Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Racial Lawsuit

Make them live by their rules, and use the courts to your advantage:

  • A 20-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city, alleging that his race is listed as Caucasian in his personnel file, but he “currently identifies as Egyptian and African American.”

    Mohammad Yusuf, 43, claims that the department only offered Caucasian, Black, and Hispanic as race designations when he joined the force in 2004, so he chose “Caucasian.” But the department now allows incoming officers to choose from “over nine” different racial designations, the lawsuit says.

    The police department has a “blanket prohibition” against changing an officer’s race in its records. Yet, it allows officers to “have their gender identity corrected to match their lived experience,” Yusuf’s suit claims.

    Even after Yusuf presented the results of a “23 and Me” genetic test to prove his heritage, the department said it was “not possible” to let him select another ethnicity for his personnel file.

Back in the 90's, we recall an Officer we knew, paler than we ever were and he identified as "African American." His reason? He was born in or just outside of Pretoria, South Africa and emigrated here as a child, giving him far more credibility in that arena than other officers and families who had lived in Chicago for decades. While we and others had a laugh at the time, turns out he was far ahead of his time. 

Intentional or not, this Officer's lawsuit is sure to ruffle a lot of feathers.

note - we won't be naming our South African friend and any mentions of his name won't be published.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The richest man in America is an African-American, hopefully this guy wins and becomes the 2nd richest one.

2/28/2024 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change his gender to female and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC keeping it classy! Love it on all fronts xoxo

Oh! And totally fuckin awesome job on the officers part. Gofundme for his legal fees I will donate

2/28/2024 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

African American should not be a race. What about Africans that are not Americans? What race are they? I got some black citizen extremely upset once by calling him African-American. He told me not one part of him is African and he doesn't appreciate being called that. As far as changing it - I don't see why they don't allow it. As someone pointed out - if Jerome to Tamika is fine why isn't Caucasian to African-American? Unbelievable what it's come down to.

2/28/2024 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s brilliant, honestly. I don’t know this officer but I tip my cap at his ability to see the absurdity of this racial-politics system, and play it to his rightful advantage.
And as I was reading the story I was thinking that I can’t wait to see what kind of can of worms this unravels.

Alinsky’s playbook is alive and well.
Make them play by the letter of their own rules.

And it’s shining some light on some uncomfortable truths about “merit promotions” that some people may not want to talk about.

2/28/2024 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“You know, I’ve often thought of becoming a golf club.” - Caddy Shack 1980

2/28/2024 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Glen Popiela said...

This officer comes from a family of HUGE police supporters. They owned a business in 015 for decades and were always generous to CPD. He’s been around coppers since he was a child and his family members have appeared as witnesses in court proceedings FOR CPD officers in the past. No doubt his upbringing helping run the store and interacting with the police in his formative years influenced his decision to come on the job. I first met him when he was in grammar school and was immediately impressed with what a good, smart kid his was. Same for his brother… they were mature beyond their years helping “Steve” run that store while excelling academically.

Best wishes, “unnamed officer”. Beat these bastards at their own game.

Glen Popiela #14124
Unit 341

2/28/2024 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that he is technically “mislabeled”, and being labeled as Caucasian makes it absolutely impossible to be made by “merit”- this should be interesting.

Why doesn’t the city just call it what it is?
What it ISNT is “merit”.

Or are we to believe that caucasians are less inclined to do police work notable of being deemed worthy of promotion than other races? At a statistically impossible rate?
Why has this never been in question before?
Only certain races are capable of being promoted by merit, and it’s the worst kept secret in the department.

At this point we all have had it beaten into our heads that tests are racist, so the workaround is a charade they pretend is synonymous with good leadership and good police work.
Nevermind the links to fraternities/sororities, or family tree.
If an enterprising young reporter did the work up on “merit promotions” and the Greek system they would find statistical anomalies worth questioning that wiiid make some people squirm.

2/28/2024 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it all began with: "I have a dream...."

Being hijacked by jackasses.

Now on their jackass 3rd/4th generations, charging boldly forward, jacked ass leading, into the future......

2/28/2024 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The US really need to bring back the automatic death penalty for murdering a police officer. They must know the result of they do....

2/28/2024 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Race plays a major role in our lives today no thanks to liberal policies. A kid I know who is half white, half Hispanic with a European last name applied for college scholarships checking he was caucasian and nothing. When he checked Hispanic for other scholarships, bingo, he received offers. How would they even know he's Hispanic, his dad knocked up his white mom and dissappeared from his life.

2/28/2024 04:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the nine options offered?

2/28/2024 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great lawsuit. Even better as a class action lawsuit- jump in guys

2/28/2024 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Ruffle a lot of feathers” is true. No Native American, no Asian, no non-white Hispanic. Take a look at a mortgage application. This law suit might really be legit. I had a classmate years ago (pure white) who had a Dad working in Africa. She was born there while her family resided there during his work. Is she African? So many law suits, so little time!

2/28/2024 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part of the matter is that on its face it sounds absolutely legitimate, not some asshat playing games. The man wants legitimate recognition of his actual identity.

2/28/2024 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alinsky rule 4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

2/28/2024 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that dude chose the wrong box sometimes you just gotta live with your mistakes

2/28/2024 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals with their lying nonsense must be throwing up about now! Hope he wins "big time brother" Hey liberals here you go how does that feel:

2/28/2024 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came on in 2024. I choose Dolphin. I identify as a Dolphin.

2/28/2024 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He chose white when he joined. He could have chosen black but didn’t. Apparently he didn’t like be labeled as black back then, but seems to think that now being black will propel him further within the department. You picked your lot pal, live in the basket you chose.

2/28/2024 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for him. It has to start somewhere. This Department needs to be exposed for their double standards and wreckless administration of this bs "merit" promotional system. Wish him much success.

2/28/2024 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read the story, the claim to his damages is that his lawsuite alleges he was passed over for merit promotion because he was listed as white. So far off the last list his lawsuit alleges less 5 of 75 merit promotions have gone to officers that identified as white.
Hopefully his lawsuit exposes the merit process, the answer should be to end merit.

2/28/2024 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/28/2024 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even after Yusuf presented the results of a “23 and Me” genetic test to prove his heritage, the department said it was “not possible” to let him select another ethnicity for his personnel file.

My test yielded a Mongoloid result where's my reparations..?

2/28/2024 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doing something like this had recently crossed my mind after watching the sergeant test video. I white and have never had any clout. I thought of taking the dna test. There has to be a percentage of something else in me. Just look at pictures of my grand pappy's jaw bone.

