Political Correctness Again
The police booking photo of alleged child killer Nour Hadid released Tuesday is an "insult against our religion," says Hadid's husband, Alaeddin.
Orland Park police detectives say the 26-year-old Muslim woman was treated as any other suspect in a murder probe would be, and they did not intend to humiliate her when they photographed her Sunday without her headscarf and wearing only a skimpy top.
Nour Hadid is accused of beating her 2-year-old niece Bhia Hadid to death over four days at her home on the 9000 block of West 140th Street. The child had 55 separate bruises and was beaten "from head to toe," according to prosecutors, who say Hadid confessed.
Beating a two-year-old to death, no problem. A booking photo so if this piece of sub-human slime ever sees the light of day again, police can readily identify her when she beats the next child to death, an "insult against" religion.
We don't know how you can take a "religion" seriously that preaches death as a reward, conversion by the sword, demands tribute from non-believers and can only spout outrage and issue death threats when questioned on matters incompatible with a civilized society.

We don't know how you can take a "religion" seriously that preaches death as a reward, conversion by the sword, demands tribute from non-believers and can only spout outrage and issue death threats when questioned on matters incompatible with a civilized society.

Labels: we got nothing
Yeah that so way more important than commiting murder!
Dear Second City Cop,
Seeing the picture of the middle finger cheers me up. As an Afghan war vet and CPD blue boy you picked the right fight. When the war comes to us in full force we will meet it accordingly. The followers of Is_ _ _ will fail in America. God Bless America.
It's all part of their plan to set precedents that accomodate their back-assward "laws"
Last time I checked we were in America. Speak english and follow the fucking rules. Liberals are fucking this country up.
Well for safety reasons she should not be allowed to wear that scarf anyway. Although who knows if they were making fun of her since Orland Park Pd has been sued for sexual descrimination by one of their own female officers.
An Orland Park, Illinois police officer was rehired Thursday after waging a three-year court battle against her department over sexual harassment. The Illinois Appellate Court ruled in February that the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners had wrongfully fired Officer Roberta Kramarski in October 1999, just months after she had filed a federal lawsuit alleging sexual harassment.
Screw Islam!!!!
did 911 ever happen?
"But if it was a nun accused of these crimes, would they treat her the same way?"
Yes, Mr. Oxygen-thief, she would be....do you seriously believe she'd be photographed with her face covered? Of course you don't. Dumbass....
Amen to that, SCC!
Incredible, this dog beats a kid to death and they bitch about the scumbags photo? Your in AMERICA assholes you don't like it? Get the fuck out and wrap a towel on your head in your shit country simple as that!
fuck you .. go back to your 3rd world country u piece of shit, go eat some hummus.
The Supreme court has ruled many years ago on the separation between church and state. The crime she committed and procedures needed to process her are ruled by the state not her religion. If she and her Muslim sisters and brothers don't like it.... GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS COUNTRY. Just like the woman in Florida who sued the Secretary of state because they would not give her a D.L. because she kept her face veiled. The D.L. is a state ID not a religious one. A D.L. is a privilege NOT A RIGHT. This PC shit is getting way out of hand.
This goes for anybody, any race, any religon: This is America !!! USA, USA, USA, follow our rules and our culture! Follow your rules and your religion in your own country!!!! Protest in your country!!! Fly your own Flag, In your own country!!!!!! If I flew the American Flag in YOUR country. you would not like that. You would riot and burn the american flag not to mention kick the ass of the person that was flying mentioned flag.
Go back where you came from and try to excercise you rights over there as you do here, guess what.. you would be decapitated.... screw all you liberlas specially the white liberals, you are ruining this country.
LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.....!!!!!!!
Stay home, don't come to the states.
You wouldalreafy be dead in your country.
After she is convited will she be stoned like back home?
With all the liberals in America we are on the verge of becoming a foot note in history. We will to the way of Carthage.
If you can see what has happened to England and other countries in Europe by trying to be politically correct you would flip.
So many of these countries are bending over backwards to the followers of Islam that they are screwing up their own country. It is sickening.
We do have to remember that this is America and they came here, we didn't bring them here.
They can follow their religion but if it interferes with our laws then they have to make the adjustment.
