Sunday, June 06, 2010

Chicago Gun Ban Ignored

  • By one expert's estimate, there is a handgun in as many as 100,000 city households, despite the ban. And gang members or those with misdeeds in mind aren't the only ones who have them. In some neighborhoods, otherwise-law-abiding citizens feel forced to violate the gun ban, they say, to protect themselves and their families.

    "You've got to do what you've got to do," said a DVD salesman from Marquette Park, who has two daughters and said he bought a handgun after two thugs shot him during a recent robbery attempt. "I think people need guns to protect themselves."

  • ... based on a study that Ludwig and other experts conducted in 2007 on Chicago's underground gun market, he roughly estimated that as many as 100,000 Chicago households could have handguns.

    "Judging from the available data, there are apparently a lot of people in Chicago who feel strongly enough they need a gun for protection that they're willing to ignore the ban," Ludwig said.
100,000? We're going to go out on a limb here and label that number the low end of the spectrum. And once the Supremes come down with their ruling and once the summer really gets cranking, we're going to call 500,000 a very low estimate as decent people who were only hesitating over the misdemeanor charge for "Failure to Register" take advantage of the change to finally buy a gun or upgrade.

People want to feel safe and they're finally realizing that Shortshanks doesn't make them any safer by restricting their options, putting up cameras, shorting them police coverage, etc. People will do what they have to to at least feel safe in their homes. It's human nature.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can the city charge you with a misdemeanor for a local ordinance violation,this is a business offense and not a State charge???Oh wait,this is Chicago.

6/06/2010 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually "failure to register" is only a quasi criminal and not a misdemeanor. That is about the only difference between Chicago and Illinois as far as gun laws. The "Gun Ban" is a joke and unfortunately not enough people realize what little trouble you would actually be in if you got caught with a unregistered gun in their house. Possibly a small fine and the destruction of the firearm. And more times than not, I have seen the guns get released back to the owner if they "promise" to remove the gun from the City. Corporation Council never follows through on anything if it even reaches court. Daley is spending millions fighting for a stupid law that really has no bite in the first place. Shortshanks, let it go my friend. The future is inevitable.

6/06/2010 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

"you've got to do what you've got to do," said a DVD salesman form Marquette Park, ..."

Well it's sure nice to see that the "experts" interviewed a pillar of society regarding the issue at hand.

Selling pirated DVDs outside the corner gas station in certain neighborhoods is an invitation to get shot at while being robbed.

While they were at it, they should've asked him his thoughts on copyright infringement, piracy as well as making tax-free income while living off the taxpayer teat.

Now THAT would've made for an interesting interview.

6/06/2010 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent points

and please remember that our constitution not only guarentees the right to "keep" arms but also to "bear" them- which means to carry on or about their person, even in public places. IL concealed carry should have been passed a long time ago.

6/06/2010 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


So... WWSD (What Will Shorty Do) now that more and more captive citizen-tax payers are calling bullshit on his back of the bus kabuki theater & 3 card monte extravaganza aka The City of Chicago Gun Ban?

We think he is almost ready to take final refuge in his bunker with j-fled just like Hitler and Eva Braun in the last days before the fall of Berlin.

This gun ban foolishness was the main theme in the Daley Inc. dance of distraction and deflection to keep people from asking hard and awkward questions about 20+ years of theft, graft, clout and corruption where too many insiders with too many of the same last names and Daley Inc. kindred ties have gotten their cocks wet in the orifices of the captive, hard working tax payers while the resolute non-contributors are given everything to keep them in the dumbocrat fold.

The tax payer used to be feared and respected.

Now the tax payer is slave labor.

Perhaps shorty is coming undone because nothing scares the liberal pinky Trotskyite and Alinsky disciple more than right minded people telling the powers that be to go fuck yourselves with your illegal laws that fly in the face of the common sense and discernment given to men by The Almighty.

It is a poor excuse of a man who leaves his safety and the safety of his family, whether in their home or on the public way, solely to the whims and caprices of government.

Those with mental acuity realize that not only can the Police not be everywhere, but in inverse proportion, there ARE vicious two legged animals EVERYWHERE! Those with mental acuity thus govern themselves accordingly.

We believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said it best about people willing to trade freedom for safety deserving neither.

