Chicago to Join the USA
Advice to Chicagoans - Go buy a gun before they're all snapped up:
- Most of the Supreme Court justices who two years ago said the 2nd Amendment protects individual gun rights signaled during arguments today they are ready to extend this right nationwide and to use it to strike down some state and local gun regulations.
Since 1982, Chicago has outlawed hand guns in the city, even for law-abiding residents who sought to keep one at home. That ordinance was challenged by several city residents who said it violated their rights "to keep and bear arms" under the 2nd Amendment.
The case forced the high court to confront a simple question it had never answered: Did the 2nd Amendment limit only the federal government's ability to regulate guns and state militias, or did it also give citizens a right to challenge state and local restrictions on guns?
All signs today were that five justices saw the right to "bear arms" as national in scope and not limited to laws passed in Washington.
First of all, Shortshanks is going to lose out on tens of thousands in sales taxes as all gun shops are currently located in the suburbs. This amuses us.
Second, he's going to waste millions more attempting to make registering a gun nearly impossible. He's going to lose those cases in court because even if he wants to "tax" a Right guaranteed by by Constitution, he cannot make it so exorbitantly expensive that regular citizens are frozen out of the process. That means your Englewood resident is entitled to be able to own a legal handgun the same as a Gold Coast condo dweller is.
We may have to wait until June, but today it looks like Chicagoans were restored a Right that an out-of-control despot had deprived them of for years and the despot looked like a complete ass while it happened and was weakened politically once again.
Second, he's going to waste millions more attempting to make registering a gun nearly impossible. He's going to lose those cases in court because even if he wants to "tax" a Right guaranteed by by Constitution, he cannot make it so exorbitantly expensive that regular citizens are frozen out of the process. That means your Englewood resident is entitled to be able to own a legal handgun the same as a Gold Coast condo dweller is.
We may have to wait until June, but today it looks like Chicagoans were restored a Right that an out-of-control despot had deprived them of for years and the despot looked like a complete ass while it happened and was weakened politically once again.
Labels: gun issues
How much do you want to bet that Daley is going to try and claim credit for the reduction in crime in Chicago that's about to happen...
I'm very sorry!
Like i said it's not rocket science, except to the liberals trying to screw with the second Amendment.
All purchases above a certain figure the tax should go to the City or County where the person lives.
Vehicles, applinance, guns etc.use persons zip code to locate Dity/County
Sgt Ralph (retired Aurora).
DaMare mumbled that if he could save one child's life with this gun law it would be worth it....Name one child that he has personally saved since he took office? Meanwhile his heir to the throne is playing GI Joe!!
OT: Did anyone notice but me that while everyone was watching this news story King Shortshanks RAISED the citys GAS TAX AGAIN!!!!!
More smoke and mirrors! He knows the gun ban is a loosing battle! So while everyones is watching that lets raise taxes and steal a whole bunch of contracts!
When the time is appropriate I will be celebrating by going out and getting a Colt Python since we can't currently legally own one that wasn't grandfathered in by our orders. Can't wait to fire that bad boy :-)
Does anyone know how to get ahold of Densey or Mary. Chris Cosgriff the guy who started the Officer down memorial page and policelink blog wants to help the cause.
And when will the first gun store return to chicago? You can't restrain a legal trade. And the names for these stores: 'Windy City Cap'n' 'The Blackstone Ranges' 'The Auto Zone..(oops, already taken)' 'Roscoes on Roscoe' 'The House of Missles'...please feel free to add to this por collection.
time to dump useless pos out of HQ and back into patrol. They gettin nervous. HAhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This is the best news I've heard since Chicago didn't get the 2016 olympics!!! Funny how both wipe shit into the mayors face! What's next residency!?
A) Could a chicago resident get a FOID card, purchase a handgun and store it outside the city of chicago today? B) Then register it with the city and bring it home after the gun ban is struck down?
Do you recall hearing that Obama wanted INTRERPOL to have diplomatic immunity and wonder why?
The sneaky LIBERAL-NAZIS have something up their sleeves coming in below the radar regarding gun control/confiscation.
It will take it international and get around the U.S. Constitution, if we let them. It will bring British Commonwealth turn in all your guns or else policies everywhere in America. Thanks to a U. N. Treaty, which can be ratified over the American electorate.
Please watch the following video, register and vote.
My DOG has more sense than Daley!
Pardon these questions:
Are rifles and shotguns not already legal to own in the city? These are "arms", correct?
I've never owned any type of firearm. It seems that handgun possession is the main issue, right?
Frankly, as it pertains to home protection, I'd rather have a rifle and/or shotgun.
Saw Bob Lopez in 025th today. Class act that will be missed. Almost everyone in 025 pissed about what had happened and how it happened. J-Fed, Dugan, Aunt B you will not earn one bit of respect by mamagement by fear. Oh yes and to Daily, you sure picked some real winners on your team.
There is a great big country outside Chicago
shortpants will find a way around it. He found a way around Miegs, didn't he? He will NOT be challenged, his ego says so.
On another note.......
$108M plan OK'd to renovate old Cook County Hospital. Amazing how money just keep showing up in these hard economic times. What does the midget king say about this now?
a big FUCK-YOU daley.
What people don't realize is if you get caught with a handgun in chicago nothing happens to you at the city level anyway. The UUW charge is a state charge which is the same whether you get caught having a handgun on you in chicago or southern Illinois. The courts always throw out Daley's BS city charge for failure to register and just procede with the state charge. If you get caught with a handgun in your home there will be no state charge just the city failure register charge and the worst thing that will happen is you may do a few hours in lockup and lose your gun. So it's worth it to protect your family and home and it's your right under the 2nd ammendment. Remember, the bad guys don't care about laws!
"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824.
The founding fathers wished for a nation of self-determined people, not the sheep and lambs much prefered by the status quo, i,e, Daley.
Everyone should be a member of the NRA. It's only $35 a year and it's a very important cause. Go to and join now. They need our help.
The Office of the Corporation Counsel for the City of Chicago is represented by Benna Ruth SOLOMON in cases before SCOTUS. Just curious, Benna. Living in Hyde Park, do you at least keep an unregistered loaded handgun in your nightstand beside your bed (if not carry one in your purse)?
Did Solomon argue for city before the Supremes today?
I thought it was legal to own, but illegal to register in this city?
And the line will be out the door at Chucks, long time armorer of the ghetto... I guess Jesse and Father Faker had better get out those picket signs and dust them off !!
