Tuesday, November 17, 2020

FOP Responds to Comment

For clarification, this WAS NOT a post. It was a comment where anyone (including Groot's people) can post:

  • A Message From the President

    There was a post on the blog overnight that was 100% untrue. Every fact and every word was incorrect. It's unfortunate that a member would post such nonsense in an effort to cause chaos at the Lodge.

    We will update with FACTS as we have them

    President John Catanzara Jr.
    Chicago Lodge 7
    Fraternal Order of Police, Chicago Lodge #7
It was quite the active comment thread on the "1,100" post from yesterday, just below this one.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Keep up the good work.. Fuck these trolls

11/17/2020 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Cat respects the blog and I've seen him post here many times. I'm sure he realizes it's the mayor's people misusing our blog and starting rumors.

11/17/2020 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fake news! FOP did not settle for anything! FOP proposed the following raises to the city: 3% for 2017(July-01 Dec 31), 3.25% for 2018, 3.25% for 2019, 1% for 2020, 1% for 2021(01 Jan-30 June). Total raise of 11.5%. Waiting on city response and I’m pretty sure the FOP will not lower those demands and go to arbitration if city offers less. CFD got 10.5% and we are not getting anything less then that. The “You heard it here first” poster is a moron.

11/17/2020 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the contract, what about the residency issue?

11/17/2020 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I hear talk of the contract it is a painful reminder.......

Remember how Shields dropped the ball and we got no retro that contract?
That retro would have compounded and our current wages would be that much higher than they currently are.
Always runs across my mind when discussing contract wages.
Thanks a lot for that.

Anyways, on to the topic at hand.
I don’t believe the anonymous poster regarding what he/she “heard.”
I have the utmost confidence in J-Cat.
He is absolutely a fighter, and genuinely has the best interest of the union at heart. If you think he will just roll over for the mayor you must not be paying attention.
It will all be done without much fanfare behind closed doors- and when the deal has been finalized and it becomes made public, I have no doubt it will be considered fair to the membership. Or should I say, as “fair” as could be done.

11/17/2020 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t sweat the small stuff John. As was told to me as a new recruit in 005 20 years ago.. we all know you are fighting for us

11/17/2020 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, I thought according to the By-Laws that a trustee as part of his FOP duties is to be attending roll calls and updating its PAYING members updates from meetings/or the contract talks. Never do we see anyone from the FOP come to roll calls once a month and update us on anything going on or to voice our concerns, including from years past up until now. C'mon trustees or any rep get up off your lazy asses and come to roll calls, what are you afraid of?? You are getting paid to do YOUR job! Just like the politicians, you can be voted out next if you wish to maintain your positions. The FOP reps in the districts are useless, you never hear shit from them.

11/17/2020 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.5 % over 4 years with full retro. Discipline issues will be dealt with next contract. Freaky froggy wants the retro payout done and off the books. The firefighters got paid and warned that the manning issues were going to be the focus next time. It's the same with us and the discipline measures she wants. She punted because she knows she will not be around to deal with it next time.

11/17/2020 04:06:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Horrors! Everything I post here is completely true.

Now,kees me you fool!!!!

11/17/2020 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the contract, what about the residency issue?

11/17/2020 12:36:00 AM
What about if? It will never change. Every other city department has it. They’re not going to make us exempt. City workers are the tax paying base in this shithole. They also vote democrat as thanks for their patronage jobs (no matter what they tell you - see last election for proof).

If you don’t want to live in Chicago, work elsewhere. It’s the smart thing to do for a lot of reasons. Or own a rental here and live elsewhere and most importantly keep your mouth shut about it.

11/17/2020 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To : “I have the utmost confidence in JCat”. Really? Why?? Aside from big talk what has he done. Not dissing u. Just following blindly is pretty dangerous, eh?

11/17/2020 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That scared me for a minute I thought I was having a bad dream and Dean Angelo or Kevin Graham we're still running the Union LOL Come on guys and gals do you really think Catanzara will allow that to happen, you should have smelled the B.S

11/17/2020 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Shields dropped the ball...but we did het the retro

11/17/2020 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of us have never attended a union meeting, its not hard, you listen, you learn, then you get some pizza. I have been a watch rep for 15 years and always keep those who want to know about more than retro. As of today I'm a JCAT fan, maybe tomorrow not so much.