2/28/2024 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting, hope the officer wins and this sheds light on many things that are wrong within the CPD.

2/28/2024 07:19:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Some feathers need to be ruffled.

2/28/2024 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kuddos for him. If it’s BS or not, the City needs to answer and explain why did he need DNA testing testing to change his race code from white but people who identify themselves as transgendered etc don’t need DNA to change their sex. Plus according to the articles on-line, it states that the DNA the officer provided revealed that the officer was in-fact not white or European. Get them bruh!!!!!

2/28/2024 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue them at every turn and delegitimize the system at every opportunity given.

2/28/2024 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A detective from Area 5, now passed, born in Tunisia when his dad was stationed there.
Tried to claim African American. Nope

2/28/2024 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intelligent black gentleman downtown once tells me "Sir, I do not Identify as an African American. I was born in Haiti. Raised and educated in America, I'm an American." Come to think about it the man is technically correct. Why do we call Chicago blacks African Americans is beyond me. 99% of 011th district residents couldn't name one African nation or point to Africa on a map if their life depended on it. We don't call Irish or Germans "European Americans". Just Americans.

This is the state of our nation at the moment.

2/28/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice, the department will never do the right thing. A court will force them to do the right thing. This current "it's our turn" regime is racist and shows nothing but bias against all groups of people that aren't black.

2/28/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to squeeze this in here
Quote from the San Diego Union Tribune 24 February 2024
Summer Stephan, DA for San Diego County about tweaking Prop 47
“I believe in many of its elements-of treatment , of compassion , of giving people
first, second and third chances. What I’m asking is to just reform it so it works for everyone.
So it balances the rights of those who want to commit crime with the rights of victims and the community.”

2/28/2024 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny but fuck him. He should have studied harder.

2/28/2024 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty sure there is/was a medic on CFD who was literally born and raised in Africa. Came to the states became a medic claimed AA on all of her paperwork but was denied the “perks”. I want to say she litigated and was successful proving she was indeed born and raised in actual Africa.

Some of my CFD lurkers here correct me if I’m wrong here but that’s the gist of it.

2/28/2024 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had a supervisor who claimed he was Hispanic because his family lived in Argentina in the late '40's. He was white. His brother was on the job and claimed Caucasian. He basically denied an Hispanic a promotion. I always wondered just where the submarine left that took his family to Argentina.

The plaintiff is correct, the GOCR didn't list Arab races, and we were instructed to list them as "2" white.

2/28/2024 08:30:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

Its funny to watch liberals go nuts when someone uses the same techniques they use to achieve an end the liberals do not like. I wish this guy/person/human being success.

2/28/2024 08:34:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Anonymous said...
It appears that dude chose the wrong box sometimes you just gotta live with your mistakes

2/28/2024 06:16:00 AM

Kinda like your old man choosing the wrong “box” resulting in you?

You exemplify the cowardice so prevalent on this job… just lay back and take it balls deep. Much easier than fighting for what you believe in, right chump?

I assume he’s made his attorney aware that a plethora of Race Codes appear as choices on our Arrest and General Offense Case Reports…

Well done, Mo. I hope you’re successful.

2/28/2024 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department turned into a racist shit show. I hope he gets every penny of the one million he is asking for. In fact I pray he gets more.

2/28/2024 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wants a bite off merit tree . Excellent police work arrests, court testimony,search warrant experience qualifies some for merit detectives.
There shouldn’t be any merit Supervisors. Especially when many are assigned to clerical work. Many have oral skills that help them become drivers,secretaries for command staff. Not supervisory experience.

2/28/2024 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I identify as a Caucasoid. However, in the summertime when I get a tan, I am darker than most of my coworkers who identify as AA. So, since so much is based upon the color of my skin, instead of the content of my character, should I use this to my advantage?

Or should my race be fluid? then I can identify as black in the summer, and white in the winter? If someone mislabels me, should I throw a hissyfit? Maybe I can claim to be triggered by being mislabeled and claim to be working in a hostile environment. Can I collect SSI for PTSD? Do we need another acronym alphabet soup (for race) to identify people like me?

Everyone seems to forget that there was a race box known as "Other" back in the day. They could have checked that one. But it didn't matter back in the days before race became an issue.



Cracker, Brother, Questioning (fluid)

We are running out of alphabets. We will have to invent more and teach these in our schools

2/28/2024 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If officers can come out and change their sex years later why can’t this officer change his race?

2/28/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say I have one of those DNA tests done and it indicates that I am a percentage African. What percentage do I need to qualify for a quota promotion?

2/28/2024 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can’t study hard and be the working police. You gotta pick one. He tested and was chosen for merit; that says a lot. Sometimes you gotta play fire with fire and change “merit” to, you didn’t test well and are a minority list…. Expose the”merit” bosses and let’s see what they’ve done to get merit. Not because you banged your driver are you deserving of Sgt and above. This shit needs to stop. That’s why you have a department full of incompetent workers. “They” knew the right people. The people want transparency??? Let’s go from within!

2/28/2024 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It blows my mind. How do the people who have relatives who are politicians and judges etc constantly throw shit in the faces of there community which negativity impacts the daily life of there family? Were seeing it first hand with many running for office. They are part of the democratic machine. Then there family just buries there head in the sand like there relatives aren't part of the problem. Business as usual nothing to see here.There are plenty of ways to make money. Selling your soul shouldn't be one of them. Stop sticking up for them.How do you sit across the table from them and act like everything is gravy? What ever happened to right and wrong?

2/28/2024 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, if Jennifer Koniarski can swindle the city, surely something easily proven like this is an easy fix.

2/28/2024 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It appears that dude chose the wrong box sometimes you just gotta live with your mistakes

2/28/2024 06:16:00 AM

He chose from the 3 choices afforded at the time, now that there are 9 choices and one of them more accurately describes his heritage/race he wishes to have it corrected, what mistake and why should he have to live with the old department's limited scope?

Anonymous said...

He chose white when he joined. He could have chosen black but didn’t. Apparently he didn’t like be labeled as black back then, but seems to think that now being black will propel him further within the department. You picked your lot pal, live in the basket you chose.

He chose white because of the 3 choices afforded him at the time, that is what most accurately described his complexion. Now that there are 9 choices, there is an option that more accurately describes his complexion and heritage. Why do we have to turn it into picking sides, and oh he chose the wrong team he's gotta live with that??? We should all be on the same team and he should not have to currently live with the old department's limited scope, when the department obviously updated it for a reason?

