believes she (and only she) knows exactly what is wrong with CPD, and what changes need to be made. The only way she gets rid of Ed is if he actually grows a set, and tells her "NO, I won't do that", and if history is any predictor, that's not going to happen any time soon.

9/07/2019 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mothers of Invention released a studio album
to "answer" the Beatles Sgt. Peppers. It was called
We're Only In It For The Money. That pretty much sums up
Chappelle's take on Smollett. He could care less. He knows
he's playing to a white audience, so this Smollett stuff seems
cutting edge. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, he's working on
2020 election stuff so his followers will think Dave is always
really on top of things.

9/07/2019 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should he shown the Exit, perhaps Eddie will rally up the ‘community,’ link arms together, then shut down traffic on the Dan Ryan in protest.

9/07/2019 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She can put whoever she wants in that spot. The same problems with exist. The Superintendent is a pawn. That’s it. Said Superintendent doesn’t really have control of the PD and doesn’t do jack besides look nice for the camera. Whoever the Mayor is snaps their finger and that’s it. That’s the biggest problem with law enforcement right now. Instead of the police being it’s own entity, enforcing the law and staying a neutral party and doing what has to be done. It’s just whatever the politicians and city leaders want them to do. So when you have these anti-police leaders in office, the PD is going to be shit on no matter what because it’s all about what the leaders want. It’s not about the people, community or citizens any more. It’s about vote pandering and that’s it. Hell, look at the Democrats that will be running for President. They are just coming right out “vote for me and I’ll ban guns!” ,” oh yeah, vote for me and I’ll give you reparations because this country is racist!” , “oh yea, well put me in office and I’ll give everyone free insurance and schooling!” It’s embarrassing

9/07/2019 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been very few "sneedlings" over the past few months especially after her buddy Eddie Burke was indicted.
She appears to have found a source in the Groot administration either accidentally or by design and is now churning out little tidbits frequently. Ya gotta love politics in this town

9/07/2019 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Batman is not available.

9/07/2019 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE CPD UCR Reports are correct - faked numbers can be stubburn.

9/07/2019 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chappelle is just like Tina Fey. A sellout.

9/07/2019 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Anonymous said...
To be honest, I wouldn't want Trash Panda's jerb. It really is a no-win situation between Dude, the consolidated 'Media' and Nikko.

You don't know who Nikko is? He was the leader of the Flying Monkey's in Wizzard of Oz.

The Good Witch of the North represents northern workers, and the Good Witch of the South represents southern farmers. This provides a contrast between wicked industrialists from the west with the railroad moguls in the west. Flying Monkeys: in political cartoons they are used for poking fun at politicians.

You can't make this stuff up: Flying Monkey has Trash Panda jumping thru hoops, but we know too well that there is a Foxx in the henhouse.”

Brilliant. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to the gibberish SB is spouting about the RINO’s every night or the guy who OT’s every post with 9 articles that are off-topic (usually in a series of 3 at a time, throughout different 8 minute time blocks). Who does the latter think he is? Merv Griffin?

9/07/2019 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guaranteed the next superintendent will be a liberal mush mouth.♠️

9/07/2019 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good riddance Eddie you POS. The damage you left is beyond repair. Please take Riccio, Waller and the rest of your admin with you. They all have had a hand in embarrassing this department. Hopefully the guy/gal can weed out the undeserving you goofs have put in place.

9/07/2019 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From: Cook County Record (Public Website)
"Smollett: City's lawsuit should fail because ***alleged
sensational hoax*** report didn't justify big investigation costs"
Jussie, YOU claimed you were a victim of a "hate crime" because
of the color of your skin and sexual persuasion. YOU trotted out
the ubiquitous noose and added a touch of bleach for good measure.
Then there was the sprinkles on top of the ice cream cone: the white
powder sent thru the U.S. Mail.
Not only did you get national publicity, it went worldwide. You even
dragged president Trump into your sick act. "This is MAGA country,
So good luck with your cheap-ass lawyers. We hope you go bankrupt.

9/07/2019 07:58:00 AM  
Blogger Kemp said...

