Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Pension Board Election

A lot of comments popping up in all threads about the upcoming Pension Board Election. It's probably going to be one of the more consequential elections in recent memory as Conehead and Fata$$ continue to drive the city and state into a financial ditch and light the wreckage on fire.

We'll venture no opinion on any of those running for election aside from this reminder:

That's the cover sheet from a twelve page lawsuit filed against the original SecondCityCoppers.Net and the operator of the site waaaay back in 2002. We're paging through the entire filing right now.

Our very first post, back in 2005, directly referenced that site and this lawsuit - cops shouldn't sue cops, especially over hurt feelings.

People with that thin skin....well, make your own judgements. We've made ours.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been gone a while.

I don't know Rosemarie.

Knew Brian a LONG time ago, in their fight, I side with Brian.

P.s anyone know his whereabouts?

He was a good guy.


8/06/2024 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when these were received? I’ve gotten nothing in my mail.

8/06/2024 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2024 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll never vote for her, but Tom Lonergan is way, way too old and needs to let go. We continue to be screwed by bad choices.

8/06/2024 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retirees and widows, vote for Ro!

8/06/2024 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur.
She's a medical scammer.

8/06/2024 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a South side retired police officer breakfast. Tom Lonergan was there and is running for election against Ro Giambalvo for trustee. He is with FOP Lodge 7 and State FOB. He said that made him qualified. He said do not worry about our pension assists because the city is paying its share even though we are only 21% funded.

If he is elected to the board, he said he will try to change the rules and wants a stipend or to be paid but he would have to get a rule change. His stipend would come out of our pension. He did not mention Ro by name but let it be known that he and FOP does not want her to win because FOP could not control her. Tom was on Duty Disability but kept it a secret and did not address the fact that officers seeking duty disability on no-pay status for extended length of time.

8/06/2024 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be a crying leftist crying. Yikes what a waste of time and more importantly, money.


8/06/2024 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2024 04:20:00 AM  
Blogger Was that a SPEEDBUMP?! said...

The Sarge listed was a great man to work for. He was always very helpful. I have only the highest regard for the man.

8/06/2024 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you truly want our pension to be destroyed go ahead and vote for her. Every worthless claim for disability will be approved.

8/06/2024 04:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from the free State of Texas!

In all fairness to Ms. Giambalvo if she posted someone else's info personal/medical info she got from the Pension Board she should drop out of this race. If she is hell bent on a Jim Jones crusade then I would hope in full disclosure she would release ALL of her data or at least:

1. Date if hire
2. Date she went on disability
3. Amount of money she paid into the pension
4. Amount of money she took out of the pension plan before she turned 63
5. How old is she
6. How much has she taken since 63
6/10/2024 05:51:54 PM

I posted the above about six weeks aga I FOID’d her info and just got it yesterday. They sent a lot of info!

She has only paid $13,629.05 into the fund and has taken out 1.57 million!

She moved to Las Vegas and she missed and refused to go to many of her mandatory annual Dr. visits. She filed suit several times.

Pension Board held back medical info due to Hippa laws.

She is 76 years old.
Question? Has she FOID the Pension Board about 30 times. Mostly for being followed by investigators. Was she was selling real estate, putting up large for sale signs, and moving furniture while staging homes for sale! **

She posted many things on Facebook about how hard she was working which was direct conflict with her alleged disability.

** If see could do the above why could she not work in Gun Registration or Field Inquiry?

I have to be a no vote on Ms. Giambalvo!

8/06/2024 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds want to know?

Did she sue to get on the job?
Did she file CR#s on coppers on the job?
Did she sue for disability after originally being denied?
Did she sue for bankruptcy?
Did she sue Second City Cop Blog?
Did she get a CR# on a cop, while retired, for his posts?

Do you see a pattern here? Her campaign is as dead as Biden!

8/06/2024 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is that Mike Lappe is a piece of shit. He talks shit to coppers who are seeking disability and he votes against coppers based on what city hall tells him to do.

8/06/2024 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember....it's who counts the votes.

8/06/2024 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any pension over 100,000 is ridiculous.
Should not be paid out until 63 years old.

8/06/2024 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is him or her still living out in Huntley? Just asking for us stiffs that worked a full 30 years for my pension?

8/06/2024 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing that to light. We need all the facts before we vote. It’s even more prevalent now like you said with everyone trying to take pensions away, diminish the pensions do whatever they can to bastardized the police and destroy what we were promised we gave a lot to the city!

8/06/2024 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve been saying the same thing for years. JCAT initiated CR’s on a few coppers back in the day. Writing To/Froms to IAD about officers leaving early. What does that say?

8/06/2024 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, most coppers do not vote and do not care. That's why the city gets away with treating us like shit.

8/06/2024 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ironic that Lonergan suddenly decided to run against Ro. Why does he want to take on a third political job during his retirement?

It's because Lappe sought Lonergan out as the patsy to steal votes away from Ro. Lappe knows the majority of us retirees and widows want Ro to win.

And what's wrong with giving Ro a chance? Has the past pension board "good ole boys" done us any good?

No Ro does not favor disability for all. Ro only wants legit IOD officers to be able to have a hearing before their 365 days are over, so these officers will not go into a no pay status.

You gotta vote Ro. Lonergan may be a nice guy, but he's part of the same old crew that allowed our pension to be only 21 percent funded.

8/06/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any pension over 100,000 is ridiculous.
Should not be paid out until 63 years old.

8/06/2024 06:08:00 AM

Hahahahahah ok dork. You want to force people who have the time and age to work till their 63???? This job isn't worth it and better to get out early with your sanity.

8/06/2024 08:04:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

Life is a Bell Curve. About two or three percent of the people are outstanding. About 90% are working stiffs that do the job every day and never get the credit deserved for keeping things running (until they don't). Unfortunately seven to eight percent are incompetent and never should have been on the job. This hold true for all career fields, be they doctors, lawyers, engineers or cops. Unfortunately most of this seven or eight percent have rather large egos and are experts at sucking up....and that is how we get the leadership/upper management that we get. Stay safe!

8/06/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry thanks to all these exempts stealing massive pensions it will be broke in ten years!

8/06/2024 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont fall for this lady and all her bs. She should shut her mouth take her free ride on the backs of working coppers and fuck off.

8/06/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired in Texas……

Thanks to all that have posted their knowledge of some of these pension board candidates and thanks to the poster Free State of Texas for unearthing info on this Giambalvo clown.

