Saturday, July 10, 2010

J-Fled Surfaces

And once again, comes up with a comment that just shows how out-of-touch he is with police work in general:
  • "I simply cannot understand how a person can have such a total disregard of life and for those who keep order on our streets that he could attack, disarm and then shoot and kill a uniformed police officer in broad daylight," Weis said at police headquarters...
And one of our commentators had the perfect comeback:
  • Work will understand.
Short and to the point - and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the entire problem in a nutshell. Have a look at Sneed's column yesterday:
  • No human being should have to see what a cop sees when he walks in on scenes choreographed in hell.

    "What they see and smell and touch and taste, no human being should have to endure," a Chicago Police chaplain told me.

    • To watch someone shoot and kill a 3-day-old baby.

    • To see an infant microwaved in an oven by a crackhead.

    • To walk into a house where a 92-year-old woman has been confined to bed for seven years in feces and toenails seven inches long.

    • To witness the physical and emotional damage done to children used for sex by drug addicts.

    • To stand over the body of a 5-year-old girl accidentally shot by a gang-banger while riding her big wheel down an alley.

We don't know if Sneed was quoting one of our fine police chaplains. Our opinion is that she's carried too much water for Daley over the years to actually have this sort of insight on her own.

But it is true. If the experiences of the entire Chicago Police Department from one single 24-hour period could be condensed into a five minute video and shown to the public, there is no doubt in our mind that most citizens would head for the hills screaming, never to return. What we see, hear, smell, or touch every day changes us in ways normal people cannot comprehend. Our families barely understand it sometimes, but mostly they stand by us throughout it.

J-Fled, Masters (Masters Masters), Brust, O'Keefe and all the other pretenders playing dress-up will never understand it. Never. And J-Fled is reduced to expressing his disbelief that anyone could be so callous as to attack us in our own backyard in broad daylight, while we not only understand it could happen, it has happened before, many times, and it will undoubtedly happen again in the future.

The biggest thing that has changed is how we aren't able to react to it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think sneed could have at least left oj simpsons birthday off the same page. Talk about a f'in farce.

7/10/2010 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone here really expect anything insightful coming out of that empty head of J-Fled's?
Me neither.
His speechwriter will likely be very busy this weekend, changing things around, so the Soderberg funeral comments won't sound too much like the Wortham funeral comments.

7/10/2010 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is this fed fuck going to leave up alone. There has been more police killings under j-fled's watch than any other supt. He is in total disbelief when an officer is killed, but the first to hold that same officer accountable when the officer takes aggressive action.
J-Fled - Please leave us alone and save your photo ops for your next job. We are suffering under your regime. You have single destroyed what was once a great department.

7/10/2010 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the real world Jody!!! You cant understand it because you never lived it. I didnt see your punk ass at the scene of Thor's murder. Where the fuck were you you Coward?? You make me sick. You are the last person I would follow into battle. You arent fooling anyone you punk ass Bitch!!! Go back to those over-educated college punks that call themselves law enforcement officers where you fit in and tell them your war stories. I despise you!!! You are not the solution, you are part of the problem.

7/10/2010 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there when Thor's wife found out about her husband. No matter what you have done, or what you have seen, nothing will ever prepare you to be apart of that situation.

God bless Thor, and all of us who are out there day after day regardless of those who couldn't care less about us. The blue line carries on.

7/10/2010 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right about the pretenders playing dress-up, and the worst of all is Lil' Teddy O'Keefe. He's no friend of the sworn police officer. He's got an evil streak a mile wide, and he's arrogant and condescending too. Interesting qualities for him to have, especially since he's a former Catholic priest. If he wasn't a friend of Daley, he'd be flippin' burgers at the BK, but his friendship with "da mare" makes him qualified to make decisions which impact us on a daily basis. He's the reason we have junk cars and outdated, unreliable equipment. He's the "money man" for the Department, and he doesn't care how many police officers are killed or injured, as long as he can show Daley that he saved some budget money. He makes personnel decisions, too, such as the numbers of new hires and promotions.

7/10/2010 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing when I saw J-Fled on the news. I said to myself, "Just work the streets for a little while, go to calls and then it's plain as day to see." Then I had to remind myself that he's never been the police and all he has done is push paper his whole life. Great job Daley!

7/10/2010 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/10/2010 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had an opinion for a while now, but in light of recent events its time I open my trap:

In stations such as 006, 007, and 010, why is it that there are walkways for the "community" to pass directly through the police parking lots?

recently in 007 I walked out of the side door of the station to find myself face-to-face with a fine upstanding gangster walking his pit-bull on this pathway from the alley behind the station to 63rd street. if, as or cowering "leader" says "nothing more can be done to enhance security," I call FIB! keep our lots for officers only!

7/10/2010 03:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't need to understand it. Only know that people are capable of such things, and the police are the only thing standing between the animals and the public.

If you want to understand, work the street with the very officers you despise;

Work the lockup with the POs and aides that you and Daley see no use for;

Take calls and dispatch from OEMC along side those you look down your nose at.

You might then see how irrelevant understanding these people is, and realize what is truth.

Officer Soderberg did not die at the hands of one crazed man, but at your hands, and the hands of anyone who created the political and social climate that makes it permissible and excusable to murder a Police Officer.

7/10/2010 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officers using their cars as a locker, in unsecured lots. A problem that could be easily fixed, a scenario played out hundreds of times a day, and possibly a tragedy averted. What does it take? I am at a complete loss. Reports of some of our bosses (MASTERS) standing at the ME's office texting and giggling. Our superintendent nowhere to be seen for what, 48 hours? Now the lies to the media, that our lots all have working surveillance, lies lies lies. How many of us work in ghetto fabulous Districts where we park our cars right by the same cars we tow and impound? How many times do you see shitbirds walking through these "secure" lots? How many personal cars have been broken into in the lots adjacent to 011 and across from 015? Lies that a secured facility would not have prevented this. Look at any, ANY sleepy suburban station!! What is it going to take, and how many more have to die senselessly? I'm just waiting to hear about a PO killed riding 99 on a man with a gun call, because, and god forbid, but its coming. This simply broken.

7/10/2010 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous J-Fled said...

Englewood is so scary.

Gotta run.

7/10/2010 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/10/2010 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another p.o.s points a gun at an officer in 014 early this morning. The offender had just shot someone else and was being chased on foot. Offender turns and points gun at the PO. Officer gets a shot off at the offender. Not sure if the offender gets hit or not. Officer ok. Offender in custody. Oh, and get this, while the chase is still going on, and 1499 is calling for helicopter and dogs, a female Sgt comes on air and wants the coppers to move their cars because they are blocking traffic! Unbelievable! But hey, she is showing exempt potential.

7/10/2010 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She left out.... to go to a domestic and see two people recently in the throes of passionate lovemaking and now they are fighting like crazy and the woman is motherfucking her lover. She is naked and stands 5'4" and breaks the scales at probably 275 pounds and is shaking like a brown garbage bag full of jello and is sweaty and shiny and never makes any attempt to cover herself or to get dressed.

I wanted to pluck my eyes out over that one.

7/10/2010 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This supt weiss is living in a box of rocks how stup*d can u be really u don't even understand the sh*t u write who in the world write your speeches 310,000 to listen to this clown wow this mayor really doesn't want to go to jail for the corruption that he doesn't know is happening and yet he the one running it how can the federal government just stand in the side line and continue to let this happen come on do your job .

7/10/2010 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked the lakefront yesterday, not to bitch talk about unsafe shit vehicles. They transport us in a beat up old van, with most of the interior panels removed exposing sharp edges of metal, no seatbelts, hot as hell,brakes squealing nice way to treat the coppers. then you have a watch commander crying like a school girl about wanting activity or "maybe we will see you next time"! No jagoff we are there on time, don't have to do bullshit activity unless it is there! Another merit boss with no brains!

7/10/2010 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To hear a really powerfull commentary of P/O Soderberg listen to Weekend Edition/Saturday (NPR) at about 12-15 minutes into the show by Scott Simon. Talks about this great man volunteering his time and contrast it with all the news about someone such as Lindsey Lohan in the same week.