All Eddie shade aside, I just don't see why he hasn't gone already.

9/07/2019 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Jussie. As Michael said in The Godfather, you're gonna
have to answer for what you did.

9/07/2019 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never heard of this Escamerit guy in bridgeport

9/07/2019 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be awfully difficult to replace him. By just existing, he's performing his main function - the one he was hired for - isn't he?

9/07/2019 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

........We need a few judges like this in Cook County

Arrests of Straight Pride Parade counter protesters in Boston turns into courtroom battle

BOSTON — A decision to drop charges against left-wing protesters arrested at Saturday's Straight Pride Parade has turned into a courtroom fight, pitting a newly elected district attorney who ran on reform-minded platform against a Boston judge.

In an unusual move, Municipal Court Judge Richard Sinnott this week refused to follow Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins' request to dismiss charges against many of the 36 counter protesters arrested for disorderly conduct during the parade and rally.

9/07/2019 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: thought everyone might find value in the following video. I’m not blue ( except my eyes and, like all humans, blood). However, have experienced major and repeated trauma/violence in my life. So I pretend to understand/comprehend some of your daily horrific experiences.

This, I thought this may assist all our blue. It’s always heartbreaking learning another one took a selfie bullet due to job horrors. Perhaps share this with spouses and family members.

Prayers for your safety, and that your departments, families, friends, have decent, and regular, shrink the stress support.

God bless, support and protect our blue. Don’t let the ferals win over, it’s all about your safety, and you.

(I think the officer 👮 posting is CPD or similar area).

Back the blue. They ALWAYS back you.

9/07/2019 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sneed identifies with Pigster and Emanuel all you need to know.

9/07/2019 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to burst your bubble, but Mayor Groot has no intention of replacing Special Ed with anyone from the IACP Conference. There is/are a couple of organizations lurking quietly in the background TCOPS, Transgender Community of Police and Sheriffs, and GOAL Illinois who will have a major influence on decisions made by Her Honor.
There are a couple of players within the Department who we all know who will be odds on favorites and will have the support of these organizations. Just remember, you heard it here first.

9/07/2019 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It time to eliminate the Deputy Superintends and their staff 20 for sure$$$$$$$$. Top heavy with moron merit picks.

9/07/2019 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive always thought that it doesn't matter who the top guy is unless he/she is given unbridled control of the department. The last time that occurred was in the 60's with O.W. Wilson. The department was reformed to a certain extent and assignments and promotions were some what legit. There was no bullsit meritorious promotions, and some competent people were made exempt. In todays climate it will never happen as seen by the last outside top bosses brought in. And unfortunately there is not one competent exempt within the department.

OT- When will the competent minorities on this department realize that meritorious equals who you know and who you blow, and not what you've done or what you know.

9/07/2019 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiny Tony is a big can of Lightfoot. The only politician he looks big next to in pictures.

9/07/2019 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:17 slow down that crack smoking.

9/07/2019 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With national level Police Executives coming to town only a fool would pass up the opportunity to invite a few for an interview. Then again, it is Lori.

Most police executives won’t come near Chicago if they have a brain. Chicago is unique when it comes to running a police department. Most executives want to run the show, not be run by city hall

9/07/2019 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does she want? A sock puppet? Special Ed is that. A sock puppet that isn't so bloodstained? Okay, get a new Special Ed. I can't make myself believe that she actually wants a leader.

9/07/2019 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When IACP conference is in town we will have to see who the groot meets with. Although I would like to hear her sales pitch for the job. You can come here, I will pay you well, but you must place your balls in my hand. You will not run anything, you will do as I say, as well as take orders from 50 alderman. You will have to continually find excuses and learn magical arithmetic, to cover up our horrible crime numbers, unless I tell you that you that we need you to make our horrible initiatives look like we are geniuses, then you have to moon walk back your original comments. Oh and by the way, did I mention your going to have to work with the Clueless Cook County States Attorney Kim Foxx? She will lead you down the restorative justice path. What’s that you ask? Oh that’s our fancy magical phrase we use, it sounds much better then we hate the police and don’t want any black or brown people held accountable any more.

