Funny Campaign Literature
Although the election has come and gone, signs remain everywhere. We thought there was a law about picking up your electioneering garbage after the votes were tallied? In any event, if you're lucky enough to find a few of these under the recent snowfall, you might be able to have some fun with them:

You have to love Cook County politicians - not only do they play down and dirty like no one's business, they let you play, too by designing a piece of literature you can use to try to get out of parking tickets. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed these photos.
You have to love Cook County politicians - not only do they play down and dirty like no one's business, they let you play, too by designing a piece of literature you can use to try to get out of parking tickets. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed these photos.
I see Elton John and Billy Joel are returning to Wrigley this summer with the Dave Matthews Band.
Get your ticket requests in early this year to Commander Ruthie and her pal Brust
I'm sorry but the "Aunt Jermima" crack took all of the humor out of it..................
Unbelievable. Certain aspects of that community attack others for trying to assimilate with normal society. With mentality like that, there is no hope for certain communities.
Circle this date on your calendar:
Feb 22, 2011
Chicago Mayoral Election
Our next chance to dump this corrupt bastard.
Feb 22, 2011 DUMP DALEY!,0,7620759.photogallery
more bad news for Chicago. Daley better step up or step down.
Buffett Takes on Chokepoint in Chicago With Burlington Northern
Chicago, whose railroads made it hog butcher for the world a century ago, is a tangle of bottlenecks where a quarter of the nation’s rail freight stalls while trying to navigate the city.
“We can’t keep running trains from Los Angeles to Chicago in 55 hours and then take 36 hours to get a rail car from one side of Chicago to the next,” said Matt Rose, chief executive officer of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. “We either need to fix Chicago or avoid it.”
For Buffett, 79, a solution could help overcome skepticism about his $26 billion bid for Burlington, which shareholders are to vote on tomorrow. For the Chicago area, speedier passage could head off a loss of rail traffic, jobs and tax revenue when the city is coping with a drop in trade-show business.
Part of the answer may come from Calpers. The California Public Employees’ Retirement System is backing two and possibly three rail yards outside Chicago to handle intermodal freight -- containers that switch between ships, trains and trucks. The yards would help reduce the typical day-and-a-half slog across the city’s intersecting Amtrak, commuter train and freight tracks, helping railroads in their quest to take more shipping from the trucking industry.
Who's Zeuss Preckwinkle? Didn't they know that was written on Sarah's right hand by mistake? Toni's husband is a white mope named Zeus Preckwinkle.
so much talent in the stroger tribes, you'd think they might actually be able to get a real job.
Read this before it gets scrubbed. Seems that links to large payout police brutality lawsuits and family of Chicago aldermen can no longer be denied.
Suit: Arrest killed fetus
CRETE | Wrongful-death case claims school guard racially biased
Candice Williams was a pregnant senior at Crete-Monee High School when police allegedly dragged her from the building, knocked her to the sidewalk and kneed her in the back.
In documents filed Tuesday in federal court in Chicago, attorney Brendan Shiller
And low and behold Brendan's mommy is a Chicago Alderthing.
Shiller and Zalkin have one son, Brendan Shiller
Off topic but I'd like to know, and have inquired with numerous people with no answer, why is it all the vending machines in the police stations have no licenses on them. State, city or otherwise you cannot find a license on them. Seems to me if you charged like you do everyone else their would be more revenue for the city. Just wondering. I've even brought this to the medias attention, never heard a word.
pic of sonny boy patrick, just begging for someone to photo shop it.....
Chicago Mayor Moves to Shut Down All Gun Stores in Illinois
Late last week, Daley sympathizers in the Illinois House passed HB180 out of the Rules Committee and on to the floor of the House. A vote on HB 180 is expected as early as this coming Tuesday.
2. HB 180 requires that all your gun purchases be registered with the state police. BOTTOM LINE: HB 180 is a licensing/registration scheme designed to keep track of how many guns you own so they may be easily confiscated at a later date.
From what I understand after talking to a couple of people, Bill is really having a rough time in LA. I don't need to say anymore than there are a lot of Aryan gangs in that hellhole. They don't like him.
DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'VE NEVER MET HIM--I HAVEN'T & I WRITE ALL THE TIME. He looks forward to cards and letters.
He could not watch the superbowl as it is dangerous for him to be mingling with the other prisoners. He keeps to himself.
Please pick up a card, drop a few lines. It doesn't have to be long. Just tell him to hang in there.
Bill's address is on the front page of the blog.
2/09/2010 02:47:00 PM
What more can I say? ROFLMFAO
Yeah, like any of the "50 Thieves" read even one page of this "SCAM!" What about Eddie "Im a Lawyer" Burke? "I don't know nuttin!" Its a "50" Ringed Circus! Vote yes and shut up! Its gonna make us a billion + plus so "raise your hand and shut up! Then "Whitey Bulger" Daley can "splain to us" how bad he feels about this and how he'll make it up to all of us and read us a bedtime story and forgive "one ticket" for anyone that was "wronged!" "Geez mister mayor you sure is one swell guy!"