7/10/2010 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully, now when we see someone in the parking lot or behind the station they go to jail not just kicked out of the lot. God keep and hold you Thor. Help watch over us until we stand roll call together again.

7/10/2010 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous A SCC SUPPORTER FROM CT said...

Yo JPUD/JFLED This Is What Its Like On Patrol.

About 0030 Our Time This AM, A Hartford Ct Officer Saw A 17 yr old Honor Student I Beleive, That Fit A Broadcasted Description Of a Perp wanted For a Crime.

Officer Did His Job & approached This Savage, ( Did Not Run Away Like You JFLED) & Savage Took Off Running With Officer In Pursuit.

The Enevitable Happens.

Officer In The Dark Caught up To This Pillar Of Society/POS & Caught A Couple Of Shotgun Blasts Into His Vest.

Officer's Backup Tossed Him Into A Cruiser Without Waiting For A Ambulance & Took officer To St Francis Hospital Which Is Nearby.

After A 3 hr Saturation Search/Lockdown Of The area, POS Is Found & Locked Up

Officer Is OK Thanks To His Partner & His Vest.

This Is REAL Patrol JFLED, Not Some Fairy Tale Dreamed Up By Your Meritorious Clout Laden CLUELESS Fake Police Policy Group

We Out this Way In CT are Releived For The Outcome Of this Patrol Incident & We Also Greive For Your Loss Of Officer Soderburg

Stay Safe Out There, Back Each Other Up ALWAYS!!


7/10/2010 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy shouldn't have even been on the street. Shot his brother less than 5 years ago. That kills me! I drive around all day with a microphone and a camera capturing everything I do. I've heard things that cameras are soon coming to my portable radio. Now that's got me thinking. I go to court 3-4 times a month. I see some funny things happening there. Why isn't there a camera in the court room? Why don't they televise what happens there? Maybe the judge or asa that let's the next cop killer off could be on YouTube instead of a cop who yells at a skateboarder. As law enforcement officers we should all push to get cameras in all cook county courts so the fine citizens we serve and protect can see what we see.

7/10/2010 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And they live in our minds forever. They appear as if it was yesterday. They never go away. And it only makes us numb.

It makes me sick how everything is covered up in this city. And yet these animals are glorified?

7/10/2010 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Stuart Smalley said...

It's time for your daily affirmation, J-Fled. While you may be a yellow-bellied coward and a soulless, sadistic alien muthafucka despised by the troops, today is the beginning of the rest of your life.

Now look in the mirror and repeat after me:

I am a man of courage who will go to the wall for my troops. I will ride the streets of Englewood on steamy weekend nights with just one partner and respond to all hot calls. I now realize that what I did to poor Cozzi was malicious and unconscionable. Today my makeover begins...because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, the media likes me.

J-FLED: Sorry, Mr. Smalley. I GOTTA RUN...

7/10/2010 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Bravo on all counts SCC and "shut yo mouf" because you're telling the truth and the truth is what the public can't handle!

We're witnessing the perfect storm unfolding right before our eyes.

The intentional starving of CPD by the way of manpower, equipment, resources and the intentional infliction of the flesh-eating virus known by it's various strains of j-fled, masters x3, brust etc. is by shortshanks design coupled with the complicit anal-whore media campaign/mass public brain-washing orchestrated by the media organ of the secretariat, uhh... Daley Inc., to destroy CPD.

Shortshanks and j-fled were willing to accept increased murder and mayhem as long as what was left of CPD did the typical yeoman's work of confining it to the traditional killing grounds of 003, 006, 007, 011, 015 and 025.

In spite of them crossing their fingers and making a wish, the bad stars were in perfect alignment, thus the societal toilet backed up and overflowed in spectacular fashion with the lakefront/yuppie/tourist cash cow areas being subjected to in influx of cliff-dwellers who instinctively knew these areas were woefully under served Police-wise.

The dogs knew that shorty and j-fled were robbing Peter to pay Paul sending Police resources to the garden spots of the city while trying to maintain a facade of adequate coverage.

A magically odorific melange of cherry-picked stats, lies, bulldonkey shit, smoke/mirrors/fuckery and media spin.

(*Lies, Lies, Lies! by the Thompson Twins barely audible in the background*)

It's all buttercreme frosting on a turd.

The Police ARE the only ones in the public arena compelled to abide by any semblance of ethics.

For shortshanks, j-fled & the feeb exempts, local media and the alderfools? Ethical conduct is tantamount to presenting a dead whore with a package of clean underwear... A mere matter of unfortunately inconvenient happenstance in their eyes. Ethics are for everyone else but them... Amen.

FWIW... The only truth j-fled has ever spoken in his life? "The people should be enraged..."

For a so called man apparently weaned on an asshole, the words of truth probably had a familiar, pungent taste.

Eh... Why should The Police give a damn anymore?

We're grateful for the support of the few upright people who haven't been "assimilated" and co-opted/compromised/bought into the bullshit spewed by Daley Inc. but in the end it's only words until the people have had enough.

Appalling that it took this long!

The current state is not unlike calling The Police to complain about the trespassing relative sitting on the couch for two days, smelling bad and ignoring repeated requests to get up and leave.

7/10/2010 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Leadership at the top-JFLED your an idiot. Think before you speak. If this POS had been behind bars then this would have never happened so why dont you ask Daley Balcer Quinn and the Revs about the WHY!!!

7/10/2010 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled, Masters (Masters Masters), Brust, O'Keefe and all the other pretenders playing dress-up will never understand it. Never.

Well said now if only the hard working taxpaying public could understand the magnitude of your thoughts. Amen brother

7/10/2010 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is called WAR dumbass

7/10/2010 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled is a coward. But then again the feebs have cushy jobs and have no idea what real street cops have to endure.

7/10/2010 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shameless hack. Jody calls the attack "savage" in a calculated move to endear him to the rank and file. He saw that when Cmdr. Calloway used the term in Wortham's murder the troops approved. The difference? Calloway actually called the offender "savage" and he did it with heart felt emotion. Go away Jody. No one likes you and you have no clue.

7/10/2010 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis was quoted in the Tribune on Sat. July 11th about the security of police parking facilities , " Weis said police facilities have video surveillance but added that little could be done to prevent such attacks by people with little regard for human life. "There's really no level of security you can put up that will prevent a person like that from attacking someone, and unfortunately we lost an officer in this case." If we had safe and secure parking at any of our police facilities this most definately would not have happened. The last thing any Dept. member should have to worry about is getting to their vehicle after their tour is over , and wouldn't it make common sense that in light of our job and what it entails such as making arrests , writing reports, and tickets that there might be a few pissed off and mentally unstable individuals who know where an officer works and where his vehicle might be parked in an unsecure area ! Judges , lawyers, CEO's , mayor shortshanks are just a few who probably don't have to constanty look over their shoulders while heading to their vehicles . This is another unfortunate circumstance that never should have taken this officers life and we can only hope that some good will come out of this tragedy . It also looks like somebody is liable for protecting it's employee's at their parking facility where they work and serve the people of this unstable and lost city of shortshanks!!!!!

7/10/2010 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago my dad was leaving the 18th dist on Chicago Ave after his shift through the back door. (He worked the front desk for years.) Some black guy tried to attack him, but fortunately he was able to protect himself. I thank God every day that he was not hurt.

Please, whenever you leave the station make sure your gun is secure, and be aware of the area and people around you. Life is short enough as it is, we don't want any police officer's life shortened by a total ass.

Be safe, wherever you are, and thank you.

7/10/2010 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did j-fled ever hear of the black panthers.... please someone put possum head on a slow boat to china--- after watching the evening news, the lebron james saga took top billing over the murder of our brother officer... although the media did report quite extensively on officer soderberg's murder, it was disheartening to see that where lebron james decided to play basketball was more important than the gunning down of a uniformed officer on city property....

7/10/2010 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC wrote

"J-Fled, Masters (Masters Masters), Brust, O'Keefe and all the other pretenders playing dress-up will never understand it."


Nor will it ever be understood by a group of civilians, charged with nominating three finalists for the job of Superintendent of Police, that choosing an outsider civilian as a finalist, such as a clueless J-FLED, is absurd.

Nor will it ever be understood by a civilian egomaniacal Mayor that choosing a civilian from those three finalists, such as the clueless J-FLED, to be the Superintendent of Police, is idiotic.

