Wednesday, May 02, 2007

OPS Out of the Loop

  • Watch for Mayor Daley to announce a dramatic twist on the way cops are investigated.

    Outraged by police brutality scandals, Daley plans to permanently sever the Office of Professional Standards -- which probes reports of police abuse -- from the Chicago Police Department!

    • • Background: Daley had already appointed an expert panel, which included Police Supt. Terry Hillard, to help select the next head of OPS and offer advice on how to resolve OPS distrust.

    • • The kicker: But Sneed hears Daley ran up against a stumbling block in finding someone with credibility to reform OPS: "There is stiff competition out there and applicants want assurances the agency is independent of politics and the Police Department," a City Hall source said.

    • • One side: Monique Bond, a police spokeswoman, stated in April that OPS comprises civilian investigators and was a separate entity.

    • • The flip side: However, the OPS budget is part of the Chicago Police Department -- and the head of OPS reports to the Chicago Police Department.

Then the Sun Times publishes an article on it:
  • The Office of Professional Standards would be a separate agency no longer under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Police Department under a mayoral plan in the works to restore confidence in reviews of police wrongdoing.

    Details of the ordinance -- which Mayor Daley plans to introduce at next week's City Council meeting -- are still being finalized. It was not clear whether the new agency would rise to the level of independent civilian review that community activists want.

    But one thing is certain: The Police Department and OPS are getting divorced.

Opinions? We don't have one yet. On one hand, getting OPS out of the Department orbit might be a good thing - especially if they don't have subpoena power and are as incompetent as usual. On the other hand, anything Pfleger touches is obviously suspect and tainted by his agenda. We'll be carrying water pistols and feather dusters if he's involved.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time !! Hair gel police are going to get what they deserve ! Congrats to Mayor Daley.

5/01/2007 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If an independent civilian review board is chosen and hands out time like it's candy because of half-assed moronic investigations (yes, worse than OPS) .. The Police Board and the FOP picked a wrong day to stop sniffing glue 'cause their gonna be working overtime like there’s no tomorrow.

5/01/2007 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if the new OPS *is* competent and has subpoena power -- would that be bad for CPD? Please elaborate.

5/02/2007 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question is there any relation between Phil and John Cline?

Convicted ex-Daley aides: Clout jobs not always a crime

In exchange for their alleged roles in the scheme, Sorich and others may have enjoyed promotions, pay raises or added job security, said John Cline, Sorich's attorney.,1,1269213.story?coll=chi-newslocal-hed&ctrack=3&cset=true

5/02/2007 04:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that he's quitting acting, maybe
Alec Baldwin can take the new OPS job. Can you imagine some Copper refusing to come in to speak to him;then the tirade by A.B. on the PO's answering machine?

5/02/2007 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The system that is currently set-up regarding excessive force allegations benefits rank and file police officers. Any changes that take place with politicians and outsiders being involved will only hurt rank and file police officers.

FOP over the years has done a good job in keeping the City from modifying the way excessive force complaints are handled. I recall an instance, which the Lodge took a proposed change in the way OPS handled excessive force complaints to expedited arbitration and received a finding that stymied Gayle Shines completely. The Lodge rightfully called this their greatest victory over OPS.

Any changes will not be for the betterment of the rank and file and the Lodge should fight them all the way to the Supreme Court.

5/02/2007 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/02/2007 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This could actually be a good thing. First, the new unit could only reccomend discipline. It will be up to the Department to implement it within the guidelines of Labor Laws and contractual obligations.

Second, bring on all the supoenas you want. Then the Constitution kicks in. You just clam up. This will create havoc within the Department with grievances, complaints, lawsuits, etc. Then in a few years, it will go away and OPS will return, along with the good old days.

5/02/2007 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Any changes will not be for the betterment of the rank and file and the Lodge should fight them all the way to the Supreme Court.

5/02/2007 06:27:00 AM"

How about doing something "for the betterment" of the public at large?

This is yet ANOTHER statement by Chicago police union officials which betrays a blatant contempt for the public interest. Recall their previous statements made on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" that [ONLY] police officers should be allowed to own and carry guns AFTER being CONVICTED of domestic violence.

The power of summary execution would certainly be "for the betterment of the rank and file". I'm sure it'd take a load off Tony Abbate's mind. I'm not sure it'd benefit society as a whole, however...

5/02/2007 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would welcome a change in OPS. Independent, great. Subpoena power, even better. As they are independent, they will not be able to give you an order to answer, and give you discipline for not answering. I PLEAD THE FIFTH TO ANY AND ALL INQUIRIES.

