Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Burke Sticks Up for Snitch?

Evidently, Burke is attempting to right old wrongs again. First, Mrs. O'Leary; next, Edward O'Hare:
  • Chicago police today agreed to take a look at an unsolved 70-year-old murder of Edward J. O'Hare, a Chicago lawyer who allegedly cooperated with federal authorities against infamous mobster Al Capone.

    The unusual request to revisit the investigation came from Alderman Edward Burke, 14th, at a meeting of the council's Police and Fire Committee and in advance of the release of a new book on Capone.

    Burke made it clear he didn't want detectives to spend too much time on the case, saying his intention was simply to set the record straight that it wasn't Eliot Ness who brought Capone to justice.

Aside from being a complete waste of police resources for some bizarre game of one-upsmanship involving the Irish and Italians mafias, we're surprised Burke is condoning snitching. After all, if the people who know Ed Burke told everything they knew about him and the midget-on-five, Ed would be cooling his heels behind bars with a number of ex-governors and half the Bridgeport crew.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is about as useful as goose liver, spayed animals, and the elephant abuse ordinance. I'm sure there is more but my mind is sleeping right now.

1/13/2010 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/13/2010 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


If all was told about Daley Inc. (of which Burke is a member as he has benefitted enormously) there would be no mature trees within a 100 mile radius of the city due to all the scaffolding that would be built to accomodate the largest single event mass hanging of corrupt cocksuckers in the 6000+ years of recorded human history if the upright citizenry of this city had their way.

Every one of these thieves is naked and even 42 extra-short's gown is starting to flap in the breeze of discontent. No shortage of useful idiots willing to kiss his ass so he won't feel a chill.

1/13/2010 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is a FRIST CLASS ASSHOLE!!! He wastes so much city money it's amazing. He gets driven around in a city car all day by city paid police body guards for no reason at all. This guy thinks he is so important and some big wig politician when all he is a little man wearing a suite thinking he is a big shot! Hey Mr. Big Shot, you are a nothing. You are just an alderman and unfortunately there are 49 more of you. Once he retires the cities budget problems will be solved.

1/13/2010 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Thanks 4 The Info said...


Just a quick thanks for all the tax suggestions and advice I got. Very much appreciated. God bless the first responders and their families.

1/13/2010 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Trahanas Does It Again!!! said...


Someone in 011 went crying to the D.C.:

Our favorite new queen, the one, the only...Penny Trahanas is at it again. On Tuesday, 12 Jan 2010, our fearless leader ordered a 2/W Sergeant to initiate a CR # complete with ordering an E.T. to recover photographic evidence of bathroom scripture in the men's locker room in 011.

Seems someone took pleasure in creating a "Wanted" poster on a stall wall that consisted of (not verbatim): seeking African American officers to work the desk. Drop a To-From to the D.C. with a headshot to prove race. White officers wearing afro wigs and/or black face paint will be disqualified.

The wording DID NOT contain racial epithets, slander, slurs or vulgarity in any way, shape or form - just some funny shit penned by a copper(s) with a sense of humor. So Henny Penny makes it a federal case, tying up a Sgt. and an E.T. to conduct an investigation over nothing.

Once again, being promoted WAY, WAY, WAY beyond one's abilities shines through. Talk about a complete waste of resources while you further alienate the ranks. This ranks right up there with the Sprinkler Lt. Henny Penny better realize quickly that reactions to non-issues like this only makes coppers turn the heat up even more while doing less for her to show at the DOC and CAR meetings.

Hey J-Fed! Seen/heard enough from over here in 011 yet? Get this goof out of here, she's quickly ruining a great place to work with some really good bosses. Over-promoted, never-been-the-police idiots like Trahanas are part of what's responsible for the horrible morale in this department. Quick! S.O.S.!!! Penny may wear the uniform, but she sure as hell doesn't (nor probably ever will) command respect.

Sorry guys in 017 - you don't have squat on us in terms of losers at the helm.

1/13/2010 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

overpaid jackasses with toooooooooo much time on their hands

1/13/2010 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fast Eddie Burke is another of the garbage Irish politicians we have running the city, county and state. They keep getting re-elected because of a stupid and apathetic public. The madigans, daleys and all the other irish trash have the biggest egos and are the most arrogant people in the world.

