Saturday, October 04, 2008

Open Post

Use this for other stuff covered or not covered during the week. Don't use Officer Taylor's thread. We have a page and more of posts open to address anything under the sun.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard Dennis Farina was at D/C Chasens retirement party and indicated that he had a letter from JFed to read honoring Chasen.

I hope someone has a video of this because it was supposed to have been the funniest f-ing thing in th world.

10/04/2008 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I asked this on another thread but got no answer so I'll ask again.

What or who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights". I have seen them around and heard they were cop related but I keep hearing about them causing all kinds of problems. Can anybody help me out?

10/04/2008 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the status on Lt. J.g. Carroll's "fraud & deception" medical furlo?

10/04/2008 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby want Juicy!

10/04/2008 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justice served, OJ Simpson found guilty in Las Vegas on ALL charges he faces LIFE in prison

10/04/2008 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi People, It's Missy once again.

WoW people, Sgts. gina, dawn, and maggie think I am great, back to you girls, you are so sweet.

I wish I knew about the golf outing in the 19th. Ward. Me and Ira, my Lawyer husband would of attended. I bet also my uncle Tommy Byrne (rtd) was there. He still a Dep. Supt of police to many of us people.

Our alderman Bobby F is one find alderman and a good lawyer my husband tells me. I met him with my husband while we attended the July 3rd. firework. I was in the review stand sitting behind our beloved Mayor. Uncle Tommy sat next to Ronnie Huberman, a very supportive man of our great mayor. He is one funny man.

It is a secret, but I thought Ron was ladies man ! Thank goodenss I am married and stopped drinking 5 years ago. Yes people, I am a recovering drinker. I would of been in trouble people.

You girls from the 19th. ward keep supporting Ginger and up in rank you will go.

Uncle Tom told me that I will probadly be made a detective (this year) even with my 23 1/2 months on the job. Uncle Tom told me that being a "parking ticket guru" the mayor really approves of workers like me.

My cousin, uncle Tom's daughter is in the JTTF. She has only 4 years as the real police. She is a wonder girl in my eyes. Uncle Tom told me she will be a Sgt. so very soon.

People, my yeast infection is now gone, thank goddness, no more baking for a while.

I think that I will be a big boss before I reach 45 years old. I am 42 now. One thing people. I will demand at least 100 parking tickets from every P.O. I can be mean. "I say do it or else".

Got to run people, Hubbie is calling me to bed.

Sunday, I am working the airport for time and a half. No CTA patrol for me people. I will write a hundred parkers to keep the boss happy.

Sgts. gina, dawn, and maggie, I lve you too.

Be safe people,
Missy/001 distrcit.

10/04/2008 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

brass shake up all ads positions will be terminated they are not needed anymore. all will be brought down to there service rank.

10/04/2008 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can get into this do nothing style of police work. yes, the wallet takes a little hit sans court time, but my overall disposition has improved tenfold. no more getting up to go to court, no more beefs, no more fights on the phone with state's attorneys. to all you young guys, you have an "x" on your back. do your time and get a pension and don't become a statistic.

10/04/2008 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cameras are installed in some 019 Dist cars...Big Brother has arrived.

10/04/2008 03:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question...can we picket or protest? I know we can't strike, and the Union can't advocate a "slowdown", but are we allowed to peacefully picket, let's say, the 5th Floor at City Hall? Just curious. Will it do any good? Probably not, but maybe the IOC will take a look at it. You know Richie doesn't want any negative publicity. Crime up, manpower down, 2 on-duty guys killed in the line-of-duty. One killed off duty in a robbery. No contract, no Dept support. We have a lot to protest about. Just a thought. It's open for all opinions.

10/04/2008 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many people who were police officers at one time and turned into political hacks are receiving pensions from our pension fund?
No wonder the fund has a problem.

10/04/2008 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two seperate 10-1's called at Foreman High School on Friday. None of it had to do with suburban school funding or New Trier either.

Little monsters are getting bolder and bolder. Good response from officers all around. Keep watching each other's backs.

10/04/2008 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/04/2008 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/04/2008 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I disagree with 98% of the time. I have to say in your defense that when an officer goes down in the line of duty you become blue and for a brief moment you stop your lower class blue collar Republican inspired rants..

10/04/2008 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is funeral related but I don't want to post it on the one above. Who the heck was running that show? Why did they force a procession that was running smoothly to stop a block from the church, pull the family off to the side, put the hearse behind the family? There were 200 recruits lining the street to salute when they drove by. That was wasted when someone parked people blocking them. I sadly have been to many funerals and this one seemed completely unorganized. What happened? Too many new bosses? Also, I thought the pipers sounded like shit and wondered why? They NEVER do. With so many people there I didn't get to see them. I saw them on the news and saw it was the two bands together. Hey guys perhaps you should practice when that is going to happen next time. You sounded HORRIBLE!!!!! Hey bosses. Perhaps ONE boss should run the show outside the church. One inside. I have to admit I was a little embarrassed.

10/04/2008 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The night of the wake, a certain Lt or above who had requested use of citywide 5 for the Cubs detail had a spastic fit because he had to share the frequency with the detail for the wake? Called the OEMC boss whining and beefing because he had made the first request! Went on and on with the boss about it and finally got the detailed moved to another citywide that was also in use!

Whomever you are, you are a sorry piece of scum!

10/04/2008 07:13:00 AM  
Blogger Captain Video said...

Stay safe out there. Nothing else matters. The climate has turned in the department and politically and in the ASA's office. We have each other and like it or not, the FOP. That's about it.

Back each other up and look out for each other. As for the numbers and aggressive police work Jody says he wants, well, show us the new contract, fulfill the promises you made, show us carbines in the districts, show us tasers on each officer's belt.

Show us Jody how you have our backs and not with a knife in your hand.

Show us.

10/04/2008 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that if Officer Cozzi goes to prison because of Jody Weis there is nothing on earth that he could do to win back this police department. It will be game, set and match.

Someone let Jody know.

10/04/2008 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Return my phone calls.


10/04/2008 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Keesing Bandit says---

"...Uncle Tommy sat next to Ronnie Huberman..."

Why do some guys have all the luck?

Now, kees me you fool!!!

10/04/2008 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called KARMA, O.J.

Rot in the Nevada DOC, Simpson.

10/04/2008 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:09 AM

Yes. Dennis Farina's "letter from J-Fed" was a roaring hoot. Happy trails for Mike Chasen. Mike Mette's imminent release added to the high spirits and great time had by all.

Rest in peace, brothers Nate Taylor, Pat McDonald (PPD) and Mike Pigott (NYPD).

10/04/2008 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the Sun Times misprinted Officer Taylor's name on the front page?!? I live out of town so I haven't seen a hard copy of the paper, but if true, this is the greatest example of how the sun times SUCKS and they have their heads completely up their asses!

10/04/2008 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you dont have to bury anymore cops for a long time.

10/04/2008 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I have been a very outspoken critic of our Governor and his antics, but yesterday I honestly found a new level of respect for him. Great speech and it really seemed like he meant every word and wasn't just playing politics.

And as for our "esteemed" Mayor, just when I thought it wasn't possible to dislike him anymore, he always finds new ways to disappoint and enrage...

10/04/2008 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please the Missy crap is getting old....

10/04/2008 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me if the 08 OCT 08 protest is legit
City hall

10/04/2008 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free concert next Friday night at yet to be disclosed location. "Shortshanks and his Salad Tossers", featuring J-Fed on the skin flute with Brust on keyboards. Vocals by Monique Bond.

10/04/2008 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/04/2008 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have a question...can we picket or protest? I know we can't strike, and the Union can't advocate a "slowdown", but are we allowed to peacefully picket, let's say, the 5th Floor at City Hall? Just curious. Will it do any good? Probably not, but maybe the IOC will take a look at it. You know Richie doesn't want any negative publicity. Crime up, manpower down, 2 on-duty guys killed in the line-of-duty. One killed off duty in a robbery. No contract, no Dept support. We have a lot to protest about. Just a thought. It's open for all opinions.

10/04/2008 03:23:00 AM
Not a cop here but;

I saw SEIU(?) employees, mainly crossing guards, TMA's and other city employees had picketed city hall recently, as apparently they are without a contract also. Is there any reason that could not include officers also?

P.S. thanks for every thing you do.

10/04/2008 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And who is to blame for the Huberman scam? We are. For months there have been many posts regarding how the pension board is run. It took a video on YOUTUBE for everyone to get upset. There was a post last Thursday regarding the Huberman hearing on Monday, why wasn’t that room packed with police officers? Yet Mike S . was the only copper who did anything about it. Good for him! 10 more officers like him at every pension board meeting would make a big difference.