Stop letting these people in! Does America really want to become like Europe - occupied by a hostile, fertile, mob who has no intention of assimilating and hates Christians and Jews?
Wake up, mopes.
What's ironic is that if she and her husband where in the country of origin they'd both have been be-headed by now. So what the fuck is he complaining about?
"It is against our religion; we do not do this in our culture," Alaeddin said.
Yeah? Well we do in ours and we dont like child murderers much here either. Like it or lump it. As a matter of fact, lump it. Go back to sandboxavia or whatever hell hole you are from. Go away.
"I don't condone what she's alleged to have done but if it was a nun accused of these crimes, would they treat her the same way?"
Yes, yes you better believe she would. She committed a truly heinous crime and were not going soft on her just because her god is apparently all powerful but incredibly easily offended. Seriously, you got a problem with this. LEAVE. Go back to whatever hell hole you are from. We dont need child killers or those who empathize with them here. Go away. A Child is dead and you are more concerned about your hurt feelings? Go back to your third world kitty litter box. Seriously go away.
Well for safety reasons she should not be allowed to wear that scarf anyway. Although who knows if they were making fun of her since Orland Park Pd has been sued for sexual descrimination by one of their own female officers.
An Orland Park, Illinois police officer was rehired Thursday after waging a three-year court battle against her department over sexual harassment. The Illinois Appellate Court ruled in February that the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners had wrongfully fired Officer Roberta Kramarski in October 1999, just months after she had filed a federal lawsuit alleging sexual harassment.
4/11/2009 12:24:00 AM
Congratulations, but I don't see how the two are related Roberta. I would have gone through the same process had I killed that baby. It's just a global plan for them to bitch and moan and protest about every fucking thing to move closer to implementing Sharia law in countries all over the world.
---not a cop
Are these the same people who caned a 70 year-old woman for having the audacity to go outside without a man?
Screw her and the camel she rode in on. And double screw to the idiots sticking up for their religion--they're not sticking up for her, that's for sure.
Anyone know what the most insulting thing a woman (especially American) can do to a muslim man to insult him?
I'd like to know, because I'm going to go on a mission.
I hope they OPPD looks hard a the husband. Probably not the first time she beat the kid.
The art work is talked about here:
also pretty controversial.
"Last time I checked we were in America. Speak english and follow the fucking rules. Liberals are fucking this country up."
SCC, you are correct in your comparison of the crime and the religious "insult". Where would "they" like us to stand when this pos commits another crime against a child?
When in America do as Americans do!
The Holocaust has been eliminated from British schools because it offended Muslims who said that the Holocaust was a myth.
General Eisenhower ordered that as many films and photographs of the concentration camps be taken because he knew that, "sooner or later some 'son-of-a-bitch' is going to say this never happened."
if the child killer and her fellow muslims don't like the rules here, go buy a one way plane ticket back to the sandbox where you came from-- it's amazing how people come here and they make up their own rules and think they can get away with it-- on a side note-- our govt is giving a truckload of cash to help rebuild the west bank-- we are helping the same people who were jumping for joy in the streets and burning the american flag after 9/11-- millions of people in this country living in poverty and without health care and we send money over to these cocksuckers who hate our guts-- canada has never looked better than now-- =======>--------
"The police booking photo of alleged child killer Nour Hadid released Tuesday is an "insult against our religion," says Hadid's husband, Alaeddin."
I guess the part, "Thou shalt not kill" isn't insulting.
I like the part where the father says this was all a "misunderstanding" the little girl just "fell down" the stairs...... !?!?!?!?!?
In my dealings with people like this they ALWAYS have some cockamamy excuse for what they do.......
One point we are missing is that this happened to a girl & they are valued far less than a boy in their culture. Had this happened to a little boy their male dominated community would be screaming for her head !!!! Thats if they would of called the police, I'm thinking she would have just "disappeared".....
SCC has it right. If the wife had killed his SON, he would have beheaded her on the spot. She never would have made it to the booking room. Harm his Son ? Out comes the saddam sword ! Daughters dont carry much value in some cultures. Not one word from him about the baby girl ! Fuck him...
