Everyone have a safe holiday, especially those of us working at any of the fireworks displays that will be stretching limited resources to the breaking point. The important thing is that the same number of people who attended roll call, attend checkoff, and with the same number of body parts attached. Be safe boys and girls.
Why does dopey Keating drive around in a golf cart with a bandaged up right foot. He is not in full duty and yet shows up for work.
Take your pick:
He is either the most dedicated guy out there.
He is afraid of losing his job.
He doesn't trust anyone to take his place.
He is a power-hungry m-fer and can't lose control.
All of the above.
Thomas Jefferson, even in the act of declaring independence from England, had trouble breaking free from monarchial rule.
In an early draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote the word
"subjects," when he referred to the American public. He then erased that word and replaced it with "citizens," a term he used frequently throughout the final draft.
See the whole story here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38062085/?GT1=43001
Now if we could only convince the Daley Crime Cabal that we're citizens and not his subjects...
Why does dopey Keating drive around in a golf cart with a bandaged up right foot. He is not in full duty and yet shows up for work.
Take your pick:
He is either the most dedicated guy out there.
He is afraid of losing his job.
He doesn't trust anyone to take his place.
He is a power-hungry m-fer and can't lose control.
All of the above.
7/04/2010 12:24:00 AM
You forgot:
He is soft as puppy shit.
God Bless Our Soldiers Marines Sailors ,Airmen and women and Copd and Firefighters
Happy 4th of July!
I’m convinced at this juncture that Daley’s new replacement gun ban is a direct violation of civil Rights. People arrested will be suing officers for violation of civil Rights in Federal District Court since those arrested can collect both damages and attorney’s fees.
The lawyers will be getting rich at individual officer’s expense and grief.
If the only charge is failure to obtain the new permit and failure to register, even with a simple UUW the likelihood of the arresting officer being personally named in a civil Rights is nearly 100%.
If the violation is an, add on to a bunch of other charges the risk of getting sued is greatly reduced. Defendants may even want to plead guilty to the new ordinance since it carries the smallest penalty.
Making arrests for UUW where the citizen is packing a gun with a valid FOID card will also get you a trip to federal court.
Officers take an oath not to Daley, J-Fled or the asshats on the City Council, but the Constitution. Under these circumstances I think it would be wise for officers to get legal advice from the FOP before they put their personal assets at risk.
You have just under 100 days to get a legal answer from the FOP’s, or your own lawyers.
SCC, now here's a leader for you.
"A Fourth of July celebration in Elgin turned ugly when a fight among neighbors near the route of the northwest suburb's annual Independence Day Parade resulted in two injuries and four arrests.
The fight started in the 200 block of Douglas Avenue in the northwest suburb about a half hour after the parade began at 10 a.m., Elgin Police Chief Jeffrey Swoboda said.
The chief was leading the parade riding in a police department Jeep and jumped out to respond because "it was half a block in front of me, and I was the closest" police officer to the scene, Swoboda said.
"Two neighbors chose the time of the parade to have a dispute--one of them had a baseball bat," Swoboda said.
About eight people were involved somehow in the fight, Swoboda said; he ran after and tackled one of the suspects, he said."
Leader? Hardly. He is an egomaniacal, micro-managing goof who over complicated everything by allowing no one below him to make their own command decisions. Everything had to be run through him first. Georgas is the same way.
One down, one to go.
7/03/2010 11:15:00 AM
Speaking of Georgas, where has he been through the Taste? He hasn't been seen for weeks. Was he quietly removed?
It's good to be on FURLOUGH!!!
Keating is really not a bad guy I think it is just dedication. He should still be a Sgt. but blame that on the Mayor who made that call.
off topic disturbing incident in 025, involving a 2 year wonder on the saturation team. a call of a domestic comes out, and the offender is a known police fighter. it turns into a 10-1 and by the time its over, several officers are hurt, o.c. sprayed, and the offender tazered. offender trans to hosp and then placed into interview room. this pos officer on the sat team is a boyhood chum of the offender and now has his arm on the shoulder of the offender telling him. "its not right popie, its not right what, dey did you". arresting officer walks in on this lapa moment and asks the officer to leave and this idiot starts mfing him and they had to be seperated. maybe officer "r" should be dumped to mids so he can hang out with the police fighters on his own time.
Kass nails it, again, in his 4 July column.
I am working tonite at 0001 hrs. To all my fellow men and women in blue and the fire fighters/paramedics....please be safe today...let's go home with the same number we started with.
(OT) This blog is great been reading it since it started, just a comment.
I support and my brothers and sisters in the Indiana law enforcement community support CPD, and every police agency, the other night my sister a school teacher was at Chicago Midway airport,at about 2300 hours and was told to move her car, no problem but then was slapped with a parking ticket on the windshield by a black female CPD officer, then another officer male Black in a CPD cage vehicle,came up to her car opened her door,dragged her out of the car,cuffed her tightly threw her into the back of the cage car. Then along comes a CPD Sgt. who asked the officers if she was under arrest the reply was "no" by the officer. My sister is White has her 2 kids in her car,who are now upset, the officer then uncuffs her screams at her and issues a moving violation ticket.
Her wrists were swollen she went to the hospital (No not playing the sue me game), she has a damaged wrist. Am I upset? Yes! just WTF were these coppers thinking? No worries I still support cpd as I work along the I-65 corridor and stop at least 1 CPD officer per day and always give the courtesy to them and or their families.
