Friday, March 09, 2007

Six Continents

Just had a visit from Aruba. We are now officially read on 6 continents. If we corner Antarctica, we've covered the globe and we can finally shut down this blog. There will be nothing left to accomplish at that point.

Anyone have friends in Antarctica?

Open post for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do have an inlaw there.

I'll work on it

3/08/2007 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but very important:
Please tell me you don't actually believe the "banned" officer from 009 is a hard worker? I am sick of people in 009 and other places sticking up for this guy! You don't know him like I do.
He ain't shit. He is not on 009 tac, gang tac or even the B team. He doesn't get into foot chases like younger officers do. I never see him in court when I go. I consider myself an aggressive officer in 009. I am getting quite a few honorable mentions and now I am shooting for the DC. Myself and other younger officers are forced to work late cars, because lazy do-nothing po's like him are all given early cars!
He is NOT aggressive. So what if he has a temper? I'll bet on my worst day and his best day-I could out wrestle and fight him. He's nothing special. He isn't as physically fit as I am either. He's out of shape and slow. He don't do any real police work. He doesn't chase the drug dealers like I do. He doesn't search for dope like I do either. It's about time that we younger more aggressive po's get the chance to show up people like him in the 30 sector.
I would tell him to his face that in my opinion he is not a good officer, but he and I never see each other due to the time gaps in shift.
To even give him credit for being a decent po in 009 is too far a stretch. He backs people up? Big deal! We all do in 009. He does nothing differently than I do or any other po in 009. Nothing! I'll never have to call for his assistance in a 10-1 anyway.
One day I may be a boss. I know I am going places in CPD. All this guy has under his belt is a war. Not even a real one like Iraq. He has a background in the military? Without it, he would be just another useless po in 009 thinking they know stuff other than policing.
Get real! I don't give a shit that I may piss some po's off or him by stating the facts about him. I'm just telling it the way it is. Instead of just banning his goofy nickname, 009 should ban him altogether. Trust me, a guy like him will never leave 009 because he feels safe there. He will probably retire there too. He fears faster districts and real danger. Maybe one day 009 will realize that we younger, faster, tougher coppers are what they need for numbers and quality arrests in the sectors. Maybe we too, could be given a chance to be early car? I'm sick of the unfairness of the 3rd watch desk too!
Maybe he can switch with me and work a late rapid, so he can see how well I handle his beat? He would never go for it though. Just my two cents!!!

younger po in 009

3/09/2007 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't shut down the blog until you get a message from Mars.

3/09/2007 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Negative, I will never tell Chumley (sgt clancy) to write to you. I could not handel you shutting down SCC.

3/09/2007 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually know a rocket scientist there. Let me see if I can find his e-mail.

3/09/2007 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny, we in patrol have to stay at work until 15 after the hour. Has anyone ever gone 35th st. People/P.O.'s who are supposed to get off work at 1400 leave at 1315 hrs. Why is that the grunts who work the streets have to stay till quarter after the hour while paper pushin people at 35th St. get to leave early? There are camera's everywhere in HQ, why not pull those tapes? Ooops I forgot I don't have juice or work at 35th St. P.S. If you start trying to fire/give time to coppers for deceptive practices, you damn well better clean your own house first.

3/09/2007 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother's bookie's uncle lives there to escape a nasty case he has going in Miami. Ill ask him to hook ya up.

3/09/2007 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wouldn't get too excited about being on 7 continents. Anyone using a proxy or tunneler service just "appears" to be from those places. They, in fact, could be your next door neighbor.

3/09/2007 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, now I'm from Deutschland!

3/09/2007 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If u look at the "Gun Grabber" blog, u had a "bloke" from gunless England on the site.
Good work!!!!

3/09/2007 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep up the great job this in kind of like fox news "SCC WE REPORT YOU DECIDE SEND US YOUR COMMENTS" how many hits per day is SCC getting now vs checkboard shit?

3/09/2007 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Auba, huh....?