This is whats ruining America and Europe. Enough with this liberal white guilt. If our women were to go to Saudi Arabia, they would be required to cover their heads and bodies and rightfully so. If you don't like a country's rules and customs, DON'T LIVE THERE!
Then again we have a mush President who has just finished up his world apology tour by bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia.
I think we should have exceptions that allow honor killings, stoning, and the rape of young boys. After all it's part of their religion and who are we to insult them by not allowing it?
"But if it was a nun accused of these crimes, would they treat her the same way?"
What way? How was this woman treated differently than other criminal that committed a murder?
Anonymous said...
did 911 ever happen?
According to many in Europe, they prefer to not acknowledge 9-11
The National Coalition of Muslum organizations or whatever announced yesterday it saw no violation of her religous rights in the removal of her scarf and the PD was only using proper procedure...... so much for that argument.
BUT she is in county jail under suicide watch hummmm and they let her keep the scarf after taking her picture....hope there are no hooks in the ceiling....
Liberals are fucking this country up.4/11/2009 12:22:00 AM
Liberals want to give everyones else rights such as Gitmo detainees, illegal aliens, gays, Islamo-barbarians. But they want to restrict the rights of normal average Americans such as 1st and 2nd Amnds.
What is their problem?
The fact this story even made the news is sick. Tell the family it is policy and move on. By the media making this a story, you tell their true feelings and felt sorry for this bitch/killer.
You are aware, SCC, that even in limp wristed FRANCE, a law was passed shortly after 911 that outlawed anyone wearing a veil in public; faces have to be seen at all times. Muslims were outraged, but the French Govt. got the law passed.
Incredible, this dog beats a kid to death and they bitch about the scumbags photo? Your in AMERICA assholes you don't like it? Get the fuck out and wrap a towel on your head in your shit country simple as that!
Amen,brother. Notice he didnt care she killed the baby, only that they took her picture without the scarf.This whole politically correct bullshit is nonesense.
If she were in her previous country she would have likely been beheaded or stones to death in the local town square in front of the entire town.
They cut your hand off for stealing for Christ Sake. We in the U.S should be ashamed of ourselves to take such a picture of a possible murderer (innocent until proven guilty).
God bless the U.S.
liberals suck. p.s. ihate sean penn
Obama will fix it!
Anonymous said...
It's all part of their plan to set precedents that accomodate their back-assward "laws"
Last time I checked we were in America. Speak english and follow the fucking rules. Liberals are fucking this country up.
4/11/2009 12:22:00 AM
YEAH!.What t.f. is O"bama thinking, bowing to the SAUDI KING? The media is giving him a pass on ths just like they do with everything else. He bowed so low I thought he was going to give him a.........oh,never mind.
She should be punished for her crime in a Muslim country. I wonder what kind of sentence that would be? Maybe a hand cut off, since it was only a girl that she killed. If the child had been her nephew, she would probably be stoned to death. As long as she's so insulted to have her photo taken without her scarf here in the USA, why not send her to a Muslim country, whether or not she was born here?
Story said shit about her murdering the two year old. What a fucked up society were in when the focus of her crime is being turned to religious beliefs. Hell of a way to take responsibility away from her and turn the police into the bad guys once again.
Next time VOTE AMISH!
With our esteemed president bowing to the saudi king, we should all get used to this kind of thinking. Get ready to learn arabic, study the holy book (koran,quaran,what the fck ever) and treat your woman like sht.
SCC, here you go again with your one sided bashing of Islam. It must make you feel so good to be intolerant of another religion and to paint all Muslims with a broad paintbrush, right SCC? While at the same time if someone does the same to us cops, you are out here whining "oh look how they stereotype us all" while you do the same!
I am a Muslim, and yes, there are bad Muslims who believe that you can kill people and go to heaven. To them as a fellow Muslim, I say you are wrong and you will have to face true justice with your creator. To the husband who is outraged; he should be outraged that his wife slowly tortured an innocent child by beating him from head to to for four days. That is where his outrage should lie, NOT with the Orland Park Police Department who took a mugshot of his wife.