She initiated a CR number, I hope someone could talk to these officers, thanks for all you do!!
Keating needs a zone just for himself, that guy doesn't SHUT UP!!!
03/2010 01:42:00 PM
Anonymous said...
The county is broke, right? But they have found a basketful of money to pay to that police legend, Maria Maher, our illustrious ex- Chief of Dets. to guard..................Are you ready for this? Cook Countys Judges!!!!! Thats right, this dimwit, non police, political hack, is now in charge of their honor's security!!!!At a fat salery, of course.
I guess she's a democRAT!
7/03/2010 02:08:00 PM
No surprise here: Grau was hired last year by crook county.
If J-Fleds contract is coming up, wouldn't it be a good time for FOP to do another vote of NO confidence.
Off Topic:
Tampa cop killer captured.
Did anybody catch the Chief, Jane Something-or-other, state that the police are relieved that this savage has been captured?
What a strange choice of words.
Remember, your leaders are more concerned about offenders rights/minority votes then your safety or working American citizen's safety.
Anonymous said...
Why does dopey Keating drive around in a golf cart with a bandaged up right foot. He is not in full duty and yet shows up for work.
Take your pick:
He is either the most dedicated guy out there.
He is afraid of losing his job.
He doesn't trust anyone to take his place.
He is a power-hungry m-fer and can't lose control.
All of the above.
7/04/2010 12:24:00 AM
According to department guide lines: An officer must be fit for duty in order to be on duty.
I see an opening for many grievances to be filed if you're denied opportunity to work or work your side jobs. Keating can be used as an example in your case. He's on crutches and has a cast on his foot.
By the way you forgot one extra reason: He thinks the Taste of the Ghetto will fall apart without him.
Hey maybe J-Fled will show up to roll call at the taste like he did yesterday, not talk to any of the blue shirts and stand outside the command post talking to Father Pfleger. What an insult.
OT: Bring in Carlos from Zone 6 to dispatch on Zone 4 1st Watch during the Taste. The female dispatcher currently on Zone 4 1st Watch cannot handle the zone when it gets slightly busy. Last night, she DID NOT hold the air when a PO asked for help on Wabash during a BATT IN PROG to make sure other units arrived on the scene with him. Instead, she just kept SCREAMING out other unrelated jobs in 001/018 until a Sgt. in 001 told her to hold the air and get a status on that PO calling for help. She is going to get one of us injured dispatching that way! Ma'am please calm down, speak at a normal tone, and keep the air clear when someone is calling for help. Don't let other units step on you unless they have an emergency. Stay in control of the zone. If we go into a Backlog, it's OK. We will get to those jobs and clear up your board. Don't panic. You will see the difference immediately. We want to stay safe out there.
To ALL the First Responders, be careful tonight and come home to your families the way you left them.
God Bless You All, be vigilant for a place to take cover.
Just a loyal subject
Police reports state that Isaiah Densmore punched a 13-year-old girl first, then Danta Densmore struck a woman in the group and the baby she was holding. The woman and baby fell to the ground, Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Yolanda Lippert said in bond court on Saturday. The oldest victim was 25, police said.
When a man in the group tried to intervene, he was punched and kicked, falling to the ground and breaking his foot, Lippert said. The man, the baby and the 13-year-old girl were treated and released from a local hospital, Lippert said; police said four of the family members were treated and released from Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
"When the people fears their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears their people, there is liberty" - Thomas Jefferson
God Bless America...hopefully we can get another 200 plus years of Liberty & Freedom
BE SAFE all my brothers and sisters who are working today, especially those assigned to the fireworks. To those of you at the Jackson Park fiasco, keep your head on a swivel. If the weather stays like it is, it's gonna be outta control. I'm heading to a BBQ but will be thinking of my co-workers, and hoping you're all staying safe!
Thanks to those in the military who help keep our country the BEST country....BY FAR!
"Anonymous said...
Thomas Jefferson, even in the act of declaring independence from England, had trouble breaking free from monarchial rule.
In an early draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote the word
"subjects," when he referred to the American public. He then erased that word and replaced it with "citizens," a term he used frequently throughout the final draft."
I saw that too. MSNBC made it sound like it was a story that broke in the last week, but Jefferson's misspeak was also pointed out in a Ken Burns documentary last night on PBS. That documentary was made in 1997. Go figure.
O.T. but important, from the FOP:
ATF Agent 10-1
National FOP President Chuck Canterbury is requesting immediate assistance from all FOP members. ATF Special Agent William G. Clark was stationed in the U.S Virgin Islands. Agent Clark had the ocasion to fatally shoot an armed offender in a domestic incident he came upon while off-duty.
Although the shooting was ruled as justifiable by the ATF Shooting Incident Review Board, Agent Clark now finds himself charged with Second Degree Murder by Attorney General's Office in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He has exhausted all of his legal remedies.
Members are encourage to participate in a letter writing campaign to their U.S. Representatives and Senators. Please see the attached National FOP e-News Update for complete details, sample letters, and links to identify your Representatives and Senators.
Was watching CLTV news, who is the cop with the doo rag on at 63rd ave. beach in uniform? Real nice, didnt know a doo rag was part of the CPD uniform.
off topic.... when is the cozzie verdict going to given..its been a while since that hearing
keating is really paul blart
All a bunch of Kool Aid drinking dopes
If your at 63rd street beach, find a good place to hide when the bullets fly.