Someone needs to make a deck of playing cards like they did for the most wanted saddam cohorts. We would need two decks though.
pic of sonny boy patrick, just begging for someone to photo shop it.....
I'm sorry but, what a total douchebag. I wish him and all serving a safe return home soon. (Some for local prosecution)
SCC, I was wondering if you could do me and a few of the coppers I work with a favor. We need new bullet proof vests and we're not sure which ones are good and also where to get them. We really dont want to give any more money to Ray O'herrons or any of those other places, so we were thinking that maybe there is a copper on the job who might sell quality vests and we could give him some business. If anybody could help us out, please post a link or a phone number that we could contact. Thanks.
Don't you think "aunt jamima" label has racist overtones? I do.
Anonymous said...
Off topic but I'd like to know, and have inquired with numerous people with no answer, why is it all the vending machines in the police stations have no licenses on them. State, city or otherwise you cannot find a license on them. Seems to me if you charged like you do everyone else their would be more revenue for the city. Just wondering. I've even brought this to the medias attention, never heard a word.
2/10/2010 11:53:00 AM
Area 2's Ancient vending machines are infested with filth and bugs, and seldom work right. No way to get re-imbursed when malfunctioning machines steal your change. We need new machines like Headquarters has, but they deserve them more, because they do all the real police-work there at H.Q; , don't they?
Chicago Mayor Moves to Shut Down All Gun Stores in Illinois
Late last week, Daley sympathizers in the Illinois House passed HB180 out of the Rules Committee and on to the floor of the House. A vote on HB 180 is expected as early as this coming Tuesday.
2. HB 180 requires that all your gun purchases be registered with the state police. BOTTOM LINE: HB 180 is a licensing/registration scheme designed to keep track of how many guns you own so they may be easily confiscated at a later date.
2/10/2010 12:12:00 PM
This just in from Time Magazine: "Olympic Village: Athletes Impressed, Taxpayers Angry" it goes on "in early 2009, new Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson declared that taxpayers were "on the hook" for the $1 billion project." "People are ferociously upset about the Village".
We sure dodged the bullet.
There was a Jane Byrne sign in 13 (on 1100 N. Winchester until a year ago) ---hello! Take em down already!
I never want to eat those aunt jemima pancakes...
Don't you think "aunt jamima" label has racist overtones? I do.
It would if it wasn't Wallace Davis's people handing out the stuff. For you newbies, Wallace Davis is the former alder-creature who parleyed being shot by CPD into an aldermanic career that ended when he was convicted of taking bribes from an FBI mole. He keeps his hand in politics though and runs a series of Wallace's Catfish restaurants. Since it's impossible for him to be a racist against his own, this is just a bit of low political theater. Thanks for the laffs SCC
Chicago Mayor Moves to Shut Down All Gun Stores in Illinois
Late last week, Daley sympathizers in the Illinois House passed HB180 out of the Rules Committee and on to the floor of the House. A vote on HB 180 is expected as early as this coming Tuesday.
2. HB 180 requires that all your gun purchases be registered with the state police. BOTTOM LINE: HB 180 is a licensing/registration scheme designed to keep track of how many guns you own so they may be easily confiscated at a later date.
Thats great because guns are bad and they kill people. But I think I will move to Arizona or Texas, they will never do that there. From my Cold Dead Hands!!
A lawsuit was filed today by the goof arrested on the cta bus from the video posted on 20feb09. See 10cv00903.
(OT) Never forget world trade center new pics don't worry we are safe here with j-fed and the criminal mastermind daley!
reformer= give someone new a chance to steal
Anonymous said...
SCC, I was wondering if you could do me and a few of the coppers I work with a favor. We need new bullet proof vests and we're not sure which ones are good and also where to get them. We really dont want to give any more money to Ray O'herrons or any of those other places, so we were thinking that maybe there is a copper on the job who might sell quality vests and we could give him some business. If anybody could help us out, please post a link or a phone number that we could contact. Thanks.
2/10/2010 04:48:00 PM
The Lodge will host a Vest Safety Day on Wednesday, February 17, 2010from 0900 to 1700 hours.
Representatives from the major soft body armor companies will be at the FOP Hall displaying the latest models of their products.
Officers, if you are in need of updating your current vest or just interested in viewing the latest styles and technology take advantage of this opportunity.
SCC, have you seen the "Democratic Slavery Organization" that Gator Wallce was handing out? Now that is out-motherfuckin-rageous
Don't you think "aunt jamima" label has racist overtones? I do.
I used to love that brand until the Gods of Political Correctness took the turban off of the woman on the logo. Now I rufuse to buy any of it! Maybe today they should make it a weave?
I woke up to go to work Monday and found my glove box open and all my papers and junk all over the floor, I mustve forgot to lock my door. Good thing I didnt have anything of value inside. 110th Campbell.
And to think it was made by racist black men against their own how delicious!
Hey, don't diss Toni, at least she got creative with the Ben Franklin ad and shee'z a techa'.
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