Sunday, September 03, 2023

Next Year Furlo

The rumor mill has kicked into high gear pertaining to the DNC:

  • Get ready boys and girls. The department is looking to suspend 8B and 9A furloughs in 2024 for the DNC.

Didn't they restrict furloughs for the NATO summit a few years ago? We remember 2nd Watch was downtown for the protest march while 1st and 3rd watches remained in the Districts.

Operationally, we don't know that the City is prohibited from doing this as long as they grant more segments in the unaffected police periods. It's a pre-planned event and the event will require an all-hands-on-deck approach. We did it for the 1996 Convention, we did it for the WTO meeting, we did it for NATO. To a lesser extent, we even did it for the Cubs, and that pretty poorly run because no one knew if the Cubs would complete the run or get eliminated at some point.

It's what the job requires.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

IDGAF because I’ll be retired. Fuck this place.

9/03/2023 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why 8B ?
The idiot convention doesn’t start til 19 August….
The Dept is a joke

9/03/2023 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big event like this, sure. Ok. It happens. It’s the job. However, you pile this on monthly cancelled days off for no fucking reason (tiered), every holiday cancelled days off or the threat of, cashless bail law takin effect, the pension in the toilet, and to top it off, a new supe whose career thrived under Brown/Carter/lightfoot believing it’s a good idea to fire up the old inspection division again. I’m thinking that recurring iod might flare up next year.

9/03/2023 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel for you. I worked for the electric utility that had BOTH the Denver and Minneapolis RNC and DNC Conventions in their territories in one year.

Almost all our transmission and substation maintenance was canceled for a month before each convention, and our people were stationed in our facilities 24/7 before, during, and after the convention. There was a whole bunch of other stuff that we were not privy to also. I can't imagine what all the police were doing.

9/03/2023 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol. Who fucking cares about furloughs?
Good luck all.
Hope you are prepared to do what you have to do to survive. That includes things I can't say out loud.

9/03/2023 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For as much griping as we do, I appreciate the measured response here. There’s plenty to complain a lot, but sometimes the Jobs’s the job.

9/03/2023 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could be worse! You could be the police for the Republican Convention.

9/03/2023 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Too old for this shit said...

Umm. This is a stupid rumor that should be dispelled completely. The DNC convention is 3 days. Stop being stupid.

9/03/2023 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Walter Payton said...

At least we know the Dems will see fit to get rid of the Migrants by then. Where will they go? That's gonna be quite the dilemma 😃

9/03/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unpopular Democrat President, unpopular war, and all kinds of racial unrest.

I remember 1968.

9/03/2023 01:02:00 AM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

“It's what the job requires.“


But the pussies on the job today will be curled up in the fetal position, sucking their thumbs and crying hysterically that their furlough segment had to be adjusted and their days off were cancelled.

Barely any of these prima donnas were on the job when we still went around with the watch. And I guarantee none of them were around when we didn’t get paid for going to court and our comp time went back to zero each year.

There ain’t too many places you crybabies can go and make as much as you do for doing as little as you do. So when it’s time to suck it up and work a few extra days or change your furlough, put on your big girl panties and do what’s required of you.

The Entitlement Generation has driven the final stake through the heart of a once noble profession.


9/03/2023 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat party convention in democrat party dictatorship city.

What could possibly be the need for law enforcers?

After all, the democrats' common creed is unity of purpose, isn't it?

The democrats are all together now, just like those 7 dwarves, correctomundo?

The democrats are always all on the same page, same book, same values, same, why everything!

Why, how could there be even the suggestion of requiring more than a pittance of police presence, if any at all?

9/03/2023 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can we donate our slightly used Kale lights and batons, asking for a friend...

9/03/2023 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not understand the worries about the dnc.
All the hippies, antifa, and blm are lock-step in toe with the democrats now…. Any of the trouble makers will be smiling and holding hands at the dnc, as they announce biden, or what other puppet they install to be nominee.
Plus i doubt there will even be an actual convention, when the covid lock-downs return

9/03/2023 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna let the alderman know that our block party will have all white people attending so therefore we will require extra police protection !!!!!!

