Anything to Make a Buck
Shaved has this story up. Click on the below image to enlarge:

$3.00 per coat. $4.00 per other item like purses, cell phones, luggage? And on a per item basis?? Cash only?? We're sure there is going to be a strenuous accounting of this money, right?
Well, at least they're providing water and the ever inflated McCormick Place pricing plan. Anyone know if they're charging for parking?
Welcome to the Chicago Police Department - you aren't even hired and you're probably $60 in the hole already.

$3.00 per coat. $4.00 per other item like purses, cell phones, luggage? And on a per item basis?? Cash only?? We're sure there is going to be a strenuous accounting of this money, right?
Well, at least they're providing water and the ever inflated McCormick Place pricing plan. Anyone know if they're charging for parking?
Welcome to the Chicago Police Department - you aren't even hired and you're probably $60 in the hole already.
Labels: silly people
Too funny. Amazing really.
The City That WORKS, at screwing everone they possibly can.
30 years ago today john lennon died.truly before his time.
how much to check my unregistered handgun?
Parking will be 14-19 dollars depending on the lot in which you choose to park in.
Taking the test sat. will let you know the final bill for the day. Perhaps prepare a mastercard commercial around it. Not sure if I would consider being hired "priceless" though.
Hahaha, that's awesome.
Bottle water for over $2.00 a bottle! What a deal!
Sam's Club sells it for about 15 cents a bottle... think somebody is makeing big bucks here?
incredible the daley theft empire continues! Water costs them .10 cents per bottle what a ripoff! What connected company is partaking in this ripoff? Can't even give a fucking test without stealing from the test takers already!
Yes it's $19.00..
The fucking SCAMS Chicago fucks over applicants with is amazing!
These cocksuckers know full well that they're intimidating people who DON"T yet have a job with the city into pissing away their money to Daley worried that if they DON'T play the cash game they'll get denied a job with the city.
Fuck these jagoffs and the bullshit they play on applicants!
I say DENY them any further unreported CASH contributions and don't bring a FUCKING THING the test except your own fucking ass!
Typical - make money on the rubes.
It's just a way to indoctrinate them to the "pay to play" aspects of the job and promotion .
McCormick place always charges for parking. Even for their own employees. $18 for Lot A, $14 for lots B and C.
This is fricking crazy $3.oo if you wear a coat to the test. WTF it is Dec 11 in Chicago. Its going to be 20Degrees with strong winds. The city of Chicago is a joke.
Hmm- wonder who got the concession contracts here?? AaMark? Probably someone of Daleys friends whos husband runs the business behind the scenes.
Nothing new here. Again it's the Chicago way. Don't bring your own food. If you want to eat, you have to buy ours. Sure, you could eat before you come down to McCormick Place but why would you do something like that when you could buy our food and pay our union prices.
And better still, it's likely going to be absolutelty frigid that day. Bring an extra coat so you can give the unions an extra $3.00. Ugh!!!
i though this was fake when i saw it on shaved (no offence shaved), this city is a joke!
OMG LMFAO. That is too funny
Fuck Daley. My son and a couple of his friends are taking the test early. I'll drag my butt out of bed and drive them down there and hold their stuff while they're taking the test. And give them water and a power bar. In fact, maybe I'll just hand out water and bars from the car at their actual price from Costco.
Fuck Daley.
When took the test I put my jacket on the back the chair I was sitting in.
$19 to park
$2 for bottled water
Bet they are also charging for the washroom.
$2 for use of urinal.
$5 to use a bowl ($2 for seat, +$1 for a cover)
People do t have a job and this is how you treat them. So people with money will have a better chance being snacks and caffeine drinks. Well all the test takers no from the start what they are getting into. I don't know how we got to this point but this is messed up!
OT - And the nepotism and f*cking of Chicagoans CONTINUES...
Despite Criticism, New Assessor Berrios Hires Son, Sister
"Criticized repeatedly for stacking the public payroll with family members, Joe Berrios has hired his son and sister to work for him as he takes the reins of the Cook County assessor’s office."
Was anyone really expecting anything else from this POS? Honestly, how can anyone actually vote for these a**holes???