The legal argument made by the city of Chicago was absurd. It put Chicago in a position in which it was presenting and argument which logically would justify the return of slavery. If a locality or state can override a constitutional 2nd amendment right, then a southern locality can override the constitutional amendment that liberated black slaves, according to Daley's "logic". The 2nd amendement and US Constitution applies to the Federal District of Columbia only...what bull shit!
They can't provide obstacles to a constitutional right. The southerners tried to prevent blacks from voting with rigged "literacy tests." Daley will look like George Wallace and Bull Connor if he tries to step in the way of this. The city pissed away $80 million for the Olympics bid. This is another good slap in Daley's ignorant face.
Ralph said...
All purchases above a certain figure the tax should go to the City or County where the person lives.
Vehicles, applinance, guns etc.use persons zip code to locate Dity/County
Sgt Ralph (retired Aurora).
3/02/2010 12:45:00 PM
Fuck that Ralphy Boy. You really can't mean give even more money to the City? The City that will waste it,steal it,buy more planters with it,the city that will continue to give to the people that don't contribute a thing,Sanctuary City,Wrought Iron Fence City,Lets give a minority contract to our Irish Friends City,lets hire the unqualified for big money city,Lets make up a spot City. I could go on for an hour but I'm tired of all this BULLSHIT. When is it over?
Anonymous said...
OT: Did anyone notice but me that while everyone was watching this news story King Shortshanks RAISED the citys GAS TAX AGAIN!!!!!
More smoke and mirrors! He knows the gun ban is a loosing battle! So while everyones is watching that lets raise taxes and steal a whole bunch of contracts!
3/02/2010 01:14:00 PM
Fuck him And Fuck his gas tax. I live near the city limit. I drive across the street and get gas and shop. I will not spend a dime more in this city than I have to. I won't pay to park to run into a store or get a sandwich. I hate this racket MMMmmmmmm I meant city.
A Touch Of Gun Ban History:
"With the appointment of William Hanhardt to Chief of Detectives, what else could Alderman Fred Roti and the Chicago Mob do to become a more effective criminal organization? Disarm the citizens of Chicago so they'd be no match for the Chicago Mob and corrupt Chicago police officers. Guess who lead the fight for gun control in Chicago and voted on Chicago's strict gun control ordinance leaving innocent Chicago citizens defenseless against corrupt police officers like Hanhardt and his cronies? None other than Alderman Roti."
"Roti was a key political patronage boss and, along with his co‑defendant Pat Marcy, a fixer for the Chicago Outfit...". "Roti is a made member of the Chicago Outfit".
3/02/2010 02:52:00 PM
That's not the point comrade. The 2nd Amendment to our Constitution establishes your Right to carry and bear any arm. I can understand how the Democrats want to be Cafeteria Constitutionalists, where they can pick and choose which laws they want to observe but that was not the 'founding fathers' original intent.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the basis of all the laws of the land.
The Supreme Court will let Daley and the Peoples Democratic Republic of Chicago know that they have to also participate with the laws of this nation.
A Friend Email me this, if you are retired be sure to talk to a tax professional about this. Hope the Democrats wo't take this away.
In August 2006, President George W. Bush signed H.R. 4, the "Pension Protection Act" into law which also contained H.R. 2177, the "Health Care Enhancement for Local Public Safety (H.E.L.P.S.) Retirees Act".
The Act allows for eligible retired public safety officers - defined as law enforcement officers (including corrections, parole, probation and judicial officers), firefighters, members of a rescue squad or ambulance crew or chaplains to a fire of police department - to use up to $3000 annually from their qualified government retirement plan, on a pre-tax basis to pay for health care or long-term care insurance premiums on insurance plans provided through your employer or pension fund and deducted from your benefit check.
If you are not currently participating in this program and wish to do so, you are urged to contact your local pension board for more information and additional requirements.
It is recommended that you contact your tax professional to see if participation in this program is beneficial to you.
Contact Information
Illinois Public Pension Advisory Committee
2200 W. Higgins Road, Suite 155
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
phone: 847-519-1648
fax: 847-519-0016
web site:
The French Revolution has begun Daley out on his ass in just a year or so. Save our city : Dump Daley
I hope Daley eats his words. He wasnt elected to impose his views on the US Constitution. He does this with Illegal Aliens too. He should refund all registration fees. "Remeber Only Armed brave citizens stand between us and Liberty or tryanny"- Paine 1776
Anonymous said...
My DOG has more sense than Daley!
3/02/2010 02:47:00 PM
I haven't met your dog and I can say in all truthfulness---your dog is better looking than lil' dickie.
I know it's a good thing, but I've always found people way into guns a little....odd. Personally anyone way into this argument on either the Left or the Right should try maybe getting laid a little more often.
Frankly, as it pertains to home protection, I'd rather have a rifle and/or shotgun.
3/02/2010 02:52:00 PM
True, but always consider maneuverability in close quarters and possibility of overpenetration.
"All purchases above a certain figure the tax should go to the City or County where the person lives.
Vehicles, applinance, guns etc.use persons zip code to locate Dity/County
Sgt Ralph (retired Aurora).
3/02/2010 12:45:00 PM"
hey, ralphy boy, stick to driving da bus.
When the time is appropriate I will be celebrating by going out and getting a Colt Python since we can't currently legally own one that wasn't grandfathered in by our orders. Can't wait to fire that bad boy :-)
3/02/2010 01:16:00 PM
I hope you have some serious coin on hand for that little project.
Plan on at least a grand for a good one, probably more. Try and get an E-series one if you can find it.(serial # starting with E) They are supposed to be the best. Or the Ultimate Python with high polish stainless finish and hand tuned action. Sweeeet ! Original Colt checkered wood grips from back in the day ? Over $100 if you can find them. Go easy on the .357 ammo as they go out of time fairly easy.I remember when Cops could have the 4" Python as a duty gun. The most accurate revolver ever. One fight on the ground and that Beavertail hammer could be broken. Enjoy !
"A) Could a chicago resident get a FOID card, purchase a handgun and store it outside the city of chicago today? B) Then register it with the city and bring it home after the gun ban is struck down?
3/02/2010 01:54:00 PM"
a) you are a resident of this state, thus, presuming that the ISP approve your FOID application, yes.
b) depends entirely upon EXACTLY what the SCOTUS decision contains, what the nimrods in control of our city try to do to thwart the letter and intent of the SCOTUS rulings, and, thus, to be determined......