9/03/2023 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope never.

9/03/2023 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, the DNC is only a few days long, why cancelling 9a? Plus im sure these gold star idiots will be cancelling all days off as well.

9/03/2023 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ISP sent their folks an email stating the days during DNC are locked, meaning no additional time off is granted. If I recall, my buddy said it was only until they had their allotment of folks working it? No clue, but buckle up and be safe.

9/03/2023 07:49:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

Snow skiing is fun.

9/03/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many people are going to bail out with retirement just before the convention?

9/03/2023 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel a blue flu coming on! I'll just hit the medical!

9/03/2023 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Too old for this shit said...
Umm. This is a stupid rumor that should be dispelled completely. The DNC convention is 3 days. Stop being stupid.

9/03/2023 12:51:00 AM


9/03/2023 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Wise Man said...

Well said my friend.

9/03/2023 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why put up with it? You all have the option to transfer to some other city or preferably state. Leave now before they enact the leaving city and state tax. Most if not all transfers to any other dept are lateral. Or stays d continue to be abused and miserable. Your choice.

9/03/2023 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


But the pussies on the job today will be curled up in the fetal position, sucking their thumbs and crying hysterically that their furlough segment had to be adjusted and their days off were cancelled.

Barely any of these prima donnas were on the job when we still went around with the watch. And I guarantee none of them were around when we didn’t get paid for going to court and our comp time went back to zero each year.

There ain’t too many places you crybabies can go and make as much as you do for doing as little as you do. So when it’s time to suck it up and work a few extra days or change your furlough, put on your big girl panties and do what’s required of you.

The Entitlement Generation has driven the final stake through the heart of a once noble profession.


So because I didn’t rotate watches I’m a pussy? Well you know what I’m sure there was a guy that had a whistle, call box key and a baton that thought you needed to put on your big girl pants because you rode around in a a car with a radio. Pound sand dork

9/03/2023 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quoting a certain PO who used to be in 009…

9/03/2023 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6PapaBoner9 man are you an idiot. It still takes quite a few years to touch summer furloughs in most places on this department. So some of those cry babies are the ones with 20 years on. Check your math...oh wait you only needed a high diploma to get on back when you got on and we all know how CPS schools teach so nevermind have someone else check the math for you.

9/03/2023 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....put on your big girl panties.....

9/03/2023 01:19:00 AM

Oh, Grampa, you are such a boomer! These days, most don't wear them, but the ones that do sell them on the internet!

9/03/2023 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I remember 1968", so does Pepperidge Farm.

9/03/2023 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have to keep finding more reasons to cancel days off and restrict time. Nobody wants the job and they can't give those badges away if they tried. The DNC is another perfect excuse to keep more POs on the street, whether it is intended for the convention or just putting more officers on the street in the ghetto. Don't really see the reason for cancelling furloughs for the DNC in the penultimate corrupt democrat stronghold that is Chicago -- it should be pure progressive love fest for all these vermin. Well, like I said -- it's just another "excuse" to make it look like there's more POs on the street. The "excuse" list has gradually increased over the years. When I started the job there were only 2 days that I knew I couldn't request off -- New Years and 4th of July, and even then you actually got those days off if they fell on your RDO. By the time I retired they were cancelling weekends anytime the mercury rose above 70 deg. I love how the geniuses running the city answer to everything is throwing more police at a population who do nothing but hate the police.

9/03/2023 09:44:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Remember your wrist rocket slingshots. They work quite well against ANTIFA protester types.

9/03/2023 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m retiring before so I couldn’t care less!

Retention money to keep me?

$25,000 paid on the 7th of September and it has to be put in the contract.


I’ll be enjoying retirement in a state far far away from Chicago!

9/03/2023 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Joe Biden is a disgrace said...

Bigger question I have right now is why in the hell are they canceling both RDOs for Mexican Independence?
Do they anticipate mass rioting from our special visitors living in our lobbies?
What am I missing here?