Nor will it ever be understood by a civilian member of the public, after having never performed the duties of a police officer, but chosen to sit on a jury and judge our peers, that the police officer they are judging sees all of the aforementioned atrocities day-in and day-out.

Nor will any of it ever be understood by a civilian State's Attorney or a civilian U.S. Attorney.

Until they have walked in our shoes, they will never, ever, understand.

Note: Before someone jumps on it, the FBI is a civilian organization within the federal government.

7/10/2010 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or how about doing a "check-the-well-being" and after getting no answer at the door you look in the window at the barking dogs, only to see a skull and some bones. Stripped clean except for the parts they couldn't get at in the clothing. After a few moments of stomach turning your partner cracks a joke about which of you is going to shoot these "Man Eaters" , and you both howl with laughter, unable to key the mike to ask for your sgt.. Welcome to patrol J-Fled.

7/10/2010 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the headlines quoted him yesterday as saying 'everyone should be enraged' at the officer's murder. Yes, rage, that will make this an even more glorious summer! Nice advice J-Fled.

RIP Thor.


7/10/2010 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are right about the condensed 24 video idea, which is something I have advocated for many years. Too bad that even the Major Incident Log is not accessible to the public and the media. If it were, folks from all around the city, not just the sh@theads, would be clamoring to leave the city . . . yesterday. And the information contained on that log is only a microcosim of what happens throughout the city that is not considered a "major" incident.
There is already a palpable sense of fear among citizens that are directly faced with lawlessness on a daily basis in communities that are undermanned by the police. As J-Fled and Shortshanks continue to bleed manpower from our department, that "sense" will only get worse as the incidents of violent crime will continue to increase incrementally. Of course, you can't make the Bosses understand this . . . or maybe they do understand but either don't give a sh@t or are constrained by Daley, J-Fled and the Aldercreatures - especially that opportunistic, police-hating Alderego Beale.
Just keep your heads down, focus on your safety, that of your partners and brothers-in-arms, and go home safely to your family sans serious injury.
If the general public does not see the handwriting on the wall and the obviously perilous position in which we as a community find ourselves, then they deserve what they get for burying their heads in the sand.

7/10/2010 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

15+ years ago working the south side, at a homicide scene, I met my partner. We worked together for 5 yrs, when you used to rotate shifts. A young M/4 was shot in the head, lying in the street, propped against a sewer cover, blood slowly draing into the sewer. Along came a stray cat that walked over and started to lick at the blood stream on the street. Both of us stated "probably the first warm meal the cat had all week". I knew I had to work with this guy, with that sense of gallows humor.

We saw alot that Jody never will understand. They should all work a period on a watch in a district, not some prima-dona unit. Get some dirt under the nails.

7/10/2010 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC- Was part of an outdoor roll call in the 009th dist. last evening. We stood in our 3 ranks and were given a embarrassing speech by EB and the commander on how we were goin to "take the streets back one block at a time".
I got the usual sick feeling in the pit of my stomach listening to the clueless bosses spew endless bullshit.
This motivational roll call was then shortly followed by a 14 year shot in the head on 925's beat, a multitude of shots fired calls and another man shot 3 times on 932's beat. All part of a normal chaotic evening in 009.
Just wanted to let you know we were "taking the streets back" though !!

7/10/2010 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it so predictable that certain Chicago beaches are always the first to close due to e. Coli bacteria?

Test the waters, J-FLED!

7/10/2010 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...the feeling of love and respect the community has for us is incredible.

7/10/2010 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if he knows that blood smells like wet iron at a crime scene or if he has ever held the hand of a victim and asked them "Who killed you" while he breathes his last few breaths, I doubt it.

7/10/2010 11:16:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

A few have complained of the casual attire worn by J-Fled the Coward at press appearances, implying that business attire with a necktie would be appropriate.

I disagree. I couldn't care less if he wore a tuxedo, a pink teddy with a sheer black negligee, a rainbow feather boa with a garter belt and Birkenstock boots. He is the consummate pussy.

Just as long as he does NOT wear OUR PROUD BLUE UNIFORM in which good men and women have been murdered in the most heroic traditions of the Chicago Police Department.

Show RESPECT, you alien jagoff. Better yet, just disappear. The rank and file despise you.

7/10/2010 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet they have security in the parking lot at 35th St. for the inside do-nothings and pretend police (J-Fled, Masters, Masters, Masters,, and in the Judge's parking lot at 26th St.(CCDS), but NOTHING in the district parking lots for the working coppers. To think that a PO lost his life because a police parking lot was not adequately secure makes me sick. Work Patrol, J-FLED. That's right, PATROL, where you are not allowed to "Gotta Run".

7/10/2010 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The biggest thing that has changed is how we aren't able to react to it."

This Officer was on the streets that day because of all the 'initiative' programs either pulling inside Officers from their regular assignments or giving time and a half to Officers on their days off.

IT SCREAMS MANPOWER SHORTAGE no matter how jfled or shortshanks want to present it to the citizens that they are doing everything in their power to address the safety of the city.

Police presence alone in the past would be the only deterrent you needed to keep peace. The savages on the street wanted nothing to do the police because they 'understood' what an encounter meant. NOT speaking of police brutality and NOT speaking of law abiding citzens.

Speaking of 'savages' who have no rules, laws, morals and prey on law abiding citizens whenever opportunity presents itself.

NOW hostile crowds surround the police when they are doing their jobs which usually result in 10-1's and cr#s putting giving the 'savages' the upper hand. Everything is a lawsuit which shortshanks willingly complies and the Reverends are happy.

PENSION FUNDS...shortshanks inc. has siphoned our monies resulting in the underfunding of our pension monies; THUS, fewer officers means less payouts. The death of this Officer & others (May they rest in God's eternal peace) results in their pensions staying in the funds.

The measly thousands that are presented to the families from cline's memorial fund or others represent pennies compared to the pension these Officers should have enjoyed in their retirement with their families (widow & survivor payouts are measly, check it out).

Jfled & shortshanks as well as everyone will have their day of judgement before God and it will be for eternity, may we find solace in that when thinking of all the injustices.


7/10/2010 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing up in the 014th district in the mid 70's, my family owned a deli. There was this police officer who would come in daily and talk with my father and uncle. I remember as if it was yesterday; he use to always carry 3 guns. 2 on one side and 1 on the other. I remember my uncle asking him why he had 3 guns and his quote was, not in verbatim, "If you people knew the real hell out there, you would lock up your doors and only come out for food." Crazy after all these years I still remember that.

7/10/2010 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSC you should post this, it's very touching.

7/10/2010 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard a great line from a stupid movie.
"you don't get paid by the people. You get paid by the palace". Seems to be the thinkng of the mayor and the aldermen in Chicago.

7/10/2010 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


scc, i have some numbers from july 2 to the 5th:

40 agg bats
9 homicides

7/10/2010 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written. Thank you and I agree. Work Patrol Mr. Jody and absolutely you will learn and begin to understand just what police work truly is.

Thank you again, SCC very well said, point made. I know there are scenes, sounds and smells that I will never forget nor how to explain.

Stay Safe.

7/10/2010 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry this was in a different thread..

Any officer who responds 99 to a 10-4 job is doing no service to his fellow officers. such an officer is telling the city that he does not need backup and that the city does not need to hire more police because there are hotshots who can handle this shit on their own.


I disagree - I have requested to work 99 because we have to many untrained officers and I have had to many close calls because of them- sorry truth be told.

When the real police return I may change my mind but until then I need to go home safely.

Thats the problem with the officers in this day in age. What you are too good to show someone how to be safer or help them correct their shortcomings...Oh I know you are Supercop that knows all!!! I have been on the job 14 years and when I came on we had experienced officers that would show people how to do things the right way. Today it's just me me me Fuck everyone else..And don't give me the crap that you not an Fto so its not your job. Neither were the old timers back then either but they cared enough to show you how to do it the right way. Your just a piece of shit that only cares for himself, probably a dog ass anyway. You probably work 99 so you know they wont give you any priority calls cause you are chicken shit. Or you work 99 cause nobody wants to work with you. What do they say in poker if you can't spot the sucker in the first 30 minutes your the sucker. Same thing goes here.Look in the mirrior fool your the sucker. Go ahead work 99 and leave all of us real cops alone..