I can also point to words in the Holy Bible that advocate killing in the name of God. Here is a link: http://www.nobeliefs.com/DarkBible/darkbible3.htm
Oh and one more thing- this is coming from a Muslim cop. This woman is a dog and she deserves to be punished in this life and in the afterlife. She is a worthless piece of garbage. She should be happy that in America, she wouldn't be stoned to death or worse.
This is America and she and her husband needs to adapt to our culture. If they don't like it, then they do live in a free country and can leave and go to a primary Muslim country.
"Anyone know what the most insulting thing a woman (especially American) can do to a muslim man to insult him?
I'd like to know, because I'm going to go on a mission.
4/11/2009 08:03:00 AM"
Tell him he's pretty?
Anonymous said...
With our esteemed president bowing to the saudi king, we should all get used to this kind of thinking. Get ready to learn arabic, study the holy book (koran,quaran,what the fck ever) and treat your woman like sht.
4/11/2009 02:56:00 PM
Anyone got the link to this? I've heard about it but haven't seen it. What a sad freakin state of affairs.
Barbarians, and they call us Infidels.
This is our country and our rules!
If you don't like it, then jump your asses back on Air Arabia and go home or don't commit any crimes in the U.S.
This is no different than if an American commits a crime in one of their countries and the sentence is cutting off a hand or a flogging which is legal in some of these barbaric countries that whine about a picture of a child killer without her top!
This is where their bullshit starts. They start claiming everything is an insult to their ever peace loving religion. They push for laws that not only limit free speech but hinder any kind of investigations into any possible illegal activities on their part. They call any criticism or investigations racism or islamaphobia.
CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations)and other Islamic groups now like to sue any people who criticize or investigates muslims in an attempt to intimidate or even bankrupt that person. They've done this in New York against terrorism investigators in the police department. They tend to drop their suits when discovery is filed and they're expected to disclose things like membership lists and donors. Of course by this point they've already cost someone plenty of time, money and stress. When all else fails they'll trash a city over cartoon that offends them or even kill a film director that makes a movie that offends them.
Watch your backs when you deal with these people.
We're supposed to be a melting pot of cultures.
Either melt into the pot or shut the fuck up and leave.
Acording to the western standards of a civilized society. Every Islamic nation on the planet is disfunctional.
The chief of Orland Park and the mayor are total liberal jagoffs. This is a fact. The mayor was a huge backer of Carol Mosely Braun.
The liberals and muslims are not ruining our country we are by doing nothing. Are you teaching your childern the liberals are. How come your enemies can win and you cant? Maybe because what you are doing sucks. Get involved the liberals do and they are kicking our ass.
I'm a muslim who has been with the department for 14 year. I always worked in a "working" district and would take a bullet for anyone that worked with me. I busted my ass on this job literally(2 shoulder surgeries, 2 knee surgeries). I like the rest of you think this is absurd and if this person is guilty she should be dragged in the streets and beaten. What I don't understand is why so many of you on this blog would want to insult a religion? There are many muslims on the job and the few that I know are great police officers and would take thier shirt off to help anyone of thier fellow officers. These comments tend to isolate people and groups and make people angry. Listening to these comments make me sick and I can't see why SCC would allow you sick and confused individuals to post them. Last week at the Rally, for the first time in a long time I was proud to be a Chicago Police Officer. Just to see so many of us unite together; no matter what race, religion or beliefs.
Her jag-off husband was outraged about this in the paper.He beefed about the horrendous treatment the murdering scum got and said police would be punished for this. HMMMMM, not one word about his dead kid. Praise allah!
One and a half billion dollars to help a country that hates us.
I served in the U.S.M C. during the cuban crisis, worked till I went on the job at 22 years of age, worked during my time on the job, and after retiredment, I paid 9 1/2 percent of my pay into the retirement fund,I paid for my pension and I earned my social security, unlike the senators and representatives who from day one get full pension, it took me thirty two years to get my pension.
Four Officers killed in Calif. Three in Pittsburg, lets wake up and take care of out own first.
Social security sent me a letter of what my benefits would be but because I have a Police Pension I only get 40 percent of it. I have to agree if you do not like this country and its values go back home, Lets keep the money and give our people health insurance and food first.
