Wednesday, December 09, 2020

COVID is Racist!

Of course, the virus is abetted by democrat leaders who reinforce the inherent racist present in the disease. How else do you explain this?

  • Nearly half of Black small businesses had been wiped out by the end of April as the pandemic ravaged minority communities disproportionately, according to a report from the New York Fed.

    Black-owned businesses were more than twice as likely to shutter as their white counterparts, the report found.

    "Nationally representative data on small businesses indicate that the number of active business owners fell by 22% from February to April 2020—the largest drop on record," the report said.

    "Black businesses experienced the most acute decline, with a 41% drop. Latinx business owners fell by 32% and Asian business owners dropped by 26%."

So why do democrat "leaders" want to put so many black-owned businesses out of business? Why do black entrepreneurs succeeding in business frighten democrats?
Asking for a friend....who lost his business.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the subject always about race? We all live on a swirling rock that revolves at extreme speeds around a clump of nuclear explosions. Foreigners come to America and work their butts off and move up to become successful business owners. There is no excuse that anyone in America can't be successful. Thats why caravans walk thousands of miles to come here. Its time the people who live here stop asking and start doing something for themselves. I don't owe nothing to nobody. Leave me the beep alone. I work two sometimes three jobs, I provide for my family, I clean my street, I pay my taxes, water bill, etc, I do my part. Start doing yours and stop looking to blame someone else.

12/09/2020 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything is racist now it's fuckin sickening.

12/09/2020 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess how much Federal assistance that you will be receiving if you are a White or Asian owned business????Is the plan becoming clear now?A redistribution of the wealth so to speak.

12/09/2020 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No stats on “White” business failures?

The Kung Fu flu must have structural racism in its DNA.

How does the virus tell the difference between people of different races?

I HEAR THE FOOTSTEPS OF MORE REPARATIONS. Must be caused by 400 years of slavery.

More bullshit from democRATS.

I saw Governor Pritzger on TV with the witch doctor telling us to cancel Christmas. I think he has blood on his hands from all the deaths at the vets home downstate. How is that any different than his accusations of Rauner for the Legionnaires deaths last year?

Oh, FULL & Fat Ass too.

12/09/2020 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, don't you worry about a thing.
The government is going to make sure that black people are first in line to get the vaccine. This should give them a headstart in the recovery.
I am going to do my part as a liberal person with white guilt by passing on the vaccine so that a p.o.c. can have my dose.
Together, we can change the world.

12/09/2020 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what’s more racist than C O V I D 1 9?

12/09/2020 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are just laying the foundation to give the friends money to start businesses. It’s only tax payers money. It’s only your money. Sad.

12/09/2020 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minority businesses suffered a double whammy. First it’s the Communist Chinese Wuhan virus with its not based in science government mandated lockdown. Then include the civil unrest which so many black owned businesses were looted, broken into, pillaged, burned and otherwise senselessly destroyed in the name of justice for minorities.

So many dreams of business ownership or a pathway to economic advancement by black Americans were extinguished with peaceful protests by the likes of blm and antifa. Both organizations were praised and validated by elected democrat officials alike. The entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism must be destroyed and replaced with a government controlled economy such as socialism. Individualism must be crushed replaced with the approved collectivism.

Democrats see minorities as monolithic groups incapable of thinking for themselves upon graduation from state run public schools. Blacks can only succeed with government intervention. Business ownership is a pathway to financial success which would negate the notion of racism and the mantra America is unfair or unjust. Democrats won’t allow blacks to prosper leaving the democrat plantation let alone attribute success to capitalism or their independent ambitions.

Upward mobility gained during the Trump Presidency must be reversed by civil unrest or business closures validated by a Chinese engineered virus pandemic. Once businesses were decimated, compassionate democrats will offer relief crumbs to prove they are all caring. Democrats to the rescue after causing this enormous calamity. Communist developed viruses caused unnecessary business closures and peaceful protests nationwide decimated the economic hope and change of so many black entrepreneurs which is in of itself a criminal act of racial sabotage.

Democrats mandated black businesses close flattening the curve and were willing accomplices in collusion with blm and antifa in the destruction of so many community businesses. So many Black American dreams were destroyed forever and the decimation will continue as we capitulate to elected official’s whims and nefarious schemes.

12/09/2020 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“So why do democrat "leaders" want to put so many black-owned businesses out of business? Why do black entrepreneurs succeeding in business frighten democrats?“

They not only want to put blacks out of business, but everybody else as well. Corporate America and the Chinese both want small businesses out of the way so they control the means of production. They want to control us. The big corporations and China are the biggest contributors to the Democrat Party. It’s all over for small businesses and the middle class.

12/09/2020 04:06:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

Gee, is it COVID killing these minority businesses, or Democrat Politicians? My money is on the politicians. All of the stupid shutdowns are killing small businesses, who are often highly leveraged and generally run on small profit margins. They can’t afford to be shut down. They need to be serving their customers and bringing in revenue. They can’t afford the modifications required in order to be open at all.

The notion that COVID hitting black people especially hard may be a factor, but it’s the shutdowns that are killing businesses.

12/09/2020 04:49:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Don't say LatinX.

12/09/2020 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Covid is racist just like everything else have to place the blame on something own something for a change deal with it and move along if one keeps looking in the rear view mirror they have difficulty moving forward

12/09/2020 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that black owned small business are on average in worse financial shape than those owned by other groups during normal times. Remember when they were going to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill?