1/13/2010 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did somebody let the stuttering midget in on this? Maybe he is trying to distract Shortshanks from Lumpy's troubles...

1/13/2010 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT *** Tribune Watchdog: $685,000 A Year To Run Nonprofit

More than 60 years ago, the city gave the Chicago Dwellings Association a noble mission -- provide affordable housing for people with low and moderate incomes.

In recent years, the nonprofit's four apartment buildings also have become a lucrative income source for the organization's president, Christine M.J. Oliver.

In 2008, Oliver was paid about $685,000 in annual compensation from CDA and its management firm -- an amount that shocked local housing experts, nonprofit consultants and even a former board member of the Chicago Dwellings Association.

1/13/2010 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope History will show that the Feds brought down Daley, Burke, and all the rest of the clowns that are our City Goverment & perhaps even a few higher ups !!!!

1/13/2010 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/13/2010 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While they're at it,someone stole my sons one week old $150.00 bmx bike a few years ago.I think it's become a cold case also....Can they look into that?

1/13/2010 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unreal, using an undermanned 'D' unit to help sell his book. He should have Missing Persons looking for Patrick Daley and the M.S.M. !

1/13/2010 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous gfy said...

Maybe he could assign his personal valet detail to work on this instead of wasting other resources on it. no, that would be silly just silly.

1/13/2010 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wants CPD to do the back round for his new book

1/13/2010 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really - - Burke?? again - -
How about letting us know what's up in Mt. Greenwood lately

1/13/2010 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous ORD Airport? said...

ORD Airport?

Why is O'Hare airport's code ORD?

It was named "Orchard Airport" in 1945 . . it was renamed in 1949 as O'Hare.. I always wondered what the hell "ORD" meant.

1/13/2010 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




1/13/2010 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Burke is another one with Demensia, lile his cousin Shortshanks. Neither can get real City priorities right. Time for both to go, we need real change here in Crookago. VOTE CONSERVATIVE in all upcoming Elections.

1/13/2010 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not one second should be wasted by the Dick's on this one.

1/13/2010 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke made it clear that he didn't want detectives to spend too much time investigating this? Define "too much time?"

How in God's name can this request even be taken seriously? Not only is it a blatant misuse of resources already strained to the breaking point, it's a fools folly. Even a cold case file is only re-opened if there is a belief that an offender could be caught.

And the reason Burke wants this done? To prove a point which he feels needs to be addressed. That Elliot Ness was not the one that brought Capone to justice!

Hey Ed, maybe if you survive to retire without joining the rest of your fellow felons in some Federal prison, maybe you could get a job with the History Channel. LMAO!

1/13/2010 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike Picardi

How are you doing, my name is Jay Gill. You might remember me as the guy at EW&C who crashed a jeep and crown Victoria twice but forgot to notify city.

Well I feel your pain as I to received a 30 day suspension.

I am here at EW&C and I know the ship is sinking and I need a place to go since my brother in law mayors chief of staff Pat Harny and Steets & San Commissioner Tom Byrne is really trying to distance himself due my messing up

Whats the chances of taking your position over at fleet while your gone.

What I have to offer is being able to completely transform North and Troop to a more functional facility while also being able to completely kill the morale of the employee. I have accomplished this here at EW&C

1/13/2010 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Henry LIMPET said...

"Letter Sent, Case SUSPENDED (1)"

1/13/2010 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie must think he's an "untouchable."

1/13/2010 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke is a self absorbed dickhead. Period.

1/13/2010 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im tired of hearing about the Irish and Italian mafias. I mean really, my parents came from Ireland and have no idea what in the hell the Irish mob is. This isnt 1920( Bugs Moran) and we arent named Daley. I guess the Irish mob is all of these fake irish that change their name around election time from Jewish and other names to O Connor and shit?????? Or the fakes with the irish names that play that role? My parents HATE Daley and burke and 90% of those other phonies! Love THE REAL IRISH

1/13/2010 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, remind me why this guy has two of our own political hacks guarding him on a "DALEY" basis?