The pension board is run by the pension board attorney Kugler and the mayors appointed trustees. I have no faith in the elected trustees.

The attorney for the pension board is making a fortune appealing unwinnable cases against disabled officers. The pension boards attorney loses the majority of the appeals he files. The pension board has also recently started to use officers disciplinary record against them during their disability hearings. THIS IS ILLIGAL. Why are our trustees allowing this to happen? Because no one calls them on it. Once your disciplinary record is brought out in a pension board meeting, it becomes, a PUBLIC RECORD for everyone to see. This is nuts, what does an officers disciplinary record have to do with an IOD injury? Pure and simple, it’s blackmail at its best.

Right now there is a case where an officer won their case in Circuit Court, Kugler advised the board he could win the case in the Appellate Court, he again lost. Kugler has now convinced the board he can win the case in the IL Supreme Court. Why you ask are they fighting this case so vigorously, because the judge ruled the pension board has to pay the officer back pay plus interest. This officer has been without a check for a very long time, paying for attorneys out of pocket for these appeals. I can’t imagine what Kugler is charging the fund for this case.
YOUR PENSION FUND MONEY is paying Kugler to fight unwinnable cases. How much has this attorney made appealing cases like this over the years? Now Kugler is trying to convince the board he needs more help appealing these cases so he wants to farm out cases to HIS attorney buddies to share the wealth! Hell, just what we need more attorney’s fighting over how to screw you with YOUR PENSION MONEY!

We may not be able to do much about how the department is run, but we can change how the pension fund is run. Remember the ballots for trustee’s go out next week. Just vote.

10/04/2008 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is funeral related but I don't want to post it on the one above. Who the heck was running that show? Why did they force a procession that was running smoothly to stop a block from the church, pull the family off to the side, put the hearse behind the family? There were 200 recruits lining the street to salute when they drove by. That was wasted when someone parked people blocking them. I sadly have been to many funerals and this one seemed completely unorganized. What happened? Too many new bosses? Also, I thought the pipers sounded like shit and wondered why? They NEVER do. With so many people there I didn't get to see them. I saw them on the news and saw it was the two bands together. Hey guys perhaps you should practice when that is going to happen next time. You sounded HORRIBLE!!!!! Hey bosses. Perhaps ONE boss should run the show outside the church. One inside. I have to admit I was a little embarrassed.

10/04/2008 07:00:00 AM

The confusion came from the governor's people. They blocked off a route at the last minute causing the confusion. Governor does not work well with other agencies. He is on his on agenda and this resulted in a suuden route change for the funeral procession.

10/04/2008 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the hearse waits so the family and friends can park and set up by the church doors before the pipes and drums escort the hearse with the honor guard. Don't you think it is important that the family and friends are there when that happens. You must be a recruit

10/04/2008 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope everyone contacted the Scum Times, the FOP and News affairs over the front page of the paper. Officer "Daniel" Taylor. If he didnt get killed and would have killed the shit head they would have gotten his name right

10/04/2008 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

call the scum times at 1312 321 300 FOP 312 733 7776 and News affairs 3127456110

10/04/2008 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic.... who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights"? I hear they are cops then I hear they aren't.
All I know is that they have been causeing alot of problems and that some are big coke heads. What's the deal?


They are an outlaw club or laymen term 1% patch club. They are the "real" deal not like these poser weekend warrior clubs like the Lawmen, American Knights, Brothers in Blue, Untouchables, Wild Pigs.......They pledge their allegiance to one of the main 4 power clubs (Hells Angels, Outlaws, Mongols, Bandidos)and don't ride around playing "oulaw" biker and hiding behind their gun and badge. When you are in a real club that is your way of life...your job. you don't put on your cool leather vest and pretend your big and bad on the weekends like those other clubs. Now there are active law enforcement members in the Rebel Knights but they are far and few between. I think they have those few for hidden intel. but God help if these poser police clubs try starting shit with the Rebel Knights cause they will get F'cked up! (not to mention after getting their ass kicked they will then be fired for being at a bar playing outlaw drunk, and getting in a bar fight) Thats the new CPD!

10/04/2008 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What or who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights". I have seen them around and heard they were cop related but I keep hearing about them causing all kinds of problems. Can anybody help me out?

If you encounter one of these guys in a bar BEWARE. They are an outlaw biker club.

10/04/2008 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that we are getting GPS, IM GONNA WORK EVEN HARDER!!

10/04/2008 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Two seperate 10-1's called at Foreman High School on Friday. None of it had to do with suburban school funding or New Trier either.
Little monsters are getting bolder and bolder. Good response from officers all around.
Keep watching each other's backs.
10/04/2008 05:46:00 AM

ou au contrare' mother fucker! [sorry if the French referance, but I was tring the class things up a tad].
I don't see POs backing up others on stops at all. As a person who generally works 10-99, I guess I don't really expect it. But while working VSEP the other night with a partner, we prudently called for an assist, upon encountering an uncooperative, drunken, King-Kong size street predater. Ultimately, the problem complied and left the CTA construction area, with the "assist" showing up about twenty minutes later.
I know that district 001 has always been for shit on doing pretty much anything, but this was a new low. While I was eye fucking Mr. King-Kong prior to him seeing the light, my partner informed me that two marked units and an unmarked drove by. One even stopping at the traffic light, but never screwing their heads out of their respective asses to observe the unfolding scenario on the northeast corner. Just as well I guess, one might have been that twit bitch from the 019th ward and I doubt name dropping would have gotten the job done.

10/04/2008 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Was talking to (JJ) at midway on days, looks like the lt has no clothes she threatened to remove my boy form the airport and again she failed! But then again ellyn will be gone soon in the next shake up as Jody realizes that the airport does not need a lt and she would be better used in 009 where see came from!

10/04/2008 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what is the status on Lt. J.g. Carroll's "fraud & deception" medical furlo?

10/04/2008 12:24:00 AM

Saw donnie the other day, by jim's house polishing his shoes as always! guess big jim will continue on the "tour" then retire soon! how is sgt eBay doing? Heard he is mad I tell you mad!

10/04/2008 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear SCC, I was at the funeral the other day and found it to be very emotional. I was very proud to see the excellent turnout from our brothers and sisters. Especially the P.O.s who were not "assigned" to the funeral of Ofc. Taylor and were there on their own time. One disturbing thing I did notice was a Streets and Sanitation worker writing parking tickets on 84th/Kildare. I watched him write 2 parking tickets probably on vehicles belonging to persons probably going to the funeral. I would just like to send out a big F%@k You to this jagoff. You disgust me and are pathetic.

10/04/2008 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justice served, OJ Simpson found guilty in Las Vegas on ALL charges he faces LIFE in prison

10/04/2008 01:25:00 AM

All it proved was that without money OJ couldn't fight his case and win. The OJ murder trial proved that with money you can fight a case and win. PO Mike Mette walked out of Iowa prison due to intense political pressure and notoriety which is almost as good as money. Political pressure and notoriety also got Mumia whateverhisnameis off of deathrow in Pennsylvania. You can bet the other CPD coppers in jail won't be walking anytime soon. Your remarks could be the start of a funny Chris Rock joke.

MKN 2nd District Footman

10/04/2008 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello...person from 19 where have you been ? big brother has been here for a while. look at the dists that actually work south and west side...not only have we had camera's but our cars have gps and all the beat cars have a alderman or rev doing ride alongs....

10/04/2008 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noticed that bosses cars all had the close-by parking, all others had to park blocks away and walk. great example of display of how to foster Physical Fitness standards by the stars. Of course they are all in such good shape that they don't need to walk for exercise, just us, as usual.

10/04/2008 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farina didn't have a letter for Chasen, those were a pair of see-thru womans panties.

10/04/2008 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a demonstration is going to be held at City Hall, it should be done really soon, before the Election. Anybody with some ideas on how to get it together? Perhaps we could give up a Friday afternoon into the Evening, when lots of tourists and out-of-towners are down around the Daley Center? Noon to 4 shift, the 4 to 12 Midnight.

10/04/2008 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: ASA's P. S. and T. K. -

They are absolutely on the side of the law...our side. Without question. You can critique their style all you want and I can see why many would. (don't know the specifics of why they became a topic here) Still - you are absolutely wrong to suggest any misconduct.

Stick to criticizing your specific case problems with them...but don't dare question their integrity. They are the "good guys," even if you disagree with the way they do their jobs.