11/17/2020 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The trustees are lazy. Vote them out but coppers are stupid and keep voting duckhorns and harold brown in time and time again.come to the meetings and demand transperency

11/17/2020 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We’ll be lucky to get that offer. You’ll see.

11/17/2020 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just give me 20 years of service and age 55 with affordable insurance so I can leave and find another career. What was once one of the most beautiful city's in the United States has become a steaming pile of crap that will never be able to return to its former prestige.

11/17/2020 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember Lori has not cut staff at CPS and they have less students
Lori cut all vacancies from CPD and districts are down 2-5 cars every watch

11/17/2020 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With over 30 years on this job I’ve seen and heard the same thing from FOP leadership and the same results, we always got the shaft. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. New FOP Leadership is a breath of fresh air and a break from FOP Insanity. Keep it up JCat. You have 30 years of FOP failure to look at to do the opposite. Stay on offense, don’t back down, stay vocal.

11/17/2020 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cantazara you the man!!! Forget these idiot two year wonders who are talking shit, or one asshole black officer with 15 seconds on the job talking about leaving the union when you’re not even fully covered by the union yet. I personally don’t care about money or residency at this point in my career. Hopefully you can work on getting back to 20 and out at 50 and keep our protections. Keep your head up brother

11/17/2020 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.5 and 5.75 without residency? Nothing less

11/17/2020 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people, let john work for us. he's doing his best with everything that is going on. yes i want my retro but I also want a fair contract. Let's face it 2020 has been a bad year for everyone. And until fop post anything is just a comment.

11/17/2020 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats what FOP needed for years a no nonsense copper who tells it like it is and has worked the street and had his share of CR# God i love the Italans

11/17/2020 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone telling tall tales after falling asleep at the virtual zoom negotiating table? That’s the problem with all this StayAtHome online bullshit and communication being misunderstood.
Maybe Larri’s Team is stoking ire.
Let me clarify that...
I choose truth over facts.
Larri’s negativity rate towards the Police/FOP has been over 100% since 2002 and rising.

11/17/2020 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why I love this current President compared to his predecessors. Graham and Angelo probably wouldn't have responded, and goofy Shields probably would have blamed SCC for publishing it and challenged them to come out of their parents basements for a fight!

I've met and talked to Jcat. Rough around the edges a bit, very smart, but a little too abrasive and not someone I'd probably want to have any beers with. Which is fine because he wasn't elected to be a jolly good fellow toastmaster. He's FOP President because he is smart, abrasive, and not a pussy!

Keep up the good work Jcat. In just the short span that you've been in charge you've already proven to have been better then your last three predecessors combined when it comes to interviews and responses when dealing with the media. Calling old has been Bobby Rush for what he is, a piece of lieing garbage, has been my favorite so far!

11/17/2020 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Every time I hear talk of the contract it is a painful reminder.......

Remember how Shields dropped the ball and we got no retro that contract?
That retro would have compounded and our current wages would be that much higher than they currently are.
Always runs across my mind when discussing contract wages.
Thanks a lot for that.

This is Fake News. We did get a retro. Mike forgot to sign and mail out that letter in time, but Rahm honored our retro...without OT of course. Rahm didn’t have to give us anything, but he honored something. And for the letter, Shields made a mistake. He even apologized for it, but you think that POS Donahue could’ve told the young kid about it.

11/17/2020 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the residency proposal 1% extra for living in Chicago, but leaves the choice to live where we want? Other cities that don't have residency do just fine. If it is not even worth 1% to the city, then it is obviously not worth having at all. Let's get rid of it!

11/17/2020 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Speaking of the contract, what about the residency issue?

11/17/2020 12:36:00 AM

They will never get rid of residency not going to happen deal with it!

11/17/2020 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since Dean is no longer President, a trustee is only going to come and see you at election time. They do not do thing for the members

11/17/2020 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If LL really wanted to lower the number of officers without having to do layoffs citywide, the city could give the 25+1 YOJ officers at age 50 the health insurance. The number of officers will drop significantly by retirements and higher paid officers are then off the payroll. It's a win, win for the city.