2/28/2024 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome brother. One of the hardest working and most knowledgeable working cops I know.

2/28/2024 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please this dude is just madd because he couldn't get rank by merit after all the free drinks his dad gave coppers at his 2 brothers storem. Guy was taken care of since he worked his cycles in 15 and then went to 25. He got a slice of the hook up when he made it to narcotics. Only reason he still has a job with CPD is BECAUSE if the relationship his dad had with the Police. It wasn't about being pro police it was about being a smart business man who's liquor store business was in one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago... maje friends with the police so they come around all the time and respond faster when something comes out at that address.. smart man who understood the game. NOW FOR MO... he isn't any different or special then any other copper. His family built thier nest where MO can afford to pull this lawsuit our of his arus. Since he is near the end of his career and had nothing to lose from it. MO spent ZERO time in patrol and went to narcotics because of the relationship his dad made with police. Good for him filling the lawsuit BUT don't act like this kid was isn't on some BS doing so.
Good luck MO, but you used your race as much as could already,which you justed chose the wrong option...AGAIN

2/28/2024 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Odd but true. It's not uncommon for ancestry tests to still show Neanderthal antecedents in the tested saliva. Can cave men be promoted by merit? Come to think of it, I think I've worked for a few!

2/28/2024 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Obama was born in Hawaii is he Hawaiian?
Check the newspaper at the time, check the birth certificate serial #’s at the time, etc.

A partial Egyptian is not a caucasoid.

A partial Kenyan is not a caucasoid.

Cauucasoid gate keeper:)___

2/28/2024 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good police officer who would actually deserve a merit bump for actual police work


2/28/2024 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person that said “ funny but fuck him…” you’re not getting the point being made here. This officer wants to change his race code. Simple as that. If the city would’ve just looked at his 23 and me test result and seen that he indeed is not Caucasian, why not just allow the change? Also, why should he have to prove that he’s legitimately not Caucasian? If someone can wake up one morning and say they want to change their gender and city allows it without question then, why can’t he be allowed to change race code?

2/28/2024 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny but fuck him. He should have studied harder.

Yea, because the tests are all legit lol

2/28/2024 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only comment in this post that bears repeating;

“Anonymous Anonymous said...
Intelligent black gentleman downtown once tells me "Sir, I do not Identify as an African American. I was born in Haiti. Raised and educated in America, I'm an American." Come to think about it the man is technically correct. Why do we call Chicago blacks African Americans is beyond me. 99% of 011th district residents couldn't name one African nation or point to Africa on a map if their life depended on it. We don't call Irish or Germans "European Americans". Just Americans….”

2/28/2024 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that promotions are based on race but this is Cpd after all.

2/28/2024 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember, once you retire to forget this past career.
All old police related stuff went out in the trash once I left. Sold my reefer and blouse to a recruit for $300. Got $50 for my helmet too.

2/28/2024 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great man, he has helped me and others time and time again.

2/28/2024 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic question. Anyone had special ID photos taken yet? Like a mug book or scrapbook?

2/28/2024 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of race and gender on file and promote off testing. If they keep merit promotions which the city will, promote on work not affirmative action. Keeping race only establishes division amongst the department.

2/28/2024 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A young lady I once knew, had been adopted by a couple from Spain, Castilian Spanish was spoken in her home, and she took classes to correct her Spanish to Mexican Spanish.

With a Spanish surname, fluent Spanish, and a pleasant smile; her corporate promotions stayed on a steady pace upward.

2/28/2024 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The best part of the matter is that on its face it sounds absolutely legitimate, not some asshat playing games. The man wants legitimate recognition of his actual identity.

2/28/2024 06:04:00 AM

It is absolutely legitimate. Off. Yusuf is not asking to alter his race designation because he’s changed how he personally identifies. He has always known his family's Middle Eastern heritage. He is asking for his race to be corrected in his personnel file based on the results of a DNA test which was requested by the Chicago Police Department.

Aren't merit promotions supposed to be based on accomplishments? I know him and this officer has never worked an inside or administrative spot. He's been on joint task forces and has racked up more than 2700 arrests at the state and federal level helping to break up some of the most violent narcotics traffickers in Chicago. Those are the the things that are deserving of a merit promotion, not race, who you know and and a bunch of CR#s.

2/28/2024 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took an test and came to back with some "flava". I am white as cocaine. I would play the same game if I could. I don't know if a commercial test would be admissable in court.

2/28/2024 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything Glenn Popiela said about this guy was right on.

I did not realize that this was Steve's kid.

Father was a great guy.

We used to kill time there before beat meetings.

I completely support this man.

2/28/2024 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother was half white half black and half Chinese...that's 3 halves....she was a big woman

2/28/2024 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change his gender to female and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 12:12:00 AM

They are here already.

2/28/2024 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't someone who is white but born in South Africa be considered South African by nationality and not ethnicity. Race is a division of people based on physical characteristics. Ethnicity is a categorization based on language or common ancestry. Nationality refers to citizenship in a particular nation.Race is a categorization based on physical traits such as skin color. Nationality refers to a person's citizenship in a particular country. Asking for a friend

2/28/2024 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He chose caucasian when he thought it would benefit him, but he recently found out that he can’t get a merit promotion being listed as Caucasian. He’ll change back once Trump wins.

2/28/2024 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kuddos for him. If it’s BS or not, the City needs to answer and explain why did he need DNA testing testing to change his race code from white but people who identify themselves as transgendered etc don’t need DNA to change their sex. Plus according to the articles on-line, it states that the DNA the officer provided revealed that the officer was in-fact not white or European. Get them bruh!!!!!

2/28/2024 07:24:00 AM

Well, the DNA would show that they're the opposite sex of what they proclaim to be, so that wouldn't help their argument. That's their whole thing, that they identify as the opposite sex, despite their DNA and sex organs. Maybe they could make them submit a brain scan to show that they're severely mentally ill and suffering from extreme delusions.

2/28/2024 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My test yielded a Mongoloid result where's my reparations..?

2/28/2024 07:04:00 AM

Would you accept Mongolian beef as reparations? If not, can I have it?

2/28/2024 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Funny but fuck him. He should have studied harder.

2/28/2024 08:15:00 AM

Some get it without even taking the second part of the exam. It's called merit. It's all legit though right? Right! If you got that phone call. You're a clown.

2/28/2024 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change his gender to female and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 12:12:00 AM

You're a genius.