I heard about this thought it was bullshit, but as always the "spirits of the air" SCC exposes the truth! How can they take from people who most likely have no jobs? Is this a daley retirement cash cow?
I heard a rumor that Shortshanks is going to have TWO police exams everyday until they make enough noney to fund our pension funds from selling water and snacks and charging test takers to check in any personal items.
P.S. I heard DV Realty has the contract to collect the $$$ from the test takers.
I wanna see the person who walks in with a fur coat to take the exam....
Shameful, huckster City thieves.
Can anyone describe a #1 and a #3 pencil?
Hmmm....I think I'm going to go sit outside the test and charge 1/2 of what the city is charging for the listed items. I'll need some help. Anyone?
Females are penalized. A purse, coat and cell phone. Where else can you leave your cell phone? In the car? This is the first of several tests. Amazing the side money they make off of desperate candidates.
Just spoke to an individual that will be administering the exam. They said exam administrators will not accept cash offerings at the location of the exam, but items such as wrist watch, jewelry or premium location seat tickets for Bears/Hawks/Bulls games will be expected and appreciated.
They didn't mention anything about sharpened #2 pencils. How much will they be charging for those?
Or do they even use pencils for tests these days?,CrestThreat-STS-1208.article
This is like a fu@*ing rave party. LOL
Reminds me of Millbarge and Fitz-Hume in Spies Like Us.
I'm really thinking about not taking the test....
Give the media what they want, start writing idling tickets to newspaper and media trucks!
will the applicants be going thru a metal detector to find cell phones and loose change?
15 yo found guilty in Fenger student murder. Video with sound online.
Typical - make money on the rubes.
It's just a way to indoctrinate them to the "pay to play" aspects of the job and promotion .
12/08/2010 01:31:00 PM
And because of thi$, I have learned to make thi$ job work for me. Court and late arrests earns me 400 to 750 extra a month.
OT: where's the Mayor? Oh yeah he's off to Morocco - right - The city is broke and he's gallivanting around the globe! Where's the money coming from for this?
OT: The truth finally comes out from the stuttering prick. From the Chicago Tribune:
Mayor Richard Daley this afternoon expressed his frustration with the city's pension situation, suggesting that the retirement funds need to be fixed before leaders are forced to declare them bankrupt as a way to restructure.
Speaking on a Global Metro Summit panel at the University of Illinois-Chicago with Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Daley at first appeared to indicate that allowing the pensions to go bankrupt so they could be reorganized was something he believes could happen.
"I’m one who believes that pension funds can go bankrupt and then you reorganize, and that’s the hardest thing to say," Daley said.
Moderator Richard Stengel, managing editor of Time Magazine, then asked Daley: "Let them go bankrupt?"
“Yes, and then you reorganize it," Daley replied. "I think the way government is trying to do it, we keep cutting and then some way, we’re going to tax everyone. I think even government can go reorganization, you want to call it go bankrupt, reorganize it, to the tune of this economy and this century.
So, the miserable thieving cock sucker finally shows his cards.
Officers, family, friends, PLEASE Write to governor Quinn and urge him to sign this bill: SB3538
Urge Gov. Quinn to ignore Daley and his trained seals and sign the bill into law. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!
Will I get a free breakfast and lunch waiver?
just axin
Come on, give Shortshanks a break. He's got to make one last major score before he leaves office. No more under the table deals after he's out. How do expect him to live on his mayoral pension with no other money laying around. I feel sorry for 42 short. Okay enough sarcasm. Time to go.
OT: Ch11 reported that 43 alderthieves sent Gov. Quinn a letter asking him to veto the pension funding bill.
How's the 50 thieves pension looking?
Fucking pricks!!!
Some enterprising people should be selling water outside of the test site as the candidates enter.
Or does the department of personell have that covered too?
Just getting the FNG's ready for the poop-shoot-express, which they will partake in on a daily basis if they are hired.
Chicago Public Schools spokeswoman Monique Bond said in an email that the incidents were under review and that disciplinary action would be taken against Delgado pending the outcome of the investigation.
And if it was the other way around....