11/17/2020 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stick to lifting the residence. Make it an option for those who want to leave with families etc.

11/17/2020 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was around for COP, CPA, Local 1975. I also watched Combined Counties and Teamsters campaign. J-Cat you're the best police organization leader ever!

11/17/2020 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to look back at the commentary to see what the rift was all about. Seems like its maybe the Larri Resistance stirring the shit pot, some of it seems plausible, certainly managed to push a button or two.
That $750 dukes of hazard pay stipend was rich, even if it came from Cares Act funds.
FunFact: CookCo allotted $50 mil to help pay rents and foods to specific zip codes due to Covid’s inequalities. Larri also has a economic stimulus plan for Chicago even for the holiday deletes - look it up: https://www.blackshopfriday.com/

Someone commented it should be a monthly amount retroactive to Larri’s March madness lockdown. Those who were sent out with pathetic department guideline precautions (unlike teachers) and actually caught the red plague should be triple compensated due to loss of income opportunities, don’t forget... teachers/aides getting IL UnEmp Comp for not summer skrewl jobbing.

Hoppin’ mad bug eyed angry toad won’t give in unless there a benefit and opportunity to vilify what she’ll call an obstructive and greedy FOP and blue shirt Department. For the record the CTU/CPS Con-tract was just 3 months in expiration and was settled in a matter of days after The Strike ...and handsomely at that.

Always & Forever...

11/17/2020 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency is a lost cause! The day I sell my place is the day I leave this state.

11/17/2020 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough about residency all ready. Been on 28 years and have heard coppers talk about residency every time a contract gets negotiated. It’s never going to happen. By never, I mean never, never, never, never, never going to happen. Ever! What are you bitching about anyway? Did the city spring residency on you half way through the academy? You knew the city had a residency requirement when you took the test and when you accepted the job. Deal with it!

11/17/2020 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Stick to lifting the residence. Make it an option for those who want to leave with families etc.

11/17/2020 02:45:00 PM

What about those who want to leave that don’t have families?

11/17/2020 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for J-Cat

He has been louder than all PREVIOUS FOP presidents.

Keep up the good work!!

11/17/2020 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the contract, what about the residency issue?

11/17/2020 12:36:00 AM
What about if? It will never change. Every other city department has it. They’re not going to make us exempt. City workers are the tax paying base in this shithole. They also vote democrat as thanks for their patronage jobs (no matter what they tell you - see last election for proof).

If you don’t want to live in Chicago, work elsewhere. It’s the smart thing to do for a lot of reasons. Or own a rental here and live elsewhere and most importantly keep your mouth shut about it.

I read it as they were asking a question, who’s side are you on wiseguy

11/17/2020 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Enough about residency all ready. Been on 28 years and have heard coppers talk about residency every time a contract gets negotiated. It’s never going to happen. By never, I mean never, never, never, never, never going to happen. Ever! What are you bitching about anyway? Did the city spring residency on you half way through the academy? You knew the city had a residency requirement when you took the test and when you accepted the job. Deal with it!

11/17/2020 04:49:00 PM

Maybe you’d be happy still making 30k a year like you did when you came on 28 years ago. You knew the job paid 30k, maybe you should never have asked for a raise. Stop being so stupid. If we don’t ask for things we will never get anything. Deal with it

11/17/2020 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly correct. It’s nothing new. You knew that like I did when I was hired. It’s been an issue for a damn long time. I remember my dad had a friend on the job back in the late 60s. He bought a house in the south suburbs for his wife and daughters. He lived in a shared apartment in the city. He was always worried about being followed By investigators and possibly fired. He was suspended a few times for residency violations too. Unfortunately He died Off duty before he retired. Nothing has ever changed.

Enough about residency all ready. Been on 28 years and have heard coppers talk about residency every time a contract gets negotiated. It’s never going to happen. By never, I mean never, never, never, never, never going to happen. Ever! What are you bitching about anyway? Did the city spring residency on you half way through the academy? You knew the city had a residency requirement when you took the test and when you accepted the job. Deal with it!

