Thursday, December 09, 2010

Don't Fail the Failures

  • Thousands of Chicago Public School students have been unfairly flunked and forced to repeat a grade due to broken promises by CPS officials in implementing a controversial promotion policy, a parent group is expected to charge today.

    [...] PURE (Parents United for Responsible Education) labels holding back kids “harmful,’’ “wasteful,’’ and given today’s tough economic times, “extravagant’’ — particularly in the wake of a 2004 report by the University of Chicago’s Consortium on Chicago School Research which found the policy was not working. The consortium recommended it be scrapped.

  • The complaint alleges that CPS has flunked more than 100,000 students since 1996 based on one or more of these criteria: scoring below the 24th percentile in a selected portion of the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) for reading and math; earning reading and math grades below a "C"; or having more than nine unexcused absences.

    To advance from eighth grade, students must also have a final grade of "C" or above in writing, or a passing score on the districtwide writing assessment.

So what's the problem? If the kids aren't ready to move up, they aren't going to be able to function at the higher level and therefore, they'll drag everyone else down into the same educational dead-end they're headed to because the teachers are spending all their time trying to catch the failures up.

Social promotions doomed the Chicago Public Schools to the bottom of the heap years ago. This seems to be another effort to keep them there.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This explains why they screw up my order every time I go to Burger King.

12/09/2010 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, social promotions have been going on in the CPD for some time. That's why there are some bosses who literally can't read/write. Its actually sad.

12/09/2010 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, don't "fail" them.

Kick them out.

That's right, kick them out if they can't perform up to the state or national standards.

By law, they have to go to school, so let's form schools where those that don't meet the minimums can go.

These schools can teach them the skills they'll need to survive once they become adults; living outdoors, making the most of your refrigerator box, shopping cart maintenance and repair, etc.

Some may think I'm joking, but let's face it, if these kids can't make it in the grammar school environment, they aren't going to survive in an economy where there are fewer and fewer unskilled labor positions. After all, there are only so many fast food restaurants.

12/09/2010 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Social Promotion" something straight from the 60's liberal thinking of making everyone feel good about themselves is now screwing the people over who they were trying to help.

We have a sub-society of illiterates who can't read, write or even do simple math. Just look at how many applicants for the Armed Forces who can't even get a passing score on the ASVAB (or whatever they call it now)

Examine the reasons why blacks and hispanics get held back and work on that, don't sue the schools for doing their job and holding people back when they can't pass the grade level.

Watch PURE sue the schools in a couple of years for being "too tough" and holding back black and hispanic students.

We as a society can't afford any more functional illiterates who end up doing crime to survive or are on the dole because they have no skillset at all for anytype of work.

12/09/2010 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brings new meaning to the "No Child Left Behind" bill!

12/09/2010 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Alderman Eddie BURKE said...

Speaking of failures....

Retired Commander Joe "Jag-Off" CURTIN has just died . .

. . . he did not even have a high school diploma, only a GED.

To say the least.. if a kid is sooooo stupid, make sure he pals around with a Chicago politican and he can make at least $180,000 as a MORON command member of this great Chicago Police Department.

Ho, Ho, Ho . . . 30 days!

12/09/2010 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a look at that 'not-so' thriving educational facility (Prosser Career Academy High School) across the street from 25 under the leadership of Principal Kenneth Leon Hunter and Assistant Principal./Insurance salesman Raul Luna.

Prosser's hasn't hit any state testing numbers in 10 years and 2.3 of the students don't meet state expectations,chicago-principals-salary-111710.article?appSession=856185800189739&RecordID=767&PageID=3&PrevPageID=2&cpipage=1&CPIsortType=&CPIorderBy=

12/09/2010 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Don't Fail Me, Bro said...

You can't fix stupid.

12/09/2010 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If the kids aren't ready to move up, they aren't going to be able to function at the higher level and therefore, they'll drag everyone else down..."

Sounds like what J-Fled and the meritoriously promoted exempts have done to the CPD.

Everyone can see how well this has worked out!

12/09/2010 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Now that is funny,the stupid kids have stupider parents. This future Mcdonalds workers want to be promoted in a system that is a waste of money anyway! Abolish all the free public schools,make everyone pay something and reduce the burden on the people who actually pay taxes that would be "change we could believe in"!

12/09/2010 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This explains why they screw up my order every time I go to Burger King.

But these geniuses know math, they know ounces, they know grams, they know half 16ths, they know how many half 16ths are in an ounce and even in a kilo, they also know how much product can be purchased with a said amount of money and how much profit can be made off of an amount of product purchased by them shit they're entrepreneurs

12/09/2010 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when we used to refer to
them as "functional illiterates" ?
Well now they aren't even functional anymore. They just stand
around in front of the liquor stores all day, day-in and day-out, or walk up and
down the streets. No life, no hope,
no vision.

12/09/2010 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just do not agree with the CPS. Yes, have a longer school year, also force those under performers to go to summer school, but do not hold them back. Let the students end their eight years with a certificate of completion, not a graduation. Let them go on to high school and make the high schools the remedial learning centers that they should be. Holding kids back does nothing except increase the drop out rate. 16 years old do not make good freshman.

12/09/2010 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They use the term "parent" very loosely.

12/09/2010 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well did you know that 60 is now a passing grade in the public schools. When I was in school 75 was passing so by todays standards I can tell my mom I was an honor roll student

12/09/2010 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you never hear a complaint about the insane amount of ca$h we pour into CPS. maybe the socialist democrat freebie parents can pitch in a little bit. put these kids in a french foreign legion type of boot camp. if you dont study and pass...bootcamp. CPS another failed experiment that eats tax dollars. notice that the race card was played as soon as the responsibility card was.

