Friday, November 07, 2008

List of Judges NOT Retained

The following is a list of Cook County Judges who did not meet the 60% retention threshold during the recent elections:

Every other judge running got the 60% necessary to continue serving on the bench.

On a side note, we'd like to thank Mope-rah, who wrote an entire article about Judge Clay being targeted for removal by bar associations, lawyer groups and other narrow minded "racists" because she allows known felons, cop-shooters and dope dealers to continue to terrorize an entire community based on faulty and improper interpretations of the law. Mope-rah put Clay over the top, no doubt about it.

And to the commentator who blamed SCC for Clay's retention, you truly fit the definition of an asshat. A blog with 8,000 computer literate readers on a good day (30% of whom reside outside of Cook County) versus a paper that cost half a buck and reaches tens of thousands, including Mope-rah readers? We tried and reached a few thousand people - how many did you talk to?

UPDATE: To numerous commentators, we're talking about MOPE-rah (a.k.a. Mary Mitchell) backing "judge" Clay, not the daytime drama queen.

We are continuing our policy of not printing entire newspaper articles unless it serves at purpose and we are not politicizing the funeral of our brother with calls for a job action (which, again, is a Rules Violation)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted no on all of them on election day. However the only thing i won that day was the illinois constit. ------- DOH!!

11/07/2008 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes all the judges were retained. Did you truely believe that they wouldn't. ( I actually thought "maybe") but the message was not Loud & Clear enough.

OFF Topic:
Watch the latest SOUTH PARK episode regarding OBAMA & MCAINE. It came out just after election.
How did 'they' know oboma was going to be elected? it wasn't created in one day. Maybe an alternative if McAine was elected?

11/07/2008 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/07/2008 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad she lets them go. Whom do they usually terrorize?

11/07/2008 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time, we need a public campaign to vote NO for ALL the judges. The main reason our criminal justice system sucks here in Cook County is the judges...go to Texas, the judges there throw everyone in the slammer for serious time, they don't mess around. We need justice here in Cook County.

11/07/2008 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some proof our children are being brainwashed by the Public Schools to vote for Democrats Tjis is going on all over the country not just here in Chicago. This is a scary video:

11/07/2008 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the history of Cook County no judge has ever received below 60 percent of the vote and been voted out. It's because people vote yes to every judge because they don't know the judges.

11/07/2008 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some years back FOP under John Dineen plus newspaper support ousted Judge larry Passerella for a finding of NG on assault of PO C Tuohy...officer was beaten with lead pipe....Passerella was tied in with marcy,dearco,roit 1st ward crew.....failed to get 60%retention..great effort by Dineen and FOP plus Mike Royko,plus help by Chgo police Sgts association...

11/07/2008 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF Topic:
Watch the latest SOUTH PARK episode regarding OBAMA & MCAINE. It came out just after election.
How did 'they' know oboma was going to be elected? it wasn't created in one day. Maybe an alternative if McAine was elected?

11/07/2008 11:32:00 AM

The episode WAS created in 20 hours. It was started as soon as most polls came in and the only thing they had a backup for was trhe dialouge. They have done it several times in less than 20 hours in the past on several topics.

11/07/2008 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They all got retained. Amazing. Yeah, Mary. The Chicago Bar Association, the Tribune, even the bleeding hearts at the public-interest lawyers' association--all a bunch of racists because they urged people to vote Clay out.

And all the other worthless Machine tools got re-elected, too.

11/07/2008 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time, we need a public campaign to vote NO for ALL the judges. The main reason our criminal justice system sucks here in Cook County is the judges...go to Texas, the judges there throw everyone in the slammer for serious time, they don't mess around. We need justice here in Cook County.

11/07/2008 12:49:00 PM

If the criminals were in jail, who would be there to support machine politics?

Get real. Illinois voters are a lost cause. The pathetic and clueless working liberals seduced to be whores by the inner-city driven pimp of a democratic party.

Its over in this shithole. Welcome to Detroit redux.

11/07/2008 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/07/2008 12:09:00 PM

Did you vote moron? The list was there. Asshat.