After 31 years of service I had no clue who she was.

On a different note, the kackler selected don rickles look-a-like Tim waltz governor of MN asher running mate. This goof is as far left as you can go. Remember the st floyd riots and defund the police that brought MN to its knees. Together these to will destroy the country in less than 30 days.

Watch each others backs out there…its getting crucial!!!

8/06/2024 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one thing I noticed is seeing the same names that were on the fop from over 30 years ago that stayed on the fop and now are on as trustee's or the pension board. So, why is our pension always described as being in peril since those people had all those years to do the things they promised?????

8/06/2024 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only time negative campaigning starts is when Ro runs for the pension board. Lappe started this on purpose because he hates her and is intimidated by her. Ro has been retired for quite some time now. Putting negative personal information about her does not negate the fact that she has stood for widows/widowers, retirees, and active officers for all the right reasons. She is just and do her homework before supporting disability applicants. They do not want her there because she is outspoken, smart, and will not back down. Vote for Ro and watch a positive change in our Pension Board. She is the only person to attend all of the investment and board meetings over the last seven years on her own time and reported everything to us, no one there is transparent like her. Do not fall for the lies many officers active and retired suffer, too many officers lose everything in no pay status due to on the job injuries.

8/06/2024 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also remember, Conehead is heading into a weeks long massive anxiety attack as the DNC gets nearer, and Fata$$, wallowing in depression after no being picked for Vice-President, will be inhaling gallons of Ben and Jerry's with a golden spoon to deal with his rejection. The inmates will be running the asylum even more than usual.

8/06/2024 09:45:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Mike Cosentino stop posting Bullshit!! I see you still have yet to answer up on the lies you posted on CPD Notifications regarding Giambalvo. You’re a grown man making up bullshit. All talk! no proof! Post Your Bullshit FOIA’s! We continue seeing that you obtained FOIA’s on her. Post the FOIAS Mike!!! You’re a LIAR!!! You’ve have had your next door neighbor LAPPE feeding you.

GIAMBALVO filed only one CR in her life time Mike and that was on you. Isn’t that correct Mike??

If Giambalvo had ever refused to attend her yearly medical appointments. If she did she would have lost her benefits! Calling her a scammer is so funny! If the Pension Board felt she was scamming they would have fought her tooth and nail. Stop the lies! She was awarded her IOD Benefits every year by the Pension Board. She never had to seek out the courts.

A law suit was never filed! That document was sent by her attorney to Second City Cop to stop the defamation that was occurring after pleading with the administrator to stop allowing it to occur.
You can all check yourselves no docket number was filed.

I ask you all to stop believing the bullshit comments and investigate the truth yourselves.

Rosemarie Giambalvo is the Best Choice for the Retiree Trustee Seat.
She cannot be controlled by anyone from any other Police Boards or Committees.

Stop the lies and slander We’re grown adults. Stop flipping the narratives to fit your agenda.

8/06/2024 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of elections, Kamala chose Tim Walz from Minnesota to be her VP. Haha fatso, maybe next time!!

8/06/2024 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I wasn't going to vote for her anyway.

8/06/2024 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 2016 the pension board signed a 16 year lease for their downtown office. Look at the yearly rent:

2017. $324,270.00
2018. $330,755.40
2019. $337,370.52
2020. $344,117.88
2021. $351,000.24
2022. $358,020.24
2023. $365,180.64
2024. $372,484.32
2025. $379,934.04
2026. $387,532.68
2027. $395,383.36
2028 thru 2032 - unknown

This was obtained via FOIA. I couldn't attach the actual report.

Who the hell agreed to this 16 year lease for an office that is inconvenient for police officers?
Hauser? Lappe? Benya? Who owns this building? They won't answer these questions.

This money to pay rent is coming out of our pension fund. We could have bought and owned a building by now with all this wasteful spending.

This is why the pension board needs change. We want answers and transparency. Please vote for Ro. Give her a chance.

8/06/2024 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any pension over 100,000 is ridiculous.
Should not be paid out until 63 years old.

8/06/2024 06:08:00 AM

Any Sgt or above who has 29+1 is receiving $100k plus pension on day one. Detectives received some nice raises and will be retiring at $100k plus as well very soon.

Get a clue.

8/06/2024 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve been saying the same thing for years. JCAT initiated CR’s on a few coppers back in the day. Writing To/Froms to IAD about officers leaving early. What does that say?

8/06/2024 07:37:00 AM
JCat is unique that's the Italian, Getting CR on coppers I know quite a few that do sneaky back stabbing tactics! Many of them cannot get along with their own families much less anyone else!

8/06/2024 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came on a job 05Dec88, Rose was in my home room completely useless and full of shit from day one. Fun fact Jerome
Finnigan was also in that homeroom. We all know Jerry made mistakes later on in his career, but I always had more respect for him than I ever did for her.

8/06/2024 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about holding ALL of the Pension Board members accountable and have them hire a different doctor to evaluate people seeking disability. There are countless scammers who have been on the take since the Academy who are now receiving disability benefits. Some never came off of PPO status, others laugh about their scamming. Reform should happen. The deserving get denied and put through the wringer, while the scammers profiteer from us and the taxpayers. Why are fellow officers and the Board okay with this?

8/06/2024 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is Lappe and friends tried to block the independent audit of the pension fund. They told her it would cost $20k and she would have to pay it herself. After two weeks she came up with the money and they still tried to cockblock her. Tons of waste going on down there. Lonnergon has been in that union position since I got on in the 90s and was told by JCAT to run.
For Lonnergan to say something as foolish as “ don’t worry about the pension, it will be fine” you are an idiot. Mrs Doubtfire look a like.
Vote Rosemary

8/06/2024 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sarge listed was a great man to work for. He was always very helpful. I have only the highest regard for the man.

Oh really? Ask him if he enjoyed reading the "The Gallows".

8/06/2024 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody even votes in this

8/06/2024 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. Tom wants to be paid . What about Ro?
How long was Ro on disability and for what?
Mike Lappe was disabled but continued to work. He was active .
I knew Mike ,don’t know much about these two?

8/06/2024 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Children posting an officer’s misfortune, so many officers wanting to work and the job doesn’t have a light position for them. Ask a lot of officers currently on disability, it was much worse back in the 1990’s. Attack, attack, attack police never really support each other. So far nothing has really changed at the pension board, these guys benefit themselves. The very person to help get unwanted attack. When the city becomes unable to make the payments required, don’t cry.

