Picture Worth a Thousand Words
This will really play well in the sticks.
We're just saying.
(Photo from Time magazine 2007 - captioned in part "...during the National Anthem)

(Photo from Time magazine 2007 - captioned in part "...during the National Anthem)
Labels: national politics
you forgot sgt hitney!
I've seen the video ahwile back and this is old news. Obama stood for the National Anthem clasped his hands in front of him like so many other of us have done and sang the the Anthem. So Scc look for something else "negative" cause that one is old hat.
Anybody who votes for a person with a Muslim connection after our country and our people were attacked by extremist Muslims should have their citizenship revoked and deported out of this country. THAT PICTURE IS A DISGRACE.
#1: He claims he is black but his black father abandoned him and his white mother to go have kids with some more women. Why he doesn't say he is bi-racial, to at least respect his white mother is beyond me?
#2: Do you really want a guy who self admitted abused weed and cocaine to have his finger on the button.
#3: The church he belongs to advocates the separation of blacks from this country and its white citizens. Imagine a white person running for US President belonging to a white power church?
#4: Obama has never publicly stated his disapproval for the Muslims and their attacks.
#5:The man not only in this picture but other photos refuses to raise his right hand to his heart during the nation anthem.
#6: He is an ASSWIPE! Period!
The liberal jackasses and also the illegal aliens in this country will destroy this country if they are allowed to run it.
Where is sgt. hitney?
Ahla be praised!
Play well in the sticks?...It doesn't "play well" anywhere! While Obama may be just as patriotic as the average American, that is precisely what is wrong with so many of our fellow citizens...nobody is concerned enough anymore to show the respect and love of country and gratitude for the freedoms we so take for granted...all too many Americans will look at this picture and say,...so...what's wrong with it?...ignorance seems to be the national attitude these days...
Can u spot the NON-AMERICAN?
Just go to any of our own CPD ceremonies and you will see better shit than that. Look at all the idiots in civlian attire saluting the same way as you do in uniform. They look stupid and they are wrong. In fact, most of the ones in uniform are not able to salute properly. The exempts stand there with their feet apart (at ease) instead of together (attention) and they don't have a clenched fist in the other hand. So when we get it right ourselves, then we can criticize others. Also, while standing for the anthem is regarded as being expected, placing the hand over the heart is strictly optional as is singing the words. If you are in uniform and in a formation, you shouldn't sing at all and only the leader of the group should salute.
I still want to know what he is doing for the citizens of this state? He just gets elected as senator and he is off to the white house races. What is his track record for his office?
Big deal!!! He didn't place his hand over his heart like the rest of the phony nationalists. That's his right to do so. Please, do not give that crap about guys dying for that song. Maybe if another person was President I'd be a proud American, but this guy in power is a disgrace!
Damn it....I wanted to say Hitney first!!!!
Barack Obama Bin-Laden says----
The only flag I will put my hand over my heart for is the Crescent Moon. You silly infidels have no idea what I have in store for you. The first ones that will be shocked when America becomes an Islamic State is the naive liberals that will elect me Califate.
"Can u spot the NON-AMERICAN?
1/05/2008 06:53:00 AM"
Yeah the fat-ass M/4 in the ill fitting jacket. Mr.I love the Illegal Aliens & will give them everything they want when I'm El Presidente. Bill Richardson,F'HIM!
Can u spot the NON-AMERICAN?
1/05/2008 06:53:00 AM
I think it's great that we have a black man running for President. Except that Osama doesn't know he's the black man.
I listened to the news reports following the Iowa caucus and the one thing that struck me was how "reverand-like" Obama sounded in his victory speeches. Honestly, I felt like I was watching a revival meeting from the deep South.
I want a PRESIDENT to run this country, not a MINISTER.
GEEZ, you gotta at least make it look good.......unless he is pandering to a different class of americans.
maybee he will grab his genitals and spit on the ground when a police car passes too !
>This will really play well in the sticks<
SCC, if you mean to imply that rural Americans are more patriotic, you are 100% correct. If you also mean to imply that city-dwelling liberals could care less about disrespecting Old Glory, again you are 100% correct. If Obama was burning the flag, this would only enhance his standing with liberals
Chicago is one of the least patriotic places in the country, perhaps surpassed in anti-Americanism only by Berkeley, CA
Obama ain't getting my vote because of this Photo!
to 3:38:00 on 1/05/08. the commentary of an obviously racist ignoramous such as yourself has no place in a civilized society, which is probably why you reside in Mt Greenwood.
I do not watch local TV news due to the 24-7 Obama love fest.
Has anyone noticed that he will not wear a U.S. flag pin on his jacket as well? This guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He would love to hand this country over to the Jihadists!
Obama will receive the "Clinton treatment" very soon.
If one gets in Hillary's way then one will be trashed thoroughly! Paula Jones, Monica, Ken Starr and others have found out and the liberal press aids them.
But then Hillary will blame the vast "right wing, Republican conspiracy" for trashing Obama.
TO 1/05/2008 03:04
Like so many of US have, who is US??? WE place our hands over our hearts in this COUNTRY, or if in the military, Salute, cause we are Americans. Those of YOU who CLASP your hands(liberal f@#$%) should go back to whatever Country you came from, like the guy in this picture.
I am a liberal and I love my country and I ALWAYS respect the US flag. Where else but America do we have the opportunity to get a great education and express our views freely? Obama doesn't appreciate what was handed to him. This photo is a shock!!!! An absolute shock!!! What is wrong with this guy? He makes me sick. I hope Edwards gets the nomination.
I've seen the video ahwile back and this is old news. Obama stood for the National Anthem clasped his hands in front of him like so many other of us have done and sang the the Anthem. So Scc look for something else "negative" cause that one is old hat.
1/05/2008 03:04:00 AM
I have NEVER in my life not put my hand to my heart while in civilian dress during the Anthem. Even before I came on the job.. and I salute while in uniform..
Funny how the papers in Chicago made a big deal over Obama winning in Iowa w/ 37% of the dems votes which equalled a whopping 9,000 votes. What they left out was how the repub's Huckabee won with a thirty something percentage and received appoximately 37,000 votes!
Always read the fine print!
Stay safe
Huckabee!!!!!! take us home baby.