10/04/2008 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone think about sending their green crime reduction ribbon (the one Cline gave us) back to 35/Michigan? I did not earn mine and will never wear it. I'm sure alot of officers are deserving of them. I have not been on the job long enough to know how important these ribbons are to officers. I just thought it would make a statement of our dissatification if a few hundred of these ribbons went back to headquaters.

10/04/2008 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/04/2008 07:00:00 AM

It looked like that big, fat, still living at home with mommy, cry baby, my sister is Daleys bitch, Greek commander from 018...what a dick.

10/04/2008 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




10/04/2008 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how all 021st district coppers seriously know nothing. NOTHING at all.

A dude I know called me from there to ask me a question about a robbery! He has been on longer than I have?!?!!?

10/04/2008 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thursday, 23 October 08, 0900 until 1600 hours
Multi-purpose Room, Headquarters
All Department members are invited to attend this training opportunity. Seating is limited, please register in advance at the E-Learning website, login, click on catalog, enter the keyword: “medical tactics” and enroll. Refreshments will be served, including a box lunch.

Karen M. Bartuch
Chicago Police Department
Superintendent's Policy Group

WTF!! This is the little blonde that some think is hot (maybe for a cop, but in the real world, she is not much) and this is what she has come up with?

Your kidding me, right?????

I'll bet you 20 bucks that the tact teams on days will be forced to attend this bullshit again, just like they did for the "Black Hawk Down" training class. What a waste of time that was.

What a farce this think tank thing is. Space is limited my ass - NOBODY cares, nobody wants to go, and then to save face, you'll force people to attend.

People wonder why the CPD is now considered a joke of a department.

10/04/2008 02:45:00 PM  
Blogger cpd4176 said...

Anyone have any information on this PPO from Church's chicken? He worked in our district, but of cource no one seems to know the real story... only rumors.

10/04/2008 03:06:00 PM  
Blogger cpd4176 said...

Who is this Missy chick I keep reading about?

The posts by "her" are pretty funny!

10/04/2008 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What or who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights". I have seen them around and heard they were cop related but I keep hearing about them causing all kinds of problems. Can anybody help me out?

10/04/2008 12:20:00 AM"

Define 'all kinds of problems'.

10/04/2008 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/04/2008 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was the fucking idiot driving the TAIL car at the funeral? Apparently the dumbass can't look into her rearview mirror to see that there were about 3-4 blocks of cars that were in the funeral procession behind her! Correct me if I'm wrong, but the TAIL car IS suppose to be the last car, right? They left a shit load of cars on 84th street, including some bagpipers, that wanted to be in the procession. Afterwards we had to drive like jagoffs to catch up to the procession. Very disappointing.

10/04/2008 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is funeral related but I don't want to post it on the one above. Who the heck was running that show? Why did they force a procession that was running smoothly to stop a block from the church, pull the family off to the side, put the hearse behind the family? There were 200 recruits lining the street to salute when they drove by. That was wasted when someone parked people blocking them. I sadly have been to many funerals and this one seemed completely unorganized. What happened? Too many new bosses? Also, I thought the pipers sounded like shit and wondered why? They NEVER do. With so many people there I didn't get to see them. I saw them on the news and saw it was the two bands together. Hey guys perhaps you should practice when that is going to happen next time. You sounded HORRIBLE!!!!! Hey bosses. Perhaps ONE boss should run the show outside the church. One inside. I have to admit I was a little embarrassed.

10/04/2008 07:00:00 AM

shut the fuck up maybe when you pass away and have your funeral you can be the funeral coordinator. It's a funeral not a contest.
P.S. when you go to a funeral it's to pay respect to the departed not to see the band.

RIP Officer Taylor and Semper Fi

10/04/2008 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to missy the sperm whale, you came on this job at the right time. the department loves to promote females who know how to use their lips. if you become my sgt and tell me to write 100 parkers my response will be when hell freezes over. to my mythical little missy, the underlying theme in your messages on this blog is why i quit doing police work a long time ago. you are 100 percent correct, the blow job queens and the aldermans neighbor always get promoted, and the guy doing 20 part one's per period gets yelled at for coming into check off to early. but at the end of the day we all know who can take a punch and who can't. so with that thought in mind, i do what i want to do on this job, and all the supervisors who tell me to do this or that can kiss my ass. and i tell them to their face all the time. and you know what, they fold and walk away because they know that they ain't shit and they can't do a fuckin thing about it.

10/04/2008 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what is the status on Lt. J.g. Carroll's "fraud & deception" medical furlo?

10/04/2008 12:24:00 AM

Currently residing (hiding)in his mother's basment trying to avoid his shadow. Visitor's welcome. But expect to be searched at the door. Bring food!

10/04/2008 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cameras are installed in some 019 Dist cars...Big Brother has arrived.

10/04/2008 03:16:00 AM

What the hell will they be recording? Coffee cups on the dash board, and snoring?

10/04/2008 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I disagree with 98% of the time. I have to say in your defense that when an officer goes down in the line of duty you become blue and for a brief moment you stop your lower class blue collar Republican inspired rants..

10/04/2008 06:58:00 AM

Thanks commander.

10/04/2008 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say Ronnie S?

10/04/2008 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any news or updates on the lawsuits by the NRA and others against Chicago's anti-firearm ordinance?

10/04/2008 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer is Danial Alvardo, a Cmdr who cannot find his ass with both hands. Hispanic Democrat org at its finest.

This asshole has screwed every district and unit he has been in. A total disgrace.

For you old timers, remeber his uncle, Mike Alvardo from 018 ??? "Northside" will remember him. A million stories about uncle Mike.

10/04/2008 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone getting sick again. Theses BS water water saver faucets make it impossible to wash your hands. Hello we are by sick diseased people all the time. Can't wash up with hot water and soap... no ventillation in processing rooms and no sanitizer either. HEALTH DEPT WHERE ARE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/04/2008 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless Officer Taylor and his family.

10/04/2008 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear there putting the old sos band back together.

10/04/2008 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pipes and Drums have been around 26 years and have played for hundreds and hundreds of events including the line of duty funerals. So NOW someone is questioning the validity of their tone quality? Who in God's hell appointed you the inspector who now evaluates the performance of the bagpipes and drums at funerals for fallen police? The police that belong to the Emerald society pay for their own uniforms and drive their own vehicles to practice and to fundraisers, etc. for the benefit of police and their families. In other words....they do it BECAUSE they want to help the cause at hand. And you my friend with your BULLSHIT can POUND SALT. Amen.

10/04/2008 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SCC I disagree with 98% of the time. I have to say in your defense that when an officer goes down in the line of duty you become blue and for a brief moment you stop your lower class blue collar Republican inspired rants..

10/04/2008 06:58:00 AM

^White shirt hippy.^Jfed??


10/04/2008 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rnmc is a motorcycle club near 47th and ashland, has original roots to a police club, that was a long time ago.

10/04/2008 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know when the FOP will have the free flu shots ?

10/04/2008 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

approx 23years ago, i remember walking dowm michigan ave picketing , the little shit, because we are not allowed to strike, so why don't we do this now. also why in the hell, have the aldermen given themselves a 6 1/2% raise. thought the city was broke, with all of maggie's f--- flowers. its time to take a stand and fuck this city over!!!

10/04/2008 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GPS came to 017 today.

10/04/2008 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at Mike Chasen's retirement/got fired by Peterson party. Dennis Farina did a great job reading the "fed letter". What a laugh. However, Mike gave a talk that was a class act. In light of the shit way he was forced to leave, Mike mentioned that the finest suit he ever had is is CPD dress blues that he's met presidents, the queen, every day coppers and whores in. My posting this does not do his speech justice, but I'm telling you, Mike always was and still is a great guy and a class act.
Thank You Mike
Enjoy the grand kids and of course; the Rose.

10/04/2008 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure there were 200 recruits there's only 100 in the academy! I missed all the disorganization that you mention and I also missed the horrible sound of the bagpipes that you speak of...I guess it's because I wasn't there for any of that! You want an entertaining concert buy a ticket to one. Unbeliveable

10/04/2008 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What or who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights". I have seen them around and heard they were cop related but I keep hearing about them causing all kinds of problems. Can anybody help me out?


They are bad news. Stay away. they are a 1% group.

10/04/2008 07:27:00 PM  
Blogger Chuckles said...

his articl is from an email I received on Friday, Spetember 5, 2008. I have not confirmed the facts of the email, but found it very interesting on the content alone. We as law enforcement DO NOT GET TO CHOOSE who we protect. We DO NOT GET TO CHOOSE who we stand guard for. BUT....WE DO GET TO CHOOSE by castig a vote, whom leads s the next President of the United States.

