Sunday, October 05, 2008

Our Tax Dollars at Work

  • A fight among students at Foreman High School, at 3235 N. Leclaire, spilled into the street Friday, resulting in the arrests of 24 people.

    About noon, a fight started among students inside the school, police said. School officials called police to control the situation, a Chicago Public Schools spokesman said.

    Police inside the school were unable to restrain the fighting students, police said. The school was placed on lockdown and dismissed at 1 p.m. But as students exited, the fighting resumed. Police said 10 adults and 14 juveniles were arrested.

How about Steinmetz - racial beatings in the bathrooms just about every day. Crane? Police escorting buses to various gang territories so the rivalries don't flare up. Orr? Bogan? Curie? Marshall? Collins? Farragut? Manley? How many others? Last year the Illinois House voted $20 million dollars to pay coppers time-and-a-half to keep a lid on twenty of these gang factories. No money this year, no extra police, tons more violence. Dismissal time is backlog time. And it's only getting worse.

Someone really ought to videotape these schools and YouTube it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zone 9 has the honor of having three of the worst fucking schools in the history of mankind: Corliss, Julian and Fenger.

Every know and again Harlan tries to up the anty, but for my money, 22 and 5 have the worst fucking hour of every school day come quittin time.

Rod send in the troops!

10/05/2008 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think she is hot!

Voice Of Reason said...
Thursday, 23 October 08, 0900 until 1600 hours
Multi-purpose Room, Headquarters
All Department members are invited to attend this training opportunity. Seating is limited, please register in advance at the E-Learning website, login, click on catalog, enter the keyword: “medical tactics” and enroll. Refreshments will be served, including a box lunch.

Karen M. Bartuch
Chicago Police Department
Superintendent's Policy Group

WTF!! This is the little blonde that some think is hot (maybe for a cop, but in the real world, she is not much) and this is what she has come up with?

Your kidding me, right?????

I'll bet you 20 bucks that the tact teams on days will be forced to attend this bullshit again, just like they did for the "Black Hawk Down" training class. What a waste of time that was.

What a farce this think tank thing is. Space is limited my ass - NOBODY cares, nobody wants to go, and then to save face, you'll force people to attend.

People wonder why the CPD is now considered a joke of a department.

10/05/2008 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Students left the campus and were refused CTA service!
If the Police weren't there to put the students on the bus, the bus passed them by!
Ron Huberman and CTA ignore students that need to leave a dangerous situation.

10/05/2008 12:14:00 AM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

You should see the degenerate hood-rats who roam through the neighborhood after dismissal.

It's like a seeing prisoners on work-release trolling around the neighborhood.

But Hey! It's not their fault, right? Institutional Racism is the culprit.

10/05/2008 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them fight, and watch from a distance....Who cares! Hopefully they kill one another

10/05/2008 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the blackhole called chicago public much money do we pour into it? and look at the results. must be bush s fault

10/05/2008 12:29:00 AM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

Back in Sept. 2008, Mayor Daley was asked about his policy on making Chicago a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. Mayor Daley's response, (Although he was directly asked about illegal aliens, Daley uses the word immigrants instead of illegal alien)"Immigrants do not commit the high percentage of crime that sometimes those anti-immigrant groups" claim, Daley said. "They're hardworking, family-oriented, very religious and [have a] commitment to the American dream."

The very sad part of this statement is that when illegal aliens attempt to come here for the "American Dream" they destroy so many legal citizens rights to the American Dream.

From killings, shootings, robberies, drive by shootings, narcotic trafficing and so on and so on.

We have had police officers killed by illegal aliens. Some of these officers have been killed by violent acts and some officers have been killed when these illegal aliens drive drunk, with no drivers licesne and no insurance.

When does the American citizen have enough of this bullshit? The government from the federal level all the way down to the local level allowing people to come here, abuse our welfare system, our educational system and our hospital/medical system.. and also to abuse our citizens.

Many of these people who do commit violent crimes simply return to their home country without ever a worry about being caught or charged for these crimes.

Our country is in deep trouble. Financially we can not keep handing out billions of dollars to people coming here to abuse our systems.

10/05/2008 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH, DAMMIT! Now you're going to start saying that we need the School Patrol back! Come on, we know that no one gives a fuck about crime in this shit-hole with the exception of us, and the poor victim.

10/05/2008 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have $100 in the pool for anyone with some good tape of the REAL state of Chicago schools.

10/05/2008 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year the Illinois House voted $20 million dollars to pay coppers time-and-a-half to keep a lid on twenty of these gang factories. No money this year, no extra police, tons more violence.


10/05/2008 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

November 8, 2007
Feds eye City Hall's sway in Bridgeport
Federal authorities are investigating allegations that Mayor Richard Daley's administration pressured property owners in the mayor's native Bridgeport to sell to developers favored by City Hall.

October 24, 2007
For insider, park a gold mine
Mayor Richard Daley took an hourlong boat ride on the Chicago River in fall 1997 and came back with a vision of improving the riverfront in the city's neighborhoods.

June 3, 2007
Clout helped build flawed luxury homes
Four years ago, a gusty wind raced through a luxury housing development near the Chicago River, tearing apart a two-story home in the later stages of construction.

July 30, 2006
Trading services for votes
Mayor Richard Daley's administration has for years steered city services--new garbage carts, tree trimming, graffiti removal--to key neighborhoods to help allies win tight elections, a Tribune investigation has found.