The over/under is 4 homicides and 14 shot.
off topic disturbing incident in 025, involving a 2 year wonder on the saturation team. a call of a domestic comes out, and the offender is a known police fighter. it turns into a 10-1 and by the time its over, several officers are hurt, o.c. sprayed, and the offender tazered. offender trans to hosp and then placed into interview room. this pos officer on the sat team is a boyhood chum of the offender and now has his arm on the shoulder of the offender telling him. "its not right popie, its not right what, dey did you". arresting officer walks in on this lapa moment and asks the officer to leave and this idiot starts mfing him and they had to be seperated. maybe officer "r" should be dumped to mids so he can hang out with the police fighters on his own time.
7/04/2010 08:57:00 AM
Tell that officer who walked in on this to get a CR# RIGHT NOW!
He will most certainly be totally screwed if he does not act immediately. He may have already waited too long.
regarding the incident in 025 Its a violation of Rules & Regs to criticize the actions of another Dept member in a public forum
This two year wonder ought to have a CR for that conduct
Retired now Be safe
You must not work in a South Side District. Doo Rags are common in 021, 002, 003, and 005. It is an unofficial part of the CPD uniform during the summer. I'll take the Doo Rag over a department member talking/acting like the animals we "serve" while on duty/on a job. That looks worse. Believe you me, pal. This is not your daddy's police department, son.
South Side Copper
7/04/2010 10:40:00 AM
You can do what I did when my wife was in a less severe incident years ago- Every copper or family member I stopped was informed of the entire incident. I still did not issue any citations, just talked. After a year or so the "officer" realized the error of his ways. I had a name and star# as part of my speech.
In the last several weeks I saw a lot of cars decorated with Polish, Puerto Rican and Hawks flags----too much to expect them to sport another flag this weekend?
Jody wants you to "text" when you see a crime, uhmmm, how about you call 911? Fuckin inbred dork!
Was watching CLTV news, who is the cop with the doo rag on at 63rd ave. beach in uniform? Real nice, didnt know a doo rag was part of the CPD uniform.
We call them bitter tac guys that are mad that they have to be in uniform this week. Its their way of showing everyone they are the real deal. and they're are not part of a watch, but of a elite unit knowm as the DOPW/ loose cigarette team. Hypes beware!! You have been warned!
To my brother from Indiana. The idiots working at Midway are way beyond talking to. I am with CPD and I know they are many wannabe assholes on midnights. The treatment she received was wrong. No matter who she was. I could tell you stories about the crap many PO's pull over there, but it wouldn't change a thing. I apologize for the treatment your sister received. Some people as we both know should never have been allowed to wear the uniform. Tell her to get a good lawyer and sue the shit out of the city and the officers. If something is warranted, it is one thing, but I really doubt this was the situation. Most of us still extend courtesy to any PO or their family. Some just are true jagoffs. I doubt if many of my fellow officers would condone their actions.
I can believe they cancelled the days off for 599 officers
Happy 4th everyone.
Be safe.
(OT) This blog is great been reading it since it started, just a comment.
I support and my brothers and sisters in the Indiana law enforcement community support CPD, and every police agency, the other night my sister a school teacher was at Chicago Midway airport,at about 2300 hours and was told to move her car, no problem but then was slapped with a parking ticket on the windshield by a black female CPD officer, then another officer male Black in a CPD cage vehicle,came up to her car opened her door,dragged her out of the car,cuffed her tightly threw her into the back of the cage car. Then along comes a CPD Sgt. who asked the officers if she was under arrest the reply was "no" by the officer. My sister is White has her 2 kids in her car,who are now upset, the officer then uncuffs her screams at her and issues a moving violation ticket.
Her wrists were swollen she went to the hospital (No not playing the sue me game), she has a damaged wrist. Am I upset? Yes! just WTF were these coppers thinking? No worries I still support cpd as I work along the I-65 corridor and stop at least 1 CPD officer per day and always give the courtesy to them and or their families.
She initiated a CR number, I hope someone could talk to these officers, thanks for all you do!!
7/04/2010 10:40:00 AM
Sorry to hear about your sister. Funny one would think this would not happen. Give some a little power and they think they are what makes the world go round. I wonder if the police at midway would like to work on the west side or ever think tax $ pay for their job, but then again all we hear is how made moral is and the upper mgt suck. At least it is a job do it right.
Anonymous said...
(OT) This blog is great been reading it since it started, just a comment.
I support and my brothers and sisters in the Indiana law enforcement community support CPD, and every police agency, the other night my sister a school teacher was at Chicago Midway airport,at about 2300 hours and was told to move her car, no problem but then was slapped with a parking ticket on the windshield by a black female CPD officer, then another officer male Black in a CPD cage vehicle,came up to her car opened her door,dragged her out of the car,cuffed her tightly threw her into the back of the cage car. Then along comes a CPD Sgt. who asked the officers if she was under arrest the reply was "no" by the officer. My sister is White has her 2 kids in her car,who are now upset, the officer then uncuffs her screams at her and issues a moving violation ticket.
Her wrists were swollen she went to the hospital (No not playing the sue me game), she has a damaged wrist. Am I upset? Yes! just WTF were these coppers thinking? No worries I still support cpd as I work along the I-65 corridor and stop at least 1 CPD officer per day and always give the courtesy to them and or their families.
She initiated a CR number, I hope someone could talk to these officers, thanks for all you do!!