I hope if there were any Michigan officers there that read this article, if you would please sound off if the facts of the email are true. I also hope you will correct me if the facts of the email are wrong. It will not matter to me if the email is yet another bogus peice floating around the Internet, as I have made my choice. However, I do not want to be part of the irresponsible crowd who floats fiction around. I have copied the email in its entirety, only ommitting the original senders name and contact information.

Subject: Barack Obama's visit to Battle Creek

To all,

I have read all of the emails from not only some of the MTOA board members, but
from other Law Enforcement & Military personnel about Barack Obama's rudeness
and what seems to be disgust for basically anyone in uniform. Well, it's my
turn to add to the list of emailers and here it is:

So members of the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department, MSP, and other local
agencies inside Calhoun County are working with Secret Service in the security
of Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama's bus arrives in Battle Creek and pulls into the
stadium area. Before Mr. Obama exits the bus, he has the Secret Service get off
and tell all Law Enforcement personnel in uniform that they now have to stand
behind the bus so Mr. Obama is not seen with anyone in a Law Enforcement uniform
before he gets off or while in the public view. So, everyone from MSP,
Sheriff's Dept., a nd other agencies looks at each other for a brief second, goes
and stands behind the bus out of sight so Mr. Obama does not have to see, or
been seen with, what to him is "undesirables" since he refuses to been seen or even
acknowledge Military or Law Enforcement.

At a time of war and terrorism in our world, this presidental candidate who is
being protected by various branches of the military & law enforcement at the tax
payers expense, refuses to acknowledge, be seen with, have in his photographed
background, any type of Military or Law Enforcement in uniform.

But this is not in the media or headlines in the news. Why? I wonder what the
story or media frenzy would be if it was muslims, blacks, whites, jews, or any
other race, gender, religon, and/or occupation, that Mr. Obama refuses to be
seen with or have around him.

Why would Law Enforcement branches make this up? Law Enforcement tradition ally
has had more funding under Democrats.

Just food for thought leading up to November 4th.

**Name withheld**
Michigan Tactical Officer's Association

10/04/2008 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the honor students

10/04/2008 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebel Knights are NOT the police.

10/04/2008 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:20 The Rebel Knights started out long ago as a law enforcement club. However, as the years went by the became less LE by accepting nefarious characters into the club and the cops in the club didn't like these assholes so they quit.The president was CPD but has retired and now, and have for a long long time, supported the Outlaws MC the resident biker gang here. Some have said they have been a criminal organization for 20yrs now. You would hate to think that with a cop at their helm, but I have seen them all huggy & kissy with the outlaws. Hope that answers your question.

10/04/2008 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A big thank you to all the State and suburban officers who attended the funeral yesterday.

Remember CPD, back up our State Troopers when they may have a traffic stop in or around your district or on the expressway.

Stay Safe All...

10/04/2008 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any guess as to how many aliens, both legal and illegal, from Moslem & African countries are going to be allowed to vote for Obama in this town?

10/04/2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Anyone notice how all 021st district coppers seriously know nothing. NOTHING at all.

A dude I know called me from there to ask me a question about a robbery! He has been on longer than I have?!?!!?

10/04/2008 02:38:00 PM

Since you seem to be a blithering idiot, that officer probably didn't learn much.

10/04/2008 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pipes & drums (both bands) were paying tribute to a fallen brother, not putting on a show for you or anyone else .... Who the fuk are you to critique?!!? Do you even play the pipes???? I doubt it. So unless you can do better, jackass, I suggest you take your criticism and go blow (yourself).

10/04/2008 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jody-

Bring back Barney Flanagan and his crew to run Special Events. There was never a complaint or a chance of embarrassment when he ran police funerals and other high profile events.

10/04/2008 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The night of the wake, a certain Lt or above who had requested use of citywide 5 for the Cubs detail had a spastic fit because he had to share the frequency with the detail for the wake? Called the OEMC boss whining and beefing because he had made the first request! Went on and on with the boss about it and finally got the detailed moved to another citywide that was also in use!

Whomever you are, you are a sorry piece of scum!

10/04/2008 07:13:00 AM

The order for Wrigley was cut on 29 Sep and listed CW 6.

10/04/2008 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
10/04/2008 07:00:00 AM

It looked like that big, fat, still living at home with mommy, cry baby, my sister is Daleys bitch, Greek commander from 018...what a dick.

10/04/2008 01:25:00 PM

You for got about his Boss Dep Cheif Keating, no friend to the working Police and big booty kisser to the Mayor.

10/04/2008 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Justice served, OJ Simpson found guilty in Las Vegas on ALL charges he faces LIFE in prison

10/04/2008 01:25:00 AM
All it proved was that without money OJ couldn't fight his case and win. The OJ murder trial proved that with money you can fight a case and win. PO Mike Mette walked out of Iowa prison due to intense political pressure and notoriety which is almost as good as money. Political pressure and notoriety also got Mumia whateverhisnameis off of deathrow in Pennsylvania. You can bet the other CPD coppers in jail won't be walking anytime soon. Your remarks could be the start of a funny Chris Rock joke.
MKN 2nd District Footman
10/04/2008 12:09:00 PM

What kind of response is that?
No, OJ got away with murder but couldn't help himself from doing something stupid!! JUSTICE SERVED
What does Mike have to do with OJ?
The appellate court judge heard Mike's case and had common sense.
And there is nothing funny about any of it!!!

10/04/2008 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell will they be recording? Coffee cups on the dash board, and snoring?

irving and rockwell

10/04/2008 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came on this job in'86, when there were men on this job and we rotated shifts and had watch parties and bonded. Sure we busted balls but never really meant it. We would never try to fuck over another cop. Now, I see nothing but cry babies who want everything and give nothing. Try and help each other out. It’s no wonder we get treated the way we do, we don’t even respect each other. I can’t even say how many fucks on this job with less then a bar on the sleeve walk past you and don’t even say hello or hey what’s up. Let’s get our shit together and be united so that politicians, ASA’s, shitheads and the reverends don’t see us as a bunch of fragmented fucks. We’re getting sued out here, we are being challenged by shitheads out here, we are being laughed at by civilians who read this blog out here, and most importantly, we are dying out here. Stay Safe!

10/05/2008 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"please the Missy crap is getting old....

10/04/2008 08:49:00 AM"

Please, it never gets old.

In fact, it gets better with every post.

10/05/2008 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the miserable Cubs! Another season down the toilet in pathetic fashion. What a bunch of overpaid losers, in the clutch they all choked.

And will someone lease just give Fukodome a plane ticket back to Japan and he can take his translator with him.

At least the White Sox are still alive.

10/05/2008 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

regarding the 021st dist how about the handjob D.B.? big fop fan.

10/05/2008 12:22:00 AM  
Blogger FTO JOE said...