1/13/2010 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Guess is: if we ever knew the real story of Burke and His Wife, we would "Melt" !!!!!!
PS: Have a Nice Day ???

1/13/2010 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Daley has been found. He working at the Moscow Streets and San .

1/13/2010 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



OR are they paving the road for him.....

1/13/2010 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




1/13/2010 08:36:00 AM

It doesn't look good when he has been registered to vote as a Democrat the last 12 years or so. I think people who read this blog have gotten your message by now. Please find some other forum to kiss his ass on.

1/13/2010 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Citizen Patrol OTW

1/13/2010 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous INSANE FISH (I/F) said...


1/13/2010 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we have so much time to waste opening old bullshit cases why not work on the unsolved cases of murdered Chicago Police Officers ????????

1/13/2010 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke should have hired, and payed for, private investigators to look into this old homicide, not use his influence to force the CPD to spend valuable resources. I was not surprised that the deputy chief of detectives testified that he is in favor of this. He would have lost his spot if he did not do so.

1/13/2010 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These guys get older and then lose their minds. When will all the bullshit stop

1/13/2010 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Henry LIMPET said...

"Letter Sent, Case SUSPENDED (1)"

1/13/2010 09:04:00 AM
Can not suspend a murder fucking moron.

1/13/2010 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kid has a history paper to write on the Dpeck Murders, can I get the D unit to help him with that?

Eddie, time to start drinking again.

1/13/2010 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Families of current cold cases should be outraged. As well as families of REAL missing children like the Bradley girls. He should be ashamed.

1/13/2010 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Chicago Loses Bid To Host World Cup Games
18 Cities Would Get To Host Matches In 2018 Or 2022, Chicago Not One Of Them"

A City in Rapid Decline,
The Legacy of The Runt...

1/13/2010 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, our very own world famous airport is named after a mobsters kid.

A kid who only was allowed to be a pilot because his daddy snaked on other mobsters to the G.

"Daddy, I want to fly airplanes when I grow up!" "Well, alright Butchy Boy, I'll have to rat on Al Capone, my horseracing buddy, and eventually be shotgunned to death to get you in, but I love ya' kid, so I'll do it. And when you get shot down because you never should have been a pilot, they'll name the world's busiest airport after you!"

Yeah, baby, this is Chicago!!!

1/13/2010 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In retrospect, maybe Burke should have kept his mouth shut about Butchy's dad. Before this, no one knew he was mobbed up. It also makes it look like Burke is mobbed up. (O.K., we already knew that...I know...I know...).

1/13/2010 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unreal, using an undermanned 'D' unit to help sell his book. He should have Missing Persons looking for Patrick Daley and the M.S.M. !

1/13/2010 06:47:00 AM

Looking for Patrick? Check You-Tube under the search "Billy Dec" "Red Scquare" and "Patrick Daley".

Partying in Red Square while Mom is in the hospital? What's keeping Patrick over seas?

1/13/2010 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a waste of resources especially considering that the clearance rates for murders are under 40 percent. ANd im sure you dont even need a phone call to get to the cold case unit.

1/13/2010 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Hey Ronnie Booberman, I have created a culture of calm and safe passage for my kids to go to school, where's my pay?

Pool to pick the first school that a parent gets popped by some banger trying to prevent violence.

1/13/2010 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised if the ex suntimes columnist does not turn up on eddies payroll somewhere! Mike sneed is gone but maybe eddie will take her on more trips to his mansion in ireland,or the mansion in wisconsin!

1/13/2010 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Once again, being promoted WAY, WAY, WAY beyond one's abilities shines through. Talk about a complete waste of resources while you further alienate the ranks."

..."Over-promoted, never-been-the-police idiots" ...

"...may wear the uniform, but she (sic) sure as hell doesn't (nor probably ever will) command respect. "

" you don't have squat on us in terms of losers at the helm.

1/13/2010 12:37:00 AM"

Wait a minute. Doesn't that sound like like J-Fed himself. Isn't that all part of Shorty's plan to destroy the CPD.

Stay safe, Register and Vote, we need to get rid of them, and start to rebuild.

1/13/2010 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Starman said...

