Wednesday, August 05, 2009

From William Cozzi

To All Members of the CPD, both Active, Retired and Other Supporters:

Your kind messages and support have given me strength. In less than 24 hours, I will have reported to the federal prison in Oakdale, Louisiana.

I will probably be without access to Second City Cop and the Internet. I herein designate retired Sgt. John Northen to register my name on SCC in the event I can communicate directly, through "Northside" or a third party.

Even if you only mail me a sentence or two, your U.S. mail to me at Oakdale will be greatly appreciated. "Northside" will provide you with my address at a later time.

I am resigned to my fate pending my appeal to the Seventh Circuit.

Most of all, I wish all of you well and pray that you will stay safe and go home to your loved ones.

God bless you!



Anonymous 025 days said...

Good luck Trooper Cozzi! Really sorry you got fucked by The Fed.

8/05/2009 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on your appeal. We luv ya man.

8/05/2009 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That was powerful. I am on furlough and sitting in my backyard and everything seems so insignificant now. Is there a fund or any thing set up for this family? Please keep us posted. I never met P/O Cozzi but I pray for you and hope your appeal is heard. God Bless!

8/05/2009 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hang tough and hold your head up...

Regardless of the "naysayers" many of us can relate to your consequence, but just not at this magnitude.

I remember being in SOS years ago and on a stop in 025 and you assisted us and gave my partner and I a real good laugh. I caught your name tag and to this day I remember ya.

I wish and hope some kind of justice comes out of this for you because this is no way for a man to be treated that was already disciplined on a minor transgression.

Many of us are worried who will be the next "scape goat" and I am guessing they may come at you and ask you to make a streaming video about your situation to "teach the masses".

Hold your head up and realize that this could have been any of us!

My best

CPD Sgt.

8/05/2009 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear SCC and all men and Women in the CPD!

Support this man Mr. Cozzi and keep him and his family in your prayers. Do not ever forget the service he has given and years from now when he returns to society extend a hand to him in support.

Officer Cozzi, We support you in these hard times and dont feel alone. In brotherhood we stand with you now and upon your return, whenever that maybe.

8/05/2009 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stay strong bill. fuck you jfed. dont ever forget bill, that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. its going to be tough at times and seem like its taking forever, but just always keep remembering... ten years from now youll be enjoying life not thinking about what once was.. its just a brief chapter in your life.. with many more chapters to go. dont ever let this get you down and out. you will get out of this and be back to living a regular life again someday soon.. just never give up and dont stop thinking about what is important.. making it out with your mental and physical health to live a good long life. you will be ok, we are praying for you and will not be forgotten.

8/05/2009 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you Officer Cozzi. Your brothers and sisters in blue stand behind you and will never forget!

8/05/2009 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like we need to get some mail to him quick...

8/05/2009 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you officer Cozzi!

8/05/2009 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fuck when you read this know how you ruined this officers life. He had did his pennance with the State of Illinois City of Chicago and the Police Board, and then you stepped in and tried to make a name for yourself with Shortshanks. Well you might have done that but you completely alienated yourself with those you are supposed to lead. You are clueless and should be ashamed. Be prepared to be tossed under the crime bus. Daley cant take the heat of these shootings much longer, The morale on this job is gone. You have almost singlehandedly turned what used to be a proud hard working police department in spite of all odds intro a :"do my 8 and go home" bunch of Police Offficers.

Bill Cozzi, Keep your back to the wall and your eyes and ears open, you will survive this tragedy. Those of us who knew you and worked with you knew your detication to the job, the City and your Family, what did you get for it, heartache and jail time. My prayers are with you Bill you are a good man.

8/05/2009 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on the appeal, sorry your own boss stuck it to you. We will NEVER forget!!!!

8/05/2009 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/05/2009 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is one of the saddest days in this Departments history.

Jody Weis has humiliated the fine men and women of the Chicago Police Department through his unnecessary and vindictive actions against William Cozzi and I, for one, am calling upon him today, to stand up with whatever shred of integrity that he may still possess, and RESIGN, as he promised, for causing the downward spiral of the morale in this Department!!!

He is, and will always be an ineffective leader as a Police administrator and has destroyed the pride and reputation of our members.

RESIGN, you asshole, and take your asshole pal Masters and the rest of them with you !

8/05/2009 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God bless you and we will ALL keep u in our prayers. Stay safe and Hold your Head up High.....

8/05/2009 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jfed, when you are kicked out of this city for being the absolute worst supt ever. Just think about Cozzi and how we the members of the CPD screwed you back by sticking together and giving you ZERO activity and NO RESPECT.

God Bless Cozzi

8/05/2009 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Godspeed, Brother. You are in my prayers.

8/05/2009 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you brother, we won't forget you I promise.

8/05/2009 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly a sad statement to read. Best of luck to you Cozzi. Those of us who know you know that you are not at all deserving of this sentence or charge. You are an honorable man thrown under a wobbly and misguided politically fueled federal bus. Your undeserved conviction has done more to lower arrest numbers than any contract issue could have. God bless you and stay spiritually and physically strong. As in the Old Testament book of Job, sometimes reality just doesn't make sense and the legal order as expressed by the courts does not correspond to any sense of justice as any normal person understands it. I will forever disdain Weis because of what he did to you and never forget this injustice.

8/05/2009 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God Bless You Cozzi, I am so sorry that this happened to you. You are a good Police Officer who made a mistake and was punished for it. But for Jfed and his posse to go after you federally is outrageous. You have been punished twice and that is unfair. I pray for you and your family. I pray that your appeal is sucessfull and you get out early. Peace!!!!!

8/05/2009 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have more support than you know, brother!

8/05/2009 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hang in there............. We are all praying for you.... Know that the CPD family is here for you, you are in great hands with Northside as your VOICE, he is one stand up guy and a cops cop.

For you.......

In my darkest hour when I see no light.

I may even feel empty and hopeless at times.

I believe that at these times,
God not only carries me like the footprints in the sand.

God also reaches down to where I am.

God takes my hand and walks with me.

In my quiet time so silent within,

I believe that is when God talks to me.

And is my very best friend.

God made me a promise that he would never leave nor forsake me.

Not just in my darkest hour, God wants me to know that I am his shinning light.

I am special, as all his children are to Him.

One no more than the other we are just in different places.

But God is always in the same place.

With each and everyone of us, within us, working his Amazing Grace.

It is when I let go of God's hand,

like a shepherd, he enfolds me and brings me back into his loving flock.