Obama is a tax and spend liberal on the surface, a Marxist socialist in reality. When he says he wants to unite the country, what he means is he wants to steam roll conservatives, create as many Chavez-style entitlement programs as possible to appeal to anyone he can trick into being (or staying) victims. IE...Get on welfare...now vote for me because I will keep it going. Giant tax increases create more poor...more poor equals more victims, equals more voters. Eventually less than half the country "works." The other half collect entitilements, hold do nothing government jobs, and VOTE for this shit. SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK. A vote for OBAMA is a vote for socialism.
Old news or not, it still represents who he is.
Hasnt anybody figured out he is a sleeper cell??
If you vote for osama hussein obama you have to be a complete and utter idiot simple as that!
Since the 1940's the Democrats have relied on the ignorance of their constituency.
DISGRACEFUL FOR A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE OR ANY OTHER U.S. CITIZEN, I'm going to get a copy of the koran and use it for toilet paper.
Not a B. Hussein Obama fan but that pic looks REALLY fake.
#2: Do you really want a guy who self admitted abused weed and cocaine to have his finger on the button.
Like Clinton and Bush 2? The only people that can't use drugs is the police.
Lets all cross our fingers this Muslim idiot gets the democratic nod and is their guy at the election because we are sure to have a Republican (which we need if not for homeland security and Gun control reasons alone) as our next President.
Anybody who votes for a person with a Muslim connection after our country and our people were attacked by extremist Muslims should have their citizenship revoked and deported out of this country. THAT PICTURE IS A DISGRACE.
#1: He claims he is black but his black father abandoned him and his white mother to go have kids with some more women. Why he doesn't say he is bi-racial, to at least respect his white mother is beyond me?
#2: Do you really want a guy who self admitted abused weed and cocaine to have his finger on the button.
#3: The church he belongs to advocates the separation of blacks from this country and its white citizens. Imagine a white person running for US President belonging to a white power church?
#4: Obama has never publicly stated his disapproval for the Muslims and their attacks.
#5:The man not only in this picture but other photos refuses to raise his right hand to his heart during the nation anthem.
#6: He is an ASSWIPE! Period!
The liberal jackasses and also the illegal aliens in this country will destroy this country if they are allowed to run it.
1/05/2008 03:38:00 AM
i don't know what country your dumb ass has lived in all your life but i can guarantee you that the list is probably even longer for the rest of the candidates as well as the candidtes in the past. i can can assure you that you have never stepped foot in Trinity church for you to come up with some bullshit like that so fine something else to complain about asshat!!
His demeanor reminds me of the Sesame Street game "One of these things is not like the others. One of these things is not the same."
old news
#2: Do you really want a guy who self admitted abused weed and cocaine to have his finger on the button.
I'm not for or against him at this point and I'm not that well informed on his past, but I just wanted to comment on your statement.
Would you rather have him lie about it as others have in the past. I'd rather have a self-admitted one than one that lies to cover up things. It's not like he is a coke addict or weed addict. He tried it in the past. Like I'm sure many many others have experimented.
I do agree however that the picture is a disgrace. I don't care if he folded his hands or not. You are to place your hand over your heart as a sign of allegiance, regardless!
The other points you mentioned scare me if they are true. I will have to research him more closely.
Jeez white folks, give yourselves a break...so many of you claim to be "patriotic Americans," yet treat people from you worse than a roach. Stop being so hypocritical.
Obama is as American as anyone else who posts here. And he's never denied his half white roots.
Give the crap a rest. If you can't vote for the man, fine. But don't paint him in the corner as those assholes we are fighting against in other parts of the world.
Obama, who refused to serve in the US Military, now whats to be it's Commander in Chief?
Sounds like a Daley plan.
CTA? Put someone in as boss with ZERO transit experience.
POLICE: Put someone in as boss with ZERO city policing experience.
He's saluting his monster
This is just a pefect example of white america's fear of an African American being the most powerful man in the world. You find anything little thing you can to point out. Hell President Bush can't even recite the National Anthem.
The sad thing is that you should totally be happy that he would even think of taking over this country after the most stupid person in the world George Bush screwed it up soooo bad!
Go Obama!!! He WILL win, you can bet on that, in spite of whatever you do to target him. He is the most qualified, well spoken, educated and guess what, he even has the money to support his campaign.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
"Anybody who votes for a person with a Muslim connection after our country and our people were attacked by extremist Muslims should have their citizenship revoked and deported out of this country. THAT PICTURE IS A DISGRACE"
Actually, the US and its Israeli proxy are the ones attacking Muslim countries, not the other way around--without credible pretext for self-defense. THAT'S the disgrace.
"#1: He claims he is black but his black father abandoned him and his white mother to go have kids with some more women. Why he doesn't say he is bi-racial, to at least respect his white mother is beyond me?"
A uniquely American trait is to consider anyone with so much as "one drop" of African blood to be "black". This custom can be traced back to slavery and was a way of ensuring that appearance alone was not the determining factor in identifying slave from freeperson. Thanks to the systematic rape of slave women, their mulatto offspring (in some instances with only 1/8th of African blood) were sometimes visually indistingushable from "pure" whites and had to be catagorized. There was of course no profit in creating free mouths to feed so it should come as no surprize under which catagory these doomed infants fell.
The custom in the US of determing who is "black" and who is not has hardly changed in 300 years. To blame this on Obama (when one can blame him for so much else) seems rather stupid of you.
"#2: Do you really want a guy who self admitted abused weed and cocaine to have his finger on the button"
I really couldn't care less. Frankly, we souldn't have a "button" at all--no one should. Furthermore, alcohol and its abuse causes far more damage to our society than the use of cannabis and opiates combined. 47,000 Americans are killed in alcohol related accidents every year in this country. The numbers of those who perish from drug abuse doesn't aproach this figure.
Lastly, the "war on drugs" is a farce which is largely responsible for the embarrassing circumstance that has the US with the greatest number of incarcerated citizens on earth--over 2 million. That's more than China, which has four times our population. That's more than Saudia Arabia, perhaps the least democratic country on earth. Obama smoked weed? Try to be serious. Bush was a fucking drunk, and look where he's gotten us.
"#3: The church he belongs to advocates the separation of blacks from this country and its white citizens. Imagine a white person running for US President belonging to a white power church?"