7/04/2010 10:40:00 AM
If I were you I would put those officers' names and star numbers on the blog and let them face peer pressure, if there is such a thing any more.
It's sad your family member was treated that way. I have always been treated extremely courteously by ISP and other agencies and go out of my way to do the same.
Keep the faith, no accounting for morons.
Georgas is on furlough. Went on furlough after J-fled spanked him for the Hawks northside mess. Just goes to show you his expertise isn't missed or wanted.
Thank you to Chicago's finest. Just got to see some thug ass looking miscreants scattering when they saw the CPD cruising through Wilson Park.
Thank you for taking care of the home-front. Your presence is always appreciated here.
Stay safe officers and Happy Fourth of July to all of you.
Working Man: seen RUSH last night at Milwaukee Summerfest. The finale was Working Man. Hope you've got a ticket for Monday and/or Wednesday.
Performance.....5 stars....spectacular.
No you cannot have Carlos from zone 6 we've had him for years, trained him very well. He loves us and we love him.
Anonymous said...
(OT) This blog is great been reading it since it started, just a comment.
I support and my brothers and sisters in the Indiana law enforcement community support CPD, and every police agency, the other night my sister a school teacher was at Chicago Midway airport,at about 2300 hours and was told to move her car, no problem but then was slapped with a parking ticket on the windshield by a black female CPD officer, then another officer male Black in a CPD cage vehicle,came up to her car opened her door,dragged her out of the car,cuffed her tightly threw her into the back of the cage car. Then along comes a CPD Sgt. who asked the officers if she was under arrest the reply was "no" by the officer. My sister is White has her 2 kids in her car,who are now upset, the officer then uncuffs her screams at her and issues a moving violation ticket.
Her wrists were swollen she went to the hospital (No not playing the sue me game), she has a damaged wrist. Am I upset? Yes! just WTF were these coppers thinking? No worries I still support cpd as I work along the I-65 corridor and stop at least 1 CPD officer per day and always give the courtesy to them and or their families.
She initiated a CR number, I hope someone could talk to these officers, thanks for all you do!!
7/04/2010 10:40:00 AM
Sometimes I am embarassed to be CPD with a story like this. Your sister should definitely get the CR# and follow through with the complaint. How could they cuff her then release her without arrest? I would make them pay. Some officers have absolutely no common sense.
Happy Birthday America !!!!!
I find it interesting that the fireworks ban in Chicago seems to work just about as well as the gun ban.
Your understanding of the Civil Rights Act needs some help. As bad as the new gun rules are, and as likely as they are to get knocked out, the fearmongering that you are doing, is completely off base. Unless you are sure that you know what you are talking about, leave this alone.
Anonymous said...
I find it interesting that the fireworks ban in Chicago seems to work just about as well as the gun ban.
7/04/2010 11:06:00 PM
I don't mind the fireworks, up to a certain point. I get sick of it when assholes don't stop with their little boom boom's by 11pm.
Not everyone has the next day off.
Although the shooting was ruled as justifiable by the ATF Shooting Incident Review Board, Agent Clark now finds himself charged with Second Degree Murder by Attorney General's Office in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He has exhausted all of his legal remedies.
Blah blah , I got no sympathy for no fucken fed. Fuck em all.
regarding the midway police, just look at the female lieutenant running the show. enough said
Long Island man blows off left arm while trying to light fuse on fireworks
'(OT) This blog is great been reading it since it started, just a comment.
I support and my brothers and sisters in the Indiana law enforcement community support CPD, and every police agency, the other night my sister a school teacher was at Chicago Midway airport,at about 2300 hours and was told to move her car, no problem but then was slapped with a parking ticket on the windshield by a black female CPD officer, then another officer male Black in a CPD cage vehicle,came up to her car opened her door,dragged her out of the car,cuffed her tightly threw her into the back of the cage car. Then along comes a CPD Sgt. who asked the officers if she was under arrest the reply was "no" by the officer. My sister is White has her 2 kids in her car,who are now upset, the officer then uncuffs her screams at her and issues a moving violation ticket.
Her wrists were swollen she went to the hospital (No not playing the sue me game), she has a damaged wrist. Am I upset? Yes! just WTF were these coppers thinking? No worries I still support cpd as I work along the I-65 corridor and stop at least 1 CPD officer per day and always give the courtesy to them and or their families.
She initiated a CR number, I hope someone could talk to these officers, thanks for all you do!!'
Nothing against you, Sir, but there's something left out of this story that maybe neither one of us is aware of at this time. I don't know your sister, but I don't think you've been given the entire story about this...just a hunch.
And I think that whoever the officers were that were involved with this probably WOULD have locked up your sister if not for the kids she had in her vehicle. Again, I wasn't there, but my hunch tells me your sis was given a big break, probably due to the kids. And whatever happened to your sis, I don't think it had anything to do with her being white, or the officers black.
Something's been left out of this.
Sometimes I am embarassed to be CPD with a story like this. Your sister should definitely get the CR# and follow through with the complaint. How could they cuff her then release her without arrest? I would make them pay. Some officers have absolutely no common sense.
although i feel for the ISP family member and strongly agree we have morons working on this job; cuffing does not automatically constitue an arrest. and if she was in the back seat of the police car getting a ticket then she should be cuffed per general order / policy/ training.