"Pardon these questions:
Are rifles and shotguns not already legal to own in the city? These are "arms", correct?
I've never owned any type of firearm. It seems that handgun possession is the main issue, right?
Frankly, as it pertains to home protection, I'd rather have a rifle and/or shotgun.
3/02/2010 02:52:00 PM"
sure, if you're expecting your home to be stormed by a mass of enemy combatants.
not so much for that up close, unexpected encounter at 2am in your jammies....
Screw you Daley
Screw you Daley
Tis a GREAT Day in the City of SHEE CAHH GO it tis.
A) Could a chicago resident get a FOID card, purchase a handgun and store it outside the city of chicago today? B) Then register it with the city and bring it home after the gun ban is struck down?
Answer (A) Yes
Answer (B) Yes
Daley Crime Family has 24 Hr 15 man securoty detail at SGT's pay HEllo media Hello public Wake up to the BS
Anonymous said...
Pardon these questions:
Are rifles and shotguns not already legal to own in the city? These are "arms", correct?
I've never owned any type of firearm. It seems that handgun possession is the main issue, right?
Frankly, as it pertains to home protection, I'd rather have a rifle and/or shotgun.
3/02/2010 02:52:00 PM
Rifles and shotguns may be just the ticket for defending a locked bedroom door, but for those "bump in the night" situations where you aren't sure if the noise you heard was a burglar or the cat a handgun is easier to handle and less likely to be taken away from you than a long gun. Long guns are also more likely to shoot through your house and your neighbors' than handguns loaded with ammunition suitable for defensive use. (Shotgun slugs and buckshot will penetrate every drywall wall in a typical house. Smaller shot won't penetrate as much but is less likely to stop an attacker.)
"I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy."
"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
Lock and Load!!!!!!!!!!!!
The mayor and his family have 24/7 armed escorts where ever they go...even when traveling out of state. His hypocrisy knows no bounds. It's O.K. for him to be armed,(even if it is indirectly) but not for a law abiding citizen. What an asshole!
Anonymous said...
And when will the first gun store return to chicago? You can't restrain a legal trade. And the names for these stores: 'Windy City Cap'n' 'The Blackstone Ranges' 'The Auto Zone..(oops, already taken)' 'Roscoes on Roscoe' 'The House of Missles'...please feel free to add to this por collection.
3/02/2010 01:34:00 PM
Gatts r Us, Heaters for home owners.
Dear Shortshanks, now you can go buy your own gun and take care of yourself and your family and return your D-3 paid bodyguard detail back to the streets where they belong protecting over taxed chicago citizenry. Now go and sin no more dickhead.
Off Track so sorry but back to this ticket thing. Just received a ticket ($60.00) for letting a passenger out downtown. Was on the phone so didn't pull away right away...literally 3 minutes, because I checked after she (OEMC Employee) handed me the ticket and walked away smiling. I quickly told her that I wasn't parked and had just let someone out but hadn't pulled away because of being on the phone and safety in regard to that. She said, smiling, "I watched you from over there so don't try that one on me". That one was the truth. I said excuse me and she just handed me the ticket and walked away saying something under her breath that I couldn't make out. I did not identify myself knowing that would do no good these days.
Checking the area showed no parking mon-fri 6am to 6pm but the sign was half a block west of my location and it did not state no standing. The vehicle was occupied and she gave no chance for me to immediately move the vehicle? Is this a legitimate ticket? I thought, according to MCC, that if the vehicle is occupied and you are there to unload or load (i.e. passenger) that it was allowable?
Someone know?
Anyway...isn't there some way collectively we can hold these other departments accountable for their ordinance or other violations throughout the day. How do the officers in 001 and 018 deal with these other agencies who basically have been made another taxing body for Chicago. These other agencies seem to issue tickets without regard for discretion or giving anyone, citizens, a chance. Can't the officers assigned to those districts show those revenue agents what strict enforcement means. I always see these agents for revenue and OEMC in the street obstructing traffic or J-walking. Where do they park their cars? Do they drive to work; and home at the end of the day? If so, from where? Can't we make sure that we strictly enforce laws on them to give them an idea that the laws aren't made for revenue generation. To show them that they are made for keeping the peace and for true traffic alleviation. Why hasn't our FOP fought to keep the right to issue violations? Shouldn't it be that only...ONLY...sworn law enforcement could write these violations?
Just pissed that "he" is getting another $60.00.
Come June we may finaly see dick's head explode.
Don't worry, other than some hair and flop sweat there is nothing to get on you if you're near by.
GOOD, quit depriving the Law-Abiding of their Constitutional Rights, and get fuckin busy locking up the Criminals who use guns in Crimes, and throw away the key. Fuck the Lib-Demo-commie-crat U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights haters. Stay the fuck out of decent, law-abiding peoples lives, you fucking communist Assholes. This includes you, Daley. You fuckin Suck.
Bill O'Rielly just had a discussion about the 2nd ammendment. An idiot lawyer named Levine stated that Chicago wants hand gun bans because "Chicagoans voted in the gun ban years ago". Why does the media let these assholes get away with socialist-communist-chicago democratic lies. These whores can get away with anything they say and no one questions them.
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know how to get ahold of Densey or Mary. Chris Cosgriff the guy who started the Officer down memorial page and policelink blog wants to help the cause.
3/02/2010 01:35:00 PM
Have the person call the daytime watch commander in 022 tomorrow (Wednesday) or Thursday (visiting W/C's for a couple of days after that), and that person will forward it. The regular watch commanders keep in contact with Densey and Mary. Otherwise, search for Mary Cole's page on Facebook and leave her a message, and she will get back to that person in a day or two.
A) Could a chicago resident get a FOID card, purchase a handgun and store it outside the city of chicago today? B) Then register it with the city and bring it home after the gun ban is struck down?
I'm not an FFL but you can get a FOID card without a problem, except for the usual bureaucratic BS.
I don't believe there is anything on the books that prevents folks with a Chicago address on their FOID card from buying a handgun. However, as of Jan 1, you have to sign an affidavit stating that you won't take a handgun within the borders of the City of Chicago, should you buy one.
I would never register a gun, period. There is no valid reason to do so.
For the person who wants to get in touch with Densey, tell him to call the 1st dist on afternoons & ask to talk to the watch secretary. They will hook him up.(Celeste Halko or Denise Donohoe)
That deputy corperation counsel sounds like a total ASS. She stated that the chicago ban was put in place and should remain in place because that is what the people want. I think she must be speaking for the PEOPLE NATION AND THE FOLKS NATION! They are the only ones that have benefited from this ban.I know I never gave her the right to speak on my behalf.