With his divine and everlasting love, and protection he reminds me
In my darkest hour God is my light.

Your CPD family will stand beside you, infront of you and behind you when need be. We are here and everywhere, talking about the injustice that was done to you.

8/05/2009 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best of luck, and we will never forget what we've learned about city government by how they have treated you. stay strong!

8/05/2009 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fucking shame.
Be careful,and good luck.
I,will say a prayer for you and I dont do that often.


8/05/2009 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duggan in roll call in austin on 3rd watch, anything fun happen? or was it the same old speech of "comon guys fight the good fight?"

8/05/2009 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you Officer Cozzi. And stay safe.

8/05/2009 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Mike C. said...


8/05/2009 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Cozzi is one class act. Thanks, Northside.

8/05/2009 06:05:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


8/05/2009 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fellow brother in blue my heart bleeds for you!! This is a travesty of injustice! Try to remain strong and fight the battle--know that you are not alone--We your CPD brothers are all praying your for! God Bless friend.

8/05/2009 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

William Cozzi, Good luck! Please let us or Northern know if you need anything! (File/saw blade in the old cake routine, a good shank...)

8/05/2009 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous but for the grace of God said...

I think it's a great idea to send the WEISel and the city a message about our feelings on the terrible injustice taken against Cozzi. No parkers, movers, bus checks, curfews, ANOV, etc. If you don't see a petty revenue violation, there's nothing you can do. Take action only with felonies, life threatening incidents and answer your jobs.

What do you think Northside?

8/05/2009 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's all I needed to hear. I'm done. Unless I have to, put a fork in me.

8/05/2009 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This shows the significance, power and value of this website, when a man such as Bill Cozzi chooses SCC, this medium, to convey this message. Not MSM, not checkerboard chat, but this website.

God Bless Bill. May you find justice

8/05/2009 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Chuck D said...

Keep your head up Bill. if anybody was ever done wrong, it is you

8/05/2009 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me get this right:

The head of the FBI liked to wear dresses and get spanked by other men, while “investigating” communists and homosexuals. The fbi ran like pussies out of a building without firing a shot at the bad-guy, leaving a Chicago Detective to lie bleeding. And a former fbi agent has a Police Officer locked up on federal civil rights charges, and sent to prison, for giving a drunken shithead a well deserved “pimp-slap”.
Am I on target here?

Just what the fuck do they teach you at Quantico?

8/05/2009 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay Strong Brother.

8/05/2009 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family is praying for strength for you and your family.

---not a cop

8/05/2009 06:51:00 PM  
Blogger Rosemarie Giambalvo said...

I wish you well, Bill. Keep the faith!

8/05/2009 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck you weiss, your an asshole

8/05/2009 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stay strong and may God bless you!

8/05/2009 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous KEN said...

FUCK YOU J-FED MAY YOU ROTH IN HELL. Just look at yourself in the mirror and say I am good and tell your wife that too. Someday God will punish you for your jaskass decision. You have driven this Department into the ground and it will take many years for it to recover. You by far are THE WORST SUPERINDENT THIS DEPARTMENT HAS EVER HAS IN OUR HISTORY AND THAT INCLUDES THE ROARING TWENTIES

8/05/2009 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Bill is released is the soonest I will consider any type of proactive police work.

God speed Bill.

8/05/2009 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/05/2009 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an average citizen I wish you good luck and Godspeed and a quick return with your conviction overturned asap. Most people can't comprehend what Police Officers put up with on a daily basis, it's to bad the CPD doesn't try to educate people on how they should behave, instead of telling Officers what they little they are allowed to do in these stressful situations. I'm sorry you and all your brethren have suffered such a miscarriage of Justice. When your friend posts updating your status please let us know if you can receive anything (i.e books etc.)
Good Luck Officer

8/05/2009 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless this man. We're praying for you, Bill.

8/05/2009 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Unit Rep 055 Chicago Police said...

Stay strong. Keep your head up. This will pass. You will recover. You have not been beat. You will see. If you ever feel isolated from all that is good just remember at that moment our prayers are still with you. May god be with you at all times. Stay strong.

Unit Rep 055 Chicago Police

8/05/2009 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jfed you are an asshole. I hope one day here on earth or beyond that you have to go through something similar. God bless you Cozzi. Good luck with the appeal.

8/05/2009 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong Bill, You will be in our thoughts.

P.O. W. Calder
CPD Unit 050

8/05/2009 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous SCC Fan, & ex-025 said...

I'm speechless.

This is not justice.

Be safe "Wild" Bill. Be safe my friend.

Weis, you made a bigger mistake than Bill did. You will never have my respect. You are anathema.

8/05/2009 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a fucking disgrace. I'm sorry to put it that way, but it is what it is.

This city has made gang leaders millionaires on the backs of it's citizens, but they send this officer to prison for giving a drunk a couple of WELL DESERVED cracks.

My God, the world has indeed turned upside down.

Reap what you have sown, you ungrateful sons of bitches. You will get exactly the police you wished for. Then you will learn.

8/05/2009 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Bill. We all know you are victim of a great injustice in America's most corrupt city. Your grace and dignity is something I will try to emulate.

8/05/2009 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Class Act...I wish William Cozzi wins his appeal as soon as possible, I wish him safety while he is there, and hope that he knows where we stand...we Support him, always will...hope weiss rots in hell...he put Cozzi in the worst possible situation any POLICE Officer could be in...over some shithead bullshit that Cozzi paid his dues for. FUCK YOU WEISS!!!!!!! Safe Passage Cozzi, we wait for your safe return....

8/05/2009 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prisoners in BOP custody have recently been given access to email. There is no expectation of privacy, and the emails can be reviewed (if someone wanted to, pursuant to various legal processes), but he may be able to communicate via e-mail.

8/05/2009 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you officer Cozzi. We, your family at the cpd still stand behind you and support you. Expect a letter or two from me.

Superintendent Jody Weis, a big fuck you and I will never do a fucking thing until you are gone from this city forever. The hell with you and your rating system.

8/05/2009 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Billy your a fine man a an even better police officer. Be safe and we will see you soon. Your friend, Tim Szarzynski.

8/05/2009 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong Bill

8/05/2009 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This message troubles me greatly. J-Fed has single handedly killed any morale that was left that Shortshanks and all on the meritorious exempts had not killed already. I WILL DO JUST THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT OUR GREAT LEADER WANTS. I will never write another parker unless personally order by a superior on the street while Bill is in jail. I will never write a city charge on a mover if I can find any state charge that will fit the offense.