5/02/2007 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just a question here, when we go to ops on an investigation, we are obligated to answer their questions. Why? Because if we don't they take the ranking member of the police department assigned to them, because they are an entity of the CPD to order us to answer. If OPS becomes a separate entity, then no one from CPD should be assigned there and the ordering of answers should not be an issue because no one from CPD would be there to order us. RIGHT?

5/02/2007 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe & Michael Richards to head new OPS board !

5/02/2007 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/02/2007 06:27:00 AM

Thank you FOP for touting the lies you spew from your collective pie holes. FOP has done nothing to protect us and never will. You are better off on your own.

5/02/2007 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhh, da Mayor figured out a way to get more clout babies city jobs. Create a new Department, hire a new Director and staff and then Hire ne investigators- all related to someone who is related to someone- on and on and on.

The clout train chugs along.

5/02/2007 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well! another reason to do nothing! if you are a working officer you need your head examined! Just collect a check relax and go home! The CPD now is just like a warehouse job do your 8 go home to your family!

5/02/2007 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



5/02/2007 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I qualified to investigate or judge a doctor on whether he did wrong or not. NOOOOOOOOO What gives any civilian the sense to do it. Police work and the Use of Force Model is often ugly but LEGAL and JUSTIFIED. These are the same people who believe the Feds used too much force while executing a warrant. Dont tell me how to do my job and I wont tell you how to do mine.

5/02/2007 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Am I qualified to investigate or judge a doctor on whether he did wrong or not. NOOOOOOOOO What gives any civilian the sense to do it. Police work and the Use of Force Model is often ugly but LEGAL and JUSTIFIED. These are the same people who believe the Feds used too much force while executing a warrant. Dont tell me how to do my job and I wont tell you how to do mine.

5/02/2007 04:47:00 PM"

So then what you're saying is that you don't feel qualified to judge the actions of Dr. Mengele? So similarly, you don't think I can tell if Jon Burge's hooking a suspect's testicles to a field phone is kosher?

Yet again, Chicago's "finest" live down to expectations...

5/02/2007 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Morton said... " Anonymous said...

Am I qualified to investigate or judge a doctor on whether he did wrong or not. NOOOOOOOOO What gives any civilian the sense to do it. Police work and the Use of Force Model is often ugly but LEGAL and JUSTIFIED. These are the same people who believe the Feds used too much force while executing a warrant. Dont tell me how to do my job and I wont tell you how to do mine.

5/02/2007 04:47:00 PM"

So then what you're saying is that you don't feel qualified to judge the actions of Dr. Mengele? So similarly, you don't think I can tell if Jon Burge's hooking a suspect's testicles to a field phone is kosher?

Yet again, Chicago's "finest" live down to expectations...
5/02/2007 08:39:00 PM

Another tree hugger, what do think Chris Morton does for a living? Bet he voted for Clinton! Obviously, judging the actions of Dr. Mengele is a slam dunk or torturing people is wrong, but that’s not what were talking about. I’m glad Chris knows that’s wrong, good job Chris! Try this one Chris, you just locked up a guy for beating his wife bloody, he fights with you, he loses and then you take him to jail. Good job right! No, because he then puts a beef on you for beating him and then you have to defend your actions that you took in arresting him. You then go to Domestic court and his wife refuses to testify against him, because he didn’t mean to hit her, he just had too much to drink that night. Chris try putting on the uniform and walking in our shoes, you might just change that opinion of yours!

5/03/2007 03:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I would love to get the entire CR investigation process completely out of the hands of CPD personnel, and completely in the hands of a separate entity. Too much time spent by CPD supervisors investigating frivolous complaints.
If most of them weren't complete bullshit, they wouldn't send them back to the Districts where they originated from to be investigated by the supervisors of the accused.
It's a change that has been needed for a long time. Can't happen soon enough!

5/03/2007 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"well! another reason to do nothing! if you are a working officer you need your head examined! Just collect a check relax and go home! The CPD now is just like a warehouse job do your 8 go home to your family!"

How sad but true this public/media opinion ran department is becoming a joke. Give them a ticket with a smile so you can be friends and invite them to the next CAPS meeting.