7/10/2010 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right about the pretenders playing dress-up, and the worst of all is Lil' Teddy O'Keefe. He's no friend of the sworn police officer. He's got an evil streak a mile wide, and he's arrogant and condescending too. Interesting qualities for him to have, especially since he's a former Catholic priest. If he wasn't a friend of Daley, he'd be flippin' burgers at the BK, but his friendship with "da mare" makes him qualified to make decisions which impact us on a daily basis. He's the reason we have junk cars and outdated, unreliable equipment. He's the "money man" for the Department, and he doesn't care how many police officers are killed or injured, as long as he can show Daley that he saved some budget money. He makes personnel decisions, too, such as the numbers of new hires and promotions.

7/10/2010 01:50:00 AM

it's comments like these that make me love this blog. shining light in dark, dark corners of this department.

7/10/2010 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She left out.... to go to a domestic and see two people recently in the throes of passionate lovemaking and now they are fighting like crazy and the woman is motherfucking her lover. She is naked and stands 5'4" and breaks the scales at probably 275 pounds and is shaking like a brown garbage bag full of jello and is sweaty and shiny and never makes any attempt to cover herself or to get dressed.

I wanted to pluck my eyes out over that one Please next time take a picture, OMG LOL !!!!

7/10/2010 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if he knows that blood smells like wet iron at a crime scene or if he has ever held the hand of a victim and asked them "Who killed you" while he breathes his last few breaths, I doubt it.

7/10/2010 11:16:00 AM
No, he doesn't know those things, but I guarantee you he will now use them in some pompous speech and talk like he's been there and done that.

JUST like he did at Joe Airhart's funeral. Talking about the photo on Joe's desk. He knew NOTHING about Joe except what people told him. Then he stole the information and used it to make himself look good.


7/10/2010 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I simply cannot understand how a person can have such a total disregard of life and for those who keep order on our streets that he could attack, disarm and then shoot and kill a uniformed police officer in broad daylight," Weis said at police headquarters...

I can't understand why this clueless Dolt is still in charge of the Department ? He does not know anything about being the Police. He's just an Overpaid Pretender. He has surrounded himself with an exempt staff that is as qualified as he is. We'll have to be rid of daley before Shanksville can have some Real Police Leadership.

7/10/2010 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked the lakefront yesterday, not to bitch talk about unsafe shit vehicles. They transport us in a beat up old van, with most of the interior panels removed exposing sharp edges of metal, no seatbelts, hot as hell,brakes squealing nice way to treat the coppers. then you have a watch commander crying like a school girl about wanting activity or "maybe we will see you next time"! No jagoff we are there on time, don't have to do bullshit activity unless it is there! Another merit boss with no brains!

7/10/2010 07:12:00 AM


Sounds Like the A$$hole M/1 Lt when I work Special at Altgeld talking about "activity" and telling us where we can find it. I don't need your help finding "activity" and If I see it I'll take action. But if you want me to make up numbers as you were inferring you are sadly mistaken.

7/10/2010 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

superintendent weiss , get the gun toting police secretaries back in a beat car where they belong.

you're protecting the political police and allowing officers to work 10-99 (that's 1 man) on the 1st and 3rd watch

it's your duty to protect the back bone of the cpd and that's the patrol division

mr wiess don't allow another officer to work 10-99 at night

7/10/2010 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked the lakefront yesterday, not to bitch talk about unsafe shit vehicles. They transport us in a beat up old van, with most of the interior panels removed exposing sharp edges of metal, no seatbelts, hot as hell,brakes squealing nice way to treat the coppers. then you have a watch commander crying like a school girl about wanting activity or "maybe we will see you next time"! No jagoff we are there on time, don't have to do bullshit activity unless it is there! Another merit boss with no brains!

7/10/2010 07:12:00 AM
worked that detail also and the w/c refused to allow an 18th dist car to pick up coopers who were not pickup at quitting time.Heard 18 bosses r pissed because they wanted that detail for themselves.

7/10/2010 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled you have destroyed our department our moral and our reputation. Please keep your comments to yourself as you know nothing about police work and the streets of Chicago.

7/10/2010 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cline and Hillard came out over the air with an all call message reminding officers to stay safe and thanking us for the jobs we do in situations like this. I never once heard this phony unacceptable superintendent say a word. Please do not wear our uniform and just leave us alone already.

7/10/2010 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOMEBODY GET THE MESSAGE TO JODY DO NOT WEAR OUR UNIFORM, You did not Earn the right to wear it nor do you respect the men and women that have not only earned the right to wear but made the ultimate sacrifice for it.

"All Gave Some, Some Gave ALL!" J-Fled this does not include you.

Do not wear our uniform show some respect and class.

7/10/2010 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sorry this was in a different thread..

Any officer who responds 99 to a 10-4 job is doing no service to his fellow officers. such an officer is telling the city that he does not need backup and that the city does not need to hire more police because there are hotshots who can handle this shit on their own.


I disagree - I have requested to work 99 because we have to many untrained officers and I have had to many close calls because of them- sorry truth be told.

When the real police return I may change my mind but until then I need to go home safely.

Thats the problem with the officers in this day in age. What you are too good to show someone how to be safer or help them correct their shortcomings...Oh I know you are Supercop that knows all!!! I have been on the job 14 years and when I came on we had experienced officers that would show people how to do things the right way. Today it's just me me me Fuck everyone else..And don't give me the crap that you not an Fto so its not your job. Neither were the old timers back then either but they cared enough to show you how to do it the right way. Your just a piece of shit that only cares for himself, probably a dog ass anyway. You probably work 99 so you know they wont give you any priority calls cause you are chicken shit. Or you work 99 cause nobody wants to work with you. What do they say in poker if you can't spot the sucker in the first 30 minutes your the sucker. Same thing goes here.Look in the mirrior fool your the sucker. Go ahead work 99 and leave all of us real cops alone..

7/10/2010 12:59:00 PM

FUCK YOU to the downtown SUCKASS telling you to work ALONE!

Never, ever respond to a TWO man job, 99.

Let the manpower crisis be felt!

As predicted coppers will continue to die and get maimed until they increase patrol back to where it is supposed to be.

I don't care how long it takes for my backup to arrive, everyone is going home the same way they came to work.

I am no SUPERMAN and neither are you.

HIRE MORE COPPERS before we have to bury more!!!

7/10/2010 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a citizen troller: I read the Sun-Times today and saw all the suits commenting about the murder of Off. Soderberg and something struck me. Earlier in the week a little girl was snatched by another JAGOFF who ALSO belonged in prison like Bryant. This time, the chief of the St. Louis County Police was in full uniform, surrounded by other uniformed cops and gave a logical, articulate cop like rendition of the facts, the situation, who they were looking for and advising we citizens of what to look for. One example of many was someone showing up with a little child and no credible reason for having a little child and on and on. They were good and useful tips for assisting them and I thought what a competent police leader. Then I see Weiss in his suit with all his brass also in suits. Let me tell you, as a citizen I would be more comfortable with the St. Louis County Police Chief talking to me with a bunch of other uniformed cops around him. Sorry Weiss, you are simply put: INCREDIBLE. You are not the police, your cronies are not the police and you do absolutely NOTHING to reassure we citizens that the freaking city is under control. You all looked like a bunch of businessmen from Oak Brook and not cops. My gut is correct: you guys are not cops. And you would not make it as an Oak Brook businessman either. And secondly, the fact that Brayant and THOUSANDS of others like him, people with violent crimes against persons records are sharing the city streets with me, my son, my daughter and others scares the hell out of me. If armed, uniformed real cops can be murdered in a parking lot of a police facility, what happens to me when I am on an insurance loss inspection in Chatham? I'm thinking 9AM appointments may not be enough caution. Finally, just exactly when is it that the court and corrections system in this state will do what we all know needs to be done to reduce crime. YOU KEEP VIOLENT CRIMINALS IN PRISON. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ROAM THE CITY STREETS. Prayers to Off. Soderberg and his family during lifting of concerns tomorrow. This is another heartbreaking story that should have never happened. Another good man sacrificed by gods clowns.

