Thursday, August 01, 2024

Feds Continue to Lie

And by "feds," we mean all of them.

The acting head of the Secret Service says they couldn't see the roof of the building where the sniper took a shot at Trump....and not even twenty-four hours later, phone video taken by one of the victims before he got shot twice is released showing the would-be-assassin running across the roof in full view of Trump, the crowd, and the Secret Service:

  • A viral video that one of the attendees of former President Donald Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, filmed shows an individual running across a roof — the same roof Thomas Matthew Crooks shot Trump from — minutes before the tragedy, which claimed the life of one attendee and injured three others, including Trump.

    Fox News first obtained the video — which James Copenhaver, one of the victims injured at the July 13 rally, filmed. In the video, an individual can be seen scurrying across the roof where Crooks later took the shots. According to Fox News, the video was taken at 6:08 p.m. If that is accurate, this occurred about three minutes before Crooks opened fire on Trump.

They saw him, tracked him, took pictures of him, lost him, reacquired him and still let him get eight shots off. Great job there!

And then, the FBI finally tracks down a social media account of the would-be-assassin and releases a description that he had posted anti-immigrant comments six years ago, the implication being he was an extreme Trump supporter.

Again, not even twenty-four hours later, the owner the social media site (, posted the FBI's request for info AND the last few years of the shooter's comments showing the shooter to be a radical anti-Trump pro-Biden supporter. Remember, this happened days after the head of the feebs lied under oath about "questions" if Trump was hit a by a bullet or maybe shrapnel (which would have been pieces of a bullet), feeding the left-wing nut conspiracies.

Someone on the radio said we pay $4 trillion in taxes every year for a government that not only doesn't work for the taxpayers, it actively lies to them. THAT is the Deep State.

Did you know there are nearly six-THOUSAND IRS employees who are tax "delinquent"?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They thought prosecuting him would stop him.

They thought not "protecting" him would stop him.

2 words F%$k them.

8/01/2024 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their are 38,000 FBI Agents. Their are over 100,000 IRS Agents. Enough said

8/01/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine that were it not for all the cellphone videos taken by everyday citizens, we would have to take their word for whatever they tell us.... like on November 22, 1963.

8/01/2024 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Secret Service & FBI are doing everything in their power by not having answers or providing any progress reports. And they won’t remove anyone involved until an investigation is done. Just the other way around with the CPD. There are too many failures and stalling for this to be what they are saying. Too much time passing for a massive whitewash taking place. The Congress should have gotten subpoenas for all those agents phones before they got scrubbed. Since the Congress is being played, their only recourse is to pull the funding for those agencies.

8/01/2024 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unreal! If this is what’s going on in a high profile incident, you have to wonder what’s happening in day to day cases. The federal government can no longer be trusted. Who can believe them. No credibility no public trust. American democracy being destroyed!

8/01/2024 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s almost like they wanted him to get killed

8/01/2024 05:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That acting jar head is just as bad as dei cheatle.
I see a house cleaning coming very soon for a lot of bureaucrats in their cushy jobs.
I only wish it would happen here also

8/01/2024 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buckle up boys and girls, the propaganda machine is just getting started. I found that slowly talking to my normie family and friends about the situation will start to open a few eyes. But, you can't push too hard or they will just turn you off. My very elderly democratic voting mother has even started asking questions about where this country is heading.

8/01/2024 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fbi famous but incompetent and liars but they do a great job always trying to arrest a police officer

8/01/2024 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FBI forever been incompetent

8/01/2024 06:37:00 AM  
Blogger Old Guy said...

“Make them pay their fair share”.
Fire their butts.
Hold SOMEONE accountable, Please.

8/01/2024 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don’t have to be a scientist, or a crime scene investigator to figure out there’s definitely people on the inside involved in this situation. The deep state has reared its ugly head as usual who is really in control? The devil? This country is on a downward spiral, the greatest generation World War II soldiers are spinning in their graves. All they fought for all they did. You cannot trust any one of them, let’s see what they do. Their job is to protect the idiots at the Democratic convention. The Secret Service asks local municipal police departments to assist them. It is a favor to assist them not a requirement. That is their job not ours. Federal law is over state law. Let them worry about it hopefully, but not likely the governor of Illinois trust fund baby has the National Guard already ready to go!

8/01/2024 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a fed it’s ok to lie. But local cops, they go to jail

8/01/2024 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the same individuals who raided trump's residence in Florida and doctored evidence which ultimately led to the dismissal of the case. Totally politicized DOJ which is unable to conduct an impartial investigation.

8/01/2024 07:43:00 AM  
Blogger Your Correspondent said...

SCC, I'm going to suggest you reconsider your impression of the events at Butler, given some knowns.
The feds have not produced any evidence that the rifle that was on the AGR roof was used to shoot anyone at the rally. No forensics, videos, photos, eyewitness accounts, nothing. As the now-common cliche goes, there's a dog that didn't bark.
The video of the USSS counter-sniper team on the roof does not coincide with the claim that Crooks was doing the initial shooting. Watch them- they are flinching and backing off (the spotter quite a bit) because they are taking incoming fire. Yet the direction of that fire clearly is not coming from the AGR roof.
Then when looking at the video of President Trump as he is struck, the very first thing I noticed is that with his head turned to the angle it was, his right ear was not presented to the Crooks location. If anything, it would have been his left ear if it was Crooks doing the shooting.
There are many more anomalies such as the empty casings beside Crooks' body changing; not to mention you could possibly guess they didn't land in any way consistent with the supposed Crooks shooting position.
Much like wearing masks to stop a wet-market bat virus, there's not much good to believing what the fed gov is telling us, since so much of it this past couple of decades has been utterly false.
There's practically no such thing as enough skepticism.