5/03/2007 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Another tree hugger, what do think Chris Morton does for a living? Bet he voted for Clinton! Obviously, judging the actions of Dr. Mengele is a slam dunk or torturing people is wrong, but that’s not what were talking about. I’m glad Chris knows that’s wrong, good job Chris! Try this one Chris, you just locked up a guy for beating his wife bloody, he fights with you, he loses and then you take him to jail. Good job right! No, because he then puts a beef on you for beating him and then you have to defend your actions that you took in arresting him. You then go to Domestic court and his wife refuses to testify against him, because he didn’t mean to hit her, he just had too much to drink that night. Chris try putting on the uniform and walking in our shoes, you might just change that opinion of yours!

5/03/2007 03:57:00 AM"

I prefer to confine my "hugging" to adult, brunette females.

I voted for George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole. Bill Clinton is a profoundly corrupt pathological liar who presided over a variety of corruption and brutality scandals in Federal law enforcement that must have warmed the hearts of the Chicago PD. From Waco to the Good Old Boys Roundup, Clinton made it perfectly clear that he understood "the Chicago way".

Torture, felonious assault, etc., etc., etc. by police are EXACTLY what we're talking about, because those things are EXACTLY what the Chicago PD is known for. Perhaps you're over-intellectualizing these things? Recently, a paraplegic man in his automobile was literally shot to pieces on the block where I grew up in the '70s. Police say he pulled a gun on them. Strangely, even though he was shot multiple [over ten?] times, including through the back of his alleged gun hand, the gun "found" in his car by police was curiously uncontaminated by blood or fingerprints. NOT so strangely, this was ruled a "good shoot" by the Chicago PD. But then the Chicago PD would probably rule Joachim Peiper's Malmedy Massacre a "good shoot" too. Maybe that's why the victim's survivors won a $5,000,000+ judgement against the city.

Put on the Chicago PD uniform? I don't think so. When I was commissioned an officer in the United States Army, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Affiliation with the Chicago PD would clearly violate the spirit of that oath, which take seriously to this day.

5/03/2007 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris wrote:

Strangely, even though he was shot multiple [over ten?] times, including through the back of his alleged gun hand, the gun "found" in his car by police was curiously uncontaminated by blood or fingerprints. NOT so strangely, this was ruled a "good shoot" by the Chicago PD. But then the Chicago PD would probably rule Joachim Peiper's Malmedy Massacre a "good shoot" too. Maybe that's why the victim's survivors won a $5,000,000+ judgement against the city.


How stupid we are when we only know what we see on TV.

Some background...This offender was being pursued by officers in a high speed chase. The offender was wanted in a homicide.

During the chase the offender threw one of his handguns out of the window. This handgun was recovered and later linked to a different homicide.

The chase continued until the offender stopped in front of his home. The offender pulled a second handgun on the officers and was justifiably shot by the officers. The only witnesses to this incident were the police and the offender's family.

The poor, paralyzed, dead offender committed two homicides that we know of.

None of this information was admitted during the civil trial (Judge Leifkow thought that such information about the murderous beast would prejudice the jury).

The judge was wrong. The case will be appealed, but the city will settle before winning the appeal.

Why don't you put your army uniform on and go down to this offender's family (who supported and concealed this beast's murderous acts) and congratulate them on their new rims?

5/03/2007 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put on the Chicago PD uniform? I don't think so. When I was commissioned an officer in the United States Army, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Affiliation with the Chicago PD would clearly violate the spirit of that oath, which take seriously to this day.

You sir, are a bitch go blow yourself you smug self righteous ass

5/03/2007 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Morton said...
"Anonymous said...

Another tree hugger, what do think Chris Morton does for a living? Bet he voted for Clinton! Obviously, judging the actions of Dr. Mengele is a slam dunk or torturing people is wrong, but that’s not what were talking about. I’m glad Chris knows that’s wrong, good job Chris! Try this one Chris, you just locked up a guy for beating his wife bloody, he fights with you, he loses and then you take him to jail. Good job right! No, because he then puts a beef on you for beating him and then you have to defend your actions that you took in arresting him. You then go to Domestic court and his wife refuses to testify against him, because he didn’t mean to hit her, he just had too much to drink that night. Chris try putting on the uniform and walking in our shoes, you might just change that opinion of yours!

5/03/2007 03:57:00 AM"

I prefer to confine my "hugging" to adult, brunette females.

I voted for George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole. Bill Clinton is a profoundly corrupt pathological liar who presided over a variety of corruption and brutality scandals in Federal law enforcement that must have warmed the hearts of the Chicago PD. From Waco to the Good Old Boys Roundup, Clinton made it perfectly clear that he understood "the Chicago way".