8/06/2024 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

apparently kamala husband had an affair with his child nanny and got her knocked up and it cost him his first marriage

listen dough take some advice from tjhe cpd exempts staff both past n present

keep your johnson inside your johnson

8/06/2024 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention, numerous witnesses observed chief Hein at Edison Park fest, clearly intoxicated on top of that he was yelling loudly and arguing with someone. More details to follow there may be video. Hein was running around saying do you know who I am? I am number two I am number two!! What an embarrassment.

8/06/2024 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to Tom Beyna?

8/06/2024 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
**I’ll never vote for her, but Tom Lonergan is way, way too old and needs to let go.
1) I am old, I'm running for the RETIRED position. My known opponent is several years older than I am, but her age should not be a deciding factor in your vote. If a younger retiree wants to also run feel free to do so.

8/06/2024 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

**I went to a South side retired police officer breakfast. Tom Lonergan was there and is running for election against Ro Giambalvo for trustee. He is with FOP Lodge 7 and State FOB. He said that made him qualified.
(a) I have been on the FOP Pension Committee for almost 13.5 years and Committee Chairman for 7.5 of those years. I am both a Trustee for Chicago FOP Lodge 7 and the Illinois State FOP Lodge. I am on the Legislative Committee and PAC for both Lodges.
**He said do not worry about our pension assists because the city is paying its share even though we are only 21% funded.
(b) In 2022 the City paid 799 million into the pension fund. In 2023 they paid 931 million, an increase of 132 million. They are already ahead of schedule with this year’s payments. In 2025 the City is scheduled to pay the pension fund 1 billion 43 million for 2026 pensions. This was done thru FOP Legislation not social media posts.
**If he is elected to the board, he said he will try to change the rules and wants a stipend or to be paid but he would have to get a rule change. His stipend would come out of our pension.
(c) this is an unpaid position. The State Law would have to be changed. I already donate my annual State stipend to their PAC of to charity. Others have said this position should get some compensation. I have not.
**Tom was on Duty Disability but kept it a secret.
(c) I was NEVER on disability. I was only on the medical about 6 times in 30+ years, and 4 were surgeries. I’ll sign a release and you can post all my medical records.
** and did not address the fact that officers seeking duty disability on no-pay status for extended length of time.
(d) Officers have been told they could go back to work by the Pension Board Dr. only to be told by the Police Dr. that they are disabled. These officers are in limbo and unpaid status. At FOP we filled a law suit on behalf of one officer. We also sponsored HB5266 which has passed the House and is in the State Senate to be heard in the lame duck session in January. The bill would keep the officers from being in an unpaid administrative status. June 25th I was the only person at the Pension Board Investment Mtg. During the public comment time I asked the board to fix this problem between the Pension Board Dr. and the Police Medical Section Dr. not to wait till January. I was at Pension Board Meeting on June 27th. The attorney that FOP uses for disability cases was notified just after 9 am that a case FOP paid for was won at the Appellate Court. Because of that decision one of the last cases of the day the officer was given full Duty Disability and our attorney read the decision into the record. HB5266 will codify the decision into state law.

8/06/2024 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep. Without a doubt Ro could have came back to work even in an inside desk or light duty role if not full duty. A scam from the beginning. She always thought she was slick.

8/06/2024 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't vote for Ms. Giambalvo!

8/06/2024 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a South side retired police officer breakfast. Tom Lonergan was there and is running for election against Ro Giambalvo for trustee. He is with FOP Lodge 7 and State FOB. He said that made him qualified. He said do not worry about our pension assists because the city is paying its share even though we are only 21% funded.

If he is elected to the board, he said he will try to change the rules and wants a stipend or to be paid but he would have to get a rule change. His stipend would come out of our pension. He did not mention Ro by name but let it be known that he and FOP does not want her to win because FOP could not control her. Tom was on Duty Disability but kept it a secret and did not address the fact that officers seeking duty disability on no-pay status for extended length of time.

8/06/2024 02:08:00 AM

This guy sounds amazing, anyone know a way I can vote for him more than once?

Fuck this guy, you want a stipend, go work at Target.

8/06/2024 02:58:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Why do not post my comments. Just curious

8/06/2024 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JCAT has gotten more CR Numbers on cops than anyone ever employed by the Chicago Police Department . He got a CR number on an instructor in the academy and demanded he be dumped immediately . That number is still current ! He made fictitious case reports, lies constantly and made a deal recently to allow Kevin Graham back into the Union only when he signed a written agreement signed by his lawyer that he not be allowed to go to the third floor of the Lodge he pays dues to. Two years ago Catanzara did a speech in downstate Illinois in which he stated that as “ President of Lodge 7 that I am going to have to have a conversation with “‘my members “ about lowering their pension checks !” Who was in the front row ? Tom Lonergan sitting next to Illinois Fop President Chris Southwood . But hey he speaks for us ! He does that when he’s in town !

8/06/2024 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coppers shouldn't sue other coppers, that was my belief but I fucking regret not suing the idiot who T-bone my squadcar at 26th & Cal while working on 10. Years later the idiot, til this days tells people that I ran the red light when he was the one. Didn't sue him since we we're both coppers at the time, but when I learned he was blaming me I wish I would have. V.P. you know who I am, you fucked yourself up. Oh well.

8/06/2024 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JCAT has gotten more CR Numbers on cops than anyone ever employed by the Chicago Police Department . He got a CR number on an instructor in the academy and demanded he be dumped immediately . That number is still current ! He made fictitious case reports, lies constantly and made a deal recently to allow Kevin Graham back into the Union only when he signed a written agreement signed by his lawyer that he not be allowed to go to the third floor of the Lodge he pays dues to. Two years ago Catanzara did a speech in downstate Illinois in which he stated that as “ President of Lodge 7 that I am going to have to have a conversation with “‘my members “ about lowering their pension checks !” Who was in the front row ? Tom Lonergan sitting next to Illinois Fop President Chris Southwood . But hey he speaks for us ! He does that when he’s in town !

8/06/2024 04:08:00 PM
He is a real boy wonder! Where is the transparency with the FOP money shouldn’t that be showing to the members where he spending our money? Many have wrote him emails, including myself with absolutely zero reply him and Mike they don’t reply to nothing. He’s obviously not interested in the retirees, even though he himself is a retiree fighting for our pension now he says he wants to lower the pension checks. He is delusional.