You may read the 64 pp. transcript of this morning's oral arguments before SCOTUS lasting 1:03 by entering http:///
Click on "Oral Arguments"
Then click on "Argument Transcripts".
Then scroll down 11 lines and click on 08-1521: McDonald v. City of Chicago
Alan GURA and Paul D CLEMENT (NRA) argued for the McDonald petitioners.
City of Chicago Special Corp. Counsel James A. FELDMAN (NOT Benna Ruth SOLOMAN) for the Stuttering Prick and the WEISel.
$108M plan OK'd to renovate old Cook County Hospital. Amazing how money just keep showing up in these hard economic times. What does the midget king say about this now?
3/02/2010 04:00:00 PM
This was a COUNTY vote. The building will be used for County offices which are currently housed elsewhere. It's also an oppportunity to gain a lot of rental income from office space, which is win--win.
And for you Greenies, NOT demolishing it will save 900 truckloads of debris from the landfills.
Two things that would make me feel great are , the passing of the 2nd Amendment right to the citizens of city of Chicago to have handguns , then the passing of Mayor Daley after he finds out he finally "LOST" his bid to screw handgun owners . The only other thing is that I would like to piss on his grave .
What's next residency!?
3/02/2010 01:50:00 PM
Concealed carry,then you will be allowed to live anywhere you want like an adult.
A) Could a chicago resident get a FOID card, purchase a handgun and store it outside the city of chicago today? B) Then register it with the city and bring it home after the gun ban is struck down?
3/02/2010 01:54:00 PM
A) Yes. Always could. Nothing ever prohibited you from doing so.
B) Most likely, but not immediately. The city, if thinking ahead, will have legislation ready to go in order to hamper the registration of new handguns when the current ban is struck by the SCOTUS.
Daley's legal minions will come up with some type of legal detour, lawsuits will be filed and it might take some more time before you are able to register a handgun with the city of Chicago, but you will eventually be able to register that handgun, however, the Gun Registration Program will not accept your registration application and subsequently register your handgun until the Corporation Counsel gives them the green light to do so.
Remember, vote Democrat, so Daley can squander more of your tax money in an effort to win futile legal battles!
On the same Supremes page you cite, you can also read 08-074 Lewis (white firefighter hiring denied) vs. City of Chicago.
The arguing attorney for City was Benna Ruth Soloman.
"The only other thing is that I would like to piss on his grave .
3/02/2010 09:21:00 PM"
that will be a long, long line, but well worth the wait.
"Come June we may finaly see dick's head explode.
Don't worry, other than some hair and flop sweat there is nothing to get on you if you're near by.
3/02/2010 07:47:00 PM"
just remember to hold your breath until the toxic fumes dissipate.
CORRECTION: SCOTUS CFD firefighter (Lewis v. City of Chicago) case is 08-974 not 08-074. Benna Ruth Solomon argues for City.
" I know it's a good thing, but I've always found people way into guns a little....odd. Personally anyone way into this argument on either the Left or the Right should try maybe getting laid a little more often.
3/02/2010 05:57:00 PM"
before accepting your generous offer, i'd have to check your pedigree....
My DOG has more sense than Daley!
3/02/2010 02:47:00 PM
I haven't met your dog and I can say in all truthfulness---your dog is better looking than lil' dickie
Not to mention loyal, better personal hygene and much nicer breath.
And when will the first gun store return to chicago? You can't restrain a legal trade. And the names for these stores: 'Windy City Cap'n' 'The Blackstone Ranges' 'The Auto Zone..(oops, already taken)' 'Roscoes on Roscoe' 'The House of Missles'...please feel free to add to this por collection.
3/02/2010 01:34:00 PM
Bam's Club.
I heard on WGN the city representative claiming how this ban has reduced violent handgun crimes in the city.
Of all of my gun pinches, I MEAN ALL OF THEM, not one of them has been of a subject who had a FOID card or used a handgun registered to himself.
Then for the city to put a ridiculous spin on the day's proceedings was absolutely silly, to coin a word.
Mr., Mrs., Ms. Law Abiding Citizen there are estimated over 300,000 illegal guns in the City of Chicago alone. When you are driving on the Ryan, or the Kennedy or any street for that matter, riding the CTA, or walking on downtown and neighborhood sidewalks, going t othe store or the mall, I can guarantee you passed somebody with an illegal gun. Did you ever stop and think what would you do if one of them pulled that gun out on you? What would you do? I know what you would become, another victim of a criminal who could give two shits about a handgun ban.
This ban from 1982 to today has been merely a "feel good" do nothing law that lulls the foolish or the naive, or the liberal who has not been the victim of a violent crime, into thinking that the politicians have made you more safe. You are not more safe. IT IS AN ILLUSION and nothing else.
If there was conceal and carry laws, or if handguns were allowed legally in the city, my suggestion is that you become a responsible, informed, trained gun owner.
Do not let the politicians continue to dupe you, or you for that matter keep your head buried in the sand. Yes, guns can be frightening when misused. So can a car be when there is some idiot who is driving on the road with complete disregard of others' safety or of the laws. The more responsible and trained you are with using your vehicle the better the chance you have of surviving an encounter with the nut using his car as a weapon. The same holds true with handguns.
to: 3/2/2010, 7:44 pm...yeah, we have to vote the clown out...
"Pardon these questions:
Are rifles and shotguns not already legal to own in the city? These are "arms", correct?
I've never owned any type of firearm. It seems that handgun possession is the main issue, right?
Frankly, as it pertains to home protection, I'd rather have a rifle and/or shotgun.
3/02/2010 02:52:00 PM"
sure, if you're expecting your home to be stormed by a mass of enemy combatants.
not so much for that up close, unexpected encounter at 2am in your jammies....
3/02/2010 06:21:00 PM
All your guns should be unloaded, secured in a safe, or have gun locks on them. How many dads in their jammies are going to shoot their kids or wifes at 2am. Officer, I always kept my pistol loaded in my nightstand and in my sleep I thought they were a burglar. Learn how to use your hands, the clock radio, the bed side telephone to bash the offender's head for primary defense. If you have time, acess and load your firearm for secondary defense. I perfer a shotgun because of the pattern, and even cops aren't great pistol shots.
a previous post mentioned mancow. ever since he left all i listen to is 560 am. glen beck is pretty good. that cisco coto sucks its like listening to n p r. roe conn is also a milk toast pussy, medved on 560 is way better.
