Vote Tomorrow
Remember the following:
- NO on each and every judge. It's fun;
- NO especially on Judge Clay. She's to let police shooters go. Tell everyone you know to vote no for her;
- NO on the Constitutional Convention. Too much opportunity for Daley and Blago to pull shenanigans;
- Vote against Durbin who compares US troops to nazis and has to be ordered by the mayor to apologize.
Otherwise, just vote, vote, and vote again. It's the Chicago way.
Labels: elections
We will all now drop to our knees and bow to, ah...Washington, D.C. Yes, Washington, D.C.
All of us will be voting "NO" on the FIRST item on the screen--the Constitutional Convention.
Vote "YES" on the LAST item on the ballot so we can start to have a RECALL REFERENDUM for these corrupt politicians.
Don't Forget:
*** TONY PERAICA *** for States Atorney. If for nothing else than to piss off Daley and Stroger...
A vote for anyone but McCain is a vote for BHO.
Rucksacks (in rainbow colors) for all you guys.
Just brainstorming.
Buck Naked
-not a Cop
Voted already McCain/Palin-Peraica-no to con con wish i could vote to indict daley!
Off topic, if anyone can go to the Schaumburg P.D officer Russo's wake or funeral, it would be a great show of respect. I attended Officer Taylors funeral and I personally talked to several Schaumburg P.D officers who were in attendance expressing their condolences. It's a sad reminder that we need to take care of our selves. Stay safe kids. Funeral a rrangements are pending, will post when they announce.
Done and done!
obama made over 130 million in october. mccain made far less. according to obama's tax plan, he should immediately cut a check to the committee to reelect mccain for 25 percent of the 130 million. remember this when you vote tomorrow. obama believes in giving your hard earned dollars to those that are less fortunate. so you can keep working three jobs and the dog asses can keep sucking and fucking to their hearts content. if he wins i am moving to canada.
Beside the local elections why vote? This phony B.O. has the majority of the electoral votes, so my vote for McCain means shit. I hate this system and it has to CHANGE!!!!
Dick Durban helped my family, We had a military issue and he was there for the family.
A vote for anyone but McCain is a vote for BHO.
Vote for the Middle class working guys. Vote Obama,
Send "Turbin Durbin" back to the rat hole he crawled out of!
Explain to me why the constitutional convention is such a bad idea.
Vote Obama you silly people. Here's a guy who didn't know where is anunt was living? A family relative, and you believe that he will take care of you and your family? His one interest is himself. That she was here ilegally & living in public housing is unbelieveable. Where was his concern for her? Ya right, I'm going to vote for someone who doesn't care about family and let him make major decisions about our economy and handle matters abroad CONCERNING OUR SAFETY. I don't think so.
does canada take lateral transfers?
judge clay not only lets police shooters go but also armed robbers, drug dealers and lots of defendants that fight the police. judge fleming no better.
definately vote "no" on the constitutional convention. a wasted 80+ million that we don't have plus it will open the door to hurt our pensions.
Hell "no" to Obama. He will destroy America from within if he wins and lets pray to God that he doesn't.
Tony Peraica all the way when he ran against Stroger but in this race for States Attorney, he said some real bullshit about the police that turned my vote. Alverez all the way.
I vited early this election and followed ur advice SCC. "NO" on retention for every single judge. Those Judges that ran unopposed I didnt vote for at all. Its time to let our opinions be heard loud and clear.
vote cooter fop
I Say The "Tombstone Vote" Will Carry The Day Tommorrow
Ahhh, Voting The Shitcago Way, It's The Only Way!
Even From Up Here I Can See How My Kid Is Screwing Up Shitcago, If I Could Only Come Back To Straighten His Sorry A$$ Out, Hmmmm
scc u voting obama? no comment on presidential endorsement?
hey 806am, maybe u should have watched the states attorney candidates debate. Peraica did nothing but talk about corruption in police dept and burge. Yeah great idea, vote him in
Tomorrow we learn if the average American voter is a moron.
Nikita Kruschev predicted that America will destroy itself from within our own borders.
If anyone has elderly family going to the polls tomorrow, encorage them to bring a folding chair, hard candy, ID, bottled water and an umbrella.
Lines will be long and there will be a lot of intimidation.
Thank you for voting.
The John McCain
Vote NO on Constitutional Convention!
Vote NO on all judges. There are plenty of piece-of-shit attorneys out there. Let em all throw "the robes" on once in their careers.