Torture, felonious assault, etc., etc., etc. by police are EXACTLY what we're talking about, because those things are EXACTLY what the Chicago PD is known for. Perhaps you're over-intellectualizing these things? Recently, a paraplegic man in his automobile was literally shot to pieces on the block where I grew up in the '70s. Police say he pulled a gun on them. Strangely, even though he was shot multiple [over ten?] times, including through the back of his alleged gun hand, the gun "found" in his car by police was curiously uncontaminated by blood or fingerprints. NOT so strangely, this was ruled a "good shoot" by the Chicago PD. But then the Chicago PD would probably rule Joachim Peiper's Malmedy Massacre a "good shoot" too. Maybe that's why the victim's survivors won a $5,000,000+ judgement against the city.

Put on the Chicago PD uniform? I don't think so. When I was commissioned an officer in the United States Army, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Affiliation with the Chicago PD would clearly violate the spirit of that oath, which take seriously to this day.
5/03/2007 02:15:00 PM

Chris, I can’t even believe Im wasting my time retorting to you, so I’ll make this real short! Im really glad that you voted for George Bush & Bob Dole that makes me extremely happy!!! Unfortunately your wrong and don’t even know it, I could paint you with the same brush as your brothers in the military who tortured all the Iraqi prisoners? So the question is: is everyone one in the military corrupt and are they all responsible for torturing prisoners? NO, they aren’t! Getting the point Chris! Is corruption out there, yes; but no more then your beloved military. So get off your moral high horse! The majority of Police officers are honest and take their oath & commitment to the job very seriously, just like you took yours to the military. So just stop your rant! One Chicago Police Officer doing his job for just one day alone, will do more good then you ever could in a life time!

5/04/2007 03:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Put on the Chicago PD uniform? I don't think so. When I was commissioned an officer in the United States Army, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Affiliation with the Chicago PD would clearly violate the spirit of that oath, which take seriously to this day.

You sir, are a bitch go blow yourself you smug self righteous ass

5/03/2007 08:59:00 PM"

Boy, you sure refuted everything I said!!! (snicker)

It seems that whenever a Chicago cop (or sycophant) opens his mouth, the arrogance, sense of entitlement and belief in a two tier society ("If you're not cop, you're little people.") comes gushing out.

Strangely Tony Abbate, Jon Burge, cops who beat their wives (and want to keep their guns), etc., etc., etc. are NOT "bitches" to you. But then, I'll bet if you asked Klaus Barbi, he wouldn't have any criticism for Joachim Peiper either...

5/04/2007 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Morton said...
"Anonymous said...
Put on the Chicago PD uniform? I don't think so. When I was commissioned an officer in the United States Army, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Affiliation with the Chicago PD would clearly violate the spirit of that oath, which take seriously to this day.

You sir, are a bitch go blow yourself you smug self righteous ass

5/03/2007 08:59:00 PM"

Boy, you sure refuted everything I said!!! (snicker)

It seems that whenever a Chicago cop (or sycophant) opens his mouth, the arrogance, sense of entitlement and belief in a two tier society ("If you're not cop, you're little people.") comes gushing out.

Strangely Tony Abbate, Jon Burge, cops who beat their wives (and want to keep their guns), etc., etc., etc. are NOT "bitches" to you. But then, I'll bet if you asked Klaus Barbi, he wouldn't have any criticism for Joachim Peiper either...
5/04/2007 08:23:00 AM

Chris you sure do have a lot of time on your hands, you must be taking a break from torturing Iraqi prisoners. Obviously you’ve never seen any real combat or you wouldn’t be so smug on your moral high horse! Chris why do hate Chicago Police officers so much? What, did you get a ticket and your feeling got hurt, because the copper wouldn’t give you a break when you showed him your military Id? Or did a copper steal your girlfriend or maybe boyfriend????? Don’t ask, don’t tell! Lets be honest Chris, this hostility is coming from somewhere!
You talk about being arrogant and entitlement, you’re more arrogant then any copper I’ve ever seen. I don’t even know why I waste my time talking to you, because you’ll never get it, because you have some grudge against CPD and probably one single copper is responsible for it. So that makes you a small minded mental midget, hope you get over it in time for the Olympics!

5/04/2007 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Lets be honest Chris, this hostility is coming from somewhere!"

By the way, the gay remarks were in the finest intellectual traditions of the Chicago PD. What happened, did some gay guy kick your ass when you tried to hassle [or hit on] him...? Were you the cop the gay boxer on Zorn's blog talked about reducing to a thin paste?