I worked numerous times with Bill on special employment. I hope we can have the biggest fund raiser ever run by us when Bill gets out to get him back on his feet. I hope that every working unit in the city has people who will come forward for this event, but I am afraid that too many people will have short memories. I will never forget what J-Fed did I and will never let the new hires not be educated of the facts of life. Never forget!

Bill all my prayers are with you. God Bless.


8/05/2009 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks jody

8/05/2009 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck bill and may god be with you.FUCK YOU J-FED.

8/05/2009 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, your in my thoughts & prayers ~ may that asshole, J-Fed go to hell for what he did!

8/05/2009 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are NO words!

8/05/2009 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Speed Officer Cozzi. You will be in my thoughts and prayers - always!
012 District Officer

8/05/2009 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Speed Bill! Our hearts and prayers are with you!

8/05/2009 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, worked with you in 025.
I wish you the best. Stay tuff my friend!

8/05/2009 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earlier today on AM780, I heard of a report about a survey conducted asking emergency room personnel what percentage of them suffered physical abuse ranging from being bitten, kicked, fought with and spit upon and also how many suffered verbal and mental abuse..It struck me at the time because what little I know personally of Bill Cozzi's case, I believe I read somewhere that he was responding to a call similar to the above listed incidents..While the report attempted to gain sympathy for the ER personnel, I wonder to myself exactly how many of those same people have been saved from being attacked or abused verbally by the action or the mere presence of a policeman. Next I wonder how many of the ER personnel present on the day of the Cozzi incident stood up for Officer Cozzi and spoke on his behalf during any of his judicial proceedings...Boggles the mind SCC, sorry for the long rant and if it seems a bit off course. My best wishes to Officer Cozzi, stay strong and keep your faith, God is watching.

8/05/2009 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sad...

8/05/2009 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much more can we take before the revolution starts?
Now I understand 1776.

8/05/2009 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest assured Officer Cozzi that Jody Weis will not be allowed to forget what he did to you.

It is merely a countdown until Weis either leaves or is run out of town. He lost this police department big time and it is my duty to let him know on a regular basis.

Be safe and keep the faith. I look forward to seeing you at a welcome home get together at some future date.

Never trust a fed. Especially a muscle bound beady eyed cat loving son-of-a-bitch.

8/05/2009 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous A cop's wife said...

I don't even know what to say. I feel useless and I cannot imagine how Bill and his family feel. I will pray for Bill and his family and I pray justice will prevail.

8/05/2009 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your head up Bill!!! We're still all praying for you!!!

8/05/2009 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Words can't even begin to describe what a terrible injustice has been done to you. You are now and always will be our brother NEVER forget that! You are in more prayers than you realize, and I know you will be fine. It is easy for me to say because my freedom is not being taken from me but keep your head up and your heart higher because while you may physically be by yourself you are not alone. God bless and stay safe brother!

8/05/2009 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous another not a cop, but not either of the other 2 not a cops said...

Officer Cozzi, you are an honorable man, with much to your credit. The shituation was misinterpreted on many levels You served your penance honorably and should have been allowed back on the job, rather than being thrown under the bus by Jfed and his fellow feebs. I pray that the appellate court overturns your judgment quickly, and awards you damages. And, the Feds shold have sent you to a more fitting venue, like the place in WI where Gov "Bribes for Licenses" Ryan now resides.

God bless CPD, CFD, and other departments in the area. May your guardian angels ride with you and protect you from harm.

8/05/2009 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Sad ...

8/05/2009 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless William Cozzi
& Fuck Jody Wies , may he burn in hell . Another morale booster from J-Fed . God I hate you !

8/05/2009 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police Officer COZZI best of luck to you. Hold your head up high as you know that you had paid for your transgression. Everyone knows that you were railroaded by the shit boss and masters. Rest assured that for the next 2 1/2 years the weisel will get nothing from us.

8/05/2009 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care Bill. I'm sending my special Angel to watch over you. You will know him when he gets there. You usd to joke with him all the time when we were in 025. Much love Bill.

8/05/2009 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will remember u in my payees and will send u stuff.

8/05/2009 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For what it's worth. I wear a "friendship" bracelet made by my kids. It's got , black, blue, and red. When i put it on, i promised my kid that I wouldn;t take it off until Bill Cozzi is free. When he's free I will burn it.

8/05/2009 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you OFC. Cozzi.

Fuck you J-FED I hope you sleep well at night.

8/05/2009 10:17:00 PM  
Blogger The Song Remains The Same said...

God Bless You, Officer Cozzi.
Let us NEVER forget how this Officer was hung out to dry by our asswipe leader.
Stay strong Officer, and know there are a whole lot of us thinking of you and praying for you!

8/05/2009 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.
Colin Powell

That being said.... I think J-Fed has failed. Please post the address when you have it.

8/05/2009 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong and stay safe

8/05/2009 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way to get rid of J fed is to let the animals have the streets. The more they kill eah other the more heat on Jfed. Does anyone give a federal fuck. Not me. Do the right thing, Do nothing

8/05/2009 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill your a great man,copper,soldier who served his country,for this to happen to you is unconsciousable! Thanks for your help,and your laughter bill! To j-fed you have your "harley guys" kissing your ass look what YOU did to this innocent copper,who served his time! I am done and I am a younger officer,boys and girls in tru and msf take note they have your back,and will twist the knife!

8/05/2009 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/05/2009 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey J Pud... maybe try going after a real criminal? R.M.D.

8/05/2009 11:14:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

6:16 PM

Hey! Sometimes officers may have a bad day, week or month in producing revenue for our beloved mayor and "top cop". Hell, Bill Cozzi is having a bad forty (40) months because of ONE individual. Shit happens, right?

If I were above you in the chain of command, be it your sergeant or among the highest ranking officers in the CPD, I would understand this.

Of course, we will always have a handful of individuals who have no qualms with "sandbagging" innocent citizens for bogus violations.

In the event a ranking officer sees a possible violation and gives you a direct order to cite the supposed violator, you will always cover your ass against a possible charge of "insubordination".

There will always be a few overzealous suckholes that will want to curry favor with so-called "superiors". When dealing with such unscrupulous assholes and if a violation is doubtful at best, enter the name of the ranking officer on the citation.


8/05/2009 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And let us not forgetthat JFed was in charge when Airheart was shot and wounded and he would not let anyone go in to rescue him. Pussy Fed!