11/17/2020 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee thats great send out press releases and go on tv. But actually what has fop accomplished. All the same coppers still stripped from the riots. Days off still being cancelled on a whim. Every other ranks contract settled but P.O. s. Zero accomplished.

11/17/2020 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If and when they accept these terms, when will we know the results? There’s never anything posted on the FOP site except for what’s written in the magazines they send out and the lady that picks up the phone never knows shit.

11/17/2020 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Enough about residency all ready. Been on 28 years and have heard coppers talk about residency every time a contract gets negotiated. It’s never going to happen. By never, I mean never, never, never, never, never going to happen. Ever! What are you bitching about anyway? Did the city spring residency on you half way through the academy? You knew the city had a residency requirement when you took the test and when you accepted the job. Deal with it!

11/17/2020 04:49:00 PM
Things have changed, there used to still be a lot of good areas to live in the city. They never told us they were going to let the entire city go to shit!

11/17/2020 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a fan of Shields but at least get the story straight kid. He messed up with the letter, we lost the OT portion of retro from the 1st year only. If you were on the job you would have known this.
As far as residency this time, might as well try. No other president has tried to put it on the table over the 25 years I have been on. To all of you saying “you knew about residency when you signed on” I say FU! The city has been changing the rules in their favor each and every contract. JC at least has the balls to put it in our offer (proving he is not another sheep at the wheel of FOP IMO).
Sorry you bought that lot in Garfield Ridge and built a 9 bedroom 4 bath half a million house but this contract isn’t only about you and the loss you are gonna take.

11/17/2020 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think J-Cat did it the right way
Try to attach it to salary and if the city doesn’t bite to take advantage of it then file what ever lawsuit you need to get it, I hear there is precedent out there already.

Be safe

11/18/2020 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again I have to say... let’s tell the mayor. We’re good. Sign a contract for a year or two with no raises and no retro. Yes I said no retro. But in return are health care cost can’t go up. There would still be 2% for 55 and out and free insurance at 60 and out. Absolutely no changes to discipline. The mayor would shit herself. We are already working like this now anyway.

11/18/2020 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it as they were asking a question, who’s side are you on wiseguy

11/17/2020 07:27:00 PM

Then it was a stupid question, as the many other responses have indicated.


Sorry you bought that lot in Garfield Ridge and built a 9 bedroom 4 bath half a million house but this contract isn’t only about you and the loss you are gonna take.

11/17/2020 11:43:00 PM

Hey take it easy. They are usually 4-5 bedrooms. And let’s not forget about the sprawling yard. Just kidding, CPD would rather have a side driveway with 60 x 10 feet of cement to shovel all winter! But hey what great public schools in the neighborhood. Kennedy’s graduation rate is up over 70%!

Just make sure there’s room in that garage for the Harley you’ll never have time to ride!

11/18/2020 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this probably won’t be published but let’s look at what this administration has done . Promises made ; 1.) Residency - always tell the young cops your gonna get it and they will vote for you , 2.) In - House attorney to keep the bills down , and 3.) hire detectives to do background checks on Aldermen to flip them . Like Catanzara said hey “ we need to get some dirt on them !” Let’s see he removed the arbitrator who would have helped us most but hey “ we need a new set of eyes !” He kicked the last President out of the Union to insert Dean Angelo as previous past President . The majority of cops on the job do not get involved and are easily duped . Plato once said “ the price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men !” That is a fitting statement about our members and our Union !

11/18/2020 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Every time I hear talk of the contract it is a painful reminder.......Remember how Shields dropped the ball and we got no retro that contract?
That retro would have compounded and our current wages would be that much higher than they currently are.”

– Feet-to-the-Fire, cuff links Shields? There was a class action lawsuit and those affected were awarded the retroactive overtime back pay a couple years later...without interest or penalties of course. Try that with a late water or tax bill payment. Larri is probably worse when it comes to fair FOP negotiations than Rahm. Foul mouth toad is not going to do FOP membership any favors. Best Contract is the one that expired over 3 years ago. Lyin’Larri is a taker not a grantor, she’ll be boasting about cuts to our budget and tax increases for the homeowners just to make CPD the evil entity again. CTU a had walked all over Larr and used her as a wet bar mop. Her only retribution is take it out of the FOP contract, wages and benefits.