Hmmmm, the two hottie coppers from Beat 511, "The Charlies Angels" are in Aruba right now on furlo....

KQ, KD is that you?

3/09/2007 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't count on a hit from the Emperor penguins in Antartica. I'd settle for the most distant city on planet Earth: Perth, Western Australia.

The most distant location (the ANTIPODE) from Chicago on the planet would be in the Indian Ocean, approximately 1,000 miles southwest of Perth.

SCC has already been checked out from the other most populous Australian cities--all on the southeast coast: Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Come in, PERTH!

3/09/2007 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wooo! Woooo! Young and dumb hotshot cop in 009. Keep playing the hard charger game. Honorables? Man they have watered those things down so much. You can have lots of them but screw up once, and you are gone.

3/09/2007 08:23:00 AM  
Blogger Schicklegroover said...

AREA001746825/YourSPECIALandpeoplelikeyou VICTIMS UNIT Detectives say: "You got nothing,kid!" You miscounted. TWO more continents to go. Only when the lost continent of Atlantis weighs in will you be get bragging rights. And even then I will bust you out for no posts from other galaxies, the future, the past, Olympus, Valhalla and alternate dimensions! So don't rest.

3/09/2007 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:44 come you're not on gang or tact in 009? If you ever decide to let "banned" officer know who you are, give us a heads up, I wanna be there when he treats you like his own personal bitch.

3/09/2007 09:37:00 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

again, fine fine people, we implore you. we would like a visit from as far as Norridge, okay even one from Chicago.
Congrats SCC

3/09/2007 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. "OFF TOPIC" its called
S E N O R I T Y....after you finish your 2nd year on this job you will realize running around in little tight circles, pinching people for a one bagger isn't astute police work. When you get to your 3rd year, you will realize that you are still the only copper
changing into a uniform in the last remaining telephone booth in 009th dst. Now, you will enter your 4th year, at this point in time, you will probably know if and when you call a 10-1, its not an invitation for only particular PO's to respond, its not rsvp!!!!
So comes your fifth year, someone by now should have shown you where they keep the SPAR/PAR how about biding out to where you feel your special skills and techniques are needed!
But all is not lost, you have all of the bitching and moaning down to a science.......

3/09/2007 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wouldn't get too excited about being on 7 continents. Anyone using a proxy or tunneler service just "appears" to be from those places. They, in fact, could be your next door neighbor.

3/09/2007 06:08:00 AM


I thought about that too. Check when the hits from outside the country started-it may be after you were banned and people started using proxy webpages. I'm not saying it isn't possible to have visitors from far away places but, it's just a thought.

3/09/2007 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

younger po in 009

3/09/2007 12:44:00 AM

After reading this, I've come to one conclusion. You are way to stupid to work in 009.

3/09/2007 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO 3/9/7 12:44AM

If he's that guy that did the combat tour w/the Special Forces in Afganistan, he doesnt have to do anymore but show up & answer his calls & back people up. He did more in that year than u'll do in your entire yuppie life.

3/09/2007 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/09/2007 12:44:00 AM

Your such a goof! my HERO best policeman ever! FUCK YOU! Go ahaed child be a hero thanks! I will watch you grow up! Get cr's! Perhaps being sued in federeal court will wake you up! You going to be a DC! Ha! Who do you knw KID? your the best policeman that ever joined the department! you sure love yourself and have a high impression! were you like that when you wasted mom and adddies money to go to college and joined this job where all you needed before was high school? poor baby stop crying do you job and drive by and watch me drink my coffee and read my paper! I don't know the guy your talking about but compared to you he must be a prince assclown! bet you tell your heroic story to anyone that will listen! MOMMY AND DADDY ARE PROUD OF YOU!

3/09/2007 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to open the proverbial hornet's nest kid! If I were you, I would POSITIVELY stay out of his way. Don't go looking for the lion's den. With smack like that, he'll be able to SMELL your fear and jealousy. YOU DON'T KNOW HIM LIKE I DO. Afterall, you just started working in 009!!!!!!
just my two cents supercop...

