Monday, June 10, 2024

Vax Mandate in Trouble?

That government overreach requiring "vaccinations" just took a hit in California last week:

  • Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), California Educators for Medical Freedom, and individual plaintiffs have won their appeal in the Ninth Circuit on  LAUSD’s Employee Covid Vaccination Mandate.

    Health Freedom Defense Fund et. al, led by the exceptional legal team of John Howard and Scott Street at JW Howard Attorneys, have won a significant victory in the Ninth Circuit, which reversed dismissal of their lawsuit challenging the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (“LAUSD”) mandatory vaccination policy for all employees.

    Reversing the decision of the Central District of California in Los Angeles, the Ninth Circuit majority held that, first, the case was not mooted by LAUSD’s rescission of the mandate after oral argument last September, 2023. The majority called out LAUSD’s gamesmanship for what it was – a bald-faced attempt at avoiding an adverse ruling by trying to create an issue of mootness.

    Unfortunately for LAUSD, they had already done this once in the trial court. Applying the voluntary cessation doctrine, the majority doubted LAUSD’s sincerity in rescinding the mandate immediately after an unfavorable oral argument in September of last year.

    On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

    The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The plaintiffs cited and the court acknowledged that the CDC changed the definition of a "vaccine" in the middle of the pandemic, striking the word "immunity" because the "vaccine" completely failed to convey any immunity at all. Those who got the shot were consistently getting sick and thus the "vaccine" was instead a "treatment" and any mandates for treatment run afoul of personal freedoms.

No word if this is going to (A) open up the government to massive lawsuits and (B) void the government waiver of liability to the poison peddlers. Time will tell.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every punk ass gold star bosshole who carried Lightloafers water with the whole Scamdemic/portal/religious exemption needs to pay. Never forget what they put people through. And never forgive the rotten cocksuckers. They ignored and deprived you of your religious beliefs and moral convictions and held your very livelihood hostage until you complied. This is indeed a great start. And out of Commiefornia of all places.

6/10/2024 01:13:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

The House of Vaccination Cards is starting to fall.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

6/10/2024 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to see here....

let's talk about something that will kill everyone.

Let's talk about climate change.

6/10/2024 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question SCC. I will put this into perspective. Why is the city still fighting the vax mandate that was enacted "but not signed off by" the stupid ugly Midget, but still a thing by Beijing Conehead? Why isn't the city trying to massively rehire/recomp. anyone/everyone they fucked by this mandate? Wait for it... Because they are a fucking progressive group of fucking idiot liberals in city hall and the corporate counsel/outside counsel as well to say "Hey, they won at all sides, we might as well strike a deal and settle this to save face/money and move on." What instead happens is "Why don't we keep dragging this out, fighting this out (EVEN THOUGH we WASTE TAX PAYER MONEY/RESOURCES/CIVIL LEGATION/LIABILITY AND EVEN THE IDEA OF ADMISSION OF WRONGDOING BY THE GOVERNMENT)".

In short, I think many of the world is seeing how this COVID scam jab was a mere overreach so the government entities could get extra federal funding. The court system is turning 360 on it's "opinion" of the whole covid/covid mandate/covid jab/down to the lockdown crap. Look up the cities COVID related cases, and tell me what verdict they get? What's that? They are alot of settlements? Yup... It's because the city just like the Federal government drove more BAD than good about this. This was a mere "treatment" not a cure nor a prevention for COVID.

Any of you who told the city to fuck itself know who you are, great job where was everyone else? Any of you on the city, don't you get it? You fucking LOST, and will continue to fucking eat a BIGGER loss. To all the city workers who were terminated/forced retired/resigned/and all the police officers who got stripped sitting in callback, you all won, the city has nothing left and you did nothing wrong. Only the city wants to admit no fault of it's own to end this. Keep these civil lawsuits, labor rulings and hopefully criminal trials of the Fake Dr. Faucci coming, the government and all the idiot lemmings who pushed this jab will start paying for it heavily very soon.

6/10/2024 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine."

These assholes knew that from day one. And all the "vaccine passport" bullshit hinged on the same idea of the "vaccine" stopping transmission, which it never did and was never tested for. Nothing but a scheme for control of the populace.