I would rather have a colorectal exam than take your police officer entrance examination. Isn't this the city that had a PPO class that dismissed them all rather than graduate them and hire them within the last year or two? Any truth to the rumor that a couple of guys are assigned to check all the parked cars for either missing or invalid city stickers? Smart people should rather spend their time doing something more productive on Saturday.
But, if you're a future Adrienne Stanley or Sandra Day in waiting, those fees aren't really all that bad, once you get your feet wet, you'll be make $150K large. Holla!
Its all pay for play here in the Windy City.
How much to watch my baby??
Anonymous said...
Can anyone describe a #1 and a #3 pencil?
12/08/2010 04:25:00 PM
They are directly to the left and right of the #2 pencil.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT: Ch11 reported that 43 alderthieves sent Gov. Quinn a letter asking him to veto the pension funding bill.
How's the 50 thieves pension looking?
Fucking pricks!!!
12/08/2010 07:36:00 PM
And they all get 80% pension+premium free health care for life,and all they can steal for retirement NICE! Name the alderman!
Anonymous said...
Taking the test sat. will let you know the final bill for the day. Perhaps prepare a mastercard commercial around it. Not sure if I would consider being hired "priceless" though.
12/08/2010 12:01:00 PM
Make sure you put it on YouTube.
In the letter it states to bring your own pencil. #2 to be exact..
(OT) Police answering machine funny!
Have they been told about the new pension? Have they been told about Tracy Ladner, The Screaming Skull, Masters, Weis, Brust, Ernie (I can't keep my zipper up) Brown, and all the rest of the clowns in this circus. Then maybe they'll think twice about the test.
Sounds like when I was out in Vegas going to see Chris Angel's magic show. This is the daley circus with jobs as prizes.
Don't worry about Quinn and the pensions. The FOP endorsed him so he must be OK! They checked him out with that question-air. I'm so happy we got the guy they wanted! NOT!!!!!!
simple plan. im not driving, not bringing anything, will hydrate the night before and no coat. just to screw em out of a few extra bucks. I have to anticipate the screwing ill take the next 20+ years if hired. however when all is said and done, its the respected job in the world. and when i say respected i mean by the people that i actually care respect it. i can care less about the "animals." i have always been "hunter" and "anti vegitarian"
to the anony who said where do i check my un-registered handgun hahaha good shit. but i bet you theres one who will try it. I learned from my time in the marine corps theres ALWAYS ONE in the group who just dosnt get the message
if there were 10,000 applicants the city made 300,000. Funny how thats real close to someones salary...hmmmm
whats even funnier is the city knowing how desperate people are for jobs and will do whatever they can to make every penny. Im curious to see how many applicants there have wanted this job before 2008's meltdown. Theres a big group of us who have wanted this out whole lives and will work the rest of our lives, i hope we get recognized regardless of our race\sex. i met a handful of OTHERS at other dept testing who want it just for the job. thats great unless you take my spot since this is my career and not just a "stable" thing until the economy gets better. does the city have the smarts to weed these people out? i know CPD does (if you dont count brass)
I have a light pole on my property, not city property . I think I'm going to charge the city for the use of my land. What a joke.
Aurora not returning money it seized, despite a court order
What laws are the people suppose to follow?
We have bankers taking people to court to foreclose on property that the banks do not own or have any rights to.
We have governments ignoring court orders.
We have illegal immigrants running rampant demanding rights
Are the laws for chumps?
Are there two sets of laws or more depending on your income and social status?
This latest Aurora thing is another sign that we're living in a third world banana republic!
Everyman for themselves I guess. Grab what you can while you can...especially if you're a politically connected city employee or contractor eh?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Reminds me of Millbarge and Fitz-Hume in Spies Like Us.
12/08/2010 05:06:00 PM
What does KGB stand for??? That is a pretty funny movie considering the cheesyness. Some great lines though! Doctor...Doctor...Doctor... Bob Hope, "I'm glad I'm not sick" Too funny!
$2.00 bottled water, $3.00 dollar coat check...
Will there be lap dances and stripper poles too? This is so exciting!
Some random guy, on a bike at 12:30 at night in Beverly Hills… “randomly” shoots 5 shots into Ronni Chasin, but steals nothing,not car or purse, shell casings weren’t found either….oh yeah, and he worked alone. Any thoughts from Chicago cops on whether this seems possible?