7/10/2010 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, and having a clout connected idiot from within our own ranks would have been so much better yeah, shit I may have even got a promotion!!! You all forget who the real boss is.

7/10/2010 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Justice would be putting the feeb exempts in a rebuilt 993'd impala with bad brakes, 175k miles and the odor of dead, fly blown, gangrenous ass, sour cole slaw & leaky exhaust along with the famous "mystery stain" on the floor and let them fend for themselves in 003, 006, 007, 011, 015 or 025 with no long guns and the same shitty radios we have.

Justice would be j-fled & company responding to a "check the well being/foul odor" call and finding what's left of a 350 pounder melted into his shag carpet.

Get yer asses back in here! Throw up on each others shoes later!

Congratulations & fuck you too muthafuckahs! It's all yours! Bag it without it blowing up in your faces bitches just like we had to.

Justice would be j-fled & the feeb exempts fighting for their lives in a pissy stairwell between the 13th & 14th floors. Put that damn gun away bitch! Hand to Hand muthafuckahs! No shooting allowed because you're in a concrete stairway. Rounds sent = rounds returned, postage due & your ass as payment in the worse possible way! The feebs probably fight like little girls anyway.

Awww... Now we gotta go to the hospital. Shaken baby caper.

Yup, boyfriend scrambled the kid's brains like an egg, both retinas detached and eyeballs full of blood. There go the feeb exempts again! Will you clowns stop puking on each other? Get some hate & iron in your hearts, cry for the kid later! Stay cool & frosty, grit your teeth and fuck the boyfriend properly with pen & paper.

Repeat multiple times for 20 to 40 years. Be aggravated with people shit-talking you about "sweet pensions and early retirement."

See the shit we see and endure endless media lies & bullshit orchestrated by politicians trying to take money from your pockets, bread you try to put on the table and literally the clothes off your children's backs just because you wear a blue suit of clothes and a piece of tin pinned to your shirt.

Die 10 to 15 years sooner than your peers because of the stress from what you've seen and the things you've had to do to survive.

Then maybe you might have enough acceptable currency with the Police to buy a clue.

Until then, step the fuck aside and STFU. we don't look so kindly on pretenders and amateurs.

j-fled, masters,(x3) brust and the rest of these fools should avert their fucking gaze and humbly beg pardon with their hats in their hands in the presence of Policemen!

Fuckin' free-loaders! One way bitches wanting all the benefits and incurring none of the risks.

What now bitches? Does the smartest exempt cadre in the history of CPD have the answer to this?

7/10/2010 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/10/2010 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe there could be no official funeral and then no Daley speech no Balcer or Quinn and No JFLED and Masters. BTW why do you pols come to this stuff anyway-just stay home Let us honor our own

7/10/2010 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Did anyone here really expect anything insightful coming out of that empty head of J-Fled's?
Me neither.
His speechwriter will likely be very busy this weekend, changing things around, so the Soderberg funeral comments won't sound too much like the Wortham funeral comments.

7/10/2010 12:48:00 AM

Like the Wortham funeral comments which sounded like the Valadez funeral comments?

7/10/2010 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in a district that recently got new Tahoes. Tahoes with new computers, new cameras and rifle mounts. Who do you think gets the Tahoes? Would you guess PO's? Try sergeants. Better air conditioners. Rank has it's privileges I was told. And these people are supposed to lead us? Hah!

7/10/2010 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled, where have you spent your "law enforcement" life ? In some settlements of "Shanksville" it a real Jungle complete with real life Savages. I dare you to spend a few hours walking around englewood. You can take Masters, Masters, with you for protection. Since he think's he's the Police let him prove it. Take your Englewood walk late on the 3rd watch, or preferably the 1st watch on any week end.

Since you'll have Boy Wonder Masters Masters with you you won't have to "J-Fled" the Scene.

7/10/2010 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-fled I dare you to hit the streets in the 7th District on the 1st watch & put yourself in harms way.

Under fire does not mean getting your ass chewed out by the Alderthieves, Shanks, or the press. You'll have to take your clip and load your weapon. Let's see if you can hack it as the real police must ! Adult diapers are not an option.

P.S. Take Masters & a few of your Merit Exempts along for the tour of duty. It would be a new experience for them.

7/10/2010 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis was quoted in the Tribune on Sat. July 11th about the security of police parking facilities , " Weis said police facilities have video surveillance but added that little could be done to prevent such attacks by people with little regard for human life

How about fences to keep the shit out. Daley put fences all around cabrini green and what about the fences in des plaines by ohare aiport to protect all the abandon houses? Im sure there's a kick back somewhere to afford it

7/10/2010 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"...I'm just waiting to hear about a PO killed riding 99 on a man with a gun call, because, and god forbid, but its coming. This simply broken."

7/10/2010 03:23:00 AM

Have you forgotten Rick Francis?

99 unit on midnights handling a disturbance on the CTA. Same scenario. Disarmed and killed with his own gun... it does not need to be a progress call. Killers are out there everywhere!

7/10/2010 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago Judge Urso and a few ASA's from Felony Review would ride along with Gang Crime Specialists when serving search warrants that they approved. Opened their eyes forever as to what we went through on a daily basis.

Good times........

7/10/2010 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fuddy was complaining that is is no security you could put up to sway a person with no regard for life to committing this savagery....

really, let's go to the FBI Chicago field office on Roosevelt and see if you can get into their parking lot with a ladder or grappling hook. aint going to happen. They have gates, turnstiles, armed guards and ...wait for it...


Wow...J-FU must have been sleeping the day they gave him his security in-briefing no to see that!

7/10/2010 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: But it makes a point to show the lack of leadership this City has, from The Mayor, Aldermen & the Puppet Police Spokesman JFLED. Check out the article in the Reader:

- The ordinance passed 45-0, with five aldermen failing to show up for the vote. One who was there—but didn't want to be named because there's no surer way to piss off the mayor than to question his commitment to fighting crime—told me he believes Daley is genuinely passionate about gun control. But he said there's a widespread feeling around City Hall that the mayor uses the issue to rally support in high-crime black and Latino communities while avoiding tougher issues like police staffing and deployment. -
2011 is an Election year. Aldermen want a raise. What will they sell to the public? How about a new mayor. Soon they'll come out with all these great ideas and burn more taxpayer $ for more failures. Moore & Allen seem to recognize the BS in this City.

City Employee & their families - Let's Register and VOTE !

7/10/2010 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JFLED: your typical everyday common cat lovin', BamaVotin', wine and cheeser, chickenshit'n, bookshelf feather dustin', hummus eatin' clueless Liberal. Get back into the bunker, it's the weekend. Leave Patrol alone as usual.
Nobody gives a crap if another gangbanger gets killed except JPud. The stats should show he's a goner by Labor Day. The media is doing us a favor by putting this doofis on tv.
Thanks go out to the poster that said " work Patrol". Then JFled, work a beat car in patrol 99 & get the experience of a lifetime. Enough with pillow talk. The public is FED-UP.

7/10/2010 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

7/10/2010 04:17:00 AM

Same reason a 16 year old impersonated being a police officer for how many hours?

7/10/2010 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing the media cares about is when some shithead with a mile long rap sheet and suspected killing an officer or someone else gets their head hit with a phonebook (ala Burge). It's all boohoo for the rapists and killers on how they didn't get their burger well-done and a fluffed-up pillow and clean sheets while in lock-up.

The media and liberals have set the tone for how today's police will "police" the neighborhood, that includes both Englewood and Lincoln Park. Our command staff has become castrated thanks to you and shitty hall and the troops will do as little as possible so that they don't get CR #'d to death, photographed by some shithead when doing the job, the media hound you for doing your job or being subject of some lawsuit because you are doing your job. Why doesn't the media do a "investigative report" on lawyers who continually sue the city via the CPD or CFD? You know the ones who make a living out of doing this. How about calling out corp council on doing their job and not laying on their back like a submissive puppy every time these jackals bring on a lawsuit for the ghetto lottery players.

We will put in our 8 and leave so that we can go home to our families like everyone else.
You guys have set the tone and now you will suffer the wrath.