8/05/2009 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill serve your time honorably as you did for this country and this city. Keep your head up and always know there are thousands of us that respect you. Pray for us we still have to deal with this WEISsel!

8/05/2009 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong officer Cozzi. This is the worst case of double jeapoardy in the history of the CPD. Any working copper could've ended up in the same position. Anyone who doesn't believe this mayor and this superintendant in particular won't throw you to the wolves if it's politicaly to their advantage is deaf,dumb,and blind. For those of us who have been on the job fifteen years or more,we must accept that this job has changed for the worst. For the last half of our careers we must maintain a delicate balancing act. As "the real police," we will never turn a blind eye to crime. But at the same time,we must pick our battles. Along with morale,public opinion is in the crapper. Therefore,we seldom get the benefit of the doubt from the public. Because of the attitude of the top brass on this job,not many bosses at the disrict level will go out of their way to support us.FOP hasn't been much help either. The bottom line is,don't do anything to jeapordise your career,pension,or freedom. For the guys and gals with ten years or less,unless attitudes change,doing this job right will become all but impossible. Always watch your back,your partners,and that of your fellow P.O's. All you have is each other.

8/05/2009 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if this doesn't make crystal clear the caliber or lack of same of the current leadership on this dept. nothing will. this interloper weis is nothing more than your average cicero ave. streetwalker being pimped by this little jag-off daley. at this point anybody doing any pro-active police work should be held in the same regard. lack of activity is currently the only weapon we have at our disposal.

8/05/2009 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, good luck to you. May God bless you and may you know His presence during this time.

J-Fed, you are no better than the ignorant masses who out of fear, or hate, or prejudice call for "justice" when in this case justice has been duly given in the first place. I don't know how you sleep well knowing that you ruined a man's life because you pandered to the masses who if they had it their ignorant way, they would draw and quarter Officer Cozzi.

Bill, I just hope that justice will one day be meeted out to J-Fed in the same measure he himself gave. I pray that will be the case.

Good luck and godspeed.

8/05/2009 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good Luck and God Bless. You have always been a class act. Our prayers and best hopes are with you.

A friend from the Cook County Sheriffs Police (Retired.)

8/05/2009 11:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let us know when the date is for the appeal

8/05/2009 11:38:00 PM  
Blogger mr taggart said...

Never again as soon as mail is posted we b there w u

8/05/2009 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong Bill. I did 18 months at Camp BondSteel, KOSOVO during and after the war. Not to compare it with prison but it felt like it a times. But with many letters and care packages from family and friends time did pass quicker then I expected. Good Luck with the appeal.

8/05/2009 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An Open Letter To Jody Weis,

I believe that you know in your heart that what you caused to happen to Bill Cozzi was an injustice and the worst possible way to begin your time here in the Chicago Police Dept.

You couldn't have found a quicker way to alienate a law enforcement agency than to do what you did. In one fell swoop, you slammed the door on an entire Police force who sincerely would have 'gone to war' for you. And, more importantly, you signaled to everyone that they would NEVER BE ABLE TO TRUST YOU. Your actions against Bill Cozzi were the biggest example of "ACTING STUPIDLY" I could ever imagine.

There are two things that you could still do, however, that would gain you some respect, at least on some level. First you could team up with the Chief of Security of the Chicago Public Schools who also happens to be tight with the President, (Shields), and ask for a Presidential pardon for Officer Cozzi. Second, you should resign your position as Superintendent. I guarantee you that as you fly off into retirement, the stress relief you will experience will be absolutely phenomenal.

8/05/2009 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay safe Bill Cozzi and from the CFD we stand with you in your battle with this shit Judicial system and arrogant schemers. Please tell Northen that I will gladly get you a laptop if you can have one. Go thru the CPD Chaplain. You were a quiet symbol of honor at mass.

8/05/2009 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should have never came to this and any one in your shoes would have done the same thing. I hope you are cleared someday and sue the shit out of the city for waht they did to you. We get hit by these assholes all the time when arresting them, and they spend no time in jail. We fill out a TRR and IOD report and before you get out of the Hospital ER. the mutt is back on the street. There is no justice. It's so sad what has happened. Take care brother and I will be sending you leters. Keep your head up.

8/05/2009 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cozzi will NEVER be forgotten on the CPD!!!!

8/05/2009 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong Bill,you will be in my prayers.You gave me alot of laughs years and years ago on 025 and you were always a class act...YOU DID NOT DESREVE THIS!!!

FUCK YOU JODY....ROT!!!!!!!!!!!

8/05/2009 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE all know that WE could be the next COZZI!

8/05/2009 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time doesn't heal the wounds of INJUSTICE!!!

8/05/2009 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The institutional memories of coppers FUCKED over NEVER goes away!


HERE'S YOUR NUMBERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

8/06/2009 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2009 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill,God Bless You! I can't convey how deeply I feel for you and your family; but know that I am a Southsider who understands and I pray for you.

8/06/2009 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this post is probably one of the most significant and important posts in recent memory...and a reminder just how dangerous and treacherous J-Fed can be...and, after this, the rank and file is supposed to continue to put their lives on the line, waiting for management to prosecute's over

8/06/2009 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember this boys and girls:

The Shitty of Chicago can and WILL terminate, prosecute and hang you at will.



8/06/2009 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And where was the FOP for all of this? Do nothing for this City, because this is how you're repaid. Pray for Bill and his family.

8/06/2009 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Tim Bialek said...

Not much I can say that has not been said here already. I have great memories from 25 and you are still good in my book. Keep your head up and stay strong. I'm hoping the appeal sets this travesty right. You are in my prayers.

8/06/2009 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate you for what you did to this Man J fraud and I am only a recruit. I will never work for you or this department as long as you are here. There is a special place in hell for you j fed!!!

8/06/2009 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't lift a finger for J fed or this corupt city ever again. You see how they have your back...

8/06/2009 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will visit you in Louisiana. Stay strong - you will get through this. This Dept is becoming Alice in Wonderland with everything upside down.
J-Fed can never undue the damage he has done to you and this entire Department.
You will be in my prayers. You will be vindicated and that J-Fuck will pay big time. He is a laughing stock and he knows it.
What goes around comes around and it will definitely get around to Weis.
God Bless you, God Damn JFraud.
Stay strong - you will be vindicated.

