Hey Dummies
- Illinois students don’t have to play hookie or worry about rushing to the polls after school anymore thanks to a new law that allows students to be excused from class to cast their ballots.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed legislation this week giving Illinois students two hours away from school to vote in a primary, general, special or any other public election.
“With this new law, our voting-eligible young people will have the freedom to fit voting into their school day without fear of repercussion for engaging in the very civic education we should all be proud to encourage,” Pritzker said in a statement. “The young people who advocated for this legislation recognized how important it is not only to vote, but to make the act of voting as accessible for all who can vote.”
Um...the polls open at 6:00 AM. They close at 7:00 PM.
Last we checked, school didn't start until 8:45 AM and was out at 3:45 PM. That's already two hours before school and three hours after school. Tens of thousands of people with actual jobs working eight hours a day manage to get to the polls and vote. J.B. the Hutt thinks kids in the one of the worst scoring school districts in the world need to miss two hours of class time to vote?
Makes perfect sense.
Last we checked, school didn't start until 8:45 AM and was out at 3:45 PM. That's already two hours before school and three hours after school. Tens of thousands of people with actual jobs working eight hours a day manage to get to the polls and vote. J.B. the Hutt thinks kids in the one of the worst scoring school districts in the world need to miss two hours of class time to vote?
Makes perfect sense.
Labels: dumb ideas, state politics
SCC - There is also early voting and voting by mail which allows you to vote at your convenience and you don't have to rely on the poorly trained election judges or run the gauntlet of precinct workers attempting to influence your vote.
Retired .38 spl +P
Are they going to make the little darlings prove they voted, with a time stamp receipt? Because otherwise they're just cutting class.
Don't forget that the city is always encouraging early voting -- I think it is one location in each ward -- plus you can ask for a ballot at home where your precinct captain can tell you how to vote and then mail it in for you.
Gotta GuarANtee that the dumbocRATS get their numbers.
On the bright side, only 18 year olds can vote, and in ChIraq most of the 18 year olds dropped
many moons ago.
Illinois needs as many progressive voters to get to the polls least a republican get elected.
It's just typical Illinois political Government and corruption. Just straight nonsense!
Please keep voting democrap
Seriously, how do they come up with such stupid ideas. 18 year old high school students now get an early duck on election days.
I absolutely CAN NOT wait to get through the next five years and leave this F#$@^G left wing city/county/state and head off to small town U.S.A. in a RED state away from these Democrats. They have ruined everything!
Since we no longer have a draft, I believe the voting age should be raised to 21. So we have people that are deemed to be too irresponsible to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, but are responsible enough to elect people that run this country? Makes no sense
Wouldn't an 18 year old in high school only be eligible for the municipal elections in May? By the time the November elections come, most would be in their first year of college.
Then again, there's the primaries, but thats it. It seems like Virtue Signaling to me.
Hmmmmm, I wonder who their CPS teachers are telling them to vote for?
Of course they will be democratic voters, that’s why that
over weight slob pushed for this moronic 2 hours excuse,
and when will the 2 hours take place ? Whenever the
students feel like it ? What a goof! Who voted this billionaire
into office ? Not me . The rich do not relate to the working
man or the poor! Where do these rich Democrats live ? Not
on the south side that’s for sure ! Wonder why ?
DemocRATS believe they control the majority of the young people. So this was a no brainer. Which they actually control the whole state. Good luck Land of leaving!
And your in school and old enough to vote
So I guess that means 5th grade and up in the Chicago Public Schools will now be empty on voting day
This is bullshit.
It's just old GUV'NA FATSO licking the tits of progressives to keep them happy.
Virtue signaling on a statewide stage.
Don’t they have a thing called early voting???
Aren't most polling places already at the schools? WTF
The Liberals will do anything to get votes.....
These morons known as DUMMYCRATS will do anything for a vote!!!
hw long will this last when one of the fine CPS students gets shot and killed or snatched and raped while out voting who will pay that legal bill????
OMG, this useless beyond fat fuck makes me ill, more and more every time I read about him.