2nd Watch 009

3/09/2007 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the in-house fighting going on in 009 caused by Sgt BL's six pack B team, is it any wonder why tensions are rising?
Now we have a totally clueless and ANNONYMOUS recruit talking shit. The "banned" po he is criticizing is one of the hardest workers on 3rd watch. He backs people up better than 90% of our officers. He'll do anything for a fellow po.
Poster 12:44- Since "PS" just got chewed out by the 009 1st watch Captain for having military and CPD hat pins on his "mike strap", YOU MAY WANT TO AVOID PISSING HIM OFF!
He is aggressive to the MAX! Seriously, your attitude sucks ass! Maybe if you paid your dues like he has in 009, you would eventually get an early car. Stop bitching and bragging. None of us want to hear how you are chasing down drug dealers. You younger, faster and tougher recruits need to quit dividing the 3rd watch! I would want guys like him on a 10-1 before your crying bitchy ass anytime.

009 officer

3/09/2007 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an uncle that looks like a walrus and a cousing that walks like a penquin; do they count?

No wolf packn' in Arubu, I'm there playa...

3/09/2007 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/09/2007 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/09/2007 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but recently heard that the Teflon Juan is back and assigned to the 7th district on 1st watch. Not much there to look at so maybe he will stay out of trouble for awhile. We can't account for RDO's but maybe he has finally learned his lesson.

3/09/2007 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny, we in patrol have to stay at work until 15 after the hour. Has anyone ever gone 35th st. People/P.O.'s who are supposed to get off work at ...

Boy, you are a sissified, jealous, snitch- bitch, motherfucker. Don't rob a bank with your IAD-prone ass. Now go back to your Traffic Management duties, cocksucker.

BTW, don't work at 35th St. If you got time, stop up in A/1 HSG (3rd Watch) and announce you're looking for the writer of this post, I'll answer up and tell you to your face. Bet you're a no-show, pussy.

3/09/2007 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:15:00 Am
I think the young lad means he's in for a Department Commendation, I guess it is something you'll never earn while on this job.

3/09/2007 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mars, checking in to see how many other planets have loged in? }:-) Take me to your leader!

3/09/2007 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Department Commendation? Honorable Mentions? You seem to be all about CPD awards. The guy you slam is all about taking care of his fellow police officers. You will NEVER get the respect that he has achieved, because it's all about you and we know it!
Be careful if you decide to get cocky and admit to others that you wrote this awful shit about him. Even if you are just trying to be funny and get a rise out of "PS"-it really could get nasty for you.
There's a reason why so many coppers in 009 come to his side. He's a genuine copper with a heart of gold. Class act.
I agree with you that the 009 desk forces younger po's to work later cars, but you shouldn't attack him to make your point.
When things go bad, you too will breathe a sigh of relief when you hear his voice saying he's on the way to you. If there's one thing he absolutely does well it's "attitude adjustment" in shitheads. He's the #1 guy in 009 that you shouldn't intentionally anger. Good guy or bad guy-you just don't fuck with the bull! You've been warned.

3/09/2007 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I visited my kid's school as officer friendly today and they were enthralled of my tales of action and adventure in the 009th district obtaining numerous honorable mentions. They agreed that I am the best police officer ever.

3/09/2007 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I consider myself an aggressive officer in 009. I am getting quite a few honorable mentions and now I am shooting for the DC.
I sure hope you are a female police officer because I don't think the DC of 009 is interested in guys

3/09/2007 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Billy Badass-12:44! Why post annonymous?
"PS" might be slower and less physically fit than you, but I am DAMN sure you couldn't out wrestle and fight the crazy bastard. Mercy is not in his vocabulary.