11/07/2008 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now com'on! Mary Mitchell is above reproach! She is not racist, or prejudice, or even a sinner. She is the anointed prophet of truth that the rest of the non-black world cannot see. Her rescue of Judge Clay is nothing short of raising Lazarus from the dead. Her voice is going to waste because she is the only one, save one or two other media types who really know how to save the world and this city. Hey, Mary, why don't you run for mayor!?!? Run, MOPE-rah, run! Enlighten us and bring us the truth from your ivory tower.

11/07/2008 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad she lets them go. Whom do they usually terrorize?

sometimes "they" shoot coppers too Einstien

11/07/2008 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
In the history of Cook County no judge has ever received below 60 percent of the vote and been voted out. It's because people vote yes to every judge because they don't know the judges.

11/07/2008 01:30:00 PM


Thats not true. I remeber years back when a judge gave a POS too many chances to change his ways and then I believe he beat up a female cop real bad and there was a HUGE campaign to get his ass off the beanchand it was successful.
I believe late 80's early 90's.

But for the most part it is a job for life.
All No votes and ono votes should count against the judge.

11/07/2008 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder what those judges will do if the shitheads involved in the incident described here are caught. The following is true. It happened to friends of my niece (who I long ago armed with pepper spray). Note that she says the CPD showed up in "a minute."
On Wednesday, November 5, 2008 my friend Erin and I went out for the
evening in the Lincoln Park area (Chicago). After going to the bars we went to get something to eat with a few other people, not far from my apartment. Erin and I left the restaurant to walk home - around 1:00 am - we didn't think it was necessary to take a cab - the weather was really nice and we were only a few short blocks from my apartment. Our friends offered to walk with us, but again, not thinking it necessary because I have done that walk a million times.

We are walking and talking, now only about a block and a half from my place, we are right next to the church I attend in a really nice
neighborhood with huge expensive houses. (What I'm trying to show is
that this can happen ANYWHERE) The next thing I know, Erin is grabbed
from behind and a guy appears in front of me - inches from my face -
and grabs me by the arms holding my shoulders and arms against my
sides. It all happened in a split second, out of no where. There were
5 guys that surrounded us, they must have been hiding in between
parked cars and bushes next to the sidewalk. Somehow I manage to break
free from the guy's grip but he grabs me and pulls my arms behind me.

Again somehow I break free, lose my shoes and start running. He is
chasing after me. I briefly look behind me and see Erin on the ground with 4 of the guys holding her down. She is screaming for me and struggling. The hardest thing I ever did was to keep running. I didn't even have time to think, but my body's initial reaction was just to RUN, RUN FOR HELP NOW. I knew that if I stayed to help her it was going to do no good....2 girls and 5 guys are terrible odds. I felt so guilty leaving her, but I had to get help. So I ran faster than I ever have in my entire life. I remembered that there was a hostel right around the corner. I ran into the hostel and as I'm screaming and crying tell the guys working we had just been attacked. 2 of them run
to get Erin and 1 stayed with me while I called 911. Within a minute
the the police and ambulance showed up. I was escorted back to the scene a few minutes later - still terrified and in shock of what had happened...and so terrified to see Erin. As I approached I could see blood all over the sidewalk. Inside the ambulence, Erin is covered in
blood. In the stuggle, her body is scratched and scraped and bruised,
and her hair is soaked with blood. Her head was hit against the

We spent the entirety of the rest of that night and morning in the
emergency room. I only had gashed my foot open from running, but Erin
sustained a decent sized gash and had to get 5 staples in her head. We both had to get tetnus shots as well. Luckily, physically we were ok for the most part, but the emotional trauma from that experience is one far greater than I can explain. We are both still absolutely terrified and traumatized from what has happened. You feel so violated
and helpless. I am terrified to walk anywhere anymore, even in
daylight. I shouldn't have to feel that way in my own neighborhood.