Burke, the city's self proclaimed historian had the case reopened so he can look at the seal files for his PERSONAL GAIN as he is writing another bed time story to sell to everyone.

This is why Burke had it reopened. What a selfish jagoff.

1/13/2010 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, since Ald Burke likes history maybe he could research the "Underground Railroad" which I believe ran to or though Chicago then propose Chicago's own underground railroad for all the poor public school kids to get home safe from school. Maybe the reverends could open their doors so the little buggers could get in the back way, have a snack then proceed out the front to the next revs crib. Man, the possibilites. They could even have some garages to duck into in case to POOOOlices come after them lest they interupt an incidental rape or robbery in the garages. Just think, Chicago alleys and gangways will start looking like "Penny lane" instead of the "Ho Chi Min Trail"

1/13/2010 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey J-Fed! Seen/heard enough from over here in 011 yet? Get this goof out of here, she's quickly ruining a great place to work with some really good bosses. Over-promoted, never-been-the-police idiots like Trahanas are part of what's responsible for the horrible morale in this department. Quick! S.O.S.!!! Penny may wear the uniform, but she sure as hell doesn't (nor probably ever will) command respect.

Sorry guys in 017 - you don't have squat on us in terms of losers at the helm.

1/13/2010 12:37:00 AM

O.K. Quick question, then why are you knuckleheads working like mad men out there for her? as long as the cubs keep selling out in attendance, then what's the rush to put a winning team together? get my point. once the numbers start going through the roof, you will get your "change"

1/13/2010 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was working a side job down in 018 last night and lo and behold, observed the Honorable Ed Burke make not one but TWO grand entrances to Gibson's restaurant!
One bodyguard sat outside cooling his heels in the luxury black Crown Vic (eating up a space in the valet parking lane) while the other one walked his royal asshole in and out of the joint twice. What a fucking grandiose and wasteful display of our tax dollars being flushed was truly stupifying.
I could definitely see how someone would seek to do this guy harm in a restaurant where the average dinner bill is $200.00!

1/13/2010 04:16:00 PM  
Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

Regarding John Garrido for Cook County Board President: I know few if any people who have time on the job who have never made an enemy or two. It seems John's spend a lot of time trolling the comments looking for opportunities to attack him. SCC, it would be worth a thread about the man. There is a small, albeit real chance that he could win if he got the Republican nomination. There are many Republican voters who read your blog. Giving up the chance to take the Board President seat for the Republicans in order to push some grudges would be unfortunate. Early polls are now open SCC, please consider a thread about the race. There's no way an old, white, rich ex-state senator with plenty of baggage and shady dealings can beat a Democrat. A young, ethnic, career police officer could actually win this thing for us-don't let the few people who hate a boss for being a boss continue the string of (often factually incorrect) attacks on the board.

1/13/2010 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...'s about time Captain Tom Lemmergets a gold star.

Mrs. Lemmer

1/13/2010 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Daddy, I want to fly airplanes when I grow up!" "Well, alright Butchy Boy, I'll have to rat on Al Capone, my horseracing buddy, and eventually be shotgunned to death to get you in, but I love ya' kid, so I'll do it. And when you get shot down because you never should have been a pilot, they'll name the world's busiest airport after you!"

Yeah, baby, this is Chicago!!!

1/13/2010 01:37:00 PM

Lieutenant Edward "Butch" O'Hare's Medal of Honor Citation:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in aerial combat, at grave risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, as section leader and pilot of Fighting Squadron 3 on 20 February 1942. Having lost the assistance of his teammates, Lt. O'Hare interposed his plane between his ship and an advancing enemy formation of 9 attacking twin-engine heavy bombers. Without hesitation, alone and unaided, he repeatedly attacked this enemy formation, at close range in the face of intense combined machinegun and cannon fire. Despite this concentrated opposition, Lt. O'Hare, by his gallant and courageous action, his extremely skillful marksmanship in making the most of every shot of his limited amount of ammunition, shot down 5 enemy bombers and severely damaged a sixth before they reached the bomb release point. As a result of his gallant action--one of the most daring, if not the most daring, single action in the history of combat aviation--he undoubtedly saved his carrier from serious damage.