It's just hilarious, the sheer thuggishness that Chicago cops display while denying their sheer thuggishness. Your apparent belief that NOBODY can somehow avoid torturing and murdering people is simply true to form. Notice how you don't actually deny what I say, you just keep trying to change the subject. The problem is that the Abbate, Weems and other videos are out there PERMANENTLY. You'll NEVER get rid of them, although I'm sure that you'd TRY if you had some dim inkling that you could get away with it. Maybe in Chicago. No place else.

Animosity toward Chicago cops? I don't know WHY anyone who would be unfavorably disposed toward killers, torturers, thieves and wife beaters who think that they and they ALONE should be able to carry guns (nevermind possess them) after being convicted of domestic violence...

Oh yeah, somehow not only have I unaccountably managed to avoid torturing anyone, I don't even beat up women, ESPECIALLY women 100lb.s lighter than myself. Doubtless you consider my failure to use females as punching [and kicking] bags simply incomprehensible. But you know, I think Ayman al Zawahiri wouldn't "get" me either...

5/04/2007 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about ex IAD ADS Karen
Rowan to head the new OPS. The mayor isn't ruling out retired officers!

5/04/2007 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Het Chris, I'll stick with my original comment and go blow yourself. I have figured out that you applied to become the police but, even after all your extensive military training couldn't pass the tests to come on, so now you hate. I don't condone the actions of Abbate, or any of the thieves on the job. I wouldn't cover for them either, they are criminals and pieces of shit. I've been on for a long time now, arrested a lot of bad people, put them in jail. Never once did I "plant" stuff on them. I leave that for "The Shield" which is television. I have never had a complaint against me either in all my years that was sustained or warranted. Of the ones I've had at all that would equal two and both I was exonerate of because it was proven that the complainant was lying. I'm proud of the job I've done, and the rest of my brothers and sisters in blue. We have a crappy, thankless job thanks to assholes like you, but you know what, I'll keep on doing it

5/04/2007 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/05/2007 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would take Karen Rowan over some of the other potential contenders anyday.

5/05/2007 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Dole, says that Chris is a idiot !!! Big time and a candy ass.

5/05/2007 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, this is the last time I’m going to waste my time address you, because basically you’re a closed minded mental midget who just wants to argue and isn’t worth my time! Just two things:
1: Abu Ghraib Prison

2: US Military tortures to death two detainees in Afghanistan. One is a 22yr old farmer!

And it goes on and on after that, you have to be proud Chris. Fortunately for you, we don’t judge the whole by the few!

Now, does anyone have anything intelligent to say about the OPS situation?

5/05/2007 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Chris, this is the last time I’m going to waste my time address you, because basically you’re a closed minded mental midget who just wants to argue and isn’t worth my time! Just two things:
1: Abu Ghraib Prison

2: US Military tortures to death two detainees in Afghanistan. One is a 22yr old farmer!

And it goes on and on after that, you have to be proud Chris. Fortunately for you, we don’t judge the whole by the few!

Now, does anyone have anything intelligent to say about the OPS situation?

5/05/2007 03:09:00 AM"

How many people involved in Abu Ghraib run charter boat services?

What's Jon Burge doing these days?

Where'd you get that ATM card?

5/05/2007 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Het Chris, I'll stick with my original comment and go blow yourself. I have figured out that you applied to become the police but, even after all your extensive military training couldn't pass the tests to come on, so now you hate. I don't condone the actions of Abbate, or any of the thieves on the job. I wouldn't cover for them either, they are criminals and pieces of shit. I've been on for a long time now, arrested a lot of bad people, put them in jail. Never once did I "plant" stuff on them. I leave that for "The Shield" which is television. I have never had a complaint against me either in all my years that was sustained or warranted. Of the ones I've had at all that would equal two and both I was exonerate of because it was proven that the complainant was lying. I'm proud of the job I've done, and the rest of my brothers and sisters in blue. We have a crappy, thankless job thanks to assholes like you, but you know what, I'll keep on doing it

5/04/2007 11:04:00 PM"

1. If I wanted to be a criminal, I think I'd try to make it on my own, without getting a city pacycheck in the bargain. Chicago will always have violent criminal. But what's the need to keep a bunch of them on publicly funded retainer?

2. It's good to know that cops in Atlanta didn't REALLY plant several bags of marijuana on that old woman whom they murdered. Must just have been something I saw on "Starsky and Hutch"... but how come two out of the three CONFESSED???? Good thing NOTHING like that has EVER happened in Chicago...

