Thursday, February 01, 2024

City F#$%s Up Checks Again

A few checks ago, the city took union dues out of the Duty availability check. 

That isn't where union dues are supposed to come from. Someone apologized and said they'd fix it.

SURPRISE! Now they took union dues out of the uniform checks. 

Not only that, cut we've heard from a few people who said their most recent paychecks checks reflected one of two things:

  • $40 withheld in federal taxes, or
  • NO federal taxes withheld at all!

We don't know about you, but we've got a bunch of stuff on automatic payment. And unexpected swings in the paycheck affect that directly. And while we escaped the federal tax errors this time around, that's going to have to be accounted for somewhere down the line, so some other check is going to be shorted by waaaaay more than some people planned for.

It isn't difficult and not much changes check-to-check in a government job aside from Contract raises and seniority raises. Can we get someone with half-a-brain down to Finance to figure out what should be a system that's 95% automatic?

UPDATE:  This on top of a rumor that the City is about to renege on the 50 hour sell back portion of the Contract. They are just unilaterally going to (again) violate the Contract and dare the FOP to sue them.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

025 district thorn in the side of N 👁️P, had 250 in federal withholdings taken out of his uniform check.

2/01/2024 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when idiot flop president runs around telling everyone his version of the contract instead of the actual one that was agreed to.

2/01/2024 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck would the city insist on changing the payroll dates when they have no idea how to implement it?
The shit was working fine for over 30 years on the 1st and 16th.
They changed it for no actual reason and now every month there is some sort of issue.
If it’s that hard for them to manage, then just go back to the 1st and 16th.

It may come as a surprise to those fucks that can’t balance a checkbook down at finance, but some responsible adults balance their budgets and conduct expenses accordingly.
This bullshit of inconsistencies and irregularities with paychecks is unacceptable.

And furthermore, whose job is it to make sure this type of thing goes smoothly.
Is there some formal complaint that can be lodged?
I understand that incompetence is the flavor of the day in regards to the city.
However, these problems have been nonstop for months now. If the same person just continuously fucks it up repeatedly without consequence that’s an issue. There would be some kind of beef on this individual, and/or they should be replaced.

2/01/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet they implemented a new payroll system without many testing checks or balances. (Pun intended)

Or new tax rules and someone jabbed and royally jabbed payroll. Take your choice.

Hope it all gets sorted. I’d never ever do automatic pay from a paycheck. I’ve seen way too many unintended consequences.

You all have enough stress.


2/01/2024 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old school clouted employees are dead or retired.

The new school clouted are prone to considering their clout as immunity to having to do the fucking job.

Or even know how to do the fucking job.

If not this, then......


2/01/2024 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course he’s going to delay paying us our sellback time.

Because there is no recourse if he doesn’t.
It’s the same old song and dance.
The mayor does things that clearly violate the law/the contract, and by the time it makes its way through the court system- the mayor is long gone and never has to answer for his/her willfully wrong actions.

What motivation is there for him to pay us?
Absolutely zero. So why would he?

We’ll have an answer through the courts in like 18 months.
Hope you guys haven’t spent that money yet.

2/01/2024 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only happens to US….. have friends at CPS and CFD, who never have had a problem with a paycheck….

2/01/2024 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone is f*cking with you for no good reasons.

Does the CFD have the same problems?

2/01/2024 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conehead has to rob Peter to pay Paul to pay for the illegals. Everything demoRat politicians touches turns to shit, unless it directly benefits them, then everything smells like a rose and pocket are full. DemoRats benefit with future votes and increased census count, illegals benefit in every which way, including free healthcare, free meals, free shelter, free phone, free education, etc. So who doesn’t benefit? Why of course the police and taxpayers get fucked. It’d be interesting to learn if other city employees will be incurring shortages.

2/01/2024 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“UPDATE: This on top of a rumor that the City is about to renege on the 50 hour sell back portion of the Contract“

Yes they did. Another “win” that false prophet J-Kitty claimed was a done deal and of his own making. And then his ignorant ass gets on social media slamming people for questioning FLOPs role in fucking up the program. More and more, the Kittens mouth is writing checks that his ass can’t cash.

2/01/2024 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put in for the 50 hours and they've subtracted it already from my total comp time. We shall see.

2/01/2024 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DEI people are firmly in charge of city hall. Up is down and down is up, do not question these idiots or you might be branded a racist. This city has turned into the movie IDIOCRACY.

2/01/2024 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make NO mistake, it's no rumor. The city is NOT going to payout the 50po/100 fto sell back of CU
admin message forthcoming. Also, the union dues coming out of uniform allowance, over time checks is not going to stop any time soon. If you pay close attention you will notice that the whole "we didn't take out enough federal taxes " on this check is the reason why were taking out more taxes this time around is complete and utter BS!!. They are taking advantage of us full stop!