This gun ban was all about disarming the citizen and allowing the criminal to run riot in this city. Period.

42 extra-short has a phalanx of armed body guards and drivers. The alderfools have made all kinds of loop-holes and work-arounds in the MCC, cloaking themselves as "peace officers."

(Contradiction! Obnoxiously nonsensical non sequitur and a tortured application of circular logic!)

Good Citizens! Protect yourselves!

6/06/2010 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people drive drunk everyday, people cheat on their taxes every year, people are going to do what they want and could care less what the law says--- the handgun ban imposed in 1982 in the city of chicago is a failure--- this city is out of control, people do illegal things in front of the police all the time because they know the police don't give a f**k... when is the raise going to hit and when is the retro coming....

6/06/2010 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prediction is that even after the Supreme Court ruling, there won't be a big rush by the citizenry to register their guns.

It's expected that Daley will want all guns registered, possibly with fees in the hundreds. Replacing a gun and paying a misdemeanor fine may be cheaper than registering.

I suspect most of those 100,000 guns will remain anonymous, status quo for Chicago.

6/06/2010 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Greg and Citywide,

Please run. You are going to get smoked! Mike Sheilds has been the only guy to speak up in public against the Mayor. The membership is waiting for you to run Greg - to throw and Donahue's flunkies out of office.

6/06/2010 03:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey daley, how about you shove that rifle up your butt and show us how effective your bullshit handgun ban is. ha ha, te he, you demented inbred moron.

It is a handgun ban, no? Not a rifle ban? How does that rifle feel? Not even citizens are paying attention to it any more. good for them.

6/06/2010 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Wonder why this isn't leading the news...
Daley Charity Gets More From City
Most city workers are being forced to take almost five weeks off without pay because of what Mayor Richard M. Daley has called the worst financial crisis in decades. At this time of record deficits, however, the city is giving more than ever to After School Matters, the charity led by Mayor Daley’s wife.

6/06/2010 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not enough to just "feel safe".
I bought a sawzall the other day and now i "feel" like a contractor.
Please, read up, get some training and practice.
Welcome to responsible citizenship !

6/06/2010 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun ban? What gun ban?

6/06/2010 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pick and choose. How come Chicago helps the feds enforce un-Constitutional gun laws but ignores enforcing Constitutional immigration laws?

6/06/2010 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a deal. If Shortshanks and his cast of clowns can ignore the US Constitution, ignore the wishes of their constituency, ignore commonsense, ignore... You get the picture. Why shouldn't we ignore the gun ban?

6/06/2010 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What gun ban?

6/06/2010 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without guns we be slaves.

6/06/2010 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a handgun ban in this city, one in place for almost 30 years and a registration system that has been perverted for those who have clout. Yes, lets keep the citizens unarmed. Then Daley claims Chicago is a santuary city , the county follows suit and this allows hundreds, if not thousands of criminals who are also illegal aliens to prey on the citizens and run the streets.The gang leader who had 26 arrests including many felonies was free to commit more murders because the county jail would not cooperate with immigration. Now that is liberal political correctness at its best!!

6/06/2010 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/06/2010 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I ask again, what purpose is served by forcing retired Police Officers to re-register their guns on a yearly basis? Just another way to f with you even in retirement.

6/06/2010 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been on the job for nearly 10 years now. I hate to admit it, but until recently, I rarely carried my gun off duty. I had no real reason for not carrying, I just didn't. My how the times have changed. I have started carrying my gun everywhere. Cuffs too. I have told my non police family members that it is absolutely worth the risk of getting slapped with a city charge to have a gun. We are so ridiculously short handed these days that people (POs included) can't count on a fast response when calling 911. There just aren't enough bodies out there. As POs we have been given the right to defend ourselves and our families everyday. Take advantage of that and carry your weapon off duty. We all know what they say...when you need it the most, you won't have it. Don't allow that to happen. Protect youself and your loved ones.

6/06/2010 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Box Chevy Phantom said...

"...The tax payer used to be feared and respected."

"Now the tax payer is slave labor..."


To expand on that thought a bit, it was also the voter who was feared and respected, but todays yuppies, who can't be bothered to vote on election day, are totally ignored by the pols of the Daley Crime Family. Instead, they pander to the welfare class to get their votes by signing them all up as absentee voters so they can guarantee their freebies and cash by marking the straight Democratic ticket from the comfort of their living room.