Obama's grandmother will still vote even though she is dead! so do your part and Vote!
Good luck tomorrow guys! Get out there and vote then get home and hide and wait for the results. Stay clear of grant park and the rough neighborhoods if possible. God bless the C.P.D.
i ask nicely for you all to vote for JUDGES FLANNERY and LACY. THE OTERS U DECIDE, I'M VOTING NO ON CLAY. THANK YOU,
Palin that's it!!!
What is this shithead fest really costing Chicago taxpayers. We know the lying bafoon in city hall and the hillbilly(s) at 35th St. will never tell the truth.
You are on the money with those 3 bits of advice!
vote no on drunk judge mcginnis.she still on the road driving under the influence.
A vote for anyone but McCain is a vote for BHO.
Vote for the Middle class working guys. Vote Obama,
11/03/2008 10:34:00 AM
if you believe that you are a fool
Con-Con -no
Judge Clay-history
Turbin Durbin-no
I'd like to move to Canada if Obama wins. I've always been partial to Alberta and British Columbia.
What really makes me knowing all of the 60's radicals who are now among the elite who will be attending the Obama rally and expecting the Chicago Police to kiss their asses. Make sure your shoes are shined and you say "yes sir" and "yes ma'am" to all the anti-police pieces of shit who will be there. William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Father Phleger, Jesse Jackson, etc.. will know they finally have a commie friend in the White House. Have fun officers!
Hi, I'm Dick Durbin and I approve this message: FUCK ME!
Holy Conspired Batman!!!
The twelve hour day with canceled days off is an attempt to prevent police officers from exercising there voting rights?
BLUE FLU should be hitting Chicago in about 12 hours........
hey 806am, maybe u should have watched the states attorney candidates debate. Peraica did nothing but talk about corruption in police dept and burge. Yeah great idea, vote him in
11/03/2008 02:15:00 PM
Yeah, getting rid of corruption in this shithole Department would sure be a bad idea...MORON!
I'd like to move to Canada if Obama wins. I've always been partial to Alberta and British Columbia.
11/03/2008 05:50:00 PM
Remember last election when all those movie stars said if Bush got re-elected they'd move to Canada? Yeah, it sounds just as F-ing stupid when you say it now!
Peraica is a police hater!
You have to be a damn fool to vote for him. He is out, the next election as commissioner.
Okay, but there's an appellate court justice, Mike Gallagher, who is worth retaining. Good guy and a police family.
Please vote NO for CON CON.. Now the GOV. wants to take away teacher pensions...We all have answered calls to schools, their not paid enough!!!!!
anonymous said...
obama made over 130 million in october. mccain made far less. according to obama's tax plan, he should immediately cut a check to the committee to reelect mccain for 25 percent of the 130 million. remember this when you vote tomorrow. obama believes in giving your hard earned dollars to those that are less fortunate. so you can keep working three jobs and the dog asses can keep sucking and fucking to their hearts content. if he wins i am moving to canada.
11/03/2008 10:12:00 AM
Hmmm, how is that much worse than giving my hard earned dollars to those who are vastly more fortunate than myself, which is what I have been doing for years?
Go ahead, argue over this BS and ignore the real rape of the middle and working class by the ultra wealthy. The factory workers who used to make MORE than police officers are now living hand to mouth. their jobs have gone overseas. And those who sent those jobs out of the US sure didn't share the increased profits.
Wise up, the Republican party is not our friend any more. They spout their fear shit about the big bad democrat bogey man and then keep stealing our tax money and giving our jobs away.
The tax and spend party IS the Republicans. We've had eight years of it. I couldn't stand Bill Clinton but we were in vastly better financial shape in 2000 then after 8 years of GHB.
Sorry, I no longer buy the Republican fear mongering bullshit.
My vote went to BHO, as did my wife's and son's and anyone else who chooses to no longer be afraid of the crap the Republicans spout.
They simply no longer resemble the party of Eisenhower etc. nor do they represent true fiscal conservatism. I don't know who does but Republicans do not. Just look at the situation. I feel like Republicans play on people's fears and divide us with racist crap and then lie like hell.
I don't have a real long term answer other than to pray the moderate wing of the Republican party can wrestle control back from the ultra right and bring true fiscal conservatism and moderate Republican ideals back. Because what now passes for Republicanism sure ain't it.
Beside the local elections why vote? This phony B.O. has the majority of the electoral votes, so my vote for McCain means shit. I hate this system and it has to CHANGE!!!!