A retired Aurora Officer.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm a muslim who has been with the department for 14 year. I always worked in a "working" district and would take a bullet for anyone that worked with me. I busted my ass on this job literally(2 shoulder surgeries, 2 knee surgeries). I like the rest of you think this is absurd and if this person is guilty she should be dragged in the streets and beaten. What I don't understand is why so many of you on this blog would want to insult a religion? There are many muslims on the job and the few that I know are great police officers and would take thier shirt off to help anyone of thier fellow officers. These comments tend to isolate people and groups and make people angry. Listening to these comments make me sick and I can't see why SCC would allow you sick and confused individuals to post them. Last week at the Rally, for the first time in a long time I was proud to be a Chicago Police Officer. Just to see so many of us unite together; no matter what race, religion or beliefs.
4/11/2009 11:21:00 PM
Well said...It was a sad to see some of the nasty comments made about muslims. Many muslims serve in our nations police and fire agencies not to mention our military.
There are bad people in every religion, as we speak , a Sunday school teacher was charged with the kidnapping and murder of an 8 year old.
To the muslim officer. I have worked with and know a few of your faith. All appear to be great people. But in this instance it was the suspect and her family that brought religion into the debate not we infidel. We are refered to as infidel, is this not true. Maybe more muslims should stand up against the hate taught in many mosques with Saudi cash. Not all muslims are terrorist but all most all terrorists are muslim. In world war two my German, by blood, father fought and killed people of his same religion and lineage because he was American and they supported evil. In closing it sounds like America has been great to you in what Muslim country could I become a police officer?
Normally I don't post in this forum but I felt compelled to do so this time. First SCC ALL religions,races,organizations etc. have their bad apples just like we here at the Chicago Police Department. I cannot judge nor will I judge an enitre group of people by the actions of a few ( isn't this the problem within the CPD we're always jusdge, lumped together or demonized by what a few do). Don't ALL "Christians" support child molestation? Oh wait a minute that's just ALL "Catholics". It's very hypocritical. I am absolutely shocked and appalled that this Blog would post some of the most hateful vile.
And Lastly SCC the Qur'an does not teach hate. That has to be the biggest lie going around. The ones teaching hate are culutral zealots who use "religion" as a wedge like Hitler did when he exterminated millions. In fact he was a "Christian" if I'm not mistaken. I am a catholic who has and will continue to support our muslim sisters and brothers. What that lady was horrible and she needs to and will pay for her vicious crime. But her and her famliy's attempt to make this a religious is outright bullshit.
to the muslims on this blog your religion likes the term jehad explain to me what this means to u?
did 911 ever happen?
4/11/2009 12:27:00 AM
Good question for the majority of voters in this country
Anonymous said...
With our esteemed president bowing to the saudi king,
4/11/2009 02:56:00 PM
Anyone got the link to this? I've heard about it but haven't seen it.
4/11/2009 06:37:00 PM
Be prepared to puke...
I'm a muslim who has been with the department for 14 year. I always worked in a "working" district and would take a bullet for anyone that worked with me. I busted my ass on this job literally(2 shoulder surgeries, 2 knee surgeries). I like the rest of you think this is absurd and if this person is guilty she should be dragged in the streets and beaten. What I don't understand is why so many of you on this blog would want to insult a religion? There are many muslims on the job and the few that I know are great police officers and would take thier shirt off to help anyone of thier fellow officers. These comments tend to isolate people and groups and make people angry. Listening to these comments make me sick and I can't see why SCC would allow you sick and confused individuals to post them. Last week at the Rally, for the first time in a long time I was proud to be a Chicago Police Officer. Just to see so many of us unite together; no matter what race, religion or beliefs.
4/11/2009 11:21:00 PM
Growing up attending Chicago Public schools, I had a best friend who was Muslim. I saw a bright beautiful little girl lose more and more of her individualism year after year. When I turned 18 and went off to college, she called to tell me that she was moving to Saudi Arabia to be married. I remember feeling so sad, because the girl I was talking to was no longer that unique little girl that had the world open to her. Do I hate Muslims?? No, in fact I actually understand your religion. You have many good messages and beliefs. What disturbs me about your religion is the “non tolerance” of other beliefs. Those of other religions are considered “sub human” and women whether they are Muslim or not are always “sub human.” As an American women, I am would be crazy to NOT dislike your religion. However, that is just my opinion and I have a right to voice that opinion.