8/06/2009 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the time I am posting this there have been 89 posts. It is a small sample of actual coppers who respond but there are several hundred if not thousands who read this blog and never respond due to the long arms of DA MAYO and Da Feds. But this message is loud and clear!!! I don't care what color you are or race or religion or sex or what part of the city your from!!! This action by JFED will be his final DOOM! Bill Cozzie is JFEDS disaster and Da Mayo at first could care less but the trickle down effect has made Da Mayo very very upset at JFED. Who is to blame DA MAYO he put him there!! Hopefully Bill Cozzie will pervail and stay strong!!! Remember what DA MAYO has done election night 2011!!!!!

8/06/2009 01:00:00 AM  
Blogger It's McTwitter! said...

" Anonymous said...
How much more can we take before the revolution starts?
Now I understand 1776.

8/05/2009 09:14:00 PM"

Now I understand "The Killing Fields" of Cambodia.

8/06/2009 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong PO Cozzi. You will be in my thoughts!

8/06/2009 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC this could be your biggest post ever! I thought that the kid police impersonator would be but this may go further! An injustice has been done and it wasn't by Bill Cozzie it was by JFED and I would say 95% of all police officers can relate. JFED did not like the Chicago out come and decided to arrange to have HIS own out come. He thought that this would put fear into the CPD to respect him. Well Bill served his time and punishment and you JFED just would not let it stand. Instead you had to be a tough guy!! Your a sad excuse for a SUPE you get NO respect!

8/06/2009 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC is the statement below true? If so, how the fuck is he our boss?

And let us not forgetthat JFed was in charge when Airheart was shot and wounded and he would not let anyone go in to rescue him. Pussy Fed!

8/06/2009 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-fed... You have destroyed this department along with shortshanks. You have to have some idea to that. You cannot possible be that dumb.... Step down like you said you would. That is the only way to save this department and city.

8/06/2009 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northside, Email is nice, and all, but can you set up an account for this man's family? Several posters have mentioned it already.

There's probably a mortgage to pay and a car that needs service and food that still needs to be put on the table, despite him no longer having an income. I don't know the man, but what happened to him could have happened to so many of us.

I'd rather send my money to his family, instead of the 'unknown' recipients of my current charity deduction. Set it up and I'll contribute gladly.

8/06/2009 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just gave a murderer 3 years for killing a 9 year. Case closed. Welcome to Cook County.

8/06/2009 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/05/2009 11:01:00 PM

Because that's how the feds operate. If you do something they don't like (such as giving an interview to a reporter in which you maintain your innocence), they'll even ship you out in the middle of the night from one fed facility to another farther away with no warning. (And this, my friends, is the truth - history from a long-ago CPD trial. Old-timers know it. Hell, the good Sgt. Northen probably knows the case of which I speak.)

8/06/2009 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/05/2009 11:01:00 PM"

The Federal BOP determines the initial placement of an inmate using several criteria, the primary one being: which BOP facility, having the specific security level classification consistent with the inmate's, and closest to that inmate's designated release location, has an open bed, on the given date the inmate has been ordered, by the court, to begin serving his/her term of imprisonment.

The general BOP policy, to place an inmate within a facility located within 500 miles, or less, of their designated release location, is regularly ignored at the beginning of an inmate's sentence, due to the required date of commencement of said term being determined by court order.

Other than Officer Cozzi succeeding in his appeal far sooner than most, he will be stuck at the initial placement facility for at least 18 months, and that, only if his case manager isn't an asshole and begins the transfer request process after he, Officer Cozzi, has served his first 12 months without catching any shots.

The BOP rarely transfers an inmate solely to comply with their policy of 'within 500 miles' placement.

The BOP also uses, as a factor in determining initial placement of an inmate, any information which might indicate that a placement within a facility located farther from the inmate's designated release location would be safer for said inmate, as might be the case concerning a member of law enforcement possibly encountering another inmate(s) aware of said member's law enforcement background.

8/06/2009 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just beyond words...
Godspeed Officer Cozzi, stay safe!

~just another citizen

8/06/2009 01:36:00 AM  
Blogger Bill Cozzi said...

CORRESPONDENCE MAILING ADDRESS: (Do NOT send cash/checks to this address)

William Cozzi, #40222-424
FCI Oakdale
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 5000
Oakdale, LA 71463


8/06/2009 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to get Officer Cozzi's name and star number embroidered on my black FOP jacket in large type so I can wear it to work for the next 40 months.

Are you getting the message yet Jody Weis? We won't let you forget. 18 months left for you in this city, then good fucking riddance.

Never trust a fed.

8/06/2009 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember brothers and sisters, you could be next!

8/06/2009 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous 015 3rd watch said...

Good luck man, I met you many times on assists while working in 015, you were always there when needed, wish we could be there with you, supporting you. Your a great guy, youll be in my thoughts and prayers.

8/06/2009 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Cozzi.. You will be in my prayers and my thoughts every day and every night. Thank you for being the only car to come help us and check off late just to give us a ride in your cool air conditioned car after ours broke down in 90 degree plus weather. You were always there to back someone up or take a job. I remember sitting in the back seat, feeling the cool air and thinking wow what a great copper.. and you'll always will be!

8/06/2009 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only way to get rid of J fed is to let the animals have the streets. The more they kill each other the more heat on Jfed"

Too true....

8/06/2009 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPD has crumbled into a two camps, 1. Clout babies who are afraid of their shadow and the gang bangers can smell it.
2. Real police who know that what has been done to Cozzi can happen to anyone of us and just respond to our calls. We are screwed

8/06/2009 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Cozzi will be just the first in a long line of officers that the SA or the US attorney will indict to intimidate the CPD from doing police work. Do not forget about Off. Haleas who is accused of a felony for allegedly not perfroming SFSTs on a driver who struck three parked cars and blew a .34 on the breathalyzer. It is time for all of the thin blue line that keeps this city from going to hell everyday and night to rise up in support of all the men and women who are wrongfully accused or excessively punished for a momentary lapse. Make no mistake about it. You have become the prey of the pols looking for a news story to lift their careers and for the bottom feeding lawyers who with the help of the federal courts make millions in civil rights litigation. The police in this city, county and state need to band together to support candidates for elected office who do not have animosity for law enforcement.
Godspeed to Off. Cozzi who received a sentence far beyond anything most career criminals receives.

8/06/2009 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you Bill.

We need a Bill Cozzi Day where no one gets arrested and no tickets are issued. Just for JFed.

8/06/2009 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous U.S. Bureau of Prisons said...

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is an agency of the U.S. Dept. of Justice. Oakdale FCI is located in the South Central Region.