8/01/2024 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Feds, when's the last Sgts test results coming out!?

8/01/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Joe's last chance, he missed. Nothing will convince me otherwise. That whole cult put a hit on a candidate for president and they'll get away with it.

8/01/2024 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m sickened by this. 3 generations of local cops & firemen & 3-4 years ago I would have NEVER believed this or swallowed crap. Now, sadly W/ so many people taking video it is much harder to swallow what the Feds & Gov. are doing behind our backs
The night of the shooting Jello brain couldn’t even say the word assassination he just acknowledged Trump was shot he was being told. Trump has to get in & clear all this crap up. No one else will. What has happened to my country

8/01/2024 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you’re gonna get a full tax audit.

8/01/2024 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine that were it not for all the cellphone videos taken by everyday citizens, we would have to take their word for whatever they tell us.... like on November 22, 1963.

My FDR Republican grandfather told me that MLK, Bobby Kennedy, George Wallace were all federal hits.

8/01/2024 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Deep State has raised its ugly head and was caught. Too many folks with cellphones recording in real time the massive series of failures and now their cover up in the attempted assassination of our former president. Two points to keep in mind are the mechanics of SS designed benevolent malfeasance, plausible deniability, false and misleading statements, disappeared evidence, and the lack of accountability. The second equally important point is watching the clean up on "aisle 7" being conducted by the best cleanup crew at the national level- the FBI. The SS was embarrassingly defeated in its primary mission by a 20-year-old would-be assassin. The spillage and associated facts will be "cleaned up", scrubbed and covered up, classified and archived in storage next to the supposedly "declassified' JFK assassination files. Nothing to see here, now move along.

8/01/2024 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The single greatest threat to the people of america and our God-given freedoms is the US Government deep-state. Call them "the feds", "the swamp", "the regulatory state", whatever.

There is no force in the world that is a more immediate and serious threat to our way of life. Not the Chi-Comms, not some islamic terrorist bunch, not the far-right or the far-left.

The US Government has been behind most of the horror this nation has seen in the last 70 years.

They are controlled by satan himself

8/01/2024 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When your government lies to you, now you know why the only thing you have left, conspiracy theories. Any accountability?

8/01/2024 12:36:00 PM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

Some of you may be interested in reading the uncle Eric books by Richard Maybury. He talks about the evil of government starting with his. He sought back in the 70s working in the military training Noriega and his bunch his books on war three of them are very enlightening and he sites everything. They are written at a 12th grade level so they are very readable.

Check his website the early warning report it’s very interesting and enlightning

8/01/2024 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you "lie to the FBI" you are given a prison sentence.

Yet the FBI pushed the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative, Hillary's e-mails given a pass, Peter Stuck-Lisa Paige hot the lotto: $2M!!!!

Trump raid at Mara-Largo.

J6 prisoners held illegally.

The Gestapo is here. Pravda? Take your pick: radio, newspapers, social media.

Cuba, Mexico, Russia all came here.

Nikita Khrushchev: we will bury you.

8/01/2024 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Audio map / trajectory of the shots, seems like a few sub-sonics mixed in ...

8/01/2024 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m pushing back hard! Generalizations about the integrity of Federal Agents who go after violent criminal conspiracies that cross state lines and national borders is unacceptable. If an active shooter call is broadcasted over ISPERN you can bet your federal colleagues will race to the scene and stand shoulder to shoulder under fire as a QRF for our state and local comrades. I know! I served on CPD where I served in several fast districts and in a citywide unit! I also served many years in a renowned federal law enforcement agency that is renowned for its global reach and confronting the most violent and vicious class X worthy criminals. So knock it off and cut the crap we are all in this together! Ask CPD personnel who fight to get into HIDTA and the JTTF. When FEDs take on a neighborhood violent crimes plummet and we do it hand in hand with task force officers. Yes I dropped real talk! I back the Blue 100% and collaborated with CPD and CCSP on federal task forces!

8/01/2024 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Sixpack Says:

They are coming after everything you own and have. A Democrat vote is a vote for poverty, for you and your family

8/01/2024 08:36:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Those alphabet agencies want The Donald gone in any way possible.

No keeses for them.

8/01/2024 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/01/2024 04:26:00 PM
STFU. We only want to get on a fed tf cause of the extra $$$ otherwise you feds suck and we don't trust you and we all know you don't trust us.

8/02/2024 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow ! That fed ball licker sounds like a patrol boy we had in my 6th grade class. Real head case. Wonder if he went to the top and became a crossing guard on a fed task force ?

8/03/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

STFU. We only want to get on a fed tf cause of the extra $$$ otherwise you feds suck and we don't trust you and we all know you don't trust us.

Wow ! That fed ball licker sounds like a patrol boy we had in my 6th grade class. Real head case. Wonder if he went to the top and became a crossing guard on a fed task force ?

Haha you guys are really something else. All of you run away from patrol and take other assignments the first chance you get while in the same breath criticizing everyone else for not being “the real police.” Here’s a thought, why don’t you clean up your 5th district and all of your PPP scamming higher ups before you throw shade at everyone else.

8/03/2024 04:47:00 PM  

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