Free at last. Free at last. I can't wait.
Dump DALEY! 2011
The city/department is already realizing their failure. Look up department directives from the past 30 days in iClear. You will find a new gun registration form dated 3/2010. It mentions you need 20/40 vision, a valid dl, foid card etc. It is a form from gun registration rejecting your gun registration because you didn't include the proper paperwork. More forms to come.
Isn't it funny the things that are listed as rights in the Constitution aren't really rights, like gun ownership. But the things that aren't listed, like health care, are universal rights. Go figure.
Democrats sure are stupid.
A) Could a chicago resident get a FOID card, purchase a handgun and store it outside the city of chicago today? B) Then register it with the city and bring it home after the gun ban is struck down?
Just get the gun and protect your family from the free loading sction 8.
Youse mugs, lemme catch any a youse wid one gat in yer cribs
My kid Patsy, da Michigan Mauler, and his friend Batsy will be knockin on yer doors...and yer
CORRECTION: SCOTUS CFD firefighter (Lewis v. City of Chicago) case is 08-974 not 08-074. Benna Ruth Solomon argues for City.
AND LOSES BIG TIME !!!! boo yaaa !!!
SCC:"First of all, Shortshanks is going to lose out on tens of thousands in sales taxes as all gun shops are currently located in the suburbs. This amuses us."
Problem is he will do the same as he did with the automobile sales tax. Make them send it to Chicago based on residence......he wins either way
One thing mayor daley (I refuse to capitalize his name - he doesn't deserve the respect) is too damned nearsighted and arrogant to recognize:
Political death by a 1000 cuts is still fucking dead.
Maybe now I can personally buy some decent ammo for my duty weapons, instead of having my friends & relatives ordering it for me!
I believe in the 2nd Amendment and that everyone should have the right to own a firearm. I also agree that for home protection purposes, a shotgun is the best weapon. Just the sound of loading a round (racking the slide) is a great deterrent from a pump action shotgun. These guns are available with short barrels for easier accessibility and maneuvering . I'm a PO and my wife won't touch my pistols but is very comfortable with the shotgun. These guns loaded with BB size shot will definitely leave a mark on any intruder. Using experience as an example, I've been on the scene of several shootings where a handgun was used and the victim(s) were hit in the legs, feet, etc. Its obvious that the shooters don't know how to shoot a handgun and take their lessons from TV, movies... If your set on buying a handgun, God Bless, but learn how to shoot it and practice. I'm not a gun nut, just a hunter and regular PO with common sense.
Anonymous said...
Pardon these questions:
Are rifles and shotguns not already legal to own in the city? These are "arms", correct?
I've never owned any type of firearm. It seems that handgun possession is the main issue, right?
Frankly, as it pertains to home protection, I'd rather have a rifle and/or shotgun.
3/02/2010 02:52:00 PM
well may you do but i prefer a .45 so whats your point.
Join the NRA, they also provide an insurance benefit to Police Officers injured or killed in the line of duty. Plus insurance for your firearms up to a certain amount.
I'm still amazed that the media doesn't grasp that while the governing body of Chicago that took away Chicagoan's right to have a handgun, they kept the right for themselves. You as residents of Chicago can't have a handgun but the Aldermen who voted to take away your rights to bear arms gave themselves the right to have and carry handguns. King Daley doesn't need a gun because he has an army of police with better armament than the SWAT team guarding him and his family. Typical Chicago bullshit. We need a clean sweep during the next election. It is unbearable having such corruption at every level of government in Chicago.
[Anonymous] Anonymous said...
legal trade. And the names for these stores: 'Windy City Cap'n' 'The Blackstone Ranges' 'The Auto Zone..(oops, already taken)' 'Roscoes on Roscoe' 'The House of Missles'...please feel free to add to this por collection.
3/02/2010 01:34:00 PM
Bam's Club.
3/02/2010 10:56:00 PM
Dillinger's Alley Gun Gallery, Capone's (specializing in Italian makes), The Skeeteasy, Splattin' King's, Shop 'n' Drop'em, Blasts from the Past (featuring replicas of the best guns in history), Paper Target (for those on a budget)....
Any recommendations for a reasonably-priced handgun suitable for a woman? Nothing pink or flowery - I'm looking for reliability and easy care. Also, where could an interested person take firearms safety classes and 'try before you buy' (preferably W suburbs)? Aurora Sgt Ralph, do you have any recommendations?
-not a cop but not that not a cop
Just like homicides have been changed to "death investigations", I'm sure ShortShanks will order his lap dog Weis to play with the figures to try and convince the fine sheep, eh.....I mean citizens of this great city that repealing the hand gun ban was wrong. He'll be on the news every night crying for the children. That is, until a friend or relative gets to open the first gun store within the city limits!
What I don't understand is why hasn't the press focused on Daley's armed guards? The arrogance of this fool, telling ordinary people that he knows better. He claims that if hand guns were allowed back (legally) that the city would turn into the wild west! News already is. Why else would there be a rise in DEATH INVESTIGATIONS that logically should be labeled as HOMICIDES?
In doing so, he thinks he can fool the public into thinking that he was right and hand guns should still be banned.
What most people forget is that he has the luxury of a 24/7 armed escort service. And his merry band of 50 thieves are allowed to arm themselves because "they" are targets for the bad guys.
Foot note: when was the last time you heard of 1 alderman qualifying with their hand gun?
The Englewood resident will get a tax credit and extra cash on the link card to be able to afford the new gun registration fees. We'll all pick up the tab just like we do for them to have cell phones.
True, but always consider maneuverability in close quarters and possibility of overpenetration.
3/02/2010 06:01:00 PM
I'll nail you, too.
That deputy corperation counsel sounds like a total ASS. She stated that the chicago ban was put in place and should remain in place because that is what the people want. I think she must be speaking for the PEOPLE NATION AND THE FOLKS NATION! They are the only ones that have benefited from this ban.I know I never gave her the right to speak on my behalf.
That bitch also said that "Chicago is riddled with high crime, high gangs, and a high murder rate."
Did not J-Cock say that crime was down, gangs were down and murder was down. Which is the fucking truth? Whatever numbers will serve their political agenda at the time?
I know it's a good thing, but I've always found people way into guns a little....odd. Personally anyone way into this argument on either the Left or the Right should try maybe getting laid a little more often.