"Butch" O'Hare's other awards:
The Navy Cross
The Distinguished Flying Cross w/Gold Star
The Purple Heart

Butch O'Hare was the first Naval Aviator to be awarded the Medal of Honor. He was killed in action on a night mission on 26-NOV-43. I don't know anything about Butch O'Hare's dad, but I know 2 things about him and they're all I need to know. First, he gave all that man can give for this country and second, he was more of a man than a snivelling whiner like you will ever be...

1/13/2010 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is the "silent majority" going to wake the f*&k up!? Sure, vote conservative.But doesn't one think that the "new" guy on the ballot will be put in place to carry on the corruption???? The bleeding hearts voted for changer! Well we got it!!! Unfortunately nothing less than full blown revolution is going to fix this city/country's political climate of corruption.
Hubey dubey leading this little "citizen patrol" is just the start of the democratic party's new "national police force". Count on it! Chicago is just the test program for the nation. They are dismantling the chicago police department systematically. And all we can do is watch. The leaders of this department are mere puppets driving the cpd into the ground. That 60 million used on the citizen patrol is our raises, new officers and MORE! Wake up citizens and officers! Present leadership is wiping away the U.S. and raising the dictatorship they want. We are the losters and guess what???? The water is at a slow boil......

1/13/2010 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>So, our very own world famous airport is named after a mobsters kid.

A kid who only was allowed to be a pilot because his daddy snaked on other mobsters to the G.

"Daddy, I want to fly airplanes when I grow up!" "Well, alright Butchy Boy, I'll have to rat on Al Capone, my horseracing buddy, and eventually be shotgunned to death to get you in, but I love ya' kid, so I'll do it. And when you get shot down because you never should have been a pilot, they'll name the world's busiest airport after you!"

Yeah, baby, this is Chicago!!!

1/13/2010 01:37:00 PM<<<


Now I wasn't there and I doubt you were there.

But did you voluenteer and train to fly off a carrier when your country was at war? Did you shoot down five enemy planes in one mission, (shouldn't have been a pilot?!?!?), and saved the carrier Lexington. Like you know anything.

Maybe dad sent him to military schools to get him away from the shit he was involved with. Did you know that he graduated from the Naval Academy in 1937.

Not like some other politician's son who droped out of West Point to avoid going to jail. Then when the enlistment comitment caught up with him, and a federal investigation started to get close he went off an hid out in the army.

Then died later doing his duty, flying against the enemy.

Stay safe, remember we can't pick our parents and don't speak badly about a man who died in the service of his country.

1/13/2010 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ORD Airport?

Why is O'Hare airport's code ORD?

It was named "Orchard Airport" in 1945 . . it was renamed in 1949 as O'Hare.. I always wondered what the hell "ORD" meant.

1/13/2010 08:33:00 AM

used to be called orchard field ORD

1/13/2010 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What's keeping Patrick over seas?

1/13/2010 01:44:00 PM

The Russian mob?

1/13/2010 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, here's (2) two, count em' two (2)
birds with one stone response.

ORD is really a tribute to Shortshanks himself.
It stands for, "OHare, Richard Daley"
The Butch and the Beyatch

Next, the CPD 'should' do a cold case investigation on Capone based upon Burkes request.
RIGHT AFTER they do a cold case investigation on the murder involving the Burkes (both Ald Ed and Judge Anne) based upon the request of Cooley.

Just saying...

1/13/2010 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can he reopen the 60 plus murder case of my grandfather who was robbed then shot in back six times

1/13/2010 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me he doesn't have shit else to do, with all the fucked up shit going on in this city. I can't belive this dude.

1/13/2010 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone in 018 or anywhere else get pictures, video etc. of Burke making his royal entrances with guards etc/ Pictures of his City car taking up someone's parking space would be nice also.

Post the pix and video online, youtube or deliver them to the various reporters in town.

Come on, we get embarrassed regularly by pictures and video, it is about damn time Ed Burke feels the sting of YouTube.

1/13/2010 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the off-duty copper, coming home from a side job & stopping at white castle to get himself and his young wife some food?? He was gunned down in his own back yard!!! Can we open that case and put the hours into that??? WOW Eddie where are your priorities????????

