Tuesday, September 05, 2023

UAW Demands

Can we get these negotiators?

  • A 46% pay raise. A 32-hour week with 40 hours of pay. A restoration of traditional pensions.

    The demands that a more combative United Auto Workers union has pressed on General Motors, Stellantis and Ford — demands that even the UAW's own president calls “audacious” — are edging it closer to a strike when its contract ends Sept. 14.

If we can't them to negotiate, maybe we can get what they're smoking?

The pure audacity of these demands is amazing. 

Forty hours pay for thirty-two hours working? Who do they think they are, CPD exempts? The spouses of CPD exempts? The pincushions of CPD exempts?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

the UAW is a great union... great at getting their members unemployed and even better at getting the automakers to move operations out of the country.

9/05/2023 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They want what does CTU has.

9/05/2023 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last paragraph of the story:
"Katz predicts a settlement short of UPS numbers, possibly with 3% general pay raises plus cost-of-living adjustments, increased company contributions to 401(k) accounts for newer workers and faster transitions to top pay."

I don't think they are going to come anywhere close to a new contract like the Headline. If they do? The already terribly mismanaged and stupidly woke Big 3 will be bankrupted before their next contract. Any union workers that are going to hold out for that will be holding out til hell freezes over.

The union workers would be better off demanding not only full Cost of Living, but 150% of the COLA (and setting for 120%), with the wage COLA reset twice per year. Maybe even trade a percent or two of a wage increase for more COLA.

9/05/2023 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's that Screen Actors Guild strike coming along?
Are the Writers still on strike too?

9/05/2023 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

46% pay raise. = Barely keeping pace with bidenomics, the continuation of the obamanation economy.

32-hour week with 40 hours of pay. = 4, count them, 8 hour working days + 1 x 8 hour day to socialize with co workers.

A more productive pattern than most government workers provide to the taxpayers who pony up involuntarily.

9/05/2023 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly Communists.

9/05/2023 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The leftists are in gull control of unions

9/05/2023 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the UAW wants to kill the domestic union made car market all together.

9/05/2023 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask for the stars, and accept a little green cheese from the moon.

9/05/2023 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of exempts, article from last year that’s always a reminder of the politically driven POC SJW agenda at cpd


9/05/2023 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GM, Ford, Stellantis, and the UAW all eagerly fell in line with the regime’s EV push which will destroy personal transportation. They were actually making some very good cars until recently, which is a shame.
The 3 companies are essentially classic state directed corporate, fascist entities.
The UAW clowns are scheduled to lose lots of jobs when the internal combustion engine is mandated away, yet they supported this.
The Big 3 need to be bankrupted and the UAW busted out. They are helping to destroy the country I love.
I’ve bought nothing but GM products during my entire life, but I’m done. Next vehicle will be a Toyota or Hyundai built by non-UAW labor in red state America.
We may not be able to win rigged elections, but we can commit economic vandalism against our enemies.

9/05/2023 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I bought a Toyota Highlander that was made in Princeton, Indiana!
The cars the supposed big three make now are crap!
Remember people it is a global economy now and there is no such thing as a 100% American built car anymore!
A lot of Ford and GM vehicles are built in Mexico of all places.
So save the buy American crap, this is not the 1970's!
Parts come from all over the world to the states like Indiana to the Toyota Factory employing over 7,000 American workers!

9/05/2023 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carter shut down high paying steel mills and factory jobs obama shut down high paying fossil energy jobs power plants drilling numerous factory jobs with regulations stopped making trucks,suv, shipped remainder of the jobs to China Mexico etc destroyed law enforcement jobs to many to list and this idiot we have now is ruining the entire counrty. Keep voting for these democRATs

9/05/2023 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I bought a Toyota Highlander that was made in Princeton, Indiana!
The cars the supposed big three make now are crap!
Remember people it is a global economy now and there is no such thing as a 100% American built car anymore!
A lot of Ford and GM vehicles are built in Mexico of all places.
So save the buy American crap, this is not the 1970's!
Parts come from all over the world to the states like Indiana to the Toyota Factory employing over 7,000 American workers!

9/05/2023 06:54:00 AM
The top vehicle most American content is the Jeep Wrangler!

9/05/2023 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"GM, Ford, Stellantis, and the UAW all eagerly fell in line with the regime’s EV push which will destroy personal transportation. They were actually making some very good cars until recently, which is a shame.
The 3 companies are essentially classic state directed corporate, fascist entities."