You can't make this shit up. PLEASE stop the madness. Vote these idiotic fools out already.
never would have happened if students were influenced by (GASP!) conservative teachers.
civic duty meets gang crossfire.
governor trust fund is brilliant.
Agreed..there is plenty of time before and after school to get it done. Students have missed already how many days?? Now lets miss class to vote? what a fucking joke...this city and state is really going downhill fast!
Next legislation from Jabba the Butt will be for using the reverse-911 callout systems to remind students about voting and, as if that is not already over the top, students will also be given government provided vouchers for free Uber and Lyft rides to and from their polling place.
Chicago Public Schools usually run 7:45 AM through 3 PM. Other school systems' hours vary.
Early Voting and Vote By Mail are Election Day alternatives, not always mentioned by politicians and media.
More and more ridiculous stupidity from our billionaire governor who has no clue what the real world is like. Another two hours of no school with school districts that are failing how many students? What is the drop out right now? We cannot even keep the airport safe, like over here this amnesty boxes in Plainview well lit up and nobody saw anybody going into the box until later when they Looked at it and security camera really makes her feel safe when they can take things easily. You wonder why this amnesty box doesn’t have a one-way opening on it where I dropped into a secure area great thinking:
Thief Steals Cannabis From Chicago Airport Amnesty Box
If they don't have enough time before or after school to get it done, what makes him think two hours during the school day is going to work?
If the kids were as far as Jabba the Governor, it might take them that long for them to waddle there.
Now, kees me you fool!!!!
Well what student wouldn't vote for a group (dems) that get them out of school? Watch them make some kind of march or protest out of this too. The first quadrannual 30 student march or some nonsense.
It makes sense, the teachers now don't have to pass any sort of equivalency test, after all, what kind of test can you give for transgender studies.
Trying to get the Dem vote. Makes me sick.
And the city has numerous "early voting" locations that would allow students to vote on weekends and evenings during the week. Pritzker has to be the richest, fatest whore in the State of Illinois.
I'd use that time to go to the poles. Brass poles, with strippers dancing on them.
Voting age is 18. Most normal kids are done with high school before about 18.5 yoa. How many kids will this affect? More feelgood bullshit legislation from democrats.
They need time to vote multiple times.
They need those brainwashed young liberal votes. Not that any of the seniors let out of school will actually be going to the voting polls.
Next will be a ride to and from the polls along with a McDonalds gift card. You think I'm kidding.
If youth voted republican they would pass a law that assigned extra classes and homework on voting day. What a transparent way to put their fingers on the scale.
This way the teachers can lead all the little darlings directly to the polls to ensure they vote for the correct Comrades.
The DemocRats will do anything for votes.
Over 550 ballots of 'undocumented' illegal votes were just discovered and that's just the tip of the Democratic Dick. Rigged as always. Commiecrats doing anything and everything THEY WANT to maintain power and control. Fuck the people.
"Cant wait to retire and move to a RED state " Been retired in the Ozarks in Northern Arkansas,for 15 years now after doing 31 (73 to 04 ) and it is GREAT ! No shit heads, (that's the best reason right there ! ) Low crime (I wonder why ? )Children who respect their elders(Oh yea ,they RAISE their children to be respectable to adults) what a concept ,RAISE YOUR CHILDREN . and mild weather most of the year . What could ever make you want to stay in Illinois one day after retirement is a mystery to me?
Plus there is always early voting which includes Saturday & Sunday.
Better yet why don’t they bring voting machines right to the school.
Tens of thousands of people with actual jobs working eight hours a day manage to get to the polls and vote
That's very true. Yet some progressives want a national holiday on national election days. November already has two national holidays, what's one more, right?
You can bet that every 18 year old will take those two hours off and it is not to vote. How are they going to work this in the high schools that rely heavily on busing? More buses to leave early?
Where do these fuckin Demorats come up with this shit, dont they have better things to do!
Fat fuck Pritzker. Goof. Now we see all the studies and TV specials about how bad cannabis is for you. Think cigarettes cause heart disease/cancer? Ya, smoke a splif.