July 7, 2006
Daley jobs chief guilty
Striking a resounding blow against what prosecutors called "a new machine" in Chicago politics, a federal jury Thursday convicted Mayor Richard Daley's longtime patronage chief of scheming to reward political workers with city jobs.

September 23, 2005
Feds link close pal of Daley to hiring
For the first time in their investigation of City Hall hiring, federal prosecutors alleged Thursday that former top mayoral aide Victor Reyes, who heads the powerful Hispanic Democratic Organization, was a "co-schemer" in the illegal patronage operation run out of Mayor Richard Daley's office.

July 19, 2005
Feds go after City Hall
Mayor Richard Daley's administration illegally doled out city jobs to reward campaign workers for the mayor and other politicians in a "massive fraud" that spanned City Hall for more than a decade, federal prosecutors alleged Monday.

July 17, 2005
Clout's reward: Big payday
When Jason Martin needed a job, the 22-year-old college dropout turned to a lifelong family friend--his alderman, Brian Doherty.

10/05/2008 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeh right send your kid to Taft, Foreman, Steinmetz, Lake View, or better yet Lane. There you go everyone of them a shit school. Yeh you're right these schools got better, keep telling your kid you love them. GFYS my neighbor's kid graduated from Taft and now he's unemployable they can't figure it out.

10/05/2008 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare you mention the racial beatings of predominately white/Polish students at Steinmetz/Foreman/Taft? It's only racial when the white kids band together to fight back, didn't you know that? That's what my sergeant tells me anyway, and he has to be a lot smarter than most since he got promoted, right?

This City is a joke. They're going to end up charging a white kid, who has to fight for his life on a daily basis, with a "hate crime", meanwhile, the animal-like behavior is not only tolerated by "others", but encouraged!

I thought Taft was supposed to be turning into a neighborhood school a few years back. I'd love to see the breakdown of what neighborhood the majority of those gangbagin' shits come from!

10/05/2008 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When society rewards bad behavior, it is rewarded with ten fold of this type of behavior.

It is going to become far worse than one can believe or conceive. We all have allowed this disease on society to spread and it is too late to stop it.

If Barack Obama is elected, the anti-Christ will have arrived. And the wrath of the "end times" will begin.

Shall let it be written, shall let it be done.

10/05/2008 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess Reverend Meeks doesn't see the differences between New Trier and a CPS school.

10/05/2008 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like all those Millions of Dollars of taxpayers money for Bussing school kids, sponsored by your forever STUPID DemocRAT Party, are really paying off just great, aren't they. VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN. SAVE THE USA !

10/05/2008 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the world renowned med school called Julian.

All the clout baby units and insiders are stationed at the schools for the media show after every shooting. All the marches and media interviews take place blah..blah..blah..and when the circus is all over and the camera crews are gone...all the added manpower go back to their cubicles and the med students begin the cycle again of exiting the school determined to fight the police and maim each other. All this while the 3 officers that are left in the Patrol division are told to keep the peace. Then it happens again, and the circus returns...and the community is all in shock that something so tragic can occur.

Meanwhile, real victims,real crime, is all put on hold,til these idiots go home. And the media refuses to report how the tax payers, including our families, are put in danger each and every day of school,because of this madness.


10/05/2008 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dismissal time is backlog time.

Shiiiiiiit, office. What district do you work in? Dismissal time is far too late for backlog time. On the west side, most days we're in backlog by 8 or 9 a.m.

10/05/2008 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We really should tape and youtube the schools letting out. The people should see just what their tax dollars in the hands of Daley, Obama and Blago have done.

This is what you get when you let a bunch of counterculture asswipes have control.

10/05/2008 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, please watch and post. There is an answer to the lack of control and discipline in the schools. Obama has the answer. I think you'll really enjoy this clip.

It's the future of America.

10/05/2008 05:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all happened in the shadow of a "Frank Avila for Water Reclamation District" political poster. Frank is guessed it, Sal Avila's big brother and Democratic bigshot from Cicero. Now that Sal has embarrassed himself in 025 I guess it will be time to promote him. It's politics that killed this Police Department.

10/05/2008 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Friday-fest at Foreman included a 10-1 called by 016 in the school when a huge melee broke out. Then, once they cut "our future leaders" loose a bit early to take the lid off the pressure-cooker, the fights were on outside, including another 10-01 called after they were throwing bricks at the police at LeClaire & Belmont. Then we head over to Steinmetz for the next round, hoping Kelvyn Park doesn't go up too. And let's not forget the grade schools, like Burbank, which are starting to head in that direction too. And we think our politicians now are low-lifes, just wait!

10/05/2008 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/05/2008 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fenger & Julian, Donny Richardson at one and the cowardly lion at the other....oh yeah we're safe.

10/05/2008 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school cops at Foreman are gret guys too, if they pulled a panic button you can bet it was VERY bad. The watch commanders in 016 RW, RB, are both stand up guys and they have a good watch of oldtimers who tossed 24 shitheads in jail...bravo. We need a lot more mass arrests at these schools.
The good news, none of ours were injured!

10/05/2008 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack Obama Bin-Laden says...

"...If Barack Obama is elected, the anti-Christ has arrived..."

Please do not use that Christian terminology when referring to me. I am the Al-Majdi, who will bring Islam, by force if necessary, to the entire world.

Change you will be forced to believe in.

10/05/2008 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when I was in high school and when I screwed up, I was more worried about what my father would do to me than anything the school or police could do.

It's hard to install any kind of values in a kid when his dad was either a shot in the dark, in the wind, or in prison.