009 Mids

3/09/2007 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I am on furlough and have nothing to do, I try to stay sharp. Especially when I have to go to the store to get beer, which I do nightly. Yesterday:

2000 Hours: I depart my domicile in order to acquire Miller Lite and Cheetoes for the evening, and also to possibly rent a DVD. On my belt I have my usually carry gear: my 9mm SIG 226R with mounted light/laser combo and a full magazine with a +2 extension. I keep an extra round in the chamber, giving me 20 rounds total. I also carry four extra 19 round magazines on my belt. Besides my pistol, I have a Surefire tactical flashlight, tactical OC spray, a collapsing tactical baton, and my $300 Benchmade folding tactical pocket knife. I carry two 30 round AR-15 magazines in Kydex pouches as well, for my hooah tactical carbine. In a small holster on my ankle I carry a Glock 26, fully loaded with 11 more rounds. My tactical ensemble is topped off by a sturdy pair of black cordura suspenders, and is the envy of the others at my shooting range. I was also wearing my level IIIA concealed body armor with Level IV ceramic rifle plates in front and back. I could take a 7.62mm round in the back if I wanted to bitches.

Anyway, I left my domicile, stealthily, practicing the art of not being seen. I get in my vehicle (a super tactical green Mazda Protege) and proceed to my desitination. I press-check my SIG 226R before getting in my vehicle, ensuring that a round is chambered.

So far, so good, but my guts tell me that it's going to be a rough night.

2045 Hours: I arrive at the 24hr Grocery, three klicks from my domicile. I was 45 minutes in transit as I never directly drive anywhere. I make turns, use side roads, and double back repeatedly in case any Bad Guys (BGs) get the idea to follow me. I park in the lot, and carefully examine the area around my vechile before getting out.

"Hmmm...," I thought. "Little old lady on the corner. Perfectly innocent looking. A little too innocent if you ask me. Could be a trap. I'll have to watch her. And what's this? A girl jogging. How convenient. Undoubetedly a scout for a gang or cult." Seeing these obvious threats, I imediately go into Condition Orange. I'm ready for anything. I press check my SIG 226R, making sure it's still loaded, and unbuckle my seatbelt.

Cautiously, I step out of my vehicle, and proceed into the store. I make note of all the exits, and make sure I appear alert, stong, and able-bodied, in case the girl at the register wants to try anything. That gum-chewing and magazine-reading doesn't fool me, I can tell she's up to something.

2115 Hours: Purchasing my goods took me longer than I expected. Several "customers" entered the store, but they looked suspicious. Anybody can rent Nun outfits, and they could've easily been vicious bandits (don't let age fool you. A 60 year old, 5'3" woman can kill you just as dead!) I did a tactical shoulder roll and hid behind a display of tampons until they left.

Anyway, having secured my beer, Cheetoes, jerky, Playboy magazines, and having rented a copy of The Little Mermaid, I exited the store and headed for my vehicle. I was extemely vigilant as I crossed the parking lot, and it paid off. Here, my friends, is where the S hit the F.

2116 Hours: There I am, in the paking lot of the 24 Hour Grocery, paper bag full of food, drinks, adult magazines, and Disney DVDs in hand, and the first of the BGs appears. I can't see the BG, but my highly-trained combat ninja senses know he is there behind a purple PT Cruiser. I drop my groceries and dive to the side; my SIG 226R is out before I hit the asphalt. I do another tatical shoulder roll as I land, and low crawl behind cover, firing off several rounds to suppress the enemy position.

I laughed to myself. They didn't know who they were messing with!

I knew that I'd need more firepower, but I had to get to my car first.

Unlocking the back hatch, I acquired my M-4 urban tactical carbine. It's a Bushmaster flattop M4-Gery, with RIS rail systems. I have a Trijicon Reflex dot sight mounted, and an ACOG in a pouch that's readiliy accesible. Also mounted is a laser aiming device, a Surefire taclight, and an infra-red aiming laser for use with my Night Vision Goggles (fortunately, it's not that dark out). I also grab a badonlier that I keep with the rifle, which holds six more 30 round magazines, and hit the pavement, ready to fight.

I low-crawled through the parking lot, until I was in a good spot. I then used fire-and-manuever until my entire combat load of 5.56 was expended. Then I performed a break contact drill back to my vehicle, firing 9mm rounds to cover myself.