It would be something to ponder if you hadn't pulled this completely from out of your ass. Trinity is a black separatist church? To paraphrase SCC, go play in traffic fool.
"#4: Obama has never publicly stated his disapproval for the Muslims and their attacks"
Something else you've imagined. Furthermore, "the Muslims" didn't attack us. 19 extremist who happened to be Muslims attacked the US. There are over one billion people who consider themselves Muslims and most condemned the attacks on 9/11. Most Muslims, however, strongly disapprove of US foreign policy. This hardly makes them unique since most of the world's population (including most US citizens) share in this disapproval as every poll on the subject reveals.
"#5:The man not only in this picture but other photos refuses to raise his right hand to his heart during the nation anthem."
Meaning? Nothing.
Nope. I would want someone who would remove our troops from Iraq and pay the people of that destroyed country the massive reparations we owe them.
I would want someone who would ratify the Kyoto protocals on global warming and work to further the cuts in C02 emissions as is desperately needed.
I would want someone who would decertify the NAFTA treaty as well as the other "Free Fraud Treaties" that have nothing to do with free trade but everything to do with investor "rights" at the expense of people and the environments in which they live.
Finally, I would want someone who would reverse the demon-spawn of Bush's "unitary executive theory" such as Patriot Acts I & II, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and the retoactive immunity granted by our domesticated Congress to those responsible for the illegal wiretapping of American citizens. And that folks ain't Obama.
put the sarge on the far right empty seat
I've seen the video ahwile back and this is old news. Obama stood for the National Anthem clasped his hands in front of him like so many other of us have done and sang the the Anthem. So Scc look for something else "negative" cause that one is old hat.
Ok how about this connection REZKO why hasn't the news media picked up on his corruption with the Daley criminals or his big time connection with Rezko. Scared of him?
The ONLY candidate that will bring about real change is Ron Paul!
Infidel! You shall pay the ultimate price for your insolence!
Obama is a sell out to big business backs the (dream act bill) to keep Illegals in this country for cheap labor, now having said that Rudy Juiliani also backs the bill wants the illegals working for big business which in turn keeps down real wages, also keep in mind that Rudy went to work for the Mexican government just after 9-11 and made Millions working on their sooo called homeland security also a sell out. truth be told
I've seen the video ahwile back and this is old news. Obama stood for the National Anthem clasped his hands in front of him like so many other of us have done and sang the the Anthem. So Scc look for something else "negative" cause that one is old hat.
1/05/2008 03:04:00 AM
You are a DICK!! You seem to be missing the point that this jackass wants to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! If some tool at a ball game doesn't put their hand over their heart, that's their problem. If you want to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, you place your hand over your heart and thank GOD you live in the GREATEST country in the world!
Would you run that photo if he was white?Looks like you and Mary Mitchell have something in common.
Looks like the race card to me.
This country will be in some serious trouble if Osama is elected. People better wake up.
Response to 3:04 am
Nice try, but this isn't "old hat" --this is a relevant, true depiction of someone who wants to be the leader of our country. If he wasn't brought up to immediately salute our flag in an appropriate showing of respect then that's part and parcel of what we can expect of him in the White House. He's also the one who made news last year by announcing he wasn't going to be wearing a flag lapel pin any more. He's not getting my vote, and this is precisely ONE of the many reasons. You are right on target again, SCC.
the anit-american....watch out, especially to all the goofs who vote for osama obama
This guy also refuses to wear any American flag lapel pin. What's up with that? C'mon your suits can't be that expensive...show some respect when we say the Pledge of Alligiance or sing the anthem....you are running for president, show some respect or are you THAT liberal or THAT lazy. I put my hand over my heart at ballgames and at my kid's events and this guy is in the public eye and can't show respect or give an example to the younger ones (and older ones). Sorry, for this reason and a slew of others....doesn't get my vote.
Hitlery Clinton has wide hips.
He makes me sick!!!!!! All young kids jumping on the liberal band wagon, does not believe in America but wants to be president?????????? And NO i have NEVER stood with my hands clasped while singing the National Anthem, i have seen ignorant people sitting and they did not appear to be American...So should it be acceptable because this dog decided to stand?????????
I've seen the video ahwile back and this is old news. Obama stood for the National Anthem clasped his hands in front of him like so many other of us have done and sang the the Anthem. So Scc look for something else "negative" cause that one is old hat.
1/05/2008 03:04:00 AM
Like so many others? I ALWAYS have my hand on my heart. And it he was "caught" acting like others, why doesn't he have his hands like everyone else on the stage? I never saw this before and I think it's disgusting. Maybe the "change" he has in mind doesn't include patriotism?
How is not placing your hand over your heart during the national anthem a "disgrace" or "unpatriotic?" I either clasp my hands behind or in front of me, and wouldn't feel comfortable placing my hand over my heart because I've never done it that way. Obviously, Senator Obama didn't feel compelled to show his respect in that manner. It does not mean he was being disrespectful, it just means he was respecting the flag his way. By the way, I'm not voting for him. Seems like SCC is once again twisting the truth to get a point across. If you want to some some rude and disrespectful behavior, take a good look around at any St. Jude parade. P.O.'s are laughing and joking the whole way. Now THAT is a disgrace.
Remember when they actually had to teach Clinton how to return a salute? That draft dodging scumbag had no idea>
Hes a member of Boss Daley's crooked political machine, the cook county democratic organization. That alone is reason enoughs not to support this hack.
SCC, if these fucks take a position let THEM defend it, don't run interference for them! I'm sure he's a big boy.
"Anybody who votes for a person with a Muslim connection after our country and our people were attacked by extremist Muslims should have their citizenship revoked and deported out of this country. THAT PICTURE IS A DISGRACE"
-1/05/2008 03:38:00 AM
I speak of you clown. I'd be happy to debate this issue on my site.
Would the comments be the same if he was white,doubt it keyboard cowards.If that was John Edwards you slugs wouldn't say a fucking word.Go read the scum-times.
Anonymous said...
Just go to any of our own CPD ceremonies and you will see better shit than that. Look at all the idiots in civlian attire saluting the same way as you do in uniform. They look stupid and they are wrong. In fact, most of the ones in uniform are not able to salute properly. The exempts stand there with their feet apart (at ease) instead of together (attention) and they don't have a clenched fist in the other hand. So when we get it right ourselves, then we can criticize others. Also, while standing for the anthem is regarded as being expected, placing the hand over the heart is strictly optional as is singing the words. If you are in uniform and in a formation, you shouldn't sing at all and only the leader of the group should salute.