Sound good? So when can you start?

9/07/2019 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot, who respects Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson. BLAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

9/07/2019 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SpecialEd was a gift to Rahm, who coined the infamous moniker The Right Man for the Right Time™️. Seen as the best possible choice from a field of dozens of more established pinocchios to Move On - Forward Together and once and for all, Build Trust mandated by the obama 21st Century Taskforce Policing proclamation.
This was a 4 year, binding community investment...that flopped, like so many other (dozen) Rahm appointees.
Jugghaid was the only one who clung on and for some untold reason wasn’t launched in a manner like the last 3 superintendents.
Juggs is now only in it for the pension bump and guaranteed to get it.

That little drop article merely deflects a more serious issue(s) like ineffectual StupidIntended, Democrat gun controlled cities which Chicago leads in uncontrollable violent crime and being the #1 national spectacle.
Maybe the teaser was to draw away attention to the ongoing hissy fits and snubbed phone call from Prickwrinkle to LightLoafer which we know was only about Kmmmm2020 than addressing city violent crime.
LightGroot is rubbing everybody the wrong way, ass kissers probably won’t even trust her manic attitude, which is nowhere near a big city style of professional governing and staffing.
So it’s no surprise GrootFloot is shopping for The Next Right Person for the Right Movement™️.

CPD is getting a new Supe and Auntie Prickwrinkle wants to help fill that void with another political hack.,
The line forms to the right.
Remember, the mayors office has a 5-1/2’ ceiling height, please duck low, duck waddle or inch along on your knees when applying.

9/07/2019 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

400 by the end of September?

9/07/2019 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like the federal govt after Obama, the dept will be screwed years after they get rid of Special Ed due to the great people he has promoted.

9/07/2019 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing the city will do is replace clout morons with GED's with clout morons with GED's. One may have that stupid public administration degree from Calumet Clown College.

9/07/2019 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could give a flying f-ck who the next supt. I am a vet, no clout and I live in edison park -9161 forever

9/07/2019 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will be no new Superintendent until Patrick Daley Thompson and Ed Burke pick one. Lori is simply the figure head of Chicago who those two allow to say what she wants but she must bow to them before she can take any action. They gave her the spot as a seat warmer and nothing more. The 11th Ward is back in charge.

9/07/2019 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

abritation is not an options you can not.bring an entire contract to arbitrator.

9/07/2019 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can remember when Sneed started, back in the Royko days. Sneed was a hack then, and still is.

Who makes the Editorial decisions for these news outlets? Sure seems to be a certain racial bias.

9/07/2019 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the difference HA. Super of what??

9/07/2019 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Groot.

9/07/2019 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so everyone knows, Lt Al Lee and Commander Cato in 015 are some notorious bitches spending three hours trying to dish a shooting off on 011 when all the evidence and shotspotter showed it occurred in 015. Handle your shit bitches.

9/07/2019 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cato from 015 will be the next Superintendent bank on it.

9/07/2019 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officers on the street are going to get Johnson kicked out because they are not doing their jobs and then are lying about it. As a citizen, I would say this means submitting false reports of their activities and the handling of incident reports. Everyone in the area wondered how such a nutty person could get hired by the Police Force and also wondered what kinds of psychological tests were given to prospective employees that these three goofs made it onto the police force. The story is being spread all over the city and I am sure it will hit your desk and the mayor's soon.

9/07/2019 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whomever this Mayor picks as the next StupidIntendant is gonna be a walking disaster anyway. Bring Granny Clampet back! Mayor Munckins would love her!

9/07/2019 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just so everyone knows, Lt Al Lee and Commander Cato in 015 are some notorious bitches spending three hours trying to dish a shooting off on 011 when all the evidence and shotspotter showed it occurred in 015. Handle your shit bitches.

9/07/2019 03:52:00 PM

Rumor of the day is both had relatives that served in the Battle of Pearl Harbor...