8/06/2024 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention, numerous witnesses observed chief Hein at Edison Park fest, clearly intoxicated on top of that he was yelling loudly and arguing with someone. More details to follow there may be video. Hein was running around saying do you know who I am? I am number two I am number two!! What an embarrassment.

Number two's get flushed.

8/06/2024 05:46:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...


It’s so embarrassing reading the complaining of adult juvenile, salty coppers! No wonder civilians show us no respect after reading these juvenile comments that all the public can read.

Too many salty miserable cops talk shit!!!

The wrong people are afraid of Rosemarie Giambalvo getting on the Pension Board. She will stop the corruption that’s been occurring for years.

Do your own true investigation of GIAMBALVO and you will see the things being posted are lies or twisted to fit the persons agenda.

So sad!

The Best Person to be voted in who will benefit All Active, Disabled, Retired, and Widows is ROSEMARIE GIAMBALVO!!

8/06/2024 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any pension over 100,000 is ridiculous.
Should not be paid out until 63 years old.

8/06/2024 06:08:00 AM

Any Sgt or above who has 29+1 is receiving $100k plus pension on day one. Detectives received some nice raises and will be retiring at $100k plus as well very soon.

Get a clue.

Hope it lasts. Get a clue.

8/06/2024 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

show of hands on who thinks she has been the only copper to play the medical role !!!!

8/06/2024 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosemarie Giambalvo is the Best Choice for the Retiree Trustee Seat.
She cannot be controlled by anyone from any other Police Boards or Committees.

Stop the lies and slander We’re grown adults. Stop flipping the narratives to fit your agenda.

8/06/2024 09:45:00 AM

Do you always post about yourself in the third person?

8/06/2024 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is filled with thin skinned people who can not take constructive critizism instead of digesting the truth and fixing an issue they resort to vengeful tactics. Tis is the reason shit never gets resolved or remedied.

8/06/2024 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Children posting an officer’s misfortune, so many officers wanting to work and the job doesn’t have a light position for them. Ask a lot of officers currently on disability, it was much worse back in the 1990’s. Attack, attack, attack police never really support each other. So far nothing has really changed at the pension board, these guys benefit themselves. The very person to help get unwanted attack. When the city becomes unable to make the payments required, don’t cry.

8/06/2024 12:22:00 PM

Misfortune? There are disability abusers and there are actual disabled officers.

8/06/2024 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont fall for this lady and all her bs. She should shut her mouth take her free ride on the backs of working coppers and fuck off.

Here here!!!

8/06/2024 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you Think about it, Roe has been on disability For an awful long time, She fully deserved to be followed because she was scamming. That is the whole point of having investigators.

We had this discussion at the area today. Came to the conclusion, Until You charge somebody with Pension fraud, You will always have a bunch of scammers. I was told that about half Of those On disability are scamming.

8/06/2024 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sarge listed was a great man to work for. He was always very helpful. I have only the highest regard for the man.

8/06/2024 04:21:00 AM

Those were the days, 1st watch 025. I'll never forget Commander Tom Walton walking into the roll call room with the new issue of Cock talk posted all over the walls. The look on his face waa priceless. Nowadays you'd have all kinds of CRs if this happened.

8/06/2024 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/2024 09:45:00 AM

Beth Svec. First you try to jam up coppers who got a UUW because you trusted the felons friends as eyewitnesses. You claimed there was video evidence but never produced any. You rightfully so get removed from calling in UUWs. Then you sue the department because you're incapable of filling out a Watch Bid sheet correctly. As a taxpayer, fuck you and your 4 million.

8/06/2024 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mister Lonergan, there is a video of you posted on Facebook talking at that breakfast meeting. Everything posted here on SCC is exactly what you said.

Your responses here are exactly how crooked politicians speak. You talk work salad, never admit or deny, just post statistics that you claim credit for.

Btw, you never attended pension board meetings until you decided to run against Miss Giambalvo. That's a fact.

8/06/2024 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Attention, numerous witnesses observed chief Hein at Edison Park fest, clearly intoxicated on top of that he was yelling loudly and arguing with someone. More details to follow there may be video. Hein was running around saying do you know who I am? I am number two I am number two!! What an embarrassment.

8/06/2024 01:00:00 PM

Maybe he was saying he had to take a number 2 and needed an emergency toilet. Everyone has had an “extreme emergency.”

8/06/2024 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t know Lonergan, but Spidey Sense tells me not to vote for Giambalvo.

8/06/2024 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago Ro asked the pension board to conduct a forensic audit. They said go ahead and do it yourself because it will cost $20,000.
Us retirees pitched in the $20,000 and hired an independent, reputable auditor (known across the US) who conducted the audit and provided the shocking results.

CPD officers should care and read this report, because the reckless spending is unbelievable. The record keeping is child like and incomplete. Bills submitted by lawyers, doctors, retired cops following officers on medical, extra office staffing, supplies, travel expenses. The bills have no dates, no names, no detailed explanation of what work was performed. 'Mister Man worked 12 hours following an officer = $1500.00...pay me.'. Not to mention the investments being made with our money were being chosen by members of the pension board themselves!!

This proved the lack of transparency and integrity and competency of the pension board. And this pissed of Lappe, Benya, Jcat (who claims he does not associate with pension board).
These are some of the facts of why they want Ro out. This is why they attack her character.

Yes she attends all the pensions meetings. Yes she asks a lot of questions. Yes she sends many FOIAs. She does that on behalf of us - the annuitants. Don't we have the right to know exactly where our money is going?

8/06/2024 10:02:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Cops who sue other cops deserve no keeses.

8/06/2024 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a second-generation Police Officer retired with 30 plus years of service. I have a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice, an Accounting Certificate, and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Illinois Institute of Technology. I have been on the FOP Pension Committee for 13.5 years and Committee Chairman for 7.5 of those years under FOP Presidents Dean Angelo and John Catanzara.

If you are concern about the pension funding: In 1970 at the Illinois Constitutional Convention Delegate Green added the pension protection clause “that pensions cannot be diminished or impaired.” In 2010 FOP passed SB3538 which forced the City to pay more into Pension Fund than the 18% the City was paying in matching money. It also set in place the process to seize State Grant Money if the City was late in making their payments. These provisions would go into effect starting in 2015.