The next day we went back to the scene to try to put the pieces
together. You can still see blood on the sidewalk. We were able to
find a few of Erin's bracelets and her headband, but nothing else. I
also noticed the Priest from my church and another woman outside the church talking. I went to tell them the story so that they could
inform the neighborhood. They mentioned to me that lately ours andother surrounding neighborhoods have been targeted. There was a woman in the neighborhood who was pulling in to her garage, at NOON -
daylight! She had her 2 little children in the car, and as she pulled into her garage and the garage door was closing, 3 men rolled underneath the door and were shut into the garage with her and her children. They robbed her at gun point. This happened at noon, broad daylight, in Lincoln Park. The last thing anyone would expect. PLEASE PLEASE PROTECT YOURSELVES.

The men who attacked us were 5 hispanics in their mid to late 20s. They got away with Erin's purse, which incidentally only had a few credit cards and only $20 cash. I'd like to think that they were only out looking to rob somebody, but who knows what could have happened had we not been able to get help, or if they had weapons, or God forbid, had we been alone and not together. There are so many "what if''s" that I don't want to think about....but what I do know is that we are extremely, extremely lucky that something worse didn't happen
to us. I find it ironic that this happened in front of my church....I
really think God was watching out for us and that is why something
worse didn't happen. We were taught a very valuable lesson.

I wanted to tell everyone what happened to me because I would never want this same thing to happen to anyone else. I think I just got a little too comfortable with my surroundings and gained this false sense of security that "It won't happen to me," "It won't happen in this neighborhood," etc. etc. etc.

What I think attracted the guys to us is that Erin was carrying a
large purse. I don't even know if they saw my purse because it was a
small, black hand clutch, but Erin had a large light colored shoulder
bag. This may have made us easy targets. Girls please think about then when going out at night.

For girls and guys both you never know. Crazy people do crazy things,
and especially as this economy is so bad right now....people are
getting desperate and will do terrible, cowardly things to get money or whatever it is they need. Protect yourself and your friends.

NEVER WALK ALONE. Never walk at night - I'm telling you...the $7 cab ride is worth it.

11/07/2008 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wait till Mope-rah gets robbed by someone that Clay let go. But then again, it'd still be our fault.

11/07/2008 05:58:00 PM  
Blogger Page17 "Shit Town" said...

New Judges.

DEM - Sharon Johnson Coleman
DEM - John O. Steele
DEM - Dennis J. Burke
DEM - Jesse G. Reyes
DEM - Maureen Ward Kirby
DEM - Marilyn F. Johnson
DEM - Thomas J. Byrne
DEM - Debra B. Walker
DEM - Kristyna Colleen Ryan
DEM - Michael B. Hyman
DEM - Joan Powell
DEM - Donna L. Cooper
DEM - Patrick J. Sherlock
DEM - Pat Rogers
DEM - Anita Rivkin-Carothers
DEM - Ursula Walowski
DEM - Diana L. Kenworthy
DEM - Eileen O'Neill Burke
DEM - Pamela Elizabeth Loza
REP - Annie O'Donnell
REP - Margarita Kulys Hoffman
DEM - James N. O'Hara
DEM - Edward A. Arce
DEM - Anna Helen Demacopoulos

Evelyn B. Clay 2290 of 2290 precincts counted 100.00%
Yes 454,246 65.75%
No 236,616 34.25%

11/07/2008 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the Con-Con voted for or against? I missed it in the Mainstream media.

11/07/2008 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy was a body builder/bone breaker for the Mob- Cathy Touhy put a stop on him after some kids said he was following them or trying to solicite them. He beat the crap out of her, hit her with a lead pipe and I think he broke the leg of the 1st responding p.o. and put some hurt on the second back up officer. He was bad, bad news.

When the trial came up, the judge gave his verdict "dismissed' and turned off his mike and left the room.

Great campaign to oust him worked.

11/07/2008 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During his first news conference, did anyone notice how quick President-elect Obama was to announce the uneventfulness of his gathering on Hutchinson Field in Grant Park, other than an accidental injury sustained by Lynn Sweet, Washington correspondent for the Scum-Times.