11/03/2008 10:16:00 AM
He has the electoral votes based on the polls, which you CANNOT believe. If you want McCain to win, YOU MUST GET OUT & VOTE!!
BE SAFE TO ALL TOMORROW!!! We'll be in the midst of it at Hutchinson Field. Help each other out and cover each others backs. We are all we have!
Tomorrow we learn if the average American voter is a moron.
Nikita Kruschev predicted that America will destroy itself from within our own borders.
11/03/2008 03:15:00 PM
what are you thinking, america destroyed itself a long time ago smart ass.
11:05, The Constitutional convention is a bad idea because:
1.)It directly affects your pension. Your pension is currently guranteed by the present constitution. Basically, the city would have to go bankrupt to deny you your pension as it currently stands.
2.) They could end up taxing said pension. Currently, Illinois is one of only 7 states that doesn't tax pensions. One of the few reasons left to live here.
3.) The current crop of pols would run said convention and they don't like you.
4.) It could dramatically change school funding formulas making you continue to pay for abysmal Chicago schools if you decide to move to a more rural part of the state after retirement by using your income tax instead of local property taxes.
"Explain to me why the constitutional convention is such a bad idea.
11/03/2008 11:05:00 AM"
First, demonstrate that you understand what a Constitution is.
Remember, a vote for Obama is a Vote for Daley getting even more power.....
He has the electoral votes based on the polls, which you CANNOT believe. If you want McCain to win, YOU MUST GET OUT & VOTE!!
BE SAFE TO ALL TOMORROW!!! We'll be in the midst of it at Hutchinson Field. Help each other out and cover each others backs. We are all we have!
11/03/2008 08:09:00 PM
Hopefully that area will be safe, but the neighborhoods is another issue altogether! They want us to have "gas masks" I like many others were never issued a mask great prep huh?
I'm with you on this one!
anonymous said...
"Explain to me why the constitutional convention is such a bad idea.
11/03/2008 11:05:00 AM"
We need no other reason than to consider that the same people who have totally fucked up state government here in Illinois would be tinkering with our state constitution. for what, to make things better for US? No, to further stack the deck to allow politicians to do what they want.
I, for one, do not want Rod Blago, Mike Madigan and the rest to have access to our state constitution. They can only fuck it up and that is definitely NOT in our best interests.
The only way we would dare vote yes on con-con is if we had good, trustworthy leaders and something obviously needed fixing. That is NOT the situation. The only fixing needed is to vote the current crop of corrupt cock suckers out of office!
no 3rd party vote said...
A vote for anyone but McCain is a vote for BHO.
11/03/2008 08:07:00 AM
"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance"
FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, first inaugural address, March 1933
I voted for BHO.
I heard a so called educated person today on the news giving a spirited talk urging people to vote for McCain. He mentioned the dangers of "liberals" like FDR and stated the last great stock market crash occurred when Roosevelt was president in 1929.
Uh, excuse me Mr. History major but Republican Herbert Hoover was president when that stock market crash occurred. That in itself did not cause the "Great Depression" that happened after, due to the bank collapse because the banking system was, get this, largely unregulated.
FDR became president in 1933. Hoover did essentially nothing useful from 1929 till 1933. Roosevelt instituted a large number of economic reforms which got things slowly back on track.
Chief among there was a strongly regulated banking and securities industry. These regulations have been unraveled by, guess who (hint, not Democrats) which led to the financial meltdown and, listen up, near banking collapse, we had this year.
Then we had the "redistribution of wealth" of many hundreds of billions of dollars of tax dollars. This went to, what, poor people? Dog ass inner city minorities? No, it all went to the very same wealthy institutions which caused the whole fucking fiasco.
So, which is worse, a redistribution of wealth which pays for the greed of ultra wealthy investment bankers or a redistribution which seeks to elevate segments of society which currently don't have enough to eat?
Just wondering, you know. I'm asking is all.
250 billion to AIG is OK? We pay for their mistakes? Or rather, our children and grandchildren pay for AIG's etc.'s mistakes.
Thank God, at least inner city dog asses don't get it! Because then they might stop selling crack and then what would the police do for jobs?
Anonymous said...
Please vote NO for CON CON.. Now the GOV. wants to take away teacher pensions...We all have answered calls to schools, their not paid enough!!!!!