The big brains in the auto think they're going to increase vehicle sales when everyone has to buy electric vehicles. After all, the batteries wear out after 5-10 years, and a battery replacement will cost almost as much as a new vehicle. Who will want a 10 year old car with a new battery? Not many people.

Will everyone just buy a new EV? Only those who can afford a new EV. When energy costs drive up the cost of everything? Not just heating and cooling, but food, clothing, and services? Not many will be able to afford a vehicle of any kind.

How many new EV will be made each year? Not as many as any cars we used to make. And most will be foreign made.

9/05/2023 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

32 hours a week is double what some of the sgt's in special units used to work

9/05/2023 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeep Wrangler. Made in USA. Corporate profits stay in USA. USA taxpaying company.

A Japanese car company that makes a car in a red state is not the answer.

Support America..... we do not want citizens to call Japanese police on vacation in Indiana to respond to their emergency in America.

Flipping the script causes people to wake up.

Buy American.

9/05/2023 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FWIW, Ford's Escape, Edge & Transir Connect are electric next year.
First, they got rid of cars, now this!
I'm not leaving Ford. Ford left me!

One might remember..
Well, they got that! Their PLAN-demic had everyone getting government money, thus businesses now were going from minimum to $10, $11, $13, and poof(!) $15 an hour!

They got what they wanted. . . and the inflation they wanted.
Now these intellectual idiots can't afford to live. HELLO!

9/05/2023 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats what real unions do in negotiations, thats why the fop is really just FLOP, totally useless for the last 30 years I have seen them in action.

9/05/2023 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the people who think their union will get them great pay and benefits haven't woken up yet that the union leaders only improve their own lives. There's a reason why all foreign car companies with plants in the U.S. are non-union. It's because both the company and the employees want it that way. When "the big three" move all their production out of the U.S., the union leaders will still be rich and the union members on welfare.

9/05/2023 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the UAW wants to kill the domestic union made car market all together.

Not exactly.
One of the major objectives of the electric vehicle movement is to destroy the United Auto Workers union, one of the most powerful. Industrial unions raise the floor for all workers. Biden and his puppeteers at CCP are dedicated to the total destruction of the middle class.

9/05/2023 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow…short memories at the UAW. These companies filed bankruptcy and required govt bailout not so long ago.

9/05/2023 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carter shut down high paying steel mills and factory jobs obama shut down high paying fossil energy jobs power plants drilling numerous factory jobs with regulations stopped making trucks,suv, shipped remainder of the jobs to China Mexico etc destroyed law enforcement jobs to many to list and this idiot we have now is ruining the entire counrty. Keep voting for these democRATs

9/05/2023 06:55:00 AM

You left out wouldn't be prudent bush sr and new world order bush jr

And blow job billy

Back to back to back to back to back to back, with Reagan and Trump the only bright stars

And even Reagan cock blocked by the rino scum branch of the uniparty pimples


The last 50+ years have been a clusterfucking of the Republic

Last chance is Trump

9/05/2023 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well just like the union brothers over at Yellow freight.

9/05/2023 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CTU members.....

9/05/2023 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

46% pay raise? They are going to need it since most of them will be unemployed in 4 years.

9/05/2023 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most would settle for residency.

9/05/2023 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP can’t even negotiate getting rid of using .5 CU on a BFD day. How many years has it been ? Most of the department is on a 4/2 schedule. Close to $2k in a 10 year period we have to pay to use 4 BFD days/year. SMH

9/05/2023 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready to pay $99,000 for a Chevy Aveo that won't make past 100,000 miles!

9/05/2023 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had Chrysler 300s for years. It saddens me that I can nolonger lease a cheaper full size sedan.

9/05/2023 01:19:00 PM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...


9/05/2023 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their use has been unnecessary for decades now. US auto makers cannot afford to compete with their counterparts who are not unionized. Unions are destroying the economy and, I suspect, shall soon put the US auto industry out of work! F*** the UAW! My next car will NOT be union made.

9/05/2023 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeep Wrangler. Made in USA. Corporate profits stay in USA. USA taxpaying company.

A Japanese car company that makes a car in a red state is not the answer.

Support America..... we do not want citizens to call Japanese police on vacation in Indiana to respond to their emergency in America.

Flipping the script causes people to wake up.

Buy American.

