Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Manpower - Still

Buried in the Channel 2 report from the fatal shooting of a 9-year-old child:
  • People heard the gunshots just before 8 p.m. in the Roseland neighborhood.

    Witnesses say it followed a flight. According to Patricia Clay, about 20 teenagers were in the area, three of them were fighting. She called police. She says no one responded until the situation escalated about 10 minutes after her call.
Gee, why would it take police 10 minutes to respond to a Battery in Progress? That's a priority 1A call. It should be right at the top of the dispatch list. It's not like we're short manpower and can't respond to 1A call, right?

Got to love the media - reporting what is obviously the truth, but never asking the logical follow-up question that might embarrass Shortshanks and make a liar out of him and his hand-picked puppets.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its got so bad that dispatchers are trying to stack 1a jobs. Its almost impossible not to when you have 20 1a jobs pending and 8 one man beat cars to hand them out to.

8/12/2010 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard a rumor TRU is going to be sent to districts to help with backlogs, anyone confirm?

8/12/2010 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure there is at least one or two media reporters in the city of Chicago who would love to report the real news, but are told not to. My advice. Tell it like it is, like you were taught to. It is the ethical thing to do.

8/12/2010 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thing the media is not looking at is the 911 calls reporting shots fired. How many times a day are actual shots fired and it was only luck that nobody was hit?

8/12/2010 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dummy should of said they all have guns, and they're passing the guns around, they have six guns each, and woo woo.

Then you'd have all the "rangers", with their backwards ball caps chewin' their chewin' tobacco flyin' in at 100 mps looking to parachute on some bogus paper.

I love the calls I get when I get the update that "they now have guns". It makes me drive that much slower.

Gotta run!

8/12/2010 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




8/12/2010 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Gee, why would it take police 10 minutes to respond to a Battery in Progress? That's a priority 1A call. It should be right at the top of the dispatch list. It's not like we're short manpower and can't respond to 1A call, right?"

It's not like half of these calls are bulls_t, right? Call goes out,
"70 teens getting ready to fight with bats and sticks and knives," and the car comes right back. "Squad, we're right on that corner. There's nothing here. 19-Paul."

Remember the parable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf?

No brain power -- still.

8/12/2010 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the Sergeant's Union website-

The Association fully understands the concerns of the Sergeants that are close to making Lieutenants regarding upcoming promotions. We also share your concerns. But please understand that the lawsuit is based on the totality of our entire membersgip and the fact that the administration of this last exam was so flawed. Our position is to protect the interest of all Sergeants, not just a few. We hope our actions force the city to actually give fair exams to allow all of our members a fair shot at being promoted.

We believe that the City will soon announce another round of promotions off the lieutenant list. The PB CPSA Board has instructed our lawyers to seek a temporary restraining order in Federal Court.....

8/12/2010 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the Chicago Reader is catching on to the manpower shortage with this headline:
"The Vanishing Beat Cop."

8/12/2010 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Under new management said...

The American social reform, immigration reform and Retirement Plan as an alternative to SSI, LINK and OBAMMY care reversing the present SNAFU strategy.

Let's put the seniors in jail and the criminals in a nursing home. This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies, and walks. They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs, etc., and they'd receive money instead of paying it out.

They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly if they fell or needed assistance. Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.

A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell. They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool, and education.

Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request. Private, secure rooms for all, with an outdoor exercise yard and gardens.

Each senior could have a PC, a TV, a radio, and daily phone calls. There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised, lights off at 8 pm, and showers once a week. They would live in a tiny room, pay $5000 per month, and have no hope of ever getting out, unless they want to be in the work your ass off for the American tax payers for free plan and grow your own food in your spare time or starve plan and/or ( my favorite) run faster than a speeding guards shotgun blast plan for the pay per view audience.

Justice for all.

8/12/2010 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks cry wolf too many times. How many men with guns calls out there turn out to be bogus?

8/12/2010 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous JAFO said...

Crime will be Daley's snow storm. (remember the demise of Bilandic?)

He won't do this, but this is what needs to happen.


The De-pussification of the CPD.

Get rid of J-Fled.
Get rid of his senior staff (Masters, Aunt Bea, etc, etc, etc)
Bring in real leadership and command. (And NOT from Chicago)

See if Gen. McCrystal will take over. Chicago is in an urban terrorist war -this is what you need, not another politically correct, internal merit hack.

8/12/2010 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Even the Chicago Reader is catching on to the manpower shortage with this headline:
"The Vanishing Beat Cop."