2/01/2024 03:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UPDATE: This on top of a rumor that the City is about to renege on the 50 hour sell back portion of the Contract. They are just unilaterally going to (again) violate the Contract and dare the FOP to sue them.

What do they have to lose but more tax payer money, they could give two shits...

2/01/2024 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who okayed changing our pay date in the first place. It seems to me once the date changed to the 7th and 22nd just about every check gets strewed up.

2/01/2024 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Just a Gurl said...

WTF is really going on?!?!

Is this by design to distract?

Is this by design to cause chaos?

Is this the workplace version of 'gaslighting' it is starting to feel like an abusive relationship. One party does something hurtful (f*ck'n wit person$ $$$) then said it was an accident/misunderstanding as they apologize. Then it happens again, and maybe it's something worse (now f*ckn with more money sellback hour$ and futureplans/promises- little johnnie, little Janie sorry, no trip to disney )

Question. What's 1 of things CP$ is actually good at teaching? Something they condone and display on a daily basis?
Ghett0 azz nonsense!
Think about that shit for a second. You got literally anytime working the street and being on a domestic or dealing with the dope boys or gang operations. Let that sink in and now relate that to the current top ranking city official(s) behavior and actions in relation to our recent treatment.

Now look at the top three lines. . .

2/01/2024 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PBPA unions didn’t get the 5% raise either. Another lawsuit right there. The “me-too” clause for wages is very clear in those contracts.

2/01/2024 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised? Look who is in charge look at the people they are hiring the DEI as the old saying goes they couldn’t find drugs in a drug store. They are that incompetent was talking to a lady who was a supervisor at 311 she just quit because they went from having over 100 people to 40 people and what they are hiring now they’re not coming to work their stay at home they’re getting paid then they come in to work overtime. Everything in the city when you have a Mayor when you have no leader ship, people that should not be in those positions. This is why all this happens oh, and Democrats ruin absolutely everything, and it is well proven!

2/01/2024 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's confirmed. Blue shirts can't sell hours back this year.

2/01/2024 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for Supreme Court decisions….

2/01/2024 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you worry that it may affect your automatic payment, you have a bigger problem than city shorting you few dollars

2/01/2024 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can’t even update the salary pay schedule. It took 6 months for them to update from the 2022 pay schedule and they only did the first 6 months of 2023! And they never posted the 2023 OT pay schedule. Useless

2/01/2024 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only tool we all have in the tool belt is your VOTE! If they don't cheat and steal again like in 2020 we have to have overwhelming vote totals to "beat the cheat," and win this country back it is rapidly deteriorating due to democrats bent on totally destroying this country!

2/01/2024 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke. Something that could be fixed with a $200 piece of software called Quick Books. But some clown is trying to do this all on their own working from home.

2/01/2024 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had 50 hours to sell

2/01/2024 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous I miss Rahm said...

It's all good. They are sending inspectors to roll calls to make sure we have no stubble

2/01/2024 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The administration under BJ could care less about you, your family and your financial wellbeing. Remember that every day you put on your uniform. By all means remember the administration and its foibles come Augst when the DNC comes to town.

2/01/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Call the Bambulance said...

I'm guessing we aren't getting that Retention Bonus either

2/01/2024 08:10:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Here's an idea. Stop expecting your employer to collect your union dues for the union. If you want to pay union dues, write a check and send it in.

2/01/2024 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! I’m sure a lot of people budgeted for having the extra 50 hours pay. Planned tuition payments around that. Booked a trip. Bought a car. How did this happen??? Who fucked this up?

2/01/2024 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you expect? Stupid fuckers run Chicago

2/01/2024 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called the FOP months ago about this and got berated on the phone for 20 minutes how we still get the same amount of money in the end which is not true. The union can care less

2/01/2024 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is this happening?

2/01/2024 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
“UPDATE: This on top of a rumor that the City is about to renege on the 50 hour sell back portion of the Contract“

Yes they did. Another “win” that false prophet J-Kitty claimed was a done deal and of his own making. And then his ignorant ass gets on social media slamming people for questioning FLOPs role in fucking up the program. More and more, the Kittens mouth is writing checks that his ass can’t cash.

2/01/2024 02:46:00 AM

How is this jcat's fault? You might hate the guy but at least blame the right party for the disaster.

2/01/2024 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentleman, Lets play ball...Dear Mayor, Wait until you see what your DNC is going to look like !!! Keep fucking with us.