Murphy's LAW

Murphy's cops laws
Bullet Proof vests aren't.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. They punch, kick and choke harder too.
The speed at which you respond to a fight call is inversely proportional to how long you've been a cop.
Tear gas works on cops too, and regardless of wind direction, will always blow back in your face.
High speed chases will always proceed from an area of light traffic to an area of extremely heavy traffic.
If you know someone who tortures animals and wets the bed, he is either a serial killer or he works for Internal Affairs.
Placing a gun back in a shoulder holster with your finger on the trigger will cause you to walk with a limp.
Flash suppressors don't really.
If you have `cleared' all the rooms and met no resistance, you and your entry team have probably kicked in the door of the wrong house.
If a cop swings a baton in a fight, he will hit other cops more often than he will hit the bad guys he swings at.
Domestic arguments will always migrate from an area of few available weapons (living room), to an area with many available weapons (kitchen).
If you have just punched out a handcuffed prisoner for spitting at you, you are about to become a star on `Eyewitness News'.
Bullets work on veteran cops too. They also work on weight lifters, martial arts experts, department marksmen, Narco Investigators, S.W.A.T. jocks, and others who consider themselves immortal.
When a civilian sees a red light approaching at a high rate of speed, he will always pull into the lane the cop needs to use.
If you drive your patrol car to the geometric center of the Gobi Desert, within five minutes some dumb civilian will pull along side you and ask for directions.
You can never drive slow enough to please the citizens who don't need a cop, and you can never drive fast enough to please the ones who do.
Any suspect with a rifle is a better shot than any cop with a pistol.
From behind you, the bad guys can see your night sights as well as you can.
On any call, there will always be more `bad guys' than there are good guys, and the farther away your back-up, the more there will be.
The longer you've been a cop, the shorter your flashlight and your temper gets.
Whatever you are about to do, if there is a good chance it will get you killed, you probably shouldn't do it.
You should never do a shotgun search of a dark warehouse with a cop whose nickname is "Boomer."
The better you do your job, the more likely you are to be shot, injured, complained on, sued, investigated, or subpoenaed on your day off.
If a large group of drunk bikers is "holed-up" in a house, the Department will send one officer in a beat car. If there is one biker "holed-up" in a house, they will send the entire S. W. A. T. Team.
The likelihood that you are speaking to an undercover law enforcement officer, is directly proportional to the number of personal questions being asked of you.
Sent by Fred Beeman
Dogs do not see the badge as a person of authority, they see lunch.
Sent by Ryan Parton
Laser sights work both ways
Sent by Oxender, Chad SSgt 321 ESPTS/SFS
Cops arrive late to the scene of crime.
Sent by Ishola Stephen
The number of years on the job is directly proportional to your waist line.
Sent by Zain
The number of people who lock their keys in their car is directly proportional to how bad the weather is.
Sent by Christina N
In general, a persons' innocence is often diametrically opposed to how much they insist that they are.
Sent by Darrell A. Pierce
Any time you decide to do something, even slightly against the law, a police officer will just so happen to be near enough to see it happen.
Sent by Lloupiermuingz
Swiderski's Law
Every thorough investigation leads to confusion
Sent by Gregory Swiderski
Your Testimony in Court is unnecessary until both you and your wife coordinate the same time off work together.
Always be sure to give the guy who complains about paying your salary his nickel back before you write his ticket; It will leave him with a better impression of your services.
The further away the call is into the sticks directly relates to the likelihood you will need a restroom after you are back in service.
Nobody needs a cop while the cop is around.
Cops are society's Sacrificial Lambs. Hey, at least we're not their Jackasses. That would be the Brass.
Even when you're not on call, you're on call. Just ask the Sgt., who doesn't want called.
On an extended Crime Scene, when someone shows up with the doughnuts and coffee, the cops who usually get them are the ones standing around doing nothing and could have gone themselves.
The last seven laws were sent by Wingaman
If a meter maid tells you that you can park there, then most likely you will get a ticket.
Sent by Eduardo
"Spill-proof" lids containing steaming hot coffee, aren't.
"Two beers, officer" is always two more than they should have had.
Sent by Josh Ladd (Portland Police Bureau, Oregon)
Your Right, there is no Justice, Just Us.
Sent by Mike harling

got this from

10/05/2008 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Rebel Knights are a bunch of pussy wanna be's. I beat the crap out of two of them last week and made them buy me a beer. It was raining out so I made the larger of the two go get my car. I gave him 25 cents and let him live.

10/05/2008 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi People, Missy here again.

I have to say I am MAD as heck. My uncle, Tom Byrne (rtd) called me about someone on this blog saying this about me when I become a Sgt.

"if you become my sgt and tell me to write 100 parkers my response will be when hell freezes over."

Listen Buster, I am no light weight, when Uncle Tom makes me a Sgt. I will get you officers to write at least 100 parkers a day for our beloved Mayor.

I may have a nearly 2 years as a P.O., but I know the Rules. You will write for the Mayor. If you do not write the parkers I can and will send you home BUSTER.

I love to work and so will other under me. My roll calls will be about knowing your parking violations via the MCC. I carry a ruler to see if the vehicle is parked to far away from the curb.

Does anyone know how many inches you can stick out? I and Amber my partner write about 50 parkers a day just for that violation.

Well people, I am glad I put that guys statement to rest.

Another thing people, the holiday season is right around the corner.
I think, with my uncle Tom's help that we PAY for the city Xmas tree to show our mayor we care and respect him.

If the FOP rep of every unit collected $5.00 @! member we could build a Xmas tree taller then the Sears Tower. Our Mayor would love us more then ever. We can call him the "Xmas tree guru". I think that is so sweet people.

Well, bye people, and be safe,

Missy/001 district
The parking ticket guru.

10/05/2008 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A dude I know called me from there to ask me a question about a robbery! He has been on longer than I have?!?!!?

At least he had the common sense to call and ask instead of either blowing it off or fucking it up....

10/05/2008 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/05/2008 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, all these wannabe Law Enforcement Bike clubs are full of morons. They want to play the part sooooo bad, wearing "colors" and secret meetings and shit. Wasn't Abbatte affiliated with one of these paragons of professionalism? Being the police isn't enough, these low self-esteem pricks have to pretend to be the mini-Outlaws, but as long as they give a toy in December, they are all good. Pick a side, assholes.

10/05/2008 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What or who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights". I have seen them around and heard they were cop related but I keep hearing about them causing all kinds of problems. Can anybody help me out?

If you encounter one of these guys in a bar BEWARE. They are an outlaw biker club.

10/04/2008 11:20:00 AM

The Rebel Knights are a motorcycle club with a club house in the 009th district. Been in 009 for 7yrs now and to date have never had a problem with them and they have always been respectful to us.

10/05/2008 03:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Was talking to (JJ) at midway on days, looks like the lt has no clothes she threatened to remove my boy form the airport and again she failed! But then again ellyn will be gone soon in the next shake up as Jody realizes that the airport does not need a lt and she would be better used in 009 where see came from!

10/04/2008 11:45:00 AM

What did 009 ever do to you? They can keep her cuz we don't want her back!!! She actually sparred an officer in 009 for a car chase because she felt it was inappropriate for the chase to have occurred. The kicker, the officer wasn't even on her watch nor did she have anything to do with it, she was just reviewing daily activity.

10/05/2008 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can get into this do nothing style of police work. yes, the wallet takes a little hit sans court time, but my overall disposition has improved tenfold. no more getting up to go to court, no more beefs, no more fights on the phone with state's attorneys. to all you young guys, you have an "x" on your back. do your time and get a pension and don't become a statistic.

10/04/2008 02:39:00 AM
Come on dude print the truth "I am a CHICKEN SHIT afraid of police work."
We can all find excuses not to do our job and you, after looking hard, have found yours. So say it out loud, I am a lazy do nothing CHICKEN SHIT and have chosen to hide behind the lack of a contract to perpetuate my "LAZINESS," and my "CHICKEN SHITNESS."
Dude, it is alright just keep stealing your paycheck, and when you print your name behind your post, I will not only put my name but where we can meet.

10/05/2008 04:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rnmc is a motorcycle club near 47th and ashland, has original roots to a police club, that was a long time ago.

10/04/2008 04:46:00 PM

Thier club house is actually on 51st and the funny thing is, the neighborhood youth WILL NOT even think about f--king with them or thier club house so they're ok in my book.

10/05/2008 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A big thank you to all the State and suburban officers who attended the funeral yesterday.

Remember CPD, back up our State Troopers when they may have a traffic stop in or around your district or on the expressway.

Stay Safe All...

10/04/2008 09:45:00 PM

Always have and always will. Regardless or the color of your shirt or the patch on your arm, you are and will always be my brother and I will always be there to back you.

10/05/2008 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you encounter one of these guys in a bar BEWARE. They are an outlaw biker club.

10/04/2008 11:20:00 AM

Being a biker doesn't make you a bad ass. Most of those guys are pussies like the gang bangers when you catch them alone. The thing to watch for is when they're together. Typical pack animal mentality.

Train, train, train. Find a good fighting gym and work on your skills. There was a time when the cops were the most feared group in the city. It should be again.

10/05/2008 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack Obama Bin-Laden says---

" many aliens, both legal and illegal, from Moslem and African countries, will be allowed to vote for Obama..."

I hope all of them, infidel. Besides, it's Muslim--not Moslem. I hope the jihad targets you first.

Change you will be forced to believe in.

10/05/2008 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have any information on this PPO from Church's chicken? He worked in our district, but of cource no one seems to know the real story... only rumors.
10/04/2008 03:06:00 PM
He was stripped. He is working at the Academy while they investigate his case.
He says that he was accosted by some thugs at Churchs and that he pulled his gun and kept it by his side (in case he needed it)
He did not point it at anyone and did id himself as po.
All is on video but Churchs is backing the hood rats.

10/05/2008 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankyou for staing that there is an open thread and not to use P.O. Taylor's. A hero does'nt need cop bashing in his thread. A classy move SSC. Thanks again.

10/05/2008 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pipes & Drums along with the Emerald Society perform at many events "on there own time." They take the time from their family obligations to pay tribute to various events, whether it being a parade or a fallen hero's funeral. We need more like them on this job.