When we get it right??? We are not running for PRESIDENT.
Obamma the MAnchurian Candidate!! Vote Al Quida
Would you run that photo if he was white?Looks like you and Mary Mitchell have something in common.
1/05/2008 04:59:00 PM
he's as white as he is black you racist piece of shit! Only difference his WHITE momma stayed around while his BLACK daddy hit the bricks! You are a racist ass clown!
Everything he and his family has (millions) all off of America, the BEST country in the world and he can't place his hand over his heart and thank god for what this fine country has given him!!! Even Oprah has always said if you were born a woman in America then you are a lucky woman!!! Does he not think of his wife and little girls???? How different it could be for them??? My dad did not fight 2 wars for a presidential canidate to snub the American flag and not place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem!! His behavior is just a sign of what is to come if he were to be elected!!
I don't like the show "The View" but for some reason i had it on and i'll never forget...it was a few days after 9/11 and all the ladies had American flag pins on except the Asian girl and when asked why she did not have one on she smugly said "i'm not putting any holes in this sweater, do you know how much this cost?" Well the next day she was not so smug and apologized, they were flooded with calls & e-mails, people were outraged, all those lives lost and she's worried about holes in her sweater...bottom line she did'nt care about America...just made money here...just like Obama!!
I don't care if he he walked around 24/7 saluting the flag and singing God bless America... he's a demorat... that's all I need to not vote for him.
I don't care if he he walked around 24/7 saluting the flag and singing God bless America... he's a demorat... that's all I need to not vote for him.
1/05/2008 09:41:00 PM
This is the closed minded ignorance that has this country so out of place right now. This is a problem plaguing both sides. It needs to end. We need to learn to vote for people on both sides or in between. Vote the best person in, not if they're democrat or republican.
right wing propaganda at it's lamest...
I always place my right hand over my heart during the playing of the national anthem. This question is to those that are attacking Obama,do you think it should be illegal to fly the Confederate flag on the grounds of any state Capitol?
"I have NEVER in my life not put my hand to my heart while in civilian dress during the Anthem. Even before I came on the job.. and I salute while in uniform.."
apprently U are an exception to the rule most people stand with their hand clasped in front of them. Some place their hand over thier heart. Some bow their heads in reflection. Good for you you'll get a made in China pin for your lapel
"Ok how about this connection REZKO why hasn't the news media picked up on his corruption with the Daley criminals or his big time connection with Rezko. Scared of him?"
Because just maybe there's nothing to it. Hmm last I checked just becaue the media reports something doesn't always make it fact now does it? How many times have we as officers complained about the media twitsing stories to sell papers on our good names? How soon we forget
"You are a DICK!! You seem to be missing the point that this jackass wants to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! If some tool at a ball game doesn't put their hand over their heart, that's their problem. If you want to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, you place your hand over your heart and thank GOD you live in the GREATEST country in the world!"
That's the best you could come up with. Very strong vocabulary there Dick. Yes I said it. ALOT of people place their hands in front of them.
And he has a real chance at the presidency! daley is so excited then his criminal conspracy could continue unpunished! osama obama same old shit more thefts from daley and his crew!
"I have NEVER in my life not put my hand to my heart while in civilian dress during the Anthem. Even before I came on the job.. and I salute while in uniform.."
apprently U are an exception to the rule most people stand with their hand clasped in front of them. Some place their hand over thier heart. Some bow their heads in reflection. Good for you you'll get a made in China pin for your lapel
1/05/2008 10:38:00 PM
why the smartass comment? I wasn't bragging about it, and don't need recognition, I just don't get the lack of respect. that is all....
No excuse for this....he is campaigning to be the President of the United States of America, the Commander & Chief of the US Armed Forces...the least this man can do is pay respect to the Flag.
Fuck Him & Oprah!
I saw this picture a while ago, and I swear Sgt Hitney was standing on it.
"That draft dodging scumbag had no idea>
1/05/2008 07:39:00 PM"
That would be Chickenhawk VP The Dick "I had better things to do" Cheney, you're referring to correct?
Just go to any of our own CPD ceremonies and you will see better shit than that. Look at all the idiots in civlian attire saluting the same way as you do in uniform.
Change in the rules regarding the National Anthem. If you are a veteran, you may salute the flag in or out of uniform.
To the big asshat, asswipe, asshole who posted that muslims didnt attack us but 19 muslim extremist did! And that there are over 1 billion muslims in this world.
You know what, less than .00000001 percent of those billion muslims ever spoke out against what the 19 terrorist muslims did on 9/11. If those 19 terrorists were catholic instead of muslims, the Pope and the Church as well as most of the catholics would of voiced a strong and vile opinion against them. The muslim community as well as its leaders failed to address what happened.
I have been a cop for over 30 yrs. I worked security at hotels and convention centers for numerous muslim gatherings (Hired by the hotels or convention venues).
From Louie Farrakhan to others in the 1970's, 80's and 90's.
The muslims hate the jewish and the catholic. It is the only religon to preach DEATH to those who are not muslim. With no middle ground. If the white man preached the opposite, all hell would break out.
The muslims treat women far worse than any white man treated slaves, but where is the out cry?
Obama is a self admitted weed smoking, coke snorting jerk. Although his white mother stuck around and raised him well after old boy took off to seed other women, Obama claims nothing about his 50% white race. And he can't, because as you know, the black community treats bi-racial people different from their own. Many blacks even make fun of mixed people calling them red bone, high yellow or other names I won't publish here.
I don't know if you remember a white guy named BORK, who was denied a Supreme Court Justice position because he once smoked weed as a younger man. But now that a black is running for president, let's not mention he smoke weed and snorted coke. Remember each time he snorted his coke he was commtting FELONIES! But let us give him a pass. I would like for Obama to drop a hair sample to see if he is really off the white powder.
I am so tired of the double standard for one race over another.
Mark my words, OBAMA will never win for president. I'll bet my 30 year pension and my 6 figure defered comp on it. And I say that because although this country has a lot of asshats in in, I know they don't have 51% asshats.
Enjoy the bandwagon, because the best thing about the possiblity of OBAMA becoming the democratic nominee is that it would lock in a Republican President.
