Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Stop Playing Their Game

We've hinted at it, alluded to it, even come right out and said it - the city doesn't want you doing traffic stops any more. Zero. And via COPA, they are going to make it as unpleasant as possible for anyone who won't listen:

  • In the days and hours before a deadly shootout with Dexter Reed, tactical police officers conducted dozens of uneventful traffic stops on Chicago’s West Side — none of which appear to have generated so much as a ticket.

    As the Civilian Office of Police Accountability continues to investigate the March 21 shooting and the traffic stop that sparked it, the oversight agency has also launched a probe to determine whether those other stops were “unjustified,” records show.

    Body-camera footage obtained by the Sun-Times shows that five officers who were involved in the shooting conducted 50 traffic stops between March 19 and 21, including eight stops that were made in the roughly three hours before they encountered Reed in the 3800 block of West Ferdinand Street.

But we'll bet they got their Sparklefart TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS blue cards, that made the tact lieutenant happy and the commander happy, too. Where are they now? Promoted again? And where are you? Callback?

If you won't stop doing traffic stops, then prepare for a colonoscopy without lube or sedation. Blue jeans and soft clothes are a high price to pay where you might lose your career, freedom, a large percentage of your paycheck, or even your life. How about doing your time on First Watch the same as thousands have done before you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES. Do your time on 1st Watch.

Paycheck and a Pension.

8/07/2024 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

every gun taken is one less they can kill each other with

8/07/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief Hein on an off duty drunken power trip at a northside fest last weekend? Is it true? Not sure but hearing a few stories.

8/07/2024 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeting at HQ on Monday with administration and union. it didn’t go well

Plainclothes for TAC is going away. In place of it will be ugly polos with patches on them. Ball caps are going away for everyone except TAC. Crown caps will be the new normal. the union can’t fight it. will cost every 4th watch officer up to $1000 in new clothes to buy

Unmarked vehicles will soon vanish for TAC teams, who will get ‘subdued’ marked vehicles in gray or black with the checkerboard side stickers. in car cams on all vehicles.

8/07/2024 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about you just write the darn ticket for what ever reason you stopped them for. How about you stop doing tss cards instead of writing the ticket, or using a positive community interaction as a cover for you to stop, pull out the occupants and search them and when you find nothing to your liking, you just send them on their way and pull that pci ev#.

I never have worked along side such morons when it came to seeing the writing on the wall and cya.

It all about stats you clowns, and traffic stops are the easiest way to get a stat on who you stop, where you stop, and who you write and who you don't, especially for committing the same violation.

We, meaning the police, are to blame for the destruction of this profession.

Still make the traffic stops, but write the ticket for crying out loud.

8/07/2024 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot more good Officers will roll the dice and some will learn the hard way. Some aren’t audio or visual learners. Some learn through experiences. Sad! I have 26 years plus years and will be retiring soon. I’ve seen a lot of good people not make it because they thought they were supposed to fight crime. No, you’re supposed to do what the boss tells you and follow all directives the Superintendent lays out! Wish everyone well and I hope you all make it to retirement. It isn’t as easy as you think. A lot of people don’t make it!

8/07/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC.

But let COPA see all the black and brown people they stopped but did not issue tickets to. Doesn't sound racist, does it? How about compare the percentage of black and brown people in the areas they patrol (as assigned by CPD) and compare that to the percentage they stop. They won't find racism there either.

8/07/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or… if you’re going to stop 50 cars… make sure you’re not being lazy and you are writing some movers on some of these stops, writing Parker’s or ANOVs for any infractions. For every stop?? No, you can use discretion, but write some movers here and there from some of your stops. They are going on a fishing expedition. If they can’t get them on this shooting they will try to muddy the officers up about other stuff just to try and fire them. They can try, but they will be unsuccessful. COPAs recommendations are getting massacred during grievances and other disciplinary hearings. Wait until an arbitrator begins hearing these cases because copa recommends firing and these guys end up cleared all together or taking less than 5 days. To me, it seems wanton, willful and malicious and causes mental stress. After a termination hearing ends up with no time, the police need to start suing copa.