Seemed an odd choice since the average black woman with kids has savings of less than $20. Even with all the affirmative action and preferences for minority and woman owned business. It seems the government telling blacks they can't possibly succeed on their own with all the racism out there has become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Obviously the dem machine would rather see black small business owners out of business. That gives them more time to help campaigning. Plus if you can get someone dependant on gov benefits and then convince them the other team will take away those benefits, you have a voter for life.

12/09/2020 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some democratic governors, Illinlois, California, and New York are making waves that the vaccine should be distributed to black and brown people first because they have been affected more by the virus. I never thought that this would be come a racial issue. I can see why black businesses are closing at a higher rate for i don't think they have the funding that many white businesses have, but that is just my speculation and not based on any data. Distributing the vaccine in democratic states will be a task

12/09/2020 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's because they already rely on government programs that have been made for them due to reparations, protests and claims of lack of opportunities. So get ready for more complaining and more handouts that the government cant afford to pay. Who ultimately will pay? The property owner, no matter what color/race.

12/09/2020 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's part of the communist "divide and conquer" strategy. Piss off one section of the populace against an other. Soon they will start to blame whitey for covid, or maybe Asians. Or both. God, I hate communists!

12/09/2020 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to wonder how many of these Black-owned business went out of business because of their losses due to "Peaceful" riot, looting and burning!

12/09/2020 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karma or The Law Of Unintended consequences. Democrats will find a way to blame Trump for them ordering he business closures. He the bad Orangeman.

12/09/2020 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The COVID is not hitting Blacks harder just look at stats on Heyjackass. Whites hit much harder by China Flu. Yes China Flu my friends, the think by calling it COVID we will forget who gave this give to the world that has killed well over 1,000,000. Think about that when buying your next gift, if made in China on label put it back on shelf.

12/09/2020 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They’ll be suing big pharma like they did with Phillips Morris when the vax’dont fix the problem.

I believe those nation representative value figures are from 1970 and haven’t changed much since late 60’s War on Poverty (btw,poverty won).
But not only that, still today there’s a steady assortment of over grants continuously handed out willy-nilly over the decades (using different business names,llc’s,etc), even tax incentives and even tax forgiveness were also provided. Licensing and regulation often ignored. Take Larri’s groomer for instance, provided a city hall hur-cut on city time during the pandemic lockdown. No license, no taxes, no regulation, no W-2, 1099Misc, no IRS background check, etc.

Larri gave out more free Covid-money for nothing in “block grants” directly to community organizations, who basically pad their payroll first and very little goes out to community reinvestment...just like the old days. Besides the War on Poverty act, remember Urban Renewal? How about the Community Reinvestment Act? How about the early 2000’s when everyone could sell anyone a mortgage or small business loan.
I expect these commurnity grant funds Larri doled out to the tune of $50 mil and another $10 mil just for select small business will reap rewards come Spring 2021. Also another $35 mil went into housing rent and family services, that will also be a big boost next year too.

So let’s tally it up and send in an auditor. $800 mil deficit, Larri shoveled out $470 mil in Covid’s grants, somewhere around $30-50 mil in city general funds on hand, managed to almost double the budget deficit in less than 5 months (March-Aug) then calls for Taxpayers to foot the bill for $93 million more so she can spend on zip code specific prop-grams. Wait there’s more, an upcoming Fed relief CARES 2.0 is about to handout bailout money and Larri’s Tax Increase will remain.

Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, everyone is a authorized Covid’s Test provider business. I actually seen a “yard sign” on a street corner advertising a walk-in storefront. So there’s plenty of community opportunities out there to cash in, especially when you’re in on the scamdemic and friend to seed you some non-accountable coin.

12/09/2020 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All countries need to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in China!

12/09/2020 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any stats on how many black businesses were burned to the ground after Kamala Harris started encouraging the looters and sending bail money?

12/09/2020 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dems don't want Black owned business's to succeed , that way they will have to rely on the Government Titty.

12/09/2020 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can tell you why,democrats and so called Black community leaders have a vested interest in keeping Black people economically deprived and dependent on handouts
or proposed handouts by democrat politicians and so called Black spokesmen.

It's all about staying in power.

12/09/2020 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets keep the virus testing and fear going. Its been a windfall money maker for a controversial U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar’s (D-Mn) husband. Omar is a radical AOC squad democrat from Minnesota. Why declare a pandemic if you can’t make money from it. The democrat way. I would say is the American [politician’s] way, but she is so anti-American even after a Christian group relocated this Somali refugee from an impoverished nation to Minnesota giving her an opportunity to better herself.

Omar’s husband got a $635,000.00 U.S.C. coronavirus relief bailout package deal for his controversial firm. According to the New York Post: E Street Group LLC was given $134,800 this year as part of the Paycheck Protection Program; the firm was also given $500,000 in Economic Injury Disaster loans. E -Street is her political consultation firm paid by Congresswoman Omar’s campaign. Her husband is part owner in this firm.

Talk about an ethics violation on so many matters of interest. Leave it to democrats to fleece Americans and permanently disrupt their lives, their freedoms, their associations, their livelihoods. The same democrats claim themselves as virtuous and moral while firmly entrenched in drunken power. This is occurring while African-American businesses are closing due to the pandemic fabricated in Chinese laboratories and acted upon by government bureaucrats and democrats. Its all about the Benjamins, bro.

12/09/2020 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a black friend lose a business on the far northwest side. When they were handing out money to minority owned businesses he couldn’t get any of the money because there was also the caveat it had to be minority owned in a designated part of the city AKA the ghetto. His business was not in the ghetto, therefore he didn’t get the assistance. Business gone.

12/10/2020 10:17:00 AM  

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