Though I understand your anger, you are 100% wrong to question "why SCC would allow individuals to post" their views about the Islamic religion because it is against everything American. The problem with the U.S. today is that too many people feel it is their job the filter the opinions of others because it might be hurtful to a specific group. "Political Correctness" and censorship is killing this country. I believe that Americans have the right to believe in whatever the religion they want, but I also believe that they can speak openly about whatever they may feel about a certain religion and vice versa. Just because there is religious freedom in this country does not mean that freedoms of speech should be taken away. If some dislikes your religion, they have the right to say so. Just as you have the right you speak your opinions about non-islamic religions. I do not believe in preaching hate, and would be 100% against those if they stated evil words like “death to all Muslims.” However, I really don’t see anything wrong with many of the comments posted here. Sure some opinions may be hurtful, but that is a price we all pay by living in a free country.
I think that they would stone her to death in Saudi Arabia or any other place with Islamic law for killing her kid. I believe that in this case, her culture and Sharia law would be eminently fair and completely proper. Stone the bitch.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm a muslim who has been with the department for 14 years..... I like the rest of you think this is absurd and if this person is guilty she should be dragged in the streets and beaten. What I don't understand is why so many of you on this blog would want to insult a religion?
Many, Many Muslims insult Christians and Americans all the time, that's why.
Many, Many Muslims are like Southern Baptists. There is no room for compromise, one deserves to die if they dont' believe in Allah or Mohmmamed. At least Southern Baptists just tell you that you are damned if you don't believe like they do.
My wife and pre-teen daughter were berated by a Muslim man last summer for wearing shorts & tee shirts in a shopping mall. It was close to 100 degrees and the Muslim wife (staying 10 steps behind) was all covered up from head to toe, including a shade over her eyes, while the husband was in gym shorts, t-shirt and sandals. How can one say Islam is full of tolerance when Muslim men can call women whores for dressing in a manner which is normal on a hot summer day? I'd probably still be in jail if I was there.
Tell me how Islam is the religion of peace and serenity when it states in its own holy book to kill in the name of Allah, all non believers.
It has been stated that "only" 5% of Muslims are radical to the point of wanting all Americans dead. With a conservative estimate of over one billion practicing Muslims in the world, that means only 50 million people want me dead for the reason is that I was born in the US and pray on my knees instead of on a prayer rug facing east.
It's all part of their plan to set precedents that accomodate their back-assward "laws"
Last time I checked we were in America. Speak english and follow the fucking rules. Liberals are fucking this country up.
4/11/2009 12:22:00 AM
In closing it sounds like America has been great to you in what Muslim country could I become a police officer?
So true!
I know we have cultural awareness and all but prisoners whether a man or a woman can not keep shoe strings in their shoes so now orland should've given her a scarf come on, some things can't change becasue of safety issues and all its time for ...........
>>>I paid 9 1/2 percent of my pay into the retirement fund,I paid for my pension and I earned my social security, unlike the senators and representatives who from day one get full pension, it took me thirty two years to get my pension...
Social security sent me a letter of what my benefits would be but because I have a Police Pension I only get 40 percent of it...
A retired Aurora Officer.
4/12/2009 12:19:00 AM
Thank-you Convicted Felon Dan #%^* Rostenkowski! You may have been pardoned by Bill (Stain On the Blue Dress) Clinton but WE have not forgiven you.
Obama and Hilary Clinton both as Senators co-sponsored a bill which would reinstate the benefits we earned. As President, Obama could direct the Social Security Administration to discontinue entering the discriminating information about government/private pension.
How 'bout it?
Social Security i8s not a standard amount, but based on how much you made under it. So I earned all of it and should not have to take only 40% of it because I have a Police Pension.
If the thousands of Police and Fire Personnel across this county would e-mail, write or talk to our representatives in Washington the law would be changed.We need every one to try it just once and see what can be done. There are several bills to eleminate the windfall provision and are newly elected representative says he will keep out throughts in mind if it should come to a vote.
at our last meeting of the retired Officers it was decided that come nect election will will keep him in mind
Retired Aurora Officer
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