3. Have you ever seen another cop do something wrong, REALLY wrong? Did you turn him in? I didn't think so.

5/05/2007 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Dole says that Chris needs to get his candy ass a girlfriend, because he spends too much time on coppers blogs, talking about things he has NO idea about! Bob Dole will even give him some of his personal stash of viagra, because Bob Dole doesn’t think he can get it up!!!! It’s OK Chris, it happens to lots of men.

5/06/2007 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to apologize for being a close mind fool. Im just an angry person, whose mother didn’t hug him enough. If I offended anyone, I’m really sorry and Bob Dole is correct, Im a candy ass! Too many showers w/guys in the military, just a note don’t drop the soap!
Sincerely, Chris Morton

P.S. See all you guys on the street, love ya!!!! Xoxoxoxox

5/06/2007 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3. Have you ever seen another cop do something wrong, REALLY wrong? Did you turn him in? I didn't think so.

to be completely honest chris, have I ever seen any cop do anything wrong? Yes, I have we all make mistakes it's human. Have I ever seen any cop do anything REALLY wrong? No I haven't because I would have stopped them from doing it I don't tolerate these things. Have I ever told a copper that his/her idea wasn't very smart, yes I have. The question is would you have, I don't think you have the courage to.

5/06/2007 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hi Everyone, I just wanted to apologize for being a"

...a coward who counterfeits posts?

But hey, it's the Chicago [PD] way!

5/06/2007 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Dole says that little Chris isn’t a bad guy, because any man who can admit he’s a candy ass in public, can’t be that bad. Stay strong Chris, because Bob Dole likes you! Chris, just ask if you want some of Bob Doles viagra? It’s your little buddie! Have a nice day Chris, see you in the funny papers!

5/07/2007 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Morton said... "Hi Everyone, I just wanted to apologize for being a"

...a coward who counterfeits posts?

But hey, it's the Chicago [PD] way!
5/06/2007 03:44:00 PM

Hey Im the real Chris Morton, stop making fun of me. That’s not nice!!!! I don’t know who you are, but I don’t appreciate you using my name. Anyway you counterfeited my posts and if you don’t stop it, Im calling the ACLU, Jessie Jackson, and my mommy!!! So you better stop, right know!!!!!
The Real Chris

5/07/2007 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hi Everyone, I just wanted to apologize for being ass"

Im coward who counterfeits posts?

But hey, it's my way!

I love to argue with people about anything, it makes me happy!

5/07/2007 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An anonymous coward wrote:

"Hey Im the real Chris Morton"

Ok, it's official, I win.

5/08/2007 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clarifications to a couple of posts on this topic and others.

OPS does brutality and domestic violence complaints. IAD does everything else. So those complaints about poor police service will still be going to district sgts to investigate.

As to subpeona power, that will be used to get phone records, video tapes, things like that. It will not be used to compel officers to make statements.

Subpeona power isn't necessary for that. OPS & IAD have the power to force dept. members to make statements or lose their jobs for failing to comply with a direct order. (Even if the OPS replacement is outside of the dept., the city will make sure that someone from the dept. is available to give the direct order. That's not going to go away.)

As for statements not being used in criminal cases, someone here gave a very good explanation of that that someone else criticized. There was a US Supreme Court case, Garrity, that prohibits the use of statements compelled by depts being used in criminal cases. This is established law, not just somebody's opinion. That's why OPS/IAD sit on cases forever when there is a criminal charge pending.

If they give the 5th amendment warning, the person won't make a statement at all. If they give administrative warnings, the person can admit to everything but the statement can't be used in the criminal case. So they wait until the criminal case is over, they give administrative warning and force the person to make a statement. If they lie, then they use that to fire the person.

My problem with OPS going to the city is that there is likely to be a bigger problem with with patronage workers given jobs as investigators when they are clueless. Already a problem that could get much worse.

5/08/2007 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Morton said... An anonymous coward wrote:

"Hey Im the real Chris Morton"

Ok, it's official, I win.

5/08/2007 12:28:00 PM

No, No, No, No, Im the real Chris Morton my mommy told me so!!! So stop using my name and if you continue to call me a coward, Im going send by big brother over to talk some sense into you and he’s a Marine, you, you name stealer! Im calling the ACLU right now, Jesses going to hear about his!!!! OK, you faker! Your in trouble! Can’t some big handsome police MAN with a tight booty just arrest this guy for identity theft or something, he’s mean?

The Real Chris

5/09/2007 11:40:00 PM  

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