1/13/2010 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I wrote the response about Lieutenant Commander Edward "Butch" O'Hare being sent to military schools and being a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. It was a salute to a Naval hero and it made me real mad that someone would trash that.

SCC should not have published, "Yeah, baby, this is Chicago!!!

1/13/2010 01:37:00 PM"

...or put his own response to it.

My response in no way lessens the fact that Ed Burke is a pompous ass of the first order who should be in a federal pen with Shortshanks and the rest of the Alderthieves.

Stay safe, and Thank God there were, and continue to be, people like Ed "Butch" O'Hare.

1/13/2010 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, our very own world famous airport is named after a mobsters kid.

A kid who only was allowed to be a pilot because his daddy snaked on other mobsters to the G.

"Daddy, I want to fly airplanes when I grow up!" "Well, alright Butchy Boy, I'll have to rat on Al Capone, my horseracing buddy, and eventually be shotgunned to death to get you in, but I love ya' kid, so I'll do it. And when you get shot down because you never should have been a pilot, they'll name the world's busiest airport after you!"

Yeah, baby, this is Chicago!!!

1/13/2010 01:37:00 PM

Maybe this was some poor assholes attempt at humor. But it fell flat.

Butch O'hare did get an appointment to the Naval Academy with some help from Dad. But he more than made up for it by shooting down 5 Japanese "Bombers" that would have destroyed a U.S. aircraft carrier that was nearby, thereby saving thousands of American sailors and marines.

He became a hero, than was given a safe job in public relations,promoting/selling war bonds on tour.

He could have stayed there.(As you surely would have you "house mouse")But instead chose to go back to flying combat missions. Where he was shot down and presumed killed. Sadly, he may have been a victim of friendly fire.

Either way, he is a true American hero, and you are a piece of shit for your distasteful rant, you shitbird!

1/13/2010 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


HUBERBALLS is setting up a civilian patrol for CPS. . . .anyone else think this is his way to claim he worked in the field of "public safety" and buy into our pension?

someone tip sheilds

1/13/2010 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

voted democrat in primary most of my life.....won't be doing it on Feb.6. Tine to show these arrogant democrats were fed up with their bullshit

1/13/2010 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope History will show that the Feds brought down Daley, Burke, and all the rest of the clowns that are our City Goverment & perhaps even a few higher ups !!!!


1/13/2010 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/13/2010 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, our very own world famous airport is named after a mobsters kid.

A kid who only was allowed to be a pilot because his daddy snaked on other mobsters to the G.

"Daddy, I want to fly airplanes when I grow up!" "Well, alright Butchy Boy, I'll have to rat on Al Capone, my horseracing buddy, and eventually be shotgunned to death to get you in, but I love ya' kid, so I'll do it. And when you get shot down because you never should have been a pilot, they'll name the world's busiest airport after you!"

Yeah, baby, this is Chicago!!!

1/13/2010 01:37:00 PM

Butch O'Hare grew up in St. Louis with his mother. His parents divorced when he was an infant. His dad left for Chicago shortly afterward. His mother was from a wealthy family and he attended an elite prep school that funnelled kids to the Military Academy and the Naval Academy. The story about his dad flipping to get him into the Naval Academy is just conjecture. He never really knew his dad. It's more likely that his mother's family was able to get a Senator or Congressman to sponsor him. But if you want to believe Eddie Burke's rumour, then go ahead. After all it came out of Eddie's mouth, so it must be true. Plus, a petty and evil explanation is probably better suited to your world view.

1/13/2010 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Can anyone in 018 or anywhere else get pictures, video etc. of Burke making his royal entrances with guards etc/ Pictures of his City car taking up someone's parking space would be nice also.

Post the pix and video online, youtube or deliver them to the various reporters in town.

Come on, we get embarrassed regularly by pictures and video, it is about damn time Ed Burke feels the sting of YouTube.

1/13/2010 07:02:00 PM

You like when he parks his 2 valets park his m plate black crown vic,with the "eddie light" in the backseat so he can read,across the street from shitty hall in the alley,or on the hydrants? Or when his guys work 'special" and get cut early? Now that would be great! Or how eddie got the wife of 1 of his valets (The guy with the crazy hair),a high paying job? Now that would be change we could believe in!