8/07/2024 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day, tact were the aggressive cops.

Now it's kids who can't get off midnights.

OK, I hated midnights, but you learned to live with them.

If you had a good partner, you could ask them to drive, explaining you got no sleep.

If a prisoner detail popped up, it was yours.

But mids did bring us closer and made us better cops.

Never worked tact.


8/07/2024 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're playing for super keeps now & want to ruin your life for being shot & at.

8/07/2024 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous D O N E said...

I was a sergeant in 015 20 years ago.

I was saying this shit THEN. I knew this day was coming.
The writing was on the wall back then that coppers would get fired and indicted.
I would cringe when I would get stuck logging the "soft-ball" tac-team half wits.
The dumb bastards wanted to do search warrants with 6 month old intel so they could keep wearing baseball caps, blue jeans and keep adding on dumb ass tattoos. Fuckin' morons. Where are they now? BURNED OUT, divorced and probably off the job while their livers are screaming for them to stop drinking.

Now a sergeant I went to school with has gotten fired over the search warrant involving Anjanette Young. FUCK DOING POLICE WORK. Let these progressive democrats figure out how to stop crime. Their imbecile constituents keep voting for them and they hate the police. So Fuck em.

Work 1st watch if you have to. SLOW DOWN. Back each other up and protect one another.
Fuck catering to these bosses. Collect that paycheck and take care of your family.
Get your pension and get the hell out of Illinois.

8/07/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop voting Democrat. The Democrat politicians are not good for businesses or the public at large. They rather represent people who entered the country illegally. The people coming in are committing crime and the Democrat politicians like it that way.

8/07/2024 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is what hard work gets you!

8/07/2024 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just isn’t worth it anymore! Just arrive and code your job!

8/07/2024 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy will be arrested a dozen more times. The politicians want it that way. Stop voting Democrat politicians in.

8/07/2024 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your power is in your vote! Vote at the ballot, vote with your money and lastly if it comes down to it vote with your feet. The good citizens are getting their @$$ kicked out here!

8/07/2024 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is what Democrat politicians in Chicago and Illinois care about.

8/07/2024 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about 911 data? More BS! The city is ran by people who lie.

8/07/2024 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrat Party is destroying America.

8/07/2024 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have zero faith that anyone running any District or Until knows what they are doing. All of the upper ranks are ran by clueless yes clowns! No one knows what they are doing!

8/07/2024 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago police department morale will never be above zero again. All is lost! Just answer your jobs and get through a difficult day! Just a shit-show of an epic proportion. No real leadership. Supervisor’s dress to impress and seem to be surprised they made it on the job let alone made rank.

8/07/2024 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be the city that was ruined by incompetence. History will judge them as fools.

8/07/2024 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around 85% to 90% get it! Some of what’s left will be casualties of the war on crime.

8/07/2024 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent David Brown was over his head from the start. Why bother waisting anymore time talking on him. He did more damage to the city and the department than a super criminal.

8/07/2024 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No talk of shootings as the number of people shot passed last year’s numbers. Homicides are slightly down however, It’s nothing being done by the city.

8/07/2024 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well with the new "change of uniforms" I'm sure many will be leaving tact anyway!!

8/07/2024 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make it easier/ quicker to write movers (ie: printers or multiple charges on one page) and you will see those numbers increase. Hell traffic court is all via zoom now, it’s almost stupid not to just write the movers.

8/07/2024 02:16:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

That is the best advice ever. Many keeses for you.

8/07/2024 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Mover. A Parker, A Curfew. Or School! Absentee Every Other Day!!
What Are They Going To Replace The Merit Promoting Process With?
If Con’t Be Afforded These Stepping Stones, How Will The Chosen
One’s Be Anointed??? Duh I Forgot, 📞📞📞📞. 📞

8/07/2024 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - agreement on everything you've written here, except the sedation metaphor. Peace out.

8/07/2024 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/07/2024 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but I'm sure the tact Lt and commander all said "don't worry, I got your back" keep up the good work.... Yea they got your back,,,,, way back

8/07/2024 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, but, I wanna wear a baseball cap backwards. And when we're put in uniform, I wanna wear a non CPD cap backwards so everyone knows thst I'm a tact legend and I will be calling for a papercar for anything that I deek beneath me.