2/28/2024 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to squeeze this in here
Quote from the San Diego Union Tribune 24 February 2024
Summer Stephan, DA for San Diego County about tweaking Prop 47
“I believe in many of its elements-of treatment , of compassion , of giving people
first, second and third chances. What I’m asking is to just reform it so it works for everyone.
So it balances the rights of those who want to commit crime with the rights of victims and the community.”

2/28/2024 08:10:00 AM

When the person responsible for prosecuting criminals chooses to refer to them as "those who want to commit crime," you just know they're not going to actually do their job. I'm actually surprised "want" was used. Surely they don't "want" to commit crime. They're forced to commit crime by the racist white people who keep holding them down or something. If I were a criminal in San Diego, I'd be offended.

2/28/2024 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read the story, the claim to his damages is that his lawsuite alleges he was passed over for merit promotion because he was listed as white. So far off the last list his lawsuit alleges less 5 of 75 merit promotions have gone to officers that identified as white.
Hopefully his lawsuit exposes the merit process, the answer should be to end merit.

2/28/2024 06:57:00 AM

The merit process doesn't need to be exposed. It was created for the sole purpose of promoting non-whites because too many white people were scoring well, while too many non-white people were scoring low. They'll straight up tell you that merit promotions are meant to "even the playing field" when it comes to race of promotees. There's a widespread belief that this is somehow fair and not racist against white people. No one tries to hide the true purpose of things like this and affirmative action, restorative justice, bail reform, etc. It's all nonsense based on imaginary "systemic racism," in order to excuse the poor performance and bad behavior of non-white people, while also preventing white people from having the same opportunities and protections. It's the real systemic racism, and it's all legitimized by the media and the Democrats in power. Racism against white people is just seen as acceptable and necessary to achieve "equality" or "equity." There are many people of all races, white included, who have the mistaken belief that you can't be racist against white people.

2/28/2024 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I agree fuck him he should have studied harder. He is probably the guy that talks shit about the merit process but will take it in a heartbeat. Also, he knew he was getting an advantage 20yrs ago by putting he is white, now he is not. I guarantee he will be in the next sergeants class and everything will be fine.

2/28/2024 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change his gender to female and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 12:12:00 AM

I don't know if he's still on the job, or where he works now, but there was a Hispanic officer in 009 who identified as female, despite his penis. He used the women's locker room and restrooms. I don't know if he ever asked for a urinal to be installed, but this was over 10 years ago, so it wouldn't be new if someone tried this shit today. I heard about another one that was in the academy back in 2017ish.

2/28/2024 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A classmate of my daughter was a blue eyed blond from South Africa.
She identifies as “African American” on her college applications.
She was offered multiple free rides at major Ivy League universities, many for schools she never even
applied for.

2/28/2024 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) can you say total democratic shit show instead of closing the border now they’re gonna blame the sanctuary cities which they wanted Brandon trust fund baby fat ass governor are you reading this? Are you really that stupid razzmatazz:

White House calls for sanctuary cities to cooperate with ICE, amid furor over illegal immigrant crimes
Sanctuary cities under scrutiny as illegal immigrants arrested for violent crimes across country
Adam Shaw By Adam Shaw Fox News

Now they want the police to turn over the criminals to ice, but Brandon and this corruption filled state of Illinois has a policy that police do not cooperate with ice by federal law now wants to overturn State and municipal law, which they can do. We live in a dysfunctional, delusional, dystopian democratic clown show, the only saving grace if God can help us is if President Trump gets back in and does a major house cleaning. Lets the police be the police we could clean up the city pretty quick let’s get the rail cars ready Send them back. Venezuela says they don’t want them back. Tough shit if that’s where they’re from that’s where they’re going to go just dump them at their border take our border, put the military right there no more dump them in Mexico Mexico let them through let them figure out what to do . God bless the police.

2/28/2024 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember, once you retire to forget this past career.
All old police related stuff went out in the trash once I left. Sold my reefer and blouse to a recruit for $300. Got $50 for my helmet too.

2/28/2024 10:43:00 AM


What should I do with my police shirts and pants? I am thinking of using them as shop rags or shoe rags. I have use a few as shoe rags, already. It is so cathartic and rewarding to rip up the shirts and clean my shoes with them.

2/28/2024 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“He chose white when he joined. He could have chosen black but didn’t. Apparently he didn’t like be labeled as black back then, but seems to think that now being black will propel him further within the department. You picked your lot pal, live in the basket you chose.“

Except in today’s world, everyone else seems to be free to choose their basket, and change their basket on a whim.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
It’s not his fault, blame the system. And now he’s put the system in a precarious position.

Either everyone can change everything, or no one can change anything.
Can’t have it both ways, so pick one.

2/28/2024 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/28/2024 06:57:00 AM

The merit process doesn't need to be exposed. It was created for the sole purpose of promoting non-whites because too many white people were scoring well, while too many non-white people were scoring low. They'll straight up tell you that merit promotions are meant to "even the playing field" when it comes to race of promotees. There's a widespread belief that this is somehow fair and not racist against white people. No one tries to hide the true purpose of things like this and affirmative action, restorative justice, bail reform, etc. It's all nonsense based on imaginary "systemic racism," in order to excuse the poor performance and bad behavior of non-white people, while also preventing white people from having the same opportunities and protections. It's the real systemic racism, and it's all legitimized by the media and the Democrats in power. Racism against white people is just seen as acceptable and necessary to achieve "equality" or "equity." There are many people of all races, white included, who have the mistaken belief that you can't be racist against white people.

2/28/2024 04:10:00 PM


Right, because white people are not dumber than a box of rocks, white people get promoted by merit and are so dumb that they get the test with the answers so that they can study the test. It is all legit and white people are superior.

2/28/2024 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The definition of MERIT is: “character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem”.

The city needs to STOP fucking calling these sham promotions “merit”.

They are race-norming, nothing more nothing less.
Call it what it is.
Mislabeling it is disrespectful to all parties involved.
It’s simply meant to strike the ego of the recipients of the promotion. So they can strut around telling everyone how much they deserve it because they have merit. lol

Just change the name to FREE HANDOUT.
You get the promotion, but you gotta admit to how you got it.
And if you don’t want to be exposed, then you can study harder.