Wait until we see a picture of him on a pray rug facing Mecca. People need to wake the F#t$% up about him. Of course, the media never questioned him on this.....
Coldtype said...
"Anybody who votes for a person with a Muslim connection after our country and our people were attacked by extremist Muslims should have their citizenship revoked and deported out of this country. THAT PICTURE IS A DISGRACE"
You are a bafoon!!! What does a Muslim that was not affiliated with hate have to do with one that was? Ok Timothy Mc Vae was an American who was a terrorist on our own soil. So does that make all American's terrorists or should we say maybe white male americans. hmmm
You are a grand example of a stupid irish copper. Thank you for supporting my stupid ass policemen theory. You wear that hat well!
GO Obama!!! Can you please help President Bush find a rehab clinic for his daughter and a literacy teacher to help him with reading and writing? Don't bother tackling comprehension!!!
Educated African American
Why acknowledge a race that will hate him no matter what!!!
Like he said, he is African American. You guys cannot have any credit for that!
I am a democrat and will absolutely not vote for Obama. Why? Becasue he's as corrupt a Chicago politician as the rest of them. Putting Obama in the White House would mean handing the keys to the country to Daley. It's bad enough he's got the county and state.
That's the best you could come up with. Very strong vocabulary there Dick. Yes I said it. ALOT of people place their hands in front of them.
1/05/2008 10:53:00 PM
You must hang out with a wierd crowd then, because in my world, MOST people put their hand over their heart... I rarely see someone with clasped hands during the Anthem... I won't say that I hang out with a bad crowd, but maybe you???
Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Yet, all terrorists are muslim.
I hope he wins so he can do the electric slide at the Inaugural Ball.
Educated African American
1/06/2008 04:19:00 AM
U forgot to add racist to tour title, why attack the Irish??
U know who is half Irish
The corporate world wants the Daley machine in the white house and Obama is the Daley machine candidate.
Ok how about this connection REZKO why hasn't the news media picked up on his corruption with the Daley criminals or his big time connection with Rezko. Scared of him?"
Because just maybe there's nothing to it. Hmm last I checked just becaue the media reports something doesn't always make it fact now does it? How many times have we as officers complained about the media twitsing stories to sell papers on our good names? How soon we forget
1/05/2008 10:49:00 PM
WHAT! Obama is involved with Rezko I worked for the ward office, indeed Rezko purchased property next to Obama's home and released land for sale to Obama for 1/3 the value???? I also know Obama's wife worked for Mayor Daley's office(Chief of staff). Trust me Obama is well known as a member of the Daley Machine. Daley is behind him along with corporate America. Obama in the past was a regular to Dale's meetings However he is staying his distance, as he doesn't want the public to pick up on who's candidate he really is. DALEY MACHINE.
Forget about Rudy G.He has a catholic priest on his payroll that has been accused of child molestation.Rudy put him on the payroll after the priest had been accused.Name is Alan Placa.
I say re-write the Constitution!!! BUSH for 8 more!!!!
Looks like SCC doesn't want a black president.
Why I have reservations about voting for Obama.
1. He refuses to comment on the mess in Springfield, which his fellow Democrats have created.
2. The Democrats in the Senate in D.C. made him the ethics expert and he did nothing but critize Republicans when the Democrats are just as bad.
3. He will talk about Rezko.
Until he comments about these messes he will be just another sleezy politician who will say and do anything
Anonymous said...
I am a democrat and will absolutely not vote for Obama. Why? Becasue he's as corrupt a Chicago politician as the rest of them. Putting Obama in the White House would mean handing the keys to the country to Daley. It's bad enough he's got the county and state.
1/06/2008 06:52:00 AM
You guys love to make stuff up when you cannot find any concrete proof or information. Idiot please give us ONE example of him being referenced or cited for being a part of ANY corrupt activity. You could not come upi with anything, even if your pathetic life depended on it.
By the way, he is being backed by Oprah Winfrey, a billionaire, so even if he ever thought he may come across hard times financially, that is now OUT of the question completely.
Let me be the first to tell you here on SCC, Obama WILL be the next President of the United States. The same country the white politicians screwed up! Why don't you talk about that! IDIOT!!!
His hand is in the wrong spot!!! He must hate America, why else would he run for president? It's probably a Terrorist plot. He went to Columbia University, then Harvard Law school, then served in the Illinois Senate and U.S. Senate and is now running for president because he hates this country. And the proof is right there, in this picture, his hand is in the wrong spot.
There is two possible ways that I see that Barrack Hussan Obama will become the next U.S. President.
#1: The Bird Flu kills everyone in America except him.
#2: All the people running for President, both democratic and republican, are killed in a plane crash that Obama missed getting onto due to being on CP time and Snorting Coke.
Other than that, his chances are nill, zero and zip!
Most Americans don't think there is any difference between a muslim or a muslim extermist. He'll never capture a majority of the U.S.A. vote.
But think on the bright side, by the time a person who YOU want will become president, you can have a nicer title of a "More Educated Black Man".
I have never heard you denounce the attacks of Christian abortion clinic bomber and 1996 Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph. Renounce his acts of behalf of all Christians and Christianity.
I thank God and Mohammed the Prophet that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are the front runners for the Democratic side. It enusres a victory for the Republicans!
Phenomonal entry...SCC!
What do CLINTON, OBAMA and EDWARDS have in common?
The word loser after their name following the election.
Maybe, just maybe..... Obama really thought that itching ones privates is a sign of respect! Sure looks like he is doing that in that picture! Can you say... CROTCH CRITTERS?
"If you want to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, you place your hand over your heart and thank GOD you live in the GREATEST country in the world!"
It's the GREATEST country in the world?
Perhaps just one of the "above average" countries.
80%+ of the politicians are corrupt.
After being the police for over 20 years I KNOW a great majority of the people SUCK.
The liberals have destroyed what was ONCE a great nation.
God Bless America now . . It sure as hell needs it.
Just not his flag!!!!! Thanks Obama
Semper FI!!