6/10/2024 04:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen Kingston, who has been talking about this for 3+ years:

6/10/2024 06:35:00 AM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Sure glad me and my family didn’t get the clot shot.

6/10/2024 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every punk ass gold star bosshole who carried Lightloafers water with the whole Scamdemic/portal/religious exemption needs to pay. Never forget what they put people through. And never forgive the rotten cocksuckers. They ignored and deprived you of your religious beliefs and moral convictions and held your very livelihood hostage until you complied. This is indeed a great start. And out of Commiefornia of all places.

6/10/2024 01:13:00 AM
So now your walking around with this time bomb in your body,and you need to contact frontline doctors for advice on how to mitigate this the best you can before you get that case of the "suddenly" or that rapidly expanding "turbo cancers" so many young athletes dropping dead and quitting the sport after heart issues from the kill shot!Personally know coppers that were in decent shape got heart attacks and some died, not from the covid where they put it on your death certificate because hospitals got paid to intubate you and more when you died! May almighty God help us all from this nightmare!

6/10/2024 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really trust any medical "professional" anymore?

Doctors "practice" medicine.

How much money did Big Pharma make?

How much money did your doctor get from Big Pharma to convince you to take the death shot?

The Covid scam was implemented by world wide governments and oligarchs, militaries, their intelligence agencies to

1) remove President Trump (vote rigging, ballot harvesting)

2) depopulation

YOU are/were just collateral damage.

Don't be a sheep the next time. And there WILL be a next time.

6/10/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are we going to get that hazard pay???

6/10/2024 09:41:00 AM  
Blogger dumpdaley said...

When you sue---SUE EVERYBODY!
The mayor, the Superintendent, your commander, whichever clerk refused your exemption, the City, the Police Department, the Chicago Department of Health, Dr. Already.
If the City supplies ANY dependent with legal representation, BINGO! That makes it a criminal conspiracy and damages can be tripled. Hurt everyone who hurt you. Make an example of them.

6/10/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The makers of the Covid vaccines are permanently immune from all lawsuits regarding any deaths or injuries caused by their vaccines.

Why? This past February the CDC added the Covid vaccines to the recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule, for toddlers as young as 6 months old. Toddlers and small children are the least likely to have complications from a Covid infection, and many have been harmed by these vaccines, so why the rush to add the vaccines to the schedule?

Because: under federal law, all vaccines listed on the schedule have permanent immunity from lawsuits. So, now that the Covid vaccines are on the childhood schedule, even if you are an adult who is killed or harmed by the vaccines, a lawsuit is impossible.

6/10/2024 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t some retired exempt get let go after some vax nonsense at a party?

6/10/2024 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The House of Vaccination Cards is starting to fall.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

6/10/2024 02:12:00 AM

The falling cards

Drift into shards


The autumn's breeze

Doth make one sneeze


6/10/2024 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a lawsuit we can file? I’m so pissed I was stripped. I don’t care if it was for a few hours. It sucked! I’m sure many others feel the same way who went to headquarters and were stripped? Who also agrees that being stripped for even 1 second was the worst feeling ever? Talk about being wronged by the city. I can only imagine those that were on no pay status for non-compliance on what they strongly believed against the “vaccine” and were punished.

6/10/2024 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So-called "vaccines" are a plot to put microchips in our bloodstream. Everybody knows that.

6/10/2024 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will the class action lawsuits come for people that had to choose between keeping their jobs and providing for their families or getting a BS fake vaccine that didn’t do anything?

6/10/2024 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most comments under this post prove to me the amount of Police Officers to civilians present.

6/10/2024 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pure Blood and Proud. I said No and that was that. Never updated the portal never did a thing imagine if you humps stood together in solidarity and just said No!

6/11/2024 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is a lawsuit filed for those who got stripped for refusing the clot shot, please post it. I was one that has done my due diligence to do my job to the best of my abilities, to avoid, suspensions and/or being stripped, I was one of those stripped for a few hours, felt like a total scumbag, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. I will never forget Talley looking at me and stating that I looked scared, I was more pissed of being wronged by my own department. Keep renting your cars to drug dealers talley, better yet rent out your take home car, that should keep the police from stopping your drug dealer friend.

6/11/2024 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all that received shot should file a lawsuit against the city

6/12/2024 02:50:00 PM  

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