2/28/2024 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I threw mine in a bag and dropped them off a ta the closest district

2/28/2024 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the hater that posted at 9:30am… you think because his dad gave coppers beers, it got him where he is? Lmfao. Tell me you’re a cop and you have access to look him up? Please??? Because even if there was a phone call made..IF… that doesn’t mean he didn’t work hard when he got there. Go ahead. I’ll wait for your post…

2/28/2024 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) can you say total democratic shit show instead of closing the border now they’re gonna blame the sanctuary cities which they wanted Brandon trust fund baby fat ass governor are you reading this? Are you really that stupid razzmatazz:

White House calls for sanctuary cities to cooperate with ICE, amid furor over illegal immigrant crimes
Sanctuary cities under scrutiny as illegal immigrants arrested for violent crimes across country
Adam Shaw By Adam Shaw Fox News

Now they want the police to turn over the criminals to ice, but Brandon and this corruption filled state of Illinois has a policy that police do not cooperate with ice by federal law now wants to overturn State and municipal law, which they can do. We live in a dysfunctional, delusional, dystopian democratic clown show, the only saving grace if God can help us is if President Trump gets back in and does a major house cleaning. Lets the police be the police we could clean up the city pretty quick let’s get the rail cars ready Send them back. Venezuela says they don’t want them back. Tough shit if that’s where they’re from that’s where they’re going to go just dump them at their border take our border, put the military right there no more dump them in Mexico Mexico let them through let them figure out what to do . God bless the police.

2/28/2024 04:30:00 PM
Then is Colorado:
Denver scaling back migrant services, closing 4 shelters in effort to reduce budget, save millions
Mayor Mike Johnston says a shelter will close every week over the next month in effort to reduce budget by $60M

So now what to do with the criminals and mentals you let in to ruin America all for a vote! Democrats need to be tried for Treason now! Not a good idea right prickster? Trust fund baby and brandon who blames his total incompetence on his black wife and black kids! Now what happens after you release these savages into the wild? Load up the buses dump them in Mexico they came through there they did not prevent this. Close our border as we eject them out American people would gladly help!

2/28/2024 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Hispanic” is a contraction of “ Hispano- phonic” or “ Spanish speaking”. It is NOT a Race; it is NOT an Ethnicity; it is a Language Classification ONLY!
When Rome defeated Chartage in the Third Punic War, they occupied the Iberian Peninsula ( modern day Spain and Portugal ) they called Spain “ Hispania” and Portugal “ Lusitania”.
Spanish is spoken by Whites and Blacks and Indians and every combination of Whites and Blacks and Indians
Spanish speaking is Hispano phonic
Portuguese speaking is Lusophonic
Italian speaking is Italophonic
French speaking is Francophonic
German speaking is Teutophonic
Russian speaking is Slavophonic
English speaking is Anglophonic

These are Language Classifications— nothing more.

2/28/2024 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This lawsuit will end when CPD gives him sergeant. Seen it before and it will definitely end this way

2/28/2024 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother was half white half black and half Chinese...that's 3 halves....she was a big woman

10/10 great work lol

2/28/2024 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please this dude is just madd because he couldn't get rank by merit after all the free drinks his dad gave coppers at his 2 brothers storem. Guy was taken care of since he worked his cycles in 15 and then went to 25. He got a slice of the hook up when he made it to narcotics. Only reason he still has a job with CPD is BECAUSE if the relationship his dad had with the Police. It wasn't about being pro police it was about being a smart business man who's liquor store business was in one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago... maje friends with the police so they come around all the time and respond faster when something comes out at that address.. smart man who understood the game. NOW FOR MO... he isn't any different or special then any other copper. His family built thier nest where MO can afford to pull this lawsuit our of his arus. Since he is near the end of his career and had nothing to lose from it. MO spent ZERO time in patrol and went to narcotics because of the relationship his dad made with police. Good for him filling the lawsuit BUT don't act like this kid was isn't on some BS doing so.
Good luck MO, but you used your race as much as could already,which you justed chose the wrong option...AGAIN

I worked with Yusuf and he has more time in patrol then Narcotics. He was the police in patrol and the police in narcotics. Other than him being cocky and balls out there is not 1 working cop from all races and sexes that won’t tell you he is a solid dude and a beast of an officer.

2/28/2024 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We support you Yusif. One of the hardest working and knowledgeable cops out there. Going on 20 years and still down to be the police. Always fair and a team player. Always a motivation and mentor for us younger officers.

2/28/2024 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had a supervisor who claimed he was Hispanic because his family lived in Argentina in the late '40's. He was white. His brother was on the job and claimed Caucasian. He basically denied an Hispanic a promotion. I always wondered just where the submarine left that took his family to Argentina.

The plaintiff is correct, the GOCR didn't list Arab races, and we were instructed to list them as "2" white.

2/28/2024 08:30:00 AM

You don’t know much about Argentina.

2/28/2024 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh please this dude is just madd because he couldn't get rank by merit after all the free drinks his dad gave coppers at his 2 brothers storem. Guy was taken care of since he worked his cycles in 15 and then went to 25. He got a slice of the hook up when he made it to narcotics. Only reason he still has a job with CPD is BECAUSE if the relationship his dad had with the Police. It wasn't about being pro police it was about being a smart business man who's liquor store business was in one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago... maje friends with the police so they come around all the time and respond faster when something comes out at that address.. smart man who understood the game. NOW FOR MO... he isn't any different or special then any other copper. His family built thier nest where MO can afford to pull this lawsuit our of his arus. Since he is near the end of his career and had nothing to lose from it. MO spent ZERO time in patrol and went to narcotics because of the relationship his dad made with police. Good for him filling the lawsuit BUT don't act like this kid was isn't on some BS doing so.
Good luck MO, but you used your race as much as could already,which you justed chose the wrong option...AGAIN

Whoever wrote this garbage you should be ashamed of yourself. I bet you were one the leaches that went to the “store” for your free cigarettes. Now that your career has amounted to nothing but writing paper on jobs you bash a real police officer that worked his ass off to get where he’s at. He didnt want this to happen. He simply wanted to change his race code. If you knew him at all on a personal or professional level you would eat your words and apologize. Good luck with the rest of your bitter paper pushing beat car driving career. Idiot.

2/28/2024 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Cook County judge rules Donald Trump should be removed from Illinois Republican primary ballot
ByABC7 Chicago Digital Team WLS logo
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 7:21PM

2/28/2024 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change his gender to female and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 12:12:00 AM

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change her gender to male and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with Mo in 189. One of the best dam cops I have ever worked with and no working cop will tell you other wise. The dude has on almost 20 years and still goes out there making things happen. He was alway been our team leader, mentor and uniter.