The Pension Protection Clause was put to the test in 2013 when the General Assembly in Springfield passed SB1 which told State of Illinois Employees that they could have C.O.L.A. upon retirement or Health Care but not both. A Statewide lawsuit was filed. I am both a Trustee for Chicago FOP Lodge 7 and the Illinois State FOP Lodge in Springfield, IL. I am on the Legislative Committee for both Lodges. On the State Legislative Committee, we stopped any FOP Lodge in the State from endorsing or funding anyone who voted for SB1 for at least one election cycle. This keeps those politicians from using our FOP logo on any of their flyers. At Chicago Lodge 7 we filed an amicus brief in defense of the State Employees. The case was heard in 2015. The Illinois State Supreme Court ruled in our favor that the Pension Benefits cannot be diminished. That Court decision guarantees your pension. About this time Rahm Emanuel and Chuy Garcia asked for the FOP endorsement in the primary election. I asked both pointed questions if they would guarantee to fully fund our pensions. They both evaded the question and did not get our endorsement. In the runoff election again Emanuel and Garcia both refused to commit to fund the pension. I made the motion to not endorse either of them. In Springfield Judy Barr-Topinka was running for State Comptroller and asking for our endorsement. When I asked her if she would seize Chicago grant money if the city was late in their pension payments she said yes and set processes in place in her office to do so. I voted to endorse her. That process was used at least once. In 2022 the City paid 799 million into the pension fund. In 2023 the City paid 931 million to the Pension Fund an increase 132 million over the prior year. They are already ahead of schedule with this year’s payments. In 2025 the City is scheduled to pay the pension fund one billion 43 million for 2026 pensions. This was done thru Legislation not social media posts.

I was going to pension board meetings for the six years under Mike Shields and Dean Angelo before I ever saw anyone there that was not on our committee. I made three times the meeting that the City Treasure Kurt Summers did.

8/06/2024 10:57:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

And I’ would do it again if I had to. So sad that I even was put in that kind of situation!
Love how you don’t know the facts of the case. Go read the full court case!!! You would be shocked!!
Sure don’t know how I got brought up regarding a pension board election! I’ve been living with bullshit slander for years now! Keep the slander coming asshole! I can assume it’s you Mike LOL!! You went silent when I caught you on your bullshit!

8/06/2024 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COLA Bill for officers born after 1966:

After the defund the police, movement started and Safe-T Act HB3653 was passed Chicago FOP Lodge 7 and the State FOP formed a Political Action Committees which I am on. We ran candidates against many of those Democratic Legislators who supported that bill. Fast forward to this spring, every person who voted for HB 3653 voted for our COLA bill. This was done by hard work. But we had eight down state anti-pension Republicans who voted against our bill. I made a motion to deny any of those eight House Representatives a FOP endorsement and fielded a primary opponent for their leader. I voted to fund that opponent. We did not defeat him, but we got his attention. Post Primary this spring we just passed Drop Program that affects the pension code in the State House unanimously. Sometimes you must give them the stick instead of giving them the carrot.


8/06/2024 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the officers fighting now for disability:

Covid put the pension fund way behind hearing disability cases. Officers were told they could go back to work by the Pension Board Dr. only to be told by the CPD Dr. that they are disabled. These officers are in limbo and in an unpaid status. We funded a lawsuit on behalf of one officer filed by our Disability Lawyer. We also sponsored HB5266 which has passed the House and is in the State Senate to be heard in the lame duck session. The bill would keep the officers from being in an unpaid administrative status. June 25th I was the only person at the Pension Board Investment Mtg. During the public comment time I asked the board to fix this problem between the Pension Board Dr. and the Police Medical Section Dr. and not to wait till January. At the Pension Board Meeting on June 27th the attorney that FOP uses for disability cases was notified at 9:30 a.m. that a case FOP paid for, which he had filed, was won at Court. Later that day an officer was given full Duty Disability with the results of the lawsuit being entered as part of their case. In the lame duck session, we will codify the court decision into State Law with HB5266.


8/06/2024 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was disappointed that Camella didn’t choose JB. I was looking forward to his leaving.

8/06/2024 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok so what was the lawsuit over? You just can’t derail a canidate over nothing. Maybe the threat of a lawsuit was deserved. Where are the other pages of the filing?

8/06/2024 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some coppers need CR numbers put on them. It's great to be able to leave early, unless you are the one who's handling that copper's radio assignments. I understand leaving early for an emergency, but some just take advantage of the system and have an "emergency" every week on their Fridays, their Thursdays, their Wednesdays...
Others get tired of covering their asses.

Also to blame are the sergeants who let them leave early. Basically telling everyone else that they don't matter.

They blame JCAT but others on the watch were grateful.

8/07/2024 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're going to be paying my $115K pension sucker! While I'm in Florida starting September 15th!!! Get a clue

8/07/2024 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's fatso?!

8/07/2024 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found the below on Facebook:
I am running for the Retiree position on the Pension Board. Chicago John Dineen Lodge # 7 (FOP) Board of Directors have endorsed me. The Retired Chicago Police Association has also endorsed me. I have been on the FOP Pension Committee for 13.5 years and Committee Chairman for 7.5 of those years under FOP Presidents Dean Angelo and John Catanzara. I am a second-generation Police Officer retired with 30 plus years of service. I have a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice, an Accounting Certificate, and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Illinois Institute of Technology.
To the 5k members of the Retired Chicago Police Association my article was cut in half by the printer this month. To those RCPA members who have been coming to meetings the last 14 years the article was what you have heard me talk about in-person. I will put a longer article into the FOP magazine. I might be able to make it downloadable from the FOP website. I think the election might be a topic of Friday night video when we get closer to the election. For retirees and widows who are not members of the RCPA or FOP you will begetting a mailer from me and maybe other retired officer(s). Please read them over and make an informed choice.

The fact he paid into the pension plan for more than 30 years and not 30 months earns him my vote, This election is over before it starts.

8/07/2024 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Lonergan wants a stipend for what he knows is an unpaid position. He has been using all those committee's he's on as his side job. The more committee's the more $$$. I believe they get $600 per month per committee. As far as I can tell he's on at least 5 committee's = $3000 per month plus his pension. Add the one State Lodge committee he is on.

8/07/2024 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Confirmed 👍

8/07/2024 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a listening device hidden in the FOP President's office when Cantazara began his 1st term? If that is true, who left it there? Could that be why a written agreement was made?

8/07/2024 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Heels Up didn't choose anything. The only thing she chose to do was put her Heels Up to advance up the ladder. The shot callers for the DNC is the annointed messiah Obama and James Clyburn.