9/03/2023 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What could possibly go wrong? All the protesters are Dem affiliated. OR maybe Brandon is concerned that his
“Don’t call them a mob” people’s are gonna be having field days throughout Chicagoland at every retail store,
Carjacking and robbing gone amok, whilst the CPD is busy coddling the Dems?? Just asking for a friend.

9/03/2023 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DNC. The coronation of Moochelle.

9/03/2023 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There ain’t too many places you crybabies can go and make as much as you do for doing as little as you do. So when it’s time to suck it up and work a few extra days or change your furlough, put on your big girl panties and do what’s required of you.

The Entitlement Generation has driven the final stake through the heart of a once noble profession.


9/03/2023 01:19:00 AM

What more can we expect from the ME ME ME, selfie taking generation. Growing up with everyone getting a trophy has consequences.

9/03/2023 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll be retired by then…God willing

9/03/2023 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare the in service training asks how many black friends you have to the whole class.

Ask the community how many white friends they have.

It isn't done....get the point.

9/03/2023 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We own 50% of this crap for not sticking together.

9/03/2023 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol. Who fucking cares about furloughs?
Good luck all.
Hope you are prepared to do what you have to do to survive. That includes things I can't say out loud.

9/03/2023 12:45:00 AM

Your post is eye opening.
Especially since it is time stamped 12:45 and President 45 is what this whole collapse is centering on.

The NWO will not allow Trump to be President again.
There will be 100 million people that vote for him but the tabulation will still show that the Democratic candidate whether it's Newsom, BJ, Lets go Brandon, Kennedy, or otherwise will be installed.

Our enemies will in orchestrated attack destroy us. The LGBTQAI+ military, Illegial aliens, gang bangers, VAXXED, and progressive left will be rounded up and killed by the marxist/communist conquerors.


9/03/2023 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy treats Niles police like fucking shit then says his wife is a CPD Sargent

What an asshole

9/03/2023 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Unpopular Democrat President, unpopular war, and all kinds of racial unrest.

I remember 1968.

9/03/2023 01:02:00 AM

There will be no issues with the DNC in Chicago. The American hating socialists/fascists will be celebrating with their fascists leaders in Chicago. They are all one and the media will be all smiles for the event.

9/03/2023 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm looking to suspend the Chicago Police dept. permanently and move out of state with my pension monies!
Here is a tip go Predators!

9/03/2023 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/03/2023 01:19:00 AM
Definitely the truth, this generation is something else big pay little work! They don't even take care of where they live,for example live west end 008 on beat 811/812 talked to a couple of young coppers asked them why they don't do traffic stops after seeing a tahoe blazing quickly through the stop signs in front of these goofs! The reply was " we cannot do anything!" I walked away wtf are you scared? frightened? We all know the job has changed well we get it, but you still must do the job! With good people leaving and section 8 and other shit moving in, boys and girls understand the city will NOT change residency, your stuck here. You are cowards as your raising your family here and don't even take care of the area you live, like was done by the "real police!" in times past. Your driving around like the gang bangers deep tinted windows, plates covered up, no city stickers, expired plates! Your the same generation where 2 uniforms don't match and crying that inspectors are finally back writing you up. You joined a semi-military organization, if people do not feel safe they leave why not do the job your extremely well paid to do? With that "kollege" degree your only qualified to maybe work as a hamburger maker, newspaper delivery people face it!

If your scared resign, maybe the illegals when they take the job will do the job and not cry like babies!

9/03/2023 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the pussies on the job today will be curled up in the fetal position, sucking their thumbs and crying hysterically that their furlough segment had to be adjusted and their days off were cancelled.

Relax gramps. You and Biden can relive the good old days when you were busting speakeasies during prohibition, but the rest of us are here for the benefits. They don’t want us to be the police, so why should we care that 5 generations ago you guys were too stupid to demand pay for court? It’s a different job now, all we have is each other. You didn’t have the constant days off cancelled when you retired 30 years ago. So please, remember to have the nurse cut your steak small enough for you to chew.

9/03/2023 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/02/2023 12:07:00 AM

LMFAO. I feel the same.