10/05/2008 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voice Of Reason said...
Thursday, 23 October 08, 0900 until 1600 hours
Multi-purpose Room, Headquarters
All Department members are invited to attend this training opportunity. Seating is limited, please register in advance at the E-Learning website, login, click on catalog, enter the keyword: “medical tactics” and enroll. Refreshments will be served, including a box lunch.
Karen M. Bartuch
Chicago Police Department
Superintendent's Policy Group
WTF!! This is the little blonde that some think is hot (maybe for a cop, but in the real world, she is not much) and this is what she has come up with?
Your kidding me, right?????
I'll bet you 20 bucks that the tact teams on days will be forced to attend this bullshit again, just like they did for the "Black Hawk Down" training class. What a waste of time that was.
What a farce this think tank thing is. Space is limited my ass - NOBODY cares, nobody wants to go, and then to save face, you'll force people to attend.
People wonder why the CPD is now considered a joke of a department.
10/05/2008 12:14:00 AM
The Doctor that is the speaker is Sgt. Ray Hamilt*n's best friend.
How much do you think that he is getting paid for this?
The policy group couldn't come up with something more relevant?
What a joke they are!

10/05/2008 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LANE is a crap school now? When I went to Prosser, Lanees were just a little less smarter than US.

What the f**k has happened to that city?

10/05/2008 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah the joy of scattered section 8.....

10/05/2008 08:09:00 AM  
Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

The worst idea Arne Duncan came up with was getting rid of the School Unit. Mayor Daley's hack-stooge screwed up.

10/05/2008 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the post that suggest these CPS students should be video tape and played on you tube. Let rural America see first hand how we have to deal with these animals. It's a fucking shame that we're paying form them with our tax dollars that little Todd also pisses and / or steals from us.

10/05/2008 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/05/2008 01:29:00 AM

Yeah and the poor mayor had no idea any of that was going on in his office?!? I don't know who's dumber, the mayor or the morons that keep electing him.

10/05/2008 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only solution is to sterilze these people so they can no longer reproduce. Until the parents are proven to be civilized taxpayers.

10/05/2008 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school officers at Foreman are great guys who usually keep a lid on that place, if they hit the panic button you can bet it was VERY bad. The oldtimers in 016 did a great job, quick response and a mass arrest was exactly what was called for, and it happened!
No coppers injured!

016 2nd watch Roger Whalen's watch and he will be sorely missed come Feb when he forced out.

10/05/2008 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
yeh right send your kid to Taft, Foreman, Steinmetz, Lake View, or better yet Lane. There you go everyone of them a shit school. Yeh you're right these schools got better, keep telling your kid you love them. GFYS my neighbor's kid graduated from Taft and now he's unemployable they can't figure it out.

10/05/2008 01:55:00 AM

My son graduated from Taft and now is attending NIU and doing fine. Not the school but the student. Keep your bigoted, closed mind attitude. Other parents will explore all options before making a decision. Not all private schools are the best. You left out the magnet schools? Keep working those five jobs to pay the tuition.

10/05/2008 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need to change the laws. If they a special needs students, which about 75% are they can stay in school untill they are 21 and the school can only suspend them a total of 10 days s year. They know this and take advantage of it.

10/05/2008 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a look at your new tax bill and realize that George W. Bush had nothing to do with it. It all the responsibility of the party of Obama. Think what we will have at the federal level if he is elected.

10/05/2008 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Body count. In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago, 221 killed in Iraq.

Sens. Barack Obama & Dick Durbin,

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.,

Gov. Rod Blogojevich,

House leader Mike Madigan,

Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike),

Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of former Mayor Richard J. Daley).....the leadership in Illinois..... all Democrats.

Chicago is a combat zone. Of course they're all blaming each other.

Can't blame Republicans, they're aren't any!!!!

State pension fund $44 Billion in debt, worst in country. Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look'em up if you want). Chicago school system one of the worst in country. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois.

He's gonna 'fix' Washington politics? Just what does he expect that he can change in Washington when he can't make the necessary changes in his own State, city, or county?

10/05/2008 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#30% of CPS enrollees are illegal aliens or the offspring thereof. If these people were deported, you would have the financial resources to put the other 70% of home-grown thugs on lock-down, making these hell-holes more manageable. Expect Obama,Pelosi,Reid to move quickly in 2009 to legalize the status of illegal aliens. They'll all get a LINK card in one hand and a voters card in the other, thus creating a Democratic Supermajority. It will be the final straw that breaks the American economy beyond repair.

What % of city services are directed at illegal aliens? Daley held a rally at Little Village High School before the 2007 election and told them all to come out of the shadows and claim their taxpayer funded freebies.

10/05/2008 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

You should see the degenerate hood-rats who roam through the neighborhood after dismissal.

It's like a seeing prisoners on work-release trolling around the neighborhood.

But Hey! It's not their fault, right? Institutional Racism is the culprit.

10/05/2008 12:15:00 AM

What a darn shame that these kids here in America have an OPPORTUNITY to make their life better and yet they throw it away. While kids in other societies don't even get that chance! Even in Chicago's north side, these "students" walk around the neighborhood acting like fucking thugs. I was on Damen and Ainslie and a bunch of students were talking shit to me as I was cleaning out my car. I ignored them and these fucking thugs kept moving talking shit to other people.

10/05/2008 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why we send our kids to catholic schools. I don't want my kids or any of my friends kids involved with the gangs and trash animals from the public highschools.