7/10/2010 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree on cameras in cc court. Too many assholes being cut loose for "no probable cause" even when there was "probable cause" cause the ASA doesn't fight for it.
They do nothing because they do not want the caseload....period.

Start doing your job, hire more ASA's, put these assholes behind bars and let them serve their full sentence. I've seen people get 12 years and cut loose at 3-4 years. I know because they are back on the streets doing the same shit and get re-arrested. It's unbelievable, but the general public doesn't know or they don't care until THEY become a victim.

7/10/2010 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The town of Pullman included 1,300 structures -- housing, shopping, churches, theaters, parks, hotel and library -- all designed by one architect, Solon Spencer Beman. George Pullman believed that a town without saloons would encourage productive employees. The town did prosper for a while.

But George Pullman ruled the town like a tyrant -- forbidding newspapers, public speeches and town meetings. His inspectors regularly entered homes to inspect for cleanliness and could terminate leases on 10- days notice, according to Web site reports.

Weary Pullman employees lamented: "We are born in a Pullman house, fed from the Pullman shops, taught in the Pullman school and when we die, we will go to the Pullman Hell."

During an economic depression in the mid-1890s, George Pullman slashed wages -- but prices for rent and food remained the same. Furious workers went on strike, which became violent, and the glory days were over.

The workers' hatred for George Pullman never let up. When he died in 1897, his relatives feared his body would be stolen. So he was buried at Graceland Cemetery in a lead coffin in a vault reinforced with steel and concrete.

In 1930, the Pullman Co. merged with Standard Steel Car Co. to become Pullman-Standard, which built its last car for Amtrak in 1982.

The City of Chicago annexed the town of Pullman in 1889. In the 1960s, developers wanted to demolish the whole Pullman neighborhood. With the support of the residents, the Pullman Civic Organization was formed to defeat such plans. Pullman became a National Landmark District in 1971.

Same shit different era. History repeats itself.

7/10/2010 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try wandering into or on to FBI property at Roosevelt and damen. It's a fucking fortress.

Whole place is wired and secure. Hop the fence and your fucking dead. Next time you go to juvy take a look.

Don't see FBI guys changing in the street over there. And it's not that bad over there now. Was real bad 20 yrs ago.

7/10/2010 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Weis was quoted in the Tribune on Sat. July 11th about the security of police parking facilities , " Weis said police facilities have video surveillance but added that little could be done to prevent such attacks by people with little regard for human life. "There's really no level of security you can put up that will prevent a person like that from attacking someone, and unfortunately we lost an officer in this case."

Can't this comment refer to ALL surveillance cameras? Or would that upset 42 short?

7/10/2010 07:15:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

•"I simply cannot understand how a person can have such a total disregard of life and for those who keep order on our streets that he could attack, disarm and then shoot and kill a uniformed police officer in broad daylight," Weis said at police headquarters...

I understand. I understand why an officer just gets off work and gets killed AT the police station. Hello? Hello Supt Weis?

7/10/2010 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/10/2010 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Understanding what makes the savage a savage is a question that has been asked for all of mankind.

What JFLED ought to be thinking about is what is he prepared to do about addressing and incapacitating the savage until he, if ever, can understand why the savage does what he does.

A rational start would be to give the REAL POLICE the "go" to feed the usual suspects the proper amount of whoop-ass and for JFLED to back the frontline no matter how much the midget, the media, the shitbirds, the shake and bake reverends or the libtards sqeal like stuck pigs. Make them make the moves to bring back the fast track to anarchy, if they be so he'll bent and stupid. Go out swinging!

Addittionally, it is very likely the assain officer Soderberg was a chronic trouble maker who shouldn't have been walking the streets to begin with. Start enforcing the laws on the books and back those laws with strict sentencing with no early release.

Stop with the liberal do-gooders obstructing incarceration. Prision is supposed to be a miserable experience. Go Joe Apairo.

For JFLED to do anything less is to knowingly accept blood money that runs Blue as a salary. You, have to be the alpha-shitbird to do that, dress up in a CPD uniform and still be able to live with yourself.

Buck Naked
(not a cop)

7/10/2010 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To paraprhase King henry II


7/10/2010 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An e-mail earlier today...

I know many of you have been asking about services for Thor. The following information is what we have at this point in time. Please understand that this time is difficult for everyone, and especially for his family. As always, we are totally committed to support the family and their wishes. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers:

All Wake Services for Police Officer Thor O. Soderberg, Star #14767, will be private. ‬‪ ‬‪

A Memorial Celebration for Officer Soderberg will be held on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. The location has not been finalized. We will notify all Department members once the location has been finalized.‬‪ ‬‪

Thank you. Jody Weis

7/10/2010 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous J-FLED said...

If I...saw that I was the cause of (poor) morale in this department, no one would have to ask me to leave. I would leave on my own.


7/10/2010 09:06:00 PM  
Blogger McSupe said...

First off Northside, great post. You hit the nail right on the head.
Second if I'm in a district and monitor anyone going yto a job I will ride with them no matter if they want it or not. We are all her to back up each other. you never know when even the most asinine sounding job will turn south. Nobody else will be there for us. The most important things on this job are go home in the sane condition you came to work and cover each other's ass. Those should be the most important things on this job. Everthing else comes second. If we can't watch each other then all is lost. I don't care if you are nowhere close. If msomebody is riding 99 on a hot call get your ass over there to help them. If you are dogging a call, no problem, but ride with the 99 officer and just stay off the air. It pisses me off to no end how many beat cars dogging a job I see riding the other way when they are blocks from a in-progress call when somebody is riding 99. Everybody has streched out a call, but in this day and age when we are short and people are gunning for us, come off that job and at least back your fellow PO's. There is a difference between trying to take a break and putting another PO in danger because you are a fucking worthless lazy ass.

7/10/2010 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
She left out.... to go to a domestic and see two people recently in the throes of passionate lovemaking and now they are fighting like crazy and the woman is motherfucking her lover. She is naked and stands 5'4" and breaks the scales at probably 275 pounds and is shaking like a brown garbage bag full of jello and is sweaty and shiny and never makes any attempt to cover herself or to get dressed.

I wanted to pluck my eyes out over that one.

7/10/2010 06:40:00 AM

Great. Now I have to claw MY eyes out. Thanks.

7/10/2010 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this City is totally OUT of CONTROL. No leadership whatsoever, from the 5th Floor of City Hall , on down....This place completely disgusts me.

7/10/2010 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked the lakefront yesterday, not to bitch talk about unsafe shit vehicles.
then dont work the beach. you might get sunburn.

7/10/2010 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northside is right on. If I wasn't still on the job, I wish I could post my name. We despise J-Fled and Shortshanks. Piss on both of the arrogant rats.

7/10/2010 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy things havechanged, I was assigned to the 57th Street fireworks for the 4th of July and the area where we had the command van and all the rest of the police staged was wide open to the savage beast to just walk thru, they stood around and listened to the bosses make the roll call speeches, then they went mooching from the salvation army truck, I complained to one of the south side deputies and he said that I should relax and enjoy the people who were having a great time playing basettball and BBQing all around the police, boy I'm glad I'm going soon. THE NEW POLICE DEPARTMENT

7/10/2010 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of us work in ghetto fabulous Districts where we park our cars right by the same cars we tow and impound? How many times do you see shitbirds walking through these "secure" lots? How many personal cars have been broken into in the lots adjacent to 011 and across from 015?

A couple of years ago a woman couldn't get into her car in the 002nd District lot and had it towed to a dealer. Turned out it wasn't her car and that she had had a Detective from A/1 vehicle towed! Property damaged and stolen...replaced, but it shouldn't have happened in the 1st place!

7/10/2010 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw our Superintendent address the media on TV. Had to read his response to actually believe that he spoke of this tragedy with such utter stupidity. There is no fucking way someone wrote that for him. What a phony absolutely useless overpaid clueless excuse for a law enforcement officer. Please leave, you are not wanted here.

7/10/2010 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

late 90's me and partner on the fence about who to take in bulls vs. celtics game. both of us very much in the hole. get a person shot call. the deceased is wearing a bulls jacket, witness says shooter is wearing a celtics jacket. no words had to be spoken.