I press-checked my SIG 226R and headed home for an evening of beer, pornography, potato chips, and the Magical World of Disney!

3/09/2007 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO 3/09/2007 11:22:00 PM; that was fucking hilarious! to the guy who said that honorables arent worth shit, not so.....they're great for cleaning up the coffee that I always wind up spiting on my computer screen laughing at you guys rippping on each other. To the kid who has his award chubby going....I've got 4 DC's that I've never actually received, but that shit doesn't matter, I've got lots of buddies in my district (and my partners) who are worth more to me that a pretty piece of paper and some fruity looking ribbon. I'll take an extra gun on my side for helping my brothers than some award for saving a kitten from a burning crackhouse anyday. You make the rest of us newer guys look bad. Probably work in some weak ass district anyway.

2 1/2 Year wonder who still can't afford housing or hair gel.

3/09/2007 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You TALK a good game 12:44. Shiiiiit! 009 tac should snatch you right up! Sounds like you are well on your way to getting your DC for what again? oh yea...drug pinches! WTF?
Lighten up Francis! You want to fight with him? First, go do a one year tour of duty in afghanistan before you take him on in REAL LIFE. You need a reality check son.
Next, man up OR shut the fuck up before he schools you on why he is the craziest motherfucker in 009!
Lastly, YOU DON'T KNOW HIM. Cuz if you did you wouldn't be trash-talking the man. Listen closely...he ain't the joke you made him out to be!
-former USMC

3/10/2007 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



im gonna start press checking a lot more often now.

3/10/2007 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would tell him to his face that in my opinion he is not a good officer, but he and I never see each other due to the time gaps in shift.
Since it is obviously inconvenient for you to see him, just leave your initials and I'm sure he'll take the extra effort to find you, you lying, coward, little pussy mother fucker.

3/10/2007 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

first off i agree with 308 AM about the 35th street house mouses leaving early but screw them because they dont have the oppurtunity to wolfpack so there..i love our first deputy more than my own mother

3/10/2007 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the guy posting about PS is just looking for attention on the blog

3/10/2007 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You must be 1645 3rd Watch!!

3/10/2007 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aruba kicks ass!!

3/10/2007 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

younger po in 009

3/09/2007 12:44:00 AM

First,i must say,i dont dont know who this "banned" p.o. is,but i read his earlier post,he actually had the balls to sign it,to me he actually sounds like a pretty decent guy...1st he had served this great country for our freedom (I did not serve...but i do appreciate those that did.) have a couple of H.M.'S now you want D.C.'S. let me tell you something young whipper snapper...i have 6 years on,have maybe 70 or so H.M.'S and 3 D.C's and a few other B.S. ribbons,i know now,that all this shit DOES not'll see some big boss walking around with 2 B.S. ribbons on their chest and they are bossess so stop kidding yourself kid,those shit on your chest does not mean shit! When i first started,i wanted to save the took me about 90 seconds to realize that 50% of those mutts dont want to be saved,or dont deserve to be saved!I've done some stupid shit when i first came on,thought back on it and said shit WTF did i do that for?!!lucky me nor my partner was never seriously hurt or killed(starting a family really put stuff in perspective for me.)i now focus my work on what i call "real Police work" I patrol the better part of the district for the hard working tax paying citizens who gets robbed or burglarized.i would give all my H.M's and other B.S. ribbons if i can lock up one of these mutts and put them away.Who the fuck cares if "DUDE" is selling dope or shooting each other just as long as "dude" doesnt do it in my let them shoot up their dope!(hopefully O.D.'S)and shoot their own gang bangers.Trust me kid,it just feels sooooo much better nabbing a robber or burglar who terrorize good hard working citizens like your family members and love ones...Hopefully you'll learn quick and trust me,you will, hopefully the easy way than the hard...its great that you like to work but i hope you focus more on the good citizens that do appreciates the police then motherfuck them....take care..and dont say stupid shit like that again...

P.S. 3/09/2007 11:22:00 PM
that was fucking hilarous!!!