3/02/2010 05:57:00 PM
Well bend over and I'll take care of that. You want me to hold a gun while I nail you?
Daley Crime Family has 24 Hr 15 man securoty detail at SGT's pay HEllo media Hello public Wake up to the BS
3/02/2010 06:48:00 PM
Someone explain to me why the people of Chicago have to pay for that when he's on vacation at his Michigan home? Do Chicagoans have to pay for this security when he's out of state on his own time?
How much does this cost the city every summer weekend in salary, gas, motel expenses for the detail and use of multiple city owned vehicles?
Just curious as to how much the city forks out every year for our anti-gun mayor to have all of those hired guns around him. He takes a furlough day in Michigan and it costs us more for his crew to take him on vacation.
There is a HUGE ammo shortage right now. All the good self defense stuff is very hard to come by. Lets get the word out to all "would be" or first time gun buyers NOT to use hardball or full metal jacket rounds for defense in the home. You need to use hollow point to avoid penetrating the bad guy and shooting into the house or apartment next door. And combine that gun with a bright "Surefire" type flashlight for target ID. The last thing you want to do is draw down on a family member returning home in the wee hours of the morning. Be Careful ! As SCC has said in the past, you are responsible for everything that happens when you handle a weapon.
"The only other thing is that I would like to piss on his grave .
3/02/2010 09:21:00 PM"
I, for one, would prefer to defecate upon it. Perhaps a nice golden shower on the tombstone as a finishing touch. Instead of fresh flowers, I'll drop fresh turds.
Hey Shortshanks. You'll be looking up a hundreds, yes, hundreds of cops and firefighters pissing on your remains.
However, as of Jan 1, you have to sign an affidavit stating that you won't take a handgun within the borders of the City of Chicago, should you buy one.
I would never register a gun, period. There is no valid reason to do so.
3/02/2010 08:10:00 PM
You do not have to sign an affidavit,there is NO State law requiring this.Do not believe the tards at Cabelas.
Go to Rguns in Carpentersville.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Saw Bob Lopez in 025th today. Class act that will be missed. Almost everyone in 025 pissed about what had happened and how it happened. J-Fed, Dugan, Aunt B you will not earn one bit of respect by mamagement by fear. Oh yes and to Daily, you sure picked some real winners on your team.
3/02/2010 02:56:00 PM
I work in 025. To say "all of 025 is pissed off" is way over the line. I don't know anything about Bob Lopez (if he is a great guy or a bad guy). Like I said, I work as a P.O. in 025 and most blue shirts were indifferent to Lopez getting dumped to 003 (not because we don't care, but because we didn't know him).
Never fear people who just want to protect themselves and their family,they are the people who made this the GREAT country that we live in today.
Anonymous said...
"The only other thing is that I would like to piss on his grave .
3/02/2010 09:21:00 PM"
that will be a long, long line, but well worth the wait.
3/02/2010 10:21:00 PM
Ticket sales could generate revenue.
My problem is with the names put onto people when they express their point of view or preference. I own firearms, I like to shoot at a range, I do not hunt, I belong to the NRA. I am a responsible citizen and veteran. Why am I called a " gun nut". If I bowl I am not called a " bowling nut", I like to bike, am I a " biking nut". Just the typical liberal left wing name calling.
Now you watch closely....the media will start to cover more and more shootings!! Daley will insist! He will start to speak out on this issue more and more as the time gets closer to June. You watch and see what happens!
Its amazing....ever wonder why the second amendment comes after the first? Our fore fathers were not idiots! They knew exactly what they were doing!! Can you imagine that they took away one amendment? Lets say the first or maybe the fourth and the fourteenth. Can you image what kind of country this would be? Our fore fathers did this for a ensure our right to freedom, liberty and the true pursuit of happinest! Just remember...if the politicians start taking away our 2nd amendment.....what's/who's to say the first and so on and so on...Who said....."From my dead cold hands"?....
>>> Anonymous said...
$108M plan OK'd to renovate old Cook County Hospital. Amazing how money just keep showing up in these hard economic times. What does the midget king say about this now?
3/02/2010 04:00:00 PM
This was a COUNTY vote. The building will be used for County offices which are currently housed elsewhere. It's also an oppportunity to gain a lot of rental income from office space, which is win--win.
And for you Greenies, NOT demolishing it will save 900 truckloads of debris from the landfills.
3/02/2010 08:43:00 PM<<<
If I heard correctly...
It was going to cost the CITY ..$108 MILLION in T.I.F. ( Tax Incriment Funding) that Daley loves, to redo Cook County Hospital so that City Department of Health and other Departments can have new offices.
$108 MILLION in T.I.F. Money, it will take the Alderthieves about 5 minutes to pass that.
But, it has taken them and FLOP 3 YEARS for a contract, not to mention $108 MILLION could buy us a lot of new vehicles and hire some help.
One of the main components of making this country great was the "GUN". One of the main components of taking it back, will be the "GUN".
"All your guns should be unloaded, secured in a safe, or have gun locks on them. How many dads in their jammies are going to shoot their kids or wifes at 2am."
What's the point of even having a weapon after all that? There's no way you'd be able to retrieve it, load it and use it when the bad guys are kicking in your front door. The best thing to get is a GunVault pistol safe. It fits in your bedroom closet, can be opened in a four digit code in the dark within about two seconds. I've had one for about 15 years now and I can get to my pistols within seconds after jumping out of bed. I also keep them locked and loaded. Check it:
Ralph said...
All purchases above a certain figure the tax should go to the City or County where the person lives.
Vehicles, applinance, guns etc.use persons zip code to locate Dity/County
Sgt Ralph (retired Aurora).
Why? Why is it that when I buy a car in Kane county I still have to pay the bullshit city of shitcago sales tax? If the city dealerships are going to loose out on business because of the ridiculous city/county taxes here, then I have a suggestion, LOWER THE DAMN TAXES! This law is bullshit and unconstitutional. Maybe the supreme court can go after this one next.
Anonymous said...
A) Could a chicago resident get a FOID card, purchase a handgun and store it outside the city of chicago today? B) Then register it with the city and bring it home after the gun ban is struck down?