8/12/2010 03:25:00 AM

Read the article this morning and it got passed around the watch pretty quick... Wish the rest of the Chicago media would start reporting like the Reader.

8/12/2010 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reader does it again with a good bit of reporting on CPD manpower issues.

8/12/2010 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should drop this Safe-City, Safe-Summer or whatever it is called overtime initiative. The send the officer's out at their overtime rate and get a couple parking tickets at the most from most of the officers.

They would be better off doing it the TARA way that we had a few years back. Assign the officers to a busy district. They work a beat car and actually help with the work load.

I don't know. I think it makes a little more sense to me?

8/12/2010 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i heard a rumor TRU is going to be sent to districts to help with backlogs, anyone confirm?

8/12/2010 12:38:00 AM

TRU has been taking back logged in progress and vice jobs for some time. They don't take the back logged paper jobs. TRU is just spread so thin right now that you don't see the saturation in a problem area that they used to do.

8/12/2010 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manpower is easily under 10,000!

8/12/2010 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired now, so I can speak.
Up until Daley dismantled the police department, no one ever waited more than 5 min. for a police response in this city. Oh sure, things happen, but the norm was 5 min or less on a hot call.
Now, even officers calling for help is dicey. Thanks Mayor Daley for ruining one of the best departments in the world.

8/12/2010 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 30 newly minted sgt.'s should fix all thta

8/12/2010 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody stop lying to the families of these victims. Crimes is not down and telling a Mother looking at her dead child that it is, provides no comfort. WE ARE SHORT HANDED NOT ENOUGH POLICE ON THE STREETS BLAME MAYOR DALEY AND CITY COUNCIL, WE THE WORKING POLICE CAN NOT RESPOND TO YOUR CALLS FOR HELP IN A TIMELY MANOR BECAUSE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH O US. Also we have Zero Confidence in our leader, he has screwed policemen for being the police, hands off means hands off, right Jody?

8/12/2010 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a friend in personel told me that 125 new recruits will start 01 sept. this is the class that daley said to the media that he 'found' money to hire after the firestorm about all the latest murders(including 3 of our own).
but here's the kicker......there's only around 30-50 ppl left on the eligibility list from '06. and from experience(took me two full yrs from taking the test to getting the call to start academy). and thats when they were pushing ppl through pretty steadily during the early 2000s. this city sucks. they never plan ahead, at least give a test and have ppl ready to go if we get federal funding or a new budget. no, we wait until we dwindle down the numbers and then everything is done in panic mode. another rumor he told me was that we were supposed to get federal funding to hire at least 500 po's, but the city came back and said we don't have 500 po's on our list ready to go. what a waste! looks like its going to get worse before it gets better with manpower. be safe.

8/12/2010 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025- approx 7:30 PM six loud shots fired Grand and McVicker area. Apparently one male Hispanic let go at 2 male blacks who ran away...

...not even dark yet...

8/09/2010 07:50:00 PM

Is there a new rule that I don't know about, that crime and shootings can only occur after dark?

8/12/2010 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As SCC said about "school emergency hotlines," "Kids are going to be misusing this number for any number of reasons. Calling in BS fights or baby momma drama or staging incidents in the hallways. Some will be foolishness. Some will be feints to draw police away from other duties."

...and so it is with 911. "The community," as they call some really horrible, violent areas, burns up the wires with this s__t until, as another writer here says, there are "20 1a jobs pending and 8 one man beat cars to hand them out to." The dispatcher is often forced to just read them out all together as a "bundle," like calls about gunshots on New Year's Eve.

...and half the time, there will be no one there when police arrive.

Every night -- hell, every day --is New Year's Eve in some places.

Chicago = Somalia = "failed state."

8/12/2010 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not suspend in-service training in the summer months and have in-serverice trainers go back to their districts.

I attended in-service training at near north and one of the instructors told me that he wasn't in a beat car in five years.

I'm sure we could make up at least 100 officers.

8/12/2010 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the house is on fire, you don't fuss with napkin rings and flower arrangements.

The city should immediately stop all unnecessary spending -- no sawing unnecessary grooves down alleys, no more miles and miles of useless black metal fencing, no more stupid banners, no more flower boxes and phony "cast iron" streetlights and "sidewalk art."

That was a vibrant commercial street 50 years ago before the city was gutted by policies like head taxes on employers; planting a tree in front of an empty store isn't going to help now.