3/10/2007 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should approach the officer and state man to man that you have a problem with him? Judging by what I've read about this particular po, he would probably appreciate that.
I think you can resolve your issues with him by talking things out. It is all about respecting each other's boundaries. He is older and has worked in 009 a lot longer than you. You're not even off probation yet. You need to understand that he paid his dues. Now on your behalf, he should understand that you would like to work his beat car. Can you work together? Maybe the desk in 009 can allow you two to switch off between the beat car and late rapid car?
It's all about working together to achieve the same goal. I believe this will be a satisfactory way to end the bitterness you feel. Perhaps you could tell the po that he needs to increase his activity? If he is a working officer, then he will try harder. Maybe he just hasn't been told he was slipping? Sometimes new younger, faster and tougher officers can put a spark back into the "older" engine. You follow me? Try this approach and watch the feelings of ill-will disappear. How do I know this will work? Officers need each other. He needs you and you, believe it or not, needs you. Even us older engines need to feel needed. The key is to remain calm and friendly when informing the older po of his flaws. Hope you youngsters in 009 can end the hostility towards each other. We're all we have.
-004 police officer

3/10/2007 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no right to say the war in afghanistan is not a real war. Were you there Supercop? No. I got friends there now protecting your ass in southern provinces. You probably think the 30 sector of 009 is a battlefield? You are sadly mistaken. Both iraq and afghanistan are theaters of hell in my book. Unless you were on the battlefield in these wars, you should keep your fucking cowardly punkass quiet!
Be glad "PS" and others like him went to fight the wars. You owe these men and women a debt of gratitude for keeping you safe.
if I was "PS", I would kick the living shit outta you just for principle.
Go chase your nickle and dime bags. Earn your honorables. Leave the ass-kicking to the professionals. You are the one who ain't shit! Until you fight a determined enemy in the desert and
mountains of hell, don't you dare attack a man who did.
Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on!!!
Can i get a hooah out there?
-014 dist

3/11/2007 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to say that i read the comment about the young super cop who works in 009 in the 30 sector. are you for real??? the 30 sector is very overrated.. you claim to chase drug dealers and get alot of dope off the street? wow...thanks for being so great and getting the typical bullshit of one bag of rock which was thrown to the ground on a field stop.i am glad to know that super cop is cleaning up the 30 sector so i can go sit in a lawn chair in sherman park this summer.maybe i will even have a family party there and take a dip in the pool. or better yet, have my family reunion there and we can all go fishing by the lagoon. i have a message for you must be smoking alot of that plant like substance you claim to be chasing the drug dealers for. and you think the real police is hiding behind trees or broken down houses looking for some hype buying crack? wow...i hope i never become the real police. maybe super cop you dont realize that these shitheads in the 30 sector run on purpose as a game to see if you catch them. as far as the banned offer is concerned, im glad to know that you super cop are the new improved 6 million dollar man. you claim to be younger, stronger and faster than pruple shades?well that might be, but how about smarter??? hey super claim to be so great right and make all of these quality arrests? then why my friend are you not working plain clothes in 009 or some great unit in this city? probably because you are a two year wonder who still has to have his mother change your diappers. honorable mention you claim to have???shooting for a d.c??? impressive....they mean nothing and maybe your mama and papi are pround of your war stories chasing the bag in 009, but not me....hey banned officer in 009, keep up the good work and keep fighting crime like you do. this super cop will never be half the cop that you are. he must be scared that he has to post annoymously and cant post his initials. i have one last thing to say to super claim to be so much stronger then senor shades??? well, you have your opportuntiy to show just how much of a man you are.challenge him at the super cop fights.this old man as you claim will give you the smack down that you deserve.and when finished beating the whole living hell out of you,he will leave with his cane and go apply the bengay for his aching bones from old age....your the best marty!!!!long live purple shades!!!!!!!!!!

3/11/2007 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/11/2007 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let these mindless fucks get to you brother! The people that matter on this job know you work your ass off. We also know you are pretty damn loyal to 009. Many would have left by now. Keep rgaing against the machine and I'll see you at roll call.