Fuck buying American. Shit falls apart after the warranty runs out.

9/05/2023 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union showing it's delusion and greed!
They want top notch pay for lousy skills and work ethic, evident of their low quality products!

Higher pay doesn't mean better products anf quality.

The $15 / hour-demanding low skill and "no English" McDonald's employees can't even get a simple order right.

9/05/2023 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tough to get certain parts for American made cars but if you need something for a Toyota you’ll probably have it that day something very wrong with this picture

9/05/2023 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well its a negotiation. They won't get the 32 hour week, but something else good. All depends on how bad GM needs cars built. If they are going to fight it, while every other manufacturer is importing cars, EV's, SUV's they will be losing a fortune.

9/05/2023 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Just a gurl said...

32-hour week with 40 hours of pay. = 4, count them, 8 hour working days + 1 x 8 hour day to socialize with co workers

I was in banking industry before the job and since we were closed Wednesday:) and only open half a day on Saturday:)) we worked like 34 1/2 hrs a week how I mis mother amro! So they might split it were some get a day off during the week and work half day on Saturday

9/05/2023 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeep Wrangler. Made in USA. Corporate profits stay in USA. USA taxpaying company.
A Japanese car company that makes a car in a red state is not the answer.

Support America..... we do not want citizens to call Japanese police on vacation in Indiana to respond to their emergency in America.

Flipping the script causes people to wake up.
Buy American.

9/05/2023 08:23:00 AM

According to the 2023 American made index Tesla occupies the first 4 spots in the top 10. Then its, the Honda Passport, VW id4, Honda Odessy, Acura MDX, Honda Ridgeline and Acura RDX. Honda Accord and Toyota Tundra rounded out the top 12. It's not like it was back in the day. The only Buick made in the USA is the Enclave; the Encore GX and Envision are produced in China and South Korea. https://www.cars.com/articles/2023-cars-com-american-made-index-what-about-the-least-american-cars-467588/

9/05/2023 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Austin lifer said...

Kennedy's daddy made sure he never worked more than 20 hour weeks. First phone call after the academy got him to 024 and that soft spot was the hardest job he's ever had. One spot after another. Now he is a chief in Northlake from daddy's connections and still isn't working more than 20 hour weeks. I hear the worst fight he had in his career was with the ex wife.

9/05/2023 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I guess the UAW wants to kill the domestic union made car market all together.

Not exactly.
One of the major objectives of the electric vehicle movement is to destroy the United Auto Workers union, one of the most powerful. Industrial unions raise the floor for all workers. Biden and his puppeteers at CCP are dedicated to the total destruction of the middle class.

9/05/2023 09:18:00 AM

WHAT? "Scranton Joe" is a middle-class hardworking American who supports unions. Remember to keep voting Democrat. They will fix America after DJT screwed it up with his economic policies that benefitted every race, sex and gender. His stupid global policies that made NATO pay it's fair share. His foreign policy that brought about the Abraham Accords.

Hey Scraton Joe, don't build back better, just build back to the way it used to be.

9/05/2023 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say: "Made in Mexico"?

Be careful what you ask for.

9/06/2023 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only profit being made on Jeep products is in the repair shops. Worst overall repair ratings. But those fat tire gas guzzling brute look cool, someone with small brain thinks.

9/06/2023 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck buying American. Shit falls apart after the warranty runs out.

9/05/2023 04:01:00 PM


You actually bought a warranty on your shit and your shit didn't start falling apart until after said warranty expired?

(This question presumes your shit is Made in America.)

Are you pissed off because you have to put back together your fallen apart shit all by your widdle selfie?

9/06/2023 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UAW is destroying America. I won't buy another American built car ever again. GM does not stand by their products. My new car in 2020 has defects and I wrote GM 2 letters....no reply. Multiple phone calls, no reply. F*** 'em. They can go without work/jobs and their employers can go broke. NO MORE BAILOUTS for automakers!

9/06/2023 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck buying American. Shit falls apart after the warranty runs out.

9/05/2023 04:01:00 PM


You actually bought a warranty on your shit and your shit didn't start falling apart until after said warranty expired?

(This question presumes your shit is Made in America.)

Are you pissed off because you have to put back together your fallen apart shit all by your widdle selfie?

9/06/2023 08:58:00 AM

Found the guy that never bought a new car before!!!

9/09/2023 07:20:00 PM  

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