The President-elect must be aware of the speculation before the event concerning the criminal histories of potential attendees and the ruliness of the attendees before, during and after his speech, whether his speech be given in victory or in defeat, for him to be so quick to make it known there were no out-of-the-ordinary occurrences at his gathering.

In other words, almost everybody behaved themselves despite the predictions of mass lawlessness at his gathering, but why would it be an issue for the President-elect of the United States of America and mentioned by him at his very first news conference if he had not read about all the speculation on SCC.

Commenting on the safety of the event would be the usual for, let's say, Daley, Weis, Orozco, and/or Sullivan, but the President-elect of the USA? Seems odd that the subject would be on his mind if he had not been made aware of it or become aware of it on his own. I think SCC has a reader that is soon to occupy the highest office of our land!

11/07/2008 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is not retaining the judges, it's the entire Cook County system. It's corrupt and the cronyism is beyond repair. People get re-elected no matter how inept they are, it's the democratic, crook-county way. It will take a few more generations to make any type of difference in the way things are. It will take a GOP - messiah , aka obama-like conservative, to make things turn around.

11/07/2008 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 1980s a female CPD officer stopped a driver who turned out to be a leg breaker for the mob

For those who want to know her initials were CT

This person whose initials were MC beat the female PO with a tire iron causing her to undergo a few facial surgeries

The agg batt against a PO case was in front of Judge James? Passerella who according to word on the street may have had some undesireable associates.

The case was either thrown out completely or Passerella allowed a plea and issued a light no jail time non-sentence, I cant recall which.

The point is that MC got a walk on aan agg batt on a PO case

When election time came the FOP mounted a dump Passerella campaign and he was booted out

11/07/2008 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think SCC has a reader that is soon to occupy the highest office of our land!

11/07/2008 10:59:00 PM"

If so, then he's a lot smarter than some give him credit for being.

11/08/2008 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn! Clay stayed on the bench. Unbelievable!!!!

Judge "let em go" Leo Holt gone. Long time ago. Was the worst at 26th street.

Judge Flemming took his place but obviously held his position. If the public only knew. You have crime in your neighborhood. Thank Judge Flemming. PRO BAD GUY, ANIT GOOD GUY / POLICE DEPARTMENT. Ask any workn' copper or states attorney assigned to his pre-lim court or now, criminal court room. The worst of the bunch and their is alot of bad ones that are continuously dropn' the ball.

11/08/2008 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like little Erin and the other Obama voter got a reality check.

Sanctuary City Blues.

11/08/2008 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 1980s a female CPD officer stopped a driver who turned out to be a leg breaker for the mob

For those who want to know her initials were CT

This person whose initials were MC beat the female PO with a tire iron causing her to undergo a few facial surgeries

The agg batt against a PO case was in front of Judge James? Passerella who according to word on the street may have had some undesireable associates.

The case was either thrown out completely or Passerella allowed a plea and issued a light no jail time non-sentence, I cant recall which.

The point is that MC got a walk on aan agg batt on a PO case

When election time came the FOP mounted a dump Passerella campaign and he was booted out

11/07/2008 11:14:00 PM

Judge was part of silver shovel(FOR THOSE WE CAN REMEBER HAPPENED IN THE 80'S)

11/08/2008 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doggie Sgt Degenhardt dumped again!
twice in 18 months! Congrats! I guess it ain't all about you is it?
hahahahahahahahaha! Whose the bitch taking calls and getting 30 mins for lunch now? I guess your new team backstabbed you too? Oh well i guess your clout ain't all that. bye bye tool! back to the district Brownstain Jr. Oh wait Brownstain had more class!

11/08/2008 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A PO attacked with a tire iron ? Lead pipes ? That offender should have been shot..Civilians beaten and robbed in lincoln park ? Keep voting DEM and you will never get to carry a gun as a civilian. And you will continue taking shit from criminals. The yuppies in lincoln park had better keep taking those cabs home if they vote DEM. If you cant or wont protect yourself, move to the burbs... I threw a "no" vote on clay, in honor of POs everywhere.