8/07/2024 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! Stop playing their game FOP and file a federal lawsuit! Time to put together a group of policemen with attorneys come up with strategies and incidents officers are punished for upholding the law and their oath and put an end to COPA go after them aggressively. Until this is done the insanity will continue.

8/07/2024 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are not intending to write a mover or open the Pandora’s box of what a seemingly benign traffic stop could potentially be, don’t do it.

8/07/2024 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Traffic stops. That is how we catch criminals. A simple traffic or equipment violation. The devil himself has taken control of the city. Where the evil roams free and the righteous are punished.

8/07/2024 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I’ve said before, NO ONE cares about getting guns off the street. If anyone cared then Cook County Jail and the numerous penitentiaries across the state would be loaded with gun offenders. Instead, you now find guys out on bond and probation for gun charges. The bottom line is the powers that be don’t want black and brown people to linger in custody , so they allow that group to do what they want and god forbid you get in the way of this agenda, because if you do you’ll be put a very uncomfortable position with the prospect of losing your job, your money and possibly your freedom. This state has made it crystal clear by passing the Safe T Act that they want no more black and brown people incarcerated. With that being said , collect your check and do the bare minimum and watch how stress free and happy you will be with this job.

8/07/2024 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then how is anyone going to see my tats, facial peach fuzz and backward baseball cap..?

8/07/2024 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait till the security officers at home Depot that moonlight as cops (and do zip according to commentators here) get arrested for assaulting the day laborers. Then you'll see protests. And btw, more lawsuits against the city....

8/07/2024 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else see the irony in the fact that we now have a superintendent who, for most of his career wore sweatpants to work and never wore a hat, yet he has a raging boner for these cargo pants and crown caps?

I guess that’s happens when you aren’t qualified for the position and don’t know what to do you worry about the wrong things.

Hint: worry about the carjackings and rampant crime in tourist areas.
Maybe those inspectors you keep sending to roll calls can instead be used to code out a few jobs to help these districts with their backlogs.

8/07/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah those numbers sound pretty damning.
That’s exactly something a lawyer would have a wet dream about.

You’ve now created a “pattern and practice” with 50 traffic stops and zero enforcement. Get ready to pay the piper.
Glad the coppers were relatively OK in this incident, all things considered.
But playing this type of game is foolish at best, and downright idiotic at worst.

If you didn’t get the memo let me fill you in.
The days of flipping cars and trying to hunt are over.
Have been for quite some time.
If you have PC and make the stop, then take some sort of enforcement action. If you’re too hardheaded to stop, than at least quit being lazy and do things the right way.

8/07/2024 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I normally agree with showing solidarity and not being proactive for a city that doesn’t support us but having 15 years on and still being proactive I have to say this: our job is to stop these shitheads with guns. Yes, it’s a thankless job but it’s what police do. If you can’t do it for WHATEVER reason, then find another job. It’s almost like when I was in combat in Afghanistan in the Marines. I was told I could be injured or killed and this country doesn’t care about us but I didn’t care. It was the job I signed up for. There will come a time when we have to choose what is difficult or what is easy. Go ahead, talk shit that I’ll be sued or you won’t buy a ticket to my “10-1” benefit. I have my pride. I’ll use my faith in God to handle any consequence of doing the right thing. All I ask is that you don’t hate your job so much that you won’t leave. You’re no better than these life long politicians that don’t care about their constituents and just enrich themselves. At least they are millionaires.

8/07/2024 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day, tact were the aggressive cops.
Now it's kids who can't get off midnights.

Detective Homicide Teams were the cream of the crop. Now it’s kids that don’t want to 3rd watch, and kids that’s afraid of working a case alone. They are basically hiding. They have no experience or real desire to solve a case.

8/07/2024 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what Area 4 Sat and their idiot bosses are all about. Blue cards. And it’s still going on

8/07/2024 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed! It's time for COPA, who even the State says don't have any actual legal standing, to start being the ones to answer to CPD.