The flogging of the Chicago tax payers/voters will continue until they get their head out of their ass and make a stand against the same old corrupt politics.

With the bad economy, the unwanted Obamacare being shoved down Americans throats and the illegal immigrants demanding their "rights", there may FINALLY be enough incentive to wake up the sleeping giant, silent majority and fuel the movement to TAKE BACK AMERICA. It all starts at the ballot box in November. Be there!

6/06/2010 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll spell it real slow Richie, cause I know you don't read so fast. I-N-F-R-I-N-G-E-D. Got that okay. Pay attention here we go.
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" There that wasn't so bad now was it, why is your face turning so red, what's going on. Take it easy, breathe slow. There you go.

6/06/2010 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without Conceal Carry in Illinois, Daley is going to have a cow when the citizens start toting their guns next month openly on their hips.

Expect many lawsuits against the city and the individual cops, as Daley gives orders to disarm them.

6/06/2010 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Greg and Citywide,

Please run. You are going to get smoked! Mike Sheilds has been the only guy to speak up in public against the Mayor. The membership is waiting for you to run Greg - to throw and Donahue's flunkies out of office.

6/06/2010 03:11:00 AM

Mike will not run! Greg already told him to stay put! Sorry but Michael is NOT RUNNING!!

6/06/2010 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glove box, lunch pail, desk, messenger bag, I carry one of my three handguns everywhere, every day.

6/06/2010 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yawwwwnnnnn, this site which was once funny and a cool gossip mill of the department has just become another political chicago newspaper. Seriously scc, Look through the history of when this blog started and compare the topics posted... its pretty rediculous how politically motivated this website has become.. its actually pretty boring now.. post it or not but guys at work talk about it and they dont even come on here now because its just as stressful reading the politcal crap here as in the paper.. what happened to the funny crap that would make people laugh.

6/06/2010 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous blast away said...

One-half (1/2) million people registering guns in Chicago? Human nature indeed. Time to buy some more body bags.

6/06/2010 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“And more times than not, I have seen the guns get released back to the owner if they "promise" to remove the gun from the City.”

I really don't think that's true at all-the City doesn't give guns back. In fact, I believe a judge gave some guns back to an offender last year after the City asked to destroy them, and the City brought the case up on appeal and won.

6/06/2010 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is how good daley's gun ban is working:

Homicides up 4% over last year.

Nice going you stuttering prick.

6/06/2010 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I ask again, what purpose is served by forcing retired Police Officers to re-register their guns on a yearly basis? Just another way to f with you even in retirement.

I suprised anyone would stay in the city after retiring to be f**ed with

6/06/2010 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father's Day is Coming!

What Better Gift than a New RUGER LCP or Kahar in .380.

Or for the Dad Who Prefers Something Heavier, a S&W Compact M&P.40 cal.

And if the Sky's the Limit with Your Budget, a New M-4 Carbine Tricked Out With All the Bells and Whistles is Sure to Warm the Old Man's Heart.

I hope my kids read this.

P.S. Don't Forget the Ammo.

6/06/2010 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Box Chevy Phantom said...

"...The tax payer used to be feared and respected."

"Now the tax payer is slave labor..."

I'm not sure when one becomes a slave, but giving every nickel you earn for the year until the end of June to pay your taxes sound to me like one is a slave. We hear weekly of new taxes that we need to pay since the messiah was elected president. I'm so angry I could spit. I'll need to get a 15% raise per year to stay even because inflation and higher taxes are killing me. And they want more!

I'm sure the fee to register these firearms will go up dramatically once the ban is lifted. Shortshanks will be saying, "You want guns, I'll make you pay for the privilege to exercise your God-given and Constitutionally guaranteed right." I wonder what would happen if we instituted a poll tax? How about a tax to exercise your free speech? How about a fee for your right against self-incrimination? How about a tax on your right to practice your faith? Tax on abortion? Oh, you won't stand for that? But you can restrict ones right to keep and bear arms? I seem to recall abortion is not mentioned in the US Constitution, yet it is legal. The right to keep and bear arms is mentioned in the Constitution, yet these leftist legal wizards can't seem to understand what that particular amendment says.