11/08/2008 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cooley paid passerella to find that guy not guilty after he beat CT mercilessly and he was pumped up like he had an air-hose up his ass! Full of steroids. Known cop-fighter. Bennie leg-breaker.

11/08/2008 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEM - Anita Rivkin-Carothers

Can the FOP start a campaign to oust this police hater and crony? Worthless and a Larry Hoover lover.(literally).

11/08/2008 05:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to say thanks to the person who printed the letter from the young lady. That young lady is the reason we should want to do our jobs (I know alot of the yuppies/young aren't are biggest fans). I'm going to bet the dist this happened in is 019 (yes it could be 023 or 018). I worked in 019 at one time and can think of a street that has a hostel (not alot of hostels in Chicago) and church just down the block (that church has alot of homeless).

The reason I say thank you for printing that is all to often Area 3 is called a joke. Area 3 has real victims not just shithead vs shithead like most of Area 1,2, and 4. The assholes in those areas really hate the police.

I like most of this dept have slowed down to a crawl. I still respond to my jobs and this would not have been blown off. Brothers and Sisters in Blue we can still to our job and hold our heads high without making the king any money. Lets not forget that and stay together. Don't let Jodi, SA's officer and the King devide us.

11/08/2008 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 1980s a female CPD officer stopped a driver who turned out to be a leg breaker for the mob

For those who want to know her initials were CT

This person whose initials were MC beat the female PO with a tire iron causing her to undergo a few facial surgeries

Fuck the initials.
What is this pricks name ?

11/08/2008 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hands off drug dealers, bad judges and a leaderless leader of organized crime. Stop hiring of police, reduce through attrition, and remove capable leaders. What is the message? Are we returning to the 1920"s when crime ruled? If gang leaders were smart, they reduce violent crime, make a deal with the police and judges and sell drugs without police interference. Tons of money for politicans and certain police officals.

11/08/2008 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/08/2008 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe she retired as a Capt. Her husband Marty was a Sgt. but passed sometime ago. Blatant miscarriage of justice letting the moron off the hook who beat her! Crook County, what can you say!

11/08/2008 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the story, with the names.

In 1986, Police Officer Cathy Touhy and her partner were making what was believed to be a routine traffic stop of 29-year-old Michael Collela, a 229 lb. weight lifter from Elmwood Park. Collela went into a violent rage, attacking both officers with a steel pipe.

The beating left Officer Touhy with facial injuries, concussion and a broken nose, and Collela was charged with attempted murder and aggravated battery. Circuit Court Judge Lawrence A. Passarella heard the case in a bench trial and acquitted Collela. Cooley represented Collela. Cooley said, in his recent appearance at the LIUNA hearings, that he was prepared to win the trial on its merits, without resorting to a bribe. Pat Marcy, former secretary of the First Ward Democratic Organization and, Cooley claims, a member of the mob, told him that the case had been fixed. According to Officer Touhy, the judge turned off his microphone, said 'not guilty' and scurried out the back door of the courtroom. This, says Cooley, was the final straw: he had grown weary and was angered at how justice could be bought and sold. Marcy was subsequently charged with accepting a bribe to fix the case.

Copyright 1998 UMI, Inc.; ABI/INFORM
Copyright Carfax Publishing Co 1998
International Review of Law, Computers & Technology
March 1998

11/08/2008 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge Lawrence Passarella was successfully voted out after a massive PR effort by the CPD, Chicago Bar, and Mike Royko. Passarella heard the case at 26th St. in one of those crappy courtrooms with the glassed in area for spectators. Every day the gallery was packed with POs in uniform to show their support for the victim, Off. Cathleen Touhy.
At the conclusion of the evidence, Passarella cowardly turned off the speakers in the gallery area filled with police officers and announced his decision, "Not Guilty", then scurried off the bench and presumably back under a rock.
Owing to the professionalism of the police, there was not a riot in the court room as there sometimes is when some scumbag is convicted and his homies go nuts.
Passarella is the only judge ever to be voted out in retention balloting so that system is a joke.
The saddest part of the tale is that the dirtbag defendant was represented by Robert Cooley, a former Chicago police officer, who sold his badge when on the job and fixed cases as a lawyer.
This shitbird wrote a tell all worth reading,however, while in the federal witness protection program entitled "When Corruption Was King".
Some of the content is bullshit such as his account of his police derring do. But a lot of the dirt is spot on.
However, just as not all cops are bad like Cooley, not all judges are bad like Clay. We shouldn't destroy the good ones just to get rid of the bad ones. But, we need a system to rid ourselves of the Clay, Holt, Hopkins, Williams, Pietrucha crowd.