For inmate locator and BOP rules regarding mail, parcels, visits, commissary funding, etc. link to

The inmate's registration number is most important. In this case:

(Registration No.) 40222-424

8/06/2009 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god speed cozz!!!!

8/06/2009 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officers at 011 are all behind Bill Cozzi. What happened in that hospital with an able-bodied man didn't even qualify as a TUNE-UP. The 2 year suspension was drastic.

All of us know what the WEISel is about. He would do just about anything to help his political agenda. Well, it backfired big time, mother fucker.

Godspeed, Billy.

8/06/2009 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2009 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please post the address where we can send Officer Cozzi some good items? And is there any limit what we can send him? Thank you.
And God Bless you, Officer Cozzi stay strong..

8/06/2009 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sickens me to my stomach knowing this guy did his job and made a simple mistake slapping some asshole. prison time for an offense like that? Remeber any one of us could be in his shoes. I pray for him and his family. I am depressed just thinking about it. If anyone goes to court and sees the mutts walk out of court daily with REAL criminal cases dropped and then sees a working stand up guy who chose a life as a policeman go to jail for a mistake that any human could have made sickens me.

8/06/2009 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is heartbreaking, God Bless you and your family, words can not describe how pissed off I am at J-Fed for doing this to you. We all lose our temper on this job, JFED doesn't realize this because he has never been a blue shirt, you paid the price for your mistake once, and now they are are taking you away from your life and your family is a tragedy. If there is any benefit or funds for you and your family, please let us know. God Bless

8/06/2009 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, I know you might not remember me but you handled an accident my sister and her family were involved in and you were the poster of professionalism. You did not have to go above and beyond for us but you did because of the kind of person you are. God bless you and your family and there's nothing words can say to take away the pain and suffering that RAT BASTARD jody WEISel has put not just you, but this once wonderful Dept thru. God Bless You Bill. We sit waiting for the address to be able to write to a wonderful human being.

8/06/2009 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck on your appeal. you are in our hearts and prayers.
jfed it's time for you to leave,stop kidding yourself. no one and i mean no one thinks of you as a leader. your presence is a constant morale drain to all that wear the uniform. the uniform we all had to earn.

8/06/2009 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Cozzi you will not be forgotten. May the Good Lord give you strength as you wait to win your appeal.

Fuck You J-Fed!! I was there at your Town Hall meeting when you stated that you thought what Bill did was the most egregious thing you have ever seen and that is why you called your Fed buddies and had Bill indicted. You should have done your research first on the case before you acted. Every Police Officer thinks you are the biggest jag off in the world for what you did and I know deep down inside you know you fucked up on this one big time. I only pray and hope you find yourself in Cozzi's position one day. Its too late to realize the shit officers face everyday and trying to get M-4's and be able to shoot at vehicles with fleeing felons will never make up for what you did to Cozzi. I don't know how you can sleep at night.

8/06/2009 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis is Daley's bitch. If Daley says JUMP, Weis will ask HOW HIGH.

Stay strong, Bill.

8/06/2009 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP please speak up!! Call JFed out. His words " if I was the source of the morale problem I would leave". Call this puke on it! Take another vote and maybe he'll get the picture. Jfed is a Piece Of Shit!! God bles u Bill. Let our voices b heard Mark Donahue!!!!

8/06/2009 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2009 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm amazed how motorists are complying with safe driving laws and avoiding parking violations.

8/06/2009 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous J.P. WEIS said...

"If I...saw that I was the cause of (poor) morale in this department, no one would have to ask me to leave. I would leave on my own."

8/06/2009 09:32:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

I just spoke to Bill and his brother Dave eating breakfast in Opelousas, LA. A one hour drive to Oakdale FCI follows.

Like Chicago, Louisiana is in the Central Time Zone.

8/06/2009 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous ltjjthulis cpd retd said...

God bless will get through this.....
The rest of us should never forget what that asshole weiss did...whenever you think of making that arrest/ticket/curfew that will bring money to daley,think of what happened to this officer....
this is a disgrace...leverage the pain upwards.....answer calls and cover your partner...nothing else..

8/06/2009 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough is enough.

No tickets, no one baggers, no pissers, no drinking on public way unless you have a complainant or receive a direct order from a ranking officer.

Answer your jobs and lock up felons. Even if you're a suckhole, no more than a CTA bus check.

8/06/2009 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how much money UAL has donated to Democrat's? How much went to Obama or Daley? I imagine they spent at least a million or so. For every nickle they spent on donations, they got a buck back from Daley. Good business!

8/06/2009 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

USPS validated address:

WILLIAM COZZI, #40222-424
PO BOX 5000
OAKDALE LA 71463-5000

8/06/2009 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO here..good job RMD, good JOB JW.
"Ill show them" know those words "boss"?
you've, in a little over a year, have crushed a Police force of maybe 9000 men and women into a do little to nothing security company who wouldnt raise a finger to help anyone because their job would be on the line.
We once enjoyed this job, helping people not because we had to because it was in us to help. We enjoyed "fighting" evil, the thrill of the chase. its why we woke up, put the uniform on and came to work each day. worked in special units, did undercover work, became detectives, school officers, neighborhood relations CAPS. all to make a difference, even if it was just one time. thats a feeling we enjoyed, never asking for awards. just a simple thank you was all it took from a citizen that needed us to be there at that time. I know we are hated and unloved that comes with this profession. we as a brotherhood of officers will get through this to see you get what you deserve. the citizen will suffer in the interm and its really them whom should be screaming for your heads. we all know what type of leaders you guys really are, they dont. holding my hands up in slient protest.

8/06/2009 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, you got a truly raw deal. Let us never forget this injustice when certain 'suits' state 'they have our backs'.

Yeah, you have my back, and the dagger is deeply imbedded.

Fuck you Jfed.

8/06/2009 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We need a Bill Cozzi Day where no one gets arrested and no tickets are issued.



8/06/2009 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Steve Bigden said...

Bill, hang in there buddy. I promise you that you will not be forgotten and that you will be in our hearts, prayers and thoughts daily. FWI, you were an OUTSTANDING Officer and man and did not deserve this. You were an asset to the Chicago Police Department and you will be sorely missed.
God Bless you

8/06/2009 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even express the discust I feel at this moment. I have been gone for a few years now but had worked in A/5 for many years. One of the few from 025 that would respond or stop to see if you needed help as he was passing was Cozzi the traffic man. I live out of state now(thank GOD)and people outside of Chicago are talking about Mayor Shorts-it and J-fed in a negative way. Not that it helps the P.O.'s still on the job but at least the rest of the nation is learning about what happen's in Chicago. Good luck Bill and I will be in touch.