As long as those ignorant kids recognize the letter "D", J-B is cool with having the hoards miss a day in the classroom.
heres an idea, lets make it a paid holiday???
I think the governor has been smoking the “devils lettuce.”
This governor is a real life mayor Quimby
No..no..no! This will never do. This law is unfair, discriminatory, and ... you got it.. Racist!
If you excuse students of voting age, what about the other students who have to remain in school? They're effectively being singled-out and punished just because of when they were born. It's not their fault that they're too young to vote so that's unfair and discriminatory!
Secondly, excusing students of voting age doesn't do any good if they can't get to the polls to vote solely because they're too poor to own a car. And this is the majority of Black students who are being singled out, and that's Racist!
So like I started out saying, this law will never do and needs to be amended post-haste with the following corrections: .....
-- 1) ALL students will be excused for Two Hours on ALL Election Days.
-- 2) Students of Voting Age will be provided with FREE Transportation from their Home or School to their Polling Place and from there to their Home.
----- 2a) the FREE Transportation to be provided by a pre-approved contractor determined by competitive bidding (Vaneko's Uber Services, Co. Inc.)
Welcome To Illinois.
Will the last Taxpayer leaving kindly turn out the lights.
Now for then to vote three times, once before school once during and once after. They all know that any CPS voter is a a ignorant democratic voter.
How many little darlings are actually still in school at 18?
Why not vote by United States mail, and miss no school. You can request a mail in ballot.
What a JOKE !!!!!!
Guys, this is focused on College Age students.
Not the morons in CPS.
Never attribute to stupidity that which can be explained by getting votes.
If you can’t win elections fairly on the arguments, then smear your opponent (with help from the media) and stuff the ballot-box. It’s the Leftist way. Idiot kids, felons, dementia-centers, illegals, mail-in votes, text-in votes, ballot-harvesting, cemetery registration drives, whatever it takes. If you still lose, blame Russia.
If it's anything Porky Pig can crow about, of course it's a good idea. Facts and logic be damned. It's the Illannoy way.
Make Election Day a holiday.
Everyone off, including police.
Half price weed, half price malt liquor.
No one can be pinched till an hour after
the polls close, so not to infringe on
anyone's right to vote.
JB Porterhouse and his priorities.
CPS lobbyist doing their due diligence and informed JB of the many junior high and learning academy freshmen that are of voting age and their rights are being suppressed.
He must realize that this legislation is going to put Truant Officers out of work (I think there’s about 2 statewide, both in their late 80’s).
How much thought had the super-sharp elected intellects given to this draw up this scheme ?
Not every skrool has a polling place inside, but many do. When this public service fails to bring in the estimated votes, illegal Ballot harvesting is next and they will have political action groups setting up booths in the skrool corridors for weeks on end.
I remember buying a ticket to the homecoming football game was the only way to get a 1/2 day off. I can’t recall how I managed to save up $1 to get out of school at noon, once a year for four years.
Useful Idiots
...excused from class to cast their ballots? No! Better to keep them in school and teach them to READ their ballots.
Abolition of standards.
"J.B. the Hutt thinks kids in the one of the worst scoring school districts in the world need to miss two hours of class time to vote?"
Yes. They tend to vote socialist. They're the up-and-coming "Give me free stuff and I'll vote for you crowd."
Keep voting DemocRAT !!!!!!!
The students will be told by teachers how to vote unless the get a bad grade!
What else could go wrong with this besides immaturity!
Um...the polls open at 6:00 AM. They close at 7:00 PM.
Last we checked, school didn't start until 8:45 AM and was out at 3:45 PM. That's already two hours before school and three hours after school. Tens of thousands of people with actual jobs working eight hours a day manage to get to the polls and vote. J.B. the Hutt thinks kids in the one of the worst scoring school districts in the world need to miss two hours of class time to vote?
Jabba the Faat is simply allowing time for the "students" to get high during their busy school schedule...