OT-heard from a source on 5th floor that there will be NO MORE police/fire promotional classes under this mayoral administration. Daley is beside himself that the pension funding bill could be passed into law and is lobbying Quinn hard. He's even enlisted friends from Wash D.C. To call Quinn and pressure him to veto the bill. Because of this bill, Daley is bitter towards the police. The tests are not being torn down-there just won't be any promotions until the new mayor is sworn into office. You heard it here first. Be patient-especially guys on the dicks list.
To: "Anonymous said...
Can anyone describe a #1 and a #3 pencil?
12/08/2010 04:25:00 PM"
This refers to the HB Graphite Grading Scale.
The hardness of the core is often marked on the pencil -- look for a number (such as "2" "2-1/2" or "3"). The higher the number the harder the writing core and the lighter the mark left on the paper. As the pencil core becomes softer (through the use of lower proportions of clay) it leaves a darker mark as it deposits more graphite material on the paper. Softer pencils will dull faster than harder leads and require more frequent sharpening.
You might see other markings on pencils. Most pencil manufacturers outside of the U.S. use the letter "H" to indicate a hard pencil. Likewise, a pencil maker might use the letter "B" to designate the blackness of the pencil's mark, indicating a softer lead. The letter "F" is also used to indicate that the pencil sharpens to a fine point.
You should eat foods such as asparagus, honey, bananas and chocolate which are great sources of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin and folic acid. This will help keep lead in your pencil and keep it sharp.
"Any thoughts from Chicago cops on whether this seems possible?
12/08/2010 11:43:00 PM"
ask ronni.
"$2.00 bottled water, $3.00 dollar coat check...
Will there be lap dances and stripper poles too? This is so exciting!
12/08/2010 11:39:00 PM"
yes, but you'll want to pay them not to dance or strip.
I wanna see the person who walks in with a fur coat to take the exam....
12/08/2010 04:17:00 PM
THAT is funny as hell!! LMAO!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is fricking crazy $3.oo if you wear a coat to the test. WTF it is Dec 11 in Chicago. Its going to be 20Degrees with strong winds. The city of Chicago is a joke.
12/08/2010 01:34:00 PM
Layer heavy for free - is a hoody a coat?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Some random guy, on a bike at 12:30 at night in Beverly Hills… “randomly” shoots 5 shots into Ronni Chasin, but steals nothing,not car or purse, shell casings weren’t found either….oh yeah, and he worked alone. Any thoughts from Chicago cops on whether this seems possible?
12/08/2010 11:43:00 PM
go away
Anonymous said...
To: "Anonymous said...
Can anyone describe a #1 and a #3 pencil?
12/08/2010 04:25:00 PM"
This refers to the HB Graphite Grading Scale.
The hardness of the core is often marked on the pencil -- look for a number (such as "2" "2-1/2" or "3"). The higher the number the harder the writing core and the lighter the mark left on the paper. As the pencil core becomes softer (through the use of lower proportions of clay) it leaves a darker mark as it deposits more graphite material on the paper. Softer pencils will dull faster than harder leads and require more frequent sharpening.
You might see other markings on pencils. Most pencil manufacturers outside of the U.S. use the letter "H" to indicate a hard pencil. Likewise, a pencil maker might use the letter "B" to designate the blackness of the pencil's mark, indicating a softer lead. The letter "F" is also used to indicate that the pencil sharpens to a fine point.
You should eat foods such as asparagus, honey, bananas and chocolate which are great sources of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin and folic acid. This will help keep lead in your pencil and keep it sharp.
12/08/2010 11:53:00 PM
If you are the police, you are in the wrong line of work.
Anonymous said...
Some random guy, on a bike at 12:30 at night in Beverly Hills… “randomly” shoots 5 shots into Ronni Chasin, but steals nothing,not car or purse, shell casings weren’t found either….oh yeah, and he worked alone. Any thoughts from Chicago cops on whether this seems possible?