9/07/2019 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sherlock Lightfoot, who... is frustrated with the city’s alarming summer shooting stats and an uptick in violence, has yet to find the source. REALLY?

9/07/2019 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh.....the Sun Times. The world is in turmoil and Sunday’s Sun Times has a full page article about a former Chicagoan who appears in a commercial about her ‘She Shed’ burning down. Priceless.

9/07/2019 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can think of a certain group that need not apply because they will never be considered...

9/07/2019 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: NBC's Lester Holt doing a series on "criminal justice reform" which will truly make you want to vomit in your mouth. All of these misunderstood killers and their tales of woe. You'll soon want one as your next door neighbor. /sarc Its a much bigger war than who the next dumb fuck CPD Superintendent will be.

9/07/2019 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flying Monkeys can fly out of your ass
but they do need takeoff O.K. from the local airport
and must file flight plans. Restricted Airspace Is Forbidden.

9/07/2019 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is gonna owe some money to his ex when he gets canned.

9/07/2019 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She will hire Clint Eastwood and film a movie called..thunderbolt and lightfoot. It could happen?

9/07/2019 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Cato from 015 will be the next Superintendent bank on it.

9/07/2019 04:07:00 PM

Cool, then we can all sit on a fixed post with blue lights on, along with the handcuffs.

9/07/2019 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"StupidIntendant…" Well done!

9/07/2019 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:17 AM
Yeah that stuff is very cryptic
Drugs? Maybe. But just maybe too far gone already.

9/07/2019 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bull Shit Continues , Everybody Knows she should of looked for a new Commish before she came in as Mayor , ESPECIALLY keeping in one that isn't QUALIFIED and that CHEATED on the Test and his little Girlfriend or Wife Now ,,, Like SCC SAID , she hasn't changed not ONE person the Ballerina appointed in all Depts . We might as well still had the Weasel Punk Ass Ballerina still in there .

9/07/2019 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cato from 015 is the next Austin High School Janitor.

9/07/2019 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fanculo via! It wasn't was Barzini."

9/07/2019 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides all the overtime of CPD, the Cook County Sheriff's, Illnois State Police and Trump ordering DOJ to assist in assisting Chicago's violence problems. Lots of money wasted on this particular segment of people causing all of this. Looking to leave this corrupt racist state. Just look at who are in positions of power, it's absolutely sickening.

9/07/2019 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:06am-Bravo! Any fool who would work for the Groot will only help her destroy the CPD.

retired.38 spl +P

9/08/2019 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lester Holt, the scumbag that lost any shred of credibility he ever had when he participated in rigged election debates. Lester gets me to change the chanel faster than anyone.

9/08/2019 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can think of a certain group that need not apply because they will never be considered...

Let's see:

White: Previous 3 supes
Black: Current supe
Hispanic: 4 Supes ago

Asian need not apply?

9/08/2019 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sneed keeps hearing rumbles Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s minions have been quietly trolling for a new top cop for Chicago.

Well, maybe not officially yet.

Rumor of that day is a sign up for super tent was set up in boys town last month all applicants were instructed to repeat these words "Now kiss me you fool..."

9/08/2019 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about my old buddy Bob Stasch for supe.

9/08/2019 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should keep Fat Head Ed. He’s great laughing material whenever he appears on TV.

9/08/2019 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wouldn't surprise me if she picks the former marshal who now heads her security detail. He's the ultimate yes man and she would be running the PD as well as the city, just what the little narcissist wants.

9/08/2019 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why look further than your own back yard, when you have Babs, and Melissa? Both are already prepared to do the job, just attach the marionette strings.

9/08/2019 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime is down, shootings(or at least those with a victim, because shootings without a victim really aren't counted as shootings at all) & homicides are down. Interesting, is the trend, according to Heyjackass, that there seems to be a spike in gun violence during the past few Presidential Election years. Some could argue that the mainstream media has a great effect of "riling" people up with all sorts of fake outrage and garbage liberal narratives. Remember, Joe Biden told blacks that Republicans "want to put you back in chains, man, in chains"!
2020 should be interesting to say the least. Mainstream outlets that predicted a Hillary Win & said Trump "would Never be President" will be working overtime to prove that there is Putin DNA in White House bedsheets & that the Amistad is docked at Navy Pier!
Watch the Dems inflame their voters so much that their only recourse is to riot, attack peaceful Trump supporters, and kill each other....then blame the cops!