Pull back to essential infrastructure work only, conduct massive firings of the useless -- people who produce multilingual "diversity" pamphlets to put in public libraries, etc. -- and HIRE MORE POLICE with the money. It was time to hit the emergency brake a long time ago.

Pick one -- fireworks in the summer, or salt on the streets in the winter?

Of course, we'll have to get rid of this mayor to do that.


P.S. -- Of course, if you could get rid of the illegals, you'd really have some breathing room again. It's coming to the point that there are three elotes carts per block, with little green helados carts weaving between them like lesser bugs -- ding-a-ling! -- and each alley has a creaking, rusting scrap truck come down it forty times a day.

The ones who can get into a house are selling elotes on their front lawn until midnight, and peddling junk refrigerators and discarded, stained old mattresses out the back of the place.

We really are seeing the origins of ca.-1870s city ordinances against this kind of thing -- against "filth and noxious matter" -- all over again. Hell's Kitchen on your street. No wonder bedbugs are coming back in such a big way.

We cannot absorb the entire population of Central and South America -- not to mention the rest of the world.

100 fewer people who sell shoelaces to each other are 100 fewer people who need shoelaces. They are dispensable. There is no such thing as a "service economy" and there never has been -- anywhere.

8/12/2010 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I love the calls I get when I get the update that "they now have guns." It makes me drive that much slower.

--8/12/2010 01:09:00 AM

Yeah, if you drive slowly enough they'll get nerve gas and land mines too...and "The Club" steering wheel they is tooken the complainant's cell phone and they ain't no answer on the callback...step it up...

...and there still won't be anyone on the corner when you get there.

How do they do that?

By the way, what is this "getting ready to fight" call I keep hearing? Do they have to weigh in or something? Comb their hair a certain way?

8/12/2010 04:08:00 PM  
Blogger sharky said...

Anonymous said...
From the Sergeant's Union website-

The Association fully understands the concerns of the Sergeants that are close to making Lieutenants regarding upcoming promotions. We also share your concerns. But please understand that the lawsuit is based on the totality of our entire membersgip and the fact that the administration of this last exam was so flawed. Our position is to protect the interest of all Sergeants, not just a few. We hope our actions force the city to actually give fair exams to allow all of our members a fair shot at being promoted.


I have seen the paperwork the Sgts union filed to stop the promotions. They specifically point out how 2 Sgts on their board were not allowed to take the test because they were on furlo, had pre-planned vacations, and could not reschedule without expense.
Gee, too bad. Could it be the Sgts union is not properly representing all of their members, to the benefit of two Sgts on the board?
Another tidbit from the court papers: the union requested that no promotions take place based on the current test rankings. If I was a lawyer, doesn't that leave the city an opportunity to promote 100% based on merit, claiming a severe shortage (which there is)? The Sgts on the board would then get made on merit? Take it to the bank....
However, the promotions are going ahead. Very weak legal argument on the part of the union. Unlikely a judge will stop it based on their arguments to date. 07 September is the latest date being projected.
Note to all Sgts out there: the leadership now isnt any better than what you just had. You need to clean house.

8/12/2010 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time to assign tru , msf , tactical and gun teams back to beat cars

8/12/2010 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, a so-called mainstream news media outlet, The "Chicago" Reader (the typical liberal rag)no less, has published an article which trumpets what we have been saying for years - and much more so since J-Fled got here. The author goes into some depth about what is REALLY going on in the Department and how decisions about our manpower, funding and other priorities are manipulated by politics.
Given the fact that The Reader was an ally of the People's Law Office, Flint and his crew, as well as the constant bashing of Burge, who would have thought that they would see and even agree with our position. They are trying to rally the electorate to accept the truth rather than political grandstanding. Please SCC, check it out:

8/12/2010 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 Nerdy Sergent's, well that's 21 Nerdy and 9 hand picked by the greatest leaders this city has ever seen! LOL, this department and city is so screwed!

8/12/2010 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"By the way, what is this "getting ready to fight" call I keep hearing? Do they have to weigh in or something? Comb their hair a certain way?

8/12/2010 04:08:00 PM"

it's a function of scrotum adjustment.

i leave it the more knowledgeable to elaborate.

8/12/2010 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025- approx 7:30 PM six loud shots fired Grand and McVicker area. Apparently one male Hispanic let go at 2 male blacks who ran away...

...not even dark yet...

8/09/2010 07:50:00 PM

Is there a new rule that I don't know about, that crime and shootings can only occur after dark?