11/08/2008 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jjthulis rtd Lt said...
Some years back FOP under John Dineen plus newspaper support ousted Judge larry Passerella for a finding of NG on assault of PO C Tuohy...officer was beaten with lead pipe....Passerella was tied in with marcy,dearco,roit 1st ward crew.....failed to get 60%retention..great effort by Dineen and FOP plus Mike Royko,plus help by Chgo police Sgts association...

11/07/2008 01:51:00 PM


Passarella later blew his brains out after his Mob connections came out during the Greylord investigation.

11/08/2008 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/08/2008 01:42:00 AM

Wrong. She retired as a Captain.

And, although she was wronged by the offender, and the subsequent added insult to injury at the hand of the idiot judge, she was very fortunate to recover from her physical injuries near 100%, see the judge ousted because the FOP and her brothers and sisters actively campaigned against the judge, ultimately attain the rank of Captain, and retire with a very nice pension.

How many people are that fortunate to see such justice? Not many. She suffered misfortune at the outset of her career, but ultimately, she saw good things that most people in similar circumstances would never see happen for them.

And, although, she deserved to have good things arise from the terrible beating she sustained, all in all she was quite fortunate that good things DID come her way, but ultimately she turned out to be a mean and petty white shirt. She went out of her way to mess with the very people that supported her and helped make good things happen for her. I am not talking about doing the job her position demanded. I am talking about going the extra steps to mess with people.

Touhy was the Caucasian equivalent of Captain Mary Rozell, just a jerk that turned out to be an imbalanced jerk of a boss, and I, for one, am glad she retired, as I was glad to see Mary Rozell move on, and although I wish Rozell well with her health crisis, Touhy and Rozell both had the people skills of a pissed-off mental patient. The job is better off without them, as it would be if a host of others moved on, like Weis for one.

11/08/2008 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following is an e-mail from a Lt. assigned to Grant Park......

Subject: Election night

Well, we now have a new president. At the least this should put cries of affirmative action to rest as Obama has proven that as a black man in the USA to can achieve anything...if you want to and you work hard. I'll judge as the 4 years unfold. First, I'll know the atmosphere of his presidency by the decision he makes about U.S.A. Fitzgerald. That will set the tone.

In the meantime, here's what the media hasn't told you AND NEVER WILL:

1. Obama's rally was somewhat peaceful due to the fact that about 70% of the attendees both in the ticketed and unticketed areas were white.
2. In the unticketed area (where I was) black teens turned over several porta-potties with people in them. They also caved in the roof of one by jumping on it. That particular porta-potty was for handicapped access and had an elderly female with a walker in it.
3. Calm was exhibited by the some 300,000 people because there was a strict search for booze and no booze was sold.
4. A CPD squad car came under sniper fire in the 900 blk of N. Ridgeway and was struck by several gunshots. 2 arrests. No cops hurt.
5. Citywide 14 CPD squad cars were damaged by thrown rocks, bricks, bottles. 6 officers injured.
6. Madison, Chicago, 16th St, 47th St., 63rd St, MLK, Cottage Grove and Howard St. were closed for several blocks in either direction to account for crowds. Several businesses citywide were broken into and looted (clothing & liquor stores were the primary targets).
7. Riot police used gas on the crowds in the following districts: 2,5,11,15.
8. Within the first 30 minutes following the announcement of a new president, the 7th District received 104 separate calls of shots fired.
9. It took 2.5 hours following the closing of Grant Park to clear the Loop of roving crowds and reopen traffic. Although no arrests were made in Grant Park, 19 arrests were made in the Loop (2 for UUW); these don't include those made on the train platforms or subways.
10. Snow plows were lined up on Monroe between LSD/Columbus; Roosevelt between State/Canal, to be used a mobile barricades to control unruly crowds. My platoon has 6 trucks for Butler Field where the majority of the crowd was.
11. Tact Lts assigned to the details were equipped with 100 flex cuffs; 2 plastic riot shields and 10 large canisters (fire extinguisher size) of pepper gas to deploy at their discretion.
12. At the debriefing, the bosses simply said "We got lucky."