1/13/2010 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SCC, remind me why this guy has two of our own political hacks guarding him on a "DALEY" basis?

1/13/2010 09:39:00 AM

2 what are you smoking more like 2 at a time,he has at least 7!

1/13/2010 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Henry LIMPET said...

"Letter Sent, Case SUSPENDED (1)"

1/13/2010 09:04:00 AM
Can not suspend a murder fucking moron.

1/13/2010 12:11:00 PM

It's called a joke, you idiot. Lighten up.

1/13/2010 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same Ed Burke who will have his finance committee send you a letter regarding your iod reading: your injuries do not appear police related. Ask Pat Johnson who was shoot while chasing some dope boys.

1/13/2010 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Once again, being promoted WAY, WAY, WAY beyond one's abilities shines through. Talk about a complete waste of resources while you further alienate the ranks."

..."Over-promoted, never-been-the-police idiots" ...

"...may wear the uniform, but she (sic) sure as hell doesn't (nor probably ever will) command respect. "

" you don't have squat on us in terms of losers at the helm.

..sounds like virtually every exempt. And most meritorious (I mean mayortorious) white shirts.

1/13/2010 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ought to see him in a liquor store. Anything he wants is for the taking.

1/13/2010 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So, our very own world famous airport is named after a mobsters kid.

A kid who only was allowed to be a pilot because his daddy snaked on other mobsters to the G.

"Daddy, I want to fly airplanes when I grow up!" "Well, alright Butchy Boy, I'll have to rat on Al Capone, my horseracing buddy, and eventually be shotgunned to death to get you in, but I love ya' kid, so I'll do it. And when you get shot down because you never should have been a pilot, they'll name the world's busiest airport after you!"

Yeah, baby, this is Chicago!!!

1/13/2010 01:37:00 PM

Butch O'Hare grew up in St. Louis with his mother. His parents divorced when he was an infant. His dad left for Chicago shortly afterward. His mother was from a wealthy family and he attended an elite prep school that funnelled kids to the Military Academy and the Naval Academy. The story about his dad flipping to get him into the Naval Academy is just conjecture. He never really knew his dad. It's more likely that his mother's family was able to get a Senator or Congressman to sponsor him. But if you want to believe Eddie Burke's rumour, then go ahead. After all it came out of Eddie's mouth, so it must be true. Plus, a petty and evil explanation is probably better suited to your world view.

1/13/2010 09:10:00 PM

Thanx to the second poster. Although I see the first poster's point, he should really read up on O'hare's son's act of monumental heroism that got him named after our airport. Things aren't always black and white.

1/14/2010 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murphy40Pct said...

Regarding John Garrido for Cook County Board President: I know few if any people who have time on the job who have never made an enemy or two. It seems John's spend a lot of time trolling the comments looking for opportunities to attack him. SCC, it would be worth a thread about the man. There is a small, albeit real chance that he could win if he got the Republican nomination. There are many Republican voters who read your blog. Giving up the chance to take the Board President seat for the Republicans in order to push some grudges would be unfortunate. Early polls are now open SCC, please consider a thread about the race. There's no way an old, white, rich ex-state senator with plenty of baggage and shady dealings can beat a Democrat. A young, ethnic, career police officer could actually win this thing for us-don't let the few people who hate a boss for being a boss continue the string of (often factually incorrect) attacks on the board.

1/13/2010 04:23:00 PM

Gee, I bet someone is wishing he didn't go on this blog a couple of years ago and stated that the SCC hit an "all time low" because of the comments bashing fat Phil and his wall. It wasn't so much what he wrote, it was that he was very smug about it. Hey Murph, the party's over! Fuck off!

1/14/2010 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so upset about this? There is no statute of limitations on Murder. There is still a chance the offender is alive.

1/14/2010 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey asshole Burke, You're an American not an Irishman. Stop declaring yourself as such. We, the Irish, just call you an asshole. And you couldn't carry a tune if you had a basket.