10/05/2008 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
rnmc is a motorcycle club near 47th and ashland, has original roots to a police club, that was a long time ago.

10/04/2008 04:46:00 PM

What club is on 51st and hermitage?

10/05/2008 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

10/04/2008 03:13:00 PM

and the all important d-3 guys! This should only be for d-1 likewise the airports and other specail, how much more greedy can you fucks be?

10/05/2008 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rnmc is a motorcycle club near 47th and ashland, has original roots to a police club, that was a long time ago.

10/04/2008 04:46:00 PM


Knights is spelled with a "K" Einstein.

Their club is in the 1700 block of 51st St.

Stop typing like you know what you're talking about.

10/05/2008 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
(OT) Was talking to (JJ) at midway on days, looks like the lt has no clothes she threatened to remove my boy form the airport and again she failed! But then again ellyn will be gone soon in the next shake up as Jody realizes that the airport does not need a lt and she would be better used in 009 where see came from!

10/04/2008 11:45:00 AM

That si funny shit, why is the lt using the city car everyday to pick up her kid from school? thought this was against policy? I have it on phone video just another cd in the bank!

10/05/2008 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how all 021st district coppers seriously know nothing. NOTHING at all.

A dude I know called me from there to ask me a question about a robbery! He has been on longer than I have?!?!!?

Don't be offended. Seriously, dude, maybe he thought you were a robbery suspect??

10/05/2008 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What or who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights". I have seen them around and heard they were cop related but I keep hearing about them causing all kinds of problems. Can anybody help me out?

If you see a guy wearing a "American" knight patch then you can walk up to him and bitch slap him and 9 times out of ten they will cry and walk away. You see a "Rebel" Knights patch then walk away because that's there family and lifestyle and they will f*ck u up.

10/05/2008 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Rebel Knights are a bunch of pussy wanna be's. I beat the crap out of two of them last week and made them buy me a beer. It was raining out so I made the larger of the two go get my car. I gave him 25 cents and let him live.


and then you woke up and realized it was 2 American Knights not Rebel Knights and after you beat them beat them off.

10/05/2008 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a biker doesn't make you a bad ass. Most of those guys are pussies like the gang bangers when you catch them alone. The thing to watch for is when they're together. Typical pack animal mentality.

Train, train, train. Find a good fighting gym and work on your skills. There was a time when the cops were the most feared group in the city. It should be again.

These biker pussies as u call us get in more fights than you ever will and are in fact trained to kill. So tough guy, next time you see a Rebel Knight (not American Knight they are pussies) or an Outlaw thats alone, walk up to him and see if you can take him. I guarantee your little jujitsu training at the YMCA aint gonna help when your eating my fist. Then afterward I will take your badge and ID because your the Police and will be fired!

10/05/2008 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, all these wannabe Law Enforcement Bike clubs are full of morons. They want to play the part sooooo bad, wearing "colors" and secret meetings and shit. Wasn't Abbatte affiliated with one of these paragons of professionalism? Being the police isn't enough, these low self-esteem pricks have to pretend to be the mini-Outlaws, but as long as they give a toy in December, they are all good. Pick a side, assholes.

AKA: AMERICAN KNIGHTS ha ha what a joke!

10/05/2008 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the all important d-3 guys! This should only be for d-1 likewise the airports and other specail, how much more greedy can you fucks be?

10/05/2008 01:18:00 PM
As much as I can get fuckwad, I have just as much right to work it as you do. When I was a P.O. all the Decs worked special it was not a big deal. This job is turning into a bunch of whiny lazy pusses. You wanna make some money make an arrest and go to court.
I got your greedy fuck right here mother fucker, I am gonna put in for special now just to bump pussies like you.

10/05/2008 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...

10/04/2008 03:13:00 PM

and the all important d-3 guys! This should only be for d-1 likewise the airports and other special, how much more greedy can you fucks be?

10/05/2008 01:18:00 PM

Absolutely! you got the scum D-3s from the crime lab scooping up our (9161) OT opportunities at sergeant's rate. Come on, guys. You already get all that court time.

10/05/2008 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a time when the cops were the most feared group in the city. It should be again.

10/05/2008 06:43:00 AM

Yes! there was a time. There was a time when we REALLY ran this city.
I fear my beat officers when I was growing up in Pilsen, so when I came on the job I too operated in an "I'll fuck you up" mode when I worked the busy streets of the
010th district.

Hey hair gels, learn something from the few dinosaurs that remain.

10/05/2008 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
approx 23years ago, i remember walking dowm michigan ave picketing , the little shit, because we are not allowed to strike, so why don't we do this now. also why in the hell, have the aldermen given themselves a 6 1/2% raise. thought the city was broke, with all of maggie's f--- flowers. its time to take a stand and fuck this city over!!!

10/04/2008 05:38:00 PM

I wonder who is paying Christy Webber to tend those plants and flowers all around the city and at the airports.

10/05/2008 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
what is the status on Lt. J.g. Carroll's "fraud & deception" medical furlo?

10/04/2008 12:24:00 AM

Saw donnie the other day, by jim's house polishing his shoes as always! guess big jim will continue on the "tour" then retire soon! how is sgt eBay doing? Heard he is mad I tell you, mad!

10/04/2008 11:46:00 AM

Was donnie driving? is it true his license might be suspended?

10/05/2008 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to Missy: i will work under you, providing your up over me. by the way...use a dollar bill to measure the distance from the curb to the parked vehicle. if its outside the bill its to far away from the curb. now dominate over me lmao

10/05/2008 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
"please the Missy crap is getting old....
10/04/2008 08:49:00 AM"

Please, it never gets old.

In fact, it gets better with every post.

10/05/2008 12:16:00 AM

Actually, it gets worse with every post. The first couple were fresh and amusing, but now it is just repetitive. Like when Uncle Mort tells the same stories/jokes at every family gathering. Like when that goof who posts here uses the terms "Shitcago" and "The Shitty" and thinks he's original. More typos and grammatical errors, too. Missy the spermsucker should retire now.

10/05/2008 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So members of the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department, MSP, and other local
agencies inside Calhoun County are working with Secret Service in the security
of Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama's bus arrives in Battle Creek and pulls into the
stadium area. Before Mr. Obama exits the bus, he has the Secret Service get off
and tell all Law Enforcement personnel in uniform that they now have to stand
behind the bus so Mr. Obama is not seen with anyone in a Law Enforcement uniform
before he gets off or while in the public view. So, everyone from MSP,
Sheriff's Dept., a nd other agencies looks at each other for a brief second, goes
and stands behind the bus out of sight so Mr. Obama does not have to see, or
been seen with, what to him is "undesirables" since he refuses to been seen or even
acknowledge Military or Law Enforcement."

I've never seen so much story made up bullshit. The Obamas meet with and even speak to CPD officers when they are here in Chicago.
Mrs. Obama even fixed breakfast
for the officers who protect them with the Secret Service. If you won't vote for the man or give him a serious lookover, that's fine, but quit with the lies.

10/05/2008 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"please the Missy crap is getting old....

10/04/2008 08:49:00 AM"

Please, it never gets old.

In fact, it gets better with every post.

its the truth and part of the downfall of this department. she will be a gold star one day. mark my words.

10/05/2008 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did 009 ever do to you? They can keep her cuz we don't want her back!!! She actually sparred an officer in 009 for a car chase because she felt it was inappropriate for the chase to have occurred. The kicker, the officer wasn't even on her watch nor did she have anything to do with it, she was just reviewing daily activity.

10/05/2008 04:03:00 AM

same shit she pulls at midway but my friend (JJ) has her on the ropes she has no power against him! Why was she known as the "crying sgt" in 008? Hope she will be moved soon, she has no idea how real clout works! But she will soon!!

10/05/2008 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"please the Missy crap is getting old....

10/04/2008 08:49:00 AM"

Please, it never gets old.

In fact, it gets better with every post.

its the truth and part of the downfall of this department. she will be a gold star one day. mark my words.

10/05/2008 09:14:00 PM

Sad, but true; Muffy, her cousin, 'works' for me.

Talks like that, acts like that and is untouchable, thanks to her family connections. It boggles the mind.

10/05/2008 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"While I was eye fucking Mr. King-Kong prior to him seeing the light, my partner informed me that two marked units and an unmarked drove by. One even stopping at the traffic light, but never screwing their heads out of their respective asses to observe the unfolding scenario on the northeast corner."

Wow Studly- You must really impress the ladies with all your stories - NOT.

10/05/2008 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"More typos and grammatical errors, too. Missy the spermsucker should retire now.