9/03/2023 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t we get duty Availability checks? Why all the crying?

9/03/2023 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They turn the violence on and off like a switch and republicans are too busy working to riot so there won’t be any problems. See how they shut down any protests when JVD got out of jail. If it don’t sell they won’t do it.

9/03/2023 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 words.
Pay me B*itch.

9/03/2023 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

T he term "police riot" was popularized after its use in the Walker Report, which investigated the events surrounding the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago to describe the "unrestrained and indiscriminate" violence that Chicago Police Department officers "inflicted upon persons who had broken no law, disobeyed no order, made no threat."

Maybe this time?!?! The Chicago Police Department should just de-escalate the situation by staying away? Allow the fine Democrat citizens of the Democrat Party to peacefully work out their political policy differences free from the threat of violence from the overbearing presence reactionary state actors, and allow the true Democrat beauty of BLM and Antifa to flower at the DNC Convention. Use the same hands off tactics that have made Big Blue Democrat American Cities the shining example for the future that they are today.

Showcase the truly innovative policing brought to America by the Democrat Party.

9/03/2023 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previous Anonymous said...
Where can we donate our slightly used Kale lights and batons, asking for a friend...

Speaking of flashlights,I received an email from Mag Lite today ( that they’re offering 40% off this weekend only on a store wide sale of all their products.
Apply the code “MAG40” in the Gift or Coupon box when checking out.

Retired 30+

9/03/2023 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon is a Lib. Daley was a strong leader. When the DNC comes and a Lib is Mayor, the destruction and mayhem will be devastating.

9/03/2023 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

Responding to 04:36 AM : I do not understand the worries about the dnc…

That’s because you’re assuming the Democrats and their far-left politicians and activists don’t have evil intentions. They are so unhinged at this point anything is possible. Ask yourself…just why the hell would Democrats pick Chicago when Illinois is not a swing state? The CPD will be forced to protect a political party and delegates who absolutely despise us and could care less if we get shot, run over or blown apart. In their eyes we are expendable cannon fodder. The DNC has proven they are our enemy. So it would be wise to question their motives and assume the worst.

9/03/2023 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if everyone hit the medical?

9/03/2023 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well my friend works for Starbucks as a Barista and his union would not allow this to happen to them. We have such a weak union. I'm supposed to play volleyball those days.

9/03/2023 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

T he term "police riot" was popularized after its use in the Walker Report, which investigated the events surrounding the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago to describe the "unrestrained and indiscriminate" violence that Chicago Police Department officers "inflicted upon persons who had broken no law, disobeyed no order, made no threat."

I was so sad when he went to jail.

9/03/2023 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

since the overwhelming majority of the Democrats want to defund the police, the CPD should be day off with pay for the week before and during the convention.

9/03/2023 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be helpful to get a dozen bus loads of migrants to the DNC to lay around on the sidewalks for a nice visual. Mattresses, bags of shit, and big wheels.

9/03/2023 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There ain’t too many places you crybabies can go and make as much as you do for doing as little as you do. So when it’s time to suck it up and work a few extra days or change your furlough, put on your big girl panties and do what’s required of you.

The Entitlement Generation has driven the final stake through the heart of a once noble profession.


9/03/2023 01:19:00 AM

What more can we expect from the ME ME ME, selfie taking generation. Growing up with everyone getting a trophy has consequences.

9/03/2023 10:28:00 AM

Well said, gents. I wouldn’t trust 99% of the strokes on the job today with washing my car or cutting my lawn, let alone with my life on the job as my partner. They’re too busy making TikTok videos of themselves. Losers.

9/03/2023 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Furlo my balls!

9/03/2023 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blow me. M-E-D-I-C-A-L

9/03/2023 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just go on the medical fuck this city!

9/03/2023 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's really not that difficult:


DO NOT put yourself through the pain and aggravation.
Do 5 to 10 days medical, go to Immediate Care and get a 'return to work note' stating that your Flu/Mirage headaches/diarrhea/excessive Jock-itch is over.