To 1/05/2008 04:59:00 PM
play the race card elsewhere---
I seem to remember some months back a photo on this site of a bunch of politicians in similar situation and one---a caucasian---had left hand over rigt side of chest---SCC or anyone remember--can repost that photo
"You are a bafoon!!! What does a Muslim that was not affiliated with hate have to do with one that was? Ok Timothy Mc Vae was an American who was a terrorist on our own soil. So does that make all American's terrorists or should we say maybe white male americans. hmmm"
-1/06/2008 04:19:00 AM
Now are you starting to get the picture SCC? This poster thinks I'm the retard who wrote those words when in fact I was RESPONDING to them. The points I raised with the reactionary buffoon (third post on this thread) would have made my position clear to anyone following this discussion.
Educated African American:
Just to be clear, I do not support Barack Obama and never have, but for reasons that are in no way aligned with those of the many racists on display here. My objections to Obama are strictly from a Left/Progressive perspective. He DOES NOT represent a change of course on a fundamental level, a position I've explored at length elsewhere. I think it best if I direct your attention to the work of Paul Street whose left/progressive critique of the Barockstar is the most perceptive I’ve found anywhere. In this essay Street provides a general overview of Obama’s ACTUAL positions and contrasts them with the many “positions” pumped out by the Obama Myth-Making Machine. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I direct your attention to Street’s critique of Obama’s bestseller The Audacity of Hope. If you call yourself a progressive and the scales don’t fall from your eyes after reading this then they never will .
To clueless poster at 1/06/2008 03:24:00 PM:
Is H. Clinton black? Is J. Edwards black?
Play your race card game elsewhere---you're pathetic.
To 1/06/2008 04:11:00 PM
I never saw any Christians dancing in the streets on the news after the Olympic bombing, did you?
Anonymous said...
This is the closed minded ignorance that has this country so out of place right now. This is a problem plaguing both sides. It needs to end. We need to learn to vote for people on both sides or in between. Vote the best person in, not if they're democrat or republican.
1/05/2008 10:26:00 PM
I am neither close minded nor ignorant to the problems that are prevalent in both parties.
However, there is no democrat that will honor my values, wants and needs. I can say this with certainty:
He will raise taxes.
He will not protect the unborn.
He will not protect my second amendment rights.
He will not place emphasis on national security, the military, intelligence, or the war on terror.
He will allow the ongoing attack on Christianity.
If given the opportunity, he will appoint liberal judges to the supreme court.
He will assemble a liberal cabinet.
Now tell me again why I should consider voting for him. Because being open minded means ignoring the truth about a candidate? Because being open minded means I have to accept other people's values over mine?
I will not vote for a democrat, not because I am close minded, but because I do not believe a democrat is good for me, my family, or my country.
proud black muslim said...
I thank God and Mohammed the Prophet that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are the front runners for the Democratic side. It enusres a victory for the Republicans!
1/06/2008 04:11:00 PM
I second that if you even thought about voting dumbocrat your "stuck on stupid"!
daley wants osama obama bad in order to remove Patrick Fitzgerald so he stos looking at all the many dalleyinc corrupt items! Which are many!
You guys love to make stuff up when you cannot find any concrete proof or information. Idiot please give us ONE example of him being referenced or cited for being a part of ANY corrupt activity. You could not come upi with anything, even if your pathetic life depended on it.
Does the name Rezko ring any bells?
Also, he is a product of CROOK county and Shitcago and - the ILLINOYING REPUBLICRAT/DEMOCANS Machine... ain't that enough?
1/06/2008 09:58:00 PM
Sorry to bust your bubble, but your values and ideals are VERY closed minded, lopsided and need to be reexamined. The supposed "values" you listed probably have little if any true affect on your life.
Open your mind, the world does not and should not revolve around your values, because they're not true "values." You're just another republican trying to inflict your ultra-absurd right wing religious values upon people.
About your "tax cuts" Listen to John McCain, he voted against the tax cuts because there were no SPENDING CUTS. Look at the Regan years, tax cuts BUT there were also SPENDING cuts.
Realize this: you cannot be brainwashed by the words "tax cuts" when in the end it will harm you and everyone else. You have to understand how we obtain tax cuts, especially in the time of war and if we can afford them.
"I am neither close minded nor ignorant to the problems that are prevalent in both parties...
He will raise taxes.
He will not protect the unborn.
He will not protect my second amendment rights..."
...and on and on.
Why don't you put down the Kool-Aid and actually read up on the Barockstar's actual positions? Perhaps then it will be clear to you that the American Empire Project under an Obama presidency is in no danger of grinding to a halt. Relax, Obama has made it clear that HE can shed Iranian and Pakistani blood to better effect than any of his competitors.
Come on. There's a hell of a lot of reasons not to like Obama, but this picture is completely fake--In addition to the scale of the others on the podium (unless the woman on the far right is a midget), Obama is the only one casting a shadow.
Wait--does that mean that Richardson and Hillary are vampires? That might explain why she never seems to go away...she's undead!!
CORRUPT ACTIVITY? DOES BEING A SELF ADMITTED FELON COUNT. It's a felony in every one of the United States to use cocaine. Probably not in your crowd though.
Aarom Patterson, the double murderer pardoned by the Crook Ryan, actually registered voters for the DemocRAT Party when he was out of prison. That alone tells you all you need to know about that totally corrupt, anti-American group.
TO: 1/07/2008 01:25:00 AM
I'm sorry to have entered a debate with you. I should have remembered that when anyone disagrees with a liberal they automatically become a bigot. I will not apologize for being conservative, or be intimidated into retreat.
Never once did I use a derogatory statement about Obama; all I did was disagree with the typical democrat platform and I get attacked in the very way you accuse me of propagating my agenda. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the words racist, right-wing and Judeo-Christian values do not intimidate me. I will not go running into the night when you, or anyone accuses me of having a personal agenda, and tries to send the politically correct police after me. Liberals have their ultra-absurd left wing non-secular values, why can't I have mine?
I really don't care what you or anyone thinks of my values, and you have no right to question them, or who I choose to vote for. Would you so openly attack a Muslim or Hindu for expressing their beliefs? Should they be concerned about what you think? Will radical Muslims care what you think and work towards a peaceful resolution? Opinions are like assholes... everyone has one, including me.
About the presidents tax cuts and spending; I never mentioned Bush, his tax cuts, or his spending record. But since you made an arrogant assumption about my "ultra-absurd right wing" thoughts, I'll indulge you.