8/07/2024 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw on WGN news this morning the Dept is being sued by a few illegal immigrant rights organizations because a few illegals claim they were roughed up by off duty PO's working OD at Home Depot.
Where were these same organizations when the crimes of these illegals are exposed?

8/07/2024 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of compstat then and quit pushing the numbers. I once had a sgt call me for a meet on the street at which time he informed me and my partner that our job was to write tickets and do bus and park checks and stop locking people up. I asked him to put that in writing and he drove away.

8/07/2024 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's really interesting about reading the comments here are the sheer numbers of people who are an absolute slave to that pension. You will always do what your told, they know it, so should you. I just hope at some point you draw a line, but I have zero faith you will.

8/07/2024 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the other 49 traffic stops the drivers did not attempt to kill an officer and they were let go with a verbal warning? Sounds like the police are not the problem.

8/07/2024 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. 100%. This merit gym instructors only answer is changing our uniform.

8/07/2024 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't care. The fed will continue to fill their coffers. Eherever you go, some of your money will get back to Chicago and Illinois

8/07/2024 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All signs are pointing to some type of tact uniform being implemented. This is to prevent the male officers from having scrotum issues down the line from the ball-huggers they are currently wearing, thus saving the City in medical bills. Circulation throughout the lower extremities will improve as well, wearing jeans that are tighter than Lululemon yoga pants isn't good for your health.

8/07/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about 911 data? More BS! The city is ran by people who lie.
8/07/2024 12:46:30 AM

They complain they want more police then they complain they're over policed. If only the street would provide a mayhem schedule we'd know where to have officers standing by.

8/07/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was telling this to police officers in the late 80's as a sergeant. answer calls, back each other up, make arrests, when necessary, but no street stops to search cars. nothing mentioned that the criminal unloaded a 17-shot magazine at officers. he could have had an extended magazine or drum. he got what he wanted suicide by cop.

8/07/2024 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree!

8/07/2024 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been saying this for years.

8/07/2024 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like BS to me!

8/07/2024 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s a war on police, not crime.

8/07/2024 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes they are! Most richest as if it’s a baseball team.

8/07/2024 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with the shortage on paychecks again!??? Let me guess, they did not take enough taxes out of the previous check? Wtf, my checks have been the same not more. This state, count, city...hell this country has been ruined by a bunch of inept unqualified people in the government.

8/07/2024 10:09:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That makes sense. That’s why it won’t fly. Media whores and shyster lawyers need to be paid, ya know.

8/07/2024 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s a small problem with your hoorah speech friendo:

God left this place a long time ago.

8/07/2024 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did see Hein walking around EPF in uniform showing off his two stars on his collar. Not sure if he got into a drunken power trip, but I wouldn’t be surprised because that’s who he is!

8/07/2024 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Z license Plates coming back for TAC vehicles too?

8/07/2024 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/07/2024 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our job is not to stop shit heads with guns. It is to answer 911 calls. Anything beyond that really isn’t our job. Investigations into organized crime is the fbis business. The hard truth: most victims of shootings are no loss to the community but in fact a gain. They are the shit head themselves getting shot. Rarely are the bystanders hit. Even the house parties with many victims are family members with direct involvement with the criminals. Let them shoot each other. It’s what they want. It’s what the democrats want. It’s better for the community as a whole. It’s what Kim Foxx wants. She refuses to prosecute gun cases. That’s your clue. Do what they want and don’t make stupid stops for simple gun arrests.

8/07/2024 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It used to be that every gun taken was one less that they could kill us with. Times have changed....

8/07/2024 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't do a PCi as a "cover" for a Terry stop. Please don't do that.

8/07/2024 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big fanny Davina comes to the roll call and tells 2 year wonders that she has their backs. It tickles me on the inside, I can name so many officers on no pay status because they believed that. 011 is a sinking ship with worst leadership in the last 15 years, you should see low level supervisors fleeing. I laugh at the tac team, they swallow promises then they walk around the district with head down because they were lied to.

8/07/2024 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Civilian said...