10/05/2008 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Looks like all those Millions of Dollars of taxpayers money for Bussing school kids, sponsored by your forever STUPID DemocRAT Party, are really paying off just great, aren't they. VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN. SAVE THE USA !

YES, vote against your interests and vote for the Republicans. Just because we wear a badge and have a gun, some of these idiot police officers believe we are the authority in society and thus they will vote for conservatives. What a joke. By all means, I am not saying the Democrats are any better but these Republican backing cops don't know what the hell they are talking about.

10/05/2008 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CVS in 004 is a big problem as well. The illustrious Illiana Regional Gang Task Force was called in to 'just start locking kids up' which resulted in over twenty arrests. A federally funded arm of the CPD doing school patrol. They were not alone though. The tactical team working was also assigned there. Great use of resources!

10/05/2008 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11 and 10 are in backlogs easily by 9am daily.. At school dismissal time, all we do is race around to all the schools to attempt to quell the savagery....They act like animals..someone does need to tape it...the good citizens of Chicago would NOT believe what we see monday thru friday...I have been held down to sit outside one of the aforementioned high school at dismissal..Hmm a 99 unit watching 400 animals get released from the zoo.

10/05/2008 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago does not have public schools.Chicago has the nations largest day care program.

10/05/2008 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic; i see people on this blog slamming mike shields, this is typical stupid cop bullshit. i dont know this mike shields and im sure like me he is not perfect. that said in my 15 years on this job i have never seen anyone boss , po , retired po etc stand up to a city bigshot like he did. stupid fucks he did this to save your pension. thanks mike you have my support .remember you are dealing with people who would refuse a cancer cure if the dr. doing it once looked at them cross eyed. no wonder the city wins.

10/05/2008 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No mention of Clemente? We're hurt!

10/05/2008 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 adults arrested?

Were they "parents" or students?

10/05/2008 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Taft was supposed to be turning into a neighborhood school a few years back. I'd love to see the breakdown of what neighborhood the majority of those gangbagin' shits come from!

10/05/2008 02:17:00 AM

Taft is a secret. Many believe it is a bad school. But taft actually is an alternative to other schools. They removed the gang members and standards were raised. Take a look sometime. Never trust what others say. Be a involved parent and check out all schools.

10/05/2008 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing ever made the papers about the big riot at Steinmetz a few weeks ago. Got a lot of calls from neighbors who said a CTA bus had all its windows broken outduring a battle between black and latino "students".

10/05/2008 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the YOUTUBE idea... I bet if it got put online, the studdering prick would be at a loss for words. Especially since we know the minority responsible for the majority of the violence... Truth hurts sometimes.

10/05/2008 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a copper that once owned a condo on Diversey/Oakpark, paid my taxes like I should. My wife went to Josephine Locke Elementary School to enroll our kids after calling ahead of time and speaking with the vice principal told us to go ahead and be there the next day to enroll them. Next morning my wife shows up and the principal tells my wife with a fucking attitude that they did not have any vacancy for their grade even though that is the school that is supposed to be enrolling them according to our address. They gave her a list with schools located in the ghetto and said they would provide transportation.

Yeah fucking right!!! I told them to go fuck themselves and my wife just ended up staying home and home schooling.

My tax dollars were going towards this school so that my kids could attend there. Instead they bus in some kids from other areas where most likely the parents don't work or they're illegal and don't pay taxes at all.

Well enough of that. I'm now a Fed and got the fuck out of Shitcago and Crook County for good. Now living in the east coast paying less taxes, own a nice home and my kids are getting a great a education. The grass is greener on the other side.

Former CPD Copper

10/05/2008 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sullivan H.S. on the northside is a big shithole.Wagon,8 cars and the whole tact team everyday.Sometimes 19 and 23 tact are forced to waste time here baby-sitting these animals.Great use of resources.Did not Daley run Vallas out of town when the schools were on an upswing?Duncan is a puppet clown.

10/05/2008 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen M. Bartuch
Chicago Police Department
Superintendent's Policy Group

wasnt she partners with scuba steve formerly goldylocks of the 023 district loser tact teams???

10/05/2008 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies & Gentlemen;

People will shit their pants if the koran reader is elected. Come Jan 2009 when he takes the oath, the true Osama will come out.

The 5th. generation welfare students respect nothing but a free ride.

In the review stands will be Sharpton, Farrakan and other hates of all Americans, white & Black.

The truth is you CANNOT be good Muslim and be a good American. Take that to the bank my friends.

Even the most liberal Democrats will squarm. We will be deep in shit. The animals will run the nut house.

The liberal democrats put us into a finacial melt down and GWB takes the heat ! Giving home loans, etc to people that are not fit to own a 1990 chevy !

GWB has keep the terroist at bay in this great country and the only thing he gets is a 27 % approval rate. Many-many Americans have already forgotten "9-11". Let us hope and pray history of that day does not repeat itself in 2009.

God bless America.

10/05/2008 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have had police officers killed by illegal aliens. Some of these officers have been killed by violent acts and some officers have been killed when these illegal aliens drive drunk, with no drivers license and no insurance. Chance mon. Give me the chance mon.

Ya, and then these illegal motherfuckers vamoose back to Mexico and the Mex Govt. won't extradite them back to the U.S.

Daley has sold every citizen of Chicago out to further his personal agenda. I hate that little prick.