Yes, I like paying less tax. Who doesn't? Liars and the insane, that's who. Bush spends too much money and I resent that fact that someone I voted for signed every spending bill that slid across his desk. Very not conservative. Of course there is no mention that the democrat controlled congress filled those bills with so much pork that Bush's arteries clogged by touching them... but whatever. And I believe Regan was the best president ever.
So Judeo-Christian values are not true values, what are true values then? Liberal values and ideology, such as multiculturalism, pacifism, emotionalism, pseudo-intellectualism, socialism? I'm sorry to burst another of your bubbles, but this country was founded on religious values, and the freedoms that we enjoy are God given. Why not praise God for everything he has given us?
Perhaps I was wrong about not placing emphasis on the picture. He obviously does not honor the values that made this country the greatest nation on God's green earth.
Obama is Protestant not Muslim. Besides, not all Americans have placed hand-to-chest during the national anthem....it happens and people don't do it for whatever reason.
We as the Middle class will suffer thank you
It's pretty sad when you're main qualification for being president is being backed by Oprah.
Does the name Rezko ring any bells?
Also, he is a product of CROOK county and Shitcago and - the ILLINOYING REPUBLICRAT/DEMOCANS Machine... ain't that enough?
1/07/2008 12:19:00 AM
Ok stupid illiterate idiot, you still did not say anything specific he was referenced to being a part of? Do you understand English or must I speak SLOWER? Also, Hilary Clinton has a Resko family member on her campaign also. They are just providing money to them both. I think it is quite natural to take adavantage financially of those that have taken advantage of idiots like you. (smile, you are on candid camera!!)
He WILL still be president!! I am lmfao at you idiots!!! Ha ha ha ha ha
Even my pet monkey would have done better than Bush. Now you will get a taste of your own money!! Scarey huh?
Oprah is a billionaire and has more money than all your family put together. You can even add in the ones from the 1800's. Ha ha ha
yawn yawn zzz zzz zzz... this country has ENDURED the same white males dipping in some snatch in the oval office since George Washington...lying to the public and leaving us shafted i don't care who we put in office, im just ready for a smart president and someone who can conjugate a verb!!!!!
Ok stupid illiterate idiot, you still did not say anything specific he was referenced to being a part of?
1. Stupid, illiterate, idiot, you must be talking to yourself, where did you say anything specific to call out those names?
2. I did specifically state that Obama is a product of the totally corrupt Illinois, Cook County and Chicago Machines. OK, I took some liberties, to add some levity, with the spelling of those government bodies, but I think it falls FAR SHORT of illiterate, idiot or stupid.
3. Obama has been taking $ from REZKO, he has been involved in questionable real estate deals with REZKO, REZKO is currently - I believe - under indictment for some of those real estate deals.
3. You are obviously blind too.
that may be an old picture but it is still matters, you blind following democrats are going to vote for this fool just because he is a democrat, i am republican and i know my vote doesnt count in the state of illinois but still will not even think about obama
TO: Murph40pct., if you truly want to end entitlements, start with social security then move to medicare and medicaid,don't forget about those VA benefits. OH, I almost forgot, those subsidies to all of the farmers in America stop that too. By the way let every state pay its own way for everything not connected to defending this nation.Don't give the pharmaceutical companies any money for R&D. Make sure the airlines repay the money they received after 9/11 to stay afloat. This is a free market economy let them swim or sink on their own. And one final thing withdraw every penny from any university or college doing medical research. let them pay for it themselves. Once any of the above happens, then I will believe the hype.
"I'm sorry to burst another of your bubbles, but this country was founded on religious values, and the freedoms that we enjoy are God given. Why not praise God for everything he has given us?"
-1/07/2008 03:45:00 PM
And I'm just as sorry to burst yours. This country in fact WAS NOT "founded on religious values" as a cursory reading of the Federalist Papers and other writings of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson would quickly reveal. The founding fathers of this country were children of the Enlightenment and therefore powerfully influenced by such thinkers as John Locke, John Stuart Mills, Wilhelm Von Humboldt, and Rousseau who argued that REASON, not superstition or even custom should be the touch stone around which the State is formed.
The separation of church and state, an integral component of the Constitution, was one carefully considered by the founders who well understood that religious dogma was incompatible with democracy.
Obama is a MUSLIM! He's not a Christian! How can anyone run this country if your not a CHRISTIAN?
For all of those that are thinking it's a racial thing it's not!!! I don't think he should be President on the bases he's not a Christian believer and most AMERICAN's are.
If he gets sworn in as President he will have to put his hand on a BIBLE! I bet he will request a Korran to swear on. This is totally WRONG!!!! Anybody agree?
Earlier writer wrote
"The separation of church and state, an integral component of the Constitution, was one carefully considered by the founders who well understood that religious dogma was incompatible with democracy".
It was stated by Franklin I believe that we must be a moral people in order for this experiment in government to succeed.
If you can find the phrase "separation of church and state" in the constitution I'll give you my pension.
The first amendment is as follows, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".
It says what it says, the federal government cannot establish a religon, period....
However the Declaration of Independence reads as follows, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
Created by a Creator....
What is clear through out the constitution is that the federal government should not be omnipresent like it is.
As for our Founding Fathers, of course they were well read but they were also Christian. Far from perfect people they were non-the-less amazing men who based much of their ideas on their core values which were rooted in their Christian beliefs. Most importantly they believed in the freedom to practice what ever religion you choose or none at all. Whether Obama is Muslim or not should not be an issue. Is he a patriot, does he love the United States should be the only question. My biggest caution regarding him is he is an Illinois and worse, Chicago politician. Race and religion has been a far to important factor for many of you on this blog and it shouldn't be. His record and his associations should be. What will happen to the investigations surrounding our Governor and Mayor?? Can we really trust anyone from this band of thie...ummm, politicians. He is great on rhetoric but very sparce on content. We all could learn more about voting with our heads and not our hearts.
I wish we would stop all the hate talk here because we are all blue and they laugh at us while we fight.
We also all need to study history more and learn the truth instead of believing what is spoon fed to us by the media.. For example:
Who is Everett Dirksen?