The city/Mayor and Governor signed you up for this.
FUCK their communist asses.

9/03/2023 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Umm. This is a stupid rumor that should be dispelled completely. The DNC convention is 3 days. Stop being stupid.”

Umm. It’s 4 days. Stop being stupid.

9/03/2023 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t care I work the desk and always get hooked up

Monroe Ranger TCB!

9/03/2023 10:28:00 PM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Medical baby!

9/03/2023 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must've slept the entire weekend away last year when a certain demographic took over downtown "celebrating" their heritage

9/03/2023 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NWO will not allow Trump to be President again.
There will be 100 million people that vote for him but the tabulation will still show that the Democratic candidate whether it's Newsom, BJ, Lets go Brandon, Kennedy, or otherwise will be installed.

Our enemies will in orchestrated attack destroy us. The LGBTQAI+ military, Illegial aliens, gang bangers, VAXXED, and progressive left will be rounded up and killed by the marxist/communist conquerors.


9/03/2023 10:52:00 AM

You're right they will cheat again. Trump will lose no matter how many votes he really would get. They are trying to keep him off the ballot.

Things will never be like it used to be. America certainly has had it's problems and there have been corrupt slimy politicians but you at least knew what country you were in. Europe too is gone. When they cheated so well before and got away with it, why not. I still see idiots wearing masks around the country. Amazing.

But you are wrong that it might be Kennedy as the DNC hates him about as much as Trump. He wants to shake things up and make changes, calls out the liars and the corrupt. Look how little attention the MSM gives him and he is RFK Jr.. They won't give him secret service protection. He wants peace and people to find common ground, but the DNC wants to destroy. And there is no common ground with the far left lunatics ruining our schools and cities. Imagine Biden debating anyone, even a bright 5 year old child. He's always been a creepy dolt.

9/04/2023 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am taking a 1B thru 13B next year, as I will be in a RED state watching the destruction and mayhem created by Brandons kids. After 30 years its farewell to this demorat run city.

9/04/2023 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely the truth, this generation is something else big pay little work! They don't even take care of where they live,for example live west end 008 on beat 811/812 talked to a couple of young coppers asked them why they don't do traffic stops after seeing a tahoe blazing quickly through the stop signs in front of these goofs! The reply was " we cannot do anything!" I walked away wtf are you scared? frightened? We all know the job has changed well we get it, but you still must do the job! With good people leaving and section 8 and other shit moving in, boys and girls understand the city will NOT change residency, your stuck here. You are cowards as your raising your family here and don't even take care of the area you live, like was done by the "real police!" in times past. Your driving around like the gang bangers deep tinted windows, plates covered up, no city stickers, expired plates! Your the same generation where 2 uniforms don't match and crying that inspectors are finally back writing you up. You joined a semi-military organization, if people do not feel safe they leave why not do the job your extremely well paid to do? With that "kollege" degree your only qualified to maybe work as a hamburger maker, newspaper delivery people face it!

Low IQ officer right here, stfu

9/04/2023 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Old School said...

So because I didn’t rotate watches I’m a pussy? Well you know what I’m sure there was a guy that had a whistle, call box key and a baton that thought you needed to put on your big girl pants because you rode around in a a car with a radio. Pound sand dork

9/03/2023 09:16:00 AM

It’s called technological advances, asshole. Were you even on the job yet when ALL of our reports were paper? ONE (maybe 2) inventory BOOKS for the whole district. Criminal Histories FAXED to the desk from Ident and you were responsible to call in the morning to see if your arrestee cleared for felony court etc etc. I can go on for days citing things to support my comment that you’re a PUSSY.

Your statement makes absolutely ZERO sense. Every generation of police had to suck it up and have their schedules altered in some capacity. The difference? Us old timers didn’t cry like BITCHES every time we got stuck a few hours OT or had days off cancelled. We adapted - LIKE MEN and WOMEN do. You little pussies have a meltdown when someone beats you to “your” car and you get stuck in a pool vehicle.

9/04/2023 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I feel a blue flu coming on! I'll just hit the medical!