That is all. Let me know if you read or see this anywhere.

11/08/2008 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clay is bad; so is Flemming and Rickie Jones

11/08/2008 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the scum times will go out of existance within a year fuck all the liberal black racists on the scum times

11/08/2008 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cooley paid passerella to find that guy not guilty after he beat CT mercilessly and he was pumped up like he had an air-hose up his ass! Full of steroids. Known cop-fighter. Bennie leg-breaker.

11/08/2008 04:11:00 AM

Bullets go through muscle.

Take a lesson from this story. Never be afraid to shoot.

Its all explainable.
Its only a job.
Its the city's money.

11/08/2008 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to say thanks to the person who printed the letter from the young lady. That young lady is the reason we should want to do our jobs (I know alot of the yuppies/young aren't are biggest fans). I'm going to bet the dist this happened in is 019 (yes it could be 023 or 018).

I agree. But, I would still like to know what opinions the victims had about police before this incident.

The police bashing, the civil judgements, the complaints, the George Ryan death row prison break, Weis...this all isn't caused by the citizens of Area 1 and 2. The engine driving this nonsense is the public support for lowlifes found in 018, 023, and 019. Where are the most copies of the Reader found?

Crime is always someone else's problem until its your problem. This election cycle lasted more than 2 years and I cannot recall one question about crime.

Next time there might be some.

11/08/2008 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When judge clay does her usual racist and imcompetent actions in court, people need to file a complaint with the attorney discipline and registration board where they will institute an investigation and have the power to remove her from office. The more complaints, the more it will help.

11/08/2008 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Judge Clay get retained ?
You state there is a list of Judges not retained.
I can't bring it up on my pc
Please Help.

11/08/2008 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to say thanks to the person who printed the letter from the young lady. That young lady is the reason we should want to do our jobs (I know alot of the yuppies/young aren't are biggest fans).
You're welcome. I know it was long and thought about cutting parts out, but since it was written by a victim, I thought I should post it all. Luckily, the girls are fine physically, but will be haunted by this experience.

A few positives: they (and their friends) have new respect for the CPD, no longer have sympathy for illegals and became instant Republicans...

11/08/2008 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fuck the initials.
What is this pricks name ?

11/08/2008 07:50:00 AM"

Ya gotta love Google.

11/08/2008 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Judge Clay get retained ?
You state there is a list of Judges not retained.
I can't bring it up on my pc
Please Help.


There is a blank line there because SCC was sarcastically pointing our that the list is exactly that - ZERO. Every single crook got retained.

11/08/2008 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Touhy was the Caucasian equivalent of Captain Mary Rozell, just a jerk that turned out to be an imbalanced jerk of a boss, and I, for one, am glad she retired,


This is unfortunately true. She was a bitter hag, and the department is better off without her. When she was sgt, we were at the Craft Bldg for CTA special. She went off, and I mean went off because I had a little shamrock pin on my radio strap. It shouldn't have been on there, but relax will ya? Too bad because we really rallied around her.

11/09/2008 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were four judges that the Sun times recommended that four judges, including Clay get dumped for retention. The other three were retained and received nearly the same amount of "yes" votes that Clay did. So Moperah had little or nothing to do with Clay surviving retention. Your giving her more credit than she deserves.

The system is far from perfect, but I wouldn't want corrupt politicians or their "independent" (don't make me laugh) boards appointing jurists either.

11/09/2008 10:59:00 AM  

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