He was the REPUBLICAN Senator from Illinois who wrote the first Civil Rights Bill which was opposed by none other the John F. Kennedy who by the way refused to allow Sinatra's request to invite Sammy Davis Junior to his home while Kennedy stayed there. The eventual Civil Rights bill that was passed was writtn by LBJ and was a watered down version of Dirksen's. It only passed because of Dircksen and other REPBULICAN Senators who made up the majority of those who voted in favor. The Democrates in large part opposed the civil rights bill in all it's versions. You would never know that from what is widely believed..The Dems and Kennedy are far to often given the credit..
Finally which party did Abraham Lincoln belong to???? REPUBLICAN..See how they thrive on our division?
You are all my brothers and sisters and I'll stand beside any one of you..God bless
To the The Real Deal said... No way should we ever consider cutting Veteran's benefits. They are in no way the same as other entitlements. The men and women who defend our right to have this blog, to say what we want when we want deserve all they get and far far more.
As for Social security, yea, sure why not. Anyone who has worked all their lives get very little from SS anyway. It's not worth the deductions we pay upfront. And as for bailing out the airlines and some of the other things you mentioned, well you would just cripple our economy. Again, there is a difference between doing things to save the economy and just giving money to generation after generation of those who take far more then they contribute. Can you honestly name anyone who has benefited by staying welfare for any length of time? It should be a temporary assistance to get on your feet, not a way of life. Why would anyone who loves their fellow man want to keep them down like that?, relying on others to pay their way. Isn't it really just a pay off?.... a pay off that asks a terrible price in return, a person's self respect and dignity? Why do you think there is so much of this "respect" nonsense we deal with? Because people need to feel good about their accomplishments, by keeping them on welfare strips them of that opportunity. Now anything that puts more Americans to work I agree with. Which takes me off the point a bit about illegals taking jobs no one else wants...I know I've stopped quite a few from Latin America and IRELAND and POLAND who have some nice construction and landscaping work. Back to point...
But I also agree that much of the "corporate welfare" should be cut as well. No way should we be giving money to a corporation whose CEO, who recked the place, is going to get a 100 million dollar golden parachute. So, you're both right, sort of...
Unity in the CPD..It needs to happen...
"The separation of church and state"
Yet another liberal fallacy that the ACLU loves to attack Christians with.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Tell me where it says "separation of church and state". And tell me why God is mentioned in nearly every state constitution.
Anonymous said...
Ok stupid illiterate idiot, you still did not say anything specific he was referenced to being a part of?
1. Stupid, illiterate, idiot, you must be talking to yourself, where did you say anything specific to call out those names?
2. I did specifically state that Obama is a product of the totally corrupt Illinois, Cook County and Chicago Machines. OK, I took some liberties, to add some levity, with the spelling of those government bodies, but I think it falls FAR SHORT of illiterate, idiot or stupid.
3. Obama has been taking $ from REZKO, he has been involved in questionable real estate deals with REZKO, REZKO is currently - I believe - under indictment for some of those real estate deals.
3. You are obviously blind too.
1/08/2008 08:21:00 AM
Ok, once again stupid idiot, say something specific that OBAMA has been accused of? OBAMA, OBAMA, OBAMA. Do you speakim English? You got NOTHING. He IS the next President of the United States and you or your racist supporters can't do anything about it. You little person, you or your thoughts don't matter. You should be praying he offers some tax relief for your in debt, miserable, close to divorced ass. ha ha ha ha ha ha
To the writer of "Ok, once again stupid idiot, say something specific that OBAMA has been accused of? OBAMA, OBAMA, OBAMA. Do you speakim English?" .....
...you're obviously not the police. But you are right, Obama has not been formally accused of anything nor has Daley for that matter, nor George Bush, will you come to their defense too, based on your argument, or are you guilty of being what you accuse others of being? As for Obama, his dealings with Rezko were reported by all the major Chicago news outlets. Since you're obviously an intelligent person you must have just been out of town when those reports were given. But as Daley can simply say he didn't know his son was making millions from city insider information, (the type of thing they sent Martha Stewart to jail for), and the issues goes away, so did the reports about Obama and Rezko. But you see brother, that's how Chicago works, the only ones to really get investigated are the little guys. The Feds have a lot on Daley and what some rumors from former Blago associates say they have a lot on Obama also, they just choose not to act on it. That's how it all works. You really didn't believe things were on the up and up with the Feds did you? But so what, the question this post raised was is Obama a loyal patriot. His actions, however insignificant to you, causes some of us to wonder. Like not placing his hand on his heart or not wearing his flag pin while his nation, while the men and women of the armed forces he will be Commander in Chief over, should he be elected, are at war. That concerns some of us. But maybe you're just more enlightened then us and that's why you can look past these things. If he is elected I pray he is a patriot and that he makes a great President, I don't know that he wouldn't. My only other hesitation is it scares me that so many people are moved to vote for him when he hasn't been around long enough to have done anything. He reminds me of JFK, another young, handsome, charismatic, man who captured the countries attention. But as I've said before, learn your country's history. Kennedy was neither a very popular President (by the time he was assassinated)nor was he a very good President He's most remembered for being the President who brought about civil rights changes which is historically false. He opposed the Civil Rights act and he is also the President who first took us into Vietnam and also gave us the Bay of Pigs which took as close to nucular war as we ever have been. But he was a product of the media and also the Chicago machine. Read up on how Old Man Daley really got Kennedy elected, it's fascinating. Don't worry brother, as you mature you will learn to slow down a bit and look past the Bullsh+& they try to feed you and you'll become an independent thinker and not just a sheep in the herd.
To anonymous, I see your point. I just want people to realize that talking of entitlement cuts is more than welfare. I believe that the only individuals that should receive social security are those that have contributed to SS or are receiving survivor benefits. However, as far heaping billions on corporations to save them from going under,I disagree. If those corporations cared so much for the American worker they would not cease operations in America and go overseas for cheap labor. The bigwigs are always talking about market correction and de-regulation,so let them sink or swim on their own.
Daley and his issues have nothing to do with Obama. Must I say it again, tell me something specific OBAMA has been accused of. Do you suffer from ADD or ADHD? Can you stay focused? One topic at a time!
Why not have A JEWISH person for president?
Where my flag is Joe? I aint patriotic dawg, you dig? Y'all just wait till this brother gets elected and shit. There'll be some mother fucking changes made!!!!!!!! That's what I'm talkin bout. And to my homie Jesse Jackson Jr. I say Booglie Wooglie Shoe and Ramma Lamma Ding Dong Joe.
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