11/03/2008 07:41:00 PM
Are you saying a democrat wants to do something detrimental to the working class?! I.. I just don't understand! /sarcasm
Yet another example of democrats being the cause and solution to all our problems.
Obama radio interview in 2001 on redistribution, and court involvement. It seems to show his opinion on rule of law and limitation and separation of powers rather well.
State Senator Obama supported and voted for bills that would have banned most hunting rifles, all shotguns larger than .410 bore, and authorized state police to forcibly confiscate banned firearms. He has called for eliminating all private handgun ownership, voted against bills 'allowing' homeowners to defend themselves in their own homes with firearms, and supported a bill that would have forced all firearms manufacture out of the state.
Anita Alvarez interview segment shows her position on the Second Amendment and gun control, as well as private firearms ownership in general.
Happy Birthday to the
United Socialist States of America
A dark day.
Please NO...
I don't have a real long term answer other than to pray the moderate wing of the Republican party can wrestle control back from the ultra right and bring true fiscal conservatism and moderate Republican ideals back. Because what now passes for Republicanism sure ain't it.
So vote for the ultra liberal machine democrat from Chicago that will tax us into oblivion? yeah smart choice, he's not qualified to manage a walmart but you are gonna vote for him for President... we are doomed.
The only idiot I saw on tv talking about Roosevelt and the stock market crash was Joe Biden.....
Anonymous said...
Remember, a vote for Obama is a Vote for Daley getting even more power.....
11/03/2008 09:27:00 PM
True! Think daleys corruption machine is bad now? wait until bo gets in!
Done Voting Republican. Voted McCain and NO for all of the judges. No to con-con.
FDR, LBJ, and BHO are all the same person. Liberals who give away the money of the hard working to do nothings. The liberals are power hungry and anti Christian!!!
The Liberals want to be your GOD!!! I voted McCain. The GOP are not what they used to be and do need work but, they are a 100 times better than any Liberal, Dem, Commie, Socialist. Fuck they are all the same thing.
VOTE Republican!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for asking us to recall history.
Yes Herbert Hoover was the President in 1929.
The stock market crash was a direct result of Joe Kennedy (Ted's dad), and his band of public trough pirates. Hoover was a very intelegent guy who knew this had to be fixed by the markets thenselves with a dose of Federal regulation to reign in DEMOCRAT thieves (gee sound familiar ie fanny/freddy mac)
The FDR make-work programs DID NOT GET US OUT OF THE DEPRESSION!!!
World War Two did!!!
The worst year of the Depression was 1934...your boy FDR was in charge.
The fact is FDR and his social programs put this nation on the path to ruin by instilling the notion that Govt is your Daddy dispensing freebies. 70 years later a full 40% of our fellow citizens pay no taxes at all, and 60% receive a handout of some sort or another.
Taking handouts from your fellow citizens, when you can but won't work is immoral. America for the last 40 years has changed. It was once considered a matter of shame to be on the dole. Now there is no stigma attached to exploiting your fellow citizens. In 1962 God was booted out of America's classrooms and since then God disinvited to every other area of American life. America as a concept ONLY works when the population has a base morality. We are seeing the post-christian disolution of a once great country.
Is America ready for its first Hawaiian President?
DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama emerged victorious in the first election returns of the 2008 presidential race, winning 15 of 21 votes cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.
Tanner Tillotson, of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, wins the honor of first voter.
People in the village in New Hampshire's northeast corner voted just after midnight Tuesday.
It was the first time since 1968 that the village leaned Democratic in an election.
Dixville Notch has gone heavily Republican for the past 40 years! They open their poll room at midnight, eastern time, and all voting is completed by 1230am. They then get their totals in.
They normally vote Republican by counts of 25-3 or similar.
This time they are calling it an Obama landslide in Dixville Notch, NH.
Remember 1972 anyone? Richard Nixon won 49 of 50 states, all except Massachusetts.
We might see something similar today, for the Democrats. That is how much G. W. Bush is disliked. I find that amazing, that in 2001 he had the country and the world in back of him and today he can't even appear in public with his party's candidate. GHB sure fucked things up and continued the unbroken streak of failure going in his life.
I can't police officers are yelling at each other about who to VOTE for when so many of our own brothers and sisters are from the ranks of those who have fought to defend our right to HAVE FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Thank you, all of you who gave me this right today. I salute you. This is really your day to be honored, not some crooked politicians. I'll even thank you for my brothers and sisters who are too busy arguing to thank you because you gave them that right too.