1/14/2010 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is still a chance the offender is alive.

1/14/2010 01:44:00 AM"

yeah, the feebs are hot on his trail, as we speak......

1/14/2010 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thanx to the second poster. Although I see the first poster's point, he should really read up on O'hare's son's act of monumental heroism that got him named after our airport. Things aren't always black and white.

1/14/2010 12:07:00 AM"

you mean 'got our airport named after him'?

1/14/2010 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's probably getting some money for this. The cold case squad should do nothing. It's a ridiculous request. If Burke wants to look into it, he should pay some historians to check it out, not at taxpayer's expense. There is absolutely NO ONE still alive that would be involved in this. Everyone was in their 30's, 40's, and 50's. I'm sure there are no written police documents/interviews on this. It's crazy. This guy is the chief of finance and he's pissing city money away to benefit himself in someway, period. Get rid of him and take away his body guards, he's a joke.

1/14/2010 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke is like someone's old, retarded uncle. Why does anyone even listen to his bullshit. When was the last time he had a legitimate idea to help the city or it's citizens?

Foi Gras?
Trans fats?
Dog-ball checking?
Mrs. O'Leary?

Jesus Christ who gives a fuck you old dick.

1/14/2010 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what you think of the dad, it is dispicable to slander a war hero like Butch O'Hare. The idiot who stated that OHare was shot down because he never should have been a pilot is obviously a narrow minded ignorant moran who never has read the citation for the Medal of Honor awarded OHare. And, secondly, to me and to many vets out there, the petty things about a person like Butch does not matter. What counts is the fact that he stepped up when the time came and saved his buddies on those ships.All of this is a seperate matter than the homicide of the father and should stay that way.

1/14/2010 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Squeeky said...

Once again, being promoted WAY, WAY, WAY beyond one's abilities shines through. Talk about a complete waste of resources while you further alienate the ranks. This ranks right up there with the Sprinkler Lt. Henny Penny better realize quickly that reactions to non-issues like this only makes coppers turn the heat up even more while doing less for her to show at the DOC and CAR meetings.

....release the hounds, and let the games begin!!

1/14/2010 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Anonymous said...

1/13/2010 08:38:00 PM...

Put in for 010 Boys & Girls...Nicer Station and Good Bosses...Great People to Work With (Screw going to the MSF)

1/14/2010 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so upset about this? There is no statute of limitations on Murder. There is still a chance the offender is alive.

1/14/2010 01:44:00 AM


And there is a chance I will win $73 million in Mega Million tomorrow night.

1/14/2010 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fast Eddie Burke is another of the garbage Irish politicians we have running the city, county and state. They keep getting re-elected because of a stupid and apathetic public. The madigans, daleys and all the other irish trash have the biggest egos and are the most arrogant people in the world."

1/13/2010 12:51:00 AM

Hey Mr.Irish envy, you left out the other garbage Irish trash that have the biggest egos and are the most arrogant people in the world. How about O'Stroger and O'Blago and Obama. I think just by that post, you qualify as being an arrogant, big ego piece of garbage and wish you were Irish.

1/14/2010 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


Are they going to do what was done during medieval times? Find out wh the shooters were, go to the cemetery and dig them up, prop up their bones at 26th St. and put them on trial? And if they're found guilty, sentence them to death? This shit is so beyond crazy!

1/15/2010 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

burkes the whitey bulger???????

1/15/2010 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that you mention it, Burke really does act like someone's (mine) old, retarded uncle. Seriously. They could be twins I swear to God!

1/15/2010 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Foi Gras....Is that the stuff my mom always called liver sausage?

1/15/2010 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Daley has been found. He working at the Moscow Streets and San .

are you sure he wasn't found under Huberman's desk...

don't ask-don't tell

1/15/2010 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/15/2010 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Underground Railroad had a stone marker on the ground near the Beverly Theater on Beverly Avenue when I was a kid. We used it for "safe" when we played tag. I thought it meant there was a train down below. There were a lot of trains right across the street.

1/16/2010 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Daley has been found. He's the Underground Railroad marker. He's "safe". Go visit your mother, you pasty-face little prick.

1/16/2010 12:14:00 PM  

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