8/07/2024 07:44:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

She’s been retired since 2011

8/07/2024 08:01:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Never filed

8/07/2024 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Lonergan wants a stipend for what he knows is an unpaid position. He has been using all those committee's he's on as his side job. The more committee's the more $$$. I believe they get $600 per month per committee. As far as I can tell he's on at least 5 committee's = $3000 per month plus his pension. Add the one State Lodge committee he is on.
Bull shit! It was $600 a month not a year!. Tom was working Chicago PD and Fire full time for a couple of years with me. He was making more in three weeks than he does with all his FOP shit combined for the year. And he gave up those part times. PS his State stipend is 375 a year not a month not a year. Their by-laws are on line. Most of those FOP slugs are not worth a warm bucket of spit. He a Gorman are two of the exceptions!

You sure sound like one the clowns who lost the last FOP election! Give it up Pat!

8/07/2024 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Attention, numerous witnesses observed chief Hein at Edison Park fest, clearly intoxicated on top of that he was yelling loudly and arguing with someone. More details to follow there may be video. Hein was running around saying do you know who I am? I am number two I am number two!! What an embarrassment.

8/06/2024 01:00:00 PM

Maybe he was saying he had to take a number 2 and needed an emergency toilet. Everyone has had an “extreme emergency.”
8/06/2024 09:31:46 PM
A better question is who does #2 work for?

8/07/2024 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to assume all the positions are paid if course.

8/07/2024 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now attacking another innocent Lappe, Beth did the right thing and chose not to put a case on an innocent person, the main reason we are stuck with body cameras today because everyone isn’t like her. What her lawsuit has to do with anything, she was correct the court sided with her.

8/07/2024 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1988, Rose = bad, Jerome = good? You’re a great judge of character.

8/07/2024 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

end gold braid pensions
remove tier 2 pension plan, democrats run on = pay for = work
same should apply for pension benefits

8/07/2024 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He posted on FB and shut down the ability to make a comment on that post. Says a lot about him. If you can't take the heat, . . .

8/07/2024 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So here are the real dates for Ms. Giambalvo:
Off Probation: December 5 1989
On the Medical: August 14, 1992
Disability granted: August 14, 1993

Total Days worked as P.O.: 2 years, 8 months, 13 days minus medical days.
Pension Contributions: $13,629.05
Payouts collected: $1, 567, 931.19

And her worry is the pension fund will run out of money before she can milk it dry??????

8/07/2024 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fibber McGee Says:

Elect RO, the Guardian Angel of the CPD Pension Fund.

8/07/2024 03:10:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

So, I am obviously campaigning For Giambalvo for the upcoming Oct 2024 Pension Board Retiree Trustee Seat. I can obviously assume this comment regarding my suit with the city is either Michael Cosentino or Michael Lappe…
During my campaigning I have not personally attacked either of you or anyone else regarding anything personal. I question every one who makes false allegations and statements regarding Giamblavo on any social media sites! When I challenge anyone to produce the facts on social media they remove their threads!! Isn’t that correct Cosentino, Sullivan and the Fake profile of George Andrew’s. What does that tell you?? Now I am being personally attacked because I challenge those who are who post BULLSHIT!!!

Do what you have to do, because I will not stop campaigning for Rosemarie Giambalvo. YOU BULLIES JUST MAKE ME FIGHT HARDER!!

Yes, I filed suit and rightfully so!! I would do it again if what was done to me happened again. You can spread your bullshit narrative, but many know the truth. It caused me complete devastation that I had to file a suit against the department I loved so much. The department was so good to me as I was to them before this Unlawful Arrest occurred and I was assigned to handle the case. The case was handled like any case I investigated!

ASA filed a Confidential CR on the officers. The defendants were awarded $$ by the city years before my trial. Pull up the trial documents!! I was ordered by the Lt not attempt to locate the video!!! BIA never investigated the involved officers. They only interviewed the falsely arrested, my self and a couple witness. THESE COPPERS JAMMED THEMSELVES NOT ME !!! If a copper was stupid enough to bring a case like the to me! Shame on them!!! I wasn’t going to jail!!! I stay physically far away from the department due to the retaliation I’ve received. I miss wakes, funerals, benefits and promotional parties because have been made to feel that I should be ashamed of myself. I wish to God that, day never occurred!!!!
I only attend things that are honoring James Svec’s EOW 08 Dec 2021. Our girls are always with me when attending a police function, which is only for Jim. I did recently attend an Englewood Rangers Luncheon a few months back. I was comfortable attending that luncheon alone as the old school rangers who are mostly or have been retired had my back. I thank them all for that! The department made me feel like I should be ashamed of my self! So if you guys want to keep shaming me go right the Fuck ahead!! I have not received any type of monetary award!! I have been in an unpaid status since 01 Jan 2022. Busting my ass Fighting to pay my bills!! So FUCK YOU!

Beth Svec

8/07/2024 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copied this from a smart cpd member. UNDERSTAND THIS : You get a disability pension because your no longer employable as a peace officer. You still can work another job and get the disability pension
; its not fraud. If the city wanted to reduce disability pensions they need only provide permanent light duty spots for injured officers and pay them PO. Sgt. etc. salaries till retirement. They did once long ago not now. The city will not do this so officers are awarded disability pensions not because they are totally disabled but because their injury disqualifies them from the duties required of being a full duty officer.

8/07/2024 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you got dumped out of robbery and you deserve millions? Weren't you dropped out of robbery before also?

8/07/2024 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, with all due respect, that's a lot of circle talk, and YOU did not solely save the day for one officer. Which you also give credit to FOP for that, proving you are lying in bed with FOP.

Have some dignity Tom and drop out of this race please.

And, the problem with iod officers going into unpaid status was occurring for many years before, during and after covid. The pension board has stalled purposely due to Lappe.

8/07/2024 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you publish her IOD file too? What are the circumstances and injuries that kept her from qualifying as a full duty officer? That's what is important here.
And who on the pension board granted her disability? Was she so good at faking her injury for all these years that not one medical doctor or pension board member saw thru her,?