2/01/2024 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This doesn't suprise me one bit when we have a mayor that can't even pay his bills.

2/01/2024 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to worry about. The City of Chicago has their top people working on this. They will get it straightened out in a snap. After all, the only way people get into those top jobs is because they are the most qualified and hardest working people available, right?

Back in reality, the City has been cutting checks to employees for a long time. It is not like this is some brand new program that has just been implemented. Yet, they still manage to screw up something so routine and simple, and no one is held accountable. But, everybody is supposed to pretend that the people running the show are not complete idiots. Things like this absolutely destroy morale.

2/01/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The migrant invasion is sucking the lifeblood (money) out of the city. The city is scrambling for cash. The Police Department is the biggest budget item/biggest pile of cash available. So of course the city is going to reach into that first.

Sounds like the city is pausing the buyback to stockpile cash for the convention.

2/01/2024 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are federal labor issues that they city will lose.

2/01/2024 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UPDATE: This on top of a rumor that the City is about to renege on the 50 hour sell back portion of the Contract“

Yes they did. Another “win” that false prophet J-Kitty claimed was a done deal and of his own making. And then his ignorant ass gets on social media slamming people for questioning FLOPs role in fucking up the program. More and more, the Kittens mouth is writing checks that his ass can’t cash.

2/01/2024 02:46:00 AM

Give me a got someone in mind that is a better option? I have 27 years he is by far more accomplished than any other past president.

2/01/2024 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone keeping more than a few hundred hours on the books is soft in the head . Learn math

2/01/2024 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city took 50 hrs off my timesheets. Also I got my property tax bill yesterday, seems a little early.

2/01/2024 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys and gals I know this is frustrating, but the best way to cope with the city and their incompetency is to never allow the company to beat you. Hit the medical for a few weeks or months. Take an extra lunch or three. Hit the hole and nap for an hour or two. Find a safe spot to drop anchor and get caught up on that show you’ve been trying to see on Netflix. Here’s my motto for this shitty job, “ make it work for you.”

2/01/2024 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is what happens when idiot flop president runs around telling everyone his version of the contract instead of the actual one that was agreed to.

2/01/2024 12:10:00 AM

The idiot is bidding his time to run at the state level, while pretending he cares about us blue shirts.

2/01/2024 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
PBPA unions didn’t get the 5% raise either. Another lawsuit right there. The “me-too” clause for wages is very clear in those contracts.

2/01/2024 05:38:00 AM

Supervisors will get it eventually. Of course, the city will make you grieve it and then after 2 years, you will get it.

Here is a suggestion. Being that PBPA is in negotiations now.......I propose that a clause goes in......everytime the city violates the contract with regards to financial matters, the city MUST pay back the money with a 5% penalty.

2/01/2024 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:03pm. I've said something similar for the longest. There has to be language in the contract that gives penalties on top of just the retro compensation money or otherwise, that was originally to be given. As it stands there is NO reason for the City to abide by any portion of the contract. Unfortunately, no one on our negotiating team must think this is important

2/01/2024 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give them what they deserve. NOTHING!!!!!

2/01/2024 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't even get a paper w2.

2/01/2024 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me a got someone in mind that is a better option? I have 27 years he is by far more accomplished than any other past president.

2/01/2024 11:05:00 AM


2/01/2024 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue flu come mid Aug they’ll get it right then

2/01/2024 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired in November. I got the last December duty availability check direct deposited, in which they took federal and state taxes out. They rescinded that deposit by deducting the entire pre tax amount from my final paycheck. So I paid taxes on money I never got.

2/01/2024 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5% isn't really a deterrent. It would be looked at like cheap loan.

2/01/2024 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called the FOP months ago about this and got berated on the phone for 20 minutes how we still get the same amount of money in the end which is not true. The union can care less

How much you wanna bet that Kitty and his crew still get their full Commanders pay and Captain’s paycheck even though they don’t work holidays or extended hours anymore?They also can’t come to work when it’s too cold outside or predicted to snow. Probably never any mistakes with their 2.4 million that we pay them in Salaries, compensation and other benefits on top of the 615,000 in benefits we pay to or for members. That total is 2,861,066 million we are paying them to run our union in 2022 before they voted themselves a raise right after they took office in 2023. Is the name change more then just honoring someone?

Everyone should go in and take a look at the itemized expenses. Oh that’s right this administration stopped the transparency that has always existed when they made rules to restrict what members can look at. It’s our money, why can’t we look at the expense accounts or travel receipts. What don’t you want the members to see?

Take a look here!

2/02/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is kiting and where is the withheld monies being kited????

2/02/2024 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t be a hater

2/02/2024 04:41:00 PM  

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