12/08/2010 11:43:00 PM
If he gets shot and killed by a mobbed up strip club owner while in police custody I would wonder about it.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Reminds me of Millbarge and Fitz-Hume in Spies Like Us.
12/08/2010 05:06:00 PM
What does KGB stand for??? That is a pretty funny movie considering the cheesyness. Some great lines though! Doctor...Doctor...Doctor... Bob Hope, "I'm glad I'm not sick" Too funny!
12/08/2010 11:39:00 PM
Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti
I thought everyone knew that.
Anonymous said...
OT: where's the Mayor? Oh yeah he's off to Morocco - right - The city is broke and he's gallivanting around the globe! Where's the money coming from for this?
12/08/2010 05:36:00 PM
If you live in Chicago, the money is coming from you.
Whoever keeps spouting the Machine talking point that Brady wanted to cut municipal pensions, could you please quote exactly where that came from? Wanting to look at the funding mechanism to solve a problem instead of kicking it down the road another 50 years isn't "cutting" existing pensions.
Anonymous said...
I have a light pole on my property, not city property . I think I'm going to charge the city for the use of my land. What a joke.
12/08/2010 11:12:00 PM
Check your records. The city most likely has an easement or you think you own more than you do own. Easements on the property owner's side of the city sidewalk are not uncommon. You might be in for a surprise.
12/09/2010 06:08:00 AM
nope- It's just Erlich from Barney Miller!!
It's nice to have some brains around.
To the guy trying to defend Brady's position on pensions - just check out his response on the FOP survey prior the elects, it's buried in the current updates archives.
Brady's a one note guy, every piece of legislation he's brought forth is insurnance related. He's from Bloomington, Illinois - and which big insurance firm is headquartered there? Who owns who?
To 12/08/2010 10:21:00 AM:
Fuck that useless hippy dope fiend. The fact that it took someone that long to dot him just boggles my mind.
All he ever really did was contribute to this crappy Nazi Pelosi mental state that the rest of us now have to unfuck for who knows how long.
I think it is also funny that the notices to report give information on bus routes that run M-F. Never mind that the test is on a Saturday!
12/08/2010 11:53:00 PM
If you are the police, you are in the wrong line of work.
12/09/2010 06:08:00 AM
Bite your tongue (keyboard)! It's guys like him (her) that kept me from climbing the clock tower all these years.
They should also start charging to use the restrooms. $5.00 to enter the restrooms. $1.00 per square of toilet tissue. $1.00 per flush and $2.50 for not flushing. Also $1.00 to wash hands and $2.00 for not washing hands. Strict compliance will be enforced by inspectors and IAD! I'm just saying.....CHA-CHING!!!!! Psst...don't eat the burritos from the roach coaches prior to taking the test.
Reminds me of Millbarge and Fitz-Hume in Spies Like Us.
12/08/2010 05:06:00 PM
Look for B.B. King, one of the Coen brothers, and Sam Raimi at the Drive-In.
"Would you gentlemen like a Pepsi?"
Forget about the pencil!!
OT. The Superintendent had his exempt "Christmas" luncheon today at a fancy hotel downtown. Most of the bosses went. Does anyone know who pays for this? Anyone have the details?
Just thinking about Rahm Emanuel and this residency requirement ordeal for mayor.
If Rahm gets to run for mayor based upon it was always his intention to return to Chicago and therefore he's considered a Chicago resident. Then every city employee who's job also has a residency requirement should be able to move out to the burbs and claim they have the intention to some day move back. Right?
Should he used his rental property as an excuse city employees can rent any ol' shack and make the same claims.
will Red Top parking be "cash only" as well?
That's McCormick place. I mean, if we're talking budget cuts, then maybe it's good that the Police Department isn't paying to hang everyone's coats and store everyone's belongings. All the money that people are paying that day is going to McCormick place, not the police department.
>>>You should eat foods such as asparagus, honey, bananas and chocolate which are great sources of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin and folic acid. This will help keep lead in your pencil and keep it sharp.
12/08/2010 11:53:00 PM
If you are the police, you are in the wrong line of work.
12/09/2010 06:08:00 AM<<<
LOL-- Maybe a writer for Jay Leno or Dave Leterman. I got your sharp pencil, right here!
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