10/05/2008 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK all you cops that live in the 8th district, you send your kids to these fine southside Catholic institutions to keep them out of gangs, well guess what, they are all in a gang it is called the Midways, don't believe me, ask them about the Midways, they are the new POPES, I know what you are thinking "NOT MY KID" well wait until they fuck with some 2/6er by Kennedy HS and get shot I say reign them in now before one of your gangbanger kids get killed

10/05/2008 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you trying to tell me that the $20M fund for off-duty police @ time-and-a-half actually paid off?

That was a joke for the guys with 20+ years to get that money and you know damn well they don't want to do anything that's why most of them don't work CHA and never worked TARA.

I work part-time at a south-side school and never saw those fuckers around. I take that back, they parked the squad car a block away and left 10 minutes later.

They work 4 hours. By the time they get done with roll call and get their radios only 3 hours left. They start heading back an hour before check-off which leaves only 2 hours to get to their assignments. Don't forget that 1 car is assigned 3 or 4 schools.

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need no water, let the mother-fucker burn!

10/05/2008 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He's gonna 'fix' Washington politics? Just what does he expect that he can change in Washington when he can't make the necessary changes in his own State, city, or county?

10/05/2008 10:17:00 AM"

How can a single senator change anything in his home state?

How can a president change things in his home state?

What is the difference between having the authority of a single senate seat and the authority of the office of the president?

10/05/2008 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I guess nothing happens in the 016th District. The Foreman mini roit was B.S. right. Let's bring back the do nothing school patrol. Oh, that's they are in Foreman right now. Larry, he was a do nothing in patrol and in the school unit. Things don't change, just the day does. Maybe Rev. Meeks can protest this as well.

10/05/2008 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why we send our kids to catholic schools. I don't want my kids or any of my friends kids involved with the gangs and trash animals from the public highschools.
10/05/2008 10:43:00 AM
This is the stupidist statement.
You think that catholic schools don't have gang bangers, think again.
My kids are out of high school but when they were in high school (5-6 yrs ago) there were plenty of gang bangers going to Brother Rice, McAuley, Queen of Peace, Mt. Carmel, Marist, St. Laurence, and DeLaSalle.
Open your eyes and look around.
The gang bangers in the catholic schools just don't start the savagery outside of the school.

10/05/2008 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a darn shame that these kids here in America have an OPPORTUNITY to make their life better and yet they throw it away. While kids in other societies don't even get that chance! Even in Chicago's north side, these "students" walk around the neighborhood acting like fucking thugs. I was on Damen and Ainslie and a bunch of students were talking shit to me as I was cleaning out my car. I ignored them and these fucking thugs kept moving talking shit to other people.

10/05/2008 10:39:00 AM

I hope to God you're not a cop, if you let these shitheads do that to you. Look like a pussy, act like a pussy and you'll get treated like a damn pussy.

10/05/2008 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Take a look at your new tax bill and realize that George W. Bush had nothing to do with it. It all the responsibility of the party of Obama. Think what we will have at the federal level if he is elected.

10/05/2008 10:16:00 AM"

So, the republicans and bush have had nothing to do with any of our problems.

Please be so kind as to list all the problems that you attribute to the democrats, all the problems that you attribute to the republicans, if any, and your thoughts on the causes and solutions to same.

Instead of merely posting agenda driven pandering to the ignorances of the public.

10/05/2008 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should see the clusterfuck that goes on at 95th and the ryan at the redline when all these mutts from 5 and 22 converge there. thats a sight to behold.

10/05/2008 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is why we send our kids to catholic schools. I don't want my kids or any of my friends kids involved with the gangs and trash animals from the public highschools.

10/05/2008 10:43:00 AM


I see the catholic school kids at the park when you parents are not around and let me tell you they are the same as the public school kids.

10/05/2008 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming to a Cook County courtroom near you and making $160,000 a year....Kristyna Collen Ryan. Won the primary against two qualified candidates and now running unopposed in the November election. Filed for bankruptcy in 2002 and wiped away $200,000 in student loans and other debt. A whole two years of litigation experience mostly involving collection matters. Capitalized on her Irish name and now we are stuck with her. Read the Sunday trib editorial about her, hard to believe we still elect judges this way. Even in a branch court she could really hurt somebody.

10/05/2008 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems to a common thread in all of these school violence incidents.....hmmmm, but I just can't put my finger on it.

10/05/2008 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CVS in 004 is a big problem as well. The illustrious Illiana Regional Gang Task Force was called in to 'just start locking kids up' which resulted in over twenty arrests. A federally funded arm of the CPD doing school patrol. They were not alone though. The tactical team working was also assigned there. Great use of resources!

FYI it was South Shore H.S. and the IRGTF is not federally funded yet and it probably never will be if Lt. Richards keeps running it. He has turned a great concept into nothing more than a multi-juridictional tact team and he thrives on petty pinches.

10/05/2008 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job getting rid of school unit! Whose brain child was this? Now we have beat cars babysitting the animals on a daily basis what a waste of manpower! Lets just put bars on the windows and keep the animals in jail! They cannot behave treat them like animals! Mzybe is osama "barry" obama gets elected he will let us implement islamic law! You know child molestors get it cut off, you steal 1 arm, you fuck with the police your dead! Simple laws simple rules why not?

10/05/2008 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When does the American citizen have enough of this bullshit? The government from the federal level all the way down to the local level allowing people to come here, abuse our welfare system, our educational system and our hospital/medical system.. and also to abuse our citizens.
Face reality, as a single citizen, there is nothing you can do about it.

10/05/2008 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son graduated from Taft and now is attending NIU and doing fine. Not the school but the student.