2/28/2024 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pass the test on your own and you don’t have to worry about race

2/28/2024 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Powertest ;

Cmon guys , demand governor fatass make the power test pass / fail with the same numbers for all . No male female with age requirements . Or have all males claim to feel like a female that day, with no one having the right to question anything or call a deputy and pull a number . Its only PC right ?

2/28/2024 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not caucasion or white but Eastern European American…

2/28/2024 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The balls on this guy. Love it!!!! Tables are turned. Woke City

2/28/2024 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change her gender to male and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 08:05:00 PM

Umm... that's not how it works. The test requirements are lowered for females.

2/28/2024 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen and Awomen to all you libtard cops out there. This post is spot on!

The merit process doesn't need to be exposed. It was created for the sole purpose of promoting non-whites because too many white people were scoring well, while too many non-white people were scoring low. They'll straight up tell you that merit promotions are meant to "even the playing field" when it comes to race of promotees. There's a widespread belief that this is somehow fair and not racist against white people. No one tries to hide the true purpose of things like this and affirmative action, restorative justice, bail reform, etc. It's all nonsense based on imaginary "systemic racism," in order to excuse the poor performance and bad behavior of non-white people, while also preventing white people from having the same opportunities and protections. It's the real systemic racism, and it's all legitimized by the media and the Democrats in power. Racism against white people is just seen as acceptable and necessary to achieve "equality" or "equity." There are many people of all races, white included, who have the mistaken belief that you can't be racist against white people.

2/28/2024 11:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can’t study hard and be the working police. You gotta pick one. He tested and was chosen for merit; that says a lot. Sometimes you gotta play fire with fire and change “merit” to, you didn’t test well and are a minority list…. Expose the”merit” bosses and let’s see what they’ve done to get merit. Not because you banged your driver are you deserving of Sgt and above. This shit needs to stop. That’s why you have a department full of incompetent workers. “They” knew the right people. The people want transparency??? Let’s go from within!

2/28/2024 09:04:00 AM

Really? Ok cps graduate. Just because you are the “best” cop in your own little world and unable to learn some general orders doesn’t mean everyone who made it by score was connected or a house mouse.

2/29/2024 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that dude chose the wrong box sometimes you just gotta live with your mistakes

2/28/2024 06:16:00 AM

Kinda like your old man choosing the wrong “box” resulting in you?

You exemplify the cowardice so prevalent on this job… just lay back and take it balls deep. Much easier than fighting for what you believe in, right chump?

I assume he’s made his attorney aware that a plethora of Race Codes appear as choices on our Arrest and General Offense Case Reports…

Well done, Mo. I hope you’re successful.

You’re the chump for carrying Mo’s sack. Twenty years and he just NOW is trying to sue. Seems it was fine being white for 20 years until it wasn’t. He evidently isn’t bright enough to be promoted on his own and is willing to steal a spot from a deserving officer who actually took the time to study. Talk about cowardice eh chump.

2/29/2024 04:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only comment in this post that bears repeating;

“Anonymous Anonymous said...
Intelligent black gentleman downtown once tells me "Sir, I do not Identify as an African American. I was born in Haiti. Raised and educated in America, I'm an American." Come to think about it the man is technically correct. Why do we call Chicago blacks African Americans is beyond me. 99% of 011th district residents couldn't name one African nation or point to Africa on a map if their life depended on it. We don't call Irish or Germans "European Americans". Just Americans….”

2/28/2024 10:35:00 AM

Been saying it for years. Its the most asinine term. My grandparents are from Arkansas and my parents were born in Chicago. Somehow people think its PC to label me after the 2nd biggest continent which I have never been to and don't have any relatives from. I'm an American in none of my family has ever lived elsewhere. You'd think I immigrated here from Africa 5 years ago and became a citizen.

2/29/2024 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/28/2024 06:57:00 AM

The merit process doesn't need to be exposed. It was created for the sole purpose of promoting non-whites because too many white people were scoring well, while too many non-white people were scoring low. They'll straight up tell you that merit promotions are meant to "even the playing field" when it comes to race of promotees. There's a widespread belief that this is somehow fair and not racist against white people. No one tries to hide the true purpose of things like this and affirmative action, restorative justice, bail reform, etc. It's all nonsense based on imaginary "systemic racism," in order to excuse the poor performance and bad behavior of non-white people, while also preventing white people from having the same opportunities and protections. It's the real systemic racism, and it's all legitimized by the media and the Democrats in power. Racism against white people is just seen as acceptable and necessary to achieve "equality" or "equity." There are many people of all races, white included, who have the mistaken belief that you can't be racist against white people

If you've never seen connected and unqualified white people get promoted with phone calls you're an outsider. Black people didn't build the merit process in CPD nor the democratic machine in the city or Cook County. Call it what it is...a stand off between whites with phone calls and Blacks with phone calls. To those us off who don't have a phone call...I'm not interested in hearing side complain.

2/29/2024 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't put any money or trust into these DNA testing companies such as 23 and me to identify your ethnic background. It is still scientifically impossible to do so. Ask any reputable crime lab.

2/29/2024 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He chose white when he joined. He could have chosen black but didn’t. Apparently he didn’t like be labeled as black back then, but seems to think that now being black will propel him further within the department. You picked your lot pal, live in the basket you chose.

2/28/2024 06:47:00 AM

Maybe he didn’t know what he was when he joined, new genders are being discovered everyday and we shouldn’t be limited and held down to a certain demographic. Genders and demographics change like the seasons do comrade. Maybe go to college and get a masters in dance and you can figure all this out too.

2/29/2024 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Who is going to be the first brave officer to change his gender to female and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 12:12:00 AM

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change her gender to male and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 08:05:00 PM

GTFOH with your bullshit lie. Look at the chart from the Illinois power test document? Compare all of the requirements between male and female. It is the female gender that has lower standards. That is 100% objectively true. Facts over feelings!

2/29/2024 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
“Hispanic” is a contraction of “ Hispano- phonic” or “ Spanish speaking”. It is NOT a Race; it is NOT an Ethnicity; it is a Language Classification ONLY!
When Rome defeated Chartage in the Third Punic War, they occupied the Iberian Peninsula ( modern day Spain and Portugal ) they called Spain “ Hispania” and Portugal “ Lusitania”.
Spanish is spoken by Whites and Blacks and Indians and every combination of Whites and Blacks and Indians
Spanish speaking is Hispano phonic
Portuguese speaking is Lusophonic
Italian speaking is Italophonic
French speaking is Francophonic
German speaking is Teutophonic
Russian speaking is Slavophonic
English speaking is Anglophonic

These are Language Classifications— nothing more.
sorry, had a little time and looked this up.