8/07/2024 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of the same hypocrites that is posting Ro information is failing to post their own, they themselves have been on disability. Unfortunately there is no cure for permanent injuries, the only light is we have benefits to sustain us if you qualify. Many don’t qualify and end up without the job or income. So it doesn’t matter whether you are one day on the streets and get in a traffic crash or God forbid get shot, you should receive your benefits. Only the evil cowards are attacking Ro because they are scared. As for the officer who chose to properly conduct an investigation and not incarcerate the innocent, I commend you. There would be no need for body cameras if all officers had your integrity, I pray that you receive your compensation plus some for what you are going through.

8/07/2024 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Burke , those were the days. I miss all those guys.

8/07/2024 07:33:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Are you going to SHAME. TOM LONEGRAN (Candidate), JOHN CANTAZARA, DEAN DEANGELO, and HAROLD BROWN who were on disability as well. How many others were under Hauser Administration that was kept quit. Who care how the fuck long anyone is on disability !!!! Why was her Disability never challenged by the board?? Why was she granted disability every year afte?? I know why it’s because the pension board doctors agreed she was disabled!!!
Her disability has nothing to do with this election. You need to attack Lonegran as well. You ASSHOLE SHAME DIABLED OFFICER!! I hope Karma catches up with you very soon

8/07/2024 07:38:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

The Falsely Arrested were awarded damages by the city the first year of the in incident.

8/07/2024 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Went to the academy with Beth Svec and worked in 009 midnights while she was in 007. She was good police back then. She’s good in my book!

Take care Detective! God Bless you and your kids.

8/07/2024 10:43:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

No I was never thrown out of Robbery. You have to post anonymously 🤣🤣. You coward!!


8/07/2024 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Rosemary for your input!

8/07/2024 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks again Rosemary! if you are that good to get the rental fees, you can surely obtain the owner/s of the building, through the Assessors Office!

8/07/2024 10:59:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

You must have been one of his dirty cohorts!!

8/07/2024 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No such video exists. You took the word of the felons friends. What the hell do you think they'll say? Oh, yeah, he had a gun??? Are you out of your damn mind? You can pound your chest all you want but what you did is disgusting on both fronts. And remember, no one to blame but yourself for not being carried management.

8/07/2024 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again Rosemary speaks! Thanks for your usual Fairy Tales Cinderella!

8/07/2024 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try not to drink the hard stuff if you are going to post here buddy.

8/08/2024 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES. What exactly was her injury that kept her from even working a light duty assignment?

8/08/2024 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago Park District Pension moved to 35th and Halsted. A LOT Cheaper. Why the hell can't the Police Pension move to such a cheaper area?
Off duty coppers DO NOT want to travel downtown.
Just like everyone else.

8/08/2024 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lonergan was not on disability. He was chairman of the Pension/Disability Committee which I was on for a while. I think that's were the confusion is. I worked CTA Special Employment with him weeks before he retired. We both retired at the same time with with the first group of free health care. I still work some part time work with him.

8/08/2024 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lonergan is part of the “new” old boys club. Not a fan of them by any means, especially their leader JKitty. They are infiltrating every board they can. You have JKitty, who professed he would only serve one term as FOP president to secure a contract. Well, here we are in term #2. Now he’s on the State FOP board too! His boot licker Dave DiSanti, who is retired, is a trustee with FOP, and somehow became treasurer for the Retired Police Assn. Don’t remember a vote for this office or an announcement. What makes DiSanti a good choice for treasurer? He was a lousy PO! Now Liberian, another FOP trustee wants to be on the pension board. Too many fingers in the pot with JKitty’s prints on them!

8/08/2024 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should any of us be searching for the owners of the building? Why can't the current pension board answer our questions? It's our money being used to pay that outrageous rent and we want to know the reason why.

8/08/2024 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree. Look at all the Chicago FOP Lodge 7 on the State FOP board and committees.

8/09/2024 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other side of the coin is all the other slugs are lazy and leave the real work to the few who give a shit.

8/09/2024 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, you were dumped from robbery by Patty Walsh

8/09/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

These lies are hysterical regarding Rosemarie Gaimbalvo. These bullshit allegations are being falsely posted by scared miserable retired and senior active officers. These posting are falsely being reported by officers and retirees who are directly or have been directly connected with the Pension Board or FOP. They fear her as they know that she will discover the corruption that has been occurring for so many years.


1. Date of hire:
05 Dec 1988

2. Date she went on disability:
- injured 07 Jun 1992 (Squad car accident)
- Applied for Disability: 13 Aug 1993
- Granted Disability: 13 Sep 1994 in the amount $2,568 a month which was ONLY received for the first 7yrs. Salary: $41,094. 75% of her salary was $30,820.50. ($2,568 monthly) The total for first 7yrs equaled approximately $215,743.50. Her salary was then reduced to 60% for the next 11 yrs until she retired. She did receive a few salary raises during her time on disability.

3. Amount of money she paid into the pension:

4. Amount of money she took out of the pension plan before she turned 63.
- Disability Benefits Expired 17 Aug 2011.

You can do the math yourself. It doesn’t take a genius. She received 18yrs of disability. Say she received 21yrs of disability at 75% it would have totaled $647,230.50. I just multiplied her 7yr total by 3 even though she didn’t receive 21yrs. Now remember it was reduced to 60%. If her salary even doubled there is NO POSSIBLE way she would have collected $1.57 mil. You can all do the math like I said.

These are false allegations made by people within the Pension Board and FOP which also includes former.

5. How old is she

She moved to Las Vegas and she missed and refused to go to many of her mandatory annual Dr. visits. She filed suit several times.

1. 100%. Absolutely false! If she missed or refused to attend any mandatory annual Dr visits her disability would have been terminated.

2. She NEVER filed any law suits of any kind against the Pension Board, Chicago Police Dept. FOP or anyone personally employed by any of the above stated. (Public record, search for yourself)

*A lawsuit was filed many many years ago against the FORMER Administrator of the Second City Blog

- Filed on 25 Mar 2002
- Case Dismissed 07 May 2003

She posted many things on Facebook about how hard she was working which was direct conflict with her alleged disability.

-She would have had her Disability Benefits Terminated!! Her hard work she spoke of was her hard work fighting against corruption within the pension board, fight and working on legislations, pushing for a Forensic Audit, and assisting officers.


8/09/2024 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/09/2024 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say she received 21yrs of disability at 75% it would have totaled $647,230.50. I just multiplied her 7yr total by 3 even though she didn’t receive 21yrs.

Add in the pension for almost 14 years since she turned 63 with a 3% cola the total comes in at 1.57 million for $13,629.05 in contributions. Pension board numbers not ours. And you are bum raping the guy that got shot in the neck and came to work every day.?