If your son goes to NIU, he isn't doing fine. It's a bad school. No one is proud of it. He will be laughed at by Big Ten Graduates a few years from now. It is a bad school, you will see.

10/05/2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son graduated from Taft and now is attending NIU and doing fine. Not the school but the student.
10/05/2008 10:01:00 PM

To a point, you're right. My son went to CPS and is at Notre Dame working on a double major. Scored a 33 on his ACT

10/05/2008 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your son goes to NIU, he isn't doing fine. It's a bad school. No one is proud of it. He will be laughed at by Big Ten Graduates a few years from now. It is a bad school, you will see.

10/05/2008 10:01:00 PM

You prove nothing, asshole. All Big Ten" grads laugh at other "Big Ten" grads, like Harvard/Yale/Princeton laugh at everyone else. Why shit on someone else's kid? You must be a miserable hump, probably with a degree from Lewis, if you have one at all.

Let me guess, you are one of those elitist Catlic' cocksuckers who can't fathom the thought that someone who didn't graduate from Out Lady Of Perpetual Pedophile could excel past your own kids? Good luck with the therapy bills.

10/05/2008 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Great job getting rid of school unit! Whose brain child was this? "

Typical coppers: when the school unit was active, everyone talked shit about them being clout hacks who did nothing. Now the Unit is gone and it is missed...go figure.

10/05/2008 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 adults arrested?

Were they "parents" or students?

10/05/2008 11:41:00 AM

or both? get it?

10/05/2008 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 adults arrested?

Were they "parents" or students?

10/05/2008 11:41:00 AM

You're kidding me right. Of course they were both. AIIIIGGGGHHHTTTT.

10/05/2008 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to focus on the high schools, but the grade schools are just as bad. We watched while parents summoned because their kids got into fights would get into fist fights in the hall. This is the mothers. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

10/05/2008 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son graduated from Taft and now is attending NIU and doing fine. Not the school but the student.

If your son goes to NIU, he isn't doing fine. It's a bad school. No one is proud of it. He will be laughed at by Big Ten Graduates a few years from now. It is a bad school, you will see.

10/05/2008 10:01:00 PM

You mean the big ten graduates that are currently waiting my table when I go out to eat? I have more respect for a plumber or air guy than some asshole who laughes about where someone went to school. By the way, I couldn't tell you a single school in the Big Ten. It's only important to softballs who have nothing else to do.

10/05/2008 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all those bashing Obama: Maybe you didn't hear what the Esteemed Rev. Jesse Jackson said regarding his genatalia.

Stop buying into republican rhetoric. If elected, the only blacks that will like Obama will be the ones striving to make a difference in their children's lives. Such as the one's not being arrested at these daycare centers incidents.

10/06/2008 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Gangbanger beat up your Honor Student!

10/06/2008 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the catholic school kids at the park when you parents are not around and let me tell you they are the same as the public school kids.

10/05/2008 08:40:00 PM

Save that bullshit for Mary Mitchell asshole. I can't remember the last time they had to call SORT cars because of Br. Rice homecoming.

10/06/2008 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the stupidist statement.
You think that catholic schools don't have gang bangers, think again.
My kids are out of high school but when they were in high school (5-6 yrs ago) there were plenty of gang bangers going to Brother Rice, McAuley, Queen of Peace, Mt. Carmel, Marist, St. Laurence, and DeLaSalle.
Open your eyes and look around.
The gang bangers in the catholic schools just don't start the savagery outside of the school.

Funny, all southside schools...go figure....

10/06/2008 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You prove nothing, asshole. All Big Ten" grads laugh at other "Big Ten" grads, like Harvard/Yale/Princeton laugh at everyone else. Why shit on someone else's kid? You must be a miserable hump, probably with a degree from Lewis, if you have one at all.

Funny but you did the same as the other poster when you ripped on him for possibly going to Lewis, Lewis is acually rated quite hig as a great affordable education in the midwest by US News and World Report. get your head out of the sand and look things up for yourself instead of listening to all the crap on here...

10/06/2008 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If your son goes to NIU, he isn't doing fine. It's a bad school. No one is proud of it. He will be laughed at by Big Ten Graduates a few years from now. It is a bad school, you will see.

10/05/2008 10:01:00 PM

My son graduated from NIU then earned a MS in computer programing. Now he is a manager at Sears earning 6 figures. Must be clout to be successful without a catholic education. By the way, how many magnet school teens graduate and are admitted into big ten schools? Let me guess, you are a former altar boy.

10/06/2008 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can a single senator change anything in his home state?

How can a president change things in his home state?

What is the difference between having the authority of a single senate seat and the authority of the office of the president?

10/05/2008 07:12:00 PM

1. He can refuse to get in bed with the criminal Daley machine. He can demand accountability from welfare-driven minorities instead of pandering to them. He can find someone else to use as a mentor than a corrupt joke such as Emil.

2. He will further legitimize the Daley crime family and make the welfare gang even more powerful, he can steal even more money and ability to survive from those paying the bills. He can further discriminate against and demonize the white race.

3. The authority of the office of president will allow him to further rape the US and redistribute wealth from the overburdened middle class taxpayer to the ghetto welfare class. He can bring his criminal associations with the likes of Rezko to the white house. He can "community organize" us into a marxist state.