Hispanic comes from the Latin Hispanicus. (an adjective form of word hispania). It does not come from the combination of hispanic and phonic. That would be hispanophone.

Think micro-phone and tele-phone. None of those words rely on the ic part of phonic, but on the phone part. Same with hispanic.

Hispanic indeed does refer to the culture of Spain.

2/29/2024 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A history lesson for those who care. I was told detectives had merit ever prior to this.

Adams v. City of Chicago, 135 F.3d 1150 (1998)
• In 1994, Although 46% of those who took the Chicago Police Sgt. Test were minorities, only 12% were later eligible for promotion
• 1993 Sgt’s test (administered in first 3 months of 1994). 3 parts, the third being oral. There was no meritorious whatsoever. 4,700 took parts I (31.8% were black, 10.8% were Hispanic, and 56.4% were white) and II, of which 1,900 went on to part III. But after all three parts were graded, about 88% of those designated to be promoted to sergeant were white and 12% were minority.
• 1993 Sgt’s test (administered in first 3 months of 1994). 3 parts, the third being oral. There was no meritorious whatsoever. 4,700 took parts I (31.8% were black, 10.8% were Hispanic, and 56.4% were white) and II, of which 1,900 went on to part III. But after all three parts were graded, about 88% of those designated to be promoted to sergeant were white and 12% were minority.

2/29/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change his gender to female and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

2/28/2024 12:12:00 AM

Who is going to be the first brave officer to change her gender to male and take advantage of the easier power test standards?

Best believe if there's a male locker shortage I'll be requesting a locker in the female locker room. Make a mockery out of the entire situation. I might need to hit the stress medical for 365 following unsuccessful invitro attempts. Beat them at their own delooloo game.

2/29/2024 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm... that's not how it works. The test requirements are lowered for females.

2/28/2024 11:34:00 PM

Too subtle for you, eh?


2/29/2024 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’re the chump for carrying Mo’s sack. Twenty years and he just NOW is trying to sue. Seems it was fine being white for 20 years until it wasn’t. He evidently isn’t bright enough to be promoted on his own and is willing to steal a spot from a deserving officer who actually took the time to study. Talk about cowardice eh chump.

You’re one of those people who believe the test itself is all
Legit lol.

2/29/2024 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't put any money or trust into these DNA testing companies such as 23 and me to identify your ethnic background. It is still scientifically impossible to do so. Ask any reputable crime lab.

Does any of that matter? If Chicago Police officers can change their sex this officer should be able to change his race.
To much politics in the CPD. Thank god I became an electrician.

2/29/2024 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....Hispanic indeed does refer to the culture of Spain.

2/29/2024 07:31:00 AM

By any chance do you wear a beanie, bow tie and knee high pants?

This sounds so Poindexter that I have to inquire...

2/29/2024 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No,no,no,just no. All this wacky shit is ours,and you can't have it. We invented all these insane dystopian rules, how dare you try to use our kryptonite against us. Stay in your own lane koppers. Alinsky Alinsky Jr.

2/29/2024 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""""Best believe if there's a male locker shortage I'll be requesting a locker in the female locker room. Make a mockery out of the entire situation. I might need to hit the stress medical for 365 following unsuccessful invitro attempts. Beat them at their own delooloo game."""""

Its been a mockery for years believe me.

2/29/2024 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow, good for Yusuf. If there is anyone who will have the balls and courage to do this is Yusuf. I worked with him in 025 and he was a GREAT officer and people person. Ha, I never knew he was white.

2/29/2024 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? Ok cps graduate. Just because you are the “best” cop in your own little world and unable to learn some general orders doesn’t mean everyone who made it by score was connected or a house mouse.

I know some really smart bosses who know all the orders who tested well on both Sgt and LT exam but were the biggest dogs and laziest cops out there. You need a balance. Want to to gain the troops moral. Lead by example.


2/29/2024 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

""""Best believe if there's a male locker shortage I'll be requesting a locker in the female locker room. Make a mockery out of the entire situation. I might need to hit the stress medical for 365 following unsuccessful invitro attempts. Beat them at their own delooloo game."""""

Its been a mockery for years believe me.

2/29/2024 02:22:00 PM

Back in the day Austin had unisex locker rooms. You got a locker where ever you could when you could. That changed after Richardson was made the commander (mid 90's) and wall dividers were build to separate male/female locker spaces.

2/29/2024 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you've never seen connected and unqualified white people get promoted with phone calls you're an outsider. Black people didn't build the merit process in CPD nor the democratic machine in the city or Cook County. Call it what it is...a stand off between whites with phone calls and Blacks with phone calls. To those us off who don't have a phone call...I'm not interested in hearing side complain.

2/29/2024 04:23:00 AM

I've worked for a large number of bad bosses, who didn't know shit about actually doing the job, and were definitely promoted far beyond their intelligence and leadership abilities. The vast majority of those bosses were white. I'm painfully aware of and completely against the promoting of anyone via "merit" based on who they know. None of that changes the absolute fact that the merit process was created to increase the number of black officers being promoted, because they couldn't score high enough on their own. All races now benefit from the "merit" process, with blacks taking the highest percentage and whites the lowest, but that doesn't change the facts. I bet you think Superintendent Push-ups was the most qualified person to be promoted over and over, despite not seeing the street for 2 decades. Eliminate all merit and promote based on test scores. That's the fair way to do things. They'll never do it though, because they see it as racist. Whenever white people earn anything, it's seen as an unfair practice that black people need to get their share of. Sometimes things don't work out equally along racial lines, like crime statistics. All that being said, I acknowledge and applaud the fact that there are some very intelligent bosses of all races who earned and deserve the promotions they got. The best bosses I ever worked for were a mixture of black, white, Hispanic, and some whose race I didn't know. I never cared what race anyone was, as long as they were good at their job and treated everyone fairly. I believe the best person for the job should get the job, regardless of sex, race, age, sexual orientation, etc. That's somehow racist according to the department and you.

2/29/2024 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walsetti changed his name and now is miraculously a Latino/Hispanic. He joined the appropriate ethnic police group, helps the organization and climbs the ladder via the inside track, as a Latino/Hispanic. Funny how he won't speak Spanish or interpret. Fake as a 3 dollar bill.

3/01/2024 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with Mo in 189. One of the best dam cops I have ever worked with and no working cop will tell you other wise. The dude has on almost 20 years and still goes out there making things happen. He was alway been our team leader, mentor and uniter.