7:28 am
Thanks for rewriting most of the history you cite. Yes, you persuaded me, Herbert Hoover was the GREATEST President of the 20th century and got the shaft by being in charge during the opening innings of the Great Depression. Carter's incompetence was close, but wasn't as catastrophic so Herbert wins by an ass. If only Hoover had the good fortune of being President in 1956 when the U.S. economy was peachy. Too bad for the country.
The stock market crash was a direct result of rabid speculation (greed) and a continuation of the shitty policies of previous Presidents Wilson, Harding and Coolidge. Hoover had no clue how to handle such an unprecedented financial collapse and decided the way to go was not to do a G*d damned thing as millions of workers lost their jobs and families starved. And to think Hoover helped organize food shipments to Germany after WWI that saved the lives of hundreds of thousands but he couldn't figure how to lift a finger for citizens here at home.
To reparaphrase your over-baked writings:
Hoover was a very "intelegent" guy (like you) who coundn't write or spell much and became paralyzed by his own indecision but knew this had to be fixed by the same greedy markets thenselves with a dose of inept Federal regulation to reign in WALL STREET thieves (gee sound familiar ie what is/has happened to the financial markets).
The worst year of the Depression was 1934...more than FIVE years after the '29 crash and less than TWO years from the start of the first Presidential term your boy FDR was in charge of. The fact is FDR and his "give a man a job so he can feed himself and his family" social programs put this nation back on life support by instilling the notion that Govt is not your Daddy but by dispensing freebie paying jobs millions of people can simply survive and not starve to death.
(ouch! rewriting your 4th grade english is painful)
When FDR took office in 1933, one-quarter of the nation's workers were jobless and 60 million people were without any financial support. Some families were living on $2 a month. If the economy keeps taking a dump and reaches those levels, pray we have an empathetic visionary such as yourself in charge.
America as a concept ONLY works when the population has a base morality AND a government the people can trust to help when things take a turn. The post-christian disolution of a once great country happened long ago, as evidenced by your compelling words of wisdumb.
My vote went to BHO, as did my wife's and son's and anyone else who chooses to no longer be afraid of the crap the Republicans spout.
I wish you had posted your name so I would know who I wouldn't piss on if you were on fire. If you ever need help, send it out to your ghetto rat pals you scumbag.
I am done, anyone I know who voted for that socialist, bullshitting, corrupt chicago machine, SOB, is dead to me. I hope they all get what they now deserve.
When we are fighting terrorists on State and Madison, and paying reparations on our tax bills so Joe can buy more crack, don't you dare ask for my help, you fucking traitors.
Is America ready for its first Hawaiian President?
11/04/2008 07:35:00 AM
Unlike most expatriate Hawaiians who are proud of their home state, he hardly even acknowledges his roots there.
Obama's more Illinois than Hawaii, folks in Chicago say
"Voting straight "No" for the judges is fun?"
Sure is! Been doing it for over 25 years.
Durbin: Friend of the military?? Yeah, when he's not calling them nazis..
Obama: Has there ever been a democrat history that did not love the idea of raising taxes and increasing welfare spending??
Get a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" and read it. It is what happens when the productive segment of society is taxed to the point of "what's the point of working?" 45% of the country pays NO taxes as it is.
So figure it out: Obama and more spending means the shrinking number of taxpayers will be hit harder.
If/when we get a retro check, you will probably just be forced to sign it over to U.S M.S.A. government (United Socialist Muslim States of America)
The posters trashing FDR why don't you read a history book discussing the Great Depression and learn something. Have you ever heard of FDIC,yeah, that one. It was started under FDR,to give Americans the confidence to start putting their money back into banks,because those wealthy individuals(bankers) took every penny of their money and there were no repercussions. Fast forward to this year and you see the collapse of IndyMac bank,and guess what,those depositors were insured up to $100,000.00 dollars. That has since been increased to $250,000.00 dollars under the EESA. Many people on this blog should read more.
To 11/04/2008 07:35:00 AM
I'd love to see his birth certificate...........
I wore my NRA life jacket and my Chalkie 2016 hat when I voted last Thursday at Edgebrook.
No on every judge! Yep! My little son had a blast hitting the no's.
voted no - no to all the judges.
Get a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" and read it. It is what happens when the productive segment of society is taxed to the point of "what's the point of working?" 45% of the country pays NO taxes as it is.
Thanks for the input, Ms. Trump.
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