Anyone with a job that votes for this scumbag deserves what they get. Somehow though, it will be the conservatives fault. You are pathetic traitors. Where have we fallen to, now a self admitted drug user and hater of white people is getting elected president. MTV and Hollywood have won the war, their agenda has succeeded. We (collectively) have been taught to hate ourselves, and bought into this nonsense. 9/11...right. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

10/06/2008 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is the stupidist statement.
You think that catholic schools don't have gang bangers, think again.
My kids are out of high school but when they were in high school (5-6 yrs ago) there were plenty of gang bangers going to Brother Rice, McAuley, Queen of Peace, Mt. Carmel, Marist, St. Laurence, and DeLaSalle.
Open your eyes and look around.
The gang bangers in the catholic schools just don't start the savagery outside of the school.

Funny, all southside schools...go figure....

10/06/2008 03:21:00 AM

True catholic schools have some gang bangers but no where near the numbers in cps if you send your kids there you must be a goof!

10/06/2008 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone really ought to videotape these schools and YouTube it.
ya, someone.

10/06/2008 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold your orbit......30 dgrees left bank....

10/06/2008 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your son goes to NIU, he isn't doing fine. It's a bad school. No one is proud of it. He will be laughed at by Big Ten Graduates a few years from now. It is a bad school, you will see.


10/06/2008 11:13:00 AM  
Blogger Rich Rostrom said...

It's not just the South Side.

There are riots/brawls outside Sullivan HS (Ashland/Pratt) just about everyday.

See these recent postings at The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park:

Two Females Fighting at Sullivan High School

Students Arrested at Sullivan High School. Again.

Friday Afternoon Fights in Rogers Park

After School Fights on Morse Avenue

After School Delight

Lunchtime Fighting at Sullivan High School

Sullivan High School Chaos

Gang Fight @ Pratt and Clark

Sullivan Students Harassing the Smart Kids

Loyola Student Robbed by Sullivan Students

Sullivan High School Students think Friday's Alright for Fighting

More Chaos @ Sullivan High School

Shooting By Sullivan High School

After-school Insanity @ Sullivan High School

Just a Civilian in Rogers Park

P.S. There was a gunfire incident outside my building a few days ago, near Ridge and Howard. Police response was immediate and thorough - several cars on scene or searching the area within 15 minutes. One of the shooters was nabbed in Evanston while fleeing. Great work officers!

10/06/2008 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeh right send your kid to Taft, Foreman, Steinmetz, Lake View, or better yet Lane. There you go everyone of them a shit school. Yeh you're right these schools got better, keep telling your kid you love them. GFYS my neighbor's kid graduated from Taft and now he's unemployable they can't figure it out.

Hey, I went to Taft! (notice I didn't say high school. I just said Taft. because if I called Taft a school, I would just be lying.)

10/06/2008 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
10 adults arrested?

Were they "parents" or students?

10/05/2008 11:41:00 AM

Many are both...Sterilization is the key.

10/06/2008 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our construction company may just take that poster up on the $100 bet.

We sent a crew out to some alternative school on Chicago Avenue. They said they were just down the street from a Chicago High School. They talked and laughed for an hour in the yard after work about the shit that went on there all day long.

You get out there and it's deserted until 1030-11am. Not a fucking soul out because they're all still sleeping. Then it starts. Kids sitting at the bus stop all day long with their hoodies in 70 degree weather selling drugs and looking out.

The guys said the day started about 10am when they heard screeching tires at a stop light a block away. Some asshole slams to a halt almost hits the car in front of him. Then he's weaving all over the street, fucked up to no end and ends up hitting the car he barely missed at the light right in front of where they were working. Guy that got hit gets out of the car with a gun and the guy that hit him takes off.

Then about five little guys were all trying to beat up some big man in the middle of the street and the old guy wasn't going to have it, so he busts one of these kids in the mouth and they all scatter except for the one who is now gushing blood all over the street. He then takes off, few minutes later here they all come back, guns in plain sight, looking for the guy that hit him. Plain clothes car pulls up offers to take the kid to the hospital when a brand new Excursion pulls up, some girl screams someones name and the bleeding fucker jumps in the car and they take off. Undercover leaves and a few minutes later a car comes back and someone starts shooting. A few minutes after that about fifteen squads pulled up and then left.

The crew said this shit went on all day long. Kids trying to sell them drugs, selling all kinds of shit, asking for money. Finally the supt. of the alternative school tells the crew "you better knock off now, you don't want to be here at 2:15 when the schools start letting out."

All the guys on this crew grew up in Chicago and they could not believe what Chicago has become and what scumbags these kids are.
While it was funny to watch, they felt bad for the cops that had to deal with this shit all the time.

If that crew goes back, they are taking a video camera. If it's any good, we'll come back and post the url where you can find the video.

10/06/2008 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They removed the gang members

at Taft? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

10/06/2008 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an article that appeared in Time Magazine:

On the night of June 3, 1973, a Chevrolet Caprice, driven by a woman, was forced off Interstate 57 in southern Cook County, Ill., by a car carrying four men. One of them pointed a 12-gauge pump shotgun at her, ordered her to strip and then to climb through a barbed-wire fence at the side of the road. As she begged for her life, her assailant thrust the shotgun barrel into her vagina and fired. After watching her agonies for several minutes, he finished her off with a blast to the throat. Less than an hour later, the marauding motorists stopped another car and told the man and woman inside it to get out and lie down on the shoulder of the road. The couple pleaded for mercy, saying that they were engaged to be married in six months. The man with the shotgun said, "Kiss your last kiss," then shot both of them in the back, killing them. The total take from three murders and two robberies: $54, two watches, an engagement ring and a wedding band.