---Signed Mo Yusef

3/01/2024 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s not kid anyone here , whites have scored well because they have been given the answers since the beginning of time. Get off your mighty white high horse. When blacks out scored the mighty whites , they cheated. See how that works

3/01/2024 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Hope this officer WINS. Although the officer provided DNA results which was wrong to ask for from
The beginning especially since no one else has been asked for DNA or evidence before when joining or changing their sex or race. This case will open the door to all officers to change their race code to a minority race code especially if people can change their sex with no issue.

3/01/2024 02:44:00 PM  
Blogger John in Indy said...

The selected race may not have been his choice.
The US State Dept standards assign Arabs, Semitic, North African Arabs, Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, Turks, Sephardic Jews and dot Indians as "White".
I hope he wins his suit.
This racist bullshit is all about special treatment for some people. There was a big shitstorm some years back when Seattle minority construction preferences went to majority Chinese companies.
John in Indy

3/01/2024 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s not kid anyone here , whites have scored well because they have been given the answers since the beginning of time. Get off your mighty white high horse. When blacks out scored the mighty whites , they cheated. See how that works

3/01/2024 12:14:00 PM

That's a cute fantasy. I didn't get the answers and barely studied, but I was still able to be promoted by my test score. You won't believe that though, because common sense isn't racist enough to fit your warped set of beliefs. When exactly did blacks outscore the whites? I think you're taking a select few female blacks who were all recipients of black boss dick at the time, and pretending their scores somehow mean blacks outscored whites overall. That's not what happened, perpetual victim of racism. Sorry to burst your bubble. If you think Nakia Fenner, who believes Milwaukee is a state, and that the University of Chicago police are State Police, is smart enough to score that high without cheating, you're dumber than the numbers show. Keep on studying those special study guides and pretending you're smart.

3/01/2024 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a black officer, I support this officer . This issue here is fair treatment. If this officer is black or not is beyond the point. If an individual can change their sex without evidence or even surgeries, but just on the basis of identification, then this officer and any officer should be able to change their race.

3/02/2024 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen v. City of Chicago, 351 F.3d 306 (2003).
• Pretty sure this is a suit over the Sgt’s test. Minorities sued for more merit. Plaintiff’s were those who took the 1998 Sgt’s exam, and were not selected for promotion based on merit. City won.
• There were 2 classes of minorities that sued here: group A were minorities who did not pass the written test (1998 Sgt. Test), and group B, who did pass the written test, and were thus eligible for merit, but nonetheless were not selected for merit promotion.
• The appellate court found that the Subclass B officers did not prove that increased merit promotions represented an equally valid and less discriminatory alternative, and the district court properly denied summary judgment to the officers. The Subclass A officers did not establish a genuine issue of material fact as to whether merit procedures alone represented an equally valid and less discriminatory alternative.
o Complaining party must show disparate impact.
o Respondent must then show hiring practice (test) is job related (test is valid predictor of job performance).
o Complaining party then has the burden to show there exists an alternative test which is also valid but has less disparate racial impact that respondent fails to adopt.
• The court ruled that those who passed the written test (group B) failed to show that increased merit promotions was an equally valid promotion practice that displayed less disparate impact.

3/02/2024 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Majeske v. City of Chicago (2000).
• Chicago can promote police officers to the position of detective, using race as a factor. The court held that persuasive statistical data and anecdotal evidence adequately established past discrimination by defendant, and remedying such discrimination was a compelling governmental interest that justified defendant's affirmative action plan.
• Further, defendant's plan to accept promotion candidates based upon ranking within the separate racial and ethnic groups, and promoting some minority candidates based solely on the estimated number of minority promotions affected by past discrimination, was narrowly tailored to discriminate against plaintiffs as little as possible consistent with effective remediation.
• 1989 Det. Test
o 3392 took written, of which the city wanted 650 to take oral. Of the 650, there were not enough minorities, argued the city. Therefore the “races” were separated (white, black, Hispanic) and the top 17% of each race were selected to take oral. Cutoff scores then became: white (82), Hispanic (79), and black (73). 619 ended up taking oral.
o Breakdown:
 64 were to be promoted.
• 42 in rank order (does not say what race these were)
• 22 out of order (18 black, 4 hispanic)
• 26 merit (also not sure what race)
o P’s sued based on the “out of rank order” promotions
o FOP filed grievance.
o Arbitrator ruled the merit was OK, but “out of rank order” violated the collective bargaining agreement. City responded by promoting 37 more det. in rank order.
 So this is the new breakdown, I could be wrong though:
• 42 in rank order (does not say what race these were)
• 22 out of order (18 black, 4 hispanic)
• 26 merit (also not sure what race)
• 37 after arbitration (so, even though the arbitrator rejected the “out of rank order” promotions, the city promoted them anyway.)
127 TOTAL PROMOTED. (Of these, 90 were in rank order. So the 37 were added to this, which probably included the original 22 “out of rank order” and 15 merit. Just a guess).

3/02/2024 07:29:00 AM  
Blogger Snaggletooth said...

Adams v. City of Chicago, 135 F.3d 1150 (1998)
• In 1994, Although 46% of those who took the Chicago Police Sgt. Test were minorities, only 12% were later eligible for promotion. P’s alleged disparate impact and a violation of Title VII.
• 1993 Sgt’s test (administered in first 3 months of 1994). 3 parts, the third being oral. There was no meritorious whatsoever. 4,700 took parts I (31.8% were black, 10.8% were Hispanic, and 56.4% were white) and II, of which 1,900 went on to part III. But after all three parts were graded, about 88% of those designated to be promoted to sergeant were white and 12% were minority.
• The plaintiffs filed an interlocutory appeal. However, during the pendency of this appeal, the City of Chicago initiated a Blue Ribbon Task Force to review the Department's promotion practices. By consent of the parties, argument on this appeal was delayed until the Task Force issued its report. In May 1997, the Task Force issued its report recommending that up to 30% of the Department's promotions to sergeant be made on the basis of "merit." This meant that current sergeants and lieutenants would pick 30% of the police officers that would be promoted to sergeant. However, the report also recommends that the current test continue to be used to assure that sergeants given "merit" promotions meet a minimum level of competence.

3/02/2024 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow good for him. I know a handful of officers who changed their race code. Maybe they denied him due to the color of his skin.

3/03/2024 12:36:00 PM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

Poindexter kicked butt!

3/05/2024 02:21:00 PM  

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