9/08/2019 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noel will save us

9/08/2019 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next Superintendent will be from lgbqt community .
Why hasn’t Lori Lightfoot eliminated all Command ,exempt positions on CPD , that is a start for pension reform.
Replace with qualified officers at current pay for pension and a year.y bonus .

9/08/2019 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Just so everyone knows, Lt Al Lee and Commander Cato in 015 are some notorious bitches...” @ 9/07/2019 03:52:00 PM

– Al Lee from 025 circa 1990, beat man, lockup keeper...?
He’d make a great Supe along with Bill Guzik as 1st Dep of the same time period, both excellent choices if they ever revive the idea of bringing back retirees. I think they’d do the job for half of what Jugghaid is getting and still run the lockup too.

and ...

“How about my old buddy Bob Stasch for supe.” @ 9/08/2019 06:00:00 AM

– now there’s a tough cookie. I think he was Seiser’s permanent FTO, maybe even groomed former hair stylist turned lawman, Don Jerome.

9/08/2019 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about my old buddy Bob Stasch for supe.

9/08/2019 06:00:00 AM

A legend in his own mind.

9/08/2019 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is a MORON...

wants to get revenge for her convict brother on those NASTY POLICE.

She forgets DA POLICE are the only one that actually have the CITIES best interest in mind.

Let her get rid of impound
red light cameras
parking ticket

She does not have any new ideas on raising fund to keep up with her social justice agenda.
HEY LORI weed and gambling AINT gonna do it either.

9/08/2019 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ahhhh.....the Sun Times. The world is in turmoil and Sunday’s Sun Times has a full page article about a former Chicagoan who appears in a commercial about her ‘She Shed’ burning down. Priceless.

9/07/2019 05:52:00 PM

I made sure NOT to purchase insurance from the company that sponsored that commercial.
And why are you buying or reading the Sun Times?

9/08/2019 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The IACP conference is a good time to protest Eddie Johnson's failed CPD tenure.

9/08/2019 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hate to burst your bubble, but Mayor Groot has no intention of replacing Special Ed with anyone from the IACP Conference. There is/are a couple of organizations lurking quietly in the background TCOPS, Transgender Community of Police and Sheriffs, and GOAL Illinois who will have a major influence on decisions made by Her Honor.
There are a couple of players within the Department who we all know who will be odds on favorites and will have the support of these organizations. Just remember, you heard it here first. 9/07/2019 09:20:00 AM

This sounds right

9/08/2019 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just so everyone knows, Lt Al Lee and Commander Cato in 015 are some notorious bitches spending three hours trying to dish a shooting off on 011 when all the evidence and shotspotter showed it occurred in 015. Handle your shit bitches.

9/07/2019 03:52:00 PM
When a person shows up at Mt Sinai and 11 goes, if it turns out to be from 10, they don't do the paper for us. As a matter of fact they throw it back at us like a hot potato. So that leads me to believe there's some bullshit going on here.

9/08/2019 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When a person shows up at Mt Sinai and 11 goes, if it turns out to be from 10, they don't do the paper for us. As a matter of fact they throw it back at us like a hot potato. So that leads me to believe there's some bullshit going on here.

9/08/2019 08:22:00 PM

Why should they? Everybody should handle their own nonsense.

9/09/2019 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Whomever this Mayor picks as the next StupidIntendant is gonna be a walking disaster anyway. Bring Granny Clampet back! Mayor Munckins would love her!

9/07/2019 04:58:00 PM

No matter who is superintendent of the CPD, they will not do much better, maybe even worse, then Johnson. It is the attitude of the system and the system itself that needs reform. Absent that the killing and shooting goes on.

9/09/2019 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Headline should read, "Dumb picking Dumber".

9/09/2019 08:56:00 PM  

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