The man ultimately convicted of the "I-57 murders" now sits confined in the Menard Condemned Unit, the official name for death row in the Illinois prison system. Yet Henry Brisbon Jr., 28, does not face execution for those three killings nearly ten years ago. Illinois' death penalty was invalidated in 1972 and was not restored until 1977, the year that Brisbon was finally brought to trial. At that time, the judge sentenced him to a term of 1,000 to 3,000 years in prison. It took Brisbon less than one year to kill again, this time stabbing a fellow inmate at Stateville Correctional Center with the sharpened handle of a soup ladle. At the trial for this murder, Will County State's Attorney Edward Petka described Brisbon as "a very, very terrible human being, a walking testimonial for the death penalty." The jury agreed.

Brisbon's eleven months on death row have been quiet, compared with his Stateville years, when he took part in 15 attacks on inmates and guards, instigated at least one prison riot, trashed a courtroom during a trial and hit a warden with a broom handle. "I'm no bad dude," he says, "just an antisocial individual." The third of 13 children, Brisbon thinks that his upbringing by a strict black Muslim father made him different: "I was taught to be a racist and not like whites. As I grew up, I decided I didn't like nobody."

10/06/2008 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Problem is that us in White Neighborhoods (Yes I went There) are not allowed to have a neighborhood school. We have a great school in Mt Greenwood, the Ag School, but since it is so nice our kids have to fight to get in. Our tax dollars at work.

10/06/2008 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:47 PM

Re: Henry BRISBON, (M/1/52), #A01062

With one exception, your post is correct. This sadistic, cold-blooded piece of shit is now confined to Tamms, the state's super max for the worst of the worst.

The Illinois DOC execution chamber (lethal injection) has since been relocated to Tamms.

10/06/2008 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See these recent postings at The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park

Great blog, lots of SCC fans on there!

10/06/2008 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son went son went fucking what.

My kid went to Taft and afterward ended up in the joint.

Enough of this kid shit.

10/06/2008 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Problem is that us in White Neighborhoods (Yes I went There) are not allowed to have a neighborhood school. We have a great school in Mt Greenwood, the Ag School, but since it is so nice our kids have to fight to get in. Our tax dollars at work.

10/06/2008 08:58:00 PM

Northwest side has several nieghborhood schools that are alternatives to private school. The newest is Edison Park. Many city employees turned to Edison park and soon it will be a premier school with parents that are involved.

10/07/2008 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
yeh right send your kid to Taft, Foreman, Steinmetz, Lake View, or better yet Lane. There you go everyone of them a shit school. Yeh you're right these schools got better, keep telling your kid you love them. GFYS my neighbor's kid graduated from Taft and now he's unemployable they can't figure it out.

Hey, I went to Taft! (notice I didn't say high school. I just said Taft. because if I called Taft a school, I would just be lying.)

10/06/2008 12:28:00 PM

Now you are the police. What a waste of a valuable education. Did you finish Taft or earn a GED?

10/07/2008 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If your son goes to NIU, he isn't doing fine. It's a bad school. No one is proud of it. He will be laughed at by Big Ten Graduates a few years from now. It is a bad school, you will see.


10/06/2008 11:13:00 AM

Jerry Lewis U the ultimate degree factory. Eventually, most sons and daughters turn to CPD fro a job despite the bit ten education. face it, it is a generational weakness. Good pay and benefits for doing nothing. And they pay you to attend lewis for a MS!

10/07/2008 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Problem is that us in White Neighborhoods (Yes I went There) are not allowed to have a neighborhood school. We have a great school in Mt Greenwood, the Ag School, but since it is so nice our kids have to fight to get in. Our tax dollars at work.

10/06/2008 08:58:00 PM

True they are bussing east side ghetto students in and alas ruining a great school!

10/07/2008 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey don't knock the Jerry Lewis Education.
The FOOLS are the people not taking advantage of the free degree. Take everything you can from the city!
CPS doesn't even pay for teachers to continue their education.

10/07/2008 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. SouthSide says---

I thought Belmont and LeClaire was a good neighborhood. 2,000 kids go to that high school, mostly black and hispanic. Must be a lot of fun every dismissal day.

Welcome to My Jungle.

10/07/2008 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Sullivan H.S. on the northside is a big shithole.Wagon,8 cars and the whole tact team everyday.Sometimes 19 and 23 tact are forced to waste time here baby-sitting these animals.Great use of resources.Did not Daley run Vallas out of town when the schools were on an upswing?Duncan is a puppet clown.

10/05/2008 05:27:00 PM

Paul Vallas had way too much integrity, individuality and intelligence for the likes of Mayor Putz. Arne Duncan is a tool.

10/08/2008 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Hey don't knock the Jerry Lewis Education.
The FOOLS are the people not taking advantage of the free degree. Take everything you can from the city!
CPS doesn't even pay for teachers to continue their education.

10/07/2008 11:44:00 AM

Please. That free degree from Lewis is worthless if you are job-hunting outside of this department. It's as much of a joke as the so-called "training" we get on CPD.

10/08/2008 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NORTHSIDE COLLEGE PREP is a chicago public school and happens to be the number one school in illinois.

Yes CPS suck, but NCP, Whitney Young, Walter Payton, Lincoln Park and Lane are still good schools.

10/09/2008 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TAFT will never be a good school, because Norwood Park residents just will not do shiiit about it.

Lane is still a decent school!!

10/09/2008 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no college....

10/09/2008 08:30:00 PM  

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