12/09/2010 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some may think I'm joking, but let's face it, if these kids can't make it in the grammar school environment, they aren't going to survive in an economy where there are fewer and fewer unskilled labor positions. After all, there are only so many fast food restaurants. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thats o.k. we'll just keep on going to work everyday while they don't have to and we'll pay for their food(flammng hot cheetos), living(section 8 apt/house that they'll just destory and move on to the next and repeat) and in a short time their 4+ illegitimate kids(which Im sure one of them is going to discover the cure for cancer). After all they are depending on us so get to work!

12/09/2010 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"D's get degrees..."

12/09/2010 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This explains why they screw up my order every time I go to Burger King."

--12/09/2010 12:12:00 AM

Burger King, hell. Want to put on a white coat and get behind the counter of a pharmacy? The qualifications are --

1) 18 years old (16 with parental consent)

2) High school diploma or GED.

That's it.

I count my prescriptions when I get home, and look closely at them to make sure they are the correct pill. It's self-preservation.

12/09/2010 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sort of thing is an insult to the Special Olympians, who really do work very hard for the awards they get.

The Army has gone the same way -- every computer programmer or warehouse manager gets a black beret now, like he was a veteran of cliff assaults under fire or something.

The whole country has gone this way -- as a friend said, "What's U.S. citizenship worth if anyone can get it?"


The people I had to deal with on Grand Avenue last night in 025 weren't even qualified for walking licenses. Wandering diagonally across the street, backs turned to oncoming traffic, busy on their cell phones...the street can be nearly empty on a freezing-cold weeknight, but anyone who does come along still poses some kind of hazard.

12/09/2010 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the chicago public school system is loaded with dumb stupid young boys and girls because they are not taught anything at home---- blaming the teachers is the easy way out but the real blame should be placed with the parents who fail to motivate their children to learn----

12/09/2010 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This explains why they screw up my order every time I go to Burger King.

12/09/2010 12:12:00 AM

Go to McDonalds instead.

12/09/2010 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids cannot excel in school if they are not pushed at home to do so. My kids are straight A students at a Public School which is very challenging. They would easily fail if they were not pushed to do their homework and do extra. These shitbird politicians and media need to blame the parents NOT the schools and teachers. PARENTS NEED TO BE INVOLVED!

12/09/2010 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anybody else catch the "sob story" about the last tenant of Cabrini moving out? The media make that news but gloss over the fact that she has lived in public housing for 22 years and had 13 children. Why are these baby-making, never-had-a-job, useless pieces of shit allowed any air-time. Seriously, people like that should be euthanized. I'm all for the social programs if they were used for their original purpose, to assist individuals who have temporarily fallen on hard times(i.e. lost their job, became legitimately sick). They were never meant to be a way of life. And now that real working people have lost their jobs/income, the money is not there for individuals who have worked their entire lives. And yet felons are allowed public aid.

12/09/2010 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City Colleges is filled with these non-failed failures.

Social promotion for the kids of parents who didn't give a shit and want to follow in momma and daddy's foot steps. Their goal in life is too continue sucking the social system and tax payer dry while wrecking anything they come in contact with during their aimless life.

12/09/2010 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous An Old Sergeant said...

Befour I went to publick skool I couldn't spel viktum and now I are one.

12/09/2010 09:00:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

BELL CURVE- the book- explains it all . They just do not have it. Nothing can be done about it.

12/09/2010 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPS: One more big fat reason why we homeschool our kids.

12/09/2010 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continuing to dummy-down the dummies. duh.

12/09/2010 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please hold them back.

At least it will be that much longer before they become our meritorious bosses!

12/09/2010 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can't work at fast food restaurants because all the illegals scooped them up with their fake ss#'s. I won't even go through a McD drive through because they don't understand a word you are saying, you have to repeat it 4 or 5 times and you still get the wrong order.

12/09/2010 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretending to fail! One has to ask themselves why the big push for charter schools and the continual destruction of public education.

The answer is the rich have found a way to become richer, through Charter Schools, "non-profit" education, privately held, but also publicly financed. Millions and millions in grants. Huge salaries for the "CEO's" and best yet, no union teacher salaries.

Everything this government does, whether local or federal is a pretense of failure.

Daley failed to manage the pensions. Giannoulias failed to oversee the college funds, Congress failed to foresee the removal of regulations would create the economic crisis, blah blah. Everything they do is about taking more money from the people.

When I want answers to why, I always follow the money. The answers are never the problems we are told they are. It's about corruption and greed. They need the illiterate for votes and more funding to put in their own pockets.

12/10/2010 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burger King, hell. Want to put on a white coat and get behind the counter of a pharmacy? The qualifications are --

1) 18 years old (16 with parental consent)

2) High school diploma or GED.

That's it.

I count my prescriptions when I get home, and look closely at them to make sure they are the correct pill. It's self-preservation.

12/09/2010 04:02:00 PM


I don't know what pharmacy you go to .... but the requirements you list are b.s. Any pharmacy I've been to, they must be minimum EMT Certified to even apply for pharmacy tech job.

12/10/2010 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what pharmacy you go to .... but the requirements you list are b.s. Any pharmacy I've been to, they must be minimum EMT Certified to even apply for pharmacy tech job.

12/10/2010 02:35:00 AM

Well, I'm not the original poster, but at a downtown Walgreen's I received a CPD boss' prozac prescription instead of my own antibiotics prescription a couple of years ago.

And last month, my 86yr old mother received ear drops instead of eye drops and would have blinded herself if she'd used what was issued to her at the local CVS.

High standards, my ass.

12/10/2010 12:47:00 PM  

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