Gun registration serves only one purpose, and that is eventual gun confiscation. I have a family freind who grew up in Holland during WWII. When the Germans took over, they went to the local Police stations and retreived all the gun registration forms (which the law abiding Dutch had so willingly compiled). Then the Gestapo went to all those homes and took the guns and arrested the owners. My freinds father was taken away because as a gun owner, the Germans feared he might want to resist their occupation. He was taken away and died in one of the numerous concentrations camps. He wasn't a criminal, wasn't a jew, wasn't a communist, he was just a hunter who owned a gun. My freind vowed to never register a gun no matter what the law says, and I totally agree with him.
Anyone interested in joining the NRA, the first year is free. at least it was a few months back
Anonymous said...
Pardon these questions:
Are rifles and shotguns not already legal to own in the city? These are "arms", correct?
I've never owned any type of firearm. It seems that handgun possession is the main issue, right?
Frankly, as it pertains to home protection, I'd rather have a rifle and/or shotgun.
A shotgun is ideal if you are bunkered up in a safe room, like your bedroom or master bath, but if you need to exit your safe room and confront someone in the house, a shotgun can be somewhat unhandy to use while entering a room. In a situation where you hear the intruder in your house and you need to get to your kids room to suttle them into the safe room, a shotgun is less than ideal, since it requires two hands to use and could be easily ripped from your grasp as you enter a room with the offender hiding in it. In those cases a decent size handgun with a tactical light would be best.
"All your guns should be unloaded, secured in a safe, or have gun locks on them. How many dads in their jammies are going to shoot their kids or wifes at 2am. Officer, I always kept my pistol loaded in my nightstand and in my sleep I thought they were a burglar. Learn how to use your hands, the clock radio, the bed side telephone to bash the offender's head for primary defense. If you have time, acess and load your firearm for secondary defense. I perfer a shotgun because of the pattern, and even cops aren't great pistol shots.
3/02/2010 11:54:00 PM"
please let this be satire, please.....
Anonymous said...
What people don't realize is if you get caught with a handgun in chicago nothing happens to you at the city level anyway. The UUW charge is a state charge which is the same whether you get caught having a handgun on you in chicago or southern Illinois. The courts always throw out Daley's BS city charge for failure to register and just procede with the state charge...
3/02/2010 04:21:00 PM
Your point is well taken, but actually certain provisions of the UUW statute only apply inside corporate limits of a city, town or village. Simply carrying aweapon that is not concealed is not illegal outside these areas, carrying concealed is.
Other than providing a means for the government to locate guns and gun owners, I know of no purpose of registeing any guns. It certainly is almost mever a help in criminal investigations.
The stuttering prick just finished reaming the supreme court for overturning the gun-ban. Its funny to see this stupid fuck ranting and raving about absolute fucking nonsense. I was laughing my balls off reading shortshanks latest rant. He has lost whatever pea he had for a brain. He is visibly shaken and upset. I LOVE IT. FUCK YOU SHORTSHANKS!!! LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!!!!!!
NorthSide said...
You may read the 64 pp. transcript of this morning's oral arguments before SCOTUS lasting 1:03 by entering http:///
Click on "Oral Arguments"
Then click on "Argument Transcripts".
Then scroll down 11 lines and click on 08-1521: McDonald v. City of Chicago
Alan GURA and Paul D CLEMENT (NRA) argued for the McDonald petitioners.
City of Chicago Special Corp. Counsel James A. FELDMAN (NOT Benna Ruth SOLOMAN) for the Stuttering Prick and the WEISel.
3/02/2010 08:38:00 PM
Hey John, just wondering if there is any on-line readings of your Exam Scam fiasco. Would be some interesting reading no doubt.
Did you see the Corp council Lawyer on national news say, "our ban in Chicago works, other cities can do what they want." WORKS, what planet has she been on?
I read the transcript. Looks like the Supremes cut city lawyer Feldman a new one.
Typical Daley stupid nonsequiturs saying why can't he attend Supreme Court hearings while armed. A 3rd grade debating team would blow this idiot out of his socks. He had to flunk logic. Why does the media let him get away with such absurd drivel?
The Watcher said...
Anonymous said...
My DOG has more sense than Daley!
3/02/2010 02:47:00 PM
I haven't met your dog and I can say in all truthfulness---your dog is better looking than lil' dickie.
3/02/2010 05:54:00 PM
I haven't met your dog either, but I bet the dog is a better speaker. Unless he's talking out his ass. Then he will sound like Daley.
I loved it when Shortshanks was mumbling why he couldn't bring a gun into the Supreme court. Like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. We should get bumper sticker, ANYBODY BUT DALEY FOR MAYOR 2011.
Mayor Richard Daley sure is upset that the ban might be overturned. But he probably has more armed guards protecting him than the president of Venezuela.
FROM KASS's column. Poor Mayor Chucky.
Alderman Fred Roti was instrumental in spearheading Chicago's "handgun ban". A made member of Chicagos mob, disarming law abiding citizens. How does that make you feel Mr. Mayor.
Anonymous said...
And when will the first gun store return to chicago? You can't restrain a legal trade. And the names for these stores: 'Windy City Cap'n' 'The Blackstone Ranges' 'The Auto Zone..(oops, already taken)' 'Roscoes on Roscoe' 'The House of Missles'...please feel free to add to this por collection.
3/02/2010 01:34:00 PM
Bam's Club.
3/02/2010 10:56:00 PM
International House of Pancake Holsters; Wrigley Sugarfree Guns: Glocks R Us......
All your guns should be unloaded, secured in a safe, or have gun locks on them.
ALL my guns are loaded because I don't have kids and I refuse to turn my weapon into an $800 (or more) club. My guns go into the safe when I leave the house. Except for the one I carry of course.
As for the wife being shot at 2am because "I thought she was a burglar", ever heard of a Surefire light? I'm sure you have.
It's called target ID. One light is next the pistol for ID and one light is ON the pistol if needed for shooting.
BTW, I practice FREQUENTLY and not always on a "square" range and not always in the daytime.
bash the offender's head for primary defense
3/02/2010 11:54:00 PM
That's going to work real well against the home invasion types that have been active in my city.
At best you are going to be stomped and shanked. Why would my wife or I want to let the assholes get that close? If they get within arms reach they will weigh several ounces more than when they entered and will be leaking badly.