9/03/2023 08:41:00 AM

Spoken like a true COWARD. You get paid duty availability, so shut the fuck up and report when and where your employer tells you to. Are there ANY men left on this job? Or just wannabes? CPD = Pretend Police.

9/04/2023 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Medical I’ll be in my pool.

9/04/2023 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make your phone calls now!! Dont have one? Tough shyte.

9/04/2023 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The NWO will not allow Trump to be President again.
There will be 100 million people that vote for him but the tabulation will still show that the Democratic candidate whether it's Newsom, BJ, Lets go Brandon, Kennedy, or otherwise will be installed.

Our enemies will in orchestrated attack destroy us. The LGBTQAI+ military, Illegial aliens, gang bangers, VAXXED, and progressive left will be rounded up and killed by the marxist/communist conquerors.


9/03/2023 10:52:00 AM

You're right they will cheat again. Trump will lose no matter how many votes he really would get. They are trying to keep him off the ballot.

Things will never be like it used to be. America certainly has had it's problems and there have been corrupt slimy politicians but you at least knew what country you were in. Europe too is gone. When they cheated so well before and got away with it, why not. I still see idiots wearing masks around the country. Amazing.

But you are wrong that it might be Kennedy as the DNC hates him about as much as Trump. He wants to shake things up and make changes, calls out the liars and the corrupt. Look how little attention the MSM gives him and he is RFK Jr.. They won't give him secret service protection. He wants peace and people to find common ground, but the DNC wants to destroy. And there is no common ground with the far left lunatics ruining our schools and cities. Imagine Biden debating anyone, even a bright 5 year old child. He's always been a creepy dolt.

9/04/2023 12:34:00 AM

Georgia, where Trump and his posse has been indicted as we all know, had 1.3 Million mail in ballots. Georgia law only requires a signature (some states require sig + witness, or sig + ID). I am pretty sure there was some huge deference in regards to whether the signatures matched. Hell, how cold even a huge group of people really check 1.3M signatures? Georgia rejected like .36% of the mail in ballots. States that require signature + ID reject like 4%.

We have set ourselves up to fail.

9/04/2023 09:50:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

"...Here's a tip. Go Predators..."

When you get down there, please let me know if there are still thirteen hundred and fifty two guitar pickers in Nashville.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/04/2023 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you get both days cancelled for Mexican Independence work the days make your money & when you come in on your regular next day go to the front office & start filing grievances. I believe this all went to arbitration & they can cancel both RDO for Memorial Day, Fathers Day, July 4th, Labor Day, thanksgiving & New Years.. Don’t hit the medical do your duty and then go file a grievance but first contact FOP and see if they are filing one for the whole Dept first.

9/04/2023 10:11:00 AM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I feel a blue flu coming on! I'll just hit the medical!

9/03/2023 08:41:00 AM

Spoken like a true COWARD. You get paid duty availability, so shut the fuck up and report when and where your employer tells you to. Are there ANY men left on this job? Or just wannabes? CPD = Pretend Police.

9/04/2023 08:08:00 AM

I'm with your brother. As of the DNC I will be within 5 months till retirement, do you think I'm going to work that shit show and possibly have something jeopardize my retirement plans? You young bucks can handle it, I did my time and won't let anything stop me from cashing that pension check. As far as that duty availability the city can keep it as long as I can keep my RDO and never work unwanted OT.

9/04/2023 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing is gonna happen!! All the protest groups are controlled by the dnc.
God help milwaukee PD, that is were the trouble will be.

9/04/2023 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine Biden debating anyone, even a bright 5 year old child. He's always been a creepy dolt.

9/04/2023 12:34:00 AM

"At least Biden does not mean tweet" as said by millions of democrat voters justifying their vote for an addled, incompetent creep. A-holes, every one of them.

9/04/2023 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if everyone hit the medical?

9/03/2023 05:07:00 PM

Now Lt. Yvette Wooten did it during NATO and it didn't set her meritorious career back one bit. Go ahead.