8/06/2009 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shameless jagoff described Cozzi's tough love taps as "the most egregious" he's ever seen. With no injuries sustained, the able-bodied mutt finally stopped disrupting the entire emergency room and broke into giggles and subdued laughter. Cozzi later apologized for being human and was suspended without pay for two years.

Not enough for the WEISel. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! He had to make a FEDERAL CASE out of common bullshit. He'll show the CPD he means business: FORTY (40) MONTHS inside for a good cop with an otherwise unblemished record. It wasn't even a "tune-up".

Will some veteran of a big-city police department (CPD, NYPD, LAPD) define an actual "tune-up" to this clueless bully?

8/06/2009 11:52:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

As scheduled, Bill Cozzi has entered the FCI at Oakdale, LA to serve his 40 month sentence pending his appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Authority: David Cozzi.

8/06/2009 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me today is Black Thursday. I will never write another parker again, but ont Thrsdays I will protest by doing nothing except back each other up while Bill is gone. Start writing in all of the city papers blogs in an educated way how bad that J-fed has been and till he goes crime will go up.

8/06/2009 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer your calls, take your time (be safe responding no accidents), the only "hot" call is a officer or his/her family needing help otherwise who cares? After what jfed did your insane to drive like a maniac, blaring lights and sirens, the animal does not really want us there anyway so why rush? Why? the bosses hey fuck them!

8/06/2009 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Mike C. said...

Brother in arms Cozzi,
Nothing but LOVE & concern for you & yours. My hope and prayers are with you.

8/06/2009 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Those who shoot from the hip may get a round in the foot. Too bad it wasn't your aorta.

Hang tough, Billy!

8/06/2009 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do I put a few bucks in Bill's canteen account?

I'm just going to collect blue welfare now. Fuck the Stuttering Prick and J-Pud and his butt boy Masters. Not one lousy parker, mover, curfew, tow, DOPW, absolutely not one little bit of self-initiated anything until Bill's free. Until he's my partner, I roll on calls, roll hot ONLY on 10-1's, arrest only on a signed complaint, and as far as I'm concerned there are no parking violations in 022.

8/06/2009 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill,its with heavy heart that i write this today.i sent out texts to every friend i have on this shitfuck job.BILL COZZI DAY.Less will be done then i already do,and im fuckin leavin early(maybe 1 hr into tour) tonite and gnna have a drink with u my friend.try to find me drunk Jodi fuck.!!!!I remember our homeroom in academy like it was yesterday,and you were always good for a smile and a pick me up.Please stay strong and we will for you as well.May this ANIMAL infested ,corrupt city burn to fucking ashes until the revolution begins and all these wrongs are righted....your academy classmate,and friend and brother 4 life.GOD BLESS us all.

8/06/2009 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HELL HAS NO FURY LIKE A PATRIOT BETRAYED.....Pete Legler,class of 92 with Bill Cozzi......SEMPER FI

8/06/2009 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes me glad I'm retired and don't have to deal with the new CPD leadership. Stay safe and look out for each other. It's pretty obvious nobody else gives a shit about you. I hope somebody starts a fund for the Cozzi family. Anybody who wouldn't contribute is a fool because tomorrow if might be you.
Like they used to say, One Oh SHIT sure can take care of a lot of attaboys!

8/06/2009 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous 025 said...

The WEISel underestimated Bill Cozzi. He was always there for you when you needed help.

Cozzi has the heart of a lion.

Why did Shortshanks ever pick this a-hole?

8/06/2009 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, I don't know you but I am sure you will win on appeal, in the mean time remember, alot of us have you in our thoughts and prayers!!! Thank you for your service in the military and your service to chicago. If I ever have the misfortune to meet J-fed, I promise I will ask him what he would do if some drunken jag-bag, possibly AIDS infected piece of shit were to spit on him? If those little love taps were the worst he has ever seen, he is a bigger pussy than I always thought. As always never forget Det. Joe Airhart, who I blame the feds for killing.

8/06/2009 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill i talked to you alot about you coming up to the north side and working, before all of this happened..i told you that it would be great to have another great working cop on the watch...well i still mean it and i would be proud to have you as a partner when you beat all of this..god bless and see you on the watch..H.B.

8/06/2009 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley's son gets a Dishonorable Discharge from the US ARMY and no mention of it in the State run media.

8/06/2009 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC just an idea but what about maybe producing a wristband to show support for Cozzi and all proceeds go to fund for his family, kids, wife......ust a thought.

8/06/2009 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Private citizen here... I can't believe you held your temper as well as you did. I couldn't have. I am horrified that you are getting scape-goated like this.

Let me put my money where my mouth is. Please, someone set up a fund and let us know.

8/06/2009 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are two things that you could still do, however, that would gain you some respect, at least on some level.///////////The only way the cross eyed mongoloid gets any respect from me is if he publicly disembowels himself in front of 35th st.LONG LIVE COZZI!!

8/06/2009 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey SCC just an idea but what about maybe producing a wristband to show support for Cozzi and all proceeds go to fund for his family, kids, wife......ust a thought.

8/06/2009 04:02:00 PM

An excellant idea!

8/06/2009 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Daley's son gets a Dishonorable Discharge from the US ARMY and no mention of it in the State run media.

8/06/2009 03:55:00 PM

I didn't hear that, when, for what?

8/06/2009 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Cozzi really got screwed by the department. He was caught up in a situation that any of us could have been in, and in some cases where, but not on camera. It is easy to lose it when faced with the daily stresses of this job and the daily pressures from the department administration. He paid his penalty and should not have been subjected to such a harsh second penalty after what appears to have been a clean careet. I am now retired and thank god for it!!I have seen the department cover up for many corrupt exempts in the past, from sexual harassment, to selling narcotics to burglary to frequenting illegal gambling establishments. What hipocracy!!!

8/06/2009 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2009 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm proud to call you a friend and a fellow police officer. I worked with you in 025. You are a class act. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I promise you I will write to you and keep in touch. Please stay strong and know that all of your friends in blue stand with you and will not forget about you. We love you.

8/06/2009 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless You my friend.

8/06/2009 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bill,

You were, are and always will be a class act. Keep your head up.

For what it's worth, I will pray for you weekly.

8/06/2009 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has happened to Bill is a total abuse of the justice system. It should be a clear warning to all Chicago Police Officers.

There, but for the grace of God, go any one of us.