7/04/2010 01:54:00 PM
Would that be the same agency that sent one of our own brothers to the klink? The same agency in which one of our brothers trial is going on in Federal Court downtown now? The same Federal Agency that said our guy, who saved a another agent unjustly hit an armed offender? Good luck in court down there in the Virgin Islands asshat!
Keating is nothing, Commander Jarmusz from 009 came in at about 1pm today, & was still yelling in the radio at midnight finding s%$t for P.O.'s who were already backlogged...the guy has no life;
And you talk about doo-rags....come see the M/4 copper in 009 on 1st watch who gets away with wearing stupid earrings in both ears, doo-rag, & a Taliban beard everynight...looks like a complete idiot, totally unprofessional.;
And Indiana State Police can go pound sand...I witnessed one treat an off duty p.o. like complete shit over a simple speeding violation (and the P.O. was totally humble & professional), and I know of a couple of other P.O.'s ticketed by Indiana S.P. for speeding.....so don't feel sorry for the girl at Midway.
Was watching CLTV news, who is the cop with the doo rag on at 63rd ave. beach in uniform? Real nice, didnt know a doo rag was part of the CPD uniform.
7/04/2010 02:12:00 PM
Ah, you must not have been in Area 2 in a while! Doo rags, dreadlocks, braids, twist, tattos on your arm and neck ARE the uniform! Can't forget the dirty looks at other officers too!
Anonymous said...
I find it interesting that the fireworks ban in Chicago seems to work just about as well as the gun ban.
7/04/2010 11:06:00 PM
There also is a murder ban and armed robbery ban and burglary ban. And illegal drugs are banned too.
Keating is really not a bad guy I think it is just dedication. He should still be a Sgt. but blame that on the Mayor who made that call.
7/04/2010 08:48:00 AM
Agree. 1 thing with Keating: If there were shots fired nearby he would try to be the first 1 there. Not like the goof in charge J-Fled
Everyone did a great job tonight! outside of the fiasco at Navy Pier when they closed it for reaching capacity, it went pretty smooth; Englewood went up for grabs BIG time once they returned from the lake, a couple dead, numerous shot, stabbed, a very large street disturbance, it was crazy; also a police shooting in 015 about 1am, p.o.s ok, bad guy shot, gun recovered!
Carlos!!! Woohoo! You guys are right, he's great. I remember being in a foot chase in 007 and noticed that I had no street signs cause the bastards stole them! Carlos knew exactly where I was (I'm a northsider) Carlos is always cool, and aware of his people. Good dispatchers are a great thing to have for both new guys and seasoned. I also remember an "old school" M/1 about 7 or more years ago. I swear the guy was a retired cop cause he ALWAYS knew what to do next. Miss you Brian and Chris, you were a great team too!
11:00? Hell, I'd be very happy if those assholes stopped shooting off their fireworks at 11:00. Around my house (Talcott/Canfield) these assholes go until 0100! What is it with these guy's and their fireworks? Lil dick syndrome?
To the Indiana Copper
7/04/2010 10:40:00 AM
...and your sister was parked WHERE???? at Midway?
...and why her schoolteacher occupation matter when she is mouthing off like an IDIOT?
...and when you deal with a an uncooperative subject, what is it that you do for YOUR and their safety (hint... cuffs, double locked, yes, checked for comfort, but ensuring the person cannot slip them off)
...and why does the officer's race matter to you, BIGGER IDIOT OFFICER?
Next time she should try the PARKING GARAGE???
Female, White, Police
Anonymous said...
Off Topic:
Tampa cop killer captured.
Did anybody catch the Chief, Jane Something-or-other, state that the police are relieved that this savage has been captured?
What a strange choice of words.
Remember, your leaders are more concerned about offenders rights/minority votes then your safety or working American citizen's safety.
7/04/2010 11:16:00 AM
Sorry, but this is a NON-issue to me.
Any POS out there that is willing to commit a homicide is a danger but when they are willing to off a copper in our society, they are nothing less than a homicidal MANIAC!
I remind you that this guy murdered TWO UNIFORMED OFFICERS in broad daylight. Every fricken creature that roams this planet SHOULD be relieved that this asshole is no longer walking the streets. He obviously has no impulse control, and would undoubtedly kill more cops given the opportunity.
It IS a shame that this stone killer will have an opportunity to have a trial in a courtroom. Cowards like him deserve to be shot down in the street and left to die like a rat in the gutter . . . the same courtesy he showed the officers that he executed!
Anonymous said...
(OT) This blog is great been reading it since it started, just a comment.
I support and my brothers and sisters in the Indiana law enforcement community support CPD, and every police agency, the other night my sister a school teacher was at Chicago Midway airport,at about 2300 hours and was told to move her car, no problem but then was slapped with a parking ticket on the windshield by a black female CPD officer, then another officer male Black in a CPD cage vehicle,came up to her car opened her door,dragged her out of the car,cuffed her tightly threw her into the back of the cage car. Then along comes a CPD Sgt. who asked the officers if she was under arrest the reply was "no" by the officer. My sister is White has her 2 kids in her car,who are now upset, the officer then uncuffs her screams at her and issues a moving violation ticket.
Her wrists were swollen she went to the hospital (No not playing the sue me game), she has a damaged wrist. Am I upset? Yes! just WTF were these coppers thinking? No worries I still support cpd as I work along the I-65 corridor and stop at least 1 CPD officer per day and always give the courtesy to them and or their families.
She initiated a CR number, I hope someone could talk to these officers, thanks for all you do!!