These posting are falsely being reported by officers and retirees who are directly or have been directly connected with the Pension Board or FOP.

while my figures come from the pension fund, we a not from the pension fund or fop. Left fop when promoted. We just don’t like you!

She NEVER filed any law suits of any kind against the Pension Board, Chicago Police Dept. FOP or anyone personally employed by any of the above stated. (Public record, search for yourself).

did you sue for bankruptcy? But it’s our mistake on the other stuff. You didn’t sue the pension fund. You just retained a lawyer to file a cease and desist orders on the pension fund for following you while you were on disability. I’d love to have someone with a gun follow me. Never worry about being carjacked.

and then there is your audit
what changes did you cause? What did your hand picked guy on the pension fund find? He was in the building every day...nothing! At least Brian Wright will show up for work every day.

8/09/2024 06:13:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

You’re full of shit dude! No way did she make that much. Lol. If she did. Good for her!!!!

8/09/2024 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the hand picked guy you referring to was the active Trustee, be careful I know he was blocked from obtaining information which he has evidence of..

8/10/2024 12:50:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Must be the jealous Vivas!!! Biggest paper jumper!!!

8/10/2024 09:34:00 PM  
Blogger Sir Robert Reel said...

Ms. Giambalvo has received 18 years of disability.
During that time she did not have to pay State or Federal taxes.
She did not have to pay for health care either.
At age 63 they pushed her off of disability to regular pension.
She did have to then pay taxes like the rest of us slugs but,
she still got free heath care till age 65.
18 years of disability
13 years of pension
for less than 14K
she is the last person to be leading this fight.

8/11/2024 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you were dumped out of robbery previously? Which is it

8/11/2024 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, let's go with your logic that Ro faked her injury to get 18 years of disability. Wouldn't that mean every single person on the pension board is a moron for not being able to see through Ro's bullshit? Which means they all need to be replaced - how many other disabilities slid by this crew of idiots?

8/11/2024 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at that S/S Retired Chicago Police meeting in Oak Lawn and whoever posted this wasn’t there or needs hearing aids. Lonergan never said he was looking to get paid for that position ( it is not one of the two paid positions)
Nor the other things attributed to him, I call bullshit on that one.

8/12/2024 05:36:00 AM  
Blogger Old School said...

Okay, let's go with your logic that Ro faked her injury to get 18 years of disability. Wouldn't that mean every single person on the pension board is a moron for not being able to see through Ro's bullshit? Which means they all need to be replaced - how many other disabilities slid by this crew of idiots?
8/11/2024 06:37:04 PM

So your logic is she was a scammer and that board were idiots?
So your logic is we should elect her because she not an idiot just a scammer?
The big idiots are the people who give her money w/o getting any results.
Please tell me what systemic changes, that were forced upon the pension find, her one sided report got?

8/12/2024 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read all these comments about disabled officers. WOW! Is this what our brothers and sisters do to their fellow disabled officers? We get shamed for being on disability? For not paying enough into the pension fund before getting severely disabled on the job? I've been told by officers i worked with that other officers have been casting doubt on the severity of my injuries and asking why I'm not back at work yet. Or even more ignorant, a comment from a previous post about how officers on disability are jetsetting across the country and going on extended vacations and therefore we must be faking our disability. So let me get this this straight. A disabled officer choosing to get away from this city for a week to enjoy time somewhere else with their family equates to the officer faking a disability? Sounds like it was a Lappe or Mike Cosentino comment. Before anybody accuses me of being Ro, I am not. After reading these comments from this thread and others concerning officers on disability, I will not reveal my identity. All I will say is I was shot in the line of duty sometime with the last 6 years and currently collecting a disability pension. These are my observations of Ro and the disability process from having to go through it. The whole process sucked! I never met Ro prior to going through the process and haven't spoken to her since then, but Ro was beyond helpful throughout it. The pension board will attempt to beat you down into submission to get you back to work before being physically and/or mentally capable of returning. Ro guided me though the process, prepared me for what to expect and how to navigate my way through it. Everybody here wants to play politics and let personal vendettas get in the way when choosing who will best represent officers going through the disability process. You may hate Ro for personal reasons or for reasons you don't even know; or just been told you should hate her and because somebody posted how much she has received in disability benefits and what her contributions to the pension fund were. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't disability pensions paid from the city and not the pension fund?? Somebody that has contributed for 30 years AUTOMATICALLY makes that person qualified to sit on the pension board? That seems to be the logic here. Very flawed logic. So how many years on the job do we need to have before getting severely injured to not get disabled shamed by our fellow brothers and sisters. Some of these commenters should be embarrassed for the way they speak about their fellow officers. At any given moment, any one of you officers can find yourself having to go through the disability process. There are a million ways to get injured in the line of duty. The pension board has a million and one ways to screw you over. This is reminiscent of Trump vs Kamala. People going to keep voting the same way because they are told to and end up with the same old crap. Time to put hurt feelings, thin skin, politics, and personal vendettas aside and vote for the person who refuses to play the same old pension board game and will be the most beneficial to the deserving injured officers seeking disability. Or you can risk voting for another Lappe type of a board member. Somebody should check to make sure Lonergan is not Mike Cosentino's next door neighbor like Lappe is.

Moral of the post. Don't believe everything you hear about one candidate or the other. It's too easy to create the perception that a terrible candidate is great and a good candidate is terrible. Just look at what the mainstream media has done for Kamala. Don't be a Kamala type voter.

8/13/2024 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R0 please sign your name and stop talking about yourself in the third person. And we are not the aforementioned officers. They had almost 90 years of police between them. U had about 90 weeks. U threw me off the accountability group when I questioned how much money was left.

8/14/2024 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol!! Ro has been blocked from the blog for a very long time!! You know so much you should have already known that!!!

8/14/2024 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you

8/14/2024 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares where is!! He screwed so many while on the board!!

8/14/2024 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R0 please sign your name and stop talking about yourself in the third person. And we are not the aforementioned officers. They had almost 90 years of police between them. U had about 90 weeks. U threw me off the accountability group when I questioned how much money was left.


Lappe, please sign your name and stop calling me Ro.

8/14/2024 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look what the past and current has done! Destroyed the fund!!

8/14/2024 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salty crybaby!!

8/14/2024 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She’s been blocked for this blog for years dumb ass!!

8/14/2024 07:36:00 PM  

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