These taxes, corruption and restricting the rights of working people are why Cook County is becoming more and more red, I know, it's supposed to be blue ( can't have communism associated with democrats, it's just to close a comparison), but red is the democrat color. People move the hell out to escape, leaving these like-minded oppressive leftists behind. Why in the hell would someone want to stay here? They tax everything. Chips, sugared soft drinks, cell phones, liquor, cigarrettes, cheeseburgers soon, highest gas tax in the country, high sales taxes, high property taxes, $150 parking tickets, the gas you use to heat your home, taxes on electricity, they never tire of trying to regulate your behavior to conform with what they want.

I can't wait to leave here and let my place be taken by another brain dead liberal drone.

6/06/2010 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someday in Chicagoland, coming to a beat near you...

P.O: I see you have a gun on your hip, do you have a valid FOID?

Citizen: Yes sir officer, here it is. Can I do anything else to help?

P.O: Everything looks to be in order, do you have anything to say for yourself?

Citizen: Am I free to go?

P.O.: Happy Motoring!

6/06/2010 06:41:00 PM  
Blogger the basement gunsmith said...

The mayor's house of cards is tumbling down around him. First the supreme court, and now the press are beginning to see the constitutional right and logic in citizens legally owning guns. I look forward to future headlines reporting homeowners sending more of these animals out the door in a bag.

6/06/2010 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's the responsibility of politicians to represent the people, not to force their will and ideas upon the people (get it, Barry?)....anyway, Shortshanks will get that, sooner or later....

6/06/2010 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing we'll hear is "The good, honest folks need to protect themselves, ya know cause of all those Suburban kids texting & carring guns" Good for the Homeowners time to take charge!!!

6/06/2010 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And I ask again, what purpose is served by forcing retired Police Officers to re-register their guns on a yearly basis? Just another way to f with you even in retirement.

6/06/2010 10:07:00 AM


I retired 4-5 yrs ago. Since the day I retired, I've registered my cars in Wisconsin, (no city stickers), I have not registered ANY of my firearms, (no registration fees) and I purchase NOTHING in the city, (no city or county sales tax)! I haven't even bothered to qualify to carry concealed off-duty as a retired PO.

90% of the time, I do not carry concealed. I believe doing so would encourage me to act like an off-duty PO, which I no longer am nor am I being paid as such. When I choose to carry, I do. If I really HAVE TO blast pookie on the street, so be it. I can always buy a new pistol.

6/06/2010 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of on the subject: I'm watching "Invasion USA" with Chuck Norris. While it seemed far fetched when it was made, it is plausible now.

Every household should have firearms, including a long gun. Islamic extremists are coming our way and are here now in sleeper cells.

6/07/2010 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Judy Medford said...

I'm always strapped when ah pahk ma cah in da yahd behind da bah.

6/07/2010 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have over 60....come and get I dare you.

6/07/2010 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

registered my cars in Wisconsin,

Wisconsin????? what were you thinking? Just where I would like to retire NOT

6/07/2010 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the city is giving more than ever to After School Matters, the charity led by Mayor Daley’s wife.

Keep in mind she also works for them and gets paid- Maggie has always had a job with pay from some non-profit- like Phil Cline, they still collect pay checks????

6/07/2010 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100,000 kinda seems low to me. More like 500,000.

6/08/2010 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been on the job for nearly 10 years now. I hate to admit it, but until recently, I rarely carried my gun off duty. I had no real reason for not carrying, I just didn't...

That attitude, less than your "the sky is falling, society is coming apart" change-of-heart, is part of the problem this Department faces. You are supposed to be prepared to take action, on- or off-duty. I know, I know, why go any farther when we are underpaid, the public hates us, fuck the mayor, it's all bullshit anyway, etc. But what about the one time maybe when something happens right in front of you, and we need someone with a gun to protect someone, and you could have been that person, and you left your gun at home? No one wants to be the police as a vocation anymore, they just want to hang it up in the locker for the next day at the end of their tour. Now you have seen the light and want to protect your family. Here's a kicker: You're supposed to try to protect everybody. That's why it's more than just a job. You say you hate to admit it, but go ahead and say it: You aren't cut out for this sort of work.

6/08/2010 10:51:00 AM  

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