9/04/2023 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This guy treats Niles police like fucking shit then says his wife is a CPD Sargent

What an asshole

9/03/2023 10:57:00 AM

This guy lives in the 3900 block of Nottingham and he certainly lives with a CPD. How she can keep a gun at home with a convicted felon is beyond me. I'm guessing she has her gun with her, since she has a take home car.... Hey IAD....

9/04/2023 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember what this city was going to do if you didn’t get vaccinated idiots! Medical fuvk em!

9/04/2023 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/03/2023 10:52:00 AM,
9/04/2023 12:34:00 AM &
9/04/2023 09:50:00 AM,

If the democrats have it in the bag, then why are they persecuting President Donald John Trump? It seems they are really "scurred" of him!

9/04/2023 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comment section full of out of touch boomer coppers. Never dealt with half the shit/oversight we deal with now.

9/04/2023 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck getting an ET for crime scenes, they will all be down there videotaping.

9/05/2023 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger 011 2nd Watch DOG said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I feel a blue flu coming on! I'll just hit the medical!

9/03/2023 08:41:00 AM

Spoken like a true COWARD. You get paid duty availability, so shut the fuck up and report when and where your employer tells you to. Are there ANY men left on this job? Or just wannabes? CPD = Pretend Police.

9/04/2023 08:08:00 AM

I'm with your brother. As of the DNC I will be within 5 months till retirement, do you think I'm going to work that shit show and possibly have something jeopardize my retirement plans? You young bucks can handle it, I did my time and won't let anything stop me from cashing that pension check. As far as that duty availability the city can keep it as long as I can keep my RDO and never work unwanted OT.

9/04/2023 11:36:00 AM

Sorry man. P.O. Dyker was sloppy but justified when he retreated from a valid arrest at North Ave. beach when the female dog walker put up some resistence. But otherwise a completely lawful arrest. he was charged with felonies that would have resulted in him losing his pension. All for political reasons.

A guy with 30+ years wanna play Russian Roulette with this administration?

Fuck you and you're talk about the pretend police. It's a pretend states attorney that almost took the pension.

Good luck to you, hero.

And always remember, if you're legit, the bosses got your back!

See ya.

9/05/2023 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true COWARD. You get paid duty availability, so shut the fuck up and report when and where your employer tells you to. Are there ANY men left on this job? Or just wannabes? CPD = Pretend Police.

9/04/2023 08:08:00 AM

Anyone saying shit like this has been retired for quite some time or delusional. They want to keep fucking us any chance they get fuck this department and city. The days of being the “real police” came and went. They don’t want us being the “real police” anymore! Can’t wait till I retire and blow this shithole for greener pastures.

9/05/2023 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck getting an ET for crime scenes, they will all be down there videotaping.

9/05/2023 12:01:00 AM

Do you really care if they come to a crime scene or not? make notification and keep it moving. Who fucking cares if they ever come. Nobody is ever held accountable....evidence or not. waste of time

9/05/2023 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel a blue flu coming on! I'll just hit the medical!

9/03/2023 08:41:00 AM

You said it brother, except IOD sure smells better and get paid a lot of $$$$$$$. F@ck all these assclown bosses, they can go out there and show us how it's done. I'm gone, 2 more f@#&ng years of this shit show. What was once a great profession is now a f@#$ng job with so,so good benefits, and that is hitting the medical or IOD. For the rest of you bozo the clown coppers that are still hard core for the bosses blessings on activity in general, keep it up so I can relax. Because I don't care where they put me, been working the ghetto my entire 28 yrs....and kiss my A$$ for those that the shoe fits....Good Night....

9/05/2023 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What more can we expect from the ME ME ME, selfie taking generation. Growing up with everyone getting a trophy has consequences.

9/03/2023 10:28:00 AM

Man you hit it on the nail
Most coppers coming on the job today are nothing but what you just stated bro. They're more worried about what is going on in their social media apps than anything else. You can't even have a conversation with them because their to busy on the phone or taking selfies of themselves and posting it. I guess I'm stuck in the past....

9/05/2023 11:21:00 PM  

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