Any law-abiding voter knows the deal. The mayor, chief judge, prosecutor, governor and the media are all on the side of the criminals. They love to go after cops to take attention away from the crime rate. Don't be their patsy.

8/07/2024 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your vote counted as fast they wouldn’t let you do it.

8/07/2024 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TSSS (Obama cards) increased exponentially once the contact card lawsuit brought about the ISR’s. Go run the numbers.

8/07/2024 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never off duty, so public drunkenness!?

8/07/2024 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/07/2024 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sitting in my personal vehicle the other day watching the Area One Detective Commander go into a panic, questioning who the Narcotics guys were in the back of the 2nd District lot. It was a group. She ran and got everyone on the desk. She insisted the guys didn’t look like the police. Uhhh, they are from Narcotics, they aren’t supposed to look like the police. They’ve been assembling in the lot for a year now. They didn’t run and one had on a vest. Just ask for an I.D. No need to panic. Now, isn’t she special?

8/07/2024 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more early ducks, they are finally making it more legit! We get paid well and why are so many that left asking to come back? Accountability where they went and they cannot have that!

8/07/2024 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It took me a while, but I don't do anything anymore...If I work with someone that wants to "do stuff"...I refuse to work with them again. If they put me with a regular partner, I will only do so as long as he/she doesn't want to do stuff. If he/she says they don't want to do stuff, and then goes and does stuff, I will refuse to work with them again. Sorry, but getting sued or tried for crimes isn't at all what I had in mind when I took this job. Fuck you pay me...

8/07/2024 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares get rid of the tac teams send them back to patrol in uniform

8/07/2024 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in my thirty plus years on the job in patrol i never had clouted or was an annointed nationality tac was always political -bosses kids commanders side pieces and a bunch of do nothings

8/07/2024 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think they went far enough. We don't really need tact teams in this hostile democratic climate. Just put everyone in beat cars and in uniform. At least the watches would be manned. The libs voted for this so give them exactly what they deserve, nothing. Let dude and the illegals run wild on them and protect your own family.

8/07/2024 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those officers that survived being shot at by a criminal are heros. You proved they stopped dozens of cars that week, nobody received a ticket, good PR, verbal warning issued. Hey, police only shot the thug that attempted to murder them. Job well done.

8/07/2024 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you brother!!! God willing it will be my 30 year anniversary with CPD in November. I'm still proactive in my 50's. All these cowards posting about not doing work should piss off and find another job. Any other department in the world would fire all the do nothings on CPD. That being said I would quit TACT if I had to put on a polo and not have an unmarked car. Snelling was supposed to be a God Send. Instead he's the beginning of the end to any real police work. Not surprised, he never did shit his short time on the streets. He was always a pussy trying to push around the weak!

8/07/2024 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Felt 2 days ago

There are hundreds of cops hiding out in administrative positions that could be handled by civilian personnel versus sworn officers. A large number of these officers are politically connected or have friends in the upper echelons of the police department who shield them. This report could expose these people and would create a large group of unhappy police officers if they are actually forced to do police work. Then again you might not want these officers on the street because they are inept at police work.

8/07/2024 05:57:00 PM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Just let it go friends, nobody cares about CPD so its time we just collect that check and go home safe.

8/07/2024 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the Segeant of this team?

8/07/2024 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not let everyone wear a polo style? Crown cap with molle vest will look like shit, but place is ran like a dumpster fire so it’s all fitting.

8/07/2024 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bought my place in Texas! getting ready to bail . . . . one more year to go.

8/07/2024 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have the best idea... how about don't do shit except your radio call assignments. let them have exactly what they've been preaching for the past 10 yrs.

8/07/2024 09:00:00 PM  
Blogger Bromley Simon said...

It costs money and resources to treat gunshot wounds.

8/07/2024 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 100 percent true. We don't need armed secretaries. We just need civilian secretaries.

8/07/2024 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone working for cpd knows that the tact team are under pressure from their lieutenants and commander to consistently bring in traffic stop numbers. These are the single most used statistics at compstat to measure the commanders ability to lead. This shows he can have his officers bring in activity. 99% of the stops are totally useless and they’re just stopping the car to get that number for the commander. Until they stop using it a measurable at compstat this nonsense will continue. Click the above link for the nbc article. If your on tact you better read that over. If you’re doing these pointless stops, you could be next.