7/04/2010 10:40:00 AM
Is there a chance your sister has embellished a bit and/or she can be a bit of an asshole at times?
Before you start blowing off again, know that not all cops are assholes and not all citizens tell the whole story.
Just because she is related to you doesn't erase the possibility she has not told you some significant detail(s).
On the other hand, you are not the first to tell of 1st watch AA police officers at Midway that are out of control and very racist and capon supervisors look the other way or cover for them.
Leader? Hardly. He is an egomaniacal, micro-managing goof who over complicated everything by allowing no one below him to make their own command decisions. Everything had to be run through him first. Georgas is the same way.
One down, one to go.
7/03/2010 11:15:00 AM
Speaking of Georgas, where has he been through the Taste? He hasn't been seen for weeks. Was he quietly removed
Dugan gave him a two mweek furlough which no exempts are supposed to get two weeks back to back in the summer.
July 5, 2010
Police shot someone early Monday after that person pointed a weapon at officers during a foot chase in the West Side Austin neighborhood, according to police.
Whatever happened to Northside ... is he ill ... I have not seen his comments in a while ????
an officer from cpd wearing a doo rag , i don't believe it
post a photo
That was not a doo rag, it was a towel. It was hot and plenty of mosquitos etc. were out!
Also, I do not believe the Midway incident. You guys who are writing supporting quotes only are because the poster said it was a female white and 2 black officer. I am sorry but the truth is if she went to the hospital she is going to try and sue. Thank goodness you were stupid enough to post it here. CPD had the tapes pulled and inventoried. We have the real story with the best proof of it all, your own video. I really hope everything you put in your initiation report is factual because you signed the affidavit. It will be hell a funny after the investigation SHE is sued! I hope SCC follows this story and let it be a lesson for all citizens that continually lie, cost the city millions on Supervisor and Investigators time looking into BS complaints. Let the citizens ALSO be held accountable and CPD, let’s start suing their asses for lying on us and causing undo stress and havoc in our life!
an officer from cpd wearing a doo rag , i don't believe it
post a photo
7/05/2010 09:23:00 AM
Believe. There's also a detective in a/4 who wears dreds and looks like an absolute slob in uniform at O'Hare special, with the dreds piled up under his knit cap. Let's face it, there is no uniform and there are no standards anymore.
Anonymous said...
I find it interesting that the fireworks ban in Chicago seems to work just about as well as the gun ban.
7/04/2010 11:06:00 PM
There also is a murder ban and armed robbery ban and burglary ban. And illegal drugs are banned too.
7/05/2010 04:06:00 AM
Amazing, isn't it?
Don't forget about dispatcher Lou for 010/011. He is great at his job. And Nick, what ever happened to him? I haven't heard him on the zone in some time. I love hearing his sarcasm on the air. Wasn't he the police before?
Anonymous said...
If J-Fleds contract is coming up, wouldn't it be a good time for FOP to do another vote of NO confidence.
7/04/2010 11:14:00 AM
Hope everyone made it home safe this weekend.
As to the Midway situation, I agree I think a few things were left out of the story. Not that it would take too far of a stretch to see something like that happening without much provocation.
As a side note, some of us are Feds (used to be local/CPD) and wouldn't run the other way. Some of us Feds are embarrassed HE was one of ours (not from same agency though) Thank god.
Anonymous said...
11:00? Hell, I'd be very happy if those assholes stopped shooting off their fireworks at 11:00. Around my house (Talcott/Canfield) these assholes go until 0100! What is it with these guy's and their fireworks? Lil dick syndrome?
7/05/2010 06:59:00 AM
Some were still getting shot off at around 02:00 in my neighborhood (Wilson/Milwaukee). I recall a neighbor nearly losing his manhood to an errant firework......he was sheet white with a hole in his pants...ouch!
So what's the deal with the police clearly not enforcing Chicago's fireworks laws? Pro-grade fireworks all night long in my 'hood and it's just allowed to continue without intervention, year after year.
Is this an unofficial CPD policy? As a citizen, I don't understand, and frankly it undermines my opinion of the police, who are obviously just looking the other way. There's no way officers aren't aware of these law breakers.
Anonymous said...
Whatever happened to Northside ... is he ill ... I have not seen his comments in a while ????
7/05/2010 09:12:00 AM
We haven't heard from "The Keesing Bandit" in a white either. I hope they're both well.....I liked their posts.
the police @ midway 1st watch are not the police. they hide in the uso after hours and watch movies and eat the food that is there for military persons.
"although i feel for the ISP family member and strongly agree we have morons working on this job; cuffing does not automatically constitute an arrest."
Thanks Brother, my wife was not cuffed, only received a citation. And I agree about officer safety and cuffing. No, I was not there to hear my wife's statements to the PO either.
2010 11:39:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Although the shooting was ruled as justifiable by the ATF Shooting Incident Review Board, Agent Clark now finds himself charged with Second Degree Murder by Attorney General's Office in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He has exhausted all of his legal remedies.
Blah blah , I got no sympathy for no fucken fed. Fuck em all.
7/05/2010 12:06:00 AM
You, my friend are a DICK.
To the Indiana trooper. You have plenty of goofs on your department also! I still have not forgot about when TROOPER SCOTT GILBERT framed me for a DUI about 7 years ago and arrested my female passenger after she asked that she not be left on the side of the road on I90 toll road alone at night. Pulled the old He REFUSED TO BLOW bullshit since I had no alcohol on my breath, but that was only after attempting to have my girlfriend blow since she was drinking earlier in the night. Ya think her results would have ended up being mine! Thank god she had the sense to refuse.