-a friend

3/12/2007 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who you trying to bullshit? Fighting with guys on camels? Our military is a joke! The war on terror is a complete farce. Why can't our troops defeat guys on camels?
Iraq and afganistan ain't no big deal. I serve a year long tour to play in a sandbox. Maybe if our troops didn't have their panties so bunched up in their ass-we'd be winning this thing!
We need MEN out there who can get the job done. Then we can bring them home. Let's end the war now!

3/12/2007 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for the Supercop to confront "PS" about his lack of dope pinches......LOL

Me thinks it's gonna be a HOOT!!!

3/12/2007 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me you don't actually believe you can just tell lies about the "banned" po and not expect retribution?
If he finds out who you are (and secretly I'm praying he will) you will be on the medical. I'M NOT SAYING THIS JOKINGLY. I'm telling you this, so you'll keep your trap shut!!!! "PS" may seem like an easy going guy...but there is the side to him you DON'T know. You haven't been in 009 long enough yet.
Keep your tales of bravery to yourself, because guys like "PS" or myself don't want to hear them. OR tell them to the drunken easy girls at the 4am bars. They will appreciate your manly stories of chasing down dude with a nickle bad of weed. Wow! You are soooo brave.
I have been in 009 going on 8 plus years now and I think it is sheer idiocy to call him out like you did. You'll learn supercop...this I know.

-009 days

3/12/2007 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that post from Natalie Holloway???

3/12/2007 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who survived the dangerous run to the store--

Did you get my cheeze whiz boy?

3/12/2007 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to younger po in 009
your story is hilarious. "myself and younger officers"...what do watch all day...? the def comedy jam and maury povich? and you wanna be a district commander? and how do you not find time to run into the officer you're afraid of? ask your fto to drive you and your mom to 3501 s. lowe at 1500 hrs.,( for you department burdens with semi-auto werpons, that's 3 o'clock). and stop pocketing dope for use on days you can't buy an arrest. ask sos how that turned out.
and say "hi" to your friends at the chesterfield when you stop them at 39/fairfield...oh, yeah...we heard you see things differently off duty.

3/12/2007 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who survived the dangerous run to the store--

Did you get my cheeze whiz boy?

3/12/2007 08:12:00 PM


Classic line. LOL

3/13/2007 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You actually sound like a premarital counselor. I cannot believe you are a copper from 004? Unless you work in neighborhood relations, you shouldn't be giving out such wussy advice concerning how to handle disputes among officers. You guys cannot even handle disturbance calls in Hogwash!
My advice to the "banned" officer is to make an example of the little shit! Make him pay so dearly that he has nightmares forever more of you! That's how we fucking do it in 004!!!! We keep our newbies in check until they come off probation. Sounds like 009 is full of clout baby pussies?

To the pussy who wrote that response like a marriage counselor...Go fuck yourself!!!

REAL copper in 004

3/13/2007 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we were told to stay off the SCC blog by some very pissed off white shirts. As you can see, we are still faithful to you SCC. Keep up the good work. Gotta run...

009 days

3/13/2007 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supercop! hey there junior crime fighter when r u gonna leave ur initials? Certainly a younger, faster tougher copper like urself has no fear whatsoever of the banned guy? if ur gonna talk the talk, then ur gonna have to walk the walk.
For that matter, why haven't you responded to all the comments against urself? Many probably r coming from slower older weaker know...the kind you run circles around chasing dope addicts...Hahahahahahaha!

-025 copper

3/13/2007 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey A/1 HSG(3rd watch), I would love to stop by and approach you, but where do I look? Oh thats right you lazy fuck is playing cards on the computer again, you merit bitch could'nt find your ass if you had a map.

3/14/2007 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This banned officer sounds a decent fellow. Does he have a partner in 009? It's nice to know some pos out there still believe in watching over coppers' backs. In my district you're pretty much on your own out there.

005 copper

3/16/2007 02:02:00 PM  

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