10/05/2008 07:29:00 PM"

Is it possible that you are both a cop and totally devoid of the capacity to appreciate the accurate and sarcastic mockery of the Missy's, Amber's, and their ilk?

C'mon, buddy, each and every post is chocked full of spot on descriptions, and very close to word for word quotes, of this very special creature we've come to know and 'love' known as 'Missy'.

With your lack of a sense of humor, you must be hell to be around, even when you're drunk. Maybe especially when you're drunk.

10/05/2008 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: ASA's P. S. and T. K. -

They are absolutely on the side of the law...our side. Without question. You can critique their style all you want and I can see why many would. (don't know the specifics of why they became a topic here) Still - you are absolutely wrong to suggest any misconduct.

Stick to criticizing your specific case problems with them...but don't dare question their integrity. They are the "good guys," even if you disagree with the way they do their jobs.

10/04/2008 01:07:00 PM

I agree. They are two of the hardest working asa's, and they have one of the most difficult assignments that nobody wants. They are fair and honest and look out for cops. If they don't file on money you seized, there's a good reason for it, and you should probably thank them.

10/06/2008 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These biker pussies as u call us get in more fights than you ever will and are in fact trained to kill. So tough guy, next time you see a Rebel Knight (not American Knight they are pussies) or an Outlaw thats alone, walk up to him and see if you can take him. I guarantee your little jujitsu training at the YMCA aint gonna help when your eating my fist. Then afterward I will take your badge and ID because your the Police and will be fired!

Yeah ok tough guy we'll see if it goes that way, that might work with your old lady, that's about it, and don't worry, you won't be getting my job because i'm the police, you will get charged accordingly, as the scumbag biker that you are and you know it so STFU

10/06/2008 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi people, Missy here again.

Thanks for all the support you people are giving me. You are true team players.

Good news, my uncle, Tom Byrne (rtd) picked me up and went for java. He said becuase of all the parkers I wrote for the month of Sept that I was going to get a dept. Comm. I have to tell you people, I cried when uncle Tom told me that.

I called my partner Amber right there. She was happy and said this week we will break all our records on parkers. She truly loves our Mayor like myself and uncle Tom.

Uncle Tom also told me that our mayor wants a city-wide team of parker writers. I told him that Amber and me are the mayors girls to get the job done.

Uncle Tom told me he will have me interview a team of 10 P.O., I said WoW. I have less then 2 years as the real police and I get to pick our team of parker writers.

If you can write over 300 a day, drop me a line people. Food for taught people. Take home a case of parks and pre-sign them. I found that you can write them faster this way. Amber just got into this phase.

I told you people that Mr. Hubberman is a dear friend of my uncle Tom. I want to be just like him and show my love for our Mayor.

I cannot wait to become a Sgt. The excitement is getting the best of me. Who knows, one day I may be the commander of traffic. When that comes, the city will be rich with the $$ from parkers my people will write for dear Mr. Mayor.

Got to get ready for a busy Monday !!!

Wabash ave, Missy the parking guru is coming people.

I forgot, I worked at the airport at time and a half and wrote 109 parkers. The sgt said I am a "Legend". No breaks for law breakers I said.

Has anyone given the $5.00 to help our mayor buys more Xmas tree's ?

Be safe people,
Missy/001 distict

10/06/2008 04:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pipes & Drums along with the Emerald Society perform at many events "on there own time." They take the time from their family obligations to pay tribute to various events, whether it being a parade or a fallen hero's funeral. We need more like them on this job.

WHAT???? Their own time? How about code 49? I have seen it myself. Same with the honor guard. I was there on my OWN time along with many others. They still sounded like shit together. They had 2 hours to practice that morning, they should have.

10/06/2008 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT???? Their own time? How about code 49? I have seen it myself. Same with the honor guard. I was there on my OWN time along with many others. They still sounded like shit together. They had 2 hours to practice that morning, they should have.

And what about all the other events we do for free? benefits, parades, we practice every thursday what about those? no code 49 for those
only now are the two fractions of pipe bands getting together after years of BS. The CPD was invited to practice the thursday before the funeral but had to work and many couldnt make it. but you wouldnt know about that would you..oh yeah but your the real police STFU

and who am i? DRUM SGT PIPES AND DRUMS EMERALD SOCIETY cant miss me look for my TATS come up and say hi. LIFM.

10/06/2008 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What did 009 ever do to you? They can keep her cuz we don't want her back!!! She actually sparred an officer in 009 for a car chase because she felt it was inappropriate for the chase to have occurred. The kicker, the officer wasn't even on her watch nor did she have anything to do with it, she was just reviewing daily activity.

10/05/2008 04:03:00 AM

same shit she pulls at midway but my friend (JJ) has her on the ropes she has no power against him! Why was she known as the "crying sgt" in 008? Hope she will be moved soon, she has no idea how real clout works! But she will soon!!

10/05/2008 09:58:00 PM

I work midnights at midway why is everyone bailing off this watch? Bad management since she came here! Maybe she should retire soon! maybe open another bogus gym! take the money and run?

10/06/2008 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

deering darling said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
what is the status on Lt. J.g. Carroll's "fraud & deception" medical furlo?

10/04/2008 12:24:00 AM

Saw donnie the other day, by jim's house polishing his shoes as always! guess big jim will continue on the "tour" then retire soon! how is sgt eBay doing? Heard he is mad I tell you, mad!

10/04/2008 11:46:00 AM

Was donnie driving? is it true his license might be suspended?

10/05/2008 05:44:00 PM

suspended for what? I think sgt eBay was driving, with sgt follower from 001 in the back seat taking food orders!

10/06/2008 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be safe people,
Missy/001 distict

10/06/2008 04:00:00 AM

Please tell me this 'Missy' is just a drunk PO's mythical friend...

The mere thought that this person really exists sickens me.

10/06/2008 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt. Depilar from the academy should be ashamed of himself and reprimanded for showing up at Officer Taylors funeral in blue jeans,red jacket and back pack taking pictures, what a disgrace to the department!

10/06/2008 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, just because a biker gives a gift to a child at Christmas does not make him any less of a man. It shows he has heart and understands humanity.
Also, for 6 1/2 years I worked in 009 and I never had a problem with the Rebel Knights on 51/Wood. 1%'s or not, Rebel Knights were always respectful when I encountered them. Truth be told, the gang bangers never messed with their clubhouse...never.
That being said, I know a lot of bikers, because the military and motorcycles have gone hand in hand since the days of World War 2. My friends know I do not ride. I've crashed two in my life and I choose to avoid a third...being the charm...Had my chance to ride the brutal, jagged terrain of Afghanistan, but I declined out of painful memories.
There are quite a few bikers in my veteran's organization. They are like family to me and I always support them...and vice versa. Many are Vietnam vets who have walked the walk and don't need to beat their chest for approval. They ALWAYS are willing to lend a hand to help someone less fortunate. They are proud blue collar workers. A majority are also cops who like me, strive to keep "The Thin Blue Line" strong. Let's face it, "The Line" is beginning to fade. As I continue to work in 006 this realization becomes more apparent everyday!
Being a former Downstate penetentiary tactical officer, I will agree that the 1%'s (such as the Outlaws, Bandidos, Hells Angels) have the pack mentality, but they also keep to themselves. Rarely do they start riots or instigate the typical street gang bangers. They will finish them however. Again, I never had a problem with 1% bikers. I treated everyone firm, fair and consistent while I was IDOC. I'm by no means bad, but the bad didn't mess with me.
Just wanted to give you a little insight into this on-going thread about Rebel Knights vs. every other biker club.
To my Brothers in American Knights, you guys are class act and it's an honor calling you friends. You know who you are and what you are made of. Your actions speak volumes. Respect is earned.

-"Purple Shades"
006th District

10/06/2008 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/06/2008 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and who am i? DRUM SGT PIPES AND DRUMS EMERALD SOCIETY cant miss me look for my TATS come up and say hi. LIFM.

10/06/2008 07:41:00 AM

hey tater tot does the fact that you have tattoos make you tough? If I knew you Id call you Sgt Tater Tot!

10/06/2008 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With your lack of a sense of humor, you must be hell to be around, even when you're drunk. Maybe especially when you're drunk.

10/05/2008 11:31:00 PM

And you probably think "Three's Company" is highbrow humor.

10/06/2008 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These biker pussies as u call us get in more fights than you ever will and are in fact trained to kill. So tough guy, next time you see a Rebel Knight (not American Knight they are pussies) or an Outlaw thats alone, walk up to him and see if you can take him. I guarantee your little jujitsu training at the YMCA aint gonna help when your eating my fist. Then afterward I will take your badge and ID because your the Police and will be fired!