To the trooper with the sister at Midway, I don't know the whole story and the coppers may or may not have been jags but at least they didn't locker her up.
Your guy GILBERT was a complete jag from the start once I revealed I was CPD, so I asked politely if he would have his supervisor responded to the scene. He reached for his radio as if to ask for a Sup. then said, " I'm the supervisor out here! Put your hands behind your back you are under arrest." I was stunned as was the two week old recruit he had with him. I asked "Are you serious?" He again told me to put my hands behind my back which I did. I then calmly told him with my hands behind my back that I had my firearm on me at which time this goof drew his weapon and pointed it at my chest less than a foot away from me screaming "Don't move! Don't move!" His hand was actually shaking. I can honestly say I was never more afraid of being shot in my career than at that moment around 1:00 am in the morning on I90. Anyway, the recruit retrieved my weapon at GILBERT'S demand and I was handcuffed. They towed my car, inventoried my pistol, and locked up my girlfriend after she she told GILBERT she did not want to be left out on the road and wanted to go with me. Then later in the station we were separated and they tried to have her blow. I never did get to talk to a supervisor, and 10 hours later after my father drove to Crown Point to bail us both out I attempted to make a complaint, but apparently things are done a little different in old Indiana compared to here in Chicago. I was basically told to Go f*ck myself by a Lieutenant with my bullshit complaint. Anyway, sorry for the long rant guys but I had to vent.
To that half pint POS TROOPER SCOTT GILBERT, I have not and will not ever forget being FRAMED BY ANOTHER POLICE OFFICER for nothing! A perfect example of the Napoleon Complex.
If you're going to tell officers in Area One and Two they can't wear their doo rags, then you have to tell the officers in Area 4 they shouldn't be allowed to wear black boonie hats. Must be fair and NOT bigoted.
-MSF Supervisor
To ISP at 1004am
I have Worked at MDW for years...all U.S. Airports have been instructed to strictly enforce no parking standing restrictions since 9/11. This polciy was reinforced again a few years ago.
Your sister was parked (most likely) on the lower level(arrivals) @ 2300 hrs. I know for a fact this time period is very congested due to all the southwest west coast flights are arriving and lower level traffic is jammed. She probably was told to move once and did not the ticket was issued. Got the ticket and got vocal with the officer got removed from the vehicle.
I agree that the kids probably saved her cause she probably would have been arrested and vehicle towed. There is a zero tolerance for parking/standing. Legit PD/office know what to do at airports.
What makes your sister think she is exempt from national airport security procedures on a nationally symbolic holiday weekend or any other time? Next time she should use the cell phone lot!
although i feel for the ISP family member and strongly agree we have morons working on this job; cuffing does not automatically constitue an arrest.
I don't really care one way or the other on this Midway thing, there's two sides to every story.
That said, the courts ruled many years ago that a person is under arrest when he or she can no longer leave of their own free will. It may be called a detention or an arrest, but if they can't leave, its an arrest. If you cuff them, you better be able to justify it if needed.
(OT) This blog is great been reading it since it started, just a comment.
I support and my brothers and sisters in the Indiana law enforcement community support CPD, and every police agency, the other night my sister a school teacher was at Chicago Midway airport,at about 2300 hours and was told to move her car, no problem but then was slapped with a parking ticket on the windshield by a black female CPD officer, then another officer male Black in a CPD cage vehicle,came up to her car opened her door,dragged her out of the car,cuffed her tightly threw her into the back of the cage car. Then along comes a CPD Sgt. who asked the officers if she was under arrest the reply was "no" by the officer. My sister is White has her 2 kids in her car,who are now upset, the officer then uncuffs her screams at her and issues a moving violation ticket.
Her wrists were swollen she went to the hospital (No not playing the sue me game), she has a damaged wrist. Am I upset? Yes! just WTF were these coppers thinking? No worries I still support cpd as I work along the I-65 corridor and stop at least 1 CPD officer per day and always give the courtesy to them and or their families.
She initiated a CR number, I hope someone could talk to these officers, thanks for all you do!!'
Nothing against you, Sir, but there's something left out of this story that maybe neither one of us is aware of at this time. I don't know your sister, but I don't think you've been given the entire story about this...just a hunch.
And I think that whoever the officers were that were involved with this probably WOULD have locked up your sister if not for the kids she had in her vehicle. Again, I wasn't there, but my hunch tells me your sis was given a big break, probably due to the kids. And whatever happened to your sis, I don't think it had anything to do with her being white, or the officers black.
Something's been left out of this.
7/05/2010 12:40
Being a retired copper I believe every word of the original story. The only thing is that I would bet that it started with a Traffic Aid. I have had several incidents with these ignoorant assholes.
To the ISP trooper I hope your sister follows thru. I don't think it was racial. Most of the aids there are just plain assholes. Usually they treat everyone like sh=t.
Anonymous said...
an officer from cpd wearing a doo rag , i don't believe it
post a photo
7/05/2010 09:23:00 AM
Well, we're not all making it up. I saw it on CLTV, Don't have a photo, it was on TV, that uses video, and I can't find a video on their web sight.
But you can not believe it if you wish. It was probably made up to put the poor south side officer in a bad light. A racist plot perhaps.