11/18/2020 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter regarding residency is that EVERY metropolitan police department that has challenged it in court has won.

The old “it’s been like that since you signed up, so if you don’t like it leave” mantra is tired and old.
We get it, your dumpy Mount Greenwood frame house is the only thing you’ve done to save for retirement.

However many officers remember a time when any comp time on the books at the end of the year was erased and you started every year at zero.
Many officers remember rotating all 3 watches.
Many officers remember working 99 on midnights.

The point is, that a union is supposed to IMPROVE CONDITIONS FOR THE OVERALL MEMBERSHIP, not worry about your individual housing concerns.
If you want to stay, fine. Have at it.
But you have no right to tell another officer where he can live.
Have you watched the news lately? Crime is out of control and spreading, taxes are outrageous, the schools suck.

It’s both unconstitutional and unreasonable.
Let’s get this to court and overturn it.

11/18/2020 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I was on the job when Shields dropped the ball.
Are you familiar with how contract negotiations work?

Shields had a LOT of egg on his face and needed to get some sort of retro.
Do you think that Rahm Emmanuel was just such a nice guy that he said “contractually I don’t HAVE to give you retro, but I think I will anyways because you deserve it?” Absolutely not. He was not in the business of giving away things for free, especially to CPD. He definitely saw a return on his “kindness.”
Look at what Shields gave up in exchange to get some retro so he didn’t look as bad.
On top of that, it was only 2% a year. Arbitration or negotiations would’ve likely established a higher percentage. Again a loss.

Also, no retro on OT?
That might not be a big deal to you Mr. House Mouse, but the reality is that some of us spent a lot of time in court. Some of us worked a lot of special employment. And that money should have also gotten a retroactive raise.

11/18/2020 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah right all that court. And you think that 1% retro check is going to make all the difference when your health insurance goes up 5%. Yeah your a genius. Gel head.

11/18/2020 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

To : “I have the utmost confidence in JCat”. Really? Why?? Aside from big talk what has he done. Not dissing u. Just following blindly is pretty dangerous, eh?

11/17/2020 06:26:00 AM


JCat has been the the president for a only a few months. Judging form the past presidents, JCat is the person for the job. We need someone who stirs the pot and is not afraid of his own shadow. Graham could not handle a beat car in 19. He is too dumb and scared to handle real work.Graham had plenty of time to work on the contract. What did the previous presidents do for us? They gave up to much of our benefits.

11/18/2020 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Gee thats great send out press releases and go on tv. But actually what has fop accomplished. All the same coppers still stripped from the riots. Days off still being cancelled on a whim. Every other ranks contract settled but P.O. s. Zero accomplished.

11/17/2020 10:11:00 PM

Bingo! Fop hasn't accomplished a damn thing but noise. And it all fell on deaf ears. Great job.

11/18/2020 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Gee thats great send out press releases and go on tv. But actually what has fop accomplished. All the same coppers still stripped from the riots. Days off still being cancelled on a whim. Every other ranks contract settled but P.O. s. Zero accomplished.

11/17/2020 10:11:00 PM

Bingo! Fop hasn't accomplished a damn thing but noise. And it all fell on deaf ears. Great job.

11/18/2020 04:55:00 PM

He's only been President for a few months. You two do realize that right? He can't just snap his fingers and make us have a new contract. Wait until its settled and then you can complain. In the meantime you should be thankful we finally have an FOP President that tells these libtards to fuck off.

11/19/2020 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A past FOP president wanted to negotiate a residency stipend to defray the expense of living in chgo. I thought it was a good idea.

11/19/2020 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real fact on residency is it has been found by courts as too restrictive hence either strucken down or modified by the courts. If brought into a Federal court, CHGO would lose.

11/19/2020 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real fact on residency is it has been found by courts as too restrictive hence either strucken down or modified by the courts. If brought into a Federal court, CHGO would lose.

11/19/2020 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A past FOP president wanted to negotiate a residency stipend to defray the expense of living in chgo. I thought it was a good idea.

11/20/2020 04:44:00 PM  

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