To all the gun control morons out there: It is a inalienable, non-negotiable RIGHT, incaple of being infringed upon, mitigated or otherwise enfeebled by
any legislature. The Bill of Rights was written, ratified and fully and completely defined by our founding fathers. It is the second of the ten articles in the Bill of Rights for a reason. If we lose it we shall certainly lose the remainder. To give up any right weakens all others and will surely lead to the loss of others. Unless you plan to voluntarily give up your rights to be secure in your homes and property, in your right to associate freely, to practice the faith of your choosing, to speak your free minds and air your grievances and to be afforded fair and just treatment by the courts with a right to face your accuser(s) and argue in your defense then you had best fight to preserve the 2nd amendment, in its full and true spirit and meaning, with every once of your being. If you fail to do so do not come crying to me for help when the jack booted thugs kick in your door and drag you off into the darkness. Only Tyrants fear an armed populace. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
"No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." Thomas Jefferson
" disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them." George Mason
"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." James Madison
"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people" Tench Coxe
"The Constitution shall never be prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms" Samuel Adams
"The great object is that every man be armed" and "everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Ticket sales could generate revenue.
3/03/2010 10:07:00 AM"
the beer vendors set up outside the cemetery will make a fortune.
"Any recommendations for a reasonably-priced handgun suitable for a woman? Nothing pink or flowery - I'm looking for reliability and easy care. Also, where could an interested person take firearms safety classes and 'try before you buy' (preferably W suburbs)? Aurora Sgt Ralph, do you have any recommendations?
-not a cop but not that not a cop
3/03/2010 05:51:00 AM"
Ruger SP101, 5 shot snubby, .38spcl
Colt DS, 6 shot snubby, .38 spcl
"However, as of Jan 1, you have to sign an affidavit stating that you won't take a handgun within the borders of the City of Chicago, should you buy one."
-3/02/2010 08:10:00 PM
State enforcement of city ordinances, huh? Daley's famous "extraterritorial jurisdiction." Someone needs to tell him to f**k off.
Maybe the Supreme Court?
"Your point is well taken, but actually certain provisions of the UUW statute only apply inside corporate limits of a city, town or village. Simply carrying a weapon that is not concealed is not illegal outside these areas, carrying concealed is."
3/03/2010 03:28:00 PM
Wrong! Don't be spreading bullshit information. You cannot "open carry" outside or inside of city limits in this state.
"...How many dads in their jammies are going to shoot their kids or wifes at 2am."
Not many. There are unfortunate accidents, but it is incumbent on you have to I.D. your target BEFORE you shoot.
Anonymous said...
Any recommendations for a reasonably-priced handgun suitable for a woman? Nothing pink or flowery - I'm looking for reliability and easy care. Also, where could an interested person take firearms safety classes and 'try before you buy' (preferably W suburbs)? Aurora Sgt Ralph, do you have any recommendations?
-not a cop but not that not a cop
3/03/2010 05:51:00 AM
I'm a civilian gun nut. I recommend Rink's on 143rd and Archer. Family owned, cheap range, long hours, and reasonable prices.
For a gun I recommend a KelTec P-38 or another one of their pocket rockets. You can probably get away with anything in .380 auto or 9mm at the largest. Of course you can go as big as you want but small wrists can only take so much recoil. I recommend renting as many guns as you can. Pick out all of the ones you like and have them on the counter. See which one feels best in your hands. Ask the salesman to show you the differences between the actions of each, magazine capacity, etc. Find a handful you *really* like and go fire them on the range if you can. When you find the model you like you can order it from the shop, or order it online.
The rule with buying handguns is you can buy them anywhere in the country - even online (I prefer, but you have to have them shipped to a FFL (federal firearms license-holder) for processing in your local state. You go to the FFL to get your background check, and there's a 3-day (bullshit) waiting period from when you fill out the paperwork til you can pick up your gun. Most FFL's will charge a reasonable fee but some don't or won't even process it since they want to sell you their stock that's marked up (Maxon).
Another good small business to patronize is KapGuns ( Kenny is your average gun-loving american with a small business, and last I looked, he did FFL processing for $20/gun. It's a hike out to Loves Park, IL but worth it. He also has a generous selection of guns in stock in addition to many that he can get for rock-bottom prices.
Hope that helps.
Anonymous said...
"Your point is well taken, but actually certain provisions of the UUW statute only apply inside corporate limits of a city, town or village. Simply carrying a weapon that is not concealed is not illegal outside these areas, carrying concealed is."
3/03/2010 03:28:00 PM
Wrong! Don't be spreading bullshit information. You cannot "open carry" outside or inside of city limits in this state.
3/04/2010 01:55:00 AM
You may wish to read ILCS 520/5/24 with special emphasis on 24-1,a-4 and 24-1,a-10. 1,a-4 generally prohibits carrying a concealed firearm anywhere in the state. 1,a-10 prohibits carrying a firearm on public street, public alley or other public place in an incorporated city, village or incorporated town. Nowhere does the UUW statute prohibit carrying a firearm, unconcealed, other than in a municipality in general. If it isn't prohibited, it is permitted. Any change to that would cause the downstaters, where there is still some unincorporated land, to riot. Any prohibition of open carry would sure wreak havoc with the hunting industry, and don't give me bunch of bullshit about a hunting license gives some vague right to have a firearm. It isn't prohibited peroid. There my be some obscure case law, but I am pretty sure that there is not.
hickory dickory dock
Twas late when i heard a knock
" I wouldnt if i were you"
I said to the mope holding a 22
so I blew him onto the next block...
with my glock.
Thanks youve been great!
Please tip your range attendant and pick up any loose brass from the floor,
Thank you.
And SUCK ON THAT for a while Daley!
Nice little video clip on criminals for gun control.
"The courts always throw out Daley's BS city charge for failure to register and just procede with the state charge..."
--3/02/2010 04:21:00 PM
I think Daley got Happy Meals and silly hats for about 50 busloads of "concerned inner-city moms" and bused them to Springfield to get "possession of a firearm without FOID" changed from a misdemeanor to a felony. It was either that or pressure applied to get illegal carry changed from a misdemeanor to a felony. Hard to keep track with so many revs yelling into bullhorns but you get the drift.
I have indeed seen multiple city failure-to-register charges dumped in favor of the state felony of no-FOID (guy had FOID but it was expired and he was just so busy in his life that he let it slide hoping to get to it later...)F**cks the guy better, no guns ever again. That's the whole idea.
Hell, the first gun registration cards were little tan things. They'd actually give them to you at the police station when you asked for them too. Now, as everyone knows, it's like applying for ten freaking passports every year...
Must be reducing crime, though, Just saw Tom Dart, the Puppy Dog Sheriff, on Channel 9 showing off his hundreds of empty jail beds. Rehabilitation!
Mayor Daley is clinically insane.
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