The Thorton High School's Bell Schedule runs 8:25 AM through 3:25 PM. The two students didn't need to contact State Senator Elgie Sims, about leaving early for Election Day or Early Day voting.
Usually, CPS runs 7:45 AM through 3 PM. In both cases, there's more than ample time to vote.
Vote By Mail is a viable option too.
We Are All Replaceable
DemocRATS need the votes !!!!
What did you expect from a dunce demorat politician. He knows the hood rats are always late for skool so they ain't gonna get to the polls early in the morning. And by time they gets out of skool they gots to takes a nap cause they had a hard day. SO how they gonna fit voting for more demorats with such a full schedule
Anonymous said...
Hmmmmm, I wonder who their CPS teachers are telling them to vote for?
1/24/2020 01:29:00 AM
These are the same teachers who refuse to tell the students that President Lincoln was a Republican. They refuse to acknowledge that the southern democrats wanted slavery and the Republican north did not. Which is why the democrats adopted the color blue as theirs
Don’t forget about the Demorats signing up residents at the Dart Hotel - 26th and California.
Criminals best friend is a Democrat.
Said 1000x before and will be said 1000x after: EARLY VOTE! Students can fugue out how to do that like so many others do. Avoid the rush and the lines... Unreal!
I wonder how many of these little darlings have arthritis???
Two hours for the Red Diaper Babies to get smoked up
and "vote". I'd want a fucking signed receipt of their voting.
And if they get banged while free ranging, who do the
parents sue? Or will that be considered an Act of God.
The Gov looks like Boss Hog. ♠️
Fresh brainwashing, then off to the poles.
They can get an absentee ballot if they have the desire to vote, but don't have the time. There are some decent kids who have activities scheduled after school. Not all of them are dunces.
Not to worry, Half the morons can't read.
"The law came to pass after students from Thornton Fractional North High School and Thornton Fractional South High School in the south suburbs took the idea to state Sen. Elgie Sims, who co-sponsored the bill with state Rep. Nick Smith". A couple more useless politicians with nothing better to do than this rubbish. Any waste of time stupidity for potential votes they will do. Now pass out some free pot to the youngsters and really get popular.
It takes a while to vote multiple times.
Hmmm, are the teacher going to make students prove that they even registered to vote before they walk out the door? Or, woo hoo! all students just got a 2 hour break from class.
Next they’ll create Public Safety Announcements featuring Chance da Rapper, Jamal Green and a girlfriend of overdose rapper Juice Wrld encouraging this 2 hour excuse to cut out of ‘learning’ and vote 4 change..
Is this for all 18 year old HS students or just CPS?
Fat chops should be eating the "devil's lettuce", not smoking it. Thanks for the chuckle--- moss back 6 shooter only one radio police.
The chicago votes commies are totally responsible for vote fraud. Rebekah Reynolds and Joanna “the commie” Klonsky started this bs organization to let criminals and losers vote as well as illegal aliens. Klonsky is the scum who supports the progressive communist caucus and the racist black caucus. Toad face cop hater pos Lori is all behind them. This vote fraud must be stopped once and for all.
If there are that many “kids” in public schools that are able to vote (18yoa) that we needed a useless law, maybe these political a-holes should realize that THAT’S the problem. The schools are failing to teach anything to these kids.
Proof positive that JB "FatAss" Prickster really is a stupid jagoff.
Just another liberal move to ensure this state stays fucked up.
They are getting this passed just prior to reducing the voting age to 16 here in Illinois. Have you all forgotten? Ooooooh!
It is just another way to round up and hustle all of those young, indoctrinated Democratic voters to the polls en masse...AND keep the state aid funding that is based on attendance.
What a Great Society we have become.
Anonymous said...
Why not vote by United States mail, and miss no school. You can request a mail in ballot.
1/24/2020 09:22:00 AM
Cause some of our honor roll goofs would not be able to read the names. Which is why the next thing Gov. Jabba wants is pictures of the candidates instead of names
If you think those students will take the time to vote you are crazy. They will use that 2 hours to smoke weed/ drink/ fuck, and anything else but vote.
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