10/05/2008 04:49:00 PM

Hey dickhead, your so tough because you fight with all your buddies with you. "Trained to kill" hat a laugh.
Your a pussy by yourself and you know it! Nitro is an asshole! Retired cop, should have his pension yanked. Much like he does to you know who to keep you guys alive!

Fuck with us and you'll see how tough you are!

10/06/2008 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work midnights at midway why is everyone bailing off this watch? Bad management since she came here! Maybe she should retire soon! maybe open another bogus gym! take the money and run?

10/06/2008 08:05:00 AM

hey boss I know your putting gps on bosses cars but the lts at midway is bought by avaiation and not serviced by cpd, how about gps for her it would help! Does she even work an 6 hour day?

10/06/2008 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt. Depilar from the academy should be ashamed of himself and reprimanded for showing up at Officer Taylors funeral in blue jeans,red jacket and back pack taking pictures, what a disgrace to the department!

He wasn't the only one. Video/Audio guys, Jack Killackey (I know he's retired) in dockers and a golf shirt, they should all be ashamed. Don't you have a tie or class a's you disrespectful goofs?

10/06/2008 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how many inches you can stick out?

It depends on how aroused I am.

10/07/2008 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P-Shades, you always come through with some motivational advice my friend. Something tells me you would make a decent boss out there on the street. How's 006 treating you? The Thin Blue Line is almost non-existent in 009 anymore buddy. You keep holding on to it like it means don't. Dude, look how you ended up in 006. Don't you see there is no loyalty? Let go of your imaginary Blue Line and become a KMA member like many of your brothers in blue. Time to let the cape ain't Superman and Chicago ain't New York.

-009th Midnight po

10/07/2008 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same "Purple Shades" that Gene Roy in 009 forced him to leave for S.O.S?

10/07/2008 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen Brother 'Purple Shades'!!!!!!
Have a shot of whiskey on earned it!

10/07/2008 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey tater tot does the fact that you have tattoos make you tough? If I knew you Id call you Sgt Tater Tot!

Come find out. SGT TATER TOT AKA: LIFM

10/07/2008 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boys, Purple Shades is probably the most down to earth copper I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He works in 006 and is all about VETERANS. Most guys say they help war vets...this guy actually devotes his time to ensuring it.
Comes from good stock. His SF team Sgt Pop was tougher than a $2 steak, but he was a cop's cop. Looks like Jr. didn't fall far from that tree.
Thanks for the love Shades!
-a biker

10/07/2008 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for my money..... said...
Anonymous said...
approx 23years ago, i remember walking dowm michigan ave picketing , the little shit, because we are not allowed to strike, so why don't we do this now. also why in the hell, have the aldermen given themselves a 6 1/2% raise. thought the city was broke, with all of maggie's f--- flowers. its time to take a stand and fuck this city over!!!

10/04/2008 05:38:00 PM

23 years ago, you were not marching against the little shit unless you were marching against the State's Attorney.

23 years ago it was 1985, and Harold Wasington was our Mayor. Mr. Washington exited our world in the end of 1987, then we had David Orr for a brief second, Wilson Frost was also there for a millisecond, and then we lucked out and had Eugene Sawyer for 1+ years, until shortshanks won in 1989.

Say what you will, but except for staffing his detail with black racists, Harold was decent to the police department and more importantly, left it alone for the most part.

But Eugene Sawyer, God rest his soul, was a gentleman and a genuinely nice man that liked the police department. It is a damn shame that the city electorate gave the job to shortshanks over Eugene Sawyer. I salute you Mr. Sawyer, and although it doesn't amount to much coming from somebody out of the mainstream, I still think of you with admiration and enormous respect. Thank you for your leadershp, sir, brief as it was.

From a White Guy that didn't have a chance without that brief window of time when we were lucky enough to have Mr. Eugene Sawyer as the Mayor of Chicago.

Southside 19-Paul

10/07/2008 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come find out. SGT TATER TOT AKA: LIFM

10/07/2008 07:06:00 AM
ok Sgt tater tot

10/07/2008 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And you probably think "Three's Company" is highbrow humor.

10/06/2008 11:18:00 PM"

Funny is funny.

Highbrow, lowbrow, unibrow, whatever.

Do you really want to expose your sensitivity to class distinctions via your taste, or distaste, in humor?

Everyone's shit stinks, everybody bleeds red and every soul leaves this world the same as they entered it, flat broke and naked.

If you're not amused, that's your problem, not mine.

10/07/2008 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what you say. Missy, Amber, CC, and all the girls are OK with me.


10/07/2008 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happened to marine unit officer Nial Funchion and his swim around Lake Michigan. The BIG "connect to the journey" bullshit scam to raise money for something he never attempted to do? Who is Nial? Rumor has it he is the CPD first responder/EMT instructor. What PO's required to carry advanced emergency medical equipment with them during tour of duty. I thought thats what the
CFD was for.

10/07/2008 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I work midnights at midway why is everyone bailing off this watch? Bad management since she came here! Maybe she should retire soon! maybe open another bogus gym! take the money and run?

10/06/2008 08:05:00 AM

hey boss I know your putting gps on bosses cars but the lts at midway is bought by avaiation and not serviced by cpd, how about gps for her it would help! Does she even work an 6 hour day?

10/06/2008 11:28:00 PM

Attention Mr. Weis!
your social experiment of putting a spoiled brat at Midway airport has failed.
The lieutenant's position is to act as a liaison to the airport's many entities.
Instead, she is harrasing the officers, terrorizing the sergeants, and throwing her weight around in an embarrasing fashion.

....and it's true; this gal rarely works a complete tour. The timekeeper will cover for her by saying, "she's at a meeting" and padding her own overtime.

10/07/2008 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
......Do you really want to expose your sensitivity to class distinctions via your taste, or distaste, in humor?

Everyone's shit stinks, everybody bleeds red and every soul leaves this world the same as they entered it, flat broke and naked.

10/07/2008 02:33:00 PM

Man, talk about having no sense of humor!

10/07/2008 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear SCC,

This is Michael Shields writing to you. First of all, I really cannot thank you enough for posting the video of me confronting Ron Huberman and showing all the other shenanigans down at the Pension Board. Thanks primarily to your blog and its post, I firmly believe that enough light has shined on the issue that our Pension Board members are now left with no viable choice other than voting “No” on the Huberman pension grab.

While the Huberman issue is important, I am hoping you might post this letter because there are a lot of issues at the Board that are much larger than Huberman and his pension credit for CTA service. For instance, our pension fund had about four billion dollars in it at the end of 2007. Its unfunded liability is also about four billion dollars. Over four-hundred million dollars of our pension fund in 2007 was invested in now-toxic mortgage backed securities. What has happened to those investments? How much money have we lost this year? Why if the City funding our pension at only 47%?

With the economy in ruins, we are truly on the brink of a pension disaster. We need responsible investing and we need to rid the Board of City Hall influence. More important, we need adequate funding. If you want to hear about my plan and learn more about Daley nephews and Daley contributors making money off our pensions, please check out my campaign video at . I’ve been to a bunch of roll calls, but it’s impossible for me to reach everyone in person.

To let you know that I am deadly serious, please publish my personal email address: . I invite anyone and everyone to question, comment and criticize at will. I firmly believe that the upcoming Pension Board election is the most important in our history. We need to act now to insure that we will have a viable pension when we retire. Thank you.


Michael Shields

10/08/2008 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when you think you heard it all - Listen up folks. 019 is having their Christmas Retirement Party and will posthumously honor
Richard Francis and Bob Finn. So when they went through the process to get the stars from Personnel for the starcases they were told by a Sergeant No! "She got enough stuff already". She meaning Mrs. Francis. She got enought stuff but she doesn't have her husband.Then they were told No! for Bob Finn because he didn't turn in his shield with everything else. He needs to turn that into Personnel.
Except there is one small problem,
Bob lost his fight with cancer and
is unable to go to Personnel. Why would Personnel accept his star and not document the shield missing from the turn in? Did some one put curse on 019 or does someone from 35th Street have a hard on for 019? And who is this Sergeant's clout anyway? He or she should be notified of the way he treats police officers.He or she is an embarrassment and a disgrace to the Department. Maybe the Superintendent needs to look at who is working for him.

10/08/2008 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Man, talk about having no sense of humor!

10/07/2008 09:42:00 PM"

What makes you think I wasn't laughing every second it took to type and post?

10/10/2008 03:40:00 AM  

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