Friday, October 13, 2023

This Again?

Imagine if we held politicians to the same standards:

  • More than 100 Chicago police officers found to have a history of making false reports were not fired as a result of "structural failures" inside the department, according to a report by the city's Inspector General.

    Some of those officers instead have been promoted many times over.

    Members of the City Council Ethics Committee were briefed on that May report on Thursday.

    Many times the officers' infractions were expunged from records, which could open the city up to future liability if an officer with a false police report allegation is called to testify in court. It could put their judgment, the reputation of CPD, and the case being brought against a defendant into question.

    Inside CPD is what's called Rule 14, prohibiting officers from making a false report.

We covered this years ago. Whenever OPS then IPRA now COPA used to sustain a CR investigation, they automatically attached a Rule 14 violation to every sustained finding. Their argument was, "Since we found the Officer guilty, then he must have lied in his statements."

Which is bullshit. 

Let's say someone alleges that they got beaten by an Officer, and the Officer says he used physical force to detain/restrain the offender. The Monday Morning quarterback crew flies in and decides the Use of Force wasn't justified and issues a Sustained finding. The Officer admitted he used physical force, but he had a different interpretation of events. 

That isn't a Rule 14 violation. A lie would be, "I never touched him" and there's camera and eyewitness testimony to the contrary. A lie requires conscious decision to impede a finding, not an administrative asswipe claiming, "He must have lied or we wouldn't have found him guilty!"

And everyone knows a sustained finding sticks around for at least seven years. During those years, you can perform many police functions. But some are out of bounds like being the  Affiant on a Search Warrant. No, sorry, you aren't going to be spending time in certain investigatory units. You might be spending a lot of time in an office in front of a computer, but unemployment based on a crap investigation and an even crappier finding?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Members of the City Council Ethics Committee"

This is an Oxymoron staffed by actual Morons.

10/13/2023 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The politicians have come up with a clever way to cover their outright lies when caught. They use the catch phrase “misspoke “ or I don’t recall.

10/13/2023 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More recycled bullshit the media has nothing else to report on yet the city of Chicago announced they are building every week new locations for the illegal criminals pouring into this corruption filled city they’re not putting them anywhere else sticking them into the city of Chicago the shit hole of America! But then, again, when you have the weakest cowards, an elected office in the city from the mayor all the way down to the Alderman, they keep getting more and more of this because they’re scared week complete cowards what a disgrace as usual Democrats ruin everything

10/13/2023 07:27:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...


10/13/2023 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the records were “expunged” then how did the crack OIG staff come up with this list? Did they un-expunge the records?

10/13/2023 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The illegality of the OIG, COPA and the Police Board is open for all to see.

10/13/2023 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garbage Alders socialist mfs

10/13/2023 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are looking into old cases and catching officers right at the door of retirement. Rule 14 violations sticks. Keep your heads low guys and gals. They want your pension.

10/13/2023 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/13/2023 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, don't worry, COPA retains every video for some reason ... WELL beyond the required or mandated times (often regardless of the outcome, good or bad)

10/13/2023 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know if any of you younger guys have ever been to court and participated in a “Motion to Fix” or “Motion to Correct Error Hearing! Very humiliating for an officer when the State has to tell the court that they lied.

10/13/2023 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about getting rid of all the aldermen and women who have been caught lying? ???

10/13/2023 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that department.

10/13/2023 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The faker from the October 6 2016 Parta Huff incident was the queen of rule 14’s. It’s why she “medically retired”. She liked to lie on the job, off the job, to jam a guy up to save a guy from getting jammed up it was her m.o. If rule 14’s are found to be legitimate then by all means the officer needs to be punished as the case with V.M. but the line in the same should be clear and no good copper should be tagged for lazy interpretations of it.

10/13/2023 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More than 1,000 COVID relief loans went to city of Chicago employees — and many look fraudulent, watchdog says

Chicago Sun-Times|54 minutes ago

Inspector General Deborah Witzburg revealed only one disciplinary case so far — against a Streets and San laborer — but she said, "There are members of the police department included on the list that we are looking at.

10/13/2023 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as you're good to the good guys & bad to the bad guys, nobody should care (key word = "should"). But, if you're good to the bad guys & bad to the good guys (because that's what the DA wants & you don't want to be called a "racist"), then karma might bite you in the ass & rightfully so.

10/13/2023 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pay to Play kickbacks never end in the CPD. Pimped for Promotion again ? Oh well, too vad so sad.

10/13/2023 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) over here we have a real leader helping out Chicago and this country not like this pos jelly belly and moronic Brandon who encourages criminals to ruin everything here:

Gov. Greg Abbott Lines Texas-New Mexico Border With Razor Wire

10/13/2023 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical democrat M.O., accuse you of what they are actually doing.

10/14/2023 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to FOP for allowing the city blood suckers to not allow officers to review BWC after a battery to PO. So they can rule 14 officers when they don’t recall an elbow or knee strike. How many times did you hit the suspect? You said 3 and the video shows 12 strikes.. oops Officer rule 14..

10/15/2023 05:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thanks to FOP for allowing the city blood suckers to not allow officers to review BWC after a battery to PO. So they can rule 14 officers when they don’t recall an elbow or knee strike. How many times did you hit the suspect? You said 3 and the video shows 12 strikes.. oops Officer rule 14..

10/15/2023 05:49:00 AM

That's why God invented "I do not recall" as an answer.

10/16/2023 06:57:00 AM  

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