Initials please on the a/5 sat team 2 year wonder? I'll initiate the CR myself if no one else has the balls to. WTF, who's side is he on
To everybody bashing the Indiana State Police and his sister. First every time I have been stopped in Indiana or had any other interaction, they have always treated me and many other CPD with utmost respect.
Second, if anybody knows some of the idiots who work Midway on 1st watch, I doubt whatever went on with his sister and the PO's warranted the treatment. Don't make excuses for coppers that act like idiots for no reason or a minute disaggrement. We all know them. I have 21 years on the job and have always worked the streets. We all know there are many PO's out there with no sense on how to treat people. That is on every department. Don't make excuses for them. It belittles you and makes all of us look like assholes who treat people with no respect. Remember on this job you want respect you give it. Unless the situation warrants otherwise. Some just come out motherfucking people. I have been on the receiving end on a few occasions before they knew I was on the job also. Believe me I have had some interesting eye opening feedback for them. Cops are like everyone else, some just don't deserve to be on the job. Remember, the one thing we can all give when we can is professional courtesy. Think if it was your family.
Blah blah , I got no sympathy for no fucken fed. Fuck em all.
7/05/2010 12:06:00 AM
You, my friend are a DICK.
I'm a dick too then...
Fuck a FED !!!!
Try locking up Daley or some major dope dealers for a 100 years like you do local cops, you badge wearing cop hating cop wanna be clerks.
to 10:33 AM
that Detective from A4 with the dredlocks has been used in the past with regards to undercover operations concerning murder for hire, incidents involving crimes against children and anything else that is asked of him. Sure, he looks unprofessional, but he does one hell of a job when called upon and the bosses recognize this and allow the dredlocks.
And Nick, what ever happened to him? I haven't heard him on the zone in some time. I love hearing his sarcasm on the air. Wasn't he the police before?
I think he's on Zone 4 now...if I'm thinking of the same guy.
So what's the deal with the police clearly not enforcing Chicago's fireworks laws? Pro-grade fireworks all night long in my 'hood and it's just allowed to continue without intervention, year after year.
Is this an unofficial CPD policy? As a citizen, I don't understand, and frankly it undermines my opinion of the police, who are obviously just looking the other way. There's no way officers aren't aware of these law breakers.
7/05/2010 11:35:00 AM
Is this really your concern? One night of the year where we celebrate our great nation with a couple of boom booms?
Do you not read the news? I think CPD has bigger issues than people shooting off fireworks once a year.
Really you anti-fireworks people need to give it up. Drink a beer, eat a burger, and watch some fireworks. Jeez!
If any of you know officer Danny Castillo (who is still assigned to callback after being cleared in the Crown Point, Ind. courthouse), have him tell you about his experience with the Indiana State Police. He was a victim of road rage, filed a report with the ISP, and was later (weeks later) charged with 4 felonies, and had his life turned completely upside down by a complete hack of an Indiana State Police detective. Even the judge had issues with how this 'case' and the prosecutors, and how it ever found its way into a courtroom.
I'm sure there are honorable people who serve in law enforcement in Indiana. One bad apple doesn't spoil the whole barrel. But I won't sit here and look upon anyone working at Midway airport in bad judgement based upon a one sided post on this blog, or any other one. What's the saying about 3 sides? Well, only one has been posted here. obviously, the whole story hasn't been told, and until it has, it's always best to reserve judgement. And like someone said here, I'm sure there's a video of it somewhere if the woman was parked where she shouldn't have been.
Anonymous said...
Initials please on the a/5 sat team 2 year wonder? I'll initiate the CR myself if no one else has the balls to. WTF, who's side is he on
7/05/2010 08:49:00 PM
Sat guy!!! for crying out loud we got a detective in Area 5 that does the same thing.
Anonymous said...
If you're going to tell officers in Area One and Two they can't wear their doo rags, then you have to tell the officers in Area 4 they shouldn't be allowed to wear black boonie hats. Must be fair and NOT bigoted.
-MSF Supervisor
7/05/2010 02:36:00 PM
I work in Area 3, can I wear a jaunty beret?
To that half pint POS TROOPER SCOTT GILBERT, I have not and will not ever forget being FRAMED BY ANOTHER POLICE OFFICER for nothing! A perfect example of the Napoleon Complex.
7/05/2010 02:17:00 PM
Sounds like you are leaving out some facts? Why did the trooper react like that? You never admit if you were drinking? Why did he stop you? How could your girlfriend take a breath test when she was not charged with DUI? This story is very suspicious. You can be charged with dui without a breath test? What happened in court? Why post the trooper's name and not your name? Easy to be the guy and slam another police officer and try to ruin his reputation by posting his name? WTF!
Sounds like I hit a nerve SCOTT! I guess the truth hurts! The goal was never to ruin your reputation, I am sure a person of your character has managed to take care of that on your own over these years. As far as my name, I would think you would have no problem remembering or finding that out. Are there that many other Chicago Coppers that you tried to frame over the last several years that makes it confusing? Probably, anyway this message was meant for you and you already know my name.
Feel free to come and see me and we can discuss this matter in person!
Indiana State Police; remember, we are all suppose to be on the same side....we just lost an officer in Chicago, and when you lost a trooper, CPD had your trooper in our prayers. We have enough people against us all for simply just being law enforcement officers, we don't need to be out to get one another. Remember that the next time you pull over a Chicago (or any department) officer for something as simple as speeding and you want to "get off" on hammering a copper.....
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