8/07/2024 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know, I know she is leaving. When? 35 St has to know she has failed. It’s the busiest area and it’s just left to sink. Can’t wait for another class so I can leave (try)

8/07/2024 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. But, if I do your job for you, you'll arrest me, right? How are you any different from a criminal gang member, if you essentially protect them from accountability?

8/07/2024 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tact teams are the worst possible option out there officers. Days off cancelled, deployed to every fucking idiotic event the city puts on not to mention protests. Also the bossses demand a shit ton of activity if you want to stay in jeans and a backwards hat. When push comes to shove these bosses will throw you under the bus in a second. Even good bosses now a days don’t have the options they use to by helping officers. Get to a specialized unit or stay on the watch it’s the best option right now.

8/07/2024 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you brother!!! God willing it will be my 30 year anniversary with CPD in November. I'm still proactive in my 50's. All these cowards posting about not doing work should piss off and find another job.


You sir are a fucking softball. I figure the wife will file for divorce 3 months after you retire you dimwit.

8/07/2024 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“It took me a while, but I don't do anything anymore...If I work with someone that wants to "do stuff"...I refuse to work with them again. If they put me with a regular partner, I will only do so as long as he/she doesn't want to do stuff. If he/she says they don't want to do stuff, and then goes and does stuff, I will refuse to work with them again. Sorry, but getting sued or tried for crimes isn't at all what I had in mind when I took this job. Fuck you pay me...”

Wanna partner up? I already like the cut of your jib!

8/07/2024 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are, what those in power call, a useful idiot.

8/08/2024 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone working for cpd knows that the tact team are under pressure from their lieutenants and commander to consistently bring in traffic stop numbers. These are the single most used statistics at compstat to measure the commanders ability to lead. This shows he can have his officers bring in activity. 99% of the stops are totally useless and they’re just stopping the car to get that number for the commander. Until they stop using it a measurable at compstat this nonsense will continue. Click the above link for the nbc article. If your on tact you better read that over. If you’re doing these pointless stops, you could be next.

I still can’t phantom why would anyone want to be on tact these days.

8/08/2024 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea well, back in the day there were good working cops on tact and then just like now there are always the ones with clout, phone calls, relatives, "friends",,,etc,,etc,,etc,, that never changes

8/08/2024 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vast majority of guys who wear a baseball cap backwards all the time are strokes just trying too hard to look cool.

8/08/2024 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s no real accountability at Compstat. It’s a bunch of loser telling other losers why they are losers.

8/08/2024 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the bare minimum and collect your paycheck. You owe this city and state absolutely nothing. They don’t care about you and you’re just a number.

8/08/2024 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t trust her. Not not a single white shirt has your back these days. She’d be the first to sh-t can you and stab you in the back.

8/09/2024 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. The politicians don't interact with their citizens like we do. We answer 911 calls and do a preliminary investigation. But the local courts, government, media and citizens don't want you to arrest black and brown people. So stop enforcing their gun laws. Let them shoot each other. Otherwise you are picking a fight with Democrat judges, states attorneys and a the state governor. The good guys lost this war a long time ago...

8/10/2024 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THats right. Fuck these asshole democrats and this city

8/10/2024 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will always be useful idiots

8/10/2024 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey no traffic stops, no more searches, abortion at a high, its all mutt population control. A good thing.

8/10/2024 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not if the same type of fools are writing the history. Only when it gets bad enough will things change. You would think its bad enough now, but we aren't even close.

8/10/2024 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. You can't help people that don't want your help. Leave them to their own devices. It's population control.

8/10/2024 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree I can't Fathom that either. Its too deep!

8/10/2024 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you brother!!! God willing it will be my 30 year anniversary with CPD in November. I'm still proactive in my 50's. All these cowards posting about not doing work should piss off and find another job.

Get a life! Seriously. Leave the job.

8/10/2024 11:20:00 PM  

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