7/10/2010 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know many of you have been asking about services for Thor. The following information is what we have at this point in time. Please understand that this time is difficult for everyone, and especially for his family. As always, we are totally committed to support the family and their wishes. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers:

All Wake Services for Police Officer Thor O. Soderberg, Star #14767, will be private. ‬‪ ‬‪

A Memorial Celebration for Officer Soderberg will be held on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. The location has not been finalized. We will notify all Department members once the location has been finalized.‬‪ ‬‪

Thank you. Jody Weis
Although I'm sorry I won't be able to attend the wake or funeral, I commend the family on not feeling pressured into a media event in their time of grief.

7/10/2010 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked the lakefront yesterday, not to bitch talk about unsafe shit vehicles. They transport us in a beat up old van, with most of the interior panels removed exposing sharp edges of metal, no seatbelts, hot as hell,brakes squealing nice way to treat the coppers. then you have a watch commander crying like a school girl about wanting activity or "maybe we will see you next time"! No jagoff we are there on time, don't have to do bullshit activity unless it is there! Another merit boss with no brains!

That same van had a door that wouldn't close and the coppers inside were holding it closed. The Sgt. put the van down! Why are you even getting in the van? They can't make you get in an unsafe vehicle. It is not your job to come up with transportation. But if they are not providing it...take the bus! We get on for free. You have 8 hours and who cares how long it takes to get to the post. If they don't care, you shouldn't care. If its not safe DON'T GET IN IT!!!

7/10/2010 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's official, Sneed says so...

" It's a tough time to be a cop. Some believe we are losing the streets and losing the city, that we are becoming Detroit."

Some believe?!?! A lot of us believe that we are becoming Detroit!

We hve been saying that for years and this Daley apoligist only now faces up to tht fact.

Maybe when the city's bond rating starts to fall or we loose more industry, or if Obama moves out or Shorty decides to run again will he hire more police.

7/10/2010 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Englewood Ranger said...

Without exception, every blueshirt on my watch in 007 hates J-Fled with a passion. How can we get rid of this coward piece of shit?

7/10/2010 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in a district that recently got new Tahoes. Tahoes with new computers, new cameras and rifle mounts. Who do you think gets the Tahoes? Would you guess PO's? Try sergeants. Better air conditioners. Rank has it's privileges I was told. And these people are supposed to lead us? Hah!

7/10/2010 04:08:00 PM

Not the case in 003!

7/10/2010 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:45 pm
omg! Very well put!

7/11/2010 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes my wife does not understand why I am so jaded. I never used to be that way.

She knew me as a 22yr old Copper who was all about hot lead and dirty talk! Four to Fours!

Then I saw my friends die, murdered.

She ask's me now, "Why are you so worried, or cautious?" (off duty)

I state,"Sweety(I love her),if you know what I know, you will never turn your're back on the SAVAGE.

I love all you office, keep fighting the good fight! There has to be a reason?.........

Hennessy Williams

7/11/2010 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ETHICS ETHICS ETHICS from the top down!

7/11/2010 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How many of us work in ghetto fabulous Districts where we park our cars right by the same cars we tow and impound? How many times do you see shitbirds walking through these "secure" lots? How many personal cars have been broken into in the lots adjacent to 011 and across from 015?

A couple of years ago a woman couldn't get into her car in the 002nd District lot and had it towed to a dealer. Turned out it wasn't her car and that she had had a Detective from A/1 vehicle towed! Property damaged and stolen...replaced, but it shouldn't have happened in the 1st place!

7/10/2010 10:25:00 PM

Remember that aldercreature tom tunney demanded that a percentage of parking places in the new 023rd district station lot be reserved for citizen residents of the surrounding area.


I wonder if he demands that they be given lockers inside the locker rooms also and be allowed to use the gym facilities too.

This is the same aldercreature who appointed a gay acquantance to a city job as Health Department employee and AIDS activist only to have that person go berserk under the influence of crystal methamphetamine and murder a cab driver with his own cab. Then, after that person got out on bond, on murder charges, he again went cuckoo in a hospital in a suburb and attacked medical personnel and finally had his bond revoked.

Tunney's decision making is highly suspect, to say the least.

7/11/2010 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I've had an opinion for a while now, but in light of recent events its time I open my trap:

In stations such as 006, 007, and 010, why is it that there are walkways for the "community" to pass directly through the police parking lots?

recently in 007 I walked out of the side door of the station to find myself face-to-face with a fine upstanding gangster walking his pit-bull on this pathway from the alley behind the station to 63rd street. if, as or cowering "leader" says "nothing more can be done to enhance security," I call FIB! keep our lots for officers only!

7/10/2010 03:06:00 AM

File safety grievances daily. Anyone can file a safety grievance, doesn't have to be the unit rep.

The directions are in your FOP book.

7/11/2010 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A message from your local ER nurse: I stand shoulder to shoulder with you on this. I know what you see, hear, smell, feel, and I can't fix most of it. You are my front line. I know. I truly know. Been there, picked up the pieces one by one.

7/11/2010 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Weis was quoted in the Tribune on Sat. July 11th about the security of police parking facilities , " Weis said police facilities have video surveillance but added that little could be done to prevent such attacks by people with little regard for human life

7/10/2010 04:46:00 PM

Really Supt. weis?

Go to any suburban police department and try to trespass around their facilities like the shitbirds do around ours.

Or perhaps go to the FBI facility at 2111 W. Roosevelt Road in Chicago and try to get in.

Or any police facility around here, except ours. and try to tresspass.

There are just a few examples, off the top of my head, of secure police facilities that at least throw a few roadblocks up to savages who want to attack and kill police.

jody you stupid bag of shit.

7/11/2010 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds so simple but with a police department like this one in a city like Chicago, police should be in charge, not political suckholes, not career FBI administrators.

How hard is that to figure out?

7/11/2010 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is very likely the assain officer Soderberg was a chronic trouble maker who shouldn't have been walking the streets to begin with. Start enforcing the laws on the books and back those laws with strict sentencing with no early release.
That would solve most of the crime problem in the whole country.

You can't ever forget though, that one of the bases of power of one of the political parties in this county is criminals and their supporters. That party is going to do whatever it takes to keep that support.

Chicago and Cook County is basically run by the criminal element and has been for over a century.

Nothing much can change until that problem is fixed, and there is no sign that the voters are willing to do what it takes to fix it.

7/11/2010 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago in the 025 District , a light duty Officer was assigned to patrol the police parking lot in a vehicle, that really made sense considering the Court being part of the police station. The Officer was busy just keeping the shitheads going to court out of the police lot. Many times you would observed these magets looking into Officers personal vehicles. Guess those were the old days, presently there are not even enough police officers to man the Beat Cars.

7/11/2010 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

7/10/2010 08:08:00 PM

WTF!!! We haven't had a wagon in 025 1st Watch for more than a year, it's always a beat car/wagon. Kiss the 06 car good bye, Every night a sector has a car down and not to mention the 99 units which are 3-4 even 5... And we are the busiest district for service calls in the city. Shame.

7/11/2010 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/10/2010 08:08:00 PM

This is THE most obvious example of ass kissing that has ever been posted....or you are Calhoun himself. Tell me Mr Calhoun lover, how in the world does a Boss get chased out of 015? Impossible...until you.

According to your post, no Officer can get time due until all the Beat cars are 10-4? That means no time due ever, for anyone for any reason. Good call. We don't have the manpower we had, and according to J-Fled at the last Department Commendation ceremony, we aren't EVER going to have the manpower (I'm surprised nobody brought that little quote up before).

7/11/2010 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the department can reconsider the unsecure layout of the police facilities, lots (wide open with prisoners just ibonded out wandering through and who knows who else from the neighborhoods), buildings (the new stations wide open lobbies with one person working the desk per the clueless management! With who knows who wandering around using bathrooms, just sitting, gang bangers waiting to bitch at supervisors or who knows attack!)

Get a clue department! We are police!

7/11/2010 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago in the 025 District , a light duty Officer was assigned to patrol the police parking lot in a vehicle, that really made sense considering the Court being part of the police station. The Officer was busy just keeping the shitheads going to court out of the police lot. Many times you would observed these magets looking into Officers personal vehicles. Guess those were the old days, presently there are not even enough police officers to man the Beat Cars.