Stay strong Bill. I pray that cooler heads on the Seventh Circuit see this railroad job for what it is.

8/06/2009 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who has known Bill Cozzi was in the company of class. A guy you can really be proud of God's chosen ones.

8/06/2009 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



FREE COZZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey when will we be able to find out where to write a letter to PO Cozzi?

Stay Safe All.......

8/06/2009 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed is just one more product of the mayor. I believe the mayor is to be held responsible for many of the problems in this country. Without his sponsorship, the president could never have become president, and brought all those friends of the mayor along for the ride. I believe he cares nothing for the people, and cares only for his family, and for those who can be used to benefit himself, and family. I believe he is in a large part responsible for creating the type of politicians that are ruining this great country. My only wish is that somehow justice will find this man accountable for his terrible actions.

8/06/2009 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Cozzi,
You will be recieving sacks of mail, most postmarked from chicago!
Hang tough Bill ! Fuck off J-Fraud.

8/06/2009 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Cozzi did nothing wrong. He should have never been indicted in the first place. A few days suspension at the most. That POS Devine indicted more coppers than the last six State's attarnets combined. I hope Devine rots in hell along with Weis and Daley.

8/06/2009 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless.
Please let us know what can and cannot be sent with our letters. We've never met, but we share a bond. You are in my prayers.

8/06/2009 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking Jody Weis presided over the abandonment of one of our detectives at a shooting scene, abandoned by two coward FBI agents who retreated under fire to a safe position while leaving a critically wounded police officer back at the shooting scene with a head shot.

That was Criminal.

And now, this scum low life FBI jagoff Jody Weis takes one of our own, who did no more than many of us have done when confronted with the realities of big city police work, and he sends this good officer to prison for almost 4 years, and this AFTER a prosecution and conviction in state court.

You won't catch me doing anything even remotely resembling police work from now on. I already was slowed way down, not it comes to a halt.

Jody Weis, fuck you. Your own demise and departure from my city and my police department cannot come soon enough.

And let us not who foisted this abomination upon us all: Richard M. Daley.

Remember, never forget. never.

We'll be having a pizza and beverage at the FOP Hall with Officer Cozzi soon enough and hopefully in a city without Jody Weis and Richard M. Daley in any type of leadership positions.

8/06/2009 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hang in there bud! You're a great officer, airman and fellow man! God Speed your return.

S. Gustafson

8/07/2009 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Jody,

You did it. You are the singlemost cause of the decline in morale of the CPD. Now it's just your turn to hold up your end of the bargin like you promised...and resign!!!

You POS. You should be ashamed to align yourself with heroes saying you ever worked in Law Enforcement. You are a disgrace to CPD and FBI!!!

8/07/2009 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill, My prayers are with you.

To those of you reading this, Bill was a great officer! An untold thousands of lives were probably saved by this man and this is what happens to him. In my short three years I spent in 025, I have personally seen Bill travel from job to job, most often across the district to help someone in need. He would handle countless number of DUIs for anyone and leave those officers available for other assignments. I can't remember ever seeing Bill stop for lunch? He was a friend when you needed and a great asset to our department. MADD lost a great soldier today. We lost a great officer and patriot!


God Bless you Bill!!!

8/07/2009 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Officer Cozzi really got screwed by the department.'

NOT TRUE! Officer Cozzi was disciplined by the Dept. for a particularly heinous act: beating a man with a sap who was inebriated and shackled and in a WHEELCHAIR. But, Cozzi paid a price for his actions...until WEISel came along and decided that Cozzi hadn't 'paid enough.' It wasn't the Dept. who screwed was WEISel. No one else. The Dept. was satisfied with its 'pound of flesh'....WEISel
obviously wasn't!

8/07/2009 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

billy just stay positive and the 40 months will zoom by-- keep yourself physically and mentally strong so upon your release you can move on with your life--- jody weis, if you were on fire in an alley i wouldn't piss on you, you are a first class piece of shit....

8/07/2009 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so wrong. Our leaders, the mayo and alderthieves belong in prison not you. We will not forget !!!

8/07/2009 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just woke up. EAT SHIT AND DIE! Now I might even have a good day.

God bless you and stay strong, Bill. Everybody knows this POS used you as a scapegoat.

8/07/2009 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northside, Email is nice, and all, but can you set up an account for this man's family? Several posters have mentioned it already.

There's probably a mortgage to pay and a car that needs service and food that still needs to be put on the table, despite him no longer having an income. I don't know the man, but what happened to him could have happened to so many of us.

I'd rather send my money to his family, instead of the 'unknown' recipients of my current charity deduction. Set it up and I'll contribute gladly.

Maybe someone can sell a COZZI pin that we can wear in support of our brother, with proceeds going to the Cozzi family.

8/07/2009 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley's son gets a Dishonorable Discharge from the US ARMY and no mention of it in the State run media.

8/06/2009 03:55:00 PM

I want to leave a dishonorable discharge in Daley and JPUD's faces.

8/07/2009 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the Federal Bureau of Prisons site on how to send money to an inmates account:

Funds may be sent to Federal inmates via the United States Postal Service or via the Western Union Quick Collect Program. In either case, the inmate must physically be housed at a Federal Bureau of Prisons' facility before funds can be received and posted. If the inmate is not physically in a Federal Bureau of Prisons' facility, the funds cannot be posted and will be returned or rejected.

U.S. Postal Service

Inmates' families and friends choosing to send inmates funds through the mail must send those funds to the following address and in accordance with the directions provided below:

Federal Bureau of Prisons
Insert Valid Committed Inmate Name
Insert Inmate Eight Digit Register Number
Post Office Box 474701
Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001

The deposit must be in the form of a money order made out to the inmate's full committed name and complete eight digit register number. Effective December 1, 2007, all non-postal money orders and non-government checks processed through the National Lockbox will be placed on a 15 day hold. The Bureau of Prisons will return funds that do not have valid inmate information to the sender provided the envelope has an adequate return address. Personal checks and cash cannot be accepted for deposit.

The sender's name and return address must appear on the upper left hand corner of the envelope to ensure that the funds can be returned to the sender in the event that they cannot be posted to the inmate's account. The deposit envelope must not contain any items intended for delivery to the inmate. The Bureau of Prisons shall dispose of all items included with the funds.

In the event funds have been mailed but have not been received in the inmate's account and adequate time has passed for mail service to Des Moines, Iowa, the sender must initiate a tracer with the entity who sold them the money order to resolve any issues.

8/07/2009 08:55:00 AM  

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