8/12/2010 02:07:00 PM

Naw, but in civilized societies, outrages that happened in the middle of the public street, "in broad daylight," as the saying went, were always considered to be worse and bolder and more reprehensible.

Many people try to make it to the store, do errands, etc. and get home "while it's still light outside." It is generally true that criminal activity picks up after dark, but maybe in our "progressive" society we're getting away from that...sure sounded like it yesterday!

8/12/2010 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

WTF.... its all mathmatics, simple addition and subtraction.
Hell my 13yo could explain it on paper..... maybe one of those assholes in the media could to a "special" and a 13 yo can show them that they're just playing a political game.....ah but the truth may hurt and Shortshanks would turn off their direct line to his office.

8/12/2010 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TRU has been taking back logged in progress and vice jobs for some time. They don't take the back logged paper jobs. TRU is just spread so thin right now that you don't see the saturation in a problem area that they used to do.

8/12/2010 08:09:00 AM

No they aren't... I'm talking about dispatchers actually assigning TRU jobs. Since TRUs been around I think I've heard them code out a handful of jobs....

8/13/2010 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
TRU has been taking back logged in progress and vice jobs for some time. They don't take the back logged paper jobs. TRU is just spread so thin right now that you don't see the saturation in a problem area that they used to do.

8/12/2010 08:09:00 AM

No they aren't... I'm talking about dispatchers actually assigning TRU jobs. Since TRUs been around I think I've heard them code out a handful of jobs....

8/13/2010 12:44:00 AM

It's not their mission to do your job. They always help and are happpy to stop and assist you when you're on a stop (You know this!).

Now quit Your Bitching and Do Your Job!

8/13/2010 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025- approx 7:30 PM six loud shots fired Grand and McVicker area. Apparently one male Hispanic let go at 2 male blacks who ran away...

...not even dark yet...

8/09/2010 07:50:00 PM

Is there a new rule that I don't know about, that crime and shootings can only occur after dark?

8/12/2010 02:07:00 PM

Naw, but in civilized societies, outrages that happened in the middle of the public street, "in broad daylight," as the saying went, were always considered to be worse and bolder and more reprehensible.

Many people try to make it to the store, do errands, etc. and get home "while it's still light outside." It is generally true that criminal activity picks up after dark, but maybe in our "progressive" society we're getting away from that...sure sounded like it yesterday!

8/12/2010 07:04:00 PM

Well this is Shitcago and not a "normal" civilized society. Thanks to "Dick" Daley and J-Fed this will occur more often in any part of this city. (Oh Wait J-Fled says crime is down so don't worry)

8/13/2010 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks cry wolf too many times. How many men with guns calls out there turn out to be bogus?

8/12/2010 06:47:00 AM


8/13/2010 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard a rumor TRU is going to be sent to districts to help with backlogs, anyone confirm?

8/12/2010 12:38:00 AM

TRU and MSF do not do jobs that us lowly beat cops have to do; domestics, traffic accidents, burglary reports, etc...

8/13/2010 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No they aren't... I'm talking about dispatchers actually assigning TRU jobs. Since TRUs been around I think I've heard them code out a handful of jobs....

8/13/2010 12:44:00 AM

It's not their mission to do your job. They always help and are happpy to stop and assist you when you're on a stop (You know this!).

Now quit Your Bitching and Do Your Job!

8/13/2010 09:12:00 AM

Make up your fucking minds. First you complain patrol is down and need manpower to help us on the streets. Then you say put house mouses back on the street (then say well they are useless and would not be any help), then you say disband units and send them to patrol and help out (Then you say the units assist on stops and do your job) Make up your fucking minds. We are short handed and need help answering these call after calls. Sorry I do my fucking job everyday. Just saying like every other overworked beat cop on here says we need help, not special units searching for a pisser, drinker or that big 2 bags of weed pinch.

8/13/2010 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well this is Shitcago and not a "normal" civilized society. /*-*Thanks to "Dick" Daley and J-Fed this will occur more often in any part of this city. (Oh Wait J-Fled says crime is down so don't worry)"

--8/13/2010 11:31:00 AM

Yeah, cockroaches used to run from the light. Now they're becoming much bolder and more numerous.

8/13/2010 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger Tom Caravette said...

what is the issue?
is it there are not enough police on the street?
is the number down from last several years?
Are you being told it is budget cuts?
I am trying to understand all the aspects of the police officers point of view...please help!

tom C

8/27/2010 03:31:00 PM  

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