7/11/2010 06:56:00 AM


God Bless Bill W! That man was strong as an ox. Does anyone know what he is doing these days?

7/11/2010 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just before I retired, I worked in 007. A sergeant was standing outside of the desk signing reports when a guy came into the station ( 0200hrs) and attacked the sergeant. Englewood has always been a dangerous place for the police and for the law abiding residents. The politicians always were corrupt and in bed with the police commander who either was afraid to stand up to them or was in on it with them.

7/11/2010 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phantom, you're a Goddamn poet! Praise the Lord and pass the fucking ammunition! Your words are motivating!

We who wear the blue are under siege, understaffed, under equipped. We have no leadership, the worms we have couldn't lead a fly to a pile of shit! The blind media has it out for us as well. As we sit in the middle of a War (Afghanistan) under siege (Chicago) the media wants to talk about a basketball player who can't speak plain fucking English and a drunk whore who has to go to jail for 90 days? Big fucking deal!

Every front page story should INFORM the public on the status of our troops who are in harms way, we are at war...right?? A fine Police Officer gunned down in a police parking lot gets secondary notice in a local newspaper? ( I'm writing every fucking newspaper truck I see doubled parked from now on I'm so pissed).

Summer ain't over yet boys and girls watch your 6! And don't play nice!


7/11/2010 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC- Was part of an outdoor roll call in the 009th dist. last evening. We stood in our 3 ranks and were given a embarrassing speech by EB and the commander on how we were goin to "take the streets back one block at a time".
I got the usual sick feeling in the pit of my stomach listening to the clueless bosses spew endless bullshit.

This motivational roll call was then shortly followed by a 14 year shot in the head on 925's beat, a multitude of shots fired calls and another man shot 3 times on 932's beat. All part of a normal chaotic evening in 009.
Just wanted to let you know we were "taking the streets back" though !!

7/10/2010 10:36:00 AM

Thanks for your comments. You gave me and the missus a hearty chuckle, but I must ask, how on this green earth did you keep a straight face while listening to the absolute nonesense spewing from the pie holes of EB the harraser and DJ the nut case?

If the streets could be taken back, DJ, the one-man army, would have done it a long time ago.

My condolences to you for having to sit and listen to their idiotic remarks. Neither should have ever been promoted, rather, both should have been sent to see a shrink, one for drooling over women, any woman, and the other for being an out of his mind control freak. One good thought; they will both be retired before long.

7/11/2010 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Box Chevy Phantom again nails it

7/11/2010 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A message from your local ER nurse: I stand shoulder to shoulder with you on this. I know what you see, hear, smell, feel, and I can't fix most of it. You are my front line. I know. I truly know. Been there, picked up the pieces one by one.

7/11/2010 01:49:00 AM

Are you married? Want to go out for an ice cream cone or something?

7/11/2010 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stations having walk ways for the community...
A few years back I remember a po in 006 who fought and caught an offender who was burglarizing personal cars of po's working Midnites in 006. The po was coming into work on Days. po observed the offender checking door handles to personal cars. Similar type of parking lot situation. Only po was lucky he wasn't killed.

-Days in 006

7/11/2010 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets get this straight,blue shirts are equal to army privates. When they die they get saluted by bullshit brass and buried. That is it. They have no worth, their opinion means nothing, they are expendable. When they story is good and sensational the bosses will come out to further their own careers with the stories of the blue shirt's courage under fire. We all know who is good and who is shit around here. And no boss is your friend, dig it and get over it. Viva Hate... it is theraputic and appropriate, we work for a fool.

7/11/2010 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update on the St. Louis County Police story. After the JAGOFF who snatched the little girl let her go 70 miles away in St. Louis County, an employee of a Walmart thought a customer the Chief described in the news conference resembled the suspect and little girl. He alerted police who viewed security tapes, and because the guy gave his true date of birth while buying a pack of cigarettes (and other clues) the St. Louis County Police chief lead a tactical team to the suspects residence where upon they caught him spray painting his dark colored car silver. Upon seeing the tactical team approach him, he pulled out a gun and killed himself. A very happy ending to what could have been a very sad story. But a real police leader and real lawman getting good info to the public made the difference at the end of the day. Daley, Weiss, all of the politicians and activists have made your entire police department a bunch of community servants. They have pulled your teeth. Years ago, and I mean prior to the Johnson Great Society Years, your department was a department of lawmen. (And women)This was proven by the CPD especially in the late 60's and early 70's. The CPD held the city together during riots, the convention and were supported by the citizens. Of course the media and pandering politicans thought otherwise. Today, you are led by a bureaucrat totally for the benefit of the bureacracy and that is the law enforcement issue of the crime problem in this city in my opinion. A former federal agent who knows nothing, and I repeat knows nothing nor does he have any experience in his resume with urban policing is simply the worst choice our corrupt mayor could select as your leader. It is Daley who F'd up. Weiss has been way over his head from the first day he started. The other part of the crime problem is the failure of the court and penal systems and finally the failure of the citizenry themselves to both live within the law and demand others do the same.

7/11/2010 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you married? Want to go out for an ice cream cone or something?

7/11/2010 04:27:00 PM"

you do know that there are male nurses, don't you?

7/11/2010 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled surfaces like a boil on the butt of humanity

(I stole this line but I can't imagine a more appropriate anal-ogy)

7/11/2010 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you married? Want to go out for an ice cream cone or something?

7/11/2010 04:27:00 PM"

you do know that there are male nurses, don't you?

7/11/2010 10:23:00 PM
And YOU do know there are female police officers, right? For, oh, about a month or two now we've been in the ranks...

7/12/2010 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you married? Want to go out for an ice cream cone or something?

7/11/2010 04:27:00 PM"

you do know that there are male nurses, don't you?

7/11/2010 10:23:00 PM

Maybe it was a female police officer??? LOL

7/12/2010 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>( I'm writing every fucking newspaper truck I see doubled parked from now on I'm so pissed).

Summer ain't over yet boys and girls watch your 6! And don't play nice!


7/11/2010 11:58:00 AM<<<

The Teamster newstruck drivers are probably much more on our side than the reporters and editors that Shorty has whipped.

Go after the Alderman's staff, the alderman who says that we can't hire more police because of the economy and we gave the police a 10% raise.

7/12/2010 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."Anonymous said...
SOMEBODY GET THE MESSAGE TO JODY DO NOT WEAR OUR UNIFORM, You did not Earn the right to wear it nor do you respect the men and women that have not only earned the right to wear but made the ultimate sacrifice for it.

"All Gave Some, Some Gave ALL!" J-Fled this does not include you.

Do not wear our uniform show some respect and class.

7/10/2010 03:24:00 PM"

Saw Brust in uniform, with two silver star on the collar.


7/12/2010 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Are you married? Want to go out for an ice cream cone or something?

7/11/2010 04:27:00 PM"

you do know that there are male nurses, don't you?

7/11/2010 10:23:00 PM

Oh NO!! Don't say that! No, can't be, not someone who sounded so nice and understanding and sincere. I think of a nice starched white dress when I think nurse, not some hairy MAN! Oh jesus, you ruined it!

7/12/2010 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
J-Fled surfaces like a boil on the butt of humanity

(I stole this line but I can't imagine a more appropriate anal-ogy)

7/11/2010 10:53:00 PM

Kinda like: "a pimple on the asshole of progress" I was once called this as a young Private in Army Basic Training, I will never forget the Drill Sergeant who screamed this in my ear at 90db!!!


7/12/2010 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Thanks for your comments. You gave me and the missus a hearty chuckle, but I must ask, how on this green earth did you keep a straight face while listening to the absolute nonesense spewing from the pie holes of EB the harraser and DJ the nut case?'

What did Jarmusz do with his M4 after being promoted? Does he carry it out on the street in his unmarked? Did he have a gun rack installed in his executive squad?

7/13/2010 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did Jarmusz do with his M4 after being promoted? Does he carry it out on the street in his unmarked? Did he have a gun rack installed in his executive squad?

7/13/2010 01:31:00 AM

DJ keeps his M4 under his hat. He is CPD's